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***Official Bald Eagle Order Thread!! Post your order#'s****Updated Pops Report **Great Pics Posted*



  • spotthedogspotthedog Posts: 313 ✭✭✭
    I just got through. Order # 27804### Mint rep said mint web site should be up tomorrow. Oh well, I know that's a "maybe". I over ordered because of the huge wait and frustration. Maybe me and my credit card will go up in smoke."Brother can you spare me a dime?" Also enjoying the stock market melt down. Maybe this is what it feels like to get neutered.
  • LanLordLanLord Posts: 11,710 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Is anyone else getting the mint website catalog is no longer available and won't be for a few days?

  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,068 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Is anyone else getting the mint website catalog is no longer available and won't be for a few days?

    WTF? >>

    Been like that since 11:45am EST
  • LanLordLanLord Posts: 11,710 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Is anyone else getting the mint website catalog is no longer available and won't be for a few days? WTF? >>

    and the mint toll free number is unable to assist at this time. Who runs that operation? They should be fired, and them run over with a mac truck!
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,068 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1. 2008 BALD EAGLE 3-COIN PRF SET (EA7)
    Qty 1 @ $369.95 - Backordered 01/30/08.

    2. 2008 BALD EAGLE $5 GOLD UNC (EA2)
    Qty 1 @ $284.95 - Backordered 01/30/08.

    3. 2008 BALD EAGLE $1 SILVER PRF (EA3)
    Qty 3 @ $39.95 - Backordered 01/18/08.

    4. 2008 BALD EAGLE $1 SILVER UNC (EA4)
    Qty 3 @ $35.95 - Backordered 01/30/08.

    5. 2008 BALD EAGLE $0.50 CLAD PRF (EA5)
    Qty 2 @ $9.95 - Backordered 01/18/08.

    6. 2008 BALD EAGLE $0.50 CLAD UNC (EA6)
    Qty 2 @ $7.95 - Backordered 01/18/08.

  • GeomanGeoman Posts: 2,491 ✭✭✭
    This stinks!!!

    I have called probably 200 times in the past 3 hours, and I haven't gotten through yet. All I get is a message stating that "Your call can not be answered at this time."

    I can't believe they stopped taking online orders minutes before the new Commemorative Eagle coins went on sale.

  • << <i>How's this 278015xx
    Call 11:57 keep them on line 3 minutes check my card and now 12:01 can you take my order!!! Thats how to do it. >>

    Nice try but not this time. They didn't start taking orders until at least 12:08. How do I know this? Because I called at 12:08, got thru and the girl told me they hadn't gotten the OK to start selling them yet>
    Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity.
  • sfs2002usasfs2002usa Posts: 823 ✭✭✭
    At 4:00 pm EST Order # 278047xx
  • LanLordLanLord Posts: 11,710 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So is there basically no orders being accepted? The website is down and the phones don't work.

    What an operation!
  • Lanlord, it took most of us an hour of calling to finally get put on hold, then order. That was the only way anyone got their orders in today, just gotta keep calling if you are dead set on getting the order in today.
    imageQuid pro quo. Yes or no?
  • relicsncoinsrelicsncoins Posts: 7,882 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, I got through after about 30 minutes of trying. I ordered 1 unc silver dollar, 1 prf silver dollar and 1, 3 coin proof set.

    Order # 27805xxx

    Need a Barber Half with ANACS photo certificate. If you have one for sale please PM me. Current Ebay auctions
  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,118 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Finally managed to place my order at 4:20 EST .. #27805xxximage 10 silver proof coins
    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
  • Finally got through and ordered 3 coin set.

  • << <i>Finally got through and ordered 3 coin set. >>

    From the looks of everyone ordering the 3 coinset it looks like it will be a quick sellout image
    Never teach a pig to sing. You'll waste your time and annoy the pig image


  • << <i>

    << <i>How's this 278015xx
    Call 11:57 keep them on line 3 minutes check my card and now 12:01 can you take my order!!! Thats how to do it. >>

    Nice try but not this time. They didn't start taking orders until at least 12:08. How do I know this? Because I called at 12:08, got thru and the girl told me they hadn't gotten the OK to start selling them yet> >>

    Yup, I got in at 12:03 and got the same they need approval thing as well.
  • 1 Unc $5
    at 4:31 PM
    The glass is half full!
  • I ordered mine via the pre-order mailer I got from the Mint on Saturday. I hope I get mine!
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Finally got through and ordered 3 coin set. >>

