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***Official Bald Eagle Order Thread!! Post your order#'s****Updated Pops Report **Great Pics Posted*



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    57loaded57loaded Posts: 4,967 ✭✭✭

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    << <i>Just received my 3 coin set yesterday. Beautiful coins. >>

    eek! you opened it!.. it's worthless!..

    image >>

    since NONE of the three coins are exclusive to the EA7 set....it's just the friggin box!

    and i don't mean sealed....
    image >>

    actually it's not just the friggin' box, it's the friggin' COA that proves those three coins came from that set, and weren't bought as singles and shoved into a previous Modern commemorative's three coin clamshell case, IF any former Modern commemorative had a DollEr on the left, a $5.00 Gold in the middle, and a Half on the right and were dark blue and fuzzy.. do you know of any previous Modern commemorative three-coin sets that had the exact same color and fabric with the three indendations in the same order and position?.. what i'm trying badly to say is that IF there ARE no others, then you can't fake one of these sets out of an earlier case, and earlier box, even if you have the same three Baldie singles, since you won't have the COA.. comprendo?.. >>

    no i don't and i am trying, honest ...no coffee yet why can't you sub any of the other baldie coins available ($5 gold, silver proof and clad proof) into the box? i haven't opened mine so i don't know what the COA says....and still call it a "set"
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    My order of January 18th, #27828XXX, finally showed up this morning on FedeX tracking. Did not think that I would ever get them off "in stock and reserved". Delivery is scheduled for Feb.25th.
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

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    << <i>Just received my 3 coin set yesterday. Beautiful coins. >>

    eek! you opened it!.. it's worthless!..

    image >>

    since NONE of the three coins are exclusive to the EA7 set....it's just the friggin box!

    and i don't mean sealed....
    image >>

    actually it's not just the friggin' box, it's the friggin' COA that proves those three coins came from that set, and weren't bought as singles and shoved into a previous Modern commemorative's three coin clamshell case, IF any former Modern commemorative had a DollEr on the left, a $5.00 Gold in the middle, and a Half on the right and were dark blue and fuzzy.. do you know of any previous Modern commemorative three-coin sets that had the exact same color and fabric with the three indendations in the same order and position?.. what i'm trying badly to say is that IF there ARE no others, then you can't fake one of these sets out of an earlier case, and earlier box, even if you have the same three Baldie singles, since you won't have the COA.. comprendo?.. >>

    no i don't and i am trying, honest ...no coffee yet why can't you sub any of the other baldie coins available ($5 gold, silver proof and clad proof) into the box? i haven't opened mine so i don't know what the COA says....and still call it a "set" >>

    Okay.. dig.. let's ASSume that no other Modern commemorative three coin set came in the EXACT same style / materials / design / placement case as the Baldies three-coin Proof set comes in.. like i said, i don't have the time or desire to research this..

    so say you bought one of the new sets, and also the same three Proof coins as singles.. you have six coins.. three in a set, and three singles.. now what you COULD do, if you felt one or two or all three of the coins in the set were possible 70s, and one or two or all three of the singles wouldn't make a 70 even if the Pope blessed them.. is swap the singles INTO the case, and have either triplet of coins graded and STILL have what looks like an all-original three-coin set.. if these coins take off in value, and / or you get three 70s (unlikely but possible), you could spend about $750.00 for the set, plus three singles, get three of them slabbed, sell them for $750.00 or more (for either triplet of 70s if you got 70s).. and that makes the remaining three-coins you have "free".. as LONG as you have that COA with the three encapsulated coins in the original US Mint clamshell case, i don't know if anyone could ever tell the diffrence between the coins that came out of that clamshell, or three identical singles bought as singles..

    there's an "unless" factor here, and the unless factor is if there is something special / different about the coins in the set as opposed to the singles.. as far as i know, from all i've read, there is no difference.. but you know how things are discovered months or years later about how Moderns had some special kind of finish or something that the Mint never advertised, so they suddenly make the front page of CW and NN and then skyrocket in value..

