<< <i>Ankur ... I was just told by the head of PCGS Customer Service that the very cheapest method to submit these coins through the collectors' club is regular line plus $18 for FS or $48/coin ($240/set). No modern or economy submissions are permitted for these.
Wondercoin >>
In the case of the A-Mark coins that are already in PCGS FS holders Will PCGS charge for FS again if they are sent in for grading? I assume that this would not be considered a regrade since they were never graded in the first place.
I'd keep playing. I don't think the heavy stuff will be coming down for quite a while!
Has anyone who was supposed to hear from A-Mark about buying a set tomorrow, by e-mail today (Monday) no later than 2 PM EST, heard yet?
I ask because a friend of mine made the list but has not heard anything back from them. He tried calling whatever number they gave him to call if he didn't receive the code/password/whatever he would need to buy on Tuesday but all he got was a recording that said he should leave a message.
<< <i>Do you have to explicity request for the PL designation from NGC, or do they automatically assign it if it grades that way? Thx >>
You don't have to ask them for it. They will call it PL if they determine it meets their standard. I just had some moderns graded PL w/o asking them to do so.
<< <i>Has anyone who was supposed to hear from A-Mark about buying a set tomorrow, by e-mail today (Monday) no later than 2 PM EST, heard yet?
I ask because a friend of mine made the list but has not heard anything back from them. He tried calling whatever number they gave him to call if he didn't receive the code/password/whatever he would need to buy on Tuesday but all he got was a recording that said he should leave a message. Thanks! >>
That was 2 pm PST
Great BST experiences: abitofthisabitofthat, silvercoinsdude, gerard, coinfame, mikescoins, wondercoin
Limiting the 'first strike' and such on this 2010 coin set is just BS Marketing crap. They were all made and released to the AP's at the same time. These greedy TPG's will not stop. You'd think some of the Associations would seriously say something to them. Or as mentioend here, the lawsuit's they went through a little while ago would do something. Suppose you can blame the collectors that pay a premium for them, when the mean nothing too.
<< <i>Geeze, away from the computer for 24 hours and the ER PLs arrive out of nowhere to (IMHO) be the clear kings, the set presales are sub-$2K and heading down, the singles are up from last Sunday, and it looks like I'd better sell the PCGS 69s while the gettin's good and hope for an ER PL set. What a roller-coaster.... >>
Roller coaster weekend for sure, with the surfacing of the NGC 69PLs (I still think PCGS 69 will end up being the champions though) roller coaster prices, AMark updates, and that Fidelitrade update that nobody noticed until a day later...
Love em or hate em, this has been some great drama. >>
I'm very interested in your comment regarding the PLs vs the PCGS 69s. My goal has been to complete a set of PCGS 69s to keep. Then the PLs came along. I was basing my contention that the PLs would be king based on the UHRs. The NGC 70PLs - not to mention the 70PL ERs - are far and away the kings, even over the PCGS FS AND in the case of the UHRs the FS window was limited. Given the UHR situation, why do you feel that the PCGS 69s will rule? Also, does anyone know what the pops are for the NGC PLs (i.e, what percentage are getting PL)?
Thanks, R- >>
R--I think it depends on how the populations all pan out. I think I spoke prematurely on that last post.
Successful transactions with keepdachange, tizofthe, adriana, wondercoin
<< <i>Falling Prices, Lowest Price Pre-Sales: $1780, and two for $1,875 >>
Excellant just as i thought, i mean really PRE sales that are being done now are crazy, it could be 4 to 6 more weeks before another puck hits the floor. I guess i am old school i need something in hand before selling it, who is gonna be the first to start listing presales for the mints version, heck were only 6 to 8 weeks away from that Oh yeah does anyone know when you do a presale does that money get released or does the seller have to wait till the box is shipped?
<< <i>Falling Prices, Lowest Price Pre-Sales: $1780, and two for $1,875 >>
who is gonna be the first to start listing presales for the mints version, heck were only 6 to 8 weeks away from that >>
ther have been pre-sales for teh mint versions. yes, crazyness.
and many of the pre sales have asked for payment now. Even one wrote out in the listing, that 'you are gambling the price will go up, I am fine with that. same if the price goes down, no refunds.'
Presales are generally problematic. That coupled with every JimJoBob garage sale seller nailing a set and flipping to the bottom is gonna make it fun to watch...Kinda like buying a ticket for a ride on a boat, in this case The Titanic....
