I found a couple that I can remember off hand of the large die crack variety's in LP 2 boxes. WDDR 13b, WDDR 37c. Not sure what they sell for anymore but the 13b I used to get around $25-30.
<< <i>I found a couple that I can remember off hand of the large die crack variety's in LP 2 boxes. WDDR 13b, WDDR 37c. Not sure what they sell for anymore but the 13b I used to get around $25-30. >>
They average about $15 raw. An ANACS MS66 went for $40.
Papi, I think we should name you the Cent-Czar of the lp2 series. You could give Wexler and Coneca a run for their money on your knowledge and experience with these. Maybe you should start your own
publication or blog dedicated to these errors, including values (raw and graded), quantities found of each error, your own "ten best" list, etc. You could also list the dates and times of the lp2 box sets
and what one could expect to find in each as well as have a collectors "feedback" section in your publication for updates and new discoveries. Certainly large clear pictures of the various die stages of each coin,
along with a written description, would be very helpful for identification and cataloging. Just a thought, but you seem to be the man for the job! Congratulations in advance (should you choose to accept
No, not me Papi.....I saw that it sold also. Seemed like a decent price with free shipping but I didn't pull the trigger on it. One thing I noticed was that there was no date stamped on the box as I have seen
on others offered on the bay. Not sure if that was important or not. I'm going to continue to look. Maybe buying a single roll to test the waters is the way to go as someone suggested before. By the way,
<< <i>No, not me Papi.....I saw that it sold also. Seemed like a decent price with free shipping but I didn't pull the trigger on it. One thing I noticed was that there was no date stamped on the box as I have seen
on others offered on the bay. Not sure if that was important or not. I'm going to continue to look. Maybe buying a single roll to test the waters is the way to go as someone suggested before. By the way,
was that your listing? >>
The only ones I seen stamped were from the first day of issue. I have found plenty of errors in bank boxes with out the dates on them. You should not let that deter you from buying a sealed bank box.
<< <i>The only ones I seen stamped were from the first day of issue. I have found plenty of errors in bank boxes with out the dates on them. You should not let that deter you from buying a sealed bank box. >>
Firstly, in my opinion, based on the volume sold I seriously doubt they were all stamped on the first day. I think the sellers had rubber stamps made.
Second, who cares if the box is stamped 1st day? That would only serve to make the box valuable, not the coins within. Once removed from the box, the date means nothing.
There was a story of a guy who got a stamp from a post office and has been stamping first day of issue on everything. I would NOT pay any premium for FDOI.
Someone mentioned (probably Papi) that the wddr-007, which was exclusively found in the lp2 boxes (not in bank rolls) was actually found in an earlier date box than the wddr-006. Does anyone wish to share
what date box (boxes) and time frames they were discovered in? I have personally not found any in the boxes I've searched and I've searched (I thought....will have to go back in my catalog) just about every
date. Another thing....is anyone actually trying to put together a collection of these that includes every known error in this series ....seems like a daunting task but it would be an interesting thing to do.
Whitman might want to consider putting a book together (2009p Lincoln cent errors only) so we could fill it like any other Lincoln folder. What do you guys think?
<< <i> Whitman might want to consider putting a book together (2009p Lincoln cent errors only) so we could fill it like any other Lincoln folder. What do you guys think? >>
As for the WDDR-007, i'm sure I saw some but they certainly didn't stand out and I certainly would NOT include them in the "Best of" listing of these.
As for a Whitman book, I highly doubt there is going to be enough interest for a variety book. Come to think of it, is there a variety book for any series?
<< <i> Whitman might want to consider putting a book together (2009p Lincoln cent errors only) so we could fill it like any other Lincoln folder. What do you guys think? >>
As for the WDDR-007, i'm sure I saw some but they certainly didn't stand out and I certainly would NOT include them in the "Best of" listing of these.
As for a Whitman book, I highly doubt there is going to be enough interest for a variety book. Come to think of it, is there a variety book for any series? >>
I also thought about a variety folder with Wexler's "Best Of"; but at this point, between the 4 coin series, there are 101 "Best Of"; which includes Proof varieties.
Cathy Barker, I believe has a copy of every stage. I don't know if she's a Forum member.
