The conclusion to the non-paying jerk that bought a sealed MTB set from my buddy only to send the lame note that I posted earlier.
Instead of the warm fuzzy B.S. that I and some of you likely send to such scumbags so that we don't get a neg and have our cancel transaction request quickly approved so that we can move on, my buddy said that he was going to put the screws to this jerk.
This moron seems like she's living on food stamps yet he bids nearly two grand for pucks. Her second note does tug at the heartstrings, but how utterly irresponsible at best. PUCK MADDNESS!
Read on, from the bottom up. You'll love it!
Dear onehalffull,
i do appologize for the inconvienience, i fully anticipated being able to pay for this item, i was depending on my tax refund tha still has not came in, i am getting almost $9000 back and hoped to have it before i had to pay for this, but unfortunately it still has not came in. i hope you can be forgiving and not give me a negative feedback, i have been able to keep a high score since i have been a member and hope that you can help me keep it this way. i offered such a low bid in the hopes that you would counteroffer and i would have a few days to get the money together, but to my surprise you accepted my offer, i was willing to pay even more than i offered, as i said before they were upwards of 3000 or more only a week ago. I am disabled and use ebay to help make money when i am short on the bills, i have 4 kids and live on a disability that is less than 60% of my normal income and dont receive any childsupport from the father of my children and i am afraid if you leave me a negative it could effect myy ability to use ebay to help pay my bills and raise my kids. Please find it in your heart to overlook this situation and help me out, thanks and god bless you!!
- kcb9876 Click "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: onehalffull To: kcb9876 Subject: Re: Other: kcb9876 sent a message about America the Beautiful (ATB) 5 oz Silver Set *SEALED* #260731841056 Sent Date: Feb-06-11 05:31:15 PST
Dear kcb9876,
Dear kcb9876:
This is a problem. You should not have made an offer if you did not have the money. I accepted your bid and ended the sale early because you had such a good evaluation on eBay. These auctions are time sensitive, as the prices tend to fluctuate significantly.
What can you afford to pay?
If we cannot reach an agreement, I will re-sell the set, but I will have no choice but to give you a negative evaluation on eBay. This will affect your ability to buy and sell items in the future.
Let me know how you want to proceed.
- onehalffull
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: kcb9876 To: onehalffull Subject: Other: kcb9876 sent a message about America the Beautiful (ATB) 5 oz Silver Set *SEALED* #260731841056 Sent Date: Feb-05-11 20:20:04 PST
Dear onehalffull,
i am sorry, but i wasn't able to come up with the money to pay for this, honestly i thought my offer would have been declined, just a week ago they were going for around $3500-$4000 and an offer of $1900 was sure to be declined. i hope we can cancel this item without any problems, i do appologize for this, really i do. thanks for being so understanding and helping me with this matter, have a great night
So many complained about APMEX gouging the public for selling sets @$1395, but with MCM buying sets @$1400, maybe APMEX had the market price about right.
That's due to the category he listed it under: Coins: US > Commemorative > Modern (1982-Now) > 1995-Now Most people search under Silver Bullion for these sets. They can blame themselves for the price!
That's due to the category he listed it under: Coins: US > Commemorative > Modern (1982-Now) > 1995-Now Most people search under Silver Bullion for these sets. They can blame themselves for the price! >>
Maybe it's just me but if I was looking for ATB's to buy I would do a search for what I was looking for....NOT try to figure our what category it would be posted under...The only reason to go category trolling is when you are just browsing for things to buy....
<< <i>So many complained about APMEX gouging the public for selling sets @$1395, but with MCM buying sets @$1400, maybe APMEX had the market price about right. >>
Hmmmmmm......seems like that was the thought of some of us about 160 pages ago
For those of you who have decided to sign up your mom and dad and sister and brother and cat and dog, And you now find yourself having to sell (there) sets..................