Well, I called FT and asked if my account had been set up. I was told they did not have my e-mail address input. Once I gave it to the lady, she said I did have an account and would be getting the second email notification about the order going to processing.
Order Acceptance--
Thank you for your order of America the Beautiful Coins. Your order has been accepted and is now being processed.
Please allow up to four weeks for your coins to arrive. The coins will be shipped to the address on your purchase order, via FedEx Express Saver Service.
Again, thank you for your business. FideliTrade Incorporated
<< <i>Falling Prices, Lowest Price Pre-Sales: $1780, and two for $1,875 >>
Excellant just as i thought, i mean really PRE sales that are being done now are crazy, it could be 4 to 6 more weeks before another puck hits the floor. I guess i am old school i need something in hand before selling it, who is gonna be the first to start listing presales for the mints version, heck were only 6 to 8 weeks away from that Oh yeah does anyone know when you do a presale does that money get released or does the seller have to wait till the box is shipped? >>
The $ gets released right away, barring the 100 feedback rule...Thus, what generally happens is if and when this stuff doesn't get shipped in a timely fashion, regardless of whatever JimJo Bob writes in the listing the buyer gets pissed as he/she sees a flood of inhands going for likely way less than their order which is in limbo...they get a refund and dish out a Neg...
<< <i>Presales are generally problematic. That coupled with every JimJoBob garage sale seller nailing a set and flipping to the bottom is gonna make it fun to watch...Kinda like buying a ticket for a ride on a boat, in this case The Titanic.... >>
<< <i>Presales are generally problematic. That coupled with every JimJoBob garage sale seller nailing a set and flipping to the bottom is gonna make it fun to watch...Kinda like buying a ticket for a ride on a boat, in this case The Titanic.... >>
JimJoBob = the majority of this thread's participants and it's lurkers.
In my opinion, these will be like the first couple of spouse coins.... sell outs and crazy prices then, melt plus a small premium now. It is funny to watch the artificial enthusiasm brought into new series drive the price upwards initially. It's kind of like the frenzy of tech IPO's before the dotcom bust.
<< <i>In my opinion, these will be like the first couple of spouse coins.... sell outs and crazy prices then, melt plus a small premium now. It is funny to watch the artificial enthusiasm brought into new series drive the price upwards initially. It's kind of like the frenzy of tech IPO's before the dotcom bust. >>
Don't forget that these are a short minted set whereas the future ones will be higher.
<< <i>Has anyone who was supposed to hear from A-Mark about buying a set tomorrow, by e-mail today (Monday) no later than 2 PM EST, heard yet?
I ask because a friend of mine made the list but has not heard anything back from them. He tried calling whatever number they gave him to call if he didn't receive the code/password/whatever he would need to buy on Tuesday but all he got was a recording that said he should leave a message.
Thanks! >>
Niether my brother nor his friend, both on the list of the "lucky 250" got an email. They tried to call and only got a message. Nothing.
<< <i>In my opinion, these will be like the first couple of spouse coins.... sell outs and crazy prices then, melt plus a small premium now. It is funny to watch the artificial enthusiasm brought into new series drive the price upwards initially. It's kind of like the frenzy of tech IPO's before the dotcom bust. >>
I agree, It's also funny to fund the core collection with the flip funds for just knowing the cycle.
I would think the bullion versions are always going to be higher than this years because if I was buying silver I think I would make these my coin of choice.
<< <i>I would think the bullion versions are always going to be higher than this years because if I was buying silver I think I would make these my coin of choice. >>
I really like the Silver Eagle design, so buying purely on design will depend on each park, but I like the size of the coin and the fact that the potential for possible numismatic value later would be higher with these.
<< <i>Has anyone who was supposed to hear from A-Mark about buying a set tomorrow, by e-mail today (Monday) no later than 2 PM EST, heard yet?
I ask because a friend of mine made the list but has not heard anything back from them. He tried calling whatever number they gave him to call if he didn't receive the code/password/whatever he would need to buy on Tuesday but all he got was a recording that said he should leave a message. Thanks! >>
That was 2 pm PST >>
Has anyone had better results after 2 pst? Both my brother & his friend - both of whom got the 250 email have had the same results after 2, pst.
<< <i>Has anyone who was supposed to hear from A-Mark about buying a set tomorrow, by e-mail today (Monday) no later than 2 PM EST, heard yet?
