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***Official Bald Eagle Order Thread!! Post your order#'s****Updated Pops Report **Great Pics Posted*



  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>Well, I tried hrlaser's idea of flipping my gold coin in its capsule, but I still couldn't really tell what layer the marks were on. I finally decided to risk opening my gold bald eagle capsule from my three coin set. Even this klutz was able to open it without damaging the coin. As it turns out, the imperfections I could see were in fact on the surface of the coin. I'm not quite what sure they were: they were the shape of fat scratches (maybe a mm wide), but there was no metal visibly moved. And they didn't look like the ridges of a fingerprint. Being that the three-coin set has sold out, I didn't know if it was possible for me to exchange the whole set or if my only option was to return it for a refund. >>

    image huge bummer.. opening the capsules is pretty easy.. ya just sort of work a fingernail around it as you turn it until it opens, and then lift off one half.. you'll notice they're not the same on both sides.. one half is kind of a dish with a rim, and the other is kind of a lid.. you just have to make sure to do it over a soft surface in case you are a klutz (i'm one too, when it comes to manipulating small objects like that).. and the coin goes flying out..

    << <i>She did process my return shipping refund. I've decided to just return my three-coin set, because I can't afford to front another $300.00 + just to exchange out my gold coins. Tough break. I was a little surprised that the mint's employees recommend swapping out coins like that. I guess it makes sense if the coins are identical. Anyone had a not so great experience with talking with US Mint customer service (read: rep getting annoyed at you, etc.)? >>

    interesting.. yes.. i have talked to some of those reps who actually started lecturing me like i was a 9 year old in a classroom who didn't understand teacher's lesson.. they really run hot and cold, from smart and friendly to stupid and robotic to everything in-between, and sometimes it's the SAME person who sounds like they're going through a bad acid trip, menopause, PMS, and ADHD all at the same time..

    i would probably have gone with her suggestion.. bought the Proof single, then swapped it out with the scratched one in the set and returned that scratched one as the single.. you'd only have to "float" the $340.00 or whatever it is for a couple weeks at most, and they WILL send your shipping costs back in the form of an actual US Treasury check, which is so ridiculously dumb that they can't just process it as a credit back to your plastic.. so you're walking around with this tiny check in your wallet until the next time you go to the bank.. a check that's worth less money these days than the money you'd spend on gasoline to drive to an ATM and deposit it..

    also interesting that they didn't hold back any extra three-coin Proof sets in reserve to exchange for defective sets.. i guess when they get yours back they'll do one of three things..

    - take the coins out and throw them in the melting pot..
    - take the coins out and re-package them as singles and sell them to someone else who orders singles..
    - throw it in a crate along with all the others that were returned, nail the crate shut, pick it up with a forklift, and then drive it down to row 112, aisle B14, sector F, just a few crates down from where they keep the Ark of the Covenant image ..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭
    20 hours to go on this 3 coin Baldie Set.....Hey rgCoinGuy, this guy has got it all over you with his photo skills....image

    ebay Link
  • jessewvujessewvu Posts: 5,065 ✭✭✭✭✭
    approx 22 hours to go. See what good pictures will get-cha! link
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>approx 22 hours to go. See what good pictures will get-cha! link >>

    Very nice eBay listing Jess....as good as it gets!!!!!!!! image
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>20 hours to go on this 3 coin Baldie Set.....Hey rgCoinGuy, this guy has got it all over you with his photo skills....image

    ebay Link >>

    what is that THING?.. looks like a black cat eating licorice in a coal mine..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>20 hours to go on this 3 coin Baldie Set.....Hey rgCoinGuy, this guy has got it all over you with his photo skills....image

    ebay Link >>

    what is that THING?.. looks like a black cat eating licorice in a coal mine..

