Is that the box that sold for $80 on Ebay the other day? If it is...great score! It worked out well.....Congrats! Fill us in on what other errors you found in that box.
<< <i> all from a mint box roll all early die state 006 no cracks total of 31 errors in the roll including the 006. Hows that One dollar no hollar? >>
That's the way to report your findings rookie! haha! Good job!
Really? Those are PitBoss'! why would I pay all the fees when I could get them from him direct. Besides I know those are good and wanted to let some forum members get them. lol I am keeping one of the 006 and going to sell the other 8 006 and still have to figure out the others could not believe the # of errors in that roll. Have to figure a price for those also they are so shinny I like shinny things. it is so quite on this thread today.....
no fees? Ebay fees for the seller based on the sale and listing ebay fee on shipping paypal fee for the processing of the sale etc... why would I want him to loose another $5.00 on each box? As for me buying the box for $80.00 if I did it is because I wanted it but there were 6 different bidders on that box and I dont use a sniping program and I can tell you one was used at the end. Also if i want something for what ever the reason I buy it just like what a lot of people on here consider ugly I like..... The only way to drive interest in an item is for those who like it to drive that interest. That may sound bad and be akin to manipulating the market but it is done all the time by not only those of us who truly like these coins or others but by those strictly out for profit.
Congrat's Lost for the finds. It just goes to show that it's a flip of the coin (pun uh-huh) for treasure on these.
With that, I would be surprised if PB's last much longer, I'm sure there are some twitching extra fingers (couldn't resist anotha punin) out there now.
I still think he should have let at least one go for auction...
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
I never sell at buy it now I set a start price I am comfortable with and let it go don't really care about making a big killing on one coin I like making a small killing on the flip of a lot of coins argh I couldn't help it either does this make cents lol
<< <i>Congrat's Lost for the finds. It just goes to show that it's a flip of the coin (pun uh-huh) for treasure on these.
With that, I would be surprised if PB's last much longer, I'm sure there are some twitching extra fingers (couldn't resist anotha punin) out there now.
I still think he should have let at least one go for auction... >>
You were right Wayne they are gone in a private sale with buyer knowing full details on why I was selling them. Full price ! He was willing to take the chance on them.
<< <i>Congrat's Lost for the finds. It just goes to show that it's a flip of the coin (pun uh-huh) for treasure on these.
With that, I would be surprised if PB's last much longer, I'm sure there are some twitching extra fingers (couldn't resist anotha punin) out there now.
I still think he should have let at least one go for auction... >>
You were right Wayne they are gone in a private sale with buyer knowing full details on why I was selling them. Full price ! He was willing to take the chance on them. >>
Yeah, imagine price now on auction? $100 is no longer a long shot.
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
While it appears, on here, that a small group has championed their inclusion into the RedBook; I think there are many more coming into the fold, which will ultimately make it easier for additional listings.
I see more and more sellers of these on Ebay. So, word is getting around, people are looking, and box prices are trending upwards. Sellers are breaking rolls out of the boxes because the know they're not the desirable dates.
There are over 200 recently completed EB sales, in multiple searches; the five of us are not buying all these coins.
This is a growing market that will eventually make the top 12, or so, accepted by the establishment for what they are; a 3 month limited edition issue with doubled dies.
017, 003, 058 so far Can some one look at the arrows I have placed on this 058? as there is doubling at the end of the index finger. Let me know what you think and could you let me know how the pics turned out on your side?
Unfortunately for me your pics are too distorted from bad lighting to really tell what you have. I had to go to Wexler's site to see the 058 just to make out what to look for on your coin.
Still with that I could hardly make it out. Try slightly less tightly cropped images and work on the lighting aspect. Sometimes, unless you have a professional set up, you have to play with
angles to capture the errors clearly with the light refraction. It takes practice. Also, the marks on the tip of the thumb and forefinger, again not perfectly clear, look more like little
chips in the metal rather than doubling. Could be just my eye. I'm sure others can comment and perhaps clear that up. Certainly my images are not perfect but I have been able to get
decent results from trial and error. Thank goodness for digital photography and iphoto! Here's an example that I've titled "Crackhead Abe"
This probably does little to nothing for most people, but it still cost 4 figures after it was discovered and hardly nothing before then… and there might be hundreds more just like it. Some might say it is not even real. Discovery is most of the fun in this hobby, until reality sets in.
I pulled out my hoard a few days ago but after seeing nothing but scattered black spots all over almost all of them I put them back in the closet. I can't seem to get past the spots, they look terrible.
