I have just finished looking through my last 5000 or so that I have already looked at from the lp2 sets just to make sure I got all the good errors out.
I hope Smiths grocery needs lots of pennies.
I found over 100 that I had missed.
Now its off to coinstar with them tomorrow morning to get rid of them.
I will let everyone know how I make out with the bank rolls as I do them.
I checked these on Wexler's site to see if they ( the obverse discovery I described a couple of comments ago) matched the wddo-016 descriptions but they did not look the same. They are really closer to the wddo-
002 but still not all there with his pics and descriptions. There is just so much I can absorb with trying to decipher all of the subtle nuances from stage to stage variety to variety. I'm ready for a nap!
I'll see if my camera is capable of capturing what I'm seeing and maybe get some help from the more expert collectors here.
Please forgive me if this info is readily apparent in this thread but I didn't see it.
I have five white boxes with two LP2 rolls each which I ordered from The Mint. Each is marked "LP2 with a bar code as well as "9883 08:01 or 08:02 and 04/24/09"
Are there any potential striking errors in these boxes?
Thanks very much for any info. >>
I found in the two 4/24 boxes, WDDR-005 and WDDR-008. My box was code 9774, time 09:58 and 9883 07:28. Hope this helps you on deciding to open them or not. Mike
<< <i>I checked these on Wexler's site to see if they ( the obverse discovery I described a couple of comments ago) matched the wddo-016 descriptions but they did not look the same. They are really closer to the wddo-
002 but still not all there with his pics and descriptions. There is just so much I can absorb with trying to decipher all of the subtle nuances from stage to stage variety to variety. I'm ready for a nap!
I'll see if my camera is capable of capturing what I'm seeing and maybe get some help from the more expert collectors here. >>
Look for a shadow around the 2 in the date, I found it the easiest way to identify WDDO-002.
<< <i>Your experiences with bank rolls is interesting. These rolls don't appear to be re-rolled and the coins within don't seem to have been handled by someone searching them. I just think I happened upon an
error free lot (what are the odds according to our critics of collecting these at all?) . I will search a couple more rolls and see what I find. If I purchased a bank box, what do you think would be
the earliest date that might produce some of those 002h's or late stage 006's you are talking about? I'd love to see one under my loupe. That would be exciting! >>
I was referring to someone could open a box search a few rolls as samples and if they find no errors in the sampling, then they could sell the rest as non tampered rolls with almost no chance of anyone finding errors in them. Like I said before there are usually four different runs in each box. So if you open five or tens rolls and find no errors chances are there won't be any errors in the rest of the box. So they would just sell them individually. Not to say they are all like that, but I am not going to chance rolls. One more fact there is a coin store in Annapolis MD that has a professional coin roller, back when state quarters were popular in the early 2000's they used to get them in bulk and roll them themselves and sell them as bank rolls. You could not tell the difference since they had the $10,000 machine and paper rolls just like the armor cars services use. Just food for though! DYODD
<< <i>I didn't think there was any premium for the pitting but thought it was interesting since it only showed on five of the twelve 002's found in that roll.
I have a question about the bank box being opened and discovering such nice errors. You said you bought the bank box in 2009. Have you found errors in all of the rolls you've examined? The reason I ask
is I purchased some bank rolls but have basically blanked on anything important, just a few die crack examples. I guess these were minted after the rash of errors and their causes were rectlfied by the mint.
Is there a way to determine whether a bank box is an early release (April) or not? >>
Not that I'm aware of, boxes are just plain with no date on them. I have found some that were supposed to be LP 2 and found LP 1 mixed in the rolls. So that must have been any early box, right at the switch over.
Yes if you read back a few post that I responded to, I have found almost every error up to around WDDR-075. I still have plenty of bank boxes I have not gone all the way thorough yet, I usually only opened a few rolls to see which error or errors in most cases was in them and then wrote on the box what I found in them. Most boxes I have opened had between 2 to six errors in the box, which was strange because like I said they are usually four runs in a box.I also have several unopened still and almost 100 of LP 2 boxes with mostly key dates. someday I will get around to it.