In my opinion, you may want to reconsider the WDDR-007, because it's paired with WDDO-002; the same obverse as the "Skeleton Finger".
There are 15 stages between these. Three Reverses married to the same Obverse! WAY COOL!
So, you need 007 to complete the lifecycle of the die.
<< <i>Someone mentioned (probably Papi) that the wddr-007, which was exclusively found in the lp2 boxes (not in bank rolls) was actually found in an earlier date box than the wddr-006. >>
Actually, what I said was the WDDR-007 was minted before the WDDR-006. The numbers were assigned by Wexler in the order he received them for attribution, which is why 006 comes before 007.
WDDR-007 can be found in boxes dated 05/04/09, not sure what time though. I don't recall.
<< <i>Someone mentioned (probably Papi) that the wddr-007, which was exclusively found in the lp2 boxes (not in bank rolls) was actually found in an earlier date box than the wddr-006. Does anyone wish to share
what date box (boxes) and time frames they were discovered in? I have personally not found any in the boxes I've searched and I've searched (I thought....will have to go back in my catalog) just about every
date. Another thing....is anyone actually trying to put together a collection of these that includes every known error in this series ....seems like a daunting task but it would be an interesting thing to do.
Whitman might want to consider putting a book together (2009p Lincoln cent errors only) so we could fill it like any other Lincoln folder. What do you guys think? >>
I found WDDR-007 in 4/23 boxes mostly, which also have the skeleton WDDR-006 in them also, and a few in 5/4 and 5/5 boxes.
<< <i>I can't even see the point of collecting the WDDR-007. If you have digital microscope and still need a picture of one with the attribution, no thanks.
Wow I had to go and look and one of the ones I received from pitboss is the wddo-002 & Wddr-006 Its so easy to see the skelton finger on the 006. Interesting, still have a few unopened boxes around here. Enjoy tom
Ok so I went a digging and have 4 unopened boxes one from 4/15 another from 4/17 the third is a 4/27 and the last is a 4/30. The 4/15 and the 4/27 have someones writting on the side and its not mine maybe those were the ones I got from you Will leave them sealed for a rainy or in my case snowy day.........Enjoy tom
<< <i>I can't even see the point of collecting the WDDR-007. If you have digital microscope and still need a picture of one with the attribution, no thanks. >>
It's easy to miss that the extra finger runs into the spine of the book which gives it a curved look. I like it! It's unique and not an easy one to find (I don't have one).
p.s. 1tommy.....you have some very good dates there...you might want to crack one open and share with us what you find....
<< <i>I can't even see the point of collecting the WDDR-007. If you have digital microscope and still need a picture of one with the attribution, no thanks. >>
Then you're not looking at the right coin. >>
maybe not. I just don't see how this coin would matter much to anyone given the type of variety it is; obscure. I put all my "leftover" coins in 3x4" plastic ziploc bags and wrote the dates on them for this specific reason. If I ever needed to go back and look through them again, I know exactly which LP2 box they came out of. Come to think of it, I've been overly anal about these coins for some reason. Maybe that's a good sign of things to come.
<< <i>I found WDDR-007 in 4/23 boxes mostly, which also have the skeleton WDDR-006 in them also, and a few in 5/4 and 5/5 boxes. >>
Very interesting; first I've ever heard this. I never found them together in 4/23 boxes, and I searched lots of 'em. >>
I was going off of memory when I posted this and I just looked at my list kept from 2009 and in the 4/23 boxes only had them in one box now that I look at the list. Only the 8:40 a.m #9774. The rest were from 5/5 and 5/4 boxes.
<< <i>Ok so I went a digging and have 4 unopened boxes one from 4/15 another from 4/17 the third is a 4/27 and the last is a 4/30. The 4/15 and the 4/27 have someones writting on the side and its not mine maybe those were the ones I got from you Will leave them sealed for a rainy or in my case snowy day.........Enjoy tom >>
What time are your 4/15 boxes? The 4/17 are really good, the 4/30 is hit and miss.
<< <i> I just don't see how this coin would matter much to anyone given the type of variety it is; obscure. >>
Well, on it's own it may be nondescript, but it's the marriage to the other dies that appeals to me.
When you're looking at three different coins with the exact same obverse, and you flip them over and they all have different reverses.
