<< <i>i just got some of my grades posted. i sent in two sets together. one from amark and one from ftrade. i mistakenly sent them on one submission form. they had to be split into two separate submissions so i`m not sure which set this is. i hope my other set does a little better. >>
I'll bet that's your Fidelitrade set. The regrades (A-Mark) tend to take a little longer. They've got to bust them out of their holders before they can grade them. I also had two puck submissions on the same day. The raw (Fidelitrade and APMEX) grades posted today; the A-Mark regrades have not posted yet. >>
Had 10 a-marks and 5 gold center coins separate orders and shipping, they both graded the same day but it was express service.
<< <i>as mentioned earlier... definitely some strange figures... - Yosemite 69DMPL only $1300, and Yellowstone 69DMPL $3000! >>
I just have to laugh at some of those prices, especially the difference in First Strike vs. non-First Strike. Look at the Grand Canyon: $600 for an MS69 DMPL, but $2300 for an MS69 DMPL First Strike? Since all of the 2010 pucks are eligible for FS, the only difference between the two is the label. Absurdity at its highest level... >>
Reminds me of the first few Yos. PCGS 69s bringing moon money only to find out that the percentage of 69s is roughly the same for all.
I think in time the same will hold for DMPL as well. Very small sample size w/lots more coming. Those who pay moon money for a YS DMPL will be just as sorry as those who did so for a Yos. 69 a month ago.
<< <i>as mentioned earlier... definitely some strange figures... - Yosemite 69DMPL only $1300, and Yellowstone 69DMPL $3000! >>
I just have to laugh at some of those prices, especially the difference in First Strike vs. non-First Strike. Look at the Grand Canyon: $600 for an MS69 DMPL, but $2300 for an MS69 DMPL First Strike? Since all of the 2010 pucks are eligible for FS, the only difference between the two is the label. Absurdity at its highest level... >>
Dont be too harsh, even at this early stage pricing is not entirely a pcgs decision, they may be a result of prices your customers paid you on e-bay for FS versus NON-----------BigE >>
Too much pucks for me. I'm done until the Numismatic Version shows up. >>
I wish that I had the sense that you do.
I have no idea why I can't stop myself. I tried to order and could not get through yest. So, to make myself feel better, I had a relative order an F Trade set for me. At least I know that they don't cherry pick, a lot of them are DM and PL, and now that they ship in capsules I figured that they would be better than CNT anyway.
That has to be it for me.
Unless they grade 69 DMPL or such it's not even really worth it.
On the other hand, hopefully I'll finally get my PCGS MS69 MH. Just bad luck, but I can't seem to get a 69 MH to complete my set. All of the MHs that I've received have had problems.
Getting pucked out. >>
Raufus, I am about to send in 3 sets to PCGS for grading. I too want to try and make 2 MS69 sets. After I get my grades we can talk about trading to complete our sets. >>
Hi Cakes-
This sounds great!!
Please PM me when your grades are in. I'll do the same.
This should be great for GC. I soooooooo hope that if they certify that they sold all coins in compliance w/the Agreement that they are then audited and taken to the cleaners by The Mint as they should be. Same with the others who did wrong.
If you guys aren't smart enough to figure it out for your selfs, you don't deserve to have it.
Interesting attitude, djm. I'd bet you are pretty smart. >>
Yes, seriously. I think that many of us have been sure to share info w/the forum at every opportunity no matter how easy nor difficult it would be for other members to get it themselves.
If I were only deserving enough, I could hope to get a set from CnT.
On another note, I sure hope that these CNT pucks are not culls. Culls are certainly not worth the trouble anymore. Raufus, isn't that part of the fun? The thrill of the chase?
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
WOW, it is soooooo hard to sit here and not go for a set...I wouldn't even mind the extra silver. I am just a little too unsure about CNT, no other reason than the long delay on their part. Hope you all get outstanding sets.
I am trying to stay happy with my reults - 3 sets purchased, sold two to MCM and as a result have zero dollars into my own set. Ungraded for now, not sure how they will remain in the future.
I am however on the JackHunt list, whatever that means, so I guess my addiction is not completely broken.
From another forum.... Re: America the Beautiful 5 oz Silver Bullion Coins http://mintnewsblog.blogspot.com/201...in-update.html Wednesday, March 9, 2011 ATB Silver Bullion Coin Update Posted by: Mint News Blog | Posted in: America the Beautiful Quarters
As just reported on Coin Update News, the US Mint has released some preliminary information on the 2011-dated America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins. They have also provided a strong incentive for slow moving authorized purchasers to distribute their 2010-dated coins.
