I just wanted to share this image. I've never come across this obverse die crack/break in my searches before. As you can see it's pretty large. I haven't had much time to try to find out
if there is a corresponding reverse error (doubled die) but at first glance there's not an obvious one. One of those dots and dashes as Pitboss calls them possibly. Has anyone else seen this?
edited to add: I discovered, since this was originally posted, that this particular die break also has a corresponding one going from the top of Lincoln's head angled through the right side of
the "W" and on into the rim. So it becomes a double obverse error coin. I'll try to add a pic later.
a different die break found...notice that the die break/crack branches off through VDB to the left...there is also a hairline die crack on the reverse-mallet to rim as an identifier
I also have found several of these...looks like extreme die polishing that gives Lincoln a shadowed profile. Hard to capture it in my pics but there are die scratches in the flat parts in the nose and eye areas. Interesting if not valuable.
Hahaha...nothing like talking to yourself. I can't believe not one person has responded to my latest posts. I thought someone might find them at least marginally interesting.
My excitement is starting to wane....let me know you're still out there "true believers"!
Pitboss...I know you have some knowledge of die cracks....If you had the fatal die stage of the Wddo-002 (which is a large die crack in Lincoln's jacket as well) or the Wddr-006 fatal stage
die crack (a large die crack that runs down in front of Lincoln's face) you'd have something special. If you had the "smoking Abe" reverse die crack through Lincoln's head or the large
reverse die crack that extends through his boot down to the rim...you'd be ecstatic. If you had the Wddr-013 stage D, (another giant crack running down in front of Lincoln's face) again
you'd be extremely pleased to add it to your collection.
These die cracks are just as dramatic. Take a close look at the pics. They haven't yet been attributed but that doesn't detract from their "coolness" factor for me. My initial question was
"has anyone come across these in their searches?" I never had previously and thought they might be new, late stage, discoveries to be shared. I don't see any doubling on the reverse but it
could be that they are very subtle and need further examination. On the "spidered" or "branched" die crack there is a corresponding hairline crack on the reverse from mid-mallet down to
the rim that is consistent on each coin. Well, back to the search....good luck all...and please share what you find with us!
I too have that die crack, with the crack running from the mallet to the rim. I have several of these,but If I recall,the die crack is only on the reverse. Not like yours on the obverse as well? I'll have to check once again to make sure if mine are not on the obverse too. I'll get back to ya. -joey
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
Any "Believers" still out there ? This Forum Thread has been very silent. Ebay has plenty of FY DDR coins for sale. Are they still being bid on? The rise in interest among the penny collectors hasn't begun in earnest, Yet. Any great finds lately ? Anyone hit the "Mother Lode" going through bank boxes lately ? Comments.......
<< <i>Pitboss...I know you have some knowledge of die cracks....If you had the fatal die stage of the Wddo-002 (which is a large die crack in Lincoln's jacket as well) or the Wddr-006 fatal stage
die crack (a large die crack that runs down in front of Lincoln's face) you'd have something special. If you had the "smoking Abe" reverse die crack through Lincoln's head or the large
reverse die crack that extends through his boot down to the rim...you'd be ecstatic. If you had the Wddr-013 stage D, (another giant crack running down in front of Lincoln's face) again
you'd be extremely pleased to add it to your collection.
These die cracks are just as dramatic. Take a close look at the pics. They haven't yet been attributed but that doesn't detract from their "coolness" factor for me. My initial question was
"has anyone come across these in their searches?" I never had previously and thought they might be new, late stage, discoveries to be shared. I don't see any doubling on the reverse but it
could be that they are very subtle and need further examination. On the "spidered" or "branched" die crack there is a corresponding hairline crack on the reverse from mid-mallet down to
the rim that is consistent on each coin. Well, back to the search....good luck all...and please share what you find with us! >>
I have most of the die cracks that you are referring to but am not a collector of them. There are many people out there that love die cracks. They will not be attributed by the 3rd party graders. When I search through these great cents I do not even look for anything that is not around the hand on the coin so have not picked out die cracks after my first couple of boxes because they do not interest me. I now collect only the major errors and have sold off all my minor errors and do not even pick them out anymore but I still love some of the really good errors and am still buying them.