    so yes, you COULD "fake" one of the 25,000 three-coin proof sets IF you bought the set, PLUS you bought the three Proof singles, carefully examine all six coins, pick out the best one of each (DollEr, Gold, and Half).. submit them, get three 70s back, and keep the three "probably not 70s" coins in the clamshell case with the COA.. this would work but again, if there IS something "special" about the coins in the set, as opposed to the singles, and it comes out later.. then the game is off..

    fer instance, there's nothing "special" about the Unc. Buffalo DollEr in the Buffalo Coin and Currency set.. it's the same as all the other Uncs. issued as singles and in the two-coin set.. at least it's been seven years and no one has reported ANY kind of varities of any of the Buffalo DollErs..

    however, the Brass Buck in the Millineneneieueieneieum Coin and Currency set DID have something special about it which set it apart from all the other non-Proof Brass bucks issued in 2000.. so if you submit one of those sets and let PCGS slice the coin out of it, it gets a special label that indicates it came out of that set.. dig?..

    and then there are the Cheerios DollErs.. 5000 of them.. which, years later, it was discovered that they were actually PATTERN coins (different, more pronounced, tail feathers on the bird).. and if yer lucky enough to have fished one out of a box of Cheerios back in 2000, sealed in plastic on that little card, along with a 2000 Lincoln Cent, then you have a $12,000.00 coin!.. at least that's what a Cheerios DollEr sold for on TeleTrade in the past couple of months.. however, VERY few of those coins have surfaced.. and why?.. well consider who eats cereal.. kids.. and what would a kid who got the carded cent PLUS the PATTERN Brass buck (which was NEVER identified as anything special for years) have done with the two coins when they tumbled into his bowl at breakfast?..

    "Hey Mom! Look what i got in the Cheerios box!, can i keep it?" "Sure Skippy.. go ahead".. so the kid could have taken those two coins on the card out and stuffed it in a drawer in his bedroom, or spent them, or traded them to a friend for Pogs or whatever fad kids were into in 2000.. and now, eight years later, we find out that those 5000 Brass Bucks were pattern coins and are worth a bundle of money.. back then, NO ONE knew..

    so.. unless we hear otherwise, all we can do is ASSume that the three coins in the Baldies three-coin Proof set are identical in every aspect to the same three coins bought as singles.. IF in the future, it's disocvered that there's something "special" about them, then all Hell will break loose, like it did with the Cheerios DollErs.. sometimes The Mint says nothing.. and it takes variety experts to discover these things..

    as far as the COA goes.. the COA is a folded piece of heavy stock paper that delineates the specs of ALL three Baldie Proofs, and that particular COA comes ONLY with the three-coin Proof set..

    if you buy the same three Proof coins as singles, you get three separate, smaller COAs, one with each coin.. desribing ONLY THAT coin.. so you can't "fake" the set by stuffing three other little COAs in with it.. as the set comes with a COA that details all three coins on a single folded document..

    and again, if you buy the set and keep it sealed and submit it, it does NOT qualify for "First Strike" or any other kind of fancy label that the Registry set crowd gets all hot and wet over.. if you put the sealed set on eBay, you most likely WILL get a premium for it up and above what you'd get from selling an opened set..

    some people like to buy things in sealed shipping boxes and will pay extra for it because it guarantees them that no one has futzed around with the coins inside the sealed box..

    so only time will tell if there is anything "special" about the coins in the set, as opposed to the singles of the same coins.. like i said, sometimes these things are disovered years later.. and sometimes The Mint owns up to it, and sometimes they don't..

    make sense now?..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    "doesn't all Priority and First class travel by air?.."