This series of over-sized silver bullion coins features the same designs as the current circulating quarter dollars. The ATB silver bullion coins have been the subject of much controversy due to the nature of last year's release.
On December 1, 2010, the US Mint provided details of the 2010-dated releases. All five designs would be released at the same time and have mintages of 33,000 units each. This unexpectedly low number generated excitement with many collectors. Just before the US Mint was scheduled to begin sales, one of their authorized purchasers began accepting pre-orders at a price reflecting a high premium above the acquisition cost. Customers complained and the US Mint halted the offering.
When the program relaunched, the AP's were required to agree to terms and conditions in order to receive their distributions. They would be required to distribute all coins directly to the public, limit to one coin per design per household, and could not charge premiums in excess of 10% of the acquisition cost.
Nine of the AP's agreed to the terms and ordered their allocations from the Mint. In the following weeks and months, the sales procedures utilized by many of the AP's left much to be desired. Several have still not finished selling their allocations. To my knowledge the AP's who have not sold all of their 2010 ATB Silver Bullion Coins are: Jack Hunt Coin Brokers, APMEX, and Coins N Things.
This year, the circumstances of the America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins should be much different. The US Mint has indicated that they intend to issue the coins in "substantially higher" quantities. Hopefully, this will allow the coins to be viewed more like bullion coins (as intended) rather than numismatic rarities.
In line with the higher mintages, the US Mint will not be imposing terms and conditions similar to those used for the 2010-dated releases.
The first design of the year featuring Gettysburg National Military Park is anticipated to be released in late April. This suggests that each design will be released individually during the year, rather than all at once.
Authorized purchasers who wish to participate in the distribution of these coins must certify that they have sold all 2010-dated coins in compliance with the terms and conditions imposed. Once they have certified that all of their original allocation has sold, they can then buy and sell 2010-dated coins under normal procedures and receive allocations of 2011-dated coins.
Great BST experiences: abitofthisabitofthat, silvercoinsdude, gerard, coinfame, mikescoins, wondercoin
It will be interesting to see if the APs fess up to where all their sets really went.
From Coin Update News
Preliminary Details on 2011 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins
Within a memo sent to authorized purchasers earlier today, the United States Mint revealed some details about the release of the 2011 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins.
These coins contain five ounces of .999 fine silver, have a diameter of 3 inches, and carry the same designs as the circulating America the Beautiful Quarters. The releases of the series for 2011 will feature Gettysburg National Military Park, Glacier National Park, Olympic National Park, Vicksburg National Military Park, and Chickasaw National Recreation Area. The obverse of each coin carries a portrait of George Washington.
Under the authorizing legislation for the program, the US Mint is required to distribute the coins through their network of authorized purchasers (AP’s). These eleven primary distributors are able to purchase gold, silver, and/or platinum bullion coins directly from the Mint based on the market price of the metal plus a specified mark up. The coins are then resold to other bullion dealers, coin dealers, and the public.
Due to the extremely low mintages for the 2010-dated America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins, the AP’s were required to agree to a set of terms and conditions to distribute the coins. This included a requirement to sell all coins directly to the public, impose an ordering limit of one per household, and limit premiums to 10% above acquisition cost. These terms were set by the Mint in response to complaints about unreasonable premiums charged by the distributors.
According to the US Mint, the mintage levels for the 2011-dated releases will be “substantially higher” than the levels for the prior year. As such, there will be no terms and conditions imposed. However, in order to participate in this year’s release, AP’s must certify that they have sold all of their 2010-dated coins in compliance with the terms and conditions for those coins. At this time, there are several AP’s who have not fully distributed their 2010 coins.
The US Mint indicated that the first 2011 design featuring Gettysburg National Military Park will be released in late April, although a specific on-sale date has not yet been determined. For the first year of the series, all five designs were released to authorized purchasers on the same date.
Distribution of the 2011 ATB Silver Bullion Coins will take place on an allocated basis. The US Mint is also currently allocating supplies of the one once American Silver Eagle bullion coins. For the past three years, at times when the supply of bullion coins was insufficient to meet full public demand, available coins have been rationed at the authorized purchaser level.
