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Penn State Scandal



  • << <i>

    << <i>So what ever happened to the guy who actually WITNESSED the act by Sandusky? Is it true they were going to offer him the new head coaching position (I just heard that on the radio)?? How is that guy still allowed to breathe while Paterno is getting choked out? Talk about not doing enough! >>

    He'll be coaching on the Penn State sidelines this weekend. Many feel that he has dirt on the chancellor and Paterno, and that
    they won't fire him because they're afraid he'll talk and put a living legend in an even worse light. This is only speculation. >>

    I agree...that is a messed up situation. That guy should be gone. He probably does have dirt. Besides, why would you even want a coward as a coach?
    Are you sure about that five minutes!?
  • EstilEstil Posts: 7,129 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>
    Sorry to hear about your terrible experience and I hope you have recovered from it as best as possible. I guess I've been fortunate, nothing like that or even close to that ever happened to me...and sometimes I guess I don't appreciate the things I should appreciate. Stories such as this I think force us to reflect on our own lives a bit more. >>

    Unfortunately I have not. image And frankly if it weren't for my wife and little girl (granted she's a cat but she's still my little girl and best pal just the same image ), I very likely would be at the bottom of the Ohio River or had my head blown off. That is how bad the emotional pain of abuse can be. Not a day goes by that I don't get flashbacks and inner anger from it. And it doesn't have to be sexual or even physical abuse. Emotional/verbal abuse can be just as bad if not worse. And the fact that not one of my abusers has ever been brought to justice and none of them even feel the least bit sorry or ashamed of what they did make it hurt even worse. Sometimes it's not necessarily the abuse itself that's painful--it's the way I was abused.

    I'm just glad that now hopefully the victim in the Penn State case will at least get some form of justice. I on the other hand was not so lucky and frankly I don't know if I will ever fully recover. image
    D's: 50P,49S,45D+S,43D,41S,40D,39D+S,38D+S,37D+S,36S,35D+S,all 16-34's
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  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>No. He would call the proper adminstrator to deal with that situation. Just as he did with Sandusky.

    If there were a dead body in his football facility, he would of picked up the phone. It's as simple as that. >>

    Then after he picked up the phone, and nobody came to deal with the body, what would he do next?

    Leave it in there to rot? Call the police himself? Tell the administrators to fix the problem? Or maybe drag it out into the hallway, brush his hands and say there, that is better?

    It is HIS office, much like it was HIS program. >>

    You're losing perspective my friend. Of course if there were a dead body, smelling worse and worse by the day, he would
    pick up the phone again until the problem went away. But the shower scene only happened once according to reports.
    As you said, if it happened day after day after day after day and Jopa didn't do more, then your story is valid.
    But for a one time offense, Jopa did the right thing. >>

    THe dead body was a one time thing too, as was the shower. BOth the dead body and the act in the shower left an awful stench on the place. Both should have been made sure to have been fixed. One was just a little more convenient to sweep under the rug image
    Are you sure about that five minutes!?

  • << <i>THe dead body was a one time thing too, as was the shower. BOth the dead body and the act in the shower left an awful stench on the place. Both should have been made sure to have been fixed. One was just a little more convenient to sweep under the rug image >>

    Do you understand that Jopa reported it to the proper authority who handles those situations ?
  • swartz1swartz1 Posts: 4,913 ✭✭✭
    take off the blinders...

    Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
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    Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,617 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>
    Sorry to hear about your terrible experience and I hope you have recovered from it as best as possible. I guess I've been fortunate, nothing like that or even close to that ever happened to me...and sometimes I guess I don't appreciate the things I should appreciate. Stories such as this I think force us to reflect on our own lives a bit more. >>

    Unfortunately I have not. image And frankly if it weren't for my wife and little girl (granted she's a cat but she's still my little girl and best pal just the same image ), I very likely would be at the bottom of the Ohio River or had my head blown off. That is how bad the emotional pain of abuse can be. Not a day goes by that I don't get flashbacks and inner anger from it. And it doesn't have to be sexual or even physical abuse. Emotional/verbal abuse can be just as bad if not worse. And the fact that not one of my abusers has ever been brought to justice and none of them even feel the least bit sorry or ashamed of what they did make it hurt even worse. Sometimes it's not necessarily the abuse itself that's painful--it's the way I was abused.

