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***Official Bald Eagle Order Thread!! Post your order#'s****Updated Pops Report **Great Pics Posted*



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    OK that was fun, I guess I can post the Proofs, the uncircs are on the last page...... Still waiting on this 3 coin set to sell out, I plan on using these pics whenever I finally get around to selling these on ebay image



    imageQuid pro quo. Yes or no?
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    BECOKABECOKA Posts: 16,959 ✭✭✭
    Shoot, 802 image
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭
    finally.. just received this email..

    We shipped the items listed below today.
    Thank you for shopping at the United States Mint Online
    Catalog; we hope you'll visit again soon.
    Track your order at http://catalog.usmint.gov
    Questions about returns or cancellations?
    Please visit http://catalog.usmint.gov
    Thanks again for shopping with the U.S. Mint.
    Electronic gift certificates are now available!

    Order #: 27802xxx - 1 Order Date: 1/15/08

    Sold To: me

    Ship To: me

    Date Shipped: 2/15/08

    Amount Charged : 374.90

    Tracking ID

    buncha numbers..

    Items included in this shipment:

    1. 2008 BALD EAGLE 3-COIN PRF SET (EA7) Qty : 1

    [no dancing smilies until it gets handed to me.. but they can sell out now please.. thank you..] ..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,009 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>finally.. just received this email..

    We shipped the items listed below today.
    Thank you for shopping at the United States Mint Online
    Catalog; we hope you'll visit again soon.
    Track your order at http://catalog.usmint.gov
    Questions about returns or cancellations?
    Please visit http://catalog.usmint.gov
    Thanks again for shopping with the U.S. Mint.
    Electronic gift certificates are now available!

    Order #: 27802xxx - 1 Order Date: 1/15/08

    Sold To: me

    Ship To: me

    Date Shipped: 2/15/08

    Amount Charged : 374.90

    Tracking ID

    buncha numbers..

    Items included in this shipment:

    1. 2008 BALD EAGLE 3-COIN PRF SET (EA7) Qty : 1

    [no dancing smilies until it gets handed to me.. but they can sell out now please.. thank you..] .. >>

    About damn time.....congrats Harv.....image

    I just hope they are problem free!!!!

    I'll be honest, I'm very happy with my many Baldies!!!!!!

    Keep up your great posts.......lots of drama for sure!!!!!!!! image
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>About damn time.....congrats Harv.....image

    I just hope they are problem free!!!!

    I'll be honest, I'm very happy with my many Baldies!!!!!!

    Keep up your great posts.......lots of drama for sure!!!!!!!! image >>

    really.. drama is the word on this debacle.. i just Tracked it.. they're using Fedex again and delivery is scheduled for Monday by 1030am.. {{mopping brow}}..

    still, the dancing smilies don't appear until the guy in the blue shirt hands it to me.. and i open it, and they're not covered with fingerprints and boogers..
    so i get to squirm for that.. and squirm for my PCGS grades for the stuff i gave them at the Long Beach show yesterday..

    maybe i should sell everything and take up a more relaxing hobby.. like model railroading or butterfly collecting or something..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    Your photos are sweet, Rob. Lovely designimage

    Snap Dragon
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>OK that was fun, I guess I can post the Proofs, the uncircs are on the last page...... Still waiting on this 3 coin set to sell out, I plan on using these pics whenever I finally get around to selling these on ebay image >>

    Hi.. those are some of the nicest coin pictures i've ever seen.. especially with the black background and the reflections in the surface below them.. could you describe the procedure / technique / software used to create pictures like that?.. is there a step-by-step posted somewhere?.. i won't pretend to read every thread on these boards.. there aren't enough hours in the day..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • Options
    Sure Harv, your posts have been quite entertaining, and I mean that in the nicest way! SpaceMonkey has a thread Here with the templates and instructions for the presentation. I use Photoshop Elements, which is around $100 version (less when on sale) of photoshop, and the templates work in that. The pictures I take with a pretty basic setup, I use an old Nikon 995 camera I bought off ebay for around 200 bucks, a 30 dollar copy stand, and 3 reveal light bulbs (regular bulbs you can get anywhere). After that, its just practice and playing around with it.