Coincrazy....regarding the wddo-002 with the shadow around the 2 as an easy identifier, that is what I'm trying to describe about the ones I found in a bank roll. The only issue I have is that there is no other
attribute that is assigned to the 002 that is on these coins. No die cracks, no reverse errors, etc. plus the "shadowing around the 2" is not as pronounced as the ones I have with the 006 reverse. It's very subtle
but clearly there. There is no notching which would be what I would see if it were a wddo-016. So the mystery remains-perhaps an extremely early die state before the extreme die cracks started showing???
I'll try to get clear enough pics and share them later.
It doesn't show that clearly in the pic, but the doubling is not raised metal like machine doubling would be, those are actually shadowy recesses like the wddr-002 has. Especially prevalent around the "2" when looking through the loupe. I took several pics but this one was the best I could produce.
while I don't collect these it is impressive that you have kept the dialog going. Couple of collectors with a common interest engaging in banter, research and speculation. Really is the whole point of the forum and refreshing to see done the right way. I personally think they were a fad that has already fizzled out but if they can captivate you guys I don't see why others couldn't get bitten by the bug. Good luck.
<< <i>while I don't collect these it is impressive that you have kept the dialog going. Couple of collectors with a common interest engaging in banter, research and speculation. Really is the whole point of the forum and refreshing to see done the right way. I personally think they were a fad that has already fizzled out but if they can captivate you guys I don't see why others couldn't get bitten by the bug. Good luck. >>
Well, maybe you don't follow sales as closely as we do.
I personally know of sellers that have made over $5k selling these, in the last 3 yrs, and are still selling them.
They may not be mainstream yet, because they're not in official guide books. I'm not a "flipper", so I have patience.
I just found a couple bank rolls ....... gonna open one up and see if I find anything. I do have a bunch of the double thumbs and skeleton finger. also the sixth finger
<< <i>It doesn't show that clearly in the pic, but the doubling is not raised metal like machine doubling would be, those are actually shadowy recesses like the wddr-002 has. >>
It doesn't look like the pic of the 002 I provided a few posts before. The inside of the zeros on the 002 look like footballs.
<< <i>while I don't collect these it is impressive that you have kept the dialog going. Couple of collectors with a common interest engaging in banter, research and speculation. Really is the whole point of the forum and refreshing to see done the right way. I personally think they were a fad that has already fizzled out but if they can captivate you guys I don't see why others couldn't get bitten by the bug. Good luck. >>
Yeah! Doesn't the fact that this " Thread" is still alive and well, tell you that this series is here to stay? So com'on everybody,jump on the band wagon. The ride will only get better ( profitable ) as time goes on. So don't be left out! This series is not only interesting/varietyfilled but also fun! In time we'll see which ones are the jewels of the 2009 Lincoln.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
Once the CPG and Redbook get fully on board in recognizing, identifying, and valuing we'll see a quantum leap in enthusiasm for these error/varieties.
I too have been patient in selling. I am also waiting to have these graded by PCGS when they give the green light. There are a few sellers that have sold thousands of dollars worth and I applaud them for
making these known to the general collecting public. Last week it was posted here that one seller (Dengarsan) sold a single roll with a wddo-001 and 002 showing on the ends for $485....now that's PROGRESS!
Yeah,talking about patience,I've held onto to every box/roll I received. Either at banks or coin shops! I'm not gonna sell these hidden gems until the price is RIGHT! I'll continue to be patient. PCGS and Cherry pickers Guide will contribute in the fun/profit sharing. Ken Potter already has too. Also,us being voicetress in this series will help tremendously.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
"FUN" is the key word Joeykoins, I'm glad you pointed this out. These errors are a lot of fun to collect.I have about ten boxes i've been just itching to open and will soon. thanks
<< <i>Once the CPG and Redbook get fully on board in recognizing, identifying, and valuing we'll see a quantum leap in enthusiasm for these error/varieties. >>
Isn't there at least one 2009 variety already listed in the 2011 Redbook "Professional Edition"; I thought wddr-014 was, no?
closedloop, to each his own,but If I were you,don't open just yet,esp.If the roll is showing a variety! It's like Christmas Day. It's always more exciting to " wait". I think It'll be worth the wait in the long run. but I know how you feel,
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
Congrats! If you find any 016, or 043; please share where.