I ask because a friend of mine made the list but has not heard anything back from them. He tried calling whatever number they gave him to call if he didn't receive the code/password/whatever he would need to buy on Tuesday but all he got was a recording that said he should leave a message. Thanks! >>
That was 2 pm PST >>
Has anyone had better results after 2 pst? Both my brother & his friend - both of whom got the 250 email have had the same results after 2, pst. >>
My buddy's joy upon being told that he was one of the 250 is rapidly drowning in the concern that, as of 5 minutes ago, 6:45 EST, he's received nothing and gets the same message your friends and family get they call.
Just curious...what do you think would happen if you tried to change 4 of these in for a dollar? I bet 90% of bank tellers would tell you no
Come see Coinzine's Coin of the Day at http://www.coinzine.net/category/coin-of-the-day/ . Coinzine's looking for contributors! Want to publish your opinions or articles? Contact us at coinzine@coinzine.net
AMark's in CA so there should be a solid 1.5hrs of work left in the day. I bet they're working gangbusters right now to get the emails out before the day is over.....
Successful transactions with keepdachange, tizofthe, adriana, wondercoin
<< <i>Good luck I'll post when my priority mail gets there. >>
Service Type: Priority Mail Delivery Confirmation
Shipment Activity Location Date & Time -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Delivered WILMINGTON DE 19802 01/24/11 8:53am
Those in the 250 sets were to recieve their second e-mails with the code today or call after 2:00pm. I finally got through and they are still working on the e-mail and expect it to go out sometime this evening. If you were notified that you were in the 250 you are still good to go.
<< <i>I would think the bullion versions are always going to be higher than this years because if I was buying silver I think I would make these my coin of choice. >>
Just asking... Because of the designs? >>
If one is buying five or more ounces of silver, it will be more economical to buy the ATB coins than to buy individual ASEs. That's not the case this year because of the low mintages, but it will be in future years when they are minted to demand. I expect some of the ASE buyers will switch over to ATBs.
<< <i>I would think the bullion versions are always going to be higher than this years because if I was buying silver I think I would make these my coin of choice. >>
Just asking... Because of the designs? >>
If one is buying five or more ounces of silver, it will be more economical to buy the ATB coins than to buy individual ASEs. That's not the case this year because of the low mintages, but it will be in future years when they are minted to demand. I expect some of the ASE buyers will switch over to ATBs. >>
<< <i>A-Mark update, I spoke to customer service...
Those in the 250 sets were to recieve their second e-mails with the code today or call after 2:00pm. I finally got through and they are still working on the e-mail and expect it to go out sometime this evening. If you were notified that you were in the 250 you are still good to go. >>
What number did you get through on? My brother gets the recording on the number in the email & no one will even discuss them on the main number.
<< <i>Well, I called FT and asked if my account had been set up. I was told they did not have my e-mail address input. Once I gave it to the lady, she said I did have an account and would be getting the second email notification about the order going to processing.
Order Acceptance--
Thank you for your order of America the Beautiful Coins. Your order has been accepted and is now being processed.
Please allow up to four weeks for your coins to arrive. The coins will be shipped to the address on your purchase order, via FedEx Express Saver Service.
Again, thank you for your business. FideliTrade Incorporated >>
t th
I finally got to shot a Kimber gold match a guy had at the range. What a sweet gun!!
The epcjimi1 MTB + Ftrade ATB set pre-sales are both SOLD!!!!
Geez, that wasn't so painful after all, thought I was going to have to go to plan B with the pre-sale prices heading to the dumper.
On to the $1000 beer money and the ATB set from Amark to keep.
I've speculated enough on these ATB 2010 bullion sets, time to bank it and get out at my comfort level. I'm behind the curve of others who have played much earlier; I'm not sure what will happen with the 2010 ATB market forward, others can enjoy the game, not me.
Unless I can buy another set from another AP @ mint directive price, then the game will begin again.
<< <i>Well, I called FT and asked if my account had been set up. I was told they did not have my e-mail address input. Once I gave it to the lady, she said I did have an account and would be getting the second email notification about the order going to processing.
Order Acceptance--
Thank you for your order of America the Beautiful Coins. Your order has been accepted and is now being processed.
Please allow up to four weeks for your coins to arrive. The coins will be shipped to the address on your purchase order, via FedEx Express Saver Service.