<< <i> For those of you who have decided to sign up your mom and dad and sister and brother and cat and dog, And you now find yourself having to sell (there) sets.. >>
(image removed)
So it's a BAD thing to be able to get a $600-800 profit per set??? That IS a horrible thing....I guess they will learn from their mistakes
(Full disclosure: I used only my name for my 4 sets/4 AP's)
<< <i> For those of you who have decided to sign up your mom and dad and sister and brother and cat and dog, And you now find yourself having to sell (there) sets.. >>
(image removed)
So it's a BAD thing to be able to get a $600-800 profit per set??? That IS a horrible thing....I guess they will learn from their mistakes
(Full disclosure: I used only my name for my 4 sets/4 AP's) >>
Nope its not a bad thing only when they come back here and constantly whine about having to sell them.....If they would have just bought one set each from these aps thats different, but alot of people bought from amark because they didnt have to jump thru the hoops, i am just glad i didn't talk everyone i know into jumping into the koolaid.....good luck with selling all your extra sets
<< <i>For those of you who have decided to sign up your mom and dad and sister and brother and cat and dog, And you now find yourself having to sell (there) sets.................. >>
My cat will be sad to only make 500 dollaroos. Cat is sad now
i was willing to pay even more than i offered, as i said before they were upwards of 3000 or more only a week ago. I am disabled and use ebay to help make money when i am short on the bills, i have 4 kids and live on a disability that is less than 60% of my normal income and dont receive any childsupport from the father of my children and i am afraid if you leave me a negative it could effect myy ability to use ebay to help pay my bills and raise my kids. Please find it in your heart to overlook this situation and help me out, thanks and god bless you!!
I've been ripping people off left and right because of ebay's policies that do nothing to protect the seller, and I like to use ebay to extort as much money from people as I possibly can when I overextend my leverage. This is much better than playing the stock market on margin because if there is a margin call, I can just plead hardship. I'm getting a $9,000 tax refund, which means that I make plenty of money and forgot to reduce my number of exemptions this year. I am smart enough to speculate on multi-thousand dollar items in a fast-moving and highly-speculative coin market on ebay, but I am not smart enough to figure out how to get my scammer ex-boyfriend to pay child support for (4) ???!!!!! kids. Never mind that I collect disability and welfare both. Please overlook my criminal activities so that I can continue to collude with ebay to rip off more people like you. And God Bless!
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
NOTICE ABOUT AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 5 OUNCE SILVER COINS: Representatives will soon begin contacting customers whose names were put on the original waiting list. Contact will be made in the order in which the names were received. Calls will continue while supplies last. No new names are being accepted. Initial inquiries are being attended to first.
We apologize but we are unable to accept phone calls regarding these coins. If further information becomes available, it will be posted on this website.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. >>
Whats this waiting list? When and where was that? Maybe I missed the boat on that but its getting confusing keeping all these APs straight over the course of two months.
Yes, cluster*
A couple of months ago, Dillon Gage was accepting calls to be placed on a waiting list for the sets. Many thought they would be one of the first to sell ATB coins after APMEX. So, if you happened to call quite some time ago, you may receive a return call to place an order. This was also about the same time Fidelitrade was taking calls to reserve 1 coin which eventually morphed into a new process of sending an order form for and payment for a set.
<< <i>So many complained about APMEX gouging the public for selling sets @$1395, but with MCM buying sets @$1400, maybe APMEX had the market price about right. >>
You like many other miss the point, weather APMEX had the price right or wrong is irrelevant, what matters is that as a US MINT bulk distributor "wholeseller" they where charging retail prices. You cannot have it both ways, hence why they are scumbags...
Please, nobody post about how Dillon Gage coins are the most beautiful set you have seen so far, how they are flawless and like mirrors, etc.. I have purchased enough and do not want to be tempted to buy another. Thank you for your assistance. I am thinking about attending a pucks anonymous meeting to get help.
Gold and silver are valuable but wisdom is priceless.
<< <i>Please, nobody post about how Dillon Gage coins are the most beautiful set you have seen so far, how they are flawless and like mirrors, etc.. I have purchased enough and do not want to be tempted to buy another. Thank you for your assistance. I am thinking about attending a pucks anonymous meeting to get help. >>
I doubt we will see anything decent out of them...
<< <i>So many complained about APMEX gouging the public for selling sets @$1395, but with MCM buying sets @$1400, maybe APMEX had the market price about right. >>
You like many other miss the point, weather APMEX had the price right or wrong is irrelevant, what matters is that as a US MINT bulk distributor "wholeseller" they where charging retail prices. You cannot have it both ways, hence why they are scumbags... >>
Actually it's you who missed the point in the whole debacle created by the Mint. You cannot have price controls on commodities in a free market society like ours. Hasn't worked in the past and did not work for the pucks. There is no price control in affect for any bullion product produced by the Mint & sold by the AP's....Competition & cost is the only factor.
"Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
<< <i> You cannot have price controls on commodities in a free market society like ours >>
I agree if there was parity in ACCESS. There wasnt. It was a "members only" party.
If everyone could buy direct, I would keep my mouth shut. They couldn't. Hence the price fixing that started to take shape. The USM put an end to it, but in a way that left alot of loopholes.
This is a response i just received from Ampex.......... Good Morning,
Thank you for your inquiry.
Regarding the America the Beautiful sets, we have ordered our maximum allocation of 3,000 sets, each set with five coins for the 2010 year. However, there are a few unanswered questions regarding the coin sets and we are waiting to obtain this information. Please be patient as we receive the clarification on the distribution and receive the coins we have ordered. As of now, we do not have any further information regarding the pricing and the release date for these coins.
<< <i>This is a response i just received from Ampex.......... Good Morning,
Thank you for your inquiry.
Regarding the America the Beautiful sets, we have ordered our maximum allocation of 3,000 sets, each set with five coins for the 2010 year. However, there are a few unanswered questions regarding the coin sets and we are waiting to obtain this information. Please be patient as we receive the clarification on the distribution and receive the coins we have ordered. As of now, we do not have any further information regarding the pricing and the release date for these coins.
Have a great day. >>
Im done with APMEX....matter of fact been done with them for over a year now. This is just a nail in the coffin for them. Unanswered questions????? Clarification on distribution???? Its been about 2 months already since the mint gave them their allocation and they dont have a clue how to ditribute them??? How much more can Scott et al BS their customers.
Sad how once a great company can rapidly fall out of favor for being greedy.
Ohhh and looking at their email it looks like theyve been caught it a lie..."Please be patient as we receive the clarification on the distribution and receive the coins we ordered" Two f'ing months and they supposedly dont have the coins yet. I call b'shyt
<< <i>This is a response i just received from Ampex.......... Good Morning,
Thank you for your inquiry.
Regarding the America the Beautiful sets, we have ordered our maximum allocation of 3,000 sets, each set with five coins for the 2010 year. However, there are a few unanswered questions regarding the coin sets and we are waiting to obtain this information. Please be patient as we receive the clarification on the distribution and receive the coins we have ordered. As of now, we do not have any further information regarding the pricing and the release date for these coins.
Have a great day. >>
They've been saying that for two months now. In hindsight with Apmex being a retailer they probably have all sorts of clever ways of funnelling coins to F&F and getting them back to them. Wait till you see how many graded sets they are selling later on when everyone has forgot about this.
At least on the tuition credits you only recover costs up to a limit but the earned income credit you can make money. I don't remember if you can make money on the child credit.
Gold and silver are valuable but wisdom is priceless.
<< <i>At least on the tuition credits you only recover costs up to a limit but the earned income credit you can make money. I don't remember if you can make money on the child credit. >>
People can make money on tuition credits too. Just like your dog rover became a dependent, so too is how much "you" paid for tuition becomes a gray area. If you are on grant money, but you said "you" paid the tuition, here comes the refundable credit.
My Fidelitrade set is on the truck for delivery in a couple of hours........will report the condition and packaging situation upon arrival. I hope my worst fears aren't realized based on their statement of how they shipped them!
My Fidelitrade set just arrived via FedEx without any prior warning, notice or communication to expect if you haven't heard from them (like me), you might get a surprise soon.
<< <i>My Fidelitrade set is on the truck for delivery in a couple of hours........will report the condition and packaging situation upon arrival. I hope my worst fears aren't realized based on their statement of how they shipped them! >>
Go in with low expectations. I have one that actually has a dent in the edge - like they dropped it or something. Worst packaging and quality I have seen from any AP so far.
My Fidelitrade set just arrived via FedEx without any prior warning, notice or communication to expect if you haven't heard from them (like me), you might get a surprise soon. >>
My Fidelitrade set just arrived via FedEx without any prior warning, notice or communication to expect if you haven't heard from them (like me), you might get a surprise soon. >>
<<What do they look like???????? >>
Truth be told, I've been down with stomach flu the past couple odays and needed to crawl to the door to sign for them (if I didn't have a laptop, I wouldn't be typing this). I'm going to open them a little later when I'm in a better frame of mind.