THAT'S WAY !!! >>
Plus the obverse die survived the three and went to a fourth with out a DDR rev. WDDO-002 Stage H, from Wexler: Reverse Stage H: A new reverse is now paired with the DDO. The new reverse is not a doubled die.
I found some of these from a bank box I bought in 2009.
<< <i>Ok so I went a digging and have 4 unopened boxes one from 4/15 another from 4/17 the third is a 4/27 and the last is a 4/30. The 4/15 and the 4/27 have someones writting on the side and its not mine maybe those were the ones I got from you Will leave them sealed for a rainy or in my case snowy day.........Enjoy tom >>
What time are your 4/15 boxes? The 4/17 are really good, the 4/30 is hit and miss. >>
09:37 on the 4/15 13:59 on the 4/17 and 09:11 on the 4/27 08:26 on the 4/30 tom
ok...pop quiz for those that have really done their homework with these...here's the challenge....you're looking through a roll and naturally first look at the reverse first for any signs of a doubled die error. Who can
tell me if there is any indicator on the reverse that says you've actually found a "catfish abe" obverse die clash (before flipping it over to confirm it) ?
<< <i>ok...pop quiz for those that have really done their homework with these...here's the challenge....you're looking through a roll and naturally first look at the reverse first for any signs of a doubled die error. Who can
tell me if there is any indicator on the reverse that says you've actually found a "catfish abe" obverse die clash (before flipping it over to confirm it) ? >>
There is what I believe to be a doubled die reverse on the catfish.
I can distinguish them by the area under Lincolns left hand, holding the book.
The bottom edge of the book is not completely straight, it looks like there may be an extra knuckle above the ring finger on his left hand.
I can spot them that way every time, without looking at the obverse.
Papi, there's a small dot of raised metal in the thin space between his left arm and leg...every time! Not sure if it would qualify as a doubled die reverse, but that dot could be metal from a finger I suppose.
Take a look at one (or two) of your catfish Abes and see what I'm talking about. Maybe you could describe it better than I have. I have never noticed what you've described. Funny, I'll have to check out
<< <i>Papi, there's a small dot of raised metal in the thin space between his left arm and leg...every time! Not sure if it would qualify as a doubled die reverse, but that dot could be metal from a finger I suppose. >>
Yes, I see what you're talking about; never noticed before.
The only to find out is to send it into Wexler, to see if it's a DDR or a gouge.
I stopped sending things because I'm too impatient.
A very optimistic price! I bought a roll of 50 wddr-002's once for $100. I sold them individually for $5 each plus shipping on Ebay. I haven't sold any of my doubled dies since.
<< <i>ok...pop quiz for those that have really done their homework with these...here's the challenge....you're looking through a roll and naturally first look at the reverse first for any signs of a doubled die error. Who can
tell me if there is any indicator on the reverse that says you've actually found a "catfish abe" obverse die clash (before flipping it over to confirm it) ? >>
Yes, absolutely. They have a small bump similar to that of WDDR-009. Initially, i thought they were.
I'm going to have to go back and look at that Jesse, as I told Papi my marker is in the slim space between his left forearm and left leg. That's the only consistent indicator I've ever noticed. Check it out...
I think it's interesting that there were actually two answers to my pop quiz...amazing
The marker I was looking at was just about as solid as anything. I'd dig one out and take a picture but I put all my opened rolls away somewhere and can't quite figure out where. I didn't
If you look at enough of these things, the small differences jump out at you. That Clashed Die marker is on every single clashed die coin I have. If I see that marker, I don't even bother flipping the coin over.
Nice pics! If you can dig up one of your Catfish Abes and take a pic of my marker (my camera won't get that close) that would help in identifying it. I'd love to see it blown up in size like you posted yours just now.
Again, my marker is a raised metal dot placed in the slim gap between Abe's forearm and leg. I'm sure if you look at a couple of them you'll see that marker easily. It is also consistent on every Catfish Abe and is
how I came to know what I had before I flipped it over. To me, it's a more obvious abnormality but I can see now what you were looking at....good eyes guys!