I'm with you regarding focusing only on the "major" doubled die errors. I too will only buy lp2 boxes that contain them. I don't stash minor die crack/breaks either but if I come across
dramatic anomalies like these I put them in 2x2's. Whenever you see an obvious last and fatal die stage it's just interesting (to me).
HighLow is right about the lack of discussion lately on this thread but I believe most of what we know has already been talked about and we are all in a "waiting" mode for the publications
and TPG's to come around. We had a moment fairly recently when things flared up with discussions with Dentuck about the content of the new Professional Red Book and the pictures that
would represent these errors. I think, unless something great is found in a bank box, there's not much else to say. The pictures I posted above of a few unseen (by myself) die cracks and
heavy die scratches didn't elicit much reaction. If they had been the obverse or reverse giant die cracks coupled with the skeleton finger 006 then I think I might have heard a little more.
Regardless, I will continue to search and hope you all enjoy this great hobby too! A double thumbs up to all of the (quiet for now) "Believers"!
Sorry OneDoll, your finds are interesting, but I'm more with PB in that there is just too much minor stuff out there to keep track of.
However, I am a fan of the massive die crack cddr-014(b) since it was very pronounced and found in only very few boxes. Also have a fair amount of the "bootstrap" variety.
And yes, I had to pick up the skeleton with final crack stage. It's very cool.
Anyhow, "we" are still out here waiting for the next big find or general updates. Hang in there!
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
OK, at the urgings of a few forumites I went through several "skeleton" infested rolls today. The sun was out and enjoyed it on the deck with rolls and beverage! They were roll "ends" with the desired quarry.
Got 28 prizes in 4 rolls. Prime time dates. Thanks to PitBoss for suggesting opening instead of saving. Will be seeking out the best for submissions.
YES, there is still interest...
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
Yes,the die cracks on the reverse,on the mallet to the rim. I checked mine and they only are on the reverse not the obverse like yours. I have approx. 100 of these.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
Yes, Joey, there are many die cracks out there ; mallet to rim, log to rim, toe of boot to rim, etc. mostly regarded as minor and common, not worth bothering with as others have
pointed out. There are also some significantly more dramatic ones associated with doubled die reverses i.e. the WDDR-006, WDDO-002 with final giant die cracks showing on both sides of the
coin. I too don't really get worked up over die cracks but thought the ones I posted above deserved a mention since they are also very large and represent the final "fatal" stage of that
particular die.
Keep up the search and share pics of anything that you find that's interesting ... you might just get lucky and have a new and special discovery come out of a roll.
Just a follow up. I was going through more rolls today...finding a few more of the "spidered" obverse die cracks with the hairline reverse die crack from the mallet to the rim. BUT I also
found two (only two so far) that had a large reverse die break that extends from the bottom of the grass where the mallet is sitting, through his boot, through the "E" into the rim. It still has
the hairline die crack (parallel and above in pic) from the mallet to the rim.
so couple this with the large "spider" obverse ....
C'mon people....a double sided large die break sample??? Let the group excitement begin! lol
I cantget it to work from photobucket by highlowleafs found these and they are a minor error but kind of neat. There is a wedge shaped line that goes from the ax handle into the knee. Sorry I cant get these to come up.
I had posted this (page 17 of this thread) a while ago. I thought it was interesting then (and still do) even though it wasn't a major error found around his hand. Now that HighLow found
something (small dash mark) between the handle and knee it may be more relevant to look at.
<< <i> I call it the "extra blade of grass" error (die clash?) . Notice the blade of grass protruding upwards and out from his boot about ankle high (left facing-his right boot) . It is a raised metal
I cantget it to work from photobucket by highlowleafs found these and they are a minor error but kind of neat. There is a wedge shaped line that goes from the ax handle into the knee. Sorry I cant get these to come up. >>
It's a die gouge; been known for years. Was called "Spiked Knee" way back when.
Picked up 4 more boxes of 4/23 today along with 4 boxes of 4/17. They are getting hard to come up with but that is the only way to come up with good gradable coins.
<< <i>Picked up 4 more boxes of 4/23 today along with 4 boxes of 4/17. They are getting hard to come up with but that is the only way to come up with good gradable coins. >>
I am sure that a lot of you were the ones that I beat out on the auction by lvcoinllc yesterday. I was on the top of his list from the evening before and had sent the first BIN on his listing even though I did not understand exactly what he had to offer. He was very vague in his listing but had pictures of the 4/17 boxes up. Sorry guys I think!
Good LP2 Boxes seem to be flying off EbaY at higher prices. Owners are starting to get educated on these FY DDR values. Pitboss is right there when good dates/times show up !! Way to go Pitboss !! You are keeping us on our toes !! Supplies seem to be tightening up !! And I always thought that WI Extra Leaf Quarters were difficult to locate !! Have a great day, Mark.
I am not trying to keep everyone on their toes Mark, I am just trying to keep myself well supplied with these hard to get "good boxes" that ,as you say, do not come around that much anymore. I am on the computer most of the day every day!
Yeah PB -- nice highgrade -- nothing left but the dregs by the time I offered.
One buyer bought 62 sets. I'm guessing they went rather cheap. He started the BIN listing at $9.95 and then relisted with photos for $19.95.
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
So I got a box recently....funny coincidence; the rolls have the "spiked knee" die gouge errors that were just recently mentioned. They also have the stage B obv. and rev. Wddr-046's.
I am watching HiLow's auction for the "spiked knee" on Ebay out of curiosity if these generate any interest. Generally all of my recent listings have garnered very little attention. When is
the Red Book Pro coming out again? lol ... I know most of us are hibernating until the publications hit the market. Meantime...happy hunting!
So i finally went through some of my Satin Formatives to look for varieties. I bought quite a few individual Lincolns back when knowing they were LOW mintage and original copper alloy. Out of 151 sets, I found 16 wddr-005 SATIN finish. These are all D mints, as I don't think any P mints have been attributed with DDRs. It's not as striking (no pun) as a wddr-001 or 006, but still a fairly easy spot and almost a full length doubled thumb.
I'd post a pic, but don't have time at the moment to upload to a site, etc. It can be seen at
I also found 8 - 004's, 3 - 008's, and 5 - 012's. Not quite as striking (pun) but still fun to find.
I have a few hundred more to go...that may take some time, but a good fall/winter project.
Anyone else find these?
[Edited to include another box I went through that included some different DDRs.]
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
<< <i>So i finally went through some of my Satin Formatives to look for varieties. I bought quite a few individual Lincolns back when knowing they were LOW mintage and original copper alloy. Out of 151 sets, I found 16 wddr-005 SATIN finish. These are all D mints, as I don't think any P mints have been attributed with DDRs. It's not as striking (no pun) as a wddr-001 or 006, but still a fairly easy spot and almost a full length doubled thumb.
I'd post a pic, but don't have time at the moment to upload to a site, etc. It can be seen at
I agree with PB that these are not as sexy as the P's but I like these for the fact that the copper (bronze) cents were VERY limited in mintage. There were only ~785,000 unc mint sets made in 2009 and these bronze SATIN Lincolns were ONLY available in the mint sets. That's the lowest non-proof mintage for a Lincoln cent since the 1931-S cent at 866,000.
As for the Chronicles proof edition, I didn't get any DDRs in those, nor in any of my silver or clad proof sets.
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
I was lucky on my 10 clad proof sets and got 2 PR69 001's.
I have about 30 of the satin sets and can see some doubling on some of them but the quality of them is so bad that I can see how anyone would want them.
I still think the WDDR 006 is the class of all the errors.
I also like the 001, 025, and 043 as excellent examples.
I am looking forward to having some of the 2009 P F.Y. Cent DDR's listed in the next Red Book ( Professional Edition and/or regular edition) next Spring. That would Rev Up interest in these popular variety Lincoln cents by penny collectors.
<< <i>I am looking forward to having some of the 2009 P F.Y. Cent DDR's listed in the next Red Book ( Professional Edition and/or regular edition) next Spring. >>
Thank you Dennis. I can hardly wait to see which 2009 P F. Y. DDR Cents are mentioned in the 2014 5th Edition of the Professional Red Book. This is exciting !! Mark.
I wasn't sure if I'd get one because I'm really more interested in the next CPG and its implications for the future of these errors but I did take the plunge on Amazon. Good deal--about $20
with shipping included. Hope you all are doing well and the collections are filling up with the "keys" for when these DO hit the mainstream and uninitiated.
Has anyone received a copy of the book yet? It would be interesting to see exactly what is listed.
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
My book is scheduled for delivery late on Thursday, I will take pictures and fight with photobucket again to get them up for everyone to see if I can get it to work.
I just wanted to share this image. I've never come across this obverse die crack/break in my searches before. As you can see it's pretty large. I haven't had much time to try to find out
if there is a corresponding reverse error (doubled die) but at first glance there's not an obvious one. One of those dots and dashes as Pitboss calls them possibly. Has anyone else seen this?
edited to add: I discovered, since this was originally posted, that this particular die break also has a corresponding one going from the top of Lincoln's head angled through the right side of
the "W" and on into the rim. So it becomes a double obverse error coin. I'll try to add a pic later.
I also have found several of these...looks like extreme die polishing that gives Lincoln a shadowed profile. Hard to capture it in my pics but there are die scratches in the flat parts in the
nose and eye areas. Interesting if not valuable.
My excitement is starting to wane....let me know you're still out there "true believers"!
die crack (a large die crack that runs down in front of Lincoln's face) you'd have something special. If you had the "smoking Abe" reverse die crack through Lincoln's head or the large
reverse die crack that extends through his boot down to the rim...you'd be ecstatic. If you had the Wddr-013 stage D, (another giant crack running down in front of Lincoln's face) again
you'd be extremely pleased to add it to your collection.
These die cracks are just as dramatic. Take a close look at the pics. They haven't yet been attributed but that doesn't detract from their "coolness" factor for me. My initial question was
"has anyone come across these in their searches?" I never had previously and thought they might be new, late stage, discoveries to be shared. I don't see any doubling on the reverse but it
could be that they are very subtle and need further examination. On the "spidered" or "branched" die crack there is a corresponding hairline crack on the reverse from mid-mallet down to
the rim that is consistent on each coin. Well, back to the search....good luck all...and please share what you find with us!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.<< <i>Pitboss...I know you have some knowledge of die cracks....If you had the fatal die stage of the Wddo-002 (which is a large die crack in Lincoln's jacket as well) or the Wddr-006 fatal stage
die crack (a large die crack that runs down in front of Lincoln's face) you'd have something special. If you had the "smoking Abe" reverse die crack through Lincoln's head or the large
reverse die crack that extends through his boot down to the rim...you'd be ecstatic. If you had the Wddr-013 stage D, (another giant crack running down in front of Lincoln's face) again
you'd be extremely pleased to add it to your collection.
These die cracks are just as dramatic. Take a close look at the pics. They haven't yet been attributed but that doesn't detract from their "coolness" factor for me. My initial question was
"has anyone come across these in their searches?" I never had previously and thought they might be new, late stage, discoveries to be shared. I don't see any doubling on the reverse but it
could be that they are very subtle and need further examination. On the "spidered" or "branched" die crack there is a corresponding hairline crack on the reverse from mid-mallet down to
the rim that is consistent on each coin. Well, back to the search....good luck all...and please share what you find with us!
I have most of the die cracks that you are referring to but am not a collector of them. There are many people out there that love die cracks. They will not be attributed by the 3rd party graders. When I search through these great cents I do not even look for anything that is not around the hand on the coin so have not picked out die cracks after my first couple of boxes because they do not interest me. I now collect only the major errors and have sold off all my minor errors and do not even pick them out anymore but I still love some of the really good errors and am still buying them.
dramatic anomalies like these I put them in 2x2's. Whenever you see an obvious last and fatal die stage it's just interesting (to me).
HighLow is right about the lack of discussion lately on this thread but I believe most of what we know has already been talked about and we are all in a "waiting" mode for the publications
and TPG's to come around. We had a moment fairly recently when things flared up with discussions with Dentuck about the content of the new Professional Red Book and the pictures that
would represent these errors. I think, unless something great is found in a bank box, there's not much else to say. The pictures I posted above of a few unseen (by myself) die cracks and
heavy die scratches didn't elicit much reaction. If they had been the obverse or reverse giant die cracks coupled with the skeleton finger 006 then I think I might have heard a little more.
Regardless, I will continue to search and hope you all enjoy this great hobby too! A double thumbs up to all of the (quiet for now) "Believers"!
However, I am a fan of the massive die crack cddr-014(b) since it was very pronounced and found in only very few boxes. Also have a fair amount of the "bootstrap" variety.
And yes, I had to pick up the skeleton with final crack stage. It's very cool.
Anyhow, "we" are still out here waiting for the next big find or general updates. Hang in there!
Got 28 prizes in 4 rolls. Prime time dates. Thanks to PitBoss for suggesting opening instead of saving. Will be seeking out the best for submissions.
YES, there is still interest...
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.pointed out. There are also some significantly more dramatic ones associated with doubled die reverses i.e. the WDDR-006, WDDO-002 with final giant die cracks showing on both sides of the
coin. I too don't really get worked up over die cracks but thought the ones I posted above deserved a mention since they are also very large and represent the final "fatal" stage of that
particular die.
Keep up the search and share pics of anything that you find that's interesting ... you might just get lucky and have a new and special discovery come out of a roll.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.found two (only two so far) that had a large reverse die break that extends from the bottom of the grass where the mallet is sitting, through his boot, through the "E" into the rim. It still has
the hairline die crack (parallel and above in pic) from the mallet to the rim.
so couple this with the large "spider" obverse ....
C'mon people....a double sided large die break sample??? Let the group excitement begin! lol
I cantget it to work from photobucket by highlowleafs found these and they are a minor error but kind of neat. There is a wedge shaped line that goes from the ax handle into the knee. Sorry I cant get these to come up.
<< <i>they are a minor error but kind of neat. There is a wedge shaped line that goes from the ax handle into the knee. >>
Always fun to see new findings..
something (small dash mark) between the handle and knee it may be more relevant to look at.
<< <i>
I call it the "extra blade of grass" error (die clash?) . Notice the blade of grass protruding upwards and out from his boot about ankle high (left facing-his right boot) . It is a raised metal
abnormality. >>
Found several in only one box of 4/29.
<< <i>Has anyone seen one of these?Text
I cantget it to work from photobucket by highlowleafs found these and they are a minor error but kind of neat. There is a wedge shaped line that goes from the ax handle into the knee. Sorry I cant get these to come up. >>
It's a die gouge; been known for years. Was called "Spiked Knee" way back when.
<< <i>
It's a die gouge; been known for years. Was called "Spiked Knee" way back when. >>
First I've heard of it. Thanks for the info. Still hoping for some feedback on the "extra blade of grass" sample if anybody would like to opine.
<< <i>Picked up 4 more boxes of 4/23 today along with 4 boxes of 4/17. They are getting hard to come up with but that is the only way to come up with good gradable coins. >>
I am sure that a lot of you were the ones that I beat out on the auction by lvcoinllc yesterday. I was on the top of his list from the evening before and had sent the first BIN on his listing even though I did not understand exactly what he had to offer. He was very vague in his listing but had pictures of the 4/17 boxes up. Sorry guys I think!
<< <i>Picked up 4 more boxes of 4/23 today along with 4 boxes of 4/17. >>
The more interesting thing is that all 80 sets, with various dates, sold within hours of the listing.
One buyer bought 62 sets. I'm guessing they went rather cheap. He started the BIN listing at $9.95 and then relisted with photos for $19.95.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.I am watching HiLow's auction for the "spiked knee" on Ebay out of curiosity if these generate any interest. Generally all of my recent listings have garnered very little attention. When is
the Red Book Pro coming out again? lol ... I know most of us are hibernating until the publications hit the market. Meantime...happy hunting!
I'd post a pic, but don't have time at the moment to upload to a site, etc. It can be seen at
Wexlers Lincoln D DDR site
I also found 8 - 004's, 3 - 008's, and 5 - 012's. Not quite as striking (pun) but still fun to find.
I have a few hundred more to go...that may take some time, but a good fall/winter project.
Anyone else find these?
[Edited to include another box I went through that included some different DDRs.]
I have a couple of unopened Lincoln Coin & Chronicle Sets. Has anyone found any doubles coming out of the these sets?
<< <i>So i finally went through some of my Satin Formatives to look for varieties. I bought quite a few individual Lincolns back when knowing they were LOW mintage and original copper alloy. Out of 151 sets, I found 16 wddr-005 SATIN finish. These are all D mints, as I don't think any P mints have been attributed with DDRs. It's not as striking (no pun) as a wddr-001 or 006, but still a fairly easy spot and almost a full length doubled thumb.
I'd post a pic, but don't have time at the moment to upload to a site, etc. It can be seen at
Wexlers Lincoln D DDR site
I also found 8 - 004's, 3 - 008's, and 5 - 012's. Not quite as striking (pun) but still fun to find.
I have a few hundred more to go...that may take some time, but a good fall/winter project.
Anyone else find these?
I have some but they are of poor quality and hard to see. I prefer the nice easy ones in the "P" mintage as most of them are very easy to see.
[Edited to include another box I went through that included some different DDRs.] >>
Wddr-005 D Satin PCGS SP68
I agree with PB that these are not as sexy as the P's but I like these for the fact that the copper (bronze) cents were VERY limited in mintage. There were only ~785,000 unc mint sets made in 2009 and these bronze SATIN Lincolns were ONLY available in the mint sets. That's the lowest non-proof mintage for a Lincoln cent since the 1931-S cent at 866,000.
As for the Chronicles proof edition, I didn't get any DDRs in those, nor in any of my silver or clad proof sets.
I have about 30 of the satin sets and can see some doubling on some of them but the quality of them is so bad that I can see how anyone would want them.
I still think the WDDR 006 is the class of all the errors.
I also like the 001, 025, and 043 as excellent examples.
<< <i>I am looking forward to having some of the 2009 P F.Y. Cent DDR's listed in the next Red Book ( Professional Edition and/or regular edition) next Spring. >>
The 5th edition of the Professional Edition Red Book includes some of the 2009 DDRs.
<< <i>Dennis, is this book out yet? >>
Grand Total: $35.90 Click on his link, just bought a copy and figure its another reference book to have..............Enjoy
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
with shipping included. Hope you all are doing well and the collections are filling up with the "keys" for when these DO hit the mainstream and uninitiated.
The seller claims it is the discovery coin and is unique. Really? I can't imagine there are not others out there. Anyone here have one?
Here is the LISTING