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Explain your handle



  • "Mint Luster" is the most important character of a Morgan dollar IMHO, and most other silver coins.
    Not only is it important to me but I also only collect and keep in my personal collection very PQ coins that are always at the high end of the slabbed grade and usually display blazing white "mint luster".

    I have always craved "mint" coins and "mint" baseball cards (no longer collect cards), so I am a "luster" of "mint" things I guess. Always have been.

    The name just makes sense for me and my collecting style. Been using it for about 6 years now in various forums, e-mails, websites and even on a business card.

    I even use it when I play Xbox live or play computer games online with friends. People outside of the "coin world" ALWAYS ask me what it means (especially family members).
  • MSD61MSD61 Posts: 3,382
    I just wanted something simple so I used the initials to my nameimage I really didn't want to use the name given me when I worked for the government. which was MD20/20image
  • my name is Joe and I was born in 1957
  • My company's web address... www.techeff.com
  • I call myself "Havana Joe" because "Panama Pete" just sounds silly


    Silver American Eagles ROCK
  • PistareenPistareen Posts: 1,505 ✭✭✭
    Pistareen -- a Spanish mainland type 2 reales coin that circulated current in the American colonies and early Republic at 5 to a dollar. Thomas Jefferson described them in 1784 as "a coin perfectly familiar to us all." They turn up frequently in American soil, especially cut into halves and quarters to make the first dimes and half dimes.
  • DAMDAM Posts: 2,410 ✭✭

    My initials image
  • Too many people get all worked up on message boards, so I want everyone to remember to simmer down! I had a friend in college who used that expression. So what's the T for? Originally the handle on yahoo "simmerdown" was taken, so I made it tsimmer (if you run the consenants together, the t becomes silent) Anyways, even though simmerdown might not be taken here on CU, the name stuck, and TS happen to be my initials!

    Simmer down all.. simmer down.
  • I AM NOT A WOMAN!!!!!!

    "Joy of Collecting" means I find joy in collecting coins.

    And, "No, I will not change my handle to 'Roy of Collecting'.....folks can just continue to be confused."

    P.S. "I AM NOT A WOMAN."

    Go well.
  • I collect 20 cent pieces and have been for years. I tried different handles but they were all taken. I was putting a type set together and needed a 20center but all have been cleaned. So I started collecting them.image
  • My ruling planet which guides me in my coin buying habits. image
  • NICKNAME.image
  • ms70ms70 Posts: 13,952 ✭✭✭✭✭

    ms70. I'm not implying that I'm perfect- I just picked it due to a lack of originality! image

    I was surprised that it wasn't taken already when I signed up!

    Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.

  • DrWhoDrWho Posts: 562 ✭✭
    Doctor Who.

    My old timey favorite sci-fi dude. And the Daleks. Those Who know, know Dr. Who.
  • DRUNNERDRUNNER Posts: 3,837 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Cross Country & Track & Field coach . . . ex-marathoner, and amateur distance runner. Hence . . DRUNNER. The icon represents older flight days.
  • Name and birthday
    Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
    Forbid it, Almighty God!
    I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!
  • Take your pick:

    1) a really fine rifle

    2) the worlds largest and deadliest pit viper

    3) has something to do with sexual prowess

    4) all of the above!
    "Wars are really ugly! They're dirty
    and they're cold.
    I don't want nobody to shoot me in the foxhole."

    Best Franklin Website
  • WorkingMan :
    1) I aint no rich guy -- just a working stiff
    2) Seems like work is all I ever do
    3) One of my favorite Rush songs
    4) Part of the name of my business (Working Man's Rare Coins) and part of the theme of my business -- coins that are affordable by the working man -- or woman image

  • bulloncoins

    Bull(ish) on coins*.

    *Bullion coins. (ASE's).

    Although now, I only purchase a few raw(>100), a few PCGS ms69's(>5), and 3 proofs from the Mint each year.
    (2 of which I give away as stocking stuffers and 1 I keep. I get to choose!)....

