Too bad...I'd like to know if he's still searching out these errors or if he's moved on. If still looking for these I wonder if he's found any super boxes recently. There's not much out there, at least in the Ebay world, but every now and then something pops up and I'm not always on the web to grab it. I hope his hiatus ends soon! I think the 2014 doubled die might have his attention right now but the 2009p formative series is still exciting to me. Good luck Papi, wherever you are!
Just thought I'd check in and see how everyone is doing and what, if any, new or exciting things are happening in the wonderful world of Lp2 formative errors.
I just finished searching a bank box myself. It seemed like it had been cherrypicked but I was still able to come up with a baker's dozen of 043's with the stage "D" die crack that
appears below the right boot. I also came across about the same amount of 057's so the effort wasn't completely wasted. A fun thing to search anytime.
Hope everyone is having some luck and are continuing to search. A doubled thumbs up to all the doubled die-hards out there!
Still out here. While the prices have sagged on these (along with many other coins lately), there is still interest. I got beat out on a few very promising LP2 boxes in the last month or so by a bidder who seemed determined to buy -- they sniped both auctions with relative ease and high prices. I'm not putting much effort in selling right now.
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
I am just selling a few here and there and buying a few here and there and not searching any more mint boxes as they have pretty much dried up . The time for accumulating these errors has pretty well dried up as most boxes have already been looked through. There are still some out there though.
There are a lot held by a few for certain but they have become more widely held in the past year or so.
I know I have sold them to a lot of different collectors that did not even know about them and these same people keep buying them from me every week a few at a time.
Thats why I feel that once they find out about them and the economy improves the coins will become more popular.
There are not many available a/u right now as folks have not been looking for them in loose change because they don't know they exist.
Low graded coins are not available because there has been no one sending anything but good coins in for grading and the only place grading is ANACS.
Hopefully that will change when the CPG comes out.
Prices have fallen this summer/fall as has the coin market IMHO. Many sellers have seen a downturn in overall sales including myself. I think we are seeing the bottom of the Formative DDR market now (a time for buyers) until we see another market swing.
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
Definitely a lull in the action but I keep buying whenever I see something special. Love looking through bank boxes and have had some luck in doing so. (I have had a few lemons though)
I'm still in search of the holy grail (Wddr-006 / Wddo-002 with the last stage large die cracks on both sides). I think only Pitboss and Papi have found them in the wild.
There's not much retail action but I sell consistently enough to keep listing. I too have noticed interest from a broader range of collectors in my sales. There are enough (too many)
competitors out there that the prices are kept at a lower level than I'd like to see. In this economy however it's not the time to complain...there is still life out there after all.
Glad to see that the doubled die-hards are still kickin' ... anything new that you might have found please post a pic for us to enjoy!
The key boxes are still out there. I picked up 18 key boxes recently trolling on ebay.
HOWEVER, I'm sure some of you were watching the 4/23 set that ended tonight.
Anyone here claim victory? I tossed a bid in but it went for a decent price around $42. Travesty. These went for twice as much a year ago.
Happy Holidays Formatives!!
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
I haven't been on Ebay much lately but I see there's been some uptick in activity. 18 primo boxes Akbeez? a 4/23 box Pitboss? Great to see it! My only purchase lately was three boxes
of Lp1's for $12 ea. I haven't seen a decent box of Lp2's for awhile. Unless there's a key date I'm not aware of...that is. I'm hoping to find another good bank box but they're drying up
and mostly overpriced retreads. Papi ever going to participate in these discussions again? He once was a regular contributor so I'm just curious.
Keep up the good work guys and continued good luck in your searches!
<< <i>You guys aren't bidding each other up as much >>
Good one!
I would not have purchased the 4/23 box at that price (raw sales are very sluggish) but Pitboss gets them graded which adds value for re-sale (which he's done quite well with I assure you)
That $42 investment could become a $500 payday after grading. I've gathered enough already and am still waiting for our host to concede in labeling the errors before I submit for grading.
Continued luck and success to the doubled die-hards that live or lurk on this thread...
I just made a high snipe bid on it for the heck of it and did not expect to win it but did. I will keep it sealed along with more that I have for sale later. As far as our host recognizing these in the near future I will not hold my breath. I can always get my 67's sent in to them at a later date. The 67's are pretty much the cream of the crop as I have not gotten a single 68 yet and have sent in 600 for grading. These were the best ones that I had. I am done grading for now but may start up again after the CPG comes out.