    No this is a common misconception. They are line Hauled from hub to hub.
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    baddogssbaddogss Posts: 1,269 ✭✭✭✭
    My order # 278207XX Thursday Jan 17, finally arrived Wednesday Feb. 20. Bob
    Thank you PCGS for the Forums! ANA # 3150931 - Successful BST with: Bah1513, ckeusa, coin22lover, coinsarefun, DCW, guitarwes, SLQ, Sunshine Rare Coin, tmot99, Tdec1000, dmarks, Flatwoods, Wondercoin, Yorkshireman
    Sugar magnolia blossoms blooming, heads all empty and I don't care ...
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    GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,009 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Bald eagle Pops Report as of Sunday Feb 17, 2008





    eBay BE PCGS pricing >>

    As of Sunday, 2/24

    No change in Silver Dollars from last week.

    Gold Baldies??, not a big push for grading so far........image


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    mark511mark511 Posts: 364 ✭✭
    Does anyone know if the 500,000 limit on the Proofs and Uncirculated coins includes the 50,000 proofs that will be in the American Legacy Collection?
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    aficionadoaficionado Posts: 2,309 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Does anyone know if the 500,000 limit on the Proofs and Uncirculated coins includes the 50,000 proofs that will be in the American Legacy Collection? >>

    Yes, the number includes the Legacy set (50,000 proofs ) and the 3-coin set(25,000 proofs) and the Coin and Medal set (50,000 Unc.). So, there will be 375,000 single coins available, split between Unc. and Proof.

    With the $5 Gold. 25,000 proofs for the 3-coin set, leaving 75,000 singles split between the Proof and Unc.

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    FYI Just talked to a customer service rep. and no sellout yet on the 3 coin set. It's got to be getting mighty close!

    If they lifted the 1 set limit it'd be gone in a flash. I thought they had lifted it, so I placed an order for a 2nd one and it was cancelled.
    Successful BST transactions:
    commoncents123, JrGMan2004, Coll3ctor (2), Dabigkahuna, BAJJERFAN, Boom, GRANDAM, newsman, cohodk, kklambo, seateddime, ajia, mirabela, Weather11am, keepdachange, gsa1fan, cone10
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    I received my coins today, order placed on the first day. The website showed in process until today. Now it shows shipped 2/25/08. Same day delivery is pretty impressive. image

    Beautiful coins.
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭
    just musing.. how can the three-coin Proof set NOT be sold out yet if the figures published last week (scroll back).. showed 18 were left out of the 25,000?.. as of right now, i just checked and it's still available to order.. el no make-o sense-o.. (with a side of sour cream..) ..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>FYI Just talked to a customer service rep. and no sellout yet on the 3 coin set. It's got to be getting mighty close!

    If they lifted the 1 set limit it'd be gone in a flash. I thought they had lifted it, so I placed an order for a 2nd one and it was cancelled. >>

    yeah.. i tried that too a couple weeks ago.. not because i was trying to scam them, but because it looked like my first day / first hour phone ordered set was stuck in limbo.. (i DID receive it over a week ago..) .. as screwed up as the Mint is, if you try to order two on two separate orders, if the address is the same, they will absolutely cancel the order for the second one.. so whatever part of their system (or whatever human checks such things).. that verifies the "one per household" thing works perfectly.. ya simply can't get another one at issue price unless you get a friend / relative / pet / alien to order one with a different CC# and have it shipped to a different address.. which is what dealers do..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    << <i>just musing.. how can the three-coin Proof set NOT be sold out yet if the figures published last week (scroll back).. showed 18 were left out of the 25,000?.. as of right now, i just checked and it's still available to order.. el no make-o sense-o.. (with a side of sour cream..) .. >>

    There are only two possibilites:

    1. The published mintage figures are not correct.

    2. The Mint will sell as many sets as they can - who's really counting?

    You choose. image
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    ziggy29ziggy29 Posts: 18,668 ✭✭✭

    << <i>There are only two possibilites:

    1. The published mintage figures are not correct.

    2. The Mint will sell as many sets as they can - who's really counting? >>

    The third possibility is that they are still taking orders to place on "backorder" so they can ship out other people's returned sets. I doubt there would be too many returns with a one set limit, though, since the buyers can't buy more than they want and cherry the best sets.
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    Are the number of replies to this thread an indication of the popularity of this release or are the same twelve people just talking back and for to each other?
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    Good article at NGC
    Never teach a pig to sing. You'll waste your time and annoy the pig image