FYI I did find a few 16's in a LP 2 box but for the life of me cannot find were I wrote down the date and time of the box. Wish I could I would love to add to that stack.
I just found a couple bank rolls ....... gonna open one up and see if I find anything. I do have a bunch of the double thumbs and skeleton finger. also the sixth finger
------------------------- TIN SOLDIERS & NIXON COMING
<< <i>I opened one roll from one of my mint boxes I got today and found 4 WDDR 028's I guess they are.
I don't know if these are common or not but I put them aside.
Not bad for the first roll I looked at.
I will have to look at the rest of the rolls to see if there are any on the ends.
I take it as it is a bank box and not a mint box correct? Just curious which it is. Thanks Mike >>
Yes, that is correct, it was a bank box. I just got 2 of them and decided to check one roll. I guess I will get a couple of more boxes now seeing as I had success with my first roll.
<< <i>FYI I did find a few 16's in a LP 2 box but for the life of me cannot find were I wrote down the date and time of the box. >>
You're the second to say that they found them in LP2 boxes, but neither of you can remember when.
If you find your notes, please share. >>
I want to say end of May, but don't hold me to that. I can for sure say it was not in April boxes, I remember buying odd boxes to see if there were other errors towards the end of the run of the LP 2's and that is when I found them. I will look again and see if I can find it.
<< <i>I have now opened 5 rolls from different places in that box of 50 rolls and have gotten 22 WDDR 028. >>
Reverse Stage A: Early Die State (EDS): A depression from the tilted hub runs along the rim starting above the 2nd T of STATES and ending above the R of AMERICA.
I'm waiting on a box myself (stop the madness!) . I'll let you know who from and what found in a few days. The rolls I currently have are only producing my aforementioned 002/machine doubling mystery cents.
Pitboss, if you could pm me with the sellers handle that you purchased yours from it would be appreciated!
I just pulled out some groups of rolls I bought years ago. I opened one roll of the six roll group. These are the rolls with the clear plastic wrappers on them. I found 7 Best Of Varieties, WDDR-021 stages A and B. Just thought you guys would like to hear about it. I have a lot more groups to go through, and since this thread has come to life again it has my curiosity flowing on these errors again. I will post my next group or roll finds as soon as I open them. Keep the finds coming!
<< <i>I'm waiting on a box myself (stop the madness!) . I'll let you know who from and what found in a few days. The rolls I currently have are only producing my aforementioned 002/machine doubling mystery cents.
Pitboss, if you could pm me with the sellers handle that you purchased yours from it would be appreciated! >>
The guy on Ebay Densergen something sold a Machine doubled Lincoln sort of like yours about a month or so ago for some decent money, I think he got around $15-20. I guess people don't care or don't realize that it was machine doubled. But being an expert that he seems to be in these he knows it was machine doubling, he should have mentioned it in the auction. Now some poor sap is sitting on a worthless Lincoln.
<< <i>OK Papi you got me going, I bought a 2nd box this afternoon from a different location. >>
I don't buy many full boxes anymore. I have these cents coming out my eyeballs.
They are not that easy to go through.
I have just finished looking through my last 5000 or so that I have already looked at from the lp2 sets just to make sure I got all the good errors out.
I hope Smiths grocery needs lots of pennies.
I found over 100 that I had missed.
Now its off to coinstar with them tomorrow morning to get rid of them.
I will let everyone know how I make out with the bank rolls as I do them.