    I'm just glad that now hopefully the victim in the Penn State case will at least get some form of justice. I on the other hand was not so lucky and frankly I don't know if I will ever fully recover. image >>

    Well I think at least you've come a long way by discussing it openly, especially on a public internet forum. I am not a professional counselor, and I always make that clear before privately chatting with someone, and I've never charged anyone to do it, but I am experienced in and have done a lot of reading and study on gambling addiction, and have learned much about oither addictions as well because they can get crossed or interconnected. IE a number of gambling addicts are also addicted to alcohol.

    I have counseled many good people on gambling addiction. One of the first things I always tell them about the addiction, and it might be said for almost any bad addiction, is that the gambling is usually a symptom of personal problems. IE: If you were addicted to gambling or other types of bad addictions, gambling is a way of zoning out so to speak, escaping from and masking over these problems. Gambling addiction is a complicated addiction because of the money aspect involved, so each individual needs to know what type of gambler they are in order to receive the best possible treatment.

    Depression is anger turned inward, and I always advise people to learn and explore ways to get the anger out. I've mentioned this before that I use CU as a way to let off some steam, talk some smack, have fun and continue to pursue my lifelong hobbies of coin and card collecting. So it's great for recovery as well of course other reasons to post and enjoy the CU forum as you are doing. I've been clean from gambling for almost ten years but the addiction is basically never cured. I think I'm strong enough in recovery not to worry about it anymore but that is because I remain ever vigilant and never become complacent towards the addiction. For example after a hard day at work and I'm tired and exhausted, I used to run over to some stinkin' gambling joint and use that as a release, whereby now I post here, and except for the past few days because the situation with Penn State, my beloved school, was so urgent...I've been posting mostly in political forums. You wanna see some smack - LOL, anything here, and I do mean anything is child's play compared to CU, and many of these forums are basically unmoderated due to the open nature of politics. But too much of anything isn't good so I mix it up a bit...a little CU, some politics, and some other internet things as well as many non-internet things because variety is the spice of live - boredom, as well as loneliness and depression is a delight to an addiction.

    I mention all this because even though I've never walked in your shoes, I've chatted with a good number of people who have experienced similar problems, and a gambling addiction and/or other addictions results from it. Honesty, openess and willingness to address the problem is an impoortant and vital step towards a successful recovery. I would say do whatever it takes and whatever works, if you've got the desire and motivation to do it, to work further towards addressing the problem. The goal isn't always to solve the problem because some problems cannot be solved...the key is to learn to live with the problem as best as possible.
  • bkingbking Posts: 3,095 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>So what ever happened to the guy who actually WITNESSED the act by Sandusky? Is it true they were going to offer him the new head coaching position (I just heard that on the radio)?? How is that guy still allowed to breathe while Paterno is getting choked out? Talk about not doing enough! >>

    He'll be coaching on the Penn State sidelines this weekend. Many feel that he has dirt on the chancellor and Paterno, and that
    they won't fire him because they're afraid he'll talk and put a living legend in an even worse light. This is only speculation. >>

    I bet it's a simple as this: can't afford to fire the witness upon which the GJ handed down indictments, now can they?
    Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989

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  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭
    Man ... if these new RUMORS are true about Sandusky pimping out these young boys to large Penn State Donors the Sh*t is really gonna hit the fan. RUMORS say they may start talking about it tomorrow or Saturday. I pray to GOD they are only rumors!


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>Man ... if these new RUMORS are true about Sandusky pimping out these young boys to large Penn State Donors the Sh*t is really gonna hit the fan. RUMORS say they may start talking about it tomorrow or Saturday. I pray to GOD they are only rumors! >>

    Is it PSU donors, Doug, or 2nd mile donors? I was assuming it was the latter.

  • << <i>Put that hook-nosed piece of trash in jail with the rest of them for not notifying the police.

    Old ass man should die in a jail cell.

    Toss Mike McQueary in the same cell while you're at it.