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    Received my order via Fedex today. the Bald Eagles look good. The 6 Pf ASE eagles that were included in the order were not in the Fedex box.image Talked to a supervisor at the mint and he is sending me an affidavid (Sp.?) to fill out stating that I did not rip them off for the Proof ASE's.imageimage I do not know if I should reorder them or what? Anyone been through this kind of screw-up with the mint before?
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    << <i>Received my order via Fedex today. the Bald Eagles look good. The 6 Pf ASE eagles that were included in the order were not in the Fedex box.image Talked to a supervisor at the mint and he is sending me an affidavid (Sp.?) to fill out stating that I did not rip them off for the Proof ASE's.imageimage I do not know if I should reorder them or what? Anyone been through this kind of screw-up with the mint before? >>

    Are you sure they are not listed as backordered on the packing slip?
    Never teach a pig to sing. You'll waste your time and annoy the pig image

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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>Are the number of replies to this thread an indication of the popularity of this release or are the same twelve people just talking back and for to each other? >>

    we are obsessed with these coins.. know of any twelve-step programs?..

    you want babes, you buy a Corvette.. you're an obsessed collector, you spend the same money on a High Relief Saint.. if you're rich, you can have both..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    << <i>Received my order via Fedex today. the Bald Eagles look good. The 6 Pf ASE eagles that were included in the order were not in the Fedex box.image Talked to a supervisor at the mint and he is sending me an affidavid (Sp.?) to fill out stating that I did not rip them off for the Proof ASE's.imageimage I do not know if I should reorder them or what? Anyone been through this kind of screw-up with the mint before? >>

    I received my ASEs today as well, but they were a separate order, so they came in a separate box.
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    jessewvujessewvu Posts: 5,065 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Received my order via Fedex today. the Bald Eagles look good. The 6 Pf ASE eagles that were included in the order were not in the Fedex box.image Talked to a supervisor at the mint and he is sending me an affidavid (Sp.?) to fill out stating that I did not rip them off for the Proof ASE's.imageimage I do not know if I should reorder them or what? Anyone been through this kind of screw-up with the mint before? >>

    My bald eagle coins came over a three day period in a total of about 10 different boxes, shipped on the same day from the Mint, according to the website. The mint only had one tracking number for all the coins. If I were you, I would see what comes tomorrow or the next day, the mint is still messed up from the tornadoes that ripped through there. Unless the packaging slip says that the coins were supposed to be in the box, they are probably on their way. Just because they were included in the order has nothing at all to do with what is in your box. they could ship all of your coins individually.

    I have never, ever had a problem with the mint not shipping what was expected in over 6 years of ordering. The only problem I have had is when they shipped the coin to the wrong address which was my fault.
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    << <i>

    << <i>Received my order via Fedex today. the Bald Eagles look good. The 6 Pf ASE eagles that were included in the order were not in the Fedex box.image Talked to a supervisor at the mint and he is sending me an affidavid (Sp.?) to fill out stating that I did not rip them off for the Proof ASE's.imageimage I do not know if I should reorder them or what? Anyone been through this kind of screw-up with the mint before? >>

    My bald eagle coins came over a three day period in a total of about 10 different boxes, shipped on the same day from the Mint, according to the website. The mint only had one tracking number for all the coins. If I were you, I would see what comes tomorrow or the next day, the mint is still messed up from the tornadoes that ripped through there. Unless the packaging slip says that the coins were supposed to be in the box, they are probably on their way. Just because they were included in the order has nothing at all to do with what is in your box. they could ship all of your coins individually.

    I have never, ever had a problem with the mint not shipping what was expected in over 6 years of ordering. The only problem I have had is when they shipped the coin to the wrong address which was my fault. >>

    I hope that you are correct. I am only here in Florida until Friday and then back to Ohio and the snow.