Again, thank you for your business. FideliTrade Incorporated >>
t th
I finally got to shot a Kimber gold match a guy had at the range. What a sweet gun!! >>
I love the trigger pull on the Kimbers. No slack, just like breaking glass.
<< <i>In my opinion, these will be like the first couple of spouse coins.... sell outs and crazy prices then, melt plus a small premium now. It is funny to watch the artificial enthusiasm brought into new series drive the price upwards initially. It's kind of like the frenzy of tech IPO's before the dotcom bust. >>
The spouse coins were over hyped and eventually killed off by Gville...They were the coinsantiques of the spouse coins, but on a much larger scale. They acquired 1'000's of spouse coins and sold them all at the same time, we talk of a flood but that was Noah's Ark...
<< <i>Has anyone who was supposed to hear from A-Mark about buying a set tomorrow, by e-mail today (Monday) no later than 2 PM EST, heard yet?
I ask because a friend of mine made the list but has not heard anything back from them. He tried calling whatever number they gave him to call if he didn't receive the code/password/whatever he would need to buy on Tuesday but all he got was a recording that said he should leave a message. Thanks! >>
That was 2 pm PST >>
Has anyone had better results after 2 pst? Both my brother & his friend - both of whom got the 250 email have had the same results after 2, pst. >>
no, I got the message last week and as of 5pm no f$&@;:; message. I tried the number, but they never answer. I emailed them back as well. I then tried the main number which picked up on the second ring. I explained the situation and was told he did not deal with tab and I had to call the customer service number(one they don't answer). Customer service my a&$.
PEACE! This is the first day of the rest of your life.
<< <i>The epcjimi1 MTB + Ftrade ATB set pre-sales are both SOLD!!!!
Geez, that wasn't so painful after all, thought I was going to have to go to plan B with the pre-sale prices heading to the dumper.
On to the $1000 beer money and the ATB set from Amark to keep.
I've speculated enough on these ATB 2010 bullion sets, time to bank it and get out at my comfort level. I'm behind the curve of others who have played much earlier; I'm not sure what will happen with the 2010 ATB market forward, others can enjoy the game, not me.
Unless I can buy another set from another AP @ mint directive price, then the game will begin again.
Onward thru the fog!!!! >>
Good luck with keeping your buyer happy while he waits and waits and waits for his coins. I'd never sell something knowing full well it could be over a month till I get the coins in hand. I suspect MANY pre-sales will fall through when buyers see the prices heading down several hundred dollars in the coming 2-3 weeks. I see the negatives and Paypal disputes going thru the roof in the coming weeks.
<< <i>It would seem that Prudential sold about 10 sets to callers. Where are the rest?? >>
Where are the rest of TGC's?
<< <i>Ankur ... I was just told by the head of PCGS Customer Service that the very cheapest method to submit these coins through the collectors' club is regular line plus $18 for FS or $48/coin ($240/set). No modern or economy submissions are permitted for these.
Wondercoin >>
In the case of the A-Mark coins that are already in PCGS FS holders Will PCGS charge for FS again if they are sent in for grading? I assume that this would not be considered a regrade since they were never graded in the first place.
I ask because a friend of mine made the list but has not heard anything back from them. He tried calling whatever number they gave him to call if he didn't receive the code/password/whatever he would need to buy on Tuesday but all he got was a recording that said he should leave a message.
<< <i>Do you have to explicity request for the PL designation from NGC, or do they automatically assign it if it grades that way? Thx >>
You don't have to ask them for it. They will call it PL if they determine it meets their standard. I just had some moderns graded PL w/o asking them to do so.
<< <i>Has anyone who was supposed to hear from A-Mark about buying a set tomorrow, by e-mail today (Monday) no later than 2 PM EST, heard yet?
I ask because a friend of mine made the list but has not heard anything back from them. He tried calling whatever number they gave him to call if he didn't receive the code/password/whatever he would need to buy on Tuesday but all he got was a recording that said he should leave a message.
Thanks! >>
That was 2 pm PST
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Geeze, away from the computer for 24 hours and the ER PLs arrive out of nowhere to (IMHO) be the clear kings, the set presales are sub-$2K and heading down, the singles are up from last Sunday, and it looks like I'd better sell the PCGS 69s while the gettin's good and hope for an ER PL set. What a roller-coaster.... >>
Roller coaster weekend for sure, with the surfacing of the NGC 69PLs (I still think PCGS 69 will end up being the champions though) roller coaster prices, AMark updates, and that Fidelitrade update that nobody noticed until a day later...