    image >>

    Not sure Harv, but it went for $470 image
  • rgCoinGuyrgCoinGuy Posts: 7,478

    << <i>20 hours to go on this 3 coin Baldie Set.....Hey rgCoinGuy, this guy has got it all over you with his photo skills....image

    ebay Link >>

    imageQuid pro quo. Yes or no?
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>approx 22 hours to go. See what good pictures will get-cha! link >>

    Very nice eBay listing Jess....as good as it gets!!!!!!!! image >>

    image I still think not a good time to sell cause of all the lower priced buyitnows. I think with paypal, ya, need 512ish, to pull $100.
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>approx 22 hours to go. See what good pictures will get-cha! link >>

    Very nice eBay listing Jess....as good as it gets!!!!!!!! image >>

    image I still think not a good time to sell cause of all the lower priced buyitnows. I think with paypal, ya, need 512ish, to pull $100. >>

    okay.. let's look at the numbers, class.. what did the three-coin Proof set cost?.. if ya just bought one and nothing else, it cost ya about $375.00. Now ya list yers on ebay.. wanna start it at $1.00 and take your chances?.. low listing fee.. (plus any options).. so it might cost ya three bucks to list it.. start it high and it'll cost ya more.. okay so it sells for $475.00.. wowie, i just made a fast $100.00 profit.. well, no ya didn't.. take out the listing fees, the final value fees, and the PayPal fees, and what are you actually left with?.. then, did you C.Y.A. by not under-charging for Postage?.. So maybe ya made $75.00 profit after all is said and done.. you don't have the set any more, and you sure can't buy another one for $375.00.. i image that it's not a good time to sell them yet, mainly because this set is still too new.. the singles will be available for months to come (unless they yank them early for some reason, or they all sell out, which is probably doubtful..) .. and there are just too many of them listed..

    i sold a $29.99 1999 Silver Proof set for $60.00 right after they sold out.. gee, i doubled my money.. then they shot up to $400.00 after a couple years.. now they've fallen back to about $325.00-ish but that's still 1000% profit..

    i sold a couple MS70 2000-W BiMetallics for about $1700.00 to $1900.00 in 2003.. they were $390.00 from the Mint.. ultra-low Mintage of 6683.. now try to get an MS70 for $3500.00 or less.. good luck.. try to get a RAW one for much under $3000.00.. good luck.. 1000% profit again..

    when you have a pile of something you can experiment with how to sell it, start it low, start it high, whatever.. when you only have ONE of something and you have a snowball's chance in Hell of getting another one for the same price you paid for the first one, ya gotta watch out and time it right, even if it means hanging onto it for a few years..

    sure, there's almost NO way you're going to lose money selling one of these sets right now.. even if your auction picture looks like it was shot in the dark.. you'll get your $375.00 back and then some.. but how much then some are you willing to settle for?.. how hard are you gonna be kicking yourself if these sets are $1000.00 next year?.. if that happens, then you'll be kicking yourself that you didn't BUY a bunch at $475.00.. my opinion.. unless you have a mountain of these you got at $375.00 each, it's too soon to sell.. if you can afford to hang onto it.. and of course, as time passes, there'll be fewer of them listed, and some people actually bought them to keep in their collections! {{gasp}}..

    just my opinions but you're welcome to buy them..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭

    So far, the PCGS PR70DCAM Bald Eagle proofs have been going for some top dollars(look forward to Jesse's auctions tonight).

    Bottom lline, you and I and 24,998 other folks have a box and a COA for these three proofs.

    I year from now, we should have a better idea about our $25 box's value!!!! image
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>Harv,

    So far, the PCGS PR70DCAM Bald Eagle proofs have been going for some top dollars(look forward to Jesse's auctions tonight).

    Bottom lline, you and I and 24,998 other folks have a box and a COA for these three proofs.