    Oh, here is a Thread where I actually took pictures of my setup, and the cutup milk carton I use especially on proofs, I think I used that on these. My setup is on the second page.
    imageQuid pro quo. Yes or no?
  • Options
    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>Sure Harv, your posts have been quite entertaining, and I mean that in the nicest way! SpaceMonkey has a thread Here with the templates and instructions for the presentation. I use Photoshop Elements, which is around $100 version (less when on sale) of photoshop, and the templates work in that. The pictures I take with a pretty basic setup, I use an old Nikon 995 camera I bought off ebay for around 200 bucks, a 30 dollar copy stand, and 3 reveal light bulbs (regular bulbs you can get anywhere). After that, its just practice and playing around with it.

    Oh, here is a Thread where I actually took pictures of my setup, and the cutup milk carton I use especially on proofs, I think I used that on these. >>


    thanks.. i appreciate it.. i don't have Photoshop (a.k.a. Pornoshop or Photoslop).. elements.. maybe i can pick it up cheap on eBay.. but now that i know what you use and that there are templates to make pictures like that.. i will pursue it when Mr. Wallet recovers from what he spewed out this past week to the Mint and PCGS image .. the main problem is i have no copy stand and literally no place to put one!.. but i've been doing computer graphics for eons so i can phart around with it as long as i know how it was done and with what.. after i source the software.. templates are handy.. i don't think i could figure out how to create pictures like that on my own..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • Options
    KonaheadKonahead Posts: 1,476 ✭✭✭

    << <i>finally.. just received this email..

    We shipped the items listed below today.
    Thank you for shopping at the United States Mint Online
    Catalog; we hope you'll visit again soon.
    Track your order at http://catalog.usmint.gov
    Questions about returns or cancellations?
    Please visit http://catalog.usmint.gov
    Thanks again for shopping with the U.S. Mint.
    Electronic gift certificates are now available!

    Order #: 27802xxx - 1 Order Date: 1/15/08

    Sold To: me

    Ship To: me

    Date Shipped: 2/15/08

    Amount Charged : 374.90

    Tracking ID

    buncha numbers..

    Items included in this shipment:

    1. 2008 BALD EAGLE 3-COIN PRF SET (EA7) Qty : 1

    [no dancing smilies until it gets handed to me.. but they can sell out now please.. thank you..] .. >>

    I just got notice mine are being shipped overnight Fedexp and I should get them Monday. Bout time! Can't wait to see them.
    PEACE! This is the first day of the rest of your life.

    Fred, Las Vegas, NV
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    GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,009 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bald eagle Pops Report as of Sunday Feb 17, 2008





    eBay BE PCGS pricing
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    SLQSLQ Posts: 311 ✭✭

    << <i>finally.. just received this email..

    We shipped the items listed below today.
    Thank you for shopping at the United States Mint Online.......

    I received a similar email Friday. My 10 Proof Dollars should arrive tomorrow.
    Order #278067XX
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    GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,009 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>finally.. just received this email..

    We shipped the items listed below today.
    Thank you for shopping at the United States Mint Online.......

    I received a similar email Friday. My 10 Proof Dollars should arrive tomorrow.
    Order #278067XX >>

    SLQ, I cannot believe it has taken so long for your order to ship.

    2008 may be a very dubious year for our beloved Mint when it comes to shopping online or by phone. image

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    Mine haven't shipped yet. Probably Tuesday.
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    57loaded57loaded Posts: 4,967 ✭✭✭
    i have one EA7 coming to the house today and one to my office.

    i will need to snag it b4 my wife opens it...not really but she will want to SEE (open) it and i still don't know if this will do anything long term sealed.

    it's just a friggin' box, but way cool coins from the posts i have seen!

    "more rare" than the platinum sets......image
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    Just received my 3 coin proof set this morning.. Order # 2781xxxx.