As a pre-requisite to participate in the purchase and distribution of the America the Beautiful Silver Bullion coins:
1. Authorized Purchasers shall make available for sale to the public all 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins that they acquire. The intention of this condition is to ensure that all 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins minted and issued by the United States Mint are sold to the public.
2. Authorized Purchasers may charge to their customers a price no higher than ten percent above the price at which the Authorized Purchasers acquire 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins from the United States Mint. Authorized Purchasers may charge their customers a reasonable shipping and handling fee; however, Authorized Purchasers may not charge any other fee, premium, or other expense to their customers to circumvent this ten-percent markup limitation. The intention of this condition is to ensure that members of the public can obtain these coins at a reasonable and affordable purchase price.
3. Authorized Purchasers must establish and enforce an order limit of one coin of each design for each household. A household is defined as all persons of a family, or living as a family, at a single mailing address. The intention of this condition is to ensure the broadest and fairest public accessibility to 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins, which are limited-mintage United States Mint products.
4. Authorized Purchasers may not sell, either directly or indirectly, 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins to their officers or employees. The intention of this condition is to ensure that 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins are available to the public and that Authorized Purchaser officers and employees do not have an unfair advantage over members of the public.
So it all starts all over again in late april. Sorta.
Without any limitations now on the AP's, they're free to just cherry pick the very best and most reflective of their coins for extreamly high premiums and sell off the crap as regular bullion. The good times are gone. lol. However... I think Fidelitrade, Amark, and maybe Prudential? are too "corporate" to do something like that. I would buy from Fidelitrade (If they maintain the better packaging &S hipping) & Amark again, however Amark will charge me taxes cause I'm in California.
<< <i>So it all starts all over again in late april. Sorta.
Without any limitations now on the AP's, they're free to just cherry pick the very best and most reflective of their coins for extreamly high premiums and sell off the crap as regular bullion. The good times are gone. lol. However... I think Fidelitrade, Amark, and maybe Prudential? are too "corporate" to do something like that. I would buy from Fidelitrade (If they maintain the better packaging &S hipping) & Amark again, however Amark will charge me taxes cause I'm in California. >>
I agree about F Trade and A Mark, but Pru? They were an unprofessional joke.
<< <i>Did the F Trades have rim dings that accounted for these grades?
Thanks for sharing. >>
I didn't really open them to inspect them, I'll know when they return. I don't think they would get 68's with big dings. I can't complain too much about the 68DM's, it seems like the 69DM's are pretty hard to get.
<< <i>So it all starts all over again in late april. Sorta.
Without any limitations now on the AP's, they're free to just cherry pick the very best and most reflective of their coins for extreamly high premiums and sell off the crap as regular bullion. The good times are gone. lol. However... I think Fidelitrade, Amark, and maybe Prudential? are too "corporate" to do something like that. I would buy from Fidelitrade (If they maintain the better packaging &S hipping) & Amark again, however Amark will charge me taxes cause I'm in California. >>
It remains to be seen if any of the honorable APs will be selling to end consumers. I hope they do. I want to give my continued business to MTB, Fidelitrade and AMark.
<< <i>So it all starts all over again in late april. Sorta.
Without any limitations now on the AP's, they're free to just cherry pick the very best and most reflective of their coins for extreamly high premiums and sell off the crap as regular bullion. The good times are gone. lol. However... I think Fidelitrade, Amark, and maybe Prudential? are too "corporate" to do something like that. I would buy from Fidelitrade (If they maintain the better packaging &S hipping) & Amark again, however Amark will charge me taxes cause I'm in California. >>
Yes, they will certainly cherrypick. You will get the dreck from the bottom of the barrel.
Too bad they are probably now being issued singly... other wise it would now be the time to go in together to get the monster box... the only way to ensure it has not been picked through and top grades removed.....
<< <i>Submitted an Amark set and an F-trade set at the same time. Got my F-trade grades today: >>
I had 2 a-marks pcgs graded and got 8-69`s and 2-68`s all were PL or DM. I have 2 F-trades at pcgs now and thought they were twice as good as the a-marks with much more DM quality hope i was right. Sorry you didn't get better grades.
Dillon Gage was a severe disappointment for me...possibly it was cherry picked. All have scratches and rims are scuffed. Packaging was not great. I don't know if anyone else has mentioned DG packaging but it was a small box like a USPS priority small flat rate. Inside that was some peanuts and a small box like someting a necklace would be packaged in at a jewelry store. It contained the 5 coins, each in a plastic flip that was really too small for the coin. They were jammed in and most of them had even split the side of the flip open.