<< <i>Ok so I went a digging and have 4 unopened boxes one from 4/15 another from 4/17 the third is a 4/27 and the last is a 4/30. The 4/15 and the 4/27 have someones writting on the side and its not mine maybe those were the ones I got from you Will leave them sealed for a rainy or in my case snowy day.........Enjoy tom >>
What time are your 4/15 boxes? The 4/17 are really good, the 4/30 is hit and miss. >>
09:37 on the 4/15 13:59 on the 4/17 and 09:11 on the 4/27 08:26 on the 4/30 tom >>
The 4/15 is to early for the WDDR-13b with the large rev crack. The 4/17 you could find WDDR-001, 002, and 003's in it. The only 4/17 I opened was from afternoon and it had a WDDR-002 and 003 on each end of the roll, so I never opened the roll. I did very well with all the ones I opened before noon.
<< <i>ok...pop quiz for those that have really done their homework with these...here's the challenge....you're looking through a roll and naturally first look at the reverse first for any signs of a doubled die error. Who can
tell me if there is any indicator on the reverse that says you've actually found a "catfish abe" obverse die clash (before flipping it over to confirm it) ? >>
There is what I believe to be a doubled die reverse on the catfish.
I can distinguish them by the area under Lincolns left hand, holding the book.
The bottom edge of the book is not completely straight, it looks like there may be an extra knuckle above the ring finger on his left hand.
I can spot them that way every time, without looking at the obverse.
How can you? >>
Has anyone found the full clash of the whiskers in the LP 2 boxes? My understanding is these are just a partial clash of the full one that they didn't repair all the way.
<< <i>Has anyone found the full clash of the whiskers in the LP 2 boxes? My understanding is these are just a partial clash of the full one that they didn't repair all the way. >>
You mean this?
It could be what Onedollarnohollar sees between the arm and leg; a clash mark.
I can see the mark under the hand in the top right picture with the black arrows.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>I found a couple that I can remember off hand of the large die crack variety's in LP 2 boxes. WDDR 13b, WDDR 37c. Not sure what they sell for anymore but the 13b I used to get around $25-30. >>
They average about $15 raw. An ANACS MS66 went for $40.
publication or blog dedicated to these errors, including values (raw and graded), quantities found of each error, your own "ten best" list, etc. You could also list the dates and times of the lp2 box sets
and what one could expect to find in each as well as have a collectors "feedback" section in your publication for updates and new discoveries. Certainly large clear pictures of the various die stages of each coin,
along with a written description, would be very helpful for identification and cataloging. Just a thought, but you seem to be the man for the job! Congratulations in advance (should you choose to accept
this mission).
<< <i> Those boxes sell for quite a premium ($89 + on average plus shipping) >>
I saw this sold.
Did you buy your first box?
<< <i>Papi, I think we should name you the Cent-Czar of the lp2 series. >>
Thanks for the kudos. But I neither have the time nor the desire to become an author/journalist.
I'm happy to offer what I know based on my experience in searching for these varieties.
2009, a once in a lifetime opportunity, renewed my interest in Lincoln cents.
We all got lucky that QC (Quality Control) was thrown under the bus, at the Philly Mint.
I'm sure President Lincoln would not be pleased with his mutant hand.
Those that want some more of them had better start picking them up while they are still available.
on others offered on the bay. Not sure if that was important or not. I'm going to continue to look. Maybe buying a single roll to test the waters is the way to go as someone suggested before. By the way,
was that your listing?
<< <i> By the way, was that your listing? >>
No, I seem to be waiting to fill an armored car with what I have.
Maybe when I retire in 20+ yrs, I'll be motivated.
Or maybe I'm just waiting for some sellers to exhaust their inventory at their basement prices.
I'm just too lazy right now to sell anything I have.
<< <i>No, not me Papi.....I saw that it sold also. Seemed like a decent price with free shipping but I didn't pull the trigger on it. One thing I noticed was that there was no date stamped on the box as I have seen
on others offered on the bay. Not sure if that was important or not. I'm going to continue to look. Maybe buying a single roll to test the waters is the way to go as someone suggested before. By the way,
was that your listing? >>
The only ones I seen stamped were from the first day of issue. I have found plenty of errors in bank boxes with out the dates on them. You should not let that deter you from buying a sealed bank box.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>The only ones I seen stamped were from the first day of issue. I have found plenty of errors in bank boxes with out the dates on them. You should not let that deter you from buying a sealed bank box. >>
Firstly, in my opinion, based on the volume sold I seriously doubt they were all stamped on the first day. I think the sellers had rubber stamps made.
