Pop's a finally updated - it looks like Chickasaw will blow by Olympic being not far behind at this time in the highest grades.
What happened to Glacier? The MS69DM's are missing, I recall those being plentiful.
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
And it seems the NGC Olympic DPL ER goes for alot less in comparison. At 1000+ for the PCGS equivalent wouldn't it be worth trying to crossgrade the NGC Olympics?
Have the grading standards returned to normal? I'd bailed on the idea of getting the cream of my 2010 sets graded a few months ago when the hammer fell. I should of kept up on the pops as they came out but life had other plans. I do have a couple of graded sets (B box maybe) with a couple 8's in PL or DM and few in 9 for the same and one in 9 DMPL. Mine are in the latter range on mirrors so if things have changed I may go ahead and submit.
I was trying to collect a set in dmpl but premiums are pricing me out - will probably go forward with pl's instead. Olympic 69pl on MCM is $259 vs 69dmpl $499 (and that's a bargain compared to ebay)!
<< <i>Why use ebay, just call MCM direct and you will get them cheaper. >>
Cheaper than MCM website? Do they give PCGS forum discount? >>
No set forum discount but we try to work with customers as best we can when we can.... I saw these things seemingly going for moon money and cut the price in half.
We sent in a small boatload of coins. If/when more surface the current price might still be high, but if not I think we have them priced right. The first time around we were not able to to get any DMPL at all of either Olympic or Chick....
FYI, someone has already stolen our images (scratched out serial numbers) on eBay and running auctions that start at $499... they just got a stern warning, I'd be very careful with any of these countless bottom feeding creeps that think nothing of stealing images.
<< <i>Why use ebay, just call MCM direct and you will get them cheaper. >>
Cheaper than MCM website? Do they give PCGS forum discount? >>
No set forum discount but we try to work with customers as best we can when we can.... I saw these things seemingly going for moon money and cut the price in half.
We sent in a small boatload of coins. If/when more surface the current price might still be high, but if not I think we have them priced right. The first time around we were not able to to get any DMPL at all of either Olympic or Chick....
FYI, someone has already stolen our images (scratched out serial numbers) on eBay and running auctions that start at $499... they just got a stern warning, I'd be very careful with any of these countless bottom feeding creeps that think nothing of stealing images.
John >>
How did you come up with price for Chickasaw being the same as Olympic? Vicksburg was only $299 from what I remember...would be nice to get a small discount since you are generally given good reviews here
Hard to say with these Olys. $499 is solid as long as another sealed box doesn't go to the graders. That very well may happen.
I am beginning to believe that one of this series' biggest problems is market manipulation from the AP end, especially with the high grade coins. Folks are going to say enough is enough and stop collecting.
Successful transactions with keepdachange, tizofthe, adriana, wondercoin
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
I see APMEX now has 150+ Olympics 69DM FS for $549. There seems to be a flood of these all at once, precipitated by MCMs sudden release. JH has followed suit. Hmmm, smells fishy.
If the PCGS pop's make a sudden lunge for these soon, it will be very suspicious. In all fairness to their customers, PCGS pop's should be live, and not allowed to go until manually updated.
I agree with Pink, there is a bitter taste brewing here.
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
<< <i>In all fairness to their customers, PCGS pop's should be live, and not allowed to go until manually updated. >>
I was surprised when I called PCGS with a question about the Pop report and found out it gets up-dated when they get around to it. It would be simple to program this so when a coin receives a grade, the Pop report gets up-dated. But, wih someone manually up-dating it, it becomes a huge task and a very slow task at that.
I bet the premiums they make on graded coins doesn't equal the lost revenue on bullion sales because many potenetial buyers would suspect that they are receiving the culls. I would. I suspect the APs who do this will quit later except maybe APMEX. They have their sealed rolls for a premium.
Gold and silver are valuable but wisdom is priceless.