Great BST experiences: abitofthisabitofthat, silvercoinsdude, gerard, coinfame, mikescoins, wondercoin
First time on this forum which by the way I've found to be very helpful, informative and entertaining as this dramedy has unfolded.
After reading the latest article on Coin Update concerning the 2011 ATBs I was wondering if anybody noticed the fact that when discussing the new coins they covered the mintage, the material, the weight, the diameter and the design but one aspect of the 2010 coins was not discussed.
Got a call (message) from DG today asking if I wanted to buy pucks, said they were working through their list. Honestly I don't remember emailing or calling them, but whatever list I was on, they are working through it now. I am not planning order.
I asked APMEX if they are buying the ATB silver bullion coins. They are not.
APs must sell all of their 2010-dated ATB allocations before they can do any other transactions involving the 2010-dated ATB silver bullion coins (that is, buying them or selling them at market rates). So the fact that APMEX isn't buying could mean that they haven't completely sold their allocation yet.
<< <i>Got a call (message) from DG today asking if I wanted to buy pucks, said they were working through their list. Honestly I don't remember emailing or calling them, but whatever list I was on, they are working through it now. I am not planning order. >>
Interesting in that you seem to be the second person having been called without remembering signing up on a DG list...scam????
please be aware that the USM rules do not allow the original AP's selling the 2010 sets to make a profit more than 10% over thier cost, regardless if they are original sales or RESALES.
now you know why they are not anxious to get into secondary market sales of 2010 pucks.
<< <i>So it all starts all over again in late april. Sorta.
Without any limitations now on the AP's, they're free to just cherry pick the very best and most reflective of their coins for extreamly high premiums and sell off the crap as regular bullion. The good times are gone. lol. However... I think Fidelitrade, Amark, and maybe Prudential? are too "corporate" to do something like that. I would buy from Fidelitrade (If they maintain the better packaging &S hipping) & Amark again, however Amark will charge me taxes cause I'm in California. >>
It remains to be seen if any of the honorable APs will be selling to end consumers. I hope they do. I want to give my continued business to MTB, Fidelitrade and AMark. >>
Don't you think the APs will be selling these in tubes since each coin will be coming out singly at minimum purchase thresholds, like $5K-10K. These should be treated like regular bullion from now if the mintages are sufficient.
my daughter decided she wanted to buy a set so i told her to email fidelitrade and ask. this was yesterday and today they emailed her the pdf file. just a heads up if anybody is still looking for more.
<< <i>my daughter decided she wanted to buy a set so i told her to email fidelitrade and ask. this was yesterday and today they emailed her the pdf file. just a heads up if anybody is still looking for more. >>
Yes I sent off a check to them on saturday before my trip to calif, have not heard anything yet but figure they like others still have sets. I decided to pass on cnt because of there price, which is a ripoff when you can still find these from others for the right price. Still no word from Jack Hunt and figure that will be the last one I will get if the price is right.......................
<< <i>I got an email from CNT---I will have a set coming.
Joe >>
Can someone PLEASE share CNT's email address?
<< <i>
<< <i>i just got some of my grades posted. i sent in two sets together. one from amark and one from ftrade. i mistakenly sent them on one submission form. they had to be split into two separate submissions so i`m not sure which set this is. i hope my other set does a little better. >>
I'll bet that's your Fidelitrade set. The regrades (A-Mark) tend to take a little longer. They've got to bust them out of their holders before they can grade them. I also had two puck submissions on the same day. The raw (Fidelitrade and APMEX) grades posted today; the A-Mark regrades have not posted yet. >>
Had 10 a-marks and 5 gold center coins separate orders and shipping, they both graded the same day but it was express service.
<< <i>
<< <i>I got an email from CNT---I will have a set coming.
Joe >>
Can someone PLEASE share CNT's email address? >>
Ditto...would love a PM, at the least, with their email address...
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
Yes, please? Someone?
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>Can someone PLEASE share CNT's email address? >> >>
If you guys aren't smart enough to figure it out for your selfs, you don't deserve to have it.