Love em or hate em, this has been some great drama. >>
I'm very interested in your comment regarding the PLs vs the PCGS 69s. My goal has been to complete a set of PCGS 69s to keep.
Then the PLs came along. I was basing my contention that the PLs would be king based on the UHRs. The NGC 70PLs - not to mention the 70PL ERs - are far and away the kings, even over the PCGS FS AND in the case of the UHRs the FS window was limited.
Given the UHR situation, why do you feel that the PCGS 69s will rule?
Also, does anyone know what the pops are for the NGC PLs (i.e, what percentage are getting PL)?
Thanks, R- >>
R--I think it depends on how the populations all pan out. I think I spoke prematurely on that last post.
<< <i>Falling Prices, Lowest Price Pre-Sales: $1780, and two for $1,875 >>
Excellant just as i thought, i mean really PRE sales that are being done now are crazy, it could be 4 to 6 more weeks before another puck hits the floor. I guess i am old school i need something in hand before selling it, who is gonna be the first to start listing presales for the mints version, heck were only 6 to 8 weeks away from that
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
<< <i>
<< <i>Falling Prices, Lowest Price Pre-Sales: $1780, and two for $1,875 >>
who is gonna be the first to start listing presales for the mints version, heck were only 6 to 8 weeks away from that
ther have been pre-sales for teh mint versions. yes, crazyness.
and many of the pre sales have asked for payment now. Even one wrote out in the listing, that 'you are gambling the price will go up, I am fine with that. same if the price goes down, no refunds.'
<< <i>Falling Prices, Lowest Price Pre-Sales: $1780, and two for $1,875 >>
I was told they did not have my e-mail address input.
Once I gave it to the lady, she said I did have an account and would
be getting the second email notification about the order going to processing.
Order Acceptance--
Thank you for your order of America the Beautiful Coins. Your order has been accepted and is now being processed.
Please allow up to four weeks for your coins to arrive.
The coins will be shipped to the address on your purchase order, via FedEx Express Saver Service.
Again, thank you for your business.
FideliTrade Incorporated
<< <i>
<< <i>Falling Prices, Lowest Price Pre-Sales: $1780, and two for $1,875 >>
Excellant just as i thought, i mean really PRE sales that are being done now are crazy, it could be 4 to 6 more weeks before another puck hits the floor. I guess i am old school i need something in hand before selling it, who is gonna be the first to start listing presales for the mints version, heck were only 6 to 8 weeks away from that
The $ gets released right away, barring the 100 feedback rule...Thus, what generally happens is if and when this stuff doesn't get shipped in a timely fashion, regardless of whatever JimJo Bob writes in the listing the buyer gets pissed as he/she sees a flood of inhands going for likely way less than their order which is in limbo...they get a refund and dish out a Neg...
<< <i>Presales are generally problematic. That coupled with every JimJoBob garage sale seller nailing a set and flipping to the bottom is gonna make it fun to watch...Kinda like buying a ticket for a ride on a boat, in this case The Titanic....
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
<< <i>
<< <i>Falling Prices, Lowest Price Pre-Sales: $1780, and two for $1,875 >>
only pre-sales are going for that money. In hand sales are still closing above $2,300.
I was in the Friday 230p USPS delivery group.
Guess they'll be comin' my way in a couple of weeks.
Let's see....MTB............order approved..check cashed
..................Fidelitrade..order approved..check not cashed
..................A-Mark........order confirmed..PayPal "completed"
VERY confusing.....but it looks better in print
<< <i>Presales are generally problematic. That coupled with every JimJoBob garage sale seller nailing a set and flipping to the bottom is gonna make it fun to watch...Kinda like buying a ticket for a ride on a boat, in this case The Titanic....
JimJoBob = the majority of this thread's participants and it's lurkers.
<< <i>In my opinion, these will be like the first couple of spouse coins.... sell outs and crazy prices then, melt plus a small premium now. It is funny to watch the artificial enthusiasm brought into new series drive the price upwards initially. It's kind of like the frenzy of tech IPO's before the dotcom bust. >>
Don't forget that these are a short minted set whereas the future ones will be higher.
<< <i>Has anyone who was supposed to hear from A-Mark about buying a set tomorrow, by e-mail today (Monday) no later than 2 PM EST, heard yet?