    I year from now, we should have a better idea about our $25 box's value!!!! image >>

    indeed.. i remember when, in 2001, the Buffalo DollErs came out.. the very first PCGS PR70 DCAM sold for $2400.00.. in David Hall's store.. now, seven years later, same coin, same grade, less than half of that.. a lot less..

    looks like PR70 DCAM Baldie DollErs are going for $300.00 to $330.00-ish.. then again ALL the Buffalo DollErs (500,000 of them..) .. in all options (singles, a pair set, and the Coin and Currency sets..) .. sold out in two weeks.. you can still buy as many Baldie DollErs as you want for about $40.00 a pop.. over time, there will be more 70s.. the question is, what percentage will be 70s?.. seems like on these, the percentage is, so far, pretty low, which i think has *something* to do with those that were in the warehouse during the February 5nd storms.. and that's a factor that didn't impact the Buffalo DollErs..

    i took a good look at my three-coin Proof set and my Proof singles yesterday and i don't think any of them would make a 70.. except, possibly, on a good day, the Proof Gold MIGHT have a shot.. but i'm still VERY hesitant to break up that set..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>approx 22 hours to go. See what good pictures will get-cha! link >>

    Jesse, looks like prices could be falling big time............eBay Link image
  • The mint has delayed shipments of the EA9 set again. As far as I can tell they have YET to ship one.

    My orders are delayed to 4-15-08.. I still don't believe the estimate as this is the 6th time I got pushed back!

    It's been a long time since Jan15 and I'm getting tired of waiting. I know I can buy the coin and medal as individuals but I would prefer original "set" packaging.
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭
    How sweet!!!!!!!

    United States Mint Senior Official and Country Music Star Dolly Parton to Release Young

    Media are invited to watch as an eaglet is released into the wild in Douglas Lake, Tennessee, in the foothills of the Smokey Mountains. Entertainer Dolly Parton will pull a rope to open a door to an artificial nest where the 14-week-old eaglet has been raised by the American Eagle Foundation. United States Mint Associate Director of Sales and Marketing, Gloria Eskridge, and Al Cecere, the founder and president of the AEF, will be on hand for the release.

    The United States Mint, pursuant to an Act of Congress, is issuing a limited edition of commemorative coins in 2008 to celebrate the recovery of the Bald Eagle and its status as our national emblem. The United States Mint is authorized to pay qualifying surcharges, collected from the sales of these coins, to the American Eagle Foundation of Tennessee to further its work.

    Just 35 years ago, the Bald Eagle, chosen in 1782 to be the Nation's emblem, was on the brink of extinction. Now, it has made a remarkable recovery with 10,000 nesting pairs located around the nation. The Bald Eagle was removed from the List of Threatened and Endangered Species in 2007.

    Reporters will see another eaglet soar into the sky as the Bald Eagle celebrates another milestone.

    To download an image of the 2008 Bald Eagle Commemorative Coin go to:

    WHAT: Release of Eaglet into the wild; remarks on Bald Eagle Commemorative Coin Program

    WHO: United States Mint Associate Director for Sales and Marketing, Gloria Eskridge
    Al Cecere, Founder/President of the American Eagle Foundation
    Dolly Parton, Entertainer

    WHEN: April 10, 2008, 8 a.m. (ET)

    WHERE: Douglas Lake, Tenn. If media plan to attend, please contact Al Cecere, AEF president, at (865) 429-0157. Directions to the facility caravan will be provided at that time. Media will need to assemble by 7 a.m. ET to ensure shots of eaglet inside the hacking tower and to be escorted into the site.

    Media may meet AEF staff at Boyer's Market (865-484-1317) on Highway 92/Chestnut Hill Road in Dandridge no later than 6:45 a.m. to be escorted to the remote eagle release location.