What is your best selling individual error? I sell raw and my single most selling error is (believe it or not) the "cracked skull Abe" large die crack
I've sold rolls of 50 of the prime errors but they average about $2-$3 each, where these are selling individually for $5-$7 each plus shipping.
I thought that the skeleton finger 006 or the other major errors would do better than they have but this guy sells regularly and in multiples to certain buyers. This is a nice surprise find.
I've yet to see any other listings that feature them so they must be a more rare coin.
Again, what is your top selling Formative error cent?
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
Not me..didn't even see it. I wouldn't have paid that much anyway. If it was a new collector then he or she will find the best of the errors and a great start to their Wddr error collection.
I'd be surprised if it was anyone who's been hoarding these from the beginning. I think the most I ever paid was around $10. I have plenty in 2x2's put away for the future. One note of
caution, I had stashed three boxes that, one day, I decided to open and put the good ones in 2x2's for storage...lo and behold (and I couldn't see it by looking at the boxes) all three
had two rolls in them but they were all "D" mint. Needless to say I was not happy. The seller was by then unknown and it was way past any return period anyways. Perhaps the mint
packaged them that way? I'll never know. Like I said, the packages looked good, not re-glued or tampered with in any way. The bright side is I didn't pay $60 per box. I would encourage
this buyer to open immediately while they can still file a SNAD if needed. Good luck to the buyer, in any event, and keep the faith doubled die-hards!
The buyer wasv anotherauctionnut for that box. He is a long time buyer and was smart to get them at that price. He outbid me on it. You can not get 4/23 boxes for $10 and if you do find one for that the seller is a fool.
I pay $50 for any of those 4/23 boxes that I can find without even thinking about it.
<< <i> You can not get 4/23 boxes for $10 and if you do find one for that the seller is a fool.
I pay $50 for any of those 4/23 boxes that I can find without even thinking about it. >>
Pitboss, I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I was saying that I haven't purchased a 4/23 box since they could be had for around $10 or less. I'm sure you're right about
today's prices being $50+ . My main point was to let the buyer know to check the contents of the box just in case. That's a lot of moola to lose for a buyer and now that the prices
are rising the temptation for someone to re-package good boxes becomes greater.
Re-packaging does occur and I have been the victim a couple of times. That is why I prefer to buy my boxes here on the forum. I have a bunch of boxes that I have bought in the past that are unopened and do not have a clue who I got them from so when I get them now I write all that info on the box so I will know.
This will be my final entry on this thread. I want to thank all of you for all of the fun, education, camaraderie, and humor that we've shared since the beginning. I've learned a lot, made a few dollars, but gained much more appreciation of collecting
through my experiences on the PCGS forums in general but by this subject particularly. I was victimized by burglars at my home on Christmas Eve while I was away having dinner with family. Among the many things that were stolen that night was my
coin collection, including all of my 2009 Lp2 error cents that I had painstakingly searched and cataloged through the years. Proof sets, both silver and clad, commemoratives, special mint sets, silver dollars, etc. were also taken. There were many
other items throughout the house such as electronics and my wife's jewelry that disappeared that night. Even the Christmas presents sitting under the tree waiting to be opened in the morning were gone. Christmas was not what we had hoped for. This is
why I haven't been online for awhile. Yes, the police have caught a group of thieves that were involved in our case and many others that they had victimized recently in our area and found some items that they had taken that night but nothing yet
of any real value. They are not hopeful of finding the rest of our things. Home owners insurance will not reimburse me for the coins past $200.
I am selling everything, what little coins are left, that they "dropped" in their rush out the door as I have decided not to continue in this hobby. You'll see a few things listed on the bay ... once they're sold, I'm out. Done.
Again, it was a pleasure getting to know people throughout these years of sharing the Lp2 Formative Year Errors stories and discoveries. I suspect there will be a lot of error pennies found in the wild in Southern California since they probably just
dropped them into the local coinstar machines to cash them out. The local B & M is on the lookout for anyone trying to sell them but I seriously doubt they know what they have even though most were in 2x2's and 50 coin tubes with the designated error
numbers written on them.
I wish you all the best double die-hards a doubled thumbs up to you all! Goodbye my friends.