    From the looks of everyone ordering the 3 coinset it looks like it will be a quick sellout image >>

    that's what i'm hopin' for too.. although they'll take fewer orders on day one than they would have.. if their freakin' Web system had been working.. except for those Luddites who order by mail or phone anyway and never use computers.. but if they actually have it up and running again by tomorrow (any bets?).. i would expect / hope the three coin Proof set is gone quickly.. that's the only thing i ordered.. ain't made of money.. yeah yeah i know all the arguments about "paying $XX extra for a fancy case for the same three coins you can buy indivdually for less".. but the way i look at it, anything with a low limit is gonna be the first thing to sell out and to escalate in value.. not gonna have them slabbed.. gonna keep them in the fancy case.. let's see.. looking at the brochure, if ya buy the three Proofs individually right now.. you'll pay..

    Proof Half: $9.95
    Proof DollEr: $39.95
    Proof Gold: $294.95
    Total: $344.85

    if ya buy them together in the clamshell case:
    Total $369.95

    so the case costs $25.10

    all of the individual coins, per the printed brochure, have a "pre-issue" price that gets jacked up as of 2/14/2008 at which time they'll be:

    Proof Half: $10.95
    Proof DollEr: $43.95
    Proof Gold: $319.95
    Total: $374.85

    The three-coin Proof set does NOT have a "pre-issue" price.. it starts at and STAYS at $369.95.. so anyone ordering the three Proofs separately as of 2/14/2008 will pay five bucks MORE than the three-coin set. (!?).. and in a month, the 25,000 three-coin sets could be gone.. Hell, they could be gone by this weekend.. or not.. who knows..

    so it's a $25.00 difference against you if you buy the three-coin set NOW.. and a $5.00 difference against you if you buy the three Proofs separately after 2/14/2008..

    i'm surprised they didn't offer a SIX coin set (three Proofs and three Uncs.).. in a cherry wood box like they used to.. been quite a few years since they spewed out one of those and they were purty.. that would have been about $750 clams.. or more..

    this is about the wackiest pricing and packaging combination i've seen from them since the Crapitol Visitors Center Commemoratives back in 2000 or whenever it was.. if ya remember that one, they sold the Uncs. with a lower-priced option of NO case at all.. just a coin in a capsule in a little brown envelope.. got a couple of those in the old collection..
    unfortunately, that was one of the $5 Golds i didn't buy, and naturally, it ended up super-low Mintage (third only behind Jackie Robinson and the BiMetallic).. and is now worth a bundle..

    meanwhile, Gold is down $20/oz from yesterday..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • It is not a nice try its fact! My order # is lower than yours so go figure?
    Maybe you got one of the incompetent workers?
    But in all reality my order went in before 12:08

  • << <i>I ordered mine via the pre-order mailer I got from the Mint on Saturday. I hope I get mine! >>

    Its a Longshot!!!! Just like your avatarimage
    Luck happens when preparation meets opportunity.
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭

    << <i>How's this 278015xx
    Call 11:57 keep them on line 3 minutes check my card and now 12:01 can you take my order!!! Thats how to do it. >>

    It's been reported that doing this same thing results in your order being cancelled, as placed early, regardless of how long you keep them on the phone, thus not a recommended practice, although with todays fiasco, you probably are OK..
  • fishcookerfishcooker Posts: 3,446 ✭✭

    I can see why to order before the price increase next month, but what's the big deal with ordering *today*? The mintages are by no means restrictive, and the prices aren't attractive compared to base metals.
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>I can see why to order before the price increase next month, but what's the big deal with ordering *today*? The mintages are by no means restrictive, and the prices aren't attractive compared to base metals. >>

    because there HAVE been plenty of one-day sell-outs.. look at the $2610.00 Anniversary Gold set last year.. one day.. gone.. at 9x the price of this three coin Proof set.. there've also been sell-outs in a couple of HOURS.. but i can't remember which products they were.. {{brain fried}}..

    it's tough to be a psychic when you need to.. which coins are gonna be red-hot-popular and sell out fast?.. which ones are gonna be dogs and end up with low Mintages.. and very high after-market value.. it swings both ways.. 500,000 Buffalo DollErs.. gone in what, two weeks in every packaging combination they could dream up.. high Mintage.. shot up in price anyway.. and a former Senator tried to shove through a bill to get a second run of them and got smacked down so that never happened.. half a million of any Modern Commemorative is a very high Mintage, so why are Buffalo DollErs still bringing $200.00 and up?..

