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2009 lincoln formative / Lp2 mint boxes / proof sets / doubled die errors



  • lcoopielcoopie Posts: 8,870 ✭✭✭✭✭
    what are the good dates? I just found some boxes I had.
    LCoopie = Les
  • PapiPapi Posts: 1,189 ✭✭

    << <i>what are the good dates? I just found some boxes I had. >>

    go to page 103
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Hey PB, undoubtedly that monster has 6 toes? Six-fingered poody (cats) are always way cool -- and certainly relevant to the discussion. >>

    When I was a kid I had a cat that had 7 toes on all four feet.

    Her name was Tuffy, cause she growled like a lioness.

    She had several litters and all the kitties also had 7 toes.

    She was killed by a car. image >>

    Sorry about that. It has happened to me as well. I have a 6 foot fence around all of my property now with chicken wire on top of that just to make sure nothing can get ib or out of my property as there are just too many coyote's around and I hate to lose my only cat to them.
  • Sorry I was out of it a bit last night. It was the first part of 09 when the firts 006 was found by Bob Piazza. It was found in a 5/5 box. Has anyone else found errors outside of the current listed dates we are supporting?
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    A single coin could be found in any of the boxes. I found a 006 in a bank box that I was finding no errors at all in. They use the same hoppers over and over so a single coin could easily get left behind from the last batch in that hopper.
  • Let me ask you guy this? Would an Android app that has info on these errors be useful to you. It could also have an ability to log you on to coinfacts and the price guide for our host?
  • PapiPapi Posts: 1,189 ✭✭
    Sweet. You write Apps?
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Let me ask you guy this? Would an Android app that has info on these errors be useful to you. It could also have an ability to log you on to coinfacts and the price guide for our host? >>

    I don't understand what you are saying John. Say it in english even an old fart like me understands.
  • Ok old fart. I have a friend who is a developer for google and the Android market. She makes apps for use on those markets. ( you Mr Boss use those nasty apple things) I want to make an app that will let you log on and it will then automaticly log you on to you PCGS account for accsess to the price guid and coin facts but would also allow you to do the same for any numismatic site. On this app I would also put the info for this series and all current data relating to such.
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    Sounds good but I still don't understand this computer gibberish.
  • It will be an app usable on tablets and phones. LOL some day I will have to vist you and show you the new stuff like fire and the wheel lol
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    fire and wheel, whats that a musical group?
  • OnedollarnohollarOnedollarnohollar Posts: 2,035 ✭✭✭✭
    An app like that would be good for the computer literate crowd but I come from an era of rotary phones, car wheels, and camp fires. Heck, even my computer has a pull start like a

    lawnmower. I'm sure you'll find a market for any app that makes the serious collector or dealer's life easier. Good luck!
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    I go back a little bid further. You picked up your 4 party phone and if it was not being used by one of the other three you heard "NUMBER PLEASE".
  • I know i am the young guy at 42 but I did use a punch card computer as a kid lol I just happen to be a tech geek I have a 27in all in one computer that is a tablet also and as such has a 5 hour battery life so cool!!!! I would make the app easy to use and able to be used on any android smart phone. What I really want to develope is a look up feature that helps to look up coins and varieties using the camera in the phone along with direct links to look up certs.
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    I don't even have or know how to use a cell phone!
  • PapiPapi Posts: 1,189 ✭✭
    Lol There are things call knives and forks too.

    Anything that provides ease of access to information will serve to promote and expand the hobby.

    Rock on !!
  • I will make it free with option to donate to help with building and maintenance it will take some time but I will update as I get more done. Hey Boss man the smart phone I am getting today maybe even has a linked watch that has alot of the options of the phone. Scifi come to life my friend......
  • lcoopielcoopie Posts: 8,870 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>what are the good dates? I just found some boxes I had. >>

    go to page 103 >>

    thank you Papi
    LCoopie = Les
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    So do you have some good boxes?
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Lol There are things call knives and forks too.

    Anything that provides ease of access to information will serve to promote and expand the hobby.

    Rock on !! >>

    Knifes and forks as well as spoons I learned to use back in the early 40's but they did not have computers then and I just can not get the hang of even how to turn on a cell phone. I see these kids today texting everybody on their cell phone. Why not just talk live to that person? It takes more time to text than talk. Rediculous!

    I prefer talking on the phone with people. I leave my number for people but they just prefer to write instead of talk.
  • PapiPapi Posts: 1,189 ✭✭

    << <i> I just can not get the hang of even how to turn on a cell phone. >>

    I'm sure the same was said about the first cell phones; "Ridiculous!"