Second, who cares if the box is stamped 1st day? That would only serve to make the box valuable, not the coins within. Once removed from the box, the date means nothing.
Who collects unopened 50 roll boxes?
I speak only for myself.
what date box (boxes) and time frames they were discovered in? I have personally not found any in the boxes I've searched and I've searched (I thought....will have to go back in my catalog) just about every
date. Another thing....is anyone actually trying to put together a collection of these that includes every known error in this series ....seems like a daunting task but it would be an interesting thing to do.
Whitman might want to consider putting a book together (2009p Lincoln cent errors only) so we could fill it like any other Lincoln folder. What do you guys think?
<< <i> Whitman might want to consider putting a book together (2009p Lincoln cent errors only) so we could fill it like any other Lincoln folder. What do you guys think? >>
As for the WDDR-007, i'm sure I saw some but they certainly didn't stand out and I certainly would NOT include them in the "Best of" listing of these.
As for a Whitman book, I highly doubt there is going to be enough interest for a variety book. Come to think of it, is there a variety book for any series?
<< <i>
<< <i> Whitman might want to consider putting a book together (2009p Lincoln cent errors only) so we could fill it like any other Lincoln folder. What do you guys think? >>
As for the WDDR-007, i'm sure I saw some but they certainly didn't stand out and I certainly would NOT include them in the "Best of" listing of these.
As for a Whitman book, I highly doubt there is going to be enough interest for a variety book. Come to think of it, is there a variety book for any series? >>
I also thought about a variety folder with Wexler's "Best Of"; but at this point, between the 4 coin series, there are 101 "Best Of"; which includes Proof varieties.
Cathy Barker, I believe has a copy of every stage. I don't know if she's a Forum member.
In my opinion, you may want to reconsider the WDDR-007, because it's paired with WDDO-002; the same obverse as the "Skeleton Finger".
There are 15 stages between these. Three Reverses married to the same Obverse! WAY COOL!
So, you need 007 to complete the lifecycle of the die.
<< <i>Someone mentioned (probably Papi) that the wddr-007, which was exclusively found in the lp2 boxes (not in bank rolls) was actually found in an earlier date box than the wddr-006. >>
Actually, what I said was the WDDR-007 was minted before the WDDR-006. The numbers were assigned by Wexler in the order he received them for attribution, which is why 006 comes before 007.
WDDR-007 can be found in boxes dated 05/04/09, not sure what time though. I don't recall.
<< <i>Someone mentioned (probably Papi) that the wddr-007, which was exclusively found in the lp2 boxes (not in bank rolls) was actually found in an earlier date box than the wddr-006. Does anyone wish to share
what date box (boxes) and time frames they were discovered in? I have personally not found any in the boxes I've searched and I've searched (I thought....will have to go back in my catalog) just about every
date. Another thing....is anyone actually trying to put together a collection of these that includes every known error in this series ....seems like a daunting task but it would be an interesting thing to do.
Whitman might want to consider putting a book together (2009p Lincoln cent errors only) so we could fill it like any other Lincoln folder. What do you guys think? >>
I found WDDR-007 in 4/23 boxes mostly, which also have the skeleton WDDR-006 in them also, and a few in 5/4 and 5/5 boxes.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
From wexlers double die site http://doubleddie.com/60701.html
<< <i>I can't even see the point of collecting the WDDR-007. If you have digital microscope and still need a picture of one with the attribution, no thanks.
From wexlers double die site http://doubleddie.com/60701.html
Wow I had to go and look and one of the ones I received from pitboss is the wddo-002 & Wddr-006 Its so easy to see the skelton finger on the 006. Interesting, still have a few unopened boxes around here. Enjoy tom
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
Those were the last boxes I sold to anybody.
I had over 300 boxes at one time and do not have many left at this point.
I open one up every now and then when I am bored.
I may sell a few choice boxes if the price ever goes up on them.
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
<< <i>I can't even see the point of collecting the WDDR-007. If you have digital microscope and still need a picture of one with the attribution, no thanks. >>
Then you're not looking at the right coin.