I am with you pitboss. I have the first 5 DMPL but I am thinking of stopping with them. I bought some of the others for bullion as I was able to get them for the around the same price per oz., of not less, than the ASEs.
I wonder if they are paying full fare grading fees at PCGS or NGC. I don't think First Strike is available on bulk submissions but I am not sure if there are exceptions.
Gold and silver are valuable but wisdom is priceless.
<< <i>I wonder if they are paying full fare grading fees at PCGS or NGC. I don't think First Strike is available on bulk submissions but I am not sure if there are exceptions. >>
I think I read somewhere all the bullion coins are 1st strike eligible.
<< <i>I wonder if they are paying full fare grading fees at PCGS or NGC. I don't think First Strike is available on bulk submissions but I am not sure if there are exceptions. >>
I think I read somewhere all the bullion coins are 1st strike eligible. >>
What about bulk submissions?
Gold and silver are valuable but wisdom is priceless.
While searching for PCGS coins to add to your collection, you may have noticed some that contain special inserts such as States Flags, Signature Series, Satin Finish, etc. These special inserts are only available if submitted by an authorized dealer through the Bulk Submissions program and are not available to Collectors Club Members.
Currently, the only special insert available to Collectors Club members is the First Strike label and cannot be submitted through Bulk. These changes were made in order to speed up and streamline processing and turnaround times at PCGS.
If you’d like to send in coins to PCGS and would like the special inserts included, you can seek the assistance of a PCGS authorized dealer. They would have the ability to submit a bulk order for you on your behalf. Just make sure that they indicate on the submission form that you’d like the special inserts.
<< <i>Currently, the only special insert available to Collectors Club members is the First Strike label and cannot be submitted through Bulk. These changes were made in order to speed up and streamline processing and turnaround times at PCGS. >>
That doesn't say they are not available to dealers through the bulk submission, just us little old collector club members. The only reason we get First Strike is because a bunch of us raised a stink when they took it away a couple years back.
Are you an authorized PCGS dealer? If not, do you know for sure they don't get special treatment?
If you read the bulk submission agreement form, it is only for Collector Club Members. Authorized PCGS dealers have more privileges than Collector Club members. Case in point - special inserts.
Trust me, bulk submissions can get FS. Just look at any new mint issue. Companies like MCM buy and order 100's to be graded and they all get FS (if applicable) or other special labeling.
What about when Amark sent in all those 5 ouncers to be graded as choice bu and got first strike on all of them. Do you really think they did not get special considerations?
While searching for PCGS coins to add to your collection, you may have noticed some that contain special inserts such as States Flags, Signature Series, Satin Finish, etc. These special inserts are only available if submitted by an authorized dealer through the Bulk Submissions program and are not available to Collectors Club Members. ............. >>
I called PCGS a few days ago & told them I had some P pucks with the Light Satin finish & they told me to submit them. Even helped me fill out the form. Never said anything about having to go through a dealer. Guess they're making an exception for these.
"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."
The relationship between the US Mint and the APs is corrupt and ripe for abuse. JH and Apmex warmed up with the 2010s and have it down to a fine art for the 2011s.
Ecessive premiums for cherry picked pucks graded by the TPGs. Bottom line is there are few silver spoon in the mouth APs, who enjoy a business relationship with the US Mint that others would kill for. I think that's the way the Mint wants it.
The TPGs are the enablers to the APs for the abuse. Without them, this would not exist.
Look at the history of the TPGs and the pucks, their policies and decisions regarding grading, etc. An opportunity that was not wasted. The record speaks for itself.
MTB? A-Mark? Fidelitrade? Coins-n-Things? Prudential? Diilon-Gage? TGC? Where are these APs now with the 2011s? I'll tell ya - Not Interested - or - if they are selling, it's raw and you get the luck of the draw. Which is a better shot than you'll get from JH or apmex.
The only answer to this mess is for the Mint to sell bullion directly to the public and there will be snowballs in you-know-where before that every happens, considering the AP-Mint relationship.