    EDIT: Changed the title of the thread. >>

    Here's the first post of this thread.
    I wonder how many agree with the first sentence.
  • bkingbking Posts: 3,095 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Put that hook-nosed piece of trash in jail with the rest of them for not notifying the police.

    Old ass man should die in a jail cell.

    Toss Mike McQueary in the same cell while you're at it.

    EDIT: Changed the title of the thread. >>

    Here's the first post of this thread.
    I wonder how many agree with the first sentence. >>

    Not me; he doesn't deserve jail because he DID do what the law said to do.

    My issue is whether or not he did what a good moral compass says he should have done.
    Working on the following: 1970 Baseball PSA, 1970-1976 Raw, World Series Subsets PSA, 1969 Expansion Teams PSA, Fleer World Series Sets, Texas Rangers Topps Run 1972-1989

    Successful deals to date: thedudeabides,gameusedhoop,golfcollector,tigerdean,treetop,bkritz, CapeMOGuy,WeekendHacker,jeff8877,backbidder,Salinas,milbroco,bbuckner22,VitoCo1972,ddfamf,gemint,K,fatty macs,waltersobchak,dboneesq
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,617 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Man ... if these new RUMORS are true about Sandusky pimping out these young boys to large Penn State Donors the Sh*t is really gonna hit the fan. RUMORS say they may start talking about it tomorrow or Saturday. I pray to GOD they are only rumors! >>

    If this is the case, it could be tragically huge...Every once in awhile ya see these pedophile rings getting busted...and in this day and age of the internet it can mean international arrests all over the world because these diseased rodents usually take videos and sell them worldwide. I agree, I hope it is only rumors, but then again if it is true, then at least it's good to get these filthy vermin off the street as quickly as possile.
  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Man ... if these new RUMORS are true about Sandusky pimping out these young boys to large Penn State Donors the Sh*t is really gonna hit the fan. RUMORS say they may start talking about it tomorrow or Saturday. I pray to GOD they are only rumors! >>

    Is it PSU donors, Doug, or 2nd mile donors? I was assuming it was the latter. >>

    Guy ... some articles state Penn State donors while others mention Second Mile donors. If these sick rumors are true it is going to result in a LOT of arrests, IMO. Hope all these sick men that were involved go to prison for a long time. Maybe some will even save the taxpayers money and commit suicide.


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • lanemyer85lanemyer85 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭
    Man ... if these new RUMORS are true about Sandusky pimping out these young boys to large Penn State Donors the Sh*t is really gonna hit the fan. RUMORS say they may start talking about it tomorrow or Saturday. I pray to GOD they are only rumors

    seeing as a herd of investigative journalists are already installed in State College, there is undoubtedly much more than even this rumor that will eventually come out. What is clear given the timeline, those within the University (whether administrators or athletic dept) were willing to cover up Sandusky's transgressions in return for his resignation.
  • That Saundusky is one sick piece or chit!

    Unfortunately, jail isn't justice enough! It would take more than that!
    Are you sure about that five minutes!?
  • If the investigation exposes the fact that Paterno covered-up Sandusky's activity, then yes, he should go to jail. They all should.

    South of Heaven...North of Canada
  • swartz1swartz1 Posts: 4,913 ✭✭✭
    I didnt realize the grad assistant was 28 years old...

    going home to daddy?

    should have gone straight to the police station...

    Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
    - uncut

    Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
  • VALIONVALION Posts: 19 ✭✭

    << <i>If the investigation exposes the fact that Paterno covered-up Sandusky's activity, then yes, he should go to jail. They all should. >>

    That may be a long line before this is over. Vicious rumors of sex rings, corrupt DA's and police are flying everywhere.

    Anyone that knew anything needs to pay.
  • JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
    According to ESPN Paterno just hired a prominent Washington DC Criminal Defense attorney. No charges have been filed against Paterno yet. MJ
    Walker Proof Digital Album
    Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
  • ...I would assume charges will be filed against Paterno as this whole thing continues to spin out of control. That's just my guess.

    Mike McQueary still coaching baffles me.
    Playing the game baffles me.
    Appointing a Penn State 'lifer' as interim head coach baffles me.
    Students showing support for Paterno baffles me.