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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭
    Mr. Mailman brought me three coins from my second Baldies order today.. two Unc. halves, and one Proof Half.. giving each one the PCGS thirty second look-over, they'd all grade 69s.. all three of them have perfect obverses (the chicks and egg side).. all three have at least one pinpoint tick on the "Challenger" reverse, mainly in his neck feathers.. won't bother having them graded.. will probably use them for gifts.. i like the design of the half, both sides.. i wonder if it'll be hard to get 70s on these, since all three of mine would definitely slab 69.. but it's the "Challenger" reverse on all three that has the tiny tiny pinpoint hits.. nothing obnoxious from a foot away, but visible up-close..

    for those who haven't gotten any of these Half singles yet.. both kinds come in a small, blue slipcased box - the Halves, in capsules, are pressed into a cheap, white plastic holder.. the Proof, in a capsule, is in the typical fuzzy, dark blue Clamshell case..

    still waiting for a Proof and an Unc. DollEr from the same order..

    [EDITED TO ADD: i just Tracked the DollErs.. should be in tomorrow's mail delivery.. they've reached the local USPS distribution center that feeds my city's main branch..]..

    still waiting for the Coin and Medal set.. not charged for it yet.. Mint site says backordered until 15 March, 2008.. after i get it.. that'll be that.. all of this stuff plus the one three-coin Proof set, received a week ago..

    not planning to order any more of this series.. i think i have enough birds to start my own aviary..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>

    I have never, ever had a problem with the mint not shipping what was expected in over 6 years of ordering. The only problem I have had is when they shipped the coin to the wrong address which was my fault. >>

    i have a problem with the Mint.. i want to order 20 1997 Jackie Robinson $5.00 Gold Uncs., at $200.00/ea.. and 20 2000-W Library of Congress Bimetallic Uncs. at $390/ea, and they won't let me!..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    mark511mark511 Posts: 364 ✭✭
    My order for 10 unc dollars coins ordered 1/30/08 showed up today. Maybe the mint is getting back on track.
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    no more bald eagle pics, but I have this from "Birdies" driving range....teaching my grand-nephew how to play golf!

    He loves it! Taught my son and was involved as the director and teacher in a Junior Golf Program at a local course for several years.

    Joined the USGTF to teach adults....so I've seen alot of "birdies" and "eagles" and the rare "albatross". Again, no pics to show....

    I know it's a little off topic, but I'm going bald, and I'm mentioning "eagles" so....... image Kid's got a great set up, eh?
    ....and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make....

    The Beatles
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    Well my third shipment showed up today

    Unc .50 BE Marvelous and flawless even under magnification. All a solid cherry pickers 69.

    Proof .50 BE all show signs of the field being cleaned with abrasive..or a contaminated glove, very nasty and highly visible. Several nicks and dings also. Maybe PR62 no higher.

    Crap shoot, even from the mint.
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    What tier did you all use for submitting the $ gold eagles? THX
    my EBAY items
    Successful forum transactions: jessewvu, nankraut, tootawl, levinll, mistercoinman, metalsman, adamlaneus, chuckc, fivecents, kingplatinum, jdimmick, waterzooey, moderncoinmart, bige, steelielee,
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    << <i>Well my third shipment showed up today

    Unc .50 BE Marvelous and flawless even under magnification. All a solid cherry pickers 69.

    Proof .50 BE all show signs of the field being cleaned with abrasive..or a contaminated glove, very nasty and highly visible. Several nicks and dings also. Maybe PR62 no higher.

    Crap shoot, even from the mint. >>

    i returned my proof silver, all had some type of brown spots all over them and several nicks. they got to me almost frozen, would that have anything to do with the brown spots and hazy brown look to the field of the coin? thanks for any help.
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    I have a big black spot in the reverse field on my silver dollar. Anyone else have this?