<< <i> The only answer to this mess is for the Mint to sell bullion directly to the public and there will be snowballs in you-know-where before that every happens, considering the AP-Mint relationship.
My .02 >>
the APs are required to make a market, buying from and selling to customers.
it would not be fair competition for the mint to be a market seller of the things they produce.
<< <i>The relationship between the US Mint and the APs is corrupt and ripe for abuse. JH and Apmex warmed up with the 2010s and have it down to a fine art for the 2011s.
Ecessive premiums for cherry picked pucks graded by the TPGs. Bottom line is there are few silver spoon in the mouth APs, who enjoy a business relationship with the US Mint that others would kill for. I think that's the way the Mint wants it.
The TPGs are the enablers to the APs for the abuse. Without them, this would not exist.
Look at the history of the TPGs and the pucks, their policies and decisions regarding grading, etc. An opportunity that was not wasted. The record speaks for itself.
MTB? A-Mark? Fidelitrade? Coins-n-Things? Prudential? Diilon-Gage? TGC? Where are these APs now with the 2011s? I'll tell ya - Not Interested - or - if they are selling, it's raw and you get the luck of the draw. Which is a better shot than you'll get from JH or apmex.
The only answer to this mess is for the Mint to sell bullion directly to the public and there will be snowballs in you-know-where before that every happens, considering the AP-Mint relationship.
My .02 >>
Silver spoon is right. A select few have exclusive access. As we have seen with the Olympics, a few APs cornered the market in high grade coins. Is it a surprise that both companies that "experimented" with 2010 ATB grading are now behind these antics? APMEX has nearly half the population of 69DMs in stock over at their online store. That is, unless the pops suddenly pop.
Successful transactions with keepdachange, tizofthe, adriana, wondercoin
I'm not sure what the big fuss is about. Any one of us can order a sealed mint box of these things and send them in to get them graded and unleash them on the market. These companies aren't in the business of hoarding. I know what we're seeing might not make sense, but eventually all of these coins will be on the market and the price will settle to what the market will bear.
<< <i>It would be fair if we all had the money to buy as many as they do. >>
I tried ordering a few raw coins to grade but they were beat up so I decided it would be more economical to just buy the coins already graded. Now we get to Olympic and Chickasaw dmpls and they just happen to come to the market at the same time but were released at different times? And high prices compared to Gettysburg, Glacier and Vicksburg -
What happened to Glacier? The MS69DM's are missing, I recall those being plentiful.
Alien abduction. You didn't hear?
Box of 20
the olympic and chickasaw would turn up in FS DMPL holders from sealed boxes
$899 is still pricey, my guess is that you will buy both for $700 or less soon!
Why use ebay, just call MCM direct and you will get them cheaper.
<< <i>Why use ebay, just call MCM direct and you will get them cheaper. >>
Cheaper than MCM website? Do they give PCGS forum discount?
<< <i>When will the Grand Canyon pcgs sp70 hit the market? >>
August 4th.
<< <i>
<< <i>Why use ebay, just call MCM direct and you will get them cheaper. >>
Cheaper than MCM website? Do they give PCGS forum discount? >>
No set forum discount but we try to work with customers as best we can when we can.... I saw these things seemingly going for moon money and cut the price in half.
We sent in a small boatload of coins. If/when more surface the current price might still be high, but if not I think we have them priced right. The first time around we were not able to to get any DMPL at all of either Olympic or Chick....
FYI, someone has already stolen our images (scratched out serial numbers) on eBay and running auctions that start at $499... they just got a stern warning, I'd be very careful with any of these countless bottom feeding creeps that think nothing of stealing images.
<< <i>No set forum discount but we try to work with customers as best we can when we can.... >>
I'll likely be giving you guys a call eventually.
My chicks are still out for grading but should all be DMPLs.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Why use ebay, just call MCM direct and you will get them cheaper. >>
Cheaper than MCM website? Do they give PCGS forum discount? >>
No set forum discount but we try to work with customers as best we can when we can.... I saw these things seemingly going for moon money and cut the price in half.