    Oh well....check in tomorrow to see if anymore dirtbags were canned or arrested....
    South of Heaven...North of Canada
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Hey did you hear the new news about the Ohio State Buckeyes will face a new "failure to monitor" charge?

    The NCAA alleged that former booster Robert DiGeronimo provided a total of $2,405 in extra benefits to nine football players. That included payments of $200 each to four players who attended a charity event in February, and five players who were overpaid a total of $1,605 for work they did not perform in summer jobs at DiGeronimo's excavation company.

    A total of $2,405 to a total of 9 players... yeah.
  • JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,852 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Hey did you hear the new news about the Ohio State Buckeyes will face a new "failure to monitor" charge?

    The NCAA alleged that former booster Robert DiGeronimo provided a total of $2,405 in extra benefits to nine football players. That included payments of $200 each to four players who attended a charity event in February, and five players who were overpaid a total of $1,605 for work they did not perform in summer jobs at DiGeronimo's excavation company.

    A total of $2,405 to a total of 9 players... yeah. >>

    They need to think bigger. MJ
    Walker Proof Digital Album
    Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    This whole Buckeye mess makes me REALLY REALLY REALLY hate Cam Newton.
  • There is a discussion on tv right now about how Penn State should cancel the remainder of their football games for the season.

    Looks like I was not alone in thinking the same thing earlier, eh edmundfitzgerald?

    Do the right thing Penn State.
    South of Heaven...North of Canada
  • BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>This whole Buckeye mess makes me REALLY REALLY REALLY hate Cam Newton. >>

    Why? Cam Newton did nothing wrong, and neither did Tressel, Pryor, or any of the rest of them. The problem isn't with players wanting to get paid for their services- the problem is with the NCAA and their myopic rules. Seriously, the NCAA should just be disbanded. Whose interests are best served by allowing it to continue?

    None of the nickle-and-dime stuff at The Ohio State holds a candle to what's about to blow in at Happy Valley. That much seems certain.

  • << <i>There is a discussion on tv right now about how Penn State should cancel the remainder of their football games for the season.

    Looks like I was not alone in thinking the same thing earlier, eh edmundfitzgerald?

    Do the right thing Penn State. >>

    You saw this on a political show. And Franco Harris was trying to set that lunatic Ed Schultz straight.
    Nice try though. And being that you were watching Ed, stevek was correct in his assessment about you.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Why? Cam Newton did nothing wrong, and neither did Tressel, Pryor, or any of the rest of them. The problem isn't with players wanting to get paid for their services- the problem is with the NCAA and their myopic rules. Seriously, the NCAA should just be disbanded. Whose interests are best served by allowing it to continue?

    None of the nickle-and-dime stuff at The Ohio State holds a candle to what's about to blow in at Happy Valley. That much seems certain. >>

    I agree with this 100%. It's strange that an NCAA athlete will get busted if they sell their jersey, but I can buy a signed jersey of that same player off of the University's website.

  • << <i>

    << <i>There is a discussion on tv right now about how Penn State should cancel the remainder of their football games for the season.

    Looks like I was not alone in thinking the same thing earlier, eh edmundfitzgerald?

    Do the right thing Penn State. >>

    You saw this on a political show. And Franco Harris was trying to set that lunatic Ed Schultz straight.
    Nice try though. And being that you were watching Ed, stevek was correct in his assessment about you. >>

    Nice try...ESPNews...Mark May. image

    Don't believe me? Watch it...it loops every hour.

    No politics...or you'll get this thread locked.
    South of Heaven...North of Canada
  • fergie23fergie23 Posts: 2,155 ✭✭✭✭
    Gotta say I am not seeing any reason to cancel the football game or the rest of the regular season unless a lot more individuals associated with the Penn State football program were involved in any cover-up.

    What exactly is the argument behind taking this proposed action at this time? Not sure how punishing the current players achieves anything meaningful.


  • << <i>Gotta say I am not seeing any reason to cancel the football game or the rest of the regular season unless a lot more individuals associated with the Penn State football program were involved in any cover-up.

    What exactly is the argument behind taking this proposed action at this time? Not sure how punishing the current players achieves anything meaningful.