<< <i>
<< <i>as mentioned earlier... definitely some strange figures... - Yosemite 69DMPL only $1300, and Yellowstone 69DMPL $3000! >>
I just have to laugh at some of those prices, especially the difference in First Strike vs. non-First Strike. Look at the Grand Canyon: $600 for an MS69 DMPL, but $2300 for an MS69 DMPL First Strike? Since all of the 2010 pucks are eligible for FS, the only difference between the two is the label. Absurdity at its highest level... >>
Reminds me of the first few Yos. PCGS 69s bringing moon money only to find out that the percentage of 69s is roughly the same for all.
I think in time the same will hold for DMPL as well. Very small sample size w/lots more coming. Those who pay moon money for a YS DMPL will be just as sorry as those who did so for a Yos. 69 a month ago.
If you guys aren't smart enough to figure it out for your selfs, you don't deserve to have it.
Interesting attitude, djm. I'd bet you are pretty smart.
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>as mentioned earlier... definitely some strange figures... - Yosemite 69DMPL only $1300, and Yellowstone 69DMPL $3000! >>
I just have to laugh at some of those prices, especially the difference in First Strike vs. non-First Strike. Look at the Grand Canyon: $600 for an MS69 DMPL, but $2300 for an MS69 DMPL First Strike? Since all of the 2010 pucks are eligible for FS, the only difference between the two is the label. Absurdity at its highest level... >>
Dont be too harsh, even at this early stage pricing is not entirely a pcgs decision, they may be a result of prices your customers paid you on e-bay for FS versus NON
And for $48 the non-fs can be a FS.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Not even interested in CnT's offering.
Too much pucks for me. I'm done until the Numismatic Version shows up. >>
I wish that I had the sense that you do.
I have no idea why I can't stop myself. I tried to order and could not get through yest. So, to make myself feel better, I had a relative order an F Trade set for me. At least I know that they don't cherry pick, a lot of them are DM and PL, and now that they ship in capsules I figured that they would be better than CNT anyway.
That has to be it for me.
Unless they grade 69 DMPL or such it's not even really worth it.
On the other hand, hopefully I'll finally get my PCGS MS69 MH. Just bad luck, but I can't seem to get a 69 MH to complete my set. All of the MHs that I've received have had problems.
Getting pucked out. >>
Raufus, I am about to send in 3 sets to PCGS for grading. I too want to try and make 2 MS69 sets. After I get my grades we can talk about trading to complete our sets. >>
Hi Cakes-
This sounds great!!
Please PM me when your grades are in. I'll do the same.
<< <i>Well, I wasn't going to buy any more of these pucks but could not refuse C.& T. when they called today. I did not even get through on the
phone to them yesterday. I still think you can not go wrong with these as I think these ones are going to look much nicer than what the mint
is going to give us eventually. >>
How did they come to call you when you didn't get through yesterday?
<< <i>The fact that the 2011's will be minted "in significantly higher quantities than the 2010's" should help these prices in the future
2011 pucks >>
This should be great for GC. I soooooooo hope that if they certify that they sold all coins in compliance w/the Agreement that they are then audited and taken to the cleaners by The Mint as they should be. Same with the others who did wrong.
<< <i><< Can someone PLEASE share CNT's email address? >> >>
If you guys aren't smart enough to figure it out for your selfs, you don't deserve to have it.
Interesting attitude, djm. I'd bet you are pretty smart. >>
Yes, seriously. I think that many of us have been sure to share info w/the forum at every opportunity no matter how easy nor difficult it would be for other members to get it themselves.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>I got an email from CNT---I will have a set coming.
Joe >>
Can someone PLEASE share CNT's email address? >>
Ditto...would love a PM, at the least, with their email address... >>
I am not smart enough to figure it out but..
Someone posted this info a few 100 posts ago, but I can't find it.
It was like a google search info, name address phone # email contact.
I don't remember who posted it but it may have been edited?
So I sent an inquiry about the pucks desiring a set and received a response today.
Same info as others said. $1100 and need check there by Monday 14th.
I knew it would happen.
I sure hope that these CNT pucks are not culls. Culls are certainly not worth the trouble anymore.
I guess that we'll know soon.
$250 more than APMEX. Ouch.
On another note,
I sure hope that these CNT pucks are not culls. Culls are certainly not worth the trouble anymore.
Raufus, isn't that part of the fun? The thrill of the chase?
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>I got an email from CNT---I will have a set coming.
Joe >>
Can someone PLEASE share CNT's email address? >>
Ditto...would love a PM, at the least, with their email address... >>
I am not smart enough to figure it out but..
Someone posted this info a few 100 posts ago, but I can't find it.