I ask because a friend of mine made the list but has not heard anything back from them. He tried calling whatever number they gave him to call if he didn't receive the code/password/whatever he would need to buy on Tuesday but all he got was a recording that said he should leave a message.
Thanks! >>
Niether my brother nor his friend, both on the list of the "lucky 250" got an email. They tried to call and only got a message. Nothing.
get in in the P.O. until after it closed Saturday. Now we will see if it gets me some coins or not.
<< <i>In my opinion, these will be like the first couple of spouse coins.... sell outs and crazy prices then, melt plus a small premium now. It is funny to watch the artificial enthusiasm brought into new series drive the price upwards initially. It's kind of like the frenzy of tech IPO's before the dotcom bust. >>
I agree, It's also funny to fund the core collection with the flip funds for just knowing the cycle.
<< <i>Don't forget that these are a short minted set whereas the future ones will be higher. >>
Do you really think this will become true?
<< <i>I would think the bullion versions are always going to be higher than this years because if I was buying silver I think I would make these my coin of choice. >>
Just asking... Because of the designs?
<< <i>
<< <i>Has anyone who was supposed to hear from A-Mark about buying a set tomorrow, by e-mail today (Monday) no later than 2 PM EST, heard yet?
I ask because a friend of mine made the list but has not heard anything back from them. He tried calling whatever number they gave him to call if he didn't receive the code/password/whatever he would need to buy on Tuesday but all he got was a recording that said he should leave a message.
Thanks! >>
That was 2 pm PST >>
Has anyone had better results after 2 pst? Both my brother & his friend - both of whom got the 250 email have had the same results after 2, pst.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Has anyone who was supposed to hear from A-Mark about buying a set tomorrow, by e-mail today (Monday) no later than 2 PM EST, heard yet?
I ask because a friend of mine made the list but has not heard anything back from them. He tried calling whatever number they gave him to call if he didn't receive the code/password/whatever he would need to buy on Tuesday but all he got was a recording that said he should leave a message.
Thanks! >>
That was 2 pm PST >>
Has anyone had better results after 2 pst? Both my brother & his friend - both of whom got the 250 email have had the same results after 2, pst. >>
My buddy's joy upon being told that he was one of the 250 is rapidly drowning in the concern that, as of 5 minutes ago, 6:45 EST, he's received nothing and gets the same message your friends and family get they call.
<< <i>Good luck I'll post when my priority mail gets there. >>
Service Type: Priority Mail Delivery Confirmation
Shipment Activity Location Date & Time
Delivered WILMINGTON DE 19802 01/24/11 8:53am
As for the AMark lucky 250, no email either.
Those in the 250 sets were to recieve their second e-mails with the code today or call after 2:00pm. I finally got through and they are still working on the e-mail and expect it to go out sometime this evening. If you were notified that you were in the 250 you are still good to go.
<< <i>
<< <i>I would think the bullion versions are always going to be higher than this years because if I was buying silver I think I would make these my coin of choice. >>
Just asking... Because of the designs? >>
If one is buying five or more ounces of silver, it will be more economical to buy the ATB coins than to buy individual ASEs. That's not the case this year because of the low mintages, but it will be in future years when they are minted to demand. I expect some of the ASE buyers will switch over to ATBs.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>I would think the bullion versions are always going to be higher than this years because if I was buying silver I think I would make these my coin of choice. >>
Just asking... Because of the designs? >>
If one is buying five or more ounces of silver, it will be more economical to buy the ATB coins than to buy individual ASEs. That's not the case this year because of the low mintages, but it will be in future years when they are minted to demand. I expect some of the ASE buyers will switch over to ATBs. >>
<< <i>A-Mark update, I spoke to customer service...
Those in the 250 sets were to recieve their second e-mails with the code today or call after 2:00pm. I finally got through and they are still working on the e-mail and expect it to go out sometime this evening. If you were notified that you were in the 250 you are still good to go. >>
What number did you get through on? My brother gets the recording on the number in the email & no one will even discuss them on the main number.
<< <i>Well, I called FT and asked if my account had been set up.
I was told they did not have my e-mail address input.
Once I gave it to the lady, she said I did have an account and would
be getting the second email notification about the order going to processing.
Order Acceptance--
Thank you for your order of America the Beautiful Coins. Your order has been accepted and is now being processed.
Please allow up to four weeks for your coins to arrive.
The coins will be shipped to the address on your purchase order, via FedEx Express Saver Service.