Wow! So, so sorry my friend. There always will be that time to let go of any hobby but in this case, I'm sure, is not the letting go that we like, to say the least! I'll be praying for you and your family buddy. We all here on the forum, wish you the best turn of events in your life. Of course, the old cliche' is '' these are all material things" in which can be replaced. At least no one was harmed in any way, right? We really are sorry to see ya' go. Maybe, when things get better in your life you'll return to greet us diehards? Take care and remember, God's in control.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
Very sorry to hear about this distressing situation. It hurts my heart just to read about it; I can't imagine the painful emotion of living through it. I'm glad you and your family are safe, and hope the pain eases with time.
Dang it that really sucks. It's bad enough to get violated like that but a double-whammy to lose a good forumoid friend (and OP) as well. Are you sure we can't tempt you with a few unsearched rolls? It's in your blood friend, we know you'll be checking out each 09 cent you get...
Anyway, I really sorry for your loss as it becomes our loss as well. Take care, and please come back and check in -- especially when the CPG comes out!
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
I'm sure some of you saw/participated in this recent LP2 Sale went for $82.50!
The last sale of this date went for over $60 as I recall. The winning bidder appears to be determined...a war chest amassing! This will be an interesting year for our favorite DDR. I have not kept up with the individual coin sales.
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
I wish I could report the recovery of my coins stolen in a burglary on Christmas eve but. unfortunately, I cannot.
What I can report is that apparently I still have a pulse, however weak, for these Lp2 errors and am actively looking at listings for any deals to rebuild some of what I lost. Now, there is no way I could ever amass a huge hoard again but I will hope to get
lucky now and again and have something to talk positively about and rejoin this discussion we started so long ago. I bought a bank box recently and surprisingly found some wddr-005's in the first few rolls and a few, what I will call, "spiked boot" large
die cracked samples. The crack is as large and dramatic as the wddr-013D's but obviously, instead of on the top rim going down into the field in front of Abe's face, it starts from the bottom rim going upwards right through the toe of his right boot and into
the field well above the boot. Definitely looks like the final stage for that reverse die. I'll try to post pics sometime soon. Has anyone found 005's in a bank box before? I know I hadn't.
Why couldn't it be the 006 with the large reverse and obverse die cracks????
I've not done well with bank boxes, but I'm sure PB will have something to contribute.
There is still opportunities out there, it ain't over ---- and likely never will be.
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
I've not done well with bank boxes, but I'm sure PB will have something to contribute.
There is still opportunities out there, it ain't over ---- and likely never will be.
AK >>
Bank boxes have pretty much dried up now as it has been almost 6 years since they debuted and LP 2 boxes have become few and far between but you will see a bunch of them come up once the CPG comes out but at much higher prices.
<< <i>I wish I could report the recovery of my coins stolen in a burglary on Christmas eve but. unfortunately, I cannot.
What I can report is that apparently I still have a pulse, however weak, for these Lp2 errors and am actively looking at listings for any deals to rebuild some of what I lost. Now, there is no way I could ever amass a huge hoard again but I will hope to get
lucky now and again and have something to talk positively about and rejoin this discussion we started so long ago. I bought a bank box recently and surprisingly found some wddr-005's in the first few rolls and a few, what I will call, "spiked boot" large
die cracked samples. The crack is as large and dramatic as the wddr-013D's but obviously, instead of on the top rim going down into the field in front of Abe's face, it starts from the bottom rim going upwards right through the toe of his right boot and into
the field well above the boot. Definitely looks like the final stage for that reverse die. I'll try to post pics sometime soon. Has anyone found 005's in a bank box before? I know I hadn't.
Why couldn't it be the 006 with the large reverse and obverse die cracks????
It's great to have you back Steve and good luck! I knew you could not stay away from these great coins. Anything I can do to help you let me know.
American Numismatic Association Governor 2023 to 2025 - My posts reflect my own thoughts and are not those of the ANA.My Numismatics with Kenny Twitter Page
I've not done well with bank boxes, but I'm sure PB will have something to contribute.
There is still opportunities out there, it ain't over ---- and likely never will be.
AK >>
Bank boxes have pretty much dried up now as it has been almost 6 years since they debuted and LP 2 boxes have become few and far between but you will see a bunch of them come up once the CPG comes out but at much higher prices. >>
I think the opposite will happen. When the market gets flooded with high grade PCGS examples the boxes will tank. There is probably only a dozen high grade variety collectors out there that will look for the couple varieties that make the CPG if they are in it( to satisfy the Registry spots created). When that need is satisfied which will occur within a month or so then the entire demand will wane and fade into history! (Except for this thread). Look what happened to the 1998, 1999, 2000 Wide AM varieties. Except the 2009 varieties may actually prove more plentiful. Common sense will smack the market in the face!! If the 2009 Lincoln varieties were stocks I would short the bejesus out of them!! Some of these varieties are scarce but by no means are they rare and they have been hoarded to the max by a few people who are going to run for the exits sooner rather than later.