    Satellite feed coordinates are as follows:

    Thursday, April 10th
    2:30-2:45 PM ET
    C Band Analog, GA 26C, Tr. 1, 3720V

    Friday, April 11th
    04:30-04:45 AM ET
    C Band Analog, AMC 3, Tr. 8, DL 3860V

    Contact: Press inquiries: Greg Hernandez (202) 354-7222
    Customer Service information: (800) USA MINT (872-6468)

    Mint Link
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭
    Deal or no deal?link

    I say nice pickup...image, or maybe not without the box.
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Deal or no deal?link

    I say nice pickup...image, or maybe not without the box. >>

    My box has to be worth $100.........image
  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,118 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Deal or no deal?link

    I say nice pickup...image, or maybe not without the box. >>

    My box has to be worth $100.........image >>

    Seller would have done better had they not been certified by NGC as 69....raw sets are selling in the $420 - $450.
    BTW that also holds true with the First Spouse Coins...raw sets are fetching an average of $50 more than PCGS First Strike 69 sets.
    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭
    POPS as of April 13........PR70DCAM Bald Eagle Silver Dollar Proof is the key in this issue.




  • I just had a gut feeling this could/would be the case. When I got my orders a few days after the tornadoes hit down there, the UNC's were nothing to write home about, but the PR $ coins were awful, with smudges and marks in general. Looks as though my orders were a sign of things to come. I still think the $5 go wld in MS70 will be a winner overall, with a big factor the proofs were already up 25,000-0. If the QC were what it should have been, and normally is with the proofs, I honestly thought the UNC's were going to be the big winner, but again, the QC on the proofs was just horrible, in my case, and I got mine early. Unless the later runs of proofs come up loking good, the proof baldy S$ could be a key to the modern commem series. I think I posted images of mine...I'll see if I can dig them out....clearly lousy proofs.
  • aficionadoaficionado Posts: 2,309 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I just had a gut feeling this could/would be the case. When I got my orders a few days after the tornadoes hit down there, the UNC's were nothing to write home about, but the PR $ coins were awful, with smudges and marks in general. Looks as though my orders were a sign of things to come. I still think the $5 go wld in MS70 will be a winner overall, with a big factor the proofs were already up 25,000-0. If the QC were what it should have been, and normally is with the proofs, I honestly thought the UNC's were going to be the big winner, but again, the QC on the proofs was just horrible, in my case, and I got mine early. Unless the later runs of proofs come up loking good, the proof baldy S$ could be a key to the modern commem series. I think I posted images of mine...I'll see if I can dig them out....clearly lousy proofs. >>

    I looked at 50 proof $1 silvers. Sent 5 to NGC and got 2 - 70's. I bought a pcgs 70 on the bay and I'd say mine are better. The question would be, will pcgs give me two 70's. I think they would split and give me one. That would make the resale value the same as not taking them to pcgs. Besides, I know how good they are and don't need a label to prove it...

    BTW, the pops on the 50c. proof is 37 - 70's out of 752, that's around 5%. Slightly less then the 6.3% on the $1.

  • I was going to send in more of this set, but I changed my mind and only sent in this uncirc as the free quarterly submission last month. Got the grade back last night, and it wasn't perfect image . Oh well, I will probably submit at least the silver uncirc with my next modern submission. One last pic of my MS69 image

    imageQuid pro quo. Yes or no?
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I was going to send in more of this set, but I changed my mind and only sent in this uncirc as the free quarterly submission last month. Got the grade back last night, and it wasn't perfect image . Oh well, I will probably submit at least the silver uncirc with my next modern submission. One last pic of my MS69 image

    image >>

    Looks perfect to my old eyes!!!

    Great pics as always, rg
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sold tonight on eBay.........DEAL or NO DEAL............$1500 image

    All 6 Bald Eagles Commemoratives in MS70/PR70 graded by PCGS.


    eBay Link
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mint Stats: Which Commemorative is Closest to Sellout?
    By David C. Harper, Numismatic News
    May 21, 2008

    I was doodling around with the Bald Eagle numbers. Without looking at the commemorative column, which of the denominations do you think is selling best?

    If you go by sheer numbers, it is the silver dollar, which has registered 311,239 sold out of a possible 500,000. The half dollar sales have reached 235,850 out of 750,000 and gold has hit 67,501 out of a possible 100,000.