However, they came in a padded FedEx envelope (no box), with additional padding inside.
My Fidelitrade set just arrived via FedEx. 4 were all banged up 1 (Yellowstone) look good. My Amark set looked the best. I should have kept them and sold these. They looked really good. maybe 69's compared to these.
<< <i>So many complained about APMEX gouging the public for selling sets @$1395, but with MCM buying sets @$1400, maybe APMEX had the market price about right. >>
You like many other miss the point, weather APMEX had the price right or wrong is irrelevant, what matters is that as a US MINT bulk distributor "wholeseller" they where charging retail prices. You cannot have it both ways, hence why they are scumbags... >>
Actually it's you who missed the point in the whole debacle created by the Mint. You cannot have price controls on commodities in a free market society like ours. Hasn't worked in the past and did not work for the pucks. There is no price control in affect for any bullion product produced by the Mint & sold by the AP's....Competition & cost is the only factor. >>
That said, still does not change the fact that the people at APMEX are scumbags; you do realize that the question was about APMEX not about the mint? You seem to have gone way off the reservation on that answer...
To be fair, tuition credits, at the highest levels, are available for families with incomes of close to $160,000.00 and may be one of the fairest credits available because they are usable by over 80% of all taxpayers whose kids are in the age bracket.
I got a call from DG as well - on their list a long time. Same w/my father and some friends. They're definitely making the call rounds today. Very nice to deal with! Not rushed, take time to talk to you. He said that they're getting to the last ones but does not know exactly how many left.
Great. Money for nothing. They probaby had no tax liability either.
I'm surprised the old "medical bills" excuse wasnt used. That's usually first on the list. >>
"Zero liablility voter" for sure, likely getting earned income tax credits. Must be nice. Half of my income gets taken and credited to thier account so that they can mess w/pucks. Gotta love it.
The conclusion to the non-paying jerk that bought a sealed MTB set from my buddy only to send the lame note that I posted earlier.
Instead of the warm fuzzy B.S. that I and some of you likely send to such scumbags so that we don't get a neg and have our cancel transaction request quickly approved so that we can move on, my buddy said that he was going to put the screws to this jerk.
This moron seems like she's living on food stamps yet he bids nearly two grand for pucks. Her second note does tug at the heartstrings, but how utterly irresponsible at best. PUCK MADDNESS!
Read on, from the bottom up. You'll love it!
Dear onehalffull,
i do appologize for the inconvienience, i fully anticipated being able to pay for this item, i was depending on my tax refund tha still has not came in, i am getting almost $9000 back and hoped to have it before i had to pay for this, but unfortunately it still has not came in. i hope you can be forgiving and not give me a negative feedback, i have been able to keep a high score since i have been a member and hope that you can help me keep it this way. i offered such a low bid in the hopes that you would counteroffer and i would have a few days to get the money together, but to my surprise you accepted my offer, i was willing to pay even more than i offered, as i said before they were upwards of 3000 or more only a week ago. I am disabled and use ebay to help make money when i am short on the bills, i have 4 kids and live on a disability that is less than 60% of my normal income and dont receive any childsupport from the father of my children and i am afraid if you leave me a negative it could effect myy ability to use ebay to help pay my bills and raise my kids. Please find it in your heart to overlook this situation and help me out, thanks and god bless you!!
- kcb9876 Click "respond" to reply through Messages, or go to your email to reply
From: onehalffull
To: kcb9876
Subject: Re: Other: kcb9876 sent a message about America the Beautiful (ATB) 5 oz Silver Set *SEALED* #260731841056
Sent Date: Feb-06-11 05:31:15 PST
Dear kcb9876,
Dear kcb9876:
This is a problem. You should not have made an offer if you did not have the money. I accepted your bid and ended the sale early because you had such a good evaluation on eBay. These auctions are time sensitive, as the prices tend to fluctuate significantly.
What can you afford to pay?
If we cannot reach an agreement, I will re-sell the set, but I will have no choice but to give you a negative evaluation on eBay. This will affect your ability to buy and sell items in the future.
Let me know how you want to proceed.