It was like a google search info, name address phone # email contact.
I don't remember who posted it but it may have been edited?
So I sent an inquiry about the pucks desiring a set and received a response today.
Same info as others said. $1100 and need check there by Monday 14th.
paul.thompson@cntofma.com >>
Poor Paul Thompson. I bet his email is going to have hundreds of messages in the morning. LOL.
I am trying to stay happy with my reults - 3 sets purchased, sold two to MCM and as a result have zero dollars into my own set. Ungraded for now, not sure how they will remain in the future.
I am however on the JackHunt list, whatever that means, so I guess my addiction is not completely broken.
Re: America the Beautiful 5 oz Silver Bullion Coins
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
ATB Silver Bullion Coin Update
Posted by: Mint News Blog | Posted in: America the Beautiful Quarters
As just reported on Coin Update News, the US Mint has released some preliminary information on the 2011-dated America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins. They have also provided a strong incentive for slow moving authorized purchasers to distribute their 2010-dated coins.
This series of over-sized silver bullion coins features the same designs as the current circulating quarter dollars. The ATB silver bullion coins have been the subject of much controversy due to the nature of last year's release.
On December 1, 2010, the US Mint provided details of the 2010-dated releases. All five designs would be released at the same time and have mintages of 33,000 units each. This unexpectedly low number generated excitement with many collectors. Just before the US Mint was scheduled to begin sales, one of their authorized purchasers began accepting pre-orders at a price reflecting a high premium above the acquisition cost. Customers complained and the US Mint halted the offering.
When the program relaunched, the AP's were required to agree to terms and conditions in order to receive their distributions. They would be required to distribute all coins directly to the public, limit to one coin per design per household, and could not charge premiums in excess of 10% of the acquisition cost.
Nine of the AP's agreed to the terms and ordered their allocations from the Mint. In the following weeks and months, the sales procedures utilized by many of the AP's left much to be desired. Several have still not finished selling their allocations. To my knowledge the AP's who have not sold all of their 2010 ATB Silver Bullion Coins are: Jack Hunt Coin Brokers, APMEX, and Coins N Things.
This year, the circumstances of the America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins should be much different. The US Mint has indicated that they intend to issue the coins in "substantially higher" quantities. Hopefully, this will allow the coins to be viewed more like bullion coins (as intended) rather than numismatic rarities.
In line with the higher mintages, the US Mint will not be imposing terms and conditions similar to those used for the 2010-dated releases.
The first design of the year featuring Gettysburg National Military Park is anticipated to be released in late April. This suggests that each design will be released individually during the year, rather than all at once.
Authorized purchasers who wish to participate in the distribution of these coins must certify that they have sold all 2010-dated coins in compliance with the terms and conditions imposed. Once they have certified that all of their original allocation has sold, they can then buy and sell 2010-dated coins under normal procedures and receive allocations of 2011-dated coins.
From Coin Update News
Preliminary Details on 2011 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins
Within a memo sent to authorized purchasers earlier today, the United States Mint revealed some details about the release of the 2011 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins.
These coins contain five ounces of .999 fine silver, have a diameter of 3 inches, and carry the same designs as the circulating America the Beautiful Quarters. The releases of the series for 2011 will feature Gettysburg National Military Park, Glacier National Park, Olympic National Park, Vicksburg National Military Park, and Chickasaw National Recreation Area. The obverse of each coin carries a portrait of George Washington.
Under the authorizing legislation for the program, the US Mint is required to distribute the coins through their network of authorized purchasers (AP’s). These eleven primary distributors are able to purchase gold, silver, and/or platinum bullion coins directly from the Mint based on the market price of the metal plus a specified mark up. The coins are then resold to other bullion dealers, coin dealers, and the public.
Due to the extremely low mintages for the 2010-dated America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins, the AP’s were required to agree to a set of terms and conditions to distribute the coins. This included a requirement to sell all coins directly to the public, impose an ordering limit of one per household, and limit premiums to 10% above acquisition cost. These terms were set by the Mint in response to complaints about unreasonable premiums charged by the distributors.
According to the US Mint, the mintage levels for the 2011-dated releases will be “substantially higher” than the levels for the prior year. As such, there will be no terms and conditions imposed. However, in order to participate in this year’s release, AP’s must certify that they have sold all of their 2010-dated coins in compliance with the terms and conditions for those coins. At this time, there are several AP’s who have not fully distributed their 2010 coins.