    Took them long enough but they sure are nice looking image
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭
    more rare than the Platinum 10nd Anniversary sets?.. not really.. not yet, anyway.. 25,000 Baldies three-coin sets limit.. not sold out yet, probably some hundreds or a thousand to go, from the figures i've seen Dave Harper of NN publish.. but remember, the Mint yanked the Platinum sets off sale last week when spot Platinum went over $1900/oz.. i just checked kitco.com and it's at $2101/oz! and still going up.. the last time i saw numbers for the Platinum sets, about 18,000 out of the authorized 30,000 had been sold, so if the Mint brings them back on sale, they're going to be a LOT more expensive than the original $1949.95 price.. i'm guessing probably $2500.00 or more.. maybe even higher (based on the fact that when they first started selling them for $1949.95, Platinum was at about $1450/oz.. thus a $500.00 spread.. OR.. the Mint might not bring them back at all, meaning there'll only be 18,000 or so Platinum sets, and they'll probably melt the remainder and recycle it into 2008 Platinum Eagles.. so ultimately, there may be far fewer 10nd Anniversary two-coin Platinum sets than three-coin Baldie Proof sets.. too soon to know..

    meanwhile, waiting for Fedex.. my Baldies three-coin set is "out for delivery"..

    meanwhile, my Platinums are at PCGS where i took them last week at the Long Beach show for slabbing..

    meanwhile, don't forget, if you're waiting for any coins or anything else coming by mail, there's no mail delivery today, Post offices and banks are closed.. Presidents day.. i remember decades ago, the US "celebrated" both Washington's and Lincoln's Birthdays in February with two separate holidays.. then (i forget when).. Congress smushed them together into Presidents day.. which is neither of their Birthdays.. i hate it when they do that..

    [Edited to correct the current price of Platinum.. missed by a hundred bucks!.. which makes it nearly $700/oz higher than it was in November when the Platinum sets went on sale.. unbelievable.. Gold seems to be stagnant at $900/oz to $910/oz for the past week or so.. i have a friend who bought the Platinum set, and had two of his friends each buy a set for him because the limit was one per "household".. he decided, based on eBay sales, that they were going nowhere and returned them all.. now he's kicking himself black and blue.. i still think 70 70 sets are gonna hit $4000.00 or more in short order, actually, that's just a gut feeling.. i don't have a clue.. the collector market for Platinum Eagles is a LOT thinner than for Gold coins of any kind, there were never any circulating Platinum coins in US History.. and reading other threads, the "experts" say there are only about 15,000 APE collectors in the country.. no idea where they get a number like that, but i think many of the sets were bought by non-collectors who could afford them and that they'll turn out to be a pretty damn decent investment, if Platinum doesn't plummet.. if it does, just point me to wherever i can rent a piece of rope, a tree branch, and a horse.. but ponder this if you will.. since November, an ounce of Platinum has risen in price, just risen, MORE than an ounce of Gold was worth less than a year go!..]..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • Options
    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭
    Fedex just handed me a heavily-taped box from Memphis, finally.. i think it has some coins in it or something.. reaching for box cutter.. {{slice slice.. oww!.. well i can sew that finger back on later..}}..

    hmm.. upon quick inspection.. the Gold is perfect.. the DollEr and the Half each have a tiny tiny not even pinpoint frost break on the Reverses.. when viewed straight on.. when tilted slightly, it vanishes.. at least the capsules were intact and didn't pop open in transit.. there's not enough ROOM in that clamshell for them to pop out anyway.. they're really crammed down into those recesses tightly.. but there's a finger notch for each one.. unlike the First Spouse coins whose fancy boxes' inner platforms have NO finger notch.. but good luck getting those Baldies outta those recesses.. it's a VERY tight fit.. very pretty coins, i like them all, especially the little yellow one in the middle


    so that's that, finally, after a month of US Mint nonsense, phone calls, lies, and the worst "customer service" in the world.. now waiting for my second order of a few singles (no more Gold).. plus the Coin and Medal set..

    okay, i guess it's time for the..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭
    optimisim? insanity?.. fishing for a bidiot?.. you decide.. (not my auction.. mine is opened..) ..

    eBay link..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    Congrats Harv, glad to hear you finally got it!
    imageQuid pro quo. Yes or no?
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>Congrats Harv, glad to hear you finally got it! >>

    thanks.. me too.. geeze, what an ordeal.. think i should have kept it sealed and thrown it on eBay for $820.00?.. (see link just above this)..
    now maybe i fell off the turnip truck yesterday, but does that guy honestly think he can get that much for a sealed one when they're still not sold out, or even if they WERE sold out?..