Oh just great TwoSides now I have something else I have to look for!!!@!!!! Well now that is a nice coin and I like crack head Abe also all my errors are early die state so no die cracks.
Yes, better. See if you can cool the coloration and contrast a little bit so there's less shadowing. Just keep experimenting. Seems like you have a decent camera.
<< <i> pulled out my hoard a few days ago but after seeing nothing but scattered black spots all over almost all of them I put them back in the closet. I can't seem to get past the spots, they look terrible. >>
Send them to me Casman and I'll take a look....I'm not afraid.
How many of you are still looking through proof sets for ddr's? Like PB I have found a few. Unlike PB I haven't sent them in for grading...yet. I also have a couple of the ddr's out of the
U09 mint uncirculated (satin finish) sets. The problem for me in searching is the costs involved. They have to be dirt cheap where I can them flip them on Ebay for a break-even price after
fees. I can't afford to hold onto anything that doesn't have the errors. Lately, not much comes up that cheaply. I do like the thrill of the hunt though when an opportunity arises. Of all of
these proof/uncirc sets I've gone through I may have found five total ddr's, the percentage is very low.
I think that's a no-brainer PB. The re-sale is about $12-$15 per set plus shipping. The value of a ddr is just a little bit more....right? How much did you pay for the 5 sets? Open them!
Well, well, well...guess it was a good decision! Congrats...nice find!
I opened up a box today, 5/1 09:34 hoping to find something special. Found 8 Wddr-011's stage B reverse and found this:
You'll see the little partial finger below the book on top of his right leg just above his normal fingers. The final die stage is represented by the die crack extending completely through the
mallet head and then down through to the rim. This is kinda cool.
I had found, believe it or not, a Wddr-013 stage C die crack in a similarly dated and timed box early on in my searches. Lesson up the 5/1's
We-e-e-ll , that's interesting. I know it doesn't compare to your proof Wddr-005 that you found today...congrats again by the way....but are you saying you'd throw this one back?
I could understand if it was just a plain old 012...not much excitement there I agree...but a final, fatal, stage of any error, especially obverse and reverse combo, seems worth keeping.
Just my opinion. thought it was interesting enough to share with the group. I only found one in the roll so on a percentage basis it's probably relatively rare. It will be interesting
to see if anyone else has these in their stash. Well, back to roll searching... have fun all!
I don't have a problem with someone collecting the other errors but all I ever looked for was the errors around the hand. I looked through hundreds of thousands of pennies over the last few years and probably just ignored many many errors just because they did not interest me. I do respect others that are interest in these dots. dashes, and cracks but they just do nothing for me. I like the more prominent errors. It's just a case of collecting what you like.
001,002, 006. Desirability as follows: 10%, 10%, 80% respectively. >>
Your choices are good ones Hammer but PB has a point. If you've followed this thread or looked on Wexler's site for the strongest varieties you'd have more than three on your list.
In fact the 002, as nice as that error looks, is a fairly common coin compared to the 016 or the 025. Check out the 043, 050 or the 051's for their dramatic looks also. We all agree that
the 006 is the King and that the late stage obverse/reverse die crack versions are even more valuable/rare. One day we will probably have an actual accounting for each error to determine
rarity but there are some really tough ones out there to find. Great to have your opinons though Hammer. Keep believing and contributing to the conversation!
<< <i> I looked through hundreds of thousands of pennies over the last few years >>
P.S. So have I - I just like a few more varieties and anomalies like extreme die cracks..... I'm not big on dots and dashes either
picked up 4 LP2 boxes 4/23 stamped around 10:00 for about $60 shipped. I was going to open a box but realized i'd have to find my digital microscope, find my rolls to put any varieties in, and look through them. I decided to stick them on the shelf for another day, maybe sometime around thanksgiving.
Below are some of my 4/23 dated finds after I started keeping track (probably in the early summer of 2009). Once I stated keeping notes, I soon realized that I could capitalize on the information and have opened few boxes since then.
All dated 4/23
Lot Time (# found) Varieties found 9883 7:48 - (3) DDR-006; (4) DDR-010 9883 7:48 - (9) DDR-006; (9) DDR-010 9883 7:58 - (6) DDR-005; (7) DDR-008 9774 9:43 - (5) DDR-006; (4) DDR-010 9774 10:40 - (6) DDR-006 9774 13:51 - (3) DDR-003 9774 13:15 - (4) DDR-006 (i thought they might have been 046 at the time according to my notes...) 9883 14:06 - (6) DDR-006
<< <i>picked up 4 LP2 boxes 4/23 stamped around 10:00 for about $60 shipped. >>
Was that a recent purchase Jess? Great buy in today's market. I logged my boxes and what they yielded as well beginning in 2009. It sure did make purchasing more of a sure
thing and less wasted dollars. I wouldn't have expected the one box with a time past 2 pm to have any at all but you found six...It is a hit and miss proposition that late in the day.