    Any other purchase would be in bars.

    By the way, I'd rather be using my own Houston Texan's Avitar, just don't know if that is still allowed. Seems like I remember reading you couldn't do that anymore. image

    Howdy from Houston...

    Can't keep my eyes
    from the circling skies
    Tongue tied and twisted
    Just an earthbound misfit,

    ">my registry set

  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 17,999 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Clad sucks, I like silver..if I could eradicate all clad i would!

    Behold...the Cladiator!

  • I designed and made State Quarter Maps to display and house all 100 state quarters in protective "Kointains". Hence my handle "MapMaker"
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,523 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It hasn't been long, but there are lots of newbies.

    Tempus fugit.
  • My handle is Coppernicus - A blend of science and copper. I only feel that I know Lincoln wheats well, copper coins in general somewhat, and am totally lost on other series/metals.

    Only so much I can understand....


    Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 17,999 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am the Cladiator and must destroy all clad! Silver rules the world! image

    psxchelly - xbox is king of consoles image
  • FatManFatMan Posts: 8,977
    I have had the opportunity to meet many board members and I often am asked about my handle "FatMan". Well, I am certainly not thin and I could stand lose about 30 pounds now that I am an old fart, but most expect something different when they meet me. I have posted this before but since I was asked on at least 3 occasions in the past month I though I would post it again.

    << <i>One of my other interests is Hiking/Backpacking.

    I've hiked and backpacked thousands of miles including over 900 miles of the AT (oops around here that's a nasty- I'm referring to the Appalachian Trail). The AT has a series of registers along the way at shelters where you can sign in and write whatever you wish. These registers contain a record of your progress as well as provide a communication device for hikers to share trail conditions, hazzards, and stories. In the old days these were important for safety reasons so you could be tracked down in case of emergencies. Of course nowadays with cell phones you are not nearly as isolated as in the past.

    In keeping with tradition, these registers are often signed using a trail name. I am 6'-2" tall and 245 lbs. I am unusually large for a Backpacker. I've been called the "FatMan" on the trail for many years.

    Every time I see AT written in the threads it makes me ache for a hike in the woods. There is nothing more peaceful than packing everything you need on your back and hitting the trail for a couple of weeks. >>

    So there you have it. The fact is I am becoming more true to my handle every year and in fact just started a diet today.I've got a lot of ground to cover this year and it sure will be easier if I am 25 pounds lighter.
  • 08HALA2008HALA20 Posts: 3,066 ✭✭✭

    My grandaughter is named Hala and she was born on 8/20/03
  • When I first joined I was The new guy. New to collecting and new to the forum.
    1969s WCLR-001 counterclash
  • Jim...AKA James...only my mother called me James, hence Jimimage
  • rottnrogrottnrog Posts: 683 ✭✭✭
    My name is Roger and I have always been a practical joker and after a good prank friends always said "You are rotten Rog" hence my nickname RottnRog!!
  • CoinHuskerCoinHusker Posts: 5,033 ✭✭✭
    I live in Nebraska so mine is a play on Cornhusker, therefor..."CoinHusker".
    Collecting coins, medals and currency featuring "The Sower"
  • I missed this when I joined back in October of '03.

    Back in the early 80's my college had a computer system that featured a proto-version of a something that resembled the various IM programs like AIM and Yahoo! that are so popular today. It was of course a text based thing, and pretty primitive. But it allowed group chats for anyone logged into the universities system, and private messages too. I think it was called 'Connect' and it was VERY popular. I used it to pass many nights.

    I became known as someone who was curious about everything, and would ask people lots of questions. A 'myriad' of them so to speak. So I took on the word as a name and added an 's' to the end to make it an illegal plural simply because I liked the way it sounded better.

    I first used it in '83... so 21 years now. Ghads I feel old now. I've had it longer then I was aged when I first used it.