    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • Options
    Yeah, I saw that, he does have a bid, but I doubt it's close to 820.
    imageQuid pro quo. Yes or no?
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    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>Yeah, I saw that, he does have a bid, but I doubt it's close to 820. >>

    he has an offer, which he declined.. i think he seriously thinks he can get $820.00 for it.. maybe i'm missing something here but with the set still available at issue price, well.. draw your own conclusions.. i don't know what to make of a price like that, unless Gold was at $2000/oz..

    i sold a PCGS MS65 1915-S Panama-pacific Gold DollEr last month.. i tried different listing schemes, including "Buy it Now" with best offer.. and i got some truly insulting offers on it.. took me a few re-listings but i finally got a hundred bucks below price guide for it.. but that's a horse of a different color, if you know what i mean.. ya can't hardly buy those coins for two bucks at the fair any more.. trying to get over double issue price for a brand new set that isn't even sold out yet is nuts.. (i hope that's not a listing by anyone participating in this thread..) ..

    WHEN it sells out, maybe i'll regret opening mine if i see them actually selling for eight hundred bucks or more.. but i don't think that's gonna happen.. i didn't buy this set with the intention of flipping it, or even slabbing it.. i MIGHT slab a couple of the singles, after i get them, depending on how they look.. i THINK i can usually tell a 69 from a 70.. but telling a 68 from a 69 is a lot trickier.. then again, i've bought PCGS Modern 70s from TeleTrade that NEVER should have gotten a 70.. doesn't a pinpoint frost break no matter how tiny, in any Deep Cameo Proof instantly knock it down to a 69?.. i'm starting to wonder about that one i returned could have made it past the eyes of more than one grader and gotten a 70, and when i took it out of the mailer, it didn't take me one nanowebber to see that tiny pinpoint and say to myself "this is going back".. TeleTrade was really nice about it, since i had never returned anything before, and i've won maybe three dozen coins from them since about 2002.. they gave me a 100% refund including Postage..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    GrivGriv Posts: 2,804
    The Mint says they just started shipping this week out of Memphis due to storm damage. Is this the only location they ship from?
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    Fedex dropped mine this morning.

    I really like these. The one dollar does not have the depth or detail of the likes of the Jamestown, but the design is simple and elegant IMHO. Overall very nice moderns.
    "It's not that the Irish are cynical. It's simply that they have a wonderful lack of respect for everything and everybody." - Brendan Behan

    Proud Participant in Operation "Stone Holey" August 7, 2008
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    SLQSLQ Posts: 311 ✭✭
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    << <i>The Mint says they just started shipping this week out of Memphis due to storm damage. Is this the only location they ship from? >>

    Griv, thats the expedited (FED X) shipping location for anything over 200-300 dollars I believe, smaller orders still shipped regular mail.
    imageQuid pro quo. Yes or no?
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    820 - He will never get that!
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    Never teach a pig to sing. You'll waste your time and annoy the pig image

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    Got my set today. Order # 27837395
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    AkbeezAkbeez Posts: 2,690 ✭✭✭✭✭

    My long-lost 3-coin set arrived yesterday -- BUT --

    It came with the last name misspelled, and was sent to the WRONG (albeit similar) address. FedEx dude found me. I can't imagine how it cleared my credit card??


    Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser,and many OTHERS
  • Options
    got mine.
    and i had a low order #.

    the unc half just became my new pocket piece.

    nothing like ugly chicks in your front pocket. image

    know what you don't know.

    hi, i'm tom.

    i do not doctor coins like some who post in here.

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    mark511mark511 Posts: 364 ✭✭
    These will be waiting for me when I get home tonight.

    Order number: 27815XXX

    Order Date:

    Order Status: Your order request has been shipped.

    Shipping Method:

    2008 BALD EAGLE $1 SILVER PRF 25 $39.95 $998.75 25 units shipped on 02/19/2008
    2008 BALD EAGLE 3-COIN PRF SET 1 $369.95 $369.95 1 unit shipped on 02/19/2008
  • Options
    Well, my set was finally shipped but the Mint managed to butcher the address so it is on its way back to them (unless FEDEX can stop it). I even called the Mint back to correct the address when I saw that it was incorrect (when the web site came back up) and they still managed to screw it up! image

    Next time the web site is down, I guess I won't order anything.
    I'd keep playing. I don't think the heavy stuff will be coming down for quite a while!
  • Options

    << <i>These will be waiting for me when I get home tonight.