<< <i>all from a mint box roll all early die state 006 no cracks total of 31 errors in the roll including the 006. Hows that One dollar no hollar? >>
Nice score. You do know those coins also have a Doubled Die Obverse too WDDO-002
This is the exact box.
Sometime chicken sometimes feathers.
Is that the box that sold for $80 on Ebay the other day? If it is...great score! It worked out well.....Congrats! Fill us in on what other errors you found in that box.
<< <i>
all from a mint box roll all early die state 006 no cracks total of 31 errors in the roll including the 006. Hows that One dollar no hollar? >>
That's the way to report your findings rookie! haha! Good job!
<< <i>any good? >>
Try these
<< <i>Really? Those are PitBoss'! why would I pay all the fees when I could get them from him direct. >>
He's offering free shipping. What fees?
You paid $80 for the one you opened, no? If you want boxes with known errors in them, why not?
<< <i>why would I want him to loose another $5.00 on each box? >>
A private sale would net him about the same. He just wouldn't have a positive feedback added to his list of many.
<< <i>I can tell you one was used at the end. >>
Not used. That damage is common on the end of those rolls. It caused by the packaging equipment.
You just asked if the boxes you linked to were worthwhile.
I only said "no, but try these".
With that, I would be surprised if PB's last much longer, I'm sure there are some twitching extra fingers (couldn't resist anotha punin) out there now.
I still think he should have let at least one go for auction...
<< <i>8 006 and still have to figure out the others could not believe the # of errors in that roll. >>
Have you identified what other errors you found in that mint roll? Love to see pics of those as well.
<< <i>I never sell at buy it now I set a start price I am comfortable with and let it go don't really care about making a big killing on one coin >>
Sounds like the intent to a BIN listing to me.
<< <i>Congrat's Lost for the finds. It just goes to show that it's a flip of the coin (pun uh-huh) for treasure on these.
With that, I would be surprised if PB's last much longer, I'm sure there are some twitching extra fingers (couldn't resist anotha punin) out there now.
I still think he should have let at least one go for auction... >>
You were right Wayne they are gone in a private sale with buyer knowing full details on why I was selling them. Full price ! He was willing to take the chance on them.
<< <i>
<< <i>Congrat's Lost for the finds. It just goes to show that it's a flip of the coin (pun uh-huh) for treasure on these.
With that, I would be surprised if PB's last much longer, I'm sure there are some twitching extra fingers (couldn't resist anotha punin) out there now.
I still think he should have let at least one go for auction... >>
You were right Wayne they are gone in a private sale with buyer knowing full details on why I was selling them. Full price ! He was willing to take the chance on them. >>
Yeah, imagine price now on auction? $100 is no longer a long shot.
<< <i>Yeah, imagine price now on auction? $100 is no longer a long shot. >>
That will be the minimum on mine!! But I'm in no hurry
There's no down side to the "Skeletons"
I see more and more sellers of these on Ebay. So, word is getting around, people are looking, and box prices are trending upwards. Sellers are breaking rolls out of the boxes because the know they're not the desirable dates.
There are over 200 recently completed EB sales, in multiple searches; the five of us are not buying all these coins.
This is a growing market that will eventually make the top 12, or so, accepted by the establishment for what they are; a 3 month limited edition issue with doubled dies.
Need I picture "The King"?
<< <i>the nay sayers will possibly see the error of their ways. >>
Speaking of which, how many ex-naysayers do we have here now that have converted to "believers"?
Look at the chatter on these coins here in the last 2 weeks alone.
Can some one look at the arrows I have placed on this 058? as there is doubling at the end of the index finger. Let me know what you think and could you let me know how the pics turned out on your side?
Still with that I could hardly make it out. Try slightly less tightly cropped images and work on the lighting aspect. Sometimes, unless you have a professional set up, you have to play with
angles to capture the errors clearly with the light refraction. It takes practice. Also, the marks on the tip of the thumb and forefinger, again not perfectly clear, look more like little
chips in the metal rather than doubling. Could be just my eye. I'm sure others can comment and perhaps clear that up. Certainly my images are not perfect but I have been able to get
decent results from trial and error. Thank goodness for digital photography and iphoto! Here's an example that I've titled "Crackhead Abe"
This probably does little to nothing for most people, but it still cost 4 figures after it was discovered and hardly nothing before then… and there might be hundreds more just like it. Some might say it is not even real. Discovery is most of the fun in this hobby, until reality sets in.