Are we sure PCGS is going to certify thes? If some get into an MS68 holder those will be the premium coins. The main guys on here have 1000s of these coins in holding and when they release them to the market it will crash. I do not even think that a holdered MS67 will be worth more than the grading and shipping fees should PCGS grade them. I believe that there are 4 of these single squeeze doubled dies (SSDDO/SSDDR) that are actually significant and should be appreciated for what they are. The fact that there are so many anomalies for this year is a problem as it showed that the mint was having serious control issues for a process that is not supposed to have errors. Some more recent 2014 SSDDR/SSDDO have had some buzz and one was on a presidential $1 coin. The single squeeze process has to be understood to be appreciated and most coin collectors and dealers I have talked to just have no interest and that is the problem.
I would hope that the CPG will very clearly spell out what the single squeeze process is so that people can understand the rarity of any doubled die that happens and why it looks the way it does. By the way the Prez dollar is in hand view-able.
I enjoyed ksammuts' son Kenny's video. It prompted me to inventory my 2009 Lincoln boxes. I don't have any 4/23 Formative Year boxes but I do have a few other dates saved for future rainy day searches.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
was looking through what Lincoln sets I had and found this proof set I forgot I had and looked at it for first time.. any ideas what the discoloration is? It's on the coin, not the case edited for spelling
"I'm dropping my standards so that I can buy more"
I just finished searching a bank box myself. It seemed like it had been cherrypicked but I was still able to come up with a baker's dozen of 043's with the stage "D" die crack that
appears below the right boot. I also came across about the same amount of 057's so the effort wasn't completely wasted. A fun thing to search anytime.
Hope everyone is having some luck and are continuing to search. A doubled thumbs up to all the doubled die-hards out there!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.I know I have sold them to a lot of different collectors that did not even know about them and these same people keep buying them from me every week a few at a time.
Thats why I feel that once they find out about them and the economy improves the coins will become more popular.
There are not many available a/u right now as folks have not been looking for them in loose change because they don't know they exist.
Low graded coins are not available because there has been no one sending anything but good coins in for grading and the only place grading is ANACS.
Hopefully that will change when the CPG comes out.
I'm still in search of the holy grail (Wddr-006 / Wddo-002 with the last stage large die cracks on both sides). I think only Pitboss and Papi have found them in the wild.
There's not much retail action but I sell consistently enough to keep listing. I too have noticed interest from a broader range of collectors in my sales. There are enough (too many)
competitors out there that the prices are kept at a lower level than I'd like to see. In this economy however it's not the time to complain...there is still life out there after all.
Glad to see that the doubled die-hards are still kickin' ... anything new that you might have found please post a pic for us to enjoy!
The key boxes are still out there. I picked up 18 key boxes recently trolling on ebay.
HOWEVER, I'm sure some of you were watching the 4/23 set that ended tonight.
Anyone here claim victory? I tossed a bid in but it went for a decent price around $42. Travesty. These went for twice as much a year ago.
Happy Holidays Formatives!!
Nice catch friend. Glad it went to you. CONGRATS!
of Lp1's for $12 ea. I haven't seen a decent box of Lp2's for awhile. Unless there's a key date I'm not aware of...that is. I'm hoping to find another good bank box but they're drying up
and mostly overpriced retreads. Papi ever going to participate in these discussions again? He once was a regular contributor so I'm just curious.
Keep up the good work guys and continued good luck in your searches!
Those dried up completely 6 months ago.
The 4/23 box I got last night is the first thing I have bought in 3 months.
<< <i> I tossed a bid in but it went for a decent price around $42. Travesty. These went for twice as much a year ago.
You guys aren't bidding each other up as much
<< <i>You guys aren't bidding each other up as much >>
Good one!
I would not have purchased the 4/23 box at that price (raw sales are very sluggish) but Pitboss gets them graded which adds value for re-sale (which he's done quite well with I assure you)
That $42 investment could become a $500 payday after grading. I've gathered enough already and am still waiting for our host to concede in labeling the errors before I submit for grading.