  • i fly ultralites for pleasure and instruct for coin money-and when internet first got really going in 95 or so i was at my pinicle of ultralight flight-just having passed my private piolets test-altho not needed for ultralights-little did i know i'de stick with it....handle that is.
    Mike Rogers
    much rather be tried by 12 as carried by six !~!


    If its nice and you REALLY like it " buy it " sure beats laying awake wishin you had, PLUS you will never forget or FORGIVE YOURSELF for letting it get away-and remember you can always pedel it to regain most of $ . Just one of many of " buying politics I utilize.
    Besides I really lost sleep and beat myself up yo learn this simple procedure !~!
  • Tippingmyhat

    lol sound it out. just kidding
    it means tipping my hat
    as in saying thank you or hello or just being nice.
    Dale Moore III image

  • Always liked wolves, grandmother gave me the nickname, embarrassed me with it in front of my friends, which in turn embarrased me in front of more friends, and hell, just got used to it, so it stuck. The number's after the Wolfy are just aol accounts that went up to 00009, and then worked my way back down. But I turned into a good boy, so it's been on the 2 for a long time, and it would just be a pain in the butt to change all of my accounts, and email addresses.
  • bumanchubumanchu Posts: 1,383 ✭✭✭
    And I ain't lying this time.
  • well.. no brainer here.
    see the aussie below.. and me a lover
  • islemanguislemangu Posts: 1,378 ✭✭✭
    Live on the USA Territory Island of Guam (GU) post office state abr. Out here we collect modern colonial piecesimage
  • spy88spy88 Posts: 764 ✭✭
    SPY---S is first letter of my last name. P is the second and Y is the last. 8 is my favorite number (infinity on its side) and most places I surf requires at least 5 characters, thus 88.
    Everything starts and everything stops at precisely the right time for precisely the right reason.
  • Because I'm Special image
    Monthly giveaways for members AND guests!! Current giveaways include foreign mint sets!!!!
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,523 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tempus fugit.
  • StuartStuart Posts: 9,761 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mine's pretty self-explanatory "STUART" -- but not very creative ... image However, I am very proud of my author icon, which is my most prized coin image (at left)


    Collect 18th & 19th Century US Type Coins, Silver Dollars, $20 Gold Double Eagles and World Crowns & Talers with High Eye Appeal

    "Luck is what happens when Preparation meets Opportunity"
  • took me forever to get to the end of the thread.... bought a Nissan350Z ... mid life crises, I needed 1 handle, tried different handles on various websites and kept forgetting which one I used, ibzman350 works for me. when the 15th rolls around I'll use my tagline pic as my handle.

    Remember it's not how you pick your nose that matters, it's where you put the boogers.
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,523 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tempus fugit.
  • I picked up a couple of Libertad's with the old and the newer versions of Winged Liberty, and my older sister explained to me the myth
    of the volcanos on the sides of the obverse. She teaches Spanish and French languages at Wm/Mary in Williamsburg.

    She used the formal/flowery translations of the volcanoes and the folklore so well, that it made a dent in my mind. I shared part of the
    Libertad's collection with a daughter, to keep us linked through the silver of the coins. See the internet search for the meanings, in your
    spare time.

    I would point out, that I am not of Latino origin, don't understand Spanish (except for menu items), and am of Scot/Irish descent. What a
    larger world it is!

    Every day is a gift.
  • Purple73Purple73 Posts: 2,016

    When I was 6 I saw this purple cup in my grandma's cubbard. When I ask a drink of something it was always picked the purple cup. 24 years later....I still like purple and the cup still sits in the cubbord , in the exact same spot as when I was 6.

    As for 73.......thats an easy one.

  • <-------------------------- image
  • 08HALA2008HALA20 Posts: 3,066 ✭✭✭
    Hala is my grandaughter's name and she was born in 08/20.
    I figure this way I would never forget it.image

    I hope no one in the family sees this.

    Rookie Joe
    Still Dancing

  • Ebay user name

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