    then ya got yer dogs that no one wants.. they sit there all year, hardly anyone buys them.. very low Mintages.. and BECAUSE of the low Mintages, they skyrocket in value: Jackie Robinson Gold, LOC BiMetallic, Crapitol Visitors Center Gold.. all modern keys selling for moon money now.. all under 7000 Mintage..

    it's all just a huge game, really.. people trying to guess what's gonna be popular and sell the max and command a high value later, which ones are gonna be total sales duds, very few Mintage, and command MUCH higher values later BECAUSE of their low Mintage..

    so with 25,000 three-coin Eagle Proof sets.. my w.a.g. is they wouldda been gone in one day if the Mint's geniuses hadn't unplugged their Web ordering system on the same freakin' day they put them on sale.. what an idiotic thing to do..

    okay.. feel free to come back here in a week if the 25,000 aren't all gone and call me a fool.. but this isn't like the $2000.00 Platinum Anniversary set.. we're talkin' under $400.00 here.. something that's affordable to FAR more collectors, and who doesn't like Eagles? (except rodents).. i think this'll be a very popular issue.. future potential? i don't have a clue..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • 27803XXX. Took 2 hours to order by phone. Ordered 1 gold unc., 3 silver proofs, and 3 silver uncs. Not a good day for the website to go down.

  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,068 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I love a good wholesome PR that doesn't mention the Mint's screw up!!

    United States Mint issues today commemorative bald eagle coins
    TWRA Dispatch

    WASHINGTON — The United States Mint will issue three limited-edition commemorative coins today, celebrating the dramatic comeback of the Bald Eagle to America’s lands, waterways and skies, and marking the 35th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act.

    “We’re excited to work closely with the United States Mint and their artists and engravers to create these beautiful coins,” said American Eagle Foundation (AEF) (www.eagles.org) founder and President Al Cecere. “We hope the public will enthusiastically support this program to aid the bald eagle, a precious national treasure, for generations to come.”

    The collectable coins include a $5 gold coin, a silver dollar and a clad half-dollar (available individually and in three different special sets), and will only be sold through Dec. 31, 2008. During a one-month pre-issue period, Jan. 15-Feb. 14, the coins will be available at a special discounted price. They can be purchased at www.usmint.gov or by calling 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).

    A surcharge from the sale of each commemorative coin will be earmarked to create a special American Eagle Fund endowment managed by the not-for-profit AEF. The coin program has the potential of generating over $10 million for the eagle protection cause.

    The three coins will feature both natural and historical Bald Eagle images and emblems. The clad half-dollar, which is included in a special product targeted at young collectors, features the stately profile of the Bald Eagle “Challenger” on one side and two baby eaglets snuggled in their nest on the opposite side. “Challenger,” a 19-year-old non-releasable bird cared for by the AEF, is internationally known for his spectacular free-flight educational appearances at high-profile sporting events and ceremonies coast to coast.

    “This is the first time in our country’s history that the likeness of a specific famous Bald Eagle has appeared on legal tender United States coinage,” said Cecere. “In fact, Challenger and the AEF staff campaigned tirelessly on Capitol Hill to assure that the coin bill was passed unanimously.”

    The American Bald Eagle Recovery & National Emblem Commemorative Coin Act (H.R. 4116) was signed into law by President George W. Bush in December 2004, to celebrate and further aid the recovery of the American Eagle.

    The AEF, headquartered at Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, Tenn., spearheaded the legislation in cooperation with members of the Tennessee Congressional delegation and others. By the end of Nov. 2004, 70 Senators and 300 House of Representatives members had signed on as co-sponsors.

    “We're grateful to President Bush and hundreds of elected officials from across the nation for uniting behind this important effort to celebrate and preserve our country’s living symbol of freedom,” said Cecere. “The amazing groundswell of support this coin program received from caring Republicans and Democrats was a real blessing for our national bird.”

    Former Congressman William Jenkins (R-TN) introduced the original legislation (H.R. 4116) in the U. S. House of Representatives. Senators Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Mary Landrieu (D-LA) introduced a companion bill (S. 2889) in the U.S. Senate.

    Former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), former Congressman Harold Ford (D-TN), Congressman Ron Kind (D-WI), Congressman Bart Gordon (D-TN), the Tennessee delegation and others worked diligently behind the scenes to ensure that the legislation passed during the 108th Congress.

    “On June 20, 1782, the USA’s founding fathers selected the Bald Eagle as the central image of the United States national emblem at the Second Continental Congress,” said Cecere. “This majestic bird has come to represent the spirit of freedom and democracy that makes our nation great.”