It's easy to miss that the extra finger runs into the spine of the book which gives it a curved look. I like it! It's unique and not an easy one to find (I don't have one).
p.s. 1tommy.....you have some very good dates there...you might want to crack one open and share with us what you find....
I came up with 56 WDDR 002's, 29 WDDR 003's, and 34 chin whiskers.
I already have several hundred of these 002's so I put a full roll on ebay so someone else can have some.
We need to get these coins spread around a little bit.
It does no good to hoard them so no one has them.
I would sell some chin whiskers and 003's too but no one wants them.
I have opened about 30 boxes of 4/27 so far and have lots of these types.
<< <i>From wexlers double die site http://doubleddie.com/60701.html
What I want to know is why did they replace this die with the "Skeleton Finger" die.
What happened to it? Cracked? Failed? There aren't any reported with major abnormailities.
Why change it? Mysterious!
<< <i>I found WDDR-007 in 4/23 boxes mostly, which also have the skeleton WDDR-006 in them also, and a few in 5/4 and 5/5 boxes. >>
Very interesting; first I've ever heard this. I never found them together in 4/23 boxes, and I searched lots of 'em.
<< <i>
<< <i>I can't even see the point of collecting the WDDR-007. If you have digital microscope and still need a picture of one with the attribution, no thanks. >>
Then you're not looking at the right coin. >>
maybe not. I just don't see how this coin would matter much to anyone given the type of variety it is; obscure. I put all my "leftover" coins in 3x4" plastic ziploc bags and wrote the dates on them for this specific reason. If I ever needed to go back and look through them again, I know exactly which LP2 box they came out of. Come to think of it, I've been overly anal about these coins for some reason. Maybe that's a good sign of things to come.
<< <i> I just don't see how this coin would matter much to anyone given the type of variety it is; obscure. >>
Well, on it's own it may be nondescript, but it's the marriage to the other dies that appeals to me.
When you're looking at three different coins with the exact same obverse, and you flip them over and they all have different reverses.
<< <i>
<< <i>I found WDDR-007 in 4/23 boxes mostly, which also have the skeleton WDDR-006 in them also, and a few in 5/4 and 5/5 boxes. >>
Very interesting; first I've ever heard this. I never found them together in 4/23 boxes, and I searched lots of 'em. >>
I was going off of memory when I posted this and I just looked at my list kept from 2009 and in the 4/23 boxes only had them in one box now that I look at the list. Only the 8:40 a.m #9774. The rest were from 5/5 and 5/4 boxes.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>Ok so I went a digging and have 4 unopened boxes one from 4/15 another from 4/17 the third is a 4/27 and the last is a 4/30. The 4/15 and the 4/27 have someones writting on the side and its not mine maybe those were the ones I got from you
What time are your 4/15 boxes? The 4/17 are really good, the 4/30 is hit and miss.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>
<< <i> I just don't see how this coin would matter much to anyone given the type of variety it is; obscure. >>
Well, on it's own it may be nondescript, but it's the marriage to the other dies that appeals to me.
When you're looking at three different coins with the exact same obverse, and you flip them over and they all have different reverses.
Plus the obverse die survived the three and went to a fourth with out a DDR rev. WDDO-002 Stage H, from Wexler: Reverse Stage H: A new reverse is now paired with the DDO. The new reverse is not a doubled die.
I found some of these from a bank box I bought in 2009.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>
<< <i>Ok so I went a digging and have 4 unopened boxes one from 4/15 another from 4/17 the third is a 4/27 and the last is a 4/30. The 4/15 and the 4/27 have someones writting on the side and its not mine maybe those were the ones I got from you
What time are your 4/15 boxes? The 4/17 are really good, the 4/30 is hit and miss. >>
09:37 on the 4/15 13:59 on the 4/17 and 09:11 on the 4/27 08:26 on the 4/30 tom
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
tell me if there is any indicator on the reverse that says you've actually found a "catfish abe" obverse die clash (before flipping it over to confirm it) ?
<< <i>ok...pop quiz for those that have really done their homework with these...here's the challenge....you're looking through a roll and naturally first look at the reverse first for any signs of a doubled die error. Who can
tell me if there is any indicator on the reverse that says you've actually found a "catfish abe" obverse die clash (before flipping it over to confirm it) ? >>
There is what I believe to be a doubled die reverse on the catfish.