- onehalffull
From: kcb9876
To: onehalffull
Subject: Other: kcb9876 sent a message about America the Beautiful (ATB) 5 oz Silver Set *SEALED* #260731841056
Sent Date: Feb-05-11 20:20:04 PST
Dear onehalffull,
i am sorry, but i wasn't able to come up with the money to pay for this, honestly i thought my offer would have been declined, just a week ago they were going for around $3500-$4000 and an offer of $1900 was sure to be declined. i hope we can cancel this item without any problems, i do appologize for this, really i do. thanks for being so understanding and helping me with this matter, have a great night
- kcb9876
<< <i>
<< <i>I don't understand why PCGS gives PL to a Morgan but not the UHR or potentially these. >>
Am I correct in my understanding that they don't give "PL" designations to moderns?
Not saying I agree or disagree with that. >>
I think that you are correct. Might be worth a call to PCGS to clarify. Makes no sense at all.
Cashback from Mr. Rebates
<< <i>$1499 for an in-hand A Mark set..... >>
That's due to the category he listed it under: Coins: US > Commemorative > Modern (1982-Now) > 1995-Now
Most people search under Silver Bullion for these sets. They can blame themselves for the price!
<< <i>
<< <i>$1499 for an in-hand A Mark set..... >>
That's due to the category he listed it under: Coins: US > Commemorative > Modern (1982-Now) > 1995-Now
Most people search under Silver Bullion for these sets. They can blame themselves for the price! >>
Maybe it's just me but if I was looking for ATB's to buy I would do a search for what I was looking for....NOT try to figure our what category it would be posted under...The only reason to go category trolling is when you are just browsing for things to buy....
<< <i>So many complained about APMEX gouging the public for selling sets @$1395, but with MCM buying sets @$1400, maybe APMEX had the market price about right. >>
Hmmmmmm......seems like that was the thought of some of us about 160 pages ago
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
<< <i> For those of you who have decided to sign up your mom and dad and sister and brother and cat and dog, And you now find yourself having to sell (there) sets.. >>
(image removed)
So it's a BAD thing to be able to get a $600-800 profit per set??? That IS a horrible thing....I guess they will learn from their mistakes
(Full disclosure: I used only my name for my 4 sets/4 AP's)
<< <i>
<< <i> For those of you who have decided to sign up your mom and dad and sister and brother and cat and dog, And you now find yourself having to sell (there) sets.. >>
(image removed)
So it's a BAD thing to be able to get a $600-800 profit per set??? That IS a horrible thing....I guess they will learn from their mistakes
(Full disclosure: I used only my name for my 4 sets/4 AP's) >>
Nope its not a bad thing only when they come back here and constantly whine about having to sell them.....If they would have just bought one set each from these aps thats different, but alot of people bought from amark because they didnt have to jump thru the hoops, i am just glad i didn't talk everyone i know into jumping into the koolaid.....good luck with selling all your extra sets
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
<< <i>For those of you who have decided to sign up your mom and dad and sister and brother and cat and dog, And you now find yourself having to sell (there) sets..................
My cat will be sad to only make 500 dollaroos. Cat is sad now
I've been ripping people off left and right because of ebay's policies that do nothing to protect the seller, and I like to use ebay to extort as much money from people as I possibly can when I overextend my leverage. This is much better than playing the stock market on margin because if there is a margin call, I can just plead hardship. I'm getting a $9,000 tax refund, which means that I make plenty of money and forgot to reduce my number of exemptions this year. I am smart enough to speculate on multi-thousand dollar items in a fast-moving and highly-speculative coin market on ebay, but I am not smart enough to figure out how to get my scammer ex-boyfriend to pay child support for (4) ???!!!!! kids. Never mind that I collect disability and welfare both. Please overlook my criminal activities so that I can continue to collude with ebay to rip off more people like you. And God Bless!
I knew it would happen.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Representatives will soon begin contacting customers whose names were put on the original waiting list. Contact will be made in the order in which the names were received. Calls will continue while supplies last. No new names are being accepted. Initial inquiries are being attended to first.
We apologize but we are unable to accept phone calls regarding these coins. If further information becomes available, it will be posted on this website.
Thank you for your patience and understanding. >>
Whats this waiting list? When and where was that? Maybe I missed the boat on that but its getting confusing keeping all these APs straight over the course of two months.