  • I finally got my order in at about 6:45 p.m. eastern time. Order number is 27806xxx. I kept dialing in and pressing "1" to place an order and was told that I had to call back. I finally decided to press "2" to check on the status of an order and was placed on hold where after a short wait ... I was able to place my order. Why I went through all of this instead of waiting until tomorrow or the day after, I will never know! image
  • 53BKid53BKid Posts: 2,173 ✭✭✭
    So the wacky dudes at the mint figured out how to screw up another very popular offering!

    Atta boys!
  • order# 27802*** @ 12:45 EST. 2 each of all options except 3 coin set.
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭
    Well, maybe you shoulda got the 3 coin set ...Linkimage
  • GrivGriv Posts: 2,804

    << <i>I finally got my order in at about 6:45 p.m. eastern time. Order number is 27806xxx. I kept dialing in and pressing "1" to place an order and was told that I had to call back. I finally decided to press "2" to check on the status of an order and was placed on hold where after a short wait ... I was able to place my order. Why I went through all of this instead of waiting until tomorrow or the day after, I will never know! image >>

    THANK YOU! Great post. I wasted the best years of my dial finger trying to get through to these knuckleheads. Got my darn order #278071** at ~7:25PM EST and now I can relax. F'ing Mint will NEVER get their act together. If I could just figure them out I could retire!!! Okay, maybe not but I would make some serious change. image

  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,068 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Well, maybe you shoulda got the 3 coin set ...Linkimage >>

    What the hell is buyer, scook thinking??? image
  • relicsncoinsrelicsncoins Posts: 7,882 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Now all we need is the services to put a special lable on the 3 coin sets if they are shipped in the unopened box. Or even better, the mint put a different mint mark on the 3 coins in the set.

    Need a Barber Half with ANACS photo certificate. If you have one for sale please PM me. Current Ebay auctions
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭
    Some people don't like waiting on the phone, I've been on hold for 20 minutes and counting, and now I'm just curious how long its gonna be? Ok all done, 26 minutes total...As I was saying, some people don't like waiting 26 minutes.... Order #27806...at 8:15EST
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,068 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Some people don't like waiting on the phone, I've been on hold for 20 minutes and counting, and now I'm just curious how long its gonna be? Ok all done, 26 minutes total...As I was saying, some people don't like waiting 26 minutes.... Order #27806...at 8:15EST >>

    What did you buy??
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭
    (100) 3 coin sets.....Just kidding, although the Lady Did Ask How many I wanted, and I said What we can have like 100 sets right? Then she said I could only have 1 set....She was not amused, and then began interrogating me...image
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,068 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>(100) 3 coin sets.....Just kidding, although the Lady Did Ask How many I wanted, then she said I could only have 1 set....She was not amused, and then began interrogating me...image >>

    Could it have been the pressure she was under???

    My lady was very nice and thorough.....as I said earlier.

    I told her she was great considering the bone-headed Mint Website debacle she had to suffer from.
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>Well, maybe you shoulda got the 3 coin set ...Linkimage >>

    holy Mother of Pearl!.. image

    i didn't realize this three coin Proof set was limit one.. that kinda changes the whole.. uhh.. something..
    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭
    She asked me to verify my customer number, and I told her I didn't have one, and She said oh, Well have you ever ordered before? I said ya for 12 years, she said well then you have one, and I said well fine then if you know it, tell me so I can write it down, Then she says have you ever gotten mail ads from the Mint, Your customer # is on that...I said you put my customer number on the postcard? Maybe we got off on the wrong foot....
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>She asked me to verify my customer number, and I told her I didn't have one, and She said oh, Well have you ever ordered before? I said ya for 12 years, she said well then you have one, and I said well fine then if you know it, tell me so I can write it down, Then she says have you ever gotten mail ads from the Mint, Your customer # is on that...I said you put my customer number on the postcard? Maybe we got off on the wrong foot.... >>

    the {{Jerry Lewis voice}} YOUNG LADY!!.. i spoke with just asked me for my last name and Zip code.. i don't have a Mint subscription but i've bought from them 203942039481 times.. then she asked me to verify my address, phone number, and email address.. sounded like she was looking at my information on her screen and having me verify i was the same me she was looking at.. never asked me for a customer number.. just all that stuff and then what did i want to order.. didn't try to order more than one of the three-coin sets.. took my CC# and gave me the order number and a few minutes later, i had the confirmation email..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • I will wait until the website is up and running to order mine. Have never had a phone order go correctly, they always screw it up somehow. I also am going to order the 3 proofs separately as it's about $25 cheaper then buying the set. To me it's just a very expensive holder at that price.
  • bsshog40bsshog40 Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I will wait until the website is up and running to order mine. Have never had a phone order go correctly, they always screw it up somehow. I also am going to order the 3 proofs separately as it's about $25 cheaper then buying the set. To me it's just a very expensive holder at that price. >>

  • SLQSLQ Posts: 311 ✭✭
    I first called at 6:10 PM and after 7 calls, was done ordering 10 Proof Silver Dollars by 6:23 PM.
  • fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭
    They have now posted a new message on their site.