I can distinguish them by the area under Lincolns left hand, holding the book.
The bottom edge of the book is not completely straight, it looks like there may be an extra knuckle above the ring finger on his left hand.
I can spot them that way every time, without looking at the obverse.
How can you?
Take a look at one (or two) of your catfish Abes and see what I'm talking about. Maybe you could describe it better than I have. I have never noticed what you've described. Funny, I'll have to check out
your markers.
<< <i>I already have several hundred of these 002's so I put a full roll on ebay so someone else can have some. >>
Pitboss; Is this your roll? WDDR-002 Roll of 50
<< <i>Papi, there's a small dot of raised metal in the thin space between his left arm and leg...every time! Not sure if it would qualify as a doubled die reverse, but that dot could be metal from a finger I suppose. >>
Yes, I see what you're talking about; never noticed before.
The only to find out is to send it into Wexler, to see if it's a DDR or a gouge.
I stopped sending things because I'm too impatient.
<< <i>ok...pop quiz for those that have really done their homework with these...here's the challenge....you're looking through a roll and naturally first look at the reverse first for any signs of a doubled die error. Who can
tell me if there is any indicator on the reverse that says you've actually found a "catfish abe" obverse die clash (before flipping it over to confirm it) ? >>
Yes, absolutely. They have a small bump similar to that of WDDR-009. Initially, i thought they were.
I think it's interesting that there were actually two answers to my pop quiz...amazing
This is the Clashed Die marker
This is a regular strike
That's exactly what I was talking about.
Minor maybe, but I've seen smaller things designated as doubled dies.
Again, my marker is a raised metal dot placed in the slim gap between Abe's forearm and leg. I'm sure if you look at a couple of them you'll see that marker easily. It is also consistent on every Catfish Abe and is
how I came to know what I had before I flipped it over. To me, it's a more obvious abnormality but I can see now what you were looking at....good eyes guys!
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Ok so I went a digging and have 4 unopened boxes one from 4/15 another from 4/17 the third is a 4/27 and the last is a 4/30. The 4/15 and the 4/27 have someones writting on the side and its not mine maybe those were the ones I got from you
What time are your 4/15 boxes? The 4/17 are really good, the 4/30 is hit and miss. >>
09:37 on the 4/15 13:59 on the 4/17 and 09:11 on the 4/27 08:26 on the 4/30 tom >>
The 4/15 is to early for the WDDR-13b with the large rev crack. The 4/17 you could find WDDR-001, 002, and 003's in it. The only 4/17 I opened was from afternoon and it had a WDDR-002 and 003 on each end of the roll, so I never opened the roll. I did very well with all the ones I opened before noon.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>
<< <i>I already have several hundred of these 002's so I put a full roll on ebay so someone else can have some. >>
Pitboss; Is this your roll? WDDR-002 Roll of 50 >>
Yes it is.
<< <i>
<< <i>ok...pop quiz for those that have really done their homework with these...here's the challenge....you're looking through a roll and naturally first look at the reverse first for any signs of a doubled die error. Who can
tell me if there is any indicator on the reverse that says you've actually found a "catfish abe" obverse die clash (before flipping it over to confirm it) ? >>
There is what I believe to be a doubled die reverse on the catfish.
I can distinguish them by the area under Lincolns left hand, holding the book.
The bottom edge of the book is not completely straight, it looks like there may be an extra knuckle above the ring finger on his left hand.
I can spot them that way every time, without looking at the obverse.
How can you? >>
Has anyone found the full clash of the whiskers in the LP 2 boxes? My understanding is these are just a partial clash of the full one that they didn't repair all the way.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
<< <i>Has anyone found the full clash of the whiskers in the LP 2 boxes? My understanding is these are just a partial clash of the full one that they didn't repair all the way. >>
You mean this?
It could be what Onedollarnohollar sees between the arm and leg; a clash mark.
I can see the mark under the hand in the top right picture with the black arrows.
MAD Clashes The Study of Unusual Die Clashes
Sellers told me that these were found in bank rolls.
Did they tell me that to protect their interests, maybe. But I never found these in LP2 boxes.
now I can see where all these clashes come from.