Continued luck and success to the doubled die-hards that live or lurk on this thread...
I've sold rolls of 50 of the prime errors but they average about $2-$3 each, where these are selling individually for $5-$7 each plus shipping.
I thought that the skeleton finger 006 or the other major errors would do better than they have but this guy sells regularly and in multiples to certain buyers. This is a nice surprise find.
I've yet to see any other listings that feature them so they must be a more rare coin.
Again, what is your top selling Formative error cent?
$62.01 4/23
I'd be surprised if it was anyone who's been hoarding these from the beginning. I think the most I ever paid was around $10. I have plenty in 2x2's put away for the future. One note of
caution, I had stashed three boxes that, one day, I decided to open and put the good ones in 2x2's for storage...lo and behold (and I couldn't see it by looking at the boxes) all three
had two rolls in them but they were all "D" mint. Needless to say I was not happy. The seller was by then unknown and it was way past any return period anyways. Perhaps the mint
packaged them that way? I'll never know. Like I said, the packages looked good, not re-glued or tampered with in any way. The bright side is I didn't pay $60 per box. I would encourage
this buyer to open immediately while they can still file a SNAD if needed. Good luck to the buyer, in any event, and keep the faith doubled die-hards!
I pay $50 for any of those 4/23 boxes that I can find without even thinking about it.
<< <i> You can not get 4/23 boxes for $10 and if you do find one for that the seller is a fool.
I pay $50 for any of those 4/23 boxes that I can find without even thinking about it. >>
Pitboss, I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I was saying that I haven't purchased a 4/23 box since they could be had for around $10 or less. I'm sure you're right about
today's prices being $50+ . My main point was to let the buyer know to check the contents of the box just in case. That's a lot of moola to lose for a buyer and now that the prices
are rising the temptation for someone to re-package good boxes becomes greater.
through my experiences on the PCGS forums in general but by this subject particularly. I was victimized by burglars at my home on Christmas Eve while I was away having dinner with family. Among the many things that were stolen that night was my
coin collection, including all of my 2009 Lp2 error cents that I had painstakingly searched and cataloged through the years. Proof sets, both silver and clad, commemoratives, special mint sets, silver dollars, etc. were also taken. There were many
other items throughout the house such as electronics and my wife's jewelry that disappeared that night. Even the Christmas presents sitting under the tree waiting to be opened in the morning were gone. Christmas was not what we had hoped for. This is
why I haven't been online for awhile. Yes, the police have caught a group of thieves that were involved in our case and many others that they had victimized recently in our area and found some items that they had taken that night but nothing yet
of any real value. They are not hopeful of finding the rest of our things. Home owners insurance will not reimburse me for the coins past $200.
I am selling everything, what little coins are left, that they "dropped" in their rush out the door as I have decided not to continue in this hobby. You'll see a few things listed on the bay ... once they're sold, I'm out. Done.
Again, it was a pleasure getting to know people throughout these years of sharing the Lp2 Formative Year Errors stories and discoveries. I suspect there will be a lot of error pennies found in the wild in Southern California since they probably just
dropped them into the local coinstar machines to cash them out. The local B & M is on the lookout for anyone trying to sell them but I seriously doubt they know what they have even though most were in 2x2's and 50 coin tubes with the designated error
numbers written on them.
I wish you all the best double die-hards
I hope somehow you recover from that loss, the Grinch was caught but not soon enough.
This is not just a loss for you and your family but a deep loss for all of us here on the forum.
We will miss you and wish you nothing but the best for the future as you have been a great contributor to this forum.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.heart just to read about it; I can't imagine the painful emotion
of living through it. I'm glad you and your family are safe, and
hope the pain eases with time.
Anyway, I really sorry for your loss as it becomes our loss as well. Take care, and please come back and check in -- especially when the CPG comes out!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.The last sale of this date went for over $60 as I recall. The winning bidder appears to be determined...a war chest amassing! This will be an interesting year for our favorite DDR. I have not kept up with the individual coin sales.