I know I have seen a lot of these coins that I have looked at in the past that were loaded with black spots.
None of my errors have them thank goodness.
<< <i> pulled out my hoard a few days ago but after seeing nothing but scattered black spots all over almost all of them I put them back in the closet. I can't seem to get past the spots, they look terrible. >>
Send them to me Casman and I'll take a look....I'm not afraid.
How many of you are still looking through proof sets for ddr's? Like PB I have found a few. Unlike PB I haven't sent them in for grading...yet. I also have a couple of the ddr's out of the
U09 mint uncirculated (satin finish) sets. The problem for me in searching is the costs involved. They have to be dirt cheap where I can them flip them on Ebay for a break-even price after
fees. I can't afford to hold onto anything that doesn't have the errors. Lately, not much comes up that cheaply. I do like the thrill of the hunt though when an opportunity arises. Of all of
these proof/uncirc sets I've gone through I may have found five total ddr's, the percentage is very low.
Immediately! We NOW need to KNOW!
Ya, I think I will.
I found 1 005 in there.
<< <i>I found 1 005 in there. >>
Well, well, well...guess it was a good decision! Congrats...nice find!
I opened up a box today, 5/1 09:34 hoping to find something special. Found 8 Wddr-011's stage B reverse and found this:
You'll see the little partial finger below the book on top of his right leg just above his normal fingers. The final die stage is represented by the die crack extending completely through the
mallet head and then down through to the rim. This is kinda cool.
I had found, believe it or not, a Wddr-013 stage C die crack in a similarly dated and timed box early on in my searches. Lesson up the 5/1's
I could understand if it was just a plain old 012...not much excitement there I agree...but a final, fatal, stage of any error, especially obverse and reverse combo, seems worth keeping.
Just my opinion. thought it was interesting enough to share with the group. I only found one in the roll so on a percentage basis it's probably relatively rare. It will be interesting
to see if anyone else has these in their stash. Well, back to roll searching...
<< <i>If they are not in the top 12 or 13 I am not interested in them. >>
Ten too many.
001,002, 006. Desirability as follows: 10%, 10%, 80% respectively.
<< <i>Ten too many.
001,002, 006. Desirability as follows: 10%, 10%, 80% respectively. >>
Your choices are good ones Hammer but PB has a point. If you've followed this thread or looked on Wexler's site for the strongest varieties you'd have more than three on your list.
In fact the 002, as nice as that error looks, is a fairly common coin compared to the 016 or the 025. Check out the 043, 050 or the 051's for their dramatic looks also. We all agree that
the 006 is the King and that the late stage obverse/reverse die crack versions are even more valuable/rare. One day we will probably have an actual accounting for each error to determine
rarity but there are some really tough ones out there to find. Great to have your opinons though Hammer. Keep believing and contributing to the conversation!
<< <i> I looked through hundreds of thousands of pennies over the last few years >>
P.S. So have I - I just like a few more varieties and anomalies like extreme die cracks..... I'm not big on dots and dashes either
Below are some of my 4/23 dated finds after I started keeping track (probably in the early summer of 2009). Once I stated keeping notes, I soon realized that I could capitalize on the information and have opened few boxes since then.
All dated 4/23
Lot Time (# found) Varieties found
9883 7:48 - (3) DDR-006; (4) DDR-010
9883 7:48 - (9) DDR-006; (9) DDR-010
9883 7:58 - (6) DDR-005; (7) DDR-008
9774 9:43 - (5) DDR-006; (4) DDR-010
9774 10:40 - (6) DDR-006
9774 13:51 - (3) DDR-003
9774 13:15 - (4) DDR-006 (i thought they might have been 046 at the time according to my notes...)
9883 14:06 - (6) DDR-006
<< <i>picked up 4 LP2 boxes 4/23 stamped around 10:00 for about $60 shipped. >>
Was that a recent purchase Jess? Great buy in today's market. I logged my boxes and what they yielded as well beginning in 2009. It sure did make purchasing more of a sure
thing and less wasted dollars. I wouldn't have expected the one box with a time past 2 pm to have any at all but you found six...It is a hit and miss proposition that late in the day.
You're a lucky guy!