The US Mint indicated that the first 2011 design featuring Gettysburg National Military Park will be released in late April, although a specific on-sale date has not yet been determined. For the first year of the series, all five designs were released to authorized purchasers on the same date.
Distribution of the 2011 ATB Silver Bullion Coins will take place on an allocated basis. The US Mint is also currently allocating supplies of the one once American Silver Eagle bullion coins. For the past three years, at times when the supply of bullion coins was insufficient to meet full public demand, available coins have been rationed at the authorized purchaser level.
As a pre-requisite to participate in the purchase and distribution of the America the Beautiful Silver Bullion coins:
1. Authorized Purchasers shall make available for sale to the public all 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins that they acquire. The intention of this condition is to ensure that all 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins minted and issued by the United States Mint are sold to the public.
2. Authorized Purchasers may charge to their customers a price no higher than ten percent above the price at which the Authorized Purchasers acquire 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins from the United States Mint. Authorized Purchasers may charge their customers a reasonable shipping and handling fee; however, Authorized Purchasers may not charge any other fee, premium, or other expense to their customers to circumvent this ten-percent markup limitation. The intention of this condition is to ensure that members of the public can obtain these coins at a reasonable and affordable purchase price.
3. Authorized Purchasers must establish and enforce an order limit of one coin of each design for each household. A household is defined as all persons of a family, or living as a family, at a single mailing address. The intention of this condition is to ensure the broadest and fairest public accessibility to 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins, which are limited-mintage United States Mint products.
4. Authorized Purchasers may not sell, either directly or indirectly, 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins to their officers or employees. The intention of this condition is to ensure that 2010 America the Beautiful Silver Bullion Coins are available to the public and that Authorized Purchaser officers and employees do not have an unfair advantage over members of the public.
<< <i>Submitted an Amark set and an F-trade set at the same time. Got my F-trade grades today:
Sorry dude thats a fail. PL means jack from PCGS. People need to stop wasting money on this grading boondoggle.
Without any limitations now on the AP's, they're free to just cherry pick the very best and most reflective of their coins for extreamly high premiums and sell off the crap as regular bullion. The good times are gone. lol. However... I think Fidelitrade, Amark, and maybe Prudential? are too "corporate" to do something like that. I would buy from Fidelitrade (If they maintain the better packaging &S hipping) & Amark again, however Amark will charge me taxes cause I'm in California.
<< <i>Submitted an Amark set and an F-trade set at the same time. Got my F-trade grades today:
Did the F Trades have rim dings that accounted for these grades?
Thanks for sharing.
<< <i>So it all starts all over again in late april. Sorta.
Without any limitations now on the AP's, they're free to just cherry pick the very best and most reflective of their coins for extreamly high premiums and sell off the crap as regular bullion. The good times are gone. lol. However... I think Fidelitrade, Amark, and maybe Prudential? are too "corporate" to do something like that. I would buy from Fidelitrade (If they maintain the better packaging &S hipping) & Amark again, however Amark will charge me taxes cause I'm in California.
I agree about F Trade and A Mark, but Pru? They were an unprofessional joke.
<< <i>Did the F Trades have rim dings that accounted for these grades?
Thanks for sharing. >>
I didn't really open them to inspect them, I'll know when they return. I don't think they would get 68's with big dings. I can't complain too much about the 68DM's, it seems like the 69DM's are pretty hard to get.
<< <i>So it all starts all over again in late april. Sorta.
Without any limitations now on the AP's, they're free to just cherry pick the very best and most reflective of their coins for extreamly high premiums and sell off the crap as regular bullion. The good times are gone. lol. However... I think Fidelitrade, Amark, and maybe Prudential? are too "corporate" to do something like that. I would buy from Fidelitrade (If they maintain the better packaging &S hipping) & Amark again, however Amark will charge me taxes cause I'm in California.
It remains to be seen if any of the honorable APs will be selling to end consumers. I hope they do. I want to give my continued business to MTB, Fidelitrade and AMark.
<< <i>So it all starts all over again in late april. Sorta.
Without any limitations now on the AP's, they're free to just cherry pick the very best and most reflective of their coins for extreamly high premiums and sell off the crap as regular bullion. The good times are gone. lol. However... I think Fidelitrade, Amark, and maybe Prudential? are too "corporate" to do something like that. I would buy from Fidelitrade (If they maintain the better packaging &S hipping) & Amark again, however Amark will charge me taxes cause I'm in California.