Yes, cluster*
A couple of months ago, Dillon Gage was accepting calls to be placed on a waiting list for the sets. Many thought they would be one of the first to sell ATB coins after APMEX. So, if you happened to call quite some time ago, you may receive a return call to place an order. This was also about the same time Fidelitrade was taking calls to reserve 1 coin which eventually morphed into a new process of sending an order form for and payment for a set.
<< <i> My cat will be sad to only make 500 dollaroos. Cat is sad now >>
My cat was just interested in the packaging.....
Oh yes, play the divinity card. $9,000 Tax REFUND?!? Negative feedback and blocked bidder seems to be the
only way to go here.
<< <i>So many complained about APMEX gouging the public for selling sets @$1395, but with MCM buying sets @$1400, maybe APMEX had the market price about right. >>
You like many other miss the point, weather APMEX had the price right or wrong is irrelevant, what matters is that as a US MINT bulk distributor "wholeseller" they where charging retail prices. You cannot have it both ways, hence why they are scumbags...
<< <i>Please, nobody post about how Dillon Gage coins are the most beautiful set you have seen so far, how they are flawless and like mirrors, etc.. I have purchased enough and do not want to be tempted to buy another. Thank you for your assistance. I am thinking about attending a pucks anonymous meeting to get help. >>
I doubt we will see anything decent out of them...
<< <i>
<< <i>So many complained about APMEX gouging the public for selling sets @$1395, but with MCM buying sets @$1400, maybe APMEX had the market price about right. >>
You like many other miss the point, weather APMEX had the price right or wrong is irrelevant, what matters is that as a US MINT bulk distributor "wholeseller" they where charging retail prices. You cannot have it both ways, hence why they are scumbags... >>
Actually it's you who missed the point in the whole debacle created by the Mint. You cannot have price controls on commodities in a free market society like ours. Hasn't worked in the past and did not work for the pucks. There is no price control in affect for any bullion product produced by the Mint & sold by the AP's....Competition & cost is the only factor.
<< <i>$9,000 Tax REFUND?!? >>
Must be those Obama induced refundable credits.
Great. Money for nothing. They probaby had no tax liability either.
I'm surprised the old "medical bills" excuse wasnt used. That's usually first on the list.
<< <i> You cannot have price controls on commodities in a free market society like ours >>
I agree if there was parity in ACCESS. There wasnt. It was a "members only" party.
If everyone could buy direct, I would keep my mouth shut. They couldn't. Hence the price fixing that started to take shape. The USM put an end to it, but in a way that left alot of loopholes.
Thank you for your inquiry.
Regarding the America the Beautiful sets, we have ordered our maximum allocation of 3,000 sets, each set with five coins for the 2010 year. However, there are a few unanswered questions regarding the coin sets and we are waiting to obtain this information. Please be patient as we receive the clarification on the distribution and receive the coins we have ordered. As of now, we do not have any further information regarding the pricing and the release date for these coins.
Have a great day.
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
<< <i>This is a response i just received from Ampex..........
Thank you for your inquiry.
Regarding the America the Beautiful sets, we have ordered our maximum allocation of 3,000 sets, each set with five coins for the 2010 year. However, there are a few unanswered questions regarding the coin sets and we are waiting to obtain this information. Please be patient as we receive the clarification on the distribution and receive the coins we have ordered. As of now, we do not have any further information regarding the pricing and the release date for these coins.
Have a great day. >>
Im done with APMEX....matter of fact been done with them for over a year now. This is just a nail in the coffin for them. Unanswered questions????? Clarification on distribution???? Its been about 2 months already since the mint gave them their allocation and they dont have a clue how to ditribute them??? How much more can Scott et al BS their customers.
Sad how once a great company can rapidly fall out of favor for being greedy.
Ohhh and looking at their email it looks like theyve been caught it a lie..."Please be patient as we receive the clarification on the distribution and receive the coins we ordered" Two f'ing months and they supposedly dont have the coins yet. I call b'shyt
<< <i>This is a response i just received from Ampex..........
Thank you for your inquiry.
Regarding the America the Beautiful sets, we have ordered our maximum allocation of 3,000 sets, each set with five coins for the 2010 year. However, there are a few unanswered questions regarding the coin sets and we are waiting to obtain this information. Please be patient as we receive the clarification on the distribution and receive the coins we have ordered. As of now, we do not have any further information regarding the pricing and the release date for these coins.