    Robb >>

    I do not see the need to cancel the games but it would send a strong message to the victims and to the community that PSU is now taking the scandal more serious then it is taking football, something they have not done for the last dozen or so years.
  • If Sandusky is guilty of these things of which he is accused, when he gets to prison he will really instill a renewed spirit in the term CYA. There's a level of honor in prison, and child molesters are not exactly well received by the general prison population.
    Successful dealings with shootybabitt, LarryP, Doctor K, thedutymon, billsgridirongreats, fattymacs, shagrotn77, pclpads, JMDVM, gumbyfan, itzagoner, rexvos, al032184, gregm13, californiacards3, mccardguy1, BigDaddyBowman, bigreddog, bobbyw8469, burke23, detroitfan2, drewsef, jeff8877, markmac, Goldlabels, swartz1, blee1, EarlsWorld, gseaman25, kcballboy, jimrad, leadoff4, weinhold, Mphilking, milbroco, msassin, meteoriteguy, rbeaton and gameusedhoop.
  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭

    << <i>If Sandusky is guilty of these things of which he is accused, when he gets to prison he will really instill a renewed spirit in the term CYA. There's a level of honor in prison, and child molesters are not exactly well received by the general prison population. >>

    There is NO WAY he would be in the general population. Solitary 23 hours per day to protect him.


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,617 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>According to ESPN Paterno just hired a prominent Washington DC Criminal Defense attorney. No charges have been filed against Paterno yet. MJ >>

    Ya gotta understand something, Paterno was alive and a young man during the McCarthy Hearings. if you're not sure what that is and you want to learn more, then Google "Joseph McCarthy" and you can read about it. Something such as these events could very well get out of control, and Paterno I imagine could be feeling a bit nervous right now. He was smart to hire the lawyer.

    Things could conceivably escalate despite Paterno being completely innocent which right now I fully believe he is innocent, and he has been a cooperating witness. First of all, it is likely the alleged criminals looking at serving a long prison sentence, have a lot of incentive to lie and say virtually anything they can about Paterno. Secondly it only takes one overly aggressive prosecutor, like a McCarthy type, to want to try and make a name for themself, and perhaps not liking Paterno anyway, that it could turn this into a Paterno witch hunt so to speak. The likes of which some comments on this thread about Paterno is a good illustration of how some of the haters feel about Paterno...nothing unique - I've seen the same and similar comments all over the internet.

    I'm not saying all this will happen, I have no idea how this situation will all play out at this point, I'm just saying Paterno needs to protect himself in case it does happen...which is basically what happened during the McCarthy Hearings as many innocent people were put on trial often for trumped up charges. This case isn't the same as the McCarthy Hearings, but the way it progresses could have a chance to be simliar in the prosecution aspect, and Paterno needs to protect himself from that if it occurs.

    The judge will know the accused will likely lie to try to get a plea bargain deal, so I'm not too concerned about that. What does concern me is some of the nasty comments here and like I mentioned elsewhere, that Paterno was "morally" wrong, and some clever prosecutor could find some obscure law, long ago buried in the law books and never even used anymore, to charge Paterno with "something." Pennsylvania used to be a very conservative state, and still is in some parts of the state, and it wouldn't surprise me if some overzealous prosecutor may try and dig out something like that, and go after Paterno. This may not happen either, and a judge may get angry at the prosecutor for trying to do this, there may be a legal name for it...but then again who knows who the judge will be and if they might allow it?

    Paterno has likely already been advised of these possibilities and other possibilities as well. Hopefully, everything will turn out fine for Joe and he can retire gracefully and still be a positive force in some way for Penn State. My gut feeling is that in the end, things will turn out fine for Joe. Hopefully it will - he deserves that because of his long standing record of being an outstanding citizen of Pennsylvania.
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,617 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>There is a discussion on tv right now about how Penn State should cancel the remainder of their football games for the season.

    Looks like I was not alone in thinking the same thing earlier, eh edmundfitzgerald?