Yes, they will certainly cherrypick. You will get the dreck from the bottom of the barrel.
Too bad they are probably now being issued singly... other wise it would now be the time to go in together to get the monster box... the only way to ensure it has not been picked through and top grades removed.....
<< <i>Submitted an Amark set and an F-trade set at the same time. Got my F-trade grades today:
I had 2 a-marks pcgs graded and got 8-69`s and 2-68`s all were PL or DM. I have 2 F-trades at pcgs now and thought they were twice as good as the a-marks with much more DM quality hope i was right. Sorry you didn't get better grades.
PCGS updated the Yomsemite DMPL to $2300.
So a 69FS DMPL set = $11,100
and a 69 FS PL Set = $6,275
Packaging was not great. I don't know if anyone else has mentioned DG packaging but it was a small box like a USPS priority small flat rate.
Inside that was some peanuts and a small box like someting a necklace would be packaged in at a jewelry store.
It contained the 5 coins, each in a plastic flip that was really too small for the coin. They were jammed in and most of them had even split the side of the flip open.
<< <i>Submitted an Amark set and an F-trade set at the same time. Got my F-trade grades today:
You know the cool thing about all the different grading possibilities from PCGS now is that it will make it easier to sell or buy individual coins.
Most people like to have matching sets whether its 68s or 69s, PL or DMPL. They will be able to pick up the ones they need!!!
Looks like you got a good start at a 68DMPL set if you are stacking.
<< <i>IT WAS A TYPO...
PCGS updated the Yomsemite DMPL to $2300.
So a 69FS DMPL set = $11,100
and a 69 FS PL Set = $6,275 >>
So... how close to reality are those prices????
First time on this forum which by the way I've found to be very helpful, informative and entertaining as this dramedy has unfolded.
After reading the latest article on Coin Update concerning the 2011 ATBs I was wondering if anybody noticed the fact that when discussing the new coins they covered the mintage, the material, the weight, the diameter and the design but one aspect of the 2010 coins was not discussed.
I do love a mystery.
<< <i>
<< <i>IT WAS A TYPO...
PCGS updated the Yomsemite DMPL to $2300.
So a 69FS DMPL set = $11,100
and a 69 FS PL Set = $6,275 >>
So... how close to reality are those prices????
I think reality will be determined in the near future when all those 69PL's hit the market
APs must sell all of their 2010-dated ATB allocations before they can do any other transactions involving the 2010-dated ATB silver bullion coins (that is, buying them or selling them at market rates). So the fact that APMEX isn't buying could mean that they haven't completely sold their allocation yet.
<< <i>Got a call (message) from DG today asking if I wanted to buy pucks, said they were working through their list. Honestly I don't remember emailing or calling them, but whatever list I was on, they are working through it now. I am not planning order. >>
Interesting in that you seem to be the second person having been called without remembering signing up on a DG list...scam????
please be aware that the USM rules do not allow the original AP's selling the 2010 sets to make a profit more than 10% over thier cost, regardless if they are original sales or RESALES.
now you know why they are not anxious to get into secondary market sales of 2010 pucks.
<< <i>
<< <i>So it all starts all over again in late april. Sorta.
Without any limitations now on the AP's, they're free to just cherry pick the very best and most reflective of their coins for extreamly high premiums and sell off the crap as regular bullion. The good times are gone. lol. However... I think Fidelitrade, Amark, and maybe Prudential? are too "corporate" to do something like that. I would buy from Fidelitrade (If they maintain the better packaging &S hipping) & Amark again, however Amark will charge me taxes cause I'm in California.
It remains to be seen if any of the honorable APs will be selling to end consumers. I hope they do. I want to give my continued business to MTB, Fidelitrade and AMark. >>
Don't you think the APs will be selling these in tubes since each coin will be coming out singly at minimum purchase thresholds, like $5K-10K. These should be treated like regular bullion from now if the mintages are sufficient.
<< <i>my daughter decided she wanted to buy a set so i told her to email fidelitrade and ask. this was yesterday and today they emailed her the pdf file. just a heads up if anybody is still looking for more.
Yes I sent off a check to them on saturday before my trip to calif, have not heard anything yet but figure they like others still have sets. I decided to pass on cnt because of there price, which is a ripoff when you can still find these from others for the right price. Still no word from Jack Hunt and figure that will be the last one I will get if the price is right.......................
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.