    << <i>I see these kids today texting everybody on their cell phone. Why not just talk live to that person? It takes more time to text than talk. >>

    I prefer texting. You have a limited of number of characters; so you have to get to the point, without all the blah blah blah.
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    Thats fine I guess but I like the personal touch.
  • Txtng is mor impersonal and allows people to say things the would not if in person or talking on the phone. Look at all the snotty crass things said on this forum. most ogf the people would not talk the way they did to me when I first joined if we were in person. I am 6ft 4in 300lbs stocky not a big fat guy and that can intimidate lol
  • PapiPapi Posts: 1,189 ✭✭
  • whats for sale?????? hey this whole forum is just texting lol you are silly Boss man
  • PapiPapi Posts: 1,189 ✭✭
    Click the pics
  • I did i feels stupid haha nice set did you figure out what the current raw of all the erors would be in comparison to the price considering a 006 is what 15 to 20 on tyhe bay?
  • PapiPapi Posts: 1,189 ✭✭
    I think $200 would be a more realistic figure.

    You'd be paying for the 12-15 $$ coins, all $10-20 raw.

    The rest would just be included to make it seem like you're getting a lot for your $.
  • I figured about 245.00 so I was close
  • OnedollarnohollarOnedollarnohollar Posts: 2,035 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i><< what are the good dates? I just found some boxes I had. >>

    go to page 103 >> >>

    lcoopie....did you have good boxes??? want to share?

    this auction ... didn't know to click on Papi's "for sale" sign

    interesting...all found in mint rolls...anyone know the seller?
  • No I don,t but was thinking of offering an invite to our post/thread as it seems 4 people are talking and we need more.
  • AkbeezAkbeez Posts: 2,693 ✭✭✭✭✭
    An app would be useful -- moreso to ID all the varities with good pix.

    It needs to be on the real platform tho that most of us really use, iPhones/iPads of course.

    I like Androids tho, last one I had worked well for traction on the ice when I was stuck. All that plastic and vacuum tubes make for great grip.
    Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser,and many OTHERS
  • sorry to tell you but there is not an I phone that can touch a Samsung Galaxy Note 3. The functionality of the stylis and the cost of the android market is much less. Oh and of course I can actually see what is on my phone and run microsoft office on it also.
  • nay hoooo that auction from earlier went for 80.00 I think it could have gotten more but I noticed a slight lag the last week and 1/2 or so with this . When does the regular RB and CPG come out?
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    The reg red book should be out sometime in the spring, no idea on the cpg.
  • PapiPapi Posts: 1,189 ✭✭

    << <i>but was thinking of offering an invite to our post/thread as it seems 4 people are talking and we need more. >>

    Remember we've been talking about these for 4.5 years. There's not a lot left to say.

    << <i>The reg red book should be out sometime in the spring, no idea on the cpg. >>

    I'm not holding out for a CPG next year either. Right now it only shows Lincoln Cents up to 2000; a long wait.

    By the time it comes out, we'll have done away with the penny.
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    That will be a good time for them to catch up and never be way behind again on the pennies.
  • that is what I mean you guys are long time talkers and have said it all to each other. That does not stir things up it leaves them stagnant. New members/posters need to get on this thread to promote these errors, to talk about their mint boxes and bank boxes. Need more excitement around here.
  • DentuckDentuck Posts: 3,819 ✭✭✭
    I think a print book that presents everything in a clear, logical,
    entertaining way, catalogs all the major and minor die varieties,
    illustrates them with high-resolution enlargements and close-ups,
    offers insight and advice from collectors and dealers, reports
    honestly and without bias on the market, and puts the coins
    in their historical and numismatic context, would be interesting.

    A chatroom forum is a fun way to have a conversation about
    any given numismatic topic, especially if it's lively and attracts
    many voices. But a newcomer presented with 2,000-plus posts
    and trying to digest them by starting at post #1 and reading
    through post #2,000 can quickly become exhausted, bored,
    confused, and/or frustrated.

    A book is a much better, more focused, way to educate.

  • ConstantineConstantine Posts: 2,368 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I think a print book that presents everything in a clear, logical,
    entertaining way, catalogs all the major and minor die varieties,
    illustrates them with high-resolution enlargements and close-ups,
    offers insight and advice from collectors and dealers, reports
    honestly and without bias on the market, and puts the coins
    in their historical and numismatic context, would be interesting.

    A chatroom forum is a fun way to have a conversation about
    any given numismatic topic, especially if it's lively and attracts
    many voices. But a newcomer presented with 2,000-plus posts
    and trying to digest them by starting at post #1 and reading
    through post #2,000 can quickly become exhausted, bored,
    confused, and/or frustrated.