    It's diffused and the size of a Sharpee ink spot.
    Never seen this before and I've been collecting SAEs and Mint commemoratives for several years and have back issues to '86 and have never seen this yet.

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    GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,009 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I have a big black spot in the reverse field on my silver dollar. Anyone else have this?

    It's diffused and the size of a Sharpee ink spot.
    Never seen this before and I've been collecting SAEs and Mint commemoratives for several years and have back issues to '86 and have never seen this yet.

    Anyone? >>

    No, thank God.......return it to the Mint now!!!!!!!!! image
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    The only coins to sell raw are the Eaglets. The highest mintage of the field....look at the raw sales on the bay....Proof and Unc 1$'s arent moving. The halves sell every time. People mention 'they look great, def 69'. A 69 with these, may be challenging. Normally, with mint products, a 69 means you might as well have left it in the original box. I have seen these, and unless mine were just a freak order, they are all going back. A number of posters have experienced the same problems....nicks, spots...from day one, this has been one experience the mint probably could have done without (money wise, nope, but return wise, quality wise, they may have inadvertently created an instant rarity).
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    AkbeezAkbeez Posts: 2,690 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Well my third shipment showed up today

    Unc .50 BE Marvelous and flawless even under magnification. All a solid cherry pickers 69.

    Proof .50 BE all show signs of the field being cleaned with abrasive..or a contaminated glove, very nasty and highly visible. Several nicks and dings also. Maybe PR62 no higher.

    Crap shoot, even from the mint. >>

    i returned my proof silver, all had some type of brown spots all over them and several nicks. they got to me almost frozen, would that have anything to do with the brown spots and hazy brown look to the field of the coin? thanks for any help. >>

    LittleE: Cold should not have any effect on your coins (as an Alaskan, I know). However, cold can cause condensation on coins if warmed too fast in a humid environment, BUT since these are encapsulated (aren't they?), I highly doubt temperature was a factor in brown spots. More likely a contamination during post-striking or packaging. Yup, returning is the right move.

    Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser,and many OTHERS
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭
    it could have had something to do with the tornados on super Tuesday that hit Fedex' Memphis facility where the Mint keeps a lot of stock.. cases of encapsulated coins in boxes flying everywhere.. dozens of warehouse workers running around picking them up.. oops this bunch is out of their capsules.. "hey Vern, just wipe 'em off on your sleeve.. we gotta few thousand empty capsules in them cartons over there.. ship'em.. let them coin collector suckers deal with 'em.. ha ha"..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Well my third shipment showed up today

    Unc .50 BE Marvelous and flawless even under magnification. All a solid cherry pickers 69.

    Proof .50 BE all show signs of the field being cleaned with abrasive..or a contaminated glove, very nasty and highly visible. Several nicks and dings also. Maybe PR62 no higher.

    Crap shoot, even from the mint. >>

    i returned my proof silver, all had some type of brown spots all over them and several nicks. they got to me almost frozen, would that have anything to do with the brown spots and hazy brown look to the field of the coin? thanks for any help. >>

    LittleE: Cold should not have any effect on your coins (as an Alaskan, I know). However, cold can cause condensation on coins if warmed too fast in a humid environment, BUT since these are encapsulated (aren't they?), I highly doubt temperature was a factor in brown spots. More likely a contamination during post-striking or packaging. Yup, returning is the right move.

    AK... >>

    thank you, yes these were encapsulated, like you said more than likely a contamination during post-striking.
    you would know about the cold living in alaska, stay warm put another long on the fire, i live in algonac, michigan. thanks again!!
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭
    one step closer to completing my two orders, i got the Proof and Unc. Single Baldie DollErs in today's mail.. the Unc., like the Unc. halves, has some tiny tiny hits on the Reverse.. i can't even describe how tiny but probably half a dozen.. the Proof looks perfect.. what is it with the Uncs. in this series?.. did they all get abused somewhere along the line?.. the Proof is a slabbing candidate.. the Uncs., forget it.. only thing left i'm waiting for is the Coin and Medal set.. which i can still cancel but i won't..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭
    Received my box or someone elses returns yesterday! About 1/2 of what I received looks like someone had already gone through them and returned them. Guess what--I will return them, too.