What I can report is that apparently I still have a pulse, however weak, for these Lp2 errors and am actively looking at listings for any deals to rebuild some of what I lost. Now, there is no way I could ever amass a huge hoard again but I will hope to get
lucky now and again and have something to talk positively about and rejoin this discussion we started so long ago. I bought a bank box recently and surprisingly found some wddr-005's in the first few rolls and a few, what I will call, "spiked boot" large
die cracked samples. The crack is as large and dramatic as the wddr-013D's but obviously, instead of on the top rim going down into the field in front of Abe's face, it starts from the bottom rim going upwards right through the toe of his right boot and into
the field well above the boot. Definitely looks like the final stage for that reverse die. I'll try to post pics sometime soon. Has anyone found 005's in a bank box before? I know I hadn't.
Why couldn't it be the 006 with the large reverse and obverse die cracks????
Well, doubled die hards, I guess I'm back
I've not done well with bank boxes, but I'm sure PB will have something to contribute.
There is still opportunities out there, it ain't over ---- and likely never will be.
<< <i>4/28/09 box for sale not mine don't care but thought you might. Text >>
I thought you gave up on these or are you starting to get interested now that the cherry pickers guide is coming out this year.
<< <i>Welcome back Mr. OP and Diehard!
I've not done well with bank boxes, but I'm sure PB will have something to contribute.
There is still opportunities out there, it ain't over ---- and likely never will be.
AK >>
Bank boxes have pretty much dried up now as it has been almost 6 years since they debuted and LP 2 boxes have become few and far between but you will see a bunch of them come up once the CPG comes out but at much higher prices.
<< <i>I wish I could report the recovery of my coins stolen in a burglary on Christmas eve but. unfortunately, I cannot.
What I can report is that apparently I still have a pulse, however weak, for these Lp2 errors and am actively looking at listings for any deals to rebuild some of what I lost. Now, there is no way I could ever amass a huge hoard again but I will hope to get
lucky now and again and have something to talk positively about and rejoin this discussion we started so long ago. I bought a bank box recently and surprisingly found some wddr-005's in the first few rolls and a few, what I will call, "spiked boot" large
die cracked samples. The crack is as large and dramatic as the wddr-013D's but obviously, instead of on the top rim going down into the field in front of Abe's face, it starts from the bottom rim going upwards right through the toe of his right boot and into
the field well above the boot. Definitely looks like the final stage for that reverse die. I'll try to post pics sometime soon. Has anyone found 005's in a bank box before? I know I hadn't.
Why couldn't it be the 006 with the large reverse and obverse die cracks????
It's great to have you back Steve and good luck! I knew you could not stay away from these great coins. Anything I can do to help you let me know.
Well, doubled die hards, I guess I'm back
2009 Lincoln Cent Mintage and Error Presentation
He has given the presentation to several local coin clubs. This is a much shortened version. View in a large screen.
Please subscribe to his channel:
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Thank you!
Instagram - numismatistkenny
My Numismatics with Kenny Blog Page Best viewed on a laptop or monitor.
ANA Life Member & Volunteer District Representative
2019 ANA Young Numismatist of the Year
Doing my best to introduce Young Numismatists and Young Adults into the hobby.
<< <i>
<< <i>Welcome back Mr. OP and Diehard!
I've not done well with bank boxes, but I'm sure PB will have something to contribute.
There is still opportunities out there, it ain't over ---- and likely never will be.
AK >>
Bank boxes have pretty much dried up now as it has been almost 6 years since they debuted and LP 2 boxes have become few and far between but you will see a bunch of them come up once the CPG comes out but at much higher prices. >>
I think the opposite will happen. When the market gets flooded with high grade PCGS examples the boxes will tank. There is probably only a dozen high grade variety collectors out there that will look for the couple varieties that make the CPG if they are in it( to satisfy the Registry spots created). When that need is satisfied which will occur within a month or so then the entire demand will wane and fade into history! (Except for this thread). Look what happened to the 1998, 1999, 2000 Wide AM varieties. Except the 2009 varieties may actually prove more plentiful. Common sense will smack the market in the face!! If the 2009 Lincoln varieties were stocks I would short the bejesus out of them!! Some of these varieties are scarce but by no means are they rare and they have been hoarded to the max by a few people who are going to run for the exits sooner rather than later.
Edit for spelling!!
I would hope that the CPG will very clearly spell out what the single squeeze process is so that people can understand the rarity of any doubled die that happens and why it looks the way it does. By the way the Prez dollar is in hand view-able.
They have been saying for years that they will once they are in the CPG.
I will believe it when I see it.
It prompted me to inventory my 2009 Lincoln boxes.
I don't have any 4/23 Formative Year boxes but I do have a few other dates saved for future rainy day searches.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso