<< <i>What is with the $25 commission MTB is charging? The 10% profit is in the coin price ($860), so are they violating their agreement? Do we need to call the Mint and put a stop to this gouging? >>
They charge 1% commission to all retail customers. They have before this and they are for this. >>
I don't see how an additional 3% profit is allowed. Just calling it a commission does not change the fact that they are over-charging on their sets >>
I don't see why they can't charge that as that is something they always charge retail customers. >>
2. Authorized Purchasers may charge to their customers a price no higher than ten percent above the price at which the Authorized Purchasers acquire 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins from the United States Mint. Authorized Purchasers may charge their customers a reasonable shipping and handling fee; however, Authorized Purchasers may not charge any other fee, premium, or other expense to their customers to circumvent this ten-percent markup limitation. The intention of this condition is to ensure that members of the public can obtain these coins at a reasonable and affordable purchase price.
Seems a commission would violate this part of the revised regulations >>
It could be called a handling charge under a different name.
I called, got through, and they sent me the forms which I promptly filled out and returned.
Now I must send the $930 pymt.
A few buddies of mine went to the line around 11:30am to find about 12 people in from of them. The Hasidic's were there in force, calling in the troops to fill in behind them in line.
One of my friends was about fourth in line when the guy came out and turned everyone away - I think he might have been right behind RichR???? And he wasnt wearing a black hat.
My buddy was real pissed as well.
The MTB guys should be happy there wasnt any problems to deal with based on the action they took.......after all they are in downtown NY.
<< <i>What is with the $25 commission MTB is charging? The 10% profit is in the coin price ($860), so are they violating their agreement? Do we need to call the Mint and put a stop to this gouging? >>
They charge 1% commission to all retail customers. They have before this and they are for this. >>
I don't see how an additional 3% profit is allowed. Just calling it a commission does not change the fact that they are over-charging on their sets >>
I don't see why they can't charge that as that is something they always charge retail customers. >>
2. Authorized Purchasers may charge to their customers a price no higher than ten percent above the price at which the Authorized Purchasers acquire 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins from the United States Mint. Authorized Purchasers may charge their customers a reasonable shipping and handling fee; however, Authorized Purchasers may not charge any other fee, premium, or other expense to their customers to circumvent this ten-percent markup limitation. The intention of this condition is to ensure that members of the public can obtain these coins at a reasonable and affordable purchase price.
Seems a commission would violate this part of the revised regulations >>
It could be called a handling charge under a different name. >>
I would have to agree with Taxmad on this one. The $25 commission is another fee/premium. I would expect the $45 shipping charge that MTB is charging would cover a handling fee.
In an almost unseen part of my MBT invoice is a brand new, just set up, account number. So, in about two hours today, they processed my materials, set up an account and sent me a confirmation invoice that I have an order with them so that I can wire transfer the money, referencing a specific account, tomorrow.
<< <i>The ATB link on the Amark page now directs you to another website with a message that says the pucks will be available mid-month. No details, just a "filler" page, I'm sure, until they can get some beef behind it. Hopefully it will be a full online ordering process that does not require a phone call... >>
Whois query of www.buyatb.com fails. Maybe it's too early and whois needs to update.
Optimistically - it's a site set up to handle email + phone call orders per the mint directive.
Pessimistically, it's a site set up to sell Amark ATB sets @ more $$$ than the mint directive.
I have been out of the loop all day, I only checked APMEX early this morning to see if anything was going on there. I am now trying to catch up without reading every post. Am I reading correctly that you have to send your SS number and copies of driver's lic to MTB before you might be able to order? Seems rather risky giving that much data out without even knowing your getting a set. What am I missing? Thanks
<< <i>I have been out of the loop all day, I only checked APMEX early this morning to see if anything was going on there. I am now trying to catch up without reading every post. Am I reading correctly that you have to send your SS number and copies of driver's lic to MTB before you might be able to order? Seems rather risky giving that much data out without even knowing your getting a set. What am I missing? Thanks >>
find the post with the links to the form & wiring instructions. I suggest TAKING NO ACTION except filling out the form and scanning your DL or Passport until you are told do so by MTB.
you will just have a head start by having paperwork filled out and the scanning done before they ask for it.
<< <i>What is with the $25 commission MTB is charging? The 10% profit is in the coin price ($860), so are they violating their agreement? Do we need to call the Mint and put a stop to this gouging? >>
They charge 1% commission to all retail customers. They have before this and they are for this. >>
I don't see how an additional 3% profit is allowed. Just calling it a commission does not change the fact that they are over-charging on their sets >>
I don't see why they can't charge that as that is something they always charge retail customers. >>
2. Authorized Purchasers may charge to their customers a price no higher than ten percent above the price at which the Authorized Purchasers acquire 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins from the United States Mint. Authorized Purchasers may charge their customers a reasonable shipping and handling fee; however, Authorized Purchasers may not charge any other fee, premium, or other expense to their customers to circumvent this ten-percent markup limitation. The intention of this condition is to ensure that members of the public can obtain these coins at a reasonable and affordable purchase price.
Seems a commission would violate this part of the revised regulations >>
It could be called a handling charge under a different name. >>
I would have to agree with Taxmad on this one. The $25 commission is another fee/premium. I would expect the $45 shipping charge that MTB is charging would cover a handling fee. >>
Well, you could buy a single 2010 ASE from them for a good price + shipping + their $25 commission. It's the same deal for the ASE as for these.
Think of them as a "bullion brokerage house" that deals more with dealers than the public. (the dealers don't have to pay the commission for ASE, and wouldn't for these if they sold them to dealers. )
That brokerage thing also explains the paperwork, too.
<<I think he might have been right behind RichR???? And he wasnt wearing a black hat.>>
Small world isn't it...considering only about 8 people fit into their small lobby area, you're probably right.
The orinic part is that for about an hour, several people remarked that someone should go out and tell the last person in line that they were last for the day, so that they weren't stuck taking customers past 3PM. Little did we know that they were going to come up at 1:15, order us all out and threaten to call the police.
I still can't believe I wasted half my day, took $1000 in cash onto onto the subway, and was threatened with arrest. If there was alcohol involved, this might have been a pretty good movie plot!!!
Zero feedback seller with almost no description. >>
Likely one of those standing in line at Gold Center today. Not bad pay for a few hours work, esp. considering the zero feedback and no description as you note.
<< <i><<I think he might have been right behind RichR???? And he wasnt wearing a black hat.>>
Small world isn't it...considering only about 8 people fit into their small lobby area, you're probably right.
The orinic part is that for about an hour, several people remarked that someone should go out and tell the last person in line that they were last for the day, so that they weren't stuck taking customers past 3PM. Little did we know that they were going to come up at 1:15, order us all out and threaten to call the police.
I still can't believe I wasted half my day, took $1000 in cash onto onto the subway, and was threatened with arrest. If there was alcohol involved, this might have been a pretty good movie plot!!! >>
What!!!??? Did they really threaten you guys with arrest??? What kind of an outfit is MTB becoming? Its not like you were a bunch of HOBO's milling around drunk and drooling.... With all those folks in there today there was probably like $50K total in those peoples pocket that they were all carrying around waiting to give to MTB.
<< <i>Did anyone else who actually got through to MTB and emailed/faxed the forms over receive an confirmatory email for their order?
I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today. >>
I got a confirmation email and payment instructions about 4:30 PM EST, along with an apology for it taking so long. Even set up an account for me before sending the email.
going to the bank to wire the money to them tomorrow morning.
<< <i>Did anyone else who actually got through to MTB and emailed/faxed the forms over receive an confirmatory email for their order?
I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today. >>
a few got through with an order, and I've only heard of 1 person who posted here that got a conf. from them: tcmitssr
I'm waiting on mine, too. They send back a confirmation in a pdf file. Rather antiquated system.
But, on the other hand, perhaps APMEX needs to start asking for anti-money laundering forms on orders over a certain amount. >>
My confirmation was just that, a pdf file.
Looking at it now....they call it a "sales confirmation." It also has a newly created account number for me and the bottom lists their various account numbers for wire transfers to pay the $930.00 to them.
PayPal me $1860.00 and I'll sell you my "sales confirmation."
<< <i>Did anyone else who actually got through to MTB and emailed/faxed the forms over receive an confirmatory email for their order?
I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today. >>
a few got through with an order, and I've only heard of 1 person who posted here that got a conf. from them: tcmitssr
I'm waiting on mine, too. They send back a confirmation in a pdf file. Rather antiquated system.
But, on the other hand, perhaps APMEX needs to start asking for anti-money laundering forms on orders over a certain amount. >>
I can't tell if tcmitssr is talking about the same email that we seem to be (i.e., the one with the payment instructions) or another confirming the order following the receipt of the forms.
We'll see tomorrow.
I sent a bank check w/guaranteed delivery by noon tomorrow along w/a copy of the forms.
I'll let you all know if/when I hear anything back...
<< <i>Did anyone else who actually got through to MTB and emailed/faxed the forms over receive an confirmatory email for their order? I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today. >>
I faxed my forms around 11:30 PST, then emailed them about a half hour later. I haven't received confirmation on either.
Updated message on Dillon Gage website - sounds like they are being swamped, too.
<< <i>NOTICE ABOUT AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 5 OUNCE SILVER COINS: At this point we are unable to accept names or take orders for these coins. If more information becomes available, we will post it on this website. No phone calls, please. >>
<< <i>Did anyone else who actually got through to MTB and emailed/faxed the forms over receive an confirmatory email for their order?
I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today. >>
a few got through with an order, and I've only heard of 1 person who posted here that got a conf. from them: tcmitssr
I'm waiting on mine, too. They send back a confirmation in a pdf file. Rather antiquated system.
But, on the other hand, perhaps APMEX needs to start asking for anti-money laundering forms on orders over a certain amount. >>
I can't tell is tcmitssr is talking about the same email that we seem to be (i.e., the one with the payment instructions) or another confirming the order following the receipt of the forms.
We'll see tomorrow.
I sent a bank check w/guaranteed delivery by noon tomorrow along w/a copy of the forms.
I'll let you all know if/when I hear anything back... >>
Here's direct quotes from what I received, redacted to keep my personal information private.
I apologize for the delay, we have been overwhelmed in volume of calls and emails, our system has crashed several times today.
Dear Mr. ______________
I have received your information
Attached to this email is your order XXXXXXXXXX
Please see attached XXXXXXXXXX
Please make checks payable to Manfra, Tordella & Brookes Inc.
We hold personal checks for 17 calendar days.
As I mentioned, we are still waiting for the capsules to arrive, I will let you know when it will ship
signed by the salesman who took my order/faxes/emails/calls.
The .pdf file, upon opening, says "Sales Confirmation" right at the top right corner. It also has a box that says the order is pending upon payment of $930.00 and lists today as the transaction date
Meaning no argument, to me....that's a true sales receipt and not confirming receipt of my paperwork. I never got a confirmation of anything about my paperwork. I called about 4 PM EDT and left a message for my salesperson explaining that I'd like a sales confirmation before I wired any money, just to avoid having any potential refund issues if my order was unable to be filled due to everyone else's being ahead of me today. At 4:30, I received what I just wrote about in the .pdf file that sure looks like it's "official company stationary and an official company sales confirmation.
i can't understand why MTB would hold personal checks for 17 days....any check from anywhere in the US under $1000 clears in 2 days???? As of February 27, 2010, there is only one check processing region for the entire United States. Therefore, all checks are now local???? 17 Days????
<< <i>i can't understand why MTB would hold personal checks for 17 days....any check from anywhere in the US under $1000 clears in 2 days???? As of February 27, 2010, there is only one check processing region for the entire United States. Therefore, all checks are now local???? 17 Days???? >>
maybe so they can cancel your order incase they change their minds and make the excuse that they did not cash your check yet. if they can tell descent hardworking folks to go out of their establishment at 1:30pm during business hours in NYC Monday otherwise theyre going to call the cops...i would not put it past them.
<< <i>i can't understand why MTB would hold personal checks for 17 days....any check from anywhere in the US under $1000 clears in 2 days???? As of February 27, 2010, there is only one check processing region for the entire United States. Therefore, all checks are now local???? 17 Days???? >>
For those of us that don't want to spend $27 for a Wire Transfer and don't want to wait an extra 17 days for a personal check to clear... What is the best option for payment? Postal Money Order?
<< <i>Did anyone else who actually got through to MTB and emailed/faxed the forms over receive an confirmatory email for their order?
I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today. >>
a few got through with an order, and I've only heard of 1 person who posted here that got a conf. from them: tcmitssr
I'm waiting on mine, too. They send back a confirmation in a pdf file. Rather antiquated system.
But, on the other hand, perhaps APMEX needs to start asking for anti-money laundering forms on orders over a certain amount. >>
I can't tell is tcmitssr is talking about the same email that we seem to be (i.e., the one with the payment instructions) or another confirming the order following the receipt of the forms.
We'll see tomorrow.
I sent a bank check w/guaranteed delivery by noon tomorrow along w/a copy of the forms.
I'll let you all know if/when I hear anything back... >>
Here's direct quotes from what I received, redacted to keep my personal information private.
I apologize for the delay, we have been overwhelmed in volume of calls and emails, our system has crashed several times today.
Dear Mr. ______________
I have received your information
Attached to this email is your order XXXXXXXXXX
Please see attached XXXXXXXXXX
Please make checks payable to Manfra, Tordella & Brookes Inc.
We hold personal checks for 17 calendar days.
As I mentioned, we are still waiting for the capsules to arrive, I will let you know when it will ship
signed by the salesman who took my order/faxes/emails/calls.
The .pdf file, upon opening, says "Sales Confirmation" right at the top right corner. It also has a box that says the order is pending upon payment of $930.00 and lists today as the transaction date
Meaning no argument, to me....that's a true sales receipt and not confirming receipt of my paperwork. I never got a confirmation of anything about my paperwork. I called about 4 PM EDT and left a message for my salesperson explaining that I'd like a sales confirmation before I wired any money, just to avoid having any potential refund issues if my order was unable to be filled due to everyone else's being ahead of me today. At 4:30, I received what I just wrote about in the .pdf file that sure looks like it's "official company stationary and an official company sales confirmation.
Hope this helps. >>
Thanks for the post!! Hopefully I'll get such a confirmation tomorrow. I never heard back from them after they sent me the email with the form attached.
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
<< <i>Thanks for the post!! Hopefully I'll get such a confirmation tomorrow. I never heard back from them after they sent me the email with the form attached. >>
I sent the forms back to the salesman twice and both emails were returned as undeliverable.....(email address was correct)
<<What!!!??? Did they really threaten you guys with arrest??? What kind of an outfit is MTB becoming? Its not like you were a bunch of HOBO's milling around drunk and drooling.... With all those folks in there today there was probably like $50K total in those peoples pocket that they were all carrying around waiting to give to MTB. >>
Their exact words were: "Get out of of here...or we'll call the police?" And this was after 5 minutes of arguing after waiting for 3 or more hours.
And the ironic thing is that if they were serious, every cash paying OTC customer is one less order that needs to be shipped. My theory is that by selling about 25 sets OTC, they can now tell the Mint that they sold to the "public"...so get off our backs.
<< <i>Thanks for the post!! Hopefully I'll get such a confirmation tomorrow. I never heard back from them after they sent me the email with the form attached. >>
I sent the forms back to the salesman twice and both emails were returned as undeliverable.....(email address was correct) >>
Same here... just called MTB, the gentleman said they were "swamped with orders" and to call back on Monday. Telling him that I was online yesterday at 90 Broad meant nothing.
Successful BSTs with adriana, barrytrot, Bochiman, Dabigkahuna, Modern Coin Mart, oilstates2003, terburn88, THEGENERAL, treybenedict
<< <i>Thanks for the post!! Hopefully I'll get such a confirmation tomorrow. I never heard back from them after they sent me the email with the form attached. >>
I sent the forms back to the salesman twice and both emails were returned as undeliverable.....(email address was correct) >>
Something along the way is rejecting e-mails sometimes. It is as if a mail server somewhere does not know who "mtbcoins.com" is.
<< <i><<What!!!??? Did they really threaten you guys with arrest??? What kind of an outfit is MTB becoming? Its not like you were a bunch of HOBO's milling around drunk and drooling.... With all those folks in there today there was probably like $50K total in those peoples pocket that they were all carrying around waiting to give to MTB. >>
Their exact words were: "Get out of of here...or we'll call the police?" And this was after 5 minutes of arguing after waiting for 3 or more hours.
And the ironic thing is that if they were serious, every cash paying OTC customer is one less order that needs to be shipped. My theory is that by selling about 25 sets OTC, they can now tell the Mint that they sold to the "public"...so get off our backs.
What a joke. >>
I think they are buried and made a bad decision about how to handle it.
<< <i>checks, faxed DLs , all to people who have never seen or met ....Good luck with that! >>
Yup...I've given up on this dog and pony show. >>
You give credit card info including the 3 digit code on the back to internet sites with people you've never seen or met.
This is how these guys set up accounts. Don't sweat it, just go with it. We already have 1 person with an order confirmation. And others with orders. Things are moving. They just don't know how to deal with the volume.
<< <i>
<< <i>What is with the $25 commission MTB is charging? The 10% profit is in the coin price ($860), so are they violating their agreement? Do we need to call the Mint and put a stop to this gouging? >>
They charge 1% commission to all retail customers. They have before this and they are for this. >>
I don't see how an additional 3% profit is allowed. Just calling it a commission does not change the fact that they are over-charging on their sets >>
I don't see why they can't charge that as that is something they always charge retail customers. >>
2. Authorized Purchasers may charge to their customers a price no higher than ten percent above the price at which the Authorized Purchasers acquire 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins from the United States Mint. Authorized Purchasers may charge their customers a reasonable shipping and handling fee; however, Authorized Purchasers may not charge any other fee, premium, or other expense to their customers to circumvent this ten-percent markup limitation. The intention of this condition is to ensure that members of the public can obtain these coins at a reasonable and affordable purchase price.
Seems a commission would violate this part of the revised regulations >>
It could be called a handling charge under a different name.
Now I must send the $930 pymt.
A few buddies of mine went to the line around 11:30am to find about 12 people in from of them. The Hasidic's were there in force, calling in the troops to fill in behind them in line.
One of my friends was about fourth in line when the guy came out and turned everyone away - I think he might have been right behind RichR???? And he wasnt wearing a black hat.
My buddy was real pissed as well.
The MTB guys should be happy there wasnt any problems to deal with based on the action they took.......after all they are in downtown NY.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>What is with the $25 commission MTB is charging? The 10% profit is in the coin price ($860), so are they violating their agreement? Do we need to call the Mint and put a stop to this gouging? >>
They charge 1% commission to all retail customers. They have before this and they are for this. >>
I don't see how an additional 3% profit is allowed. Just calling it a commission does not change the fact that they are over-charging on their sets >>
I don't see why they can't charge that as that is something they always charge retail customers. >>
2. Authorized Purchasers may charge to their customers a price no higher than ten percent above the price at which the Authorized Purchasers acquire 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins from the United States Mint. Authorized Purchasers may charge their customers a reasonable shipping and handling fee; however, Authorized Purchasers may not charge any other fee, premium, or other expense to their customers to circumvent this ten-percent markup limitation. The intention of this condition is to ensure that members of the public can obtain these coins at a reasonable and affordable purchase price.
Seems a commission would violate this part of the revised regulations >>
It could be called a handling charge under a different name. >>
I would have to agree with Taxmad on this one. The $25 commission is another fee/premium. I would expect the $45 shipping charge that MTB is charging would cover a handling fee.
<< <i>The ATB link on the Amark page now directs you to another website with a message that says the pucks will be available mid-month. No details, just a "filler" page, I'm sure, until they can get some beef behind it. Hopefully it will be a full online ordering process that does not require a phone call... >>
Whois query of www.buyatb.com fails. Maybe it's too early and whois needs to update.
Optimistically - it's a site set up to handle email + phone call orders per the mint directive.
Pessimistically, it's a site set up to sell Amark ATB sets @ more $$$ than the mint directive.
When you click on the link, this address shows up, http://www.buyamericathebeautifulnow.com/ and it fails in whois, too.
I'm sure this is all on the up and up, I'll be able to buy a set per the mint directive from http://www.buyamericathebeautifulnow.com/
My paperwork was executed and PDF'd back via email to my trader by 11:40am. Minutes after he sent it to me.
I havent received the confirmation yet, however, I have emailed back an additional time this afternoon around 2:30pm
<< <i>I have been out of the loop all day, I only checked APMEX early this morning to see if anything was going on there. I am now trying to catch up without reading every post. Am I reading correctly that you have to send your SS number and copies of driver's lic to MTB before you might be able to order? Seems rather risky giving that much data out without even knowing your getting a set. What am I missing? Thanks >>
find the post with the links to the form & wiring instructions. I suggest TAKING NO ACTION except filling out the form and scanning your DL or Passport until you are told do so by MTB.
you will just have a head start by having paperwork filled out and the scanning done before they ask for it.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>What is with the $25 commission MTB is charging? The 10% profit is in the coin price ($860), so are they violating their agreement? Do we need to call the Mint and put a stop to this gouging? >>
They charge 1% commission to all retail customers. They have before this and they are for this. >>
I don't see how an additional 3% profit is allowed. Just calling it a commission does not change the fact that they are over-charging on their sets >>
I don't see why they can't charge that as that is something they always charge retail customers. >>
2. Authorized Purchasers may charge to their customers a price no higher than ten percent above the price at which the Authorized Purchasers acquire 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins from the United States Mint. Authorized Purchasers may charge their customers a reasonable shipping and handling fee; however, Authorized Purchasers may not charge any other fee, premium, or other expense to their customers to circumvent this ten-percent markup limitation. The intention of this condition is to ensure that members of the public can obtain these coins at a reasonable and affordable purchase price.
Seems a commission would violate this part of the revised regulations >>
It could be called a handling charge under a different name. >>
I would have to agree with Taxmad on this one. The $25 commission is another fee/premium. I would expect the $45 shipping charge that MTB is charging would cover a handling fee. >>
Well, you could buy a single 2010 ASE from them for a good price + shipping + their $25 commission. It's the same deal for the ASE as for these.
Think of them as a "bullion brokerage house" that deals more with dealers than the public. (the dealers don't have to pay the commission for ASE, and wouldn't for these if they sold them to dealers. )
That brokerage thing also explains the paperwork, too.
Small world isn't it...considering only about 8 people fit into their small lobby area, you're probably right.
The orinic part is that for about an hour, several people remarked that someone should go out and tell the last person in line that they were last for the day, so that they weren't stuck taking customers past 3PM. Little did we know that they were going to come up at 1:15, order us all out and threaten to call the police.
I still can't believe I wasted half my day, took $1000 in cash onto onto the subway, and was threatened with arrest. If there was alcohol involved, this might have been a pretty good movie plot!!!
<< <i>quick flip for some one @ $2150 >>
Zero feedback seller with almost no description.
I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today.
and they are not talking......
6000 sets ....
and so many wait for GD AlertMe....
Loves me some shiny!
<< <i>
<< <i>quick flip for some one @ $2150 >>
Zero feedback seller with almost no description. >>
Likely one of those standing in line at Gold Center today. Not bad pay for a few hours work, esp. considering the zero feedback and no description as you note.
<< <i><<I think he might have been right behind RichR???? And he wasnt wearing a black hat.>>
Small world isn't it...considering only about 8 people fit into their small lobby area, you're probably right.
The orinic part is that for about an hour, several people remarked that someone should go out and tell the last person in line that they were last for the day, so that they weren't stuck taking customers past 3PM. Little did we know that they were going to come up at 1:15, order us all out and threaten to call the police.
I still can't believe I wasted half my day, took $1000 in cash onto onto the subway, and was threatened with arrest. If there was alcohol involved, this might have been a pretty good movie plot!!! >>
What!!!??? Did they really threaten you guys with arrest??? What kind of an outfit is MTB becoming? Its not like you were a bunch of HOBO's milling around drunk and drooling.... With all those folks in there today there was probably like $50K total in those peoples pocket that they were all carrying around waiting to give to MTB.
<< <i>Did anyone else who actually got through to MTB and emailed/faxed the forms over receive an confirmatory email for their order?
I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today. >>
I got a confirmation email and payment instructions about 4:30 PM EST, along with an apology for it taking so long. Even set up an account for me before sending the email.
going to the bank to wire the money to them tomorrow morning.
<< <i>Did anyone else who actually got through to MTB and emailed/faxed the forms over receive an confirmatory email for their order?
I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today. >>
a few got through with an order, and I've only heard of 1 person who posted here that got a conf. from them: tcmitssr
I'm waiting on mine, too. They send back a confirmation in a pdf file. Rather antiquated system.
But, on the other hand, perhaps APMEX needs to start asking for anti-money laundering forms on orders over a certain amount.
<< <i>
<< <i>Did anyone else who actually got through to MTB and emailed/faxed the forms over receive an confirmatory email for their order?
I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today. >>
a few got through with an order, and I've only heard of 1 person who posted here that got a conf. from them: tcmitssr
I'm waiting on mine, too. They send back a confirmation in a pdf file. Rather antiquated system.
But, on the other hand, perhaps APMEX needs to start asking for anti-money laundering forms on orders over a certain amount. >>
My confirmation was just that, a pdf file.
Looking at it now....they call it a "sales confirmation." It also has a newly created account number for me and the bottom lists their various account numbers for wire transfers to pay the $930.00 to them.
PayPal me $1860.00 and I'll sell you my "sales confirmation."
<< <i>
<< <i>Did anyone else who actually got through to MTB and emailed/faxed the forms over receive an confirmatory email for their order?
I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today. >>
a few got through with an order, and I've only heard of 1 person who posted here that got a conf. from them: tcmitssr
I'm waiting on mine, too. They send back a confirmation in a pdf file. Rather antiquated system.
But, on the other hand, perhaps APMEX needs to start asking for anti-money laundering forms on orders over a certain amount. >>
I can't tell if tcmitssr is talking about the same email that we seem to be (i.e., the one with the payment instructions) or another confirming the order following the receipt of the forms.
We'll see tomorrow.
I sent a bank check w/guaranteed delivery by noon tomorrow along w/a copy of the forms.
I'll let you all know if/when I hear anything back...
<< <i>Looks like the only thing coins n things have left are empty boxes
http://cgi.ebay.com/AMERICA-BEAUTIFUL-5-OZ-OUNCE-EMPTY-CASE-ROLL-silver-/270687523330?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f063bd202 >>
Bridgewater, MA,
<< <i>
<< <i>Looks like the only thing coins n things have left are empty boxes
http://cgi.ebay.com/AMERICA-BEAUTIFUL-5-OZ-OUNCE-EMPTY-CASE-ROLL-silver-/270687523330?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3f063bd202 >>
Bridgewater, MA, >>
Yep read the description
<< <i>Did anyone else who actually got through to MTB and emailed/faxed the forms over receive an confirmatory email for their order? I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today. >>
I faxed my forms around 11:30 PST, then emailed them about a half hour later. I haven't received confirmation on either.
https://pcgs.com/setregistry/collectors-showcase/classic-issues-colonials-through-1964/zambezi-collection-trade-dollars/7345Asesabi Lutho
<< <i>NOTICE ABOUT AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL 5 OUNCE SILVER COINS: At this point we are unable to accept names or take orders for these coins. If more information becomes available, we will post it on this website. No phone calls, please. >>
https://pcgs.com/setregistry/collectors-showcase/classic-issues-colonials-through-1964/zambezi-collection-trade-dollars/7345Asesabi Lutho
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Did anyone else who actually got through to MTB and emailed/faxed the forms over receive an confirmatory email for their order?
I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today. >>
a few got through with an order, and I've only heard of 1 person who posted here that got a conf. from them: tcmitssr
I'm waiting on mine, too. They send back a confirmation in a pdf file. Rather antiquated system.
But, on the other hand, perhaps APMEX needs to start asking for anti-money laundering forms on orders over a certain amount. >>
I can't tell is tcmitssr is talking about the same email that we seem to be (i.e., the one with the payment instructions) or another confirming the order following the receipt of the forms.
We'll see tomorrow.
I sent a bank check w/guaranteed delivery by noon tomorrow along w/a copy of the forms.
I'll let you all know if/when I hear anything back... >>
Here's direct quotes from what I received, redacted to keep my personal information private.
I apologize for the delay, we have been overwhelmed in volume of calls and emails, our system has crashed several times today.
Dear Mr. ______________
I have received your information
Attached to this email is your order XXXXXXXXXX
Please see attached XXXXXXXXXX
Please make checks payable to Manfra, Tordella & Brookes Inc.
We hold personal checks for 17 calendar days.
As I mentioned, we are still waiting for the capsules to arrive, I will let you know when it will ship
signed by the salesman who took my order/faxes/emails/calls.
The .pdf file, upon opening, says "Sales Confirmation" right at the top right corner. It also has a box that says the order is pending upon payment of $930.00 and lists today as the transaction date
Meaning no argument, to me....that's a true sales receipt and not confirming receipt of my paperwork. I never got a confirmation of anything about my paperwork. I called about 4 PM EDT and left a message for my salesperson explaining that I'd like a sales confirmation before I wired any money, just to avoid having any potential refund issues if my order was unable to be filled due to everyone else's being ahead of me today. At 4:30, I received what I just wrote about in the .pdf file that sure looks like it's "official company stationary and an official company sales confirmation.
Hope this helps.
I think the case of Larry Shapiro getting ripped off shows that bogus checks could bounce longer than a couple of days.
It's not the good ones they are worried about.
<< <i>i can't understand why MTB would hold personal checks for 17 days....any check from anywhere in the US under $1000 clears in 2 days???? As of February 27, 2010, there is only one check processing region for the entire United States. Therefore, all checks are now local???? 17 Days???? >>
maybe so they can cancel your order incase they change their minds and make the excuse that they did not cash your check yet.
does ANYONE have ANY PCGS graded 5oz coins yet????....picture of holder....idea of how they are grading????
<< <i>just curious...as i am tired of reading about MTB and what happened today....
does ANYONE have ANY PCGS graded 5oz coins yet????....picture of holder....idea of how they are grading???? >>
According to the pop. report...none have been graded yet.
<< <i>i can't understand why MTB would hold personal checks for 17 days....any check from anywhere in the US under $1000 clears in 2 days???? As of February 27, 2010, there is only one check processing region for the entire United States. Therefore, all checks are now local???? 17 Days???? >>
For those of us that don't want to spend $27 for a Wire Transfer and don't want to wait an extra 17 days for a personal check to clear... What is the best option for payment? Postal Money Order?
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Did anyone else who actually got through to MTB and emailed/faxed the forms over receive an confirmatory email for their order?
I got through, faxed and emailed the forms but got no confirmatory email. It was quite an effort getting through today. >>
a few got through with an order, and I've only heard of 1 person who posted here that got a conf. from them: tcmitssr
I'm waiting on mine, too. They send back a confirmation in a pdf file. Rather antiquated system.
But, on the other hand, perhaps APMEX needs to start asking for anti-money laundering forms on orders over a certain amount. >>
I can't tell is tcmitssr is talking about the same email that we seem to be (i.e., the one with the payment instructions) or another confirming the order following the receipt of the forms.
We'll see tomorrow.
I sent a bank check w/guaranteed delivery by noon tomorrow along w/a copy of the forms.
I'll let you all know if/when I hear anything back... >>
Here's direct quotes from what I received, redacted to keep my personal information private.
I apologize for the delay, we have been overwhelmed in volume of calls and emails, our system has crashed several times today.
Dear Mr. ______________
I have received your information
Attached to this email is your order XXXXXXXXXX
Please see attached XXXXXXXXXX
Please make checks payable to Manfra, Tordella & Brookes Inc.
We hold personal checks for 17 calendar days.
As I mentioned, we are still waiting for the capsules to arrive, I will let you know when it will ship
signed by the salesman who took my order/faxes/emails/calls.
The .pdf file, upon opening, says "Sales Confirmation" right at the top right corner. It also has a box that says the order is pending upon payment of $930.00 and lists today as the transaction date
Meaning no argument, to me....that's a true sales receipt and not confirming receipt of my paperwork. I never got a confirmation of anything about my paperwork. I called about 4 PM EDT and left a message for my salesperson explaining that I'd like a sales confirmation before I wired any money, just to avoid having any potential refund issues if my order was unable to be filled due to everyone else's being ahead of me today. At 4:30, I received what I just wrote about in the .pdf file that sure looks like it's "official company stationary and an official company sales confirmation.
Hope this helps. >>
Thanks for the post!! Hopefully I'll get such a confirmation tomorrow. I never heard back from them after they sent me the email with the form attached.
Box of 20
<< <i>Thanks for the post!! Hopefully I'll get such a confirmation tomorrow. I never heard back from them after they sent me the email with the form attached. >>
I sent the forms back to the salesman twice and both emails were returned as undeliverable.....(email address was correct)
Loves me some shiny!
<< <i>checks, faxed DLs , all to people who have never seen or met ....Good luck with that! >>
Yup...I've given up on this dog and pony show.
Their exact words were: "Get out of of here...or we'll call the police?" And this was after 5 minutes of arguing after waiting for 3 or more hours.
And the ironic thing is that if they were serious, every cash paying OTC customer is one less order that needs to be shipped. My theory is that by selling about 25 sets OTC, they can now tell the Mint that they sold to the "public"...so get off our backs.
What a joke.
<< <i>
<< <i>Thanks for the post!! Hopefully I'll get such a confirmation tomorrow. I never heard back from them after they sent me the email with the form attached. >>
I sent the forms back to the salesman twice and both emails were returned as undeliverable.....(email address was correct) >>
I think that Fax is the way to go.
<< <i>
<< <i>Thanks for the post!! Hopefully I'll get such a confirmation tomorrow. I never heard back from them after they sent me the email with the form attached. >>
I sent the forms back to the salesman twice and both emails were returned as undeliverable.....(email address was correct) >>
Something along the way is rejecting e-mails sometimes. It is as if a mail server somewhere does not know who "mtbcoins.com" is.
Resend them. Eventually they will go through.
<< <i><<What!!!??? Did they really threaten you guys with arrest??? What kind of an outfit is MTB becoming? Its not like you were a bunch of HOBO's milling around drunk and drooling.... With all those folks in there today there was probably like $50K total in those peoples pocket that they were all carrying around waiting to give to MTB. >>
Their exact words were: "Get out of of here...or we'll call the police?" And this was after 5 minutes of arguing after waiting for 3 or more hours.
And the ironic thing is that if they were serious, every cash paying OTC customer is one less order that needs to be shipped. My theory is that by selling about 25 sets OTC, they can now tell the Mint that they sold to the "public"...so get off our backs.
What a joke. >>
I think they are buried and made a bad decision about how to handle it.
<< <i>
<< <i>checks, faxed DLs , all to people who have never seen or met ....Good luck with that! >>
Yup...I've given up on this dog and pony show. >>
You give credit card info including the 3 digit code on the back to internet sites with people you've never seen or met.
This is how these guys set up accounts. Don't sweat it, just go with it. We already have 1 person with an order confirmation. And others with orders. Things are moving. They just don't know how to deal with the volume.