    Order number: 27815XXX

    Order Date:

    Order Status: Your order request has been shipped.

    Shipping Method:

    2008 BALD EAGLE $1 SILVER PRF 25 $39.95 $998.75 25 units shipped on 02/19/2008
    2008 BALD EAGLE 3-COIN PRF SET 1 $369.95 $369.95 1 unit shipped on 02/19/2008 >>

    Yeah RIGHT

    That's what I thought on the 5th when they showed shipped

    They arrived on the 13

    Fed Ex expidited my a$$
    Ding! There's your Post of the Week, folks.

  • Options
    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>Well, my set was finally shipped but the Mint managed to butcher the address so it is on its way back to them (unless FEDEX can stop it). I even called the Mint back to correct the address when I saw that it was incorrect (when the web site came back up) and they still managed to screw it up! image

    Next time the web site is down, I guess I won't order anything. >>

    that two weeks or whatever you could only phone order screwed up this whole Baldie thing to almost Biblical proportions.. the out-sourced phone reps had NO idea what they were doing, every one of them was reading out of a different book or just making stuff up.. such as the one who told me "no one has those three-coin sets yet, and no one will have any until we start shipping them on 01 March, 2008.. and they will ALL ship regular mail because blah blah etc. etc.." .. and this was AFTER people already had them listed on eBay with photos of the actual sets, not brochure or Web site mock-up pictures.. they charged my card, un-charged me, charged me again.. my three-coin Proof set finally arrived yesterday.. i have another pending order for some singles.. just checked it and it shows that some of them shipped Parcel post.. on 13 February, and a couple others shipped on 16 February, both with Tracking numbers which link to the USPS Web site which says "no such number exists" on both of them.. the ONLY thing left is the coin and medal set which still has a [x] cancel box and says 03/15/2008 and they haven't charged me for it yet.. luckily that second order is about $150.00 worth of non-Gold singles.. to be honest, i don't even know why i placed that second order.. i got caught up in the frenzy of this whole thing, because of past missed opportunity self-kicking experiences.. i smelled another Buffalo DollEr type issue in the making.. but STILL not one single product "option" has sold out yet..

    well like i said earlier, when you're a monopoly, you can get away with this kind of pathetic customer "service"..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • Options
    mark511mark511 Posts: 364 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>These will be waiting for me when I get home tonight.

    Order number: 27815XXX

    Order Date:

    Order Status: Your order request has been shipped.

    Shipping Method:

    2008 BALD EAGLE $1 SILVER PRF 25 $39.95 $998.75 25 units shipped on 02/19/2008
    2008 BALD EAGLE 3-COIN PRF SET 1 $369.95 $369.95 1 unit shipped on 02/19/2008 >>

    Yeah RIGHT

    That's what I thought on the 5th when they showed shipped

    They arrived on the 13

    Fed Ex expidited my a$$ >>


    I clicked on the FEDEX link and my wife signed for them.
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    Still haven't received my 4 Bald Eagle 50c pieces, shipped on the 6th.
    Do you suppose they were blown away? image
    Audentes fortuna juvat
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    << <i>The Mint says they just started shipping this week out of Memphis due to storm damage. Is this the only location they ship from? >>

    Oh good, I've been waiting a while for my half dollars. I figured it was due to the storms.
  • Options
    My set is coming tomorrow #27873*** I ordered from the web.
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    ECHOESECHOES Posts: 2,974 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My halfs arrived today...image
    Love for Music / Collector of Dreck
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    My 3 coin set arrived this afternoon. Finally!! They look nice.image
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    Mine finally arrived yesterday as well. Unfortunately, it's sitting at the main office of my apartment complex waiting to be picked up by me during normal business hours tomorrow. Looking forward to it!