Again, thank you for your business.
FideliTrade Incorporated >>
t th
I finally got to shot a Kimber gold match a guy had at the range. What a sweet gun!!
Geez, that wasn't so painful after all, thought I was going to have to go to plan B with the pre-sale prices heading to the dumper.
On to the $1000 beer money and the ATB set from Amark to keep.
I've speculated enough on these ATB 2010 bullion sets, time to bank it and get out at my comfort level. I'm behind the curve of others who have played much earlier; I'm not sure what will happen with the 2010 ATB market forward, others can enjoy the game, not me.
Unless I can buy another set from another AP @ mint directive price, then the game will begin again.
Onward thru the fog!!!!
<< <i>
<< <i>Well, I called FT and asked if my account had been set up.
I was told they did not have my e-mail address input.
Once I gave it to the lady, she said I did have an account and would
be getting the second email notification about the order going to processing.
Order Acceptance--
Thank you for your order of America the Beautiful Coins. Your order has been accepted and is now being processed.
Please allow up to four weeks for your coins to arrive.
The coins will be shipped to the address on your purchase order, via FedEx Express Saver Service.
Again, thank you for your business.
FideliTrade Incorporated >>
t th
I finally got to shot a Kimber gold match a guy had at the range. What a sweet gun!! >>
I love the trigger pull on the Kimbers. No slack, just like breaking glass.
<< <i>In my opinion, these will be like the first couple of spouse coins.... sell outs and crazy prices then, melt plus a small premium now. It is funny to watch the artificial enthusiasm brought into new series drive the price upwards initially. It's kind of like the frenzy of tech IPO's before the dotcom bust. >>
The spouse coins were over hyped and eventually killed off by Gville...They were the coinsantiques of the spouse coins, but on a much larger scale. They acquired 1'000's of spouse coins and sold them all at the same time, we talk of a flood but that was Noah's Ark...
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Has anyone who was supposed to hear from A-Mark about buying a set tomorrow, by e-mail today (Monday) no later than 2 PM EST, heard yet?
I ask because a friend of mine made the list but has not heard anything back from them. He tried calling whatever number they gave him to call if he didn't receive the code/password/whatever he would need to buy on Tuesday but all he got was a recording that said he should leave a message.
Thanks! >>
That was 2 pm PST >>
Has anyone had better results after 2 pst? Both my brother & his friend - both of whom got the 250 email have had the same results after 2, pst. >>
no, I got the message last week and as of 5pm no f$&@;:; message. I tried the number, but they never answer. I emailed them back as well. I then tried the main number which picked up on the second ring. I explained the situation and was told he did not deal with tab and I had to call the customer service number(one they don't answer). Customer service my a&$.
Fred, Las Vegas, NV
<< <i>My check and order were delivered to Fidelitrade this morning at 11:17 AM. I was concerned that it would not make it today because I didn't
get in in the P.O. until after it closed Saturday. Now we will see if it gets me some coins or not. >>
Hey good job, i was pulling for you!!
<< <i>
<< <i>My check and order were delivered to Fidelitrade this morning at 11:17 AM. I was concerned that it would not make it today because I didn't
get in in the P.O. until after it closed Saturday. Now we will see if it gets me some coins or not. >>
Hey good job, i was pulling for you!!
Thank You!
<< <i>The epcjimi1 MTB + Ftrade ATB set pre-sales are both SOLD!!!!
Geez, that wasn't so painful after all, thought I was going to have to go to plan B with the pre-sale prices heading to the dumper.
On to the $1000 beer money and the ATB set from Amark to keep.
I've speculated enough on these ATB 2010 bullion sets, time to bank it and get out at my comfort level. I'm behind the curve of others who have played much earlier; I'm not sure what will happen with the 2010 ATB market forward, others can enjoy the game, not me.
Unless I can buy another set from another AP @ mint directive price, then the game will begin again.
Onward thru the fog!!!! >>
Good luck with keeping your buyer happy while he waits and waits and waits for his coins. I'd never sell something knowing full well it could be over a month till I get the coins in hand. I suspect MANY pre-sales will fall through when buyers see the prices heading down several hundred dollars in the coming 2-3 weeks. I see the negatives and Paypal disputes going thru the roof in the coming weeks.
Good Luck on those pre-sales. Your buyer will definitely get antsy and want his money back if prices fall from here and you havent delivered yet.....