Have a great day. >>
They've been saying that for two months now. In hindsight with Apmex being a retailer they probably have all sorts of clever ways of funnelling coins to F&F and getting them back to them. Wait till you see how many graded sets they are selling later on when everyone has forgot about this.
<< <i>You got it. And tuition credits. >>
At least on the tuition credits you only recover costs up to a limit but the earned income credit you can make money. I don't remember if you can make money on the child credit.
<< <i>At least on the tuition credits you only recover costs up to a limit but the earned income credit you can make money. I don't remember if you can make money on the child credit. >>
People can make money on tuition credits too. Just like your dog rover became a dependent, so too is how much "you" paid for tuition becomes a gray area. If you are on grant money, but you said "you" paid the tuition, here comes the refundable credit.
What BS.
<< <i>
<< <i>$9,000 Tax REFUND?!? >>
Must be those Obama induced refundable credits.
Great. Money for nothing. They probaby had no tax liability either.
I'm surprised the old "medical bills" excuse wasnt used. That's usually first on the list. >>
The guy who backed out of my sale about two weeks ago for $2379...doh used his transmission went out excuse.
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
how many more?
But maybe we really don't need another aircraft carrier...or three...
It's nice to know we're all ready to re-fight WWII...but I think times have changed, but our multi-trillion dollar defense strategies have not.
And now to return to our coin discussion.
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
My Fidelitrade set just arrived via FedEx without any prior warning, notice or communication to expect if you haven't heard from them (like me), you might get a surprise soon.
<< <i>My Fidelitrade set is on the truck for delivery in a couple of hours........will report the condition and packaging situation upon arrival. I hope my worst fears aren't realized based on their statement of how they shipped them! >>
Go in with low expectations. I have one that actually has a dent in the edge - like they dropped it or something. Worst packaging and quality I have seen from any AP so far.
<< <i>NEWSFLASH!!!
My Fidelitrade set just arrived via FedEx without any prior warning, notice or communication to expect if you haven't heard from them (like me), you might get a surprise soon. >>
What do they look like????????
My Fidelitrade set just arrived via FedEx without any prior warning, notice or communication to expect if you haven't heard from them (like me), you might get a surprise soon. >>
<<What do they look like???????? >>
Truth be told, I've been down with stomach flu the past couple odays and needed to crawl to the door to sign for them (if I didn't have a laptop, I wouldn't be typing this). I'm going to open them a little later when I'm in a better frame of mind.
However, they came in a padded FedEx envelope (no box), with additional padding inside.
After months of nothing...two sets arrive within 15 minutes of each other!
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>So many complained about APMEX gouging the public for selling sets @$1395, but with MCM buying sets @$1400, maybe APMEX had the market price about right. >>
You like many other miss the point, weather APMEX had the price right or wrong is irrelevant, what matters is that as a US MINT bulk distributor "wholeseller" they where charging retail prices. You cannot have it both ways, hence why they are scumbags... >>
Actually it's you who missed the point in the whole debacle created by the Mint. You cannot have price controls on commodities in a free market society like ours. Hasn't worked in the past and did not work for the pucks. There is no price control in affect for any bullion product produced by the Mint & sold by the AP's....Competition & cost is the only factor. >>
That said, still does not change the fact that the people at APMEX are scumbags; you do realize that the question was about APMEX not about the mint? You seem to have gone way off the reservation on that answer...
<< <i>You got it. And tuition credits. >>
To be fair, tuition credits, at the highest levels, are available for families with incomes of close to $160,000.00 and may be one of the fairest credits available because they are usable by over 80% of all taxpayers whose kids are in the age bracket.
Yes, I just checked, my personal check cleared on 1/14.
Checks or wire only. No CC
Edit: $937, shipping included.
<< <i>
<< <i>$9,000 Tax REFUND?!? >>
Must be those Obama induced refundable credits.
Great. Money for nothing. They probaby had no tax liability either.
I'm surprised the old "medical bills" excuse wasnt used. That's usually first on the list. >>
"Zero liablility voter" for sure, likely getting earned income tax credits. Must be nice. Half of my income gets taken and credited to thier account so that they can mess w/pucks. Gotta love it.