    President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay

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    What was wrong with them?
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    moonshinemoonshine Posts: 1,039 ✭✭
    then I guess I had better open my brown boxes.

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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>Received my box or someone elses returns yesterday! About 1/2 of what I received looks like someone had already gone through them and returned them. Guess what--I will return them, too. >>

    i'd consider sending back my two Unc. Halves and my Unc. DollEr.. but it's SUCH a freakin' hassle.. not just the re-boxing and such, but they shipped separately on two different packing slips, even though they were part of the same order.. i can see 101 ways the Mint could screw up replacing them.. and then you have to ask them to refund the return Postage.. i still have a US Treasury check for like under two bucks in my wallet from something i returned months ago.. and worst of all, i might just get someone else's returns as replacements for my returns..

    are you people experiencing the same thing i am?.. that the Unc. singles of both the DollErs and the Halves have umm.. problems.. while the Proofs are pretty much flawless?.. all three coins in my three-coin proof set are absolute gems.. my Proof singles are gorgeous.. only the Uncs. have those tiny tiny pinpoint hits on them, and oddly, only on the Reverses.. i can't explain that at all.. i decided not to buy the Unc. Gold single out of fear that it might suffer from the same cosmetic problems..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    mbogomanmbogoman Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Received my baldies on Monday. The proofs (Gold and silver) were all beautiful and flawless. The Unc silver was also flawless, but the Unc gold had two very obvious pits on the reverse and a nice, shiny ding on the obverse. It's on it's way back to the mint already...
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    Well....it's official....the three piece set is sold out! image now to see what this set does as a collectible!
    ....and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make....

    The Beatles
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>Well....it's official....the three piece set is sold out! image now to see what this set does as a collectible! >>

    took long enough..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    << <i>

    << <i>Well....it's official....the three piece set is sold out! image now to see what this set does as a collectible! >>

    took long enough..

    imageimageimage >>

    No change on the Bay.. maybe nobody noticed....

    25,000 set gone
    add 25 thousand more gold gone

    equates to over half the series sold in gold.

    Silver gaining speed and venture 40-50% of that is history too. Remember its across all offerings to the totals, not individually.

    I got mine.

    . wait too long and it will be "poof" gone.
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    GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,009 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Well....it's official....the three piece set is sold out! image now to see what this set does as a collectible! >>

    took long enough..

    imageimageimage >>

    It's official..............


    Oversold by 684 sets!!!!!!

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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭
    as Rod Serling would say.. and now the questions..

    1 - are the Baldies (the remaining "options" that haven't sold out yet).. on sale until 12/31/2008 or until they're gone, whichever occurs first?.. like Jamestown was last year.. i think that one was up for grabs literally all of 2007.. as opposed to the SF Old Mint which was only sold from August through December, 2006.. or is there a set, legislated date at which time the Mint has to yank them off sale, no matter how many are left?..

    b - did any of you attend the Long Beach show two weeks ago (hard to believe it's been two weeks already since i sat there at the PCGS table filling out those insane forms).. and submit anything under regular tier for which you've gotten grades yet?.. it's been so long since i did it with PCGS at a show, i don't remember how long it takes to get grades.. except for same-day, and five-day..

    i already got my two 10nd Anniversary Platinums back (PR70 and PR69 DCAM.. both "First Strike" and i'm in no hurry to sell them..).. days ago.. since i paid for five-day service on those, but on two other forms i submitted my "free" quarterly Gold special (the Jamestown Gold Unc.).. and four cross-overs in NGC, ANACS, and SEGS slabs.. and i'm chomping at the bit to find out the grades on those.. they'll all be worth more if they just cross at the same grade into PCGS plastic.. if any of them upgrade i'll be ecstatic.. if they just cross at the same grade, i'll be.. uhh.. well at least i won't cry.. none of them will down-grade since i specified the existing grades as the minimum grades..