We sent in a small boatload of coins. If/when more surface the current price might still be high, but if not I think we have them priced right. The first time around we were not able to to get any DMPL at all of either Olympic or Chick....
FYI, someone has already stolen our images (scratched out serial numbers) on eBay and running auctions that start at $499... they just got a stern warning, I'd be very careful with any of these countless bottom feeding creeps that think nothing of stealing images.
John >>
How did you come up with price for Chickasaw being the same as Olympic? Vicksburg was only $299 from what I remember...would be nice to get a small discount since you are generally given good reviews here
I am beginning to believe that one of this series' biggest problems is market manipulation from the AP end, especially with the high grade coins. Folks are going to say enough is enough and stop collecting.
If the PCGS pop's make a sudden lunge for these soon, it will be very suspicious. In all fairness to their customers, PCGS pop's should be live, and not allowed to go until manually updated.
I agree with Pink, there is a bitter taste brewing here.
<< <i>In all fairness to their customers, PCGS pop's should be live, and not allowed to go until manually updated. >>
I was surprised when I called PCGS with a question about the Pop report and found out it gets up-dated when they get around to it. It would be simple to program this so when a coin receives a grade, the Pop report gets up-dated. But, wih someone manually up-dating it, it becomes a huge task and a very slow task at that.
Apmex and Jack Hunt are a joke. They have found a way to rape the common ordinary person and are sure ruining a good thing. The mint
should take over this before it gets out of hand.
Who in their right mind would buy from either JH or Apmex at this point. They are nothing but thieves!
<< <i>Who in their right mind would buy from either JH or Apmex at this point. They are nothing but thieves! >>
Thieves might be a bit strong. That implies they are taking something that belongs to someone else. I could go along with greedy jerks though.
They ARE taking things that belong to someone else. The mint sells them these coins to sell to others as a way of marketing them . Instead of
selling them they go through them and keep the best ones for themselves. You can call it greedy if you want but I call it stealing. The mint is at
fault for allowing this to happen. They should have stepped in last year when the nasty problem reared it's ugly head. Now we have a big
problem on our hands. I was going to collect a full set of these but have now lost interest and am going to rethink things for the future.
<< <i>I wonder if they are paying full fare grading fees at PCGS or NGC. I don't think First Strike is available on bulk submissions but I am not sure if there are exceptions. >>
I think I read somewhere all the bullion coins are 1st strike eligible.
chickasaw cut-off is today Aug/19
vicksburg 7/28
olympic 6/23
<< <i>
<< <i>I wonder if they are paying full fare grading fees at PCGS or NGC. I don't think First Strike is available on bulk submissions but I am not sure if there are exceptions. >>
I think I read somewhere all the bullion coins are 1st strike eligible. >>
What about bulk submissions?
Currently, PCGS does not offer first strike designation through the bulk submission program.
While searching for PCGS coins to add to your collection, you may have noticed some that contain special inserts such as States Flags, Signature Series, Satin Finish, etc. These special inserts are only available if submitted by an authorized dealer through the Bulk Submissions program and are not available to Collectors Club Members.
Currently, the only special insert available to Collectors Club members is the First Strike label and cannot be submitted through Bulk. These changes were made in order to speed up and streamline processing and turnaround times at PCGS.
If you’d like to send in coins to PCGS and would like the special inserts included, you can seek the assistance of a PCGS authorized dealer. They would have the ability to submit a bulk order for you on your behalf. Just make sure that they indicate on the submission form that you’d like the special inserts.
<< <i>Currently, the only special insert available to Collectors Club members is the First Strike label and cannot be submitted through Bulk. These changes were made in order to speed up and streamline processing and turnaround times at PCGS. >>
That doesn't say they are not available to dealers through the bulk submission, just us little old collector club members. The only reason we get First Strike is because a bunch of us raised a stink when they took it away a couple years back.
read a couple of posts up
If you read the bulk submission agreement form, it is only for Collector Club Members. Authorized PCGS dealers have more privileges than Collector Club members. Case in point - special inserts.