    If you compare percentages, gold is the champion at 67.50 percent sold. Silver dollars are 62.25 percent. The laggard is the half dollar at just 31.45 percent.

    The clad halves are created to give more collectors a shot at an inexpensive commemorative. Sure, 235,850 is not a number to be sneezed at, but inexpensive doesn't seem to be the strongest selling point.

    Numismaster Link
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Damn, PCGS graded Proof Gold Bald Eagle sells for less money than current Mint pricing and high gold bullion pricing!!!!

    Mint $319.95.......eBay $306.99 image

    Another example of Mint modern crap.....Even pretty Bald Eagles are still......bullion bullion bullion!!!!! image

    eBay Link

  • I just got rid of the sets that I had.
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭

    October 14, 2008

    Last Chance to Order Bald Eagle Commemorative Coins

    Dec. 12 Set as Deadline to Order Coins Honoring Recovery of Our National Emblem

    WASHINGTON - Time is running out to order Bald Eagle Commemorative Coins. The United States Mint announced today that it will stop sales of the coins struck to celebrate the recovery of our national emblem, the American Bald Eagle, on Dec. 12, 2008, at 5 p.m. (ET). Surcharges collected from the sale of these coins are authorized to be paid to the American Eagle Foundation of Tennessee to further its work.

    Bald Eagle Commemorative Coin options still available include proof and uncirculated versions of a gold coin with a denomination of $5, a silver dollar coin and a half-dollar clad coin. A Coin and Medal Set, featuring an uncirculated Bald Eagle Silver Dollar and a bronze Bald Eagle Medal from the National Wildlife Refuge System Centennial Medal Series, also is available. Individual coin options include a Certificate of Authenticity.

    The Bald Eagle Proof Silver Dollar Coin also will be available in the 2008 United States Mint American Legacy Collection®, one of the star attractions in the United States Mint's Gift Catalog scheduled for release in late October.

    The maximum mintage for all Bald Eagle Commemorative Coin options, including sets, is limited to 100,000 $5 gold coins, 500,000 silver dollar coins and 750,000 clad half-dollars. There is no order limit on these options.

    Itemized pricing information for the Bald Eagle Commemorative Coins is as follows:

    Option Price
    Proof $5 Gold Coin (EA1) $319.95
    Uncirculated $5 Gold Coin (EA2) $309.95
    Proof Silver Dollar (EA3) $43.95
    Uncirculated Silver Dollar (EA4) $37.95
    Proof Clad Half-Dollar (EA5) $10.95
    Uncirculated Clad Half-Dollar (EA6) $8.95
    Coin and Medal Set (EA6) $44.95
    American Legacy Collection (AL2) $100.00

    To make the Bald Eagle Commemorative Coin options part of your coin collection, visit the United States Mint's secure Web site at www.usmint.gov, or call the toll-free number, 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468). Hearing- and speech-impaired customers with TTY equipment may place their orders by calling 1-888-321-MINT (6468) from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (ET), Monday through Friday.

    Customers paying by credit card should ensure that their information remains current to avoid order processing delays. Orders made with credit cards that expire before the products are shipped will be cancelled. After an order has been placed, customers may update credit card information at 1-800-USA-MINT (872-6468).

    To view images of the Bald Eagle Commemorative Coins, go to


  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Time is running out to order 2008 Bald Eagle Commemorative Coins, the United States Mint reminded collectors in a notice Wednesday. Sales for all options end Friday, December 12, at 5 p.m. (ET). image


    Coin News Link
  • Ok ok. I am in for 20 of the UNC Silver Dollars
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭
    Since yawl missed my Birthday about a week ago, just order me one of the Unc. Golds (each).. and ya won't have to face a life of eternal damnation and guilt..
    I reluctantly sold my three-coin Proof set months ago to pay some bills.. still have some of the $1 and Halves, but none of them would make a 70 if I held a gun to the graders' heads.. been outta work for months.. sigh.. and things ain't lookin' too rosy in this freakin' economy..
    anyone need their burgers flipped?.. image

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Since yawl missed my Birthday about a week ago, just order me one of the Unc. Golds (each).. and ya won't have to face a life of eternal damnation and guilt..
    I reluctantly sold my three-coin Proof set months ago to pay some bills.. still have some of the $1 and Halves, but none of them would make a 70 if I held a gun to the graders' heads.. been outta work for months.. sigh.. and things ain't lookin' too rosy in this freakin' economy..
    anyone need their burgers flipped?.. image

    image >>

    Sorry to here about your job, Harv.