    A book is a much better, more focused, way to educate. >>

    I agree completely. I think the numismatic world, especially specific to coin varieties, would benefit from a resourceful book and clear images. Plus, if one wants to involve the tech savvy aspect, an e-book or website that is compatible with mobile devices/tablets would be great that is created from the same content of the book. I personally think many "apps" are overrated. A well designed website that works on say an iPad is much more resourceful and easier in my opinion.
  • In this day and age the book could be available for download and printing. That would greatly reduce the costs. A simple program like MS Publisher could be used. I now have my photo rig pretty well worked out and could do the photos. Sections by People like John Wexler and Rick Snow etc along with input from the top educated forum members would make some thing like this very informative, educational and interesting. I like any error coins but am now very active on this series. Right now this is a series that could be found in circulation pocket change and thus is exciting for young and old. An opportunity to collect current era error coins will not happen like this again ( according to the MINT lol). I have made the offer to work on this if enough interest is shown.
  • I have previously stated that I have access to a developer of apps for Google/Android who has graciously offered to help me at next to nothing should I move forward with this project idea. I also stated that I would like to set it up for free access and give people the option to donate to operational costs. Opinions on this would be appreciated.
  • ConstantineConstantine Posts: 2,368 ✭✭✭
    I think this 2000+ thread has been great. Certainly informative and a lively discussion. However, I think it is time to move beyond the thread. Right now it is honestly like a chat room dialogue and the informational nuggets are too and far between, intermixed with extraneous chatter. Yeah that is all fun, no problem, but time to move on. This thread is buried and the great information too far gone.

    Who wants to create a website? I am not great on the technical side, otherwise I would volunteer myself. But I am willing and capable of providing my assistance. At the very least, I could help with content and layout.

    A great website starts with a precise web address. I have thought of 5 names, and verified that they are available. If you are serious about a website, send me a PM and I can share the list with you and we can discuss with however is interested in the domain names that way. I don’t see a big deal about publicly posting them, but if this idea for a website did take off, then it is best to keep the domain name to ourselves before it is registered.

    If there was a consensus on a great name, I can register it and cover the costs as part of the initiative.
  • DentuckDentuck Posts: 3,819 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I have made the offer to work on this if enough interest is shown. >>

    Unless you're a professional freelance writer, I would advise that the
    interest in creating a book should come primarily and intrinsically
    from within its author, rather than from external forces. There's so
    much work involved, so many moving parts, so much to organize
    and think about (even outside the writing), that if you're not 100
    percent gung-ho about it, it will never get off the ground.

  • Constantine
    I greatly appreciate your interest in this endeavor. For the reasons you have stated I have felt the need for a new post thread that would bring the facts to the front and leave this one for the more interactive conversations between collectors and dealers. As you have stated it is very time consuming to read through all the post in this thread and the past thread. Some of the issues will be the tight lipped issues dealing with these errors because people are hoarding/collecting and don,t want to give away all the information. This is understandable as the belief is that if you talk to much you are giving money away. My thought is that if more know the information it will create more demand. That is whay I was willing to pay $80.00 for a questionable time mint box. The first 006 was found in a 5/5 box and those boxes are not even on the list of manditory purchase boxes.
  • Dentuck this is something I also understand. I am not a professional writer that being said I do write every day helping my wife with her masters work and I have 4 boys that I am very active in helping. I am a stay at home dad at 42 years of age due to medical issues and this would give me time to commit to this project I have had in mind. I have built an extremely good digital photo rig and could easily take the necessary hi resolution photos needed for publication or a web site. Having people in the know willing to do the proof reading and offer suggestions would be of considerable help. This would reduce overall costs by reducing the need to pay a professional to write this. The resources are here if a little difficult to get at and the desire is also here. With keeping the book in a digital format that can be printed (for a fee?) from home we would limit initial costs. Being able to get the material to some one to proof digitally saves time and money and cuts and edits can be done on the fly.
  • ConstantineConstantine Posts: 2,368 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I have made the offer to work on this if enough interest is shown. >>

    John with all due respect here seriously, you started collecting these a month ago. Interests change on a dime (pun intended) and there is nothing wrong with that. I'd be willing to help out with some of my time and modest money for the project, but there has got to be a leader who is 100% tried and true. That one maniacal driving force that will see it to the end.
  • I understand that, I also understand that my knowledge on these errors is still limited but my enthusiasm and drive is boundless. If you have some one that is willing to put together the articles, photos, identification numbers etc all in concise written form please let me know who they are so we can talk to them. By having some one willing to help me with app development who is a Google developer I/we are already monetarily ahead oh the game by thousands of dollars. I have been collecting/hoarding error coins cents I was about 8 or 9 years old. Granted most of my collection is circulated but that is how I like it to be.
  • PapiPapi Posts: 1,189 ✭✭

    << <i>A book is a much better, more focused, way to educate. >>

    There are a number of websites already by respected numismatists, none of which are used to grade varieties.

    The unfortunate thing is the TPGs are so buried in tradition they only recognize one publication for Lincoln variety attribution.

    Without this one and only book, it's like standing at the starting line for years waiting for the starting gun to go off.

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