I really don't want to sell any at this time.
002 but still not all there with his pics and descriptions. There is just so much I can absorb with trying to decipher all of the subtle nuances from stage to stage variety to variety. I'm ready for a nap!
I'll see if my camera is capable of capturing what I'm seeing and maybe get some help from the more expert collectors here.
<< <i>Hi Folks-
Please forgive me if this info is readily apparent in this thread but I didn't see it.
I have five white boxes with two LP2 rolls each which I ordered from The Mint. Each is marked "LP2 with a bar code as well as "9883 08:01 or 08:02 and 04/24/09"
Are there any potential striking errors in these boxes?
Thanks very much for any info. >>
I found in the two 4/24 boxes, WDDR-005 and WDDR-008. My box was code 9774, time 09:58 and 9883 07:28. Hope this helps you on deciding to open them or not. Mike
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>I checked these on Wexler's site to see if they ( the obverse discovery I described a couple of comments ago) matched the wddo-016 descriptions but they did not look the same. They are really closer to the wddo-
002 but still not all there with his pics and descriptions. There is just so much I can absorb with trying to decipher all of the subtle nuances from stage to stage variety to variety. I'm ready for a nap!
I'll see if my camera is capable of capturing what I'm seeing and maybe get some help from the more expert collectors here.
Look for a shadow around the 2 in the date, I found it the easiest way to identify WDDO-002.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>Your experiences with bank rolls is interesting. These rolls don't appear to be re-rolled and the coins within don't seem to have been handled by someone searching them. I just think I happened upon an
error free lot (what are the odds according to our critics of collecting these at all?) . I will search a couple more rolls and see what I find. If I purchased a bank box, what do you think would be
the earliest date that might produce some of those 002h's or late stage 006's you are talking about? I'd love to see one under my loupe. That would be exciting! >>
I was referring to someone could open a box search a few rolls as samples and if they find no errors in the sampling, then they could sell the rest as non tampered rolls with almost no chance of anyone finding errors in them. Like I said before there are usually four different runs in each box. So if you open five or tens rolls and find no errors chances are there won't be any errors in the rest of the box. So they would just sell them individually. Not to say they are all like that, but I am not going to chance rolls. One more fact there is a coin store in Annapolis MD that has a professional coin roller, back when state quarters were popular in the early 2000's they used to get them in bulk and roll them themselves and sell them as bank rolls. You could not tell the difference since they had the $10,000 machine and paper rolls just like the armor cars services use. Just food for though! DYODD
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>I didn't think there was any premium for the pitting but thought it was interesting since it only showed on five of the twelve 002's found in that roll.
I have a question about the bank box being opened and discovering such nice errors. You said you bought the bank box in 2009. Have you found errors in all of the rolls you've examined? The reason I ask
is I purchased some bank rolls but have basically blanked on anything important, just a few die crack examples. I guess these were minted after the rash of errors and their causes were rectlfied by the mint.
Is there a way to determine whether a bank box is an early release (April) or not? >>
Not that I'm aware of, boxes are just plain with no date on them. I have found some that were supposed to be LP 2 and found LP 1 mixed in the rolls. So that must have been any early box, right at the switch over.
Yes if you read back a few post that I responded to, I have found almost every error up to around WDDR-075. I still have plenty of bank boxes I have not gone all the way thorough yet, I usually only opened a few rolls to see which error or errors in most cases was in them and then wrote on the box what I found in them. Most boxes I have opened had between 2 to six errors in the box, which was strange because like I said they are usually four runs in a box.I also have several unopened still and almost 100 of LP 2 boxes with mostly key dates. someday I will get around to it.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
Kinda cool
attribute that is assigned to the 002 that is on these coins. No die cracks, no reverse errors, etc. plus the "shadowing around the 2" is not as pronounced as the ones I have with the 006 reverse. It's very subtle
but clearly there. There is no notching which would be what I would see if it were a wddo-016. So the mystery remains-perhaps an extremely early die state before the extreme die cracks started showing???
I'll try to get clear enough pics and share them later.
<< <i> plus the "shadowing around the 2" is not as pronounced as the ones I have with the 006 reverse. It's very subtle but clearly there.
I'll try to get clear enough pics and share them later. >>
I'd like to see your pics.
Also, the inside shape of the zeros may help determine which obverse it is.
Alright...best pic I can take...this is what I've been trying to describe. What do you think?
<< <i>
Alright...best pic I can take...this is what I've been trying to describe. What do you think? >>
That looks like machine doubling, no value as it is a mechanical error due to a loose die. Read here: Link
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>while I don't collect these it is impressive that you have kept the dialog going. Couple of collectors with a common interest engaging in banter, research and speculation. Really is the whole point of the forum and refreshing to see done the right way. I personally think they were a fad that has already fizzled out but if they can captivate you guys I don't see why others couldn't get bitten by the bug. Good luck. >>
Well, maybe you don't follow sales as closely as we do.
I personally know of sellers that have made over $5k selling these, in the last 3 yrs, and are still selling them.
They may not be mainstream yet, because they're not in official guide books. I'm not a "flipper", so I have patience.
I am just waiting for them to become a sought after item and still picking up a few here and there, I am now picking up bank boxes to go
along with my sealed LP2 sets for the future as they are relative bargains at todays prices
<< <i>It doesn't show that clearly in the pic, but the doubling is not raised metal like machine doubling would be, those are actually shadowy recesses like the wddr-002 has. >>
It doesn't look like the pic of the 002 I provided a few posts before. The inside of the zeros on the 002 look like footballs.
Looks like strike doubling, to me.
<< <i>while I don't collect these it is impressive that you have kept the dialog going. Couple of collectors with a common interest engaging in banter, research and speculation. Really is the whole point of the forum and refreshing to see done the right way. I personally think they were a fad that has already fizzled out but if they can captivate you guys I don't see why others couldn't get bitten by the bug. Good luck. >>
Yeah! Doesn't the fact that this " Thread" is still alive and well, tell you that this series is here to stay? So com'on everybody,jump on the band wagon. The ride will only get better ( profitable ) as time goes on. So don't be left out! This series is not only interesting/varietyfilled but also fun! In time we'll see which ones are the jewels of the 2009 Lincoln.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.I too have been patient in selling. I am also waiting to have these graded by PCGS when they give the green light. There are a few sellers that have sold thousands of dollars worth and I applaud them for
making these known to the general collecting public. Last week it was posted here that one seller (Dengarsan) sold a single roll with a wddo-001 and 002 showing on the ends for $485....now that's PROGRESS!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.These errors are a lot of fun to collect.I have about ten boxes
i've been just itching to open and will soon. thanks
<< <i>Once the CPG and Redbook get fully on board in recognizing, identifying, and valuing we'll see a quantum leap in enthusiasm for these error/varieties. >>
Isn't there at least one 2009 variety already listed in the 2011 Redbook "Professional Edition"; I thought wddr-014 was, no?
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line."Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.I don't know if these are common or not but I put them aside.
Not bad for the first roll I looked at.
I will have to look at the rest of the rolls to see if there are any on the ends.
<< <i>I opened one roll from one of my mint boxes I got today and found 4 WDDR 028's I guess they are. >>
Congrats! If you find any 016, or 043; please share where.
I don't know if these are common or not but I put them aside.
Not bad for the first roll I looked at.
I will have to look at the rest of the rolls to see if there are any on the ends.
I take it as it is a bank box and not a mint box correct? Just curious which it is. Thanks Mike
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
FYI I did find a few 16's in a LP 2 box but for the life of me cannot find were I wrote down the date and time of the box. Wish I could I would love to add to that stack.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
I just found a couple bank rolls ....... gonna open one up and see if I find anything. I do have a bunch of the double thumbs and skeleton finger. also the sixth finger
Did you find anything in your rolls?
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>I opened one roll from one of my mint boxes I got today and found 4 WDDR 028's I guess they are.
I don't know if these are common or not but I put them aside.
Not bad for the first roll I looked at.
I will have to look at the rest of the rolls to see if there are any on the ends.
I take it as it is a bank box and not a mint box correct? Just curious which it is. Thanks Mike >>
Yes, that is correct, it was a bank box. I just got 2 of them and decided to check one roll. I guess I will get a couple of more boxes now seeing as I had success with my first roll.
<< <i>FYI I did find a few 16's in a LP 2 box but for the life of me cannot find were I wrote down the date and time of the box. >>
You're the second to say that they found them in LP2 boxes, but neither of you can remember when.
If you find your notes, please share.
<< <i>
<< <i>FYI I did find a few 16's in a LP 2 box but for the life of me cannot find were I wrote down the date and time of the box. >>
You're the second to say that they found them in LP2 boxes, but neither of you can remember when.
If you find your notes, please share. >>
I want to say end of May, but don't hold me to that. I can for sure say it was not in April boxes, I remember buying odd boxes to see if there were other errors towards the end of the run of the LP 2's and that is when I found them. I will look again and see if I can find it.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>I opened one roll from one of my mint boxes I got today and found 4 WDDR 028's I guess they are.
I don't know if these are common or not but I put them aside.
Not bad for the first roll I looked at.
I will have to look at the rest of the rolls to see if there are any on the ends. >>
Just curious what buyer on Ebay did you buy your boxes, Thanks
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>
<< <i>I opened one roll from one of my mint boxes I got today and found 4 WDDR 028's I guess they are.
I don't know if these are common or not but I put them aside.
Not bad for the first roll I looked at.
I will have to look at the rest of the rolls to see if there are any on the ends. >>
Just curious what buyer on Ebay did you buy your boxes, Thanks >>
PM sent
them right now. I figure I am averaging 4 errors per roll which should come out to 200 or so in that box. Time to move on to the next box and
see what I come up with.
<< <i>I have now opened 5 rolls from different places in that box of 50 rolls and have gotten 22 WDDR 028. >>
Reverse Stage A: Early Die State (EDS): A depression from the tilted hub runs along the rim starting above the 2nd T of STATES and ending above the R of AMERICA.
<< <i>I can't see that Papi. >>
It looks like a double rim around the inner edge, easy to see.
Unfortunately they are not uncommon. But they're cool.
Pitboss, if you could pm me with the sellers handle that you purchased yours from it would be appreciated!
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>I'm waiting on a box myself (stop the madness!) . I'll let you know who from and what found in a few days. The rolls I currently have are only producing my aforementioned 002/machine doubling mystery cents.
Pitboss, if you could pm me with the sellers handle that you purchased yours from it would be appreciated! >>
The guy on Ebay Densergen something sold a Machine doubled Lincoln sort of like yours about a month or so ago for some decent money, I think he got around $15-20. I guess people don't care or don't realize that it was machine doubled. But being an expert that he seems to be in these he knows it was machine doubling, he should have mentioned it in the auction. Now some poor sap is sitting on a worthless Lincoln.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>
<< <i>I can't see that Papi. >>
It looks like a double rim around the inner edge, easy to see.
Unfortunately they are not uncommon. But they're cool. >>
I don't know how you guys see this stuff.
I see it now but it is not that east to see.
Well back to looking at my sample from my 2nd box.
<< <i>I found 7 Best Of Varieties, WDDR-021 stages A and B. >>
IMO, that list needs to be whittled down to about 17 varieties, i.e. "The Best of The Best"
To me, 021 doesn't qualify.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>I can't see that Papi. >>
It looks like a double rim around the inner edge, easy to see.
Unfortunately they are not uncommon. But they're cool. >>
I don't know how you guys see this stuff.
I see it now but it is not that east to see. >>
Lol, it's only 3/4 of an inch wide. Who could see any detail without a glass?