    Do the right thing Penn State. >>

    You saw this on a political show. And Franco Harris was trying to set that lunatic Ed Schultz straight.
    Nice try though. And being that you were watching Ed, stevek was correct in his assessment about you. >>

    I'm always correct about everything, one time I thought I wasn't correct but that turned out to be wrong. image
  • JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
    McQuery will not be in attendance on Saturday for safety concerns ESPN reports. MJ
    Walker Proof Digital Album
    Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......

  • << <i>it would send a strong message to the victims and to the community that PSU is now taking the scandal more serious then it is taking football, something they have not done for the last dozen or so years. >>

    Perfectly stated, hhmag70
    South of Heaven...North of Canada
  • I believe they said he will not be on the field. He will coach from the skybox. At least that's the way I heard it.
    South of Heaven...North of Canada
  • DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,219 ✭✭

    << <i>Hopefully, everything will turn out fine for Joe and he can retire gracefully and still be a positive force in some way for Penn State. >>

    Steve, without taking sides on the issue, without saying JoPa is "guilty" or "not guilty", IMO the damage has already been done and the chances of him retiring "gracefully" are pretty close to ZERO.


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
  • JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes I agree Paterno needs to lawyer up. I would suggest he hires the best. If not for criminal charges he will perhaps need them for all the civil suits he maybe facing. The crowd on his front lawn from supporters will turn into a line of would be folks wanting to sue his behind. MJ
    Walker Proof Digital Album
    Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
  • On a side note...which of you guys in this thread are from Michigan?

    We really should pick a spot, meet up, drink some beers and talk about this as we watch Michigan or Sparty...

    Any 586? 248? 313?
    South of Heaven...North of Canada
  • JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,852 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I believe they said he will not be on the field. He will coach from the skybox. At least that's the way I heard it. >>

    He will not attend the game. I'm in the 248. Sparty does not work for me. MJ
    Walker Proof Digital Album
    Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
  • JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,852 ✭✭✭✭✭
    double post. My bad
    Walker Proof Digital Album
    Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    330, Muck Fichigan. image
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,950 ✭✭✭✭
    Just broke, he won't be at the game.
  • image No Buckeye fans allowed....

    248? Cool, I'm 586

    We should consider it....Dooley's on Hall Road? Ciccarelli's new bar on Hayes? What's by you?
    South of Heaven...North of Canada
  • Justacommemen was right then....and that's good news! Maybe a firing is coming.
    South of Heaven...North of Canada
  • I'm going to bed. I need to get up bright and early to watch Fox & Friends.

    ---GASP!!! Did he say Fox & Friends? A Right Wing Network?!? Could SteveK have been wrong???

    South of Heaven...North of Canada

  • << <i>330, Muck Fichigan. image >>

    740 - Marion Ohio
    Looking for 1950 Bowman football PSA 7's
  • stevekstevek Posts: 29,617 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes, I agree, there's no reason whatsoever to cancel the games.

    Canceling the games isn't going to help the abused kids. Besides, playing the games will generate more revenue for Penn State which can enable them to give a bit more money to hopefully give the kids.

    As most know by now, i was up there at Happy Valley my junior and senior year...and I immensely enjoyed the experience. Other than the usual "surprises" from a kid being away from home for the first time and meeting people from all walks of life, having just hung around with my drinking, gambling and greaser buddies from high school and the only real knowledge I had was how to play poker and work on my Chevy Nova, as well as knowing all the local bars who would serve underage kids looking to buy beer - LOL...what struck me then and does today is the amazing amount of charity work done by the student body up at Penn State.

    I tried to Google it and see where Penn State was ranked in this regard, but couldn't find anything...but certainly every weekend and also usually continuing during the weekdays as well, there were always an extraordinary amount of charity functions going on. Other colleges may be equal in this regard, but I don't see how they could be better. Penn State was generous in their charity work far beyoind my expectations, and I know they still do it to this day, as my fraternity has a number of charity events throughout the year generating thousands of dollars. All this I feel needs to be noted considering the Penn State bashing going on by the haters out there during this difficult time for Penn State.
  • While we are on Phone numbers. The Cleveland Indians ticket office has the best number in the world, I chuckle everytime I call it (216) 420-HITS

    Should be the personal number for Cheech and Chong

    Looking for 1950 Bowman football PSA 7's
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