What about when Amark sent in all those 5 ouncers to be graded as choice bu and got first strike on all of them. Do you really think they did not get special considerations?
Heck no!
<< <i>see also: Special inserts
While searching for PCGS coins to add to your collection, you may have noticed some that contain special inserts such as States Flags, Signature Series, Satin Finish, etc. These special inserts are only available if submitted by an authorized dealer through the Bulk Submissions program and are not available to Collectors Club Members. ............. >>
I called PCGS a few days ago & told them I had some P pucks with the Light Satin finish & they told me to submit them. Even helped me fill out the form. Never said anything about having to go through a dealer. Guess they're making an exception for these.
"The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."
~ Vince Lombardi
Ecessive premiums for cherry picked pucks graded by the TPGs. Bottom line is there are few silver spoon in the mouth APs, who enjoy a business relationship with the US Mint that others would kill for. I think that's the way the Mint wants it.
The TPGs are the enablers to the APs for the abuse. Without them, this would not exist.
Look at the history of the TPGs and the pucks, their policies and decisions regarding grading, etc. An opportunity that was not wasted. The record speaks for itself.
MTB? A-Mark? Fidelitrade? Coins-n-Things? Prudential? Diilon-Gage? TGC? Where are these APs now with the 2011s? I'll tell ya - Not Interested - or - if they are selling, it's raw and you get the luck of the draw. Which is a better shot than you'll get from JH or apmex.
The only answer to this mess is for the Mint to sell bullion directly to the public and there will be snowballs in you-know-where before that every happens, considering the AP-Mint relationship.
My .02
Link - $226.15 per puck
<< <i>
The only answer to this mess is for the Mint to sell bullion directly to the public and there will be snowballs in you-know-where before that every happens, considering the AP-Mint relationship.
My .02 >>
the APs are required to make a market, buying from and selling to customers.
it would not be fair competition for the mint to be a market seller of the things they produce.
<< <i>The relationship between the US Mint and the APs is corrupt and ripe for abuse. JH and Apmex warmed up with the 2010s and have it down to a fine art for the 2011s.
Ecessive premiums for cherry picked pucks graded by the TPGs. Bottom line is there are few silver spoon in the mouth APs, who enjoy a business relationship with the US Mint that others would kill for. I think that's the way the Mint wants it.
The TPGs are the enablers to the APs for the abuse. Without them, this would not exist.
Look at the history of the TPGs and the pucks, their policies and decisions regarding grading, etc. An opportunity that was not wasted. The record speaks for itself.
MTB? A-Mark? Fidelitrade? Coins-n-Things? Prudential? Diilon-Gage? TGC? Where are these APs now with the 2011s? I'll tell ya - Not Interested - or - if they are selling, it's raw and you get the luck of the draw. Which is a better shot than you'll get from JH or apmex.
The only answer to this mess is for the Mint to sell bullion directly to the public and there will be snowballs in you-know-where before that every happens, considering the AP-Mint relationship.
My .02 >>
Silver spoon is right. A select few have exclusive access. As we have seen with the Olympics, a few APs cornered the market in high grade coins. Is it a surprise that both companies that "experimented" with 2010 ATB grading are now behind these antics? APMEX has nearly half the population of 69DMs in stock over at their online store. That is, unless the pops suddenly pop.
It would be fair if we all had the money to buy as many as they do.
<< <i>It would be fair if we all had the money to buy as many as they do. >>
I tried ordering a few raw coins to grade but they were beat up so I decided it would be more economical to just buy the coins already graded. Now we get to Olympic and Chickasaw dmpls and they just happen to come to the market at the same time but were released at different times? And high prices compared to Gettysburg, Glacier and Vicksburg -