    III - further.. anyone have any stats on what percentage of other companies' slabs actually UPgrade when crossed over into PCGS slabs?.. i know this belongs in another thread but i'm here anyway, and i'm tired, and someone here probably knows.. i submitted one NGC cross-over coin (which i'll reveal later what it is).. that if it upgrades ONE point it goes from about $175.00 to about $5000.00 in the PCGS price guide.. (currently an MS67.. praying for an MS68.. chances are probably slim to none but i had to try..) ..


    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    aficionadoaficionado Posts: 2,309 ✭✭✭
    Bald Eagle 3-coin Set officially SOLD OUT !!!

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    Got my set..............They all look really nice too..........Crappy Pic.........image

    Peace and Prosper.............
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    Using GBullys posted figures looks like Gold $5 is 61% gone with Uncs lagging 5 to 1. Since sales stop at 100,000(61,000 gone so far) across all types for this gold set, that means Unc will be the rarest by mintage.. maybe under 20 thousand pieces if sales keep up the same equivalent. Points to ponder.

    As we all know the mint doesnt give squat as to percentages when total is reached.
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>Using GBullys posted figures looks like Gold $5 is 61% gone with Uncs lagging 5 to 1. Since sales stop at 100,000(61,000 gone so far) across all types for this gold set, that means Unc will be the rarest by mintage.. maybe under 20 thousand pieces if sales keep up the same equivalent. Points to ponder.

    As we all know the mint doesnt give squat as to percentages when total is reached. >>

    not all that much to ponder, if the Gold Unc. Mintage ends up in the 20,000 to 25,000 range.. last year's Jamestown Gold Unc. had a Mintage of a little over 18,000, and the year before, the SF Old Mint Gold Unc., a Mintage of 16,183.. neither of them is selling (raw) for even double issue price.. you have to get down into the tiny Mintages below 10,000, like the Capitol Visitors Center, the 2000-W BiMetallic, and the holy of holies, the 1997 Jackie Robinson before you see Gold Uncs. that sell for many multiples of their original price, nevermind even double.. and the Baldies Golds will be on sale the entire year, unless someone knows otherwise.. historically, Proofs ALWAYS out-sell Uncs.. i can't think of one single Modern commemorative Gold for which that was not the case.. the "rarest" Baldie Gold is the one in the 25,000 three-coin Proof set, and there is absolutely nothing to tell it apart from the singles of the same Proof, as far as i can tell..

    like i said earlier, sometimes, some years later, some variety expert discovers something "different" about what everyone thought was nothing special at the time, or no one even noticed was different and rare at the time.. like the Cheerios DollErs, or the "Wide A M" cents of 1998 through 2000.. it's been four years, and no one has found a bag full of Wisconson "Extra leaf" quarters.. or even an entire roll full.. i don't think even five thousand of them exist across all grades, and yet the prices on them have been going down.. of course, proportionally-speaking, a quarter that sells for a couple hundred bucks is quite different a different animal than a $300+ Gold coin that sells for $600.00.. a big deal was made about Minnesota "extra tree" quarters last year.. people were paying ridiculous money for a bunch of different varieties of them.. now it seems no one is paying any attention to them.. the 1995 DDO cent is another example of a coin that after it was discovered was going for moon money.. now an MS65 Red can be had for about fifty bucks..

    i would laugh my head off if i sold my Baldies three-coin set and then a year or two from now, someone discovers that the Proof Gold in it was different than those sold as singles.. so far, that hasn't happened, and again, sometimes, it takes years before it's discovered, and other times, the Mint doesn't even admit it.. like the way they explained away the Wisconsin Extra Leaf quarters as scrap metal damaging a couple dies.. yeah.. sure.. scrap metal just happened to accidentally land in exactly the right place so that it looked like an extra corn ear leaf, in TWO different flavors..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..

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