    Well, at least you haven't lost your wonderful sense of humor. image
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>
    Sorry to here about your job, Harv.

    Well, at least you haven't lost your wonderful sense of humor. image >>

    I'm a self-employed writer.. I've been writing tech reviews (consumer electronics stuff).. for magazines and Web sites for twenty-five years.. the last jerks I was working for dumped me like yesterday's diapers back in early March.. so they could hire a bunch of new writers who work for chump change.. it was breach of contract.. I threatened to sue them.. got a month's pay out of them, but that's long gone.. since then, I've applied to countless other places and gotten the most insulting offers you can imagine from "we don't pay our writers at all" to "we can pay you $12.00 to $15.00 per review".. I was making from $250.00 to $500.00 per piece, over a thousand bylined articles and reviews in twenty-five years.. now I'm getting offers so insulting, I could make more money pushing a shopping cart with trash bags tied to it, picking up bottles and cans and recycling them.. I go food shopping with a fistful of coupons.. it ain't fun but it's the way it has to be until I can land something..

    There are people a lot worse off than I am, with mountains of debt, house foreclosures, people getting laid off left and right.. I've got savings, but I have to stretch it.. at least there's bank interest each month and there's eBay, and I have a mountain of stuff I can sell.. problem is, I'm selling into a market where millions of other people are trying to strectch every buck they have.. so you see insanity like the worker getting trampled to death at a Wal-mart in Long Island a week ago.. just so a crowd of idiots could buy even more crap they don't need and can't afford.. but of course there are also the rich, who are set for life, boppin' on down to the Cadillac "red tag sale" and dropping $75,000.00 on something as absurd as an Escalade Hybrid.. no wonder GM is on the verge of going under, and WE'RE supposed to bail them out because of their management's idiotic decisions?..

    Sorry.. buzz.. off-topic..

    Everybody I know and probably a lot of people you know are just one pink slip away from the same situation.. no one's job is safe any more..

    What eBay category do ya list "sense of humor" in?..


    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Harv, now that I know you are a writer, I can understand why most of your posts have lots of detail and good punctuation to boot!!

    Maybe you and RWB can co-author a book on coins and gadgets!!!!!! image
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I think the Gold Unc. in MS70 could have some good appreciation going forward.
  • GritsManGritsMan Posts: 2,599 ✭✭✭
    Whoa! Thanks for the heads up. Didn't even think to look!
    Winner of the Coveted Devil Award June 8th, 2010
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭
    and into the melting pot go the un-sold ones.. of course The Mint could add them to their "Last Chance" sale.. but they won't.. and no, I didn't buy any more, as explained why above.. sigh.. the Gold Unc. had a pretty low Mintage under 14,000 the last I checked.. I *almost* went for it but the same amount of money went to pay my monthly Health Insurance bill instead.. I ain't gonna walk around on this planet with no Insurance.. uh-uh.. sigh.. ahha! I know.. I'll go over to the local crafts store, buy a couple'a sheets of Gold leaf and a soft brush, apply it to the Halves, and put them on eBay as wrong-metal errors!.. not..
    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • coolestcoolest Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭

    << <i>image

    I think the Gold Unc. in MS70 could have some good appreciation going forward. >>

    Wow! this is unexpected. I was just thinking a couple of days ago that the $5 unc eagle commem I bought this year could better be spent as a Buff or a Saint but I decided to keep it because I liked the design even though I thought it was going to be common trash.

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