    What an absolute joke.

    I received one of their surveys and filled it out with all number ones!

    President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay

  • 8:50 Eastern, 22 minute hold, 278076xx.

    1 of each Unc and proof, plus a second Unc $.
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,068 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>She asked me to verify my customer number, and I told her I didn't have one, and She said oh, Well have you ever ordered before? I said ya for 12 years, she said well then you have one, and I said well fine then if you know it, tell me so I can write it down, Then she says have you ever gotten mail ads from the Mint, Your customer # is on that...I said you put my customer number on the postcard? Maybe we got off on the wrong foot.... >>

    the {{Jerry Lewis voice}} YOUNG LADY!!.. i spoke with just asked me for my last name and Zip code.. i don't have a Mint subscription but i've bought from them 203942039481 times.. then she asked me to verify my address, phone number, and email address.. sounded like she was looking at my information on her screen and having me verify i was the same me she was looking at.. never asked me for a customer number.. just all that stuff and then what did i want to order.. didn't try to order more than one of the three-coin sets.. took my CC# and gave me the order number and a few minutes later, i had the confirmation email.. >>

    Love your new avatar, hrlaser. image

    My lady asked for my "source code" from the mint mailer, and for some reason she said that was very helpful for her.

    Check out the backorder dates.....not quite the 4 to 6 weeks they tell you on the phone.

    1. 2008 BALD EAGLE 3-COIN PRF SET (EA7)
    Qty 1 @ $369.95 - Backordered 01/30/08.

    2. 2008 BALD EAGLE $5 GOLD UNC (EA2)
    Qty 1 @ $284.95 - Backordered 01/30/08.

    3. 2008 BALD EAGLE $1 SILVER PRF (EA3)
    Qty 3 @ $39.95 - Backordered 01/18/08.

    4. 2008 BALD EAGLE $1 SILVER UNC (EA4)
    Qty 3 @ $35.95 - Backordered 01/30/08.

    5. 2008 BALD EAGLE $0.50 CLAD PRF (EA5)
    Qty 2 @ $9.95 - Backordered 01/18/08.

    6. 2008 BALD EAGLE $0.50 CLAD UNC (EA6)
    Qty 2 @ $7.95 - Backordered 01/18/08.

    She said the medal set will ship sometime in March.

    Hey idunk, she got my order dead on!!!!!! Should I hold my breath because it was a phone order?????

  • INXSINXS Posts: 1,202

    << <i>Now all we need is the services to put a special lable on the 3 coin sets if they are shipped in the unopened box. Or even better, the mint put a different mint mark on the 3 coins in the set.JJ >>

    How about a "last strike" coin? That would be illogical but none the less interesting. I could get into something like that.
    "Well here's another nice mess you have gotten me into" Oliver Hardy 1930

    BST successful dealings with:MsMorrisine, goldman86
  • GrivGriv Posts: 2,804

    << <i>She asked me to verify my customer number, and I told her I didn't have one, and She said oh, Well have you ever ordered before? I said ya for 12 years, she said well then you have one, and I said well fine then if you know it, tell me so I can write it down, Then she says have you ever gotten mail ads from the Mint, Your customer # is on that...I said you put my customer number on the postcard? Maybe we got off on the wrong foot.... >>

    We are watching you Casman. You better damn be careful what you order, you just might get it!!!
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,068 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Now all we need is the services to put a special lable on the 3 coin sets if they are shipped in the unopened box. Or even better, the mint put a different mint mark on the 3 coins in the set.JJ >>

    How about a "last strike" coin? That would be illogical but none the less interesting. I could get into something like that. >>

    How about a Mint Website was "On Strike" designation for those that were forced to use the phone ordering system? image
  • Hey idunk, she got my order dead on!!!!!! Should I hold my breath because it was a phone order?????

    Hey Goldbully......I'd be worried! They always got my order dead on and I felt good about it......but what happens next should have you holding your breath!

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