    PS: didn't someone recently say that new Mint policy requires the purchaser to sign directly for the item? That definitely did not happen in my case.
    Successful BST transactions:
    commoncents123, JrGMan2004, Coll3ctor (2), Dabigkahuna, BAJJERFAN, Boom, GRANDAM, newsman, cohodk, kklambo, seateddime, ajia, mirabela, Weather11am, keepdachange, gsa1fan, cone10
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    Hi All, new to the forum. Been lurking for a few months. I finally received my Bald Eagle coins today. The 3 piece proof set looks great. My unc gold is fine. However, the unc dollar looks strange to me. The obverse(eagle side) shows the outline/shadow of the shield from the reverse. I'm not sure what this is called. Is it an error or just poor minting quality. TIA
  • Options
    I finally received mine Tuesday morning, 278076xx. Tuesday night I got the ship confirmation from the Mint. Still nothing on the credit card. Way to go guys! Keep up the good work!
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    AkbeezAkbeez Posts: 2,690 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Hi All, new to the forum. Been lurking for a few months. I finally received my Bald Eagle coins today. The 3 piece proof set looks great. My unc gold is fine. However, the unc dollar looks strange to me. The obverse(eagle side) shows the outline/shadow of the shield from the reverse. I'm not sure what this is called. Is it an error or just poor minting quality. TIA >>

    Welcome to the forums Cap!

    Now, for that reverse image on the obverse, that sounds rather interesting -- can you post a picture?

    Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser,and many OTHERS
  • Options
    hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>Hi All, new to the forum. Been lurking for a few months. I finally received my Bald Eagle coins today. The 3 piece proof set looks great. My unc gold is fine. However, the unc dollar looks strange to me. The obverse(eagle side) shows the outline/shadow of the shield from the reverse. I'm not sure what this is called. Is it an error or just poor minting quality. TIA >>

    what you describe is usually the result of clashed dies which happen when the thing / fingers / doohickey that feeds the blanks between the two dies in a coin press screws up, and the obverse and reverse dies smack together with no blank planchet between them, causing design elements on the dies to get impressed into each other.. then when blank planchets start feeding between them again, the dies have been damaged / altered by smacking into each other and transfer a modified design to what becomes a coin.. this is pretty unusual for modern Proofs which are made on presses that operate at a much slower speed than regular coin presses.. (remember, Proofs are made in the hundreds of thousands, while regular circulation coins are made in the tens to hundreds of millions..) .. so you could possibly have a legitimate Mint(ing) error, which could possibly bring a nice premium if you can get it into a slab with a designation of "Mint Error - clahsed dies" (if that's what it is).. on the label.. errors in Modern Proof sets and on Modern commemoratives do not happen very often.. but the kind you're describing sound like they were caused during the coining process, not like a scatch afterwards, which is considered "damage" and gets a coin body-bagged when sent in for slabbing..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
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    my proof bald eagles came yesterday and they have brown spots all over the field of the coin, plus they were almost frozen. would the cold do this? i will be sending them back today. thanks for any help.
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    << <i>

    << <i>Well, my set was finally shipped but the Mint managed to butcher the address so it is on its way back to them (unless FEDEX can stop it). I even called the Mint back to correct the address when I saw that it was incorrect (when the web site came back up) and they still managed to screw it up! image

    Next time the web site is down, I guess I won't order anything. >>

    that two weeks or whatever you could only phone order screwed up this whole Baldie thing to almost Biblical proportions.. the out-sourced phone reps had NO idea what they were doing, every one of them was reading out of a different book or just making stuff up.. such as the one who told me "no one has those three-coin sets yet, and no one will have any until we start shipping them on 01 March, 2008.. and they will ALL ship regular mail because blah blah etc. etc.." .. and this was AFTER people already had them listed on eBay with photos of the actual sets, not brochure or Web site mock-up pictures.. they charged my card, un-charged me, charged me again.. my three-coin Proof set finally arrived yesterday.. i have another pending order for some singles.. just checked it and it shows that some of them shipped Parcel post.. on 13 February, and a couple others shipped on 16 February, both with Tracking numbers which link to the USPS Web site which says "no such number exists" on both of them.. the ONLY thing left is the coin and medal set which still has a [x] cancel box and says 03/15/2008 and they haven't charged me for it yet.. luckily that second order is about $150.00 worth of non-Gold singles.. to be honest, i don't even know why i placed that second order.. i got caught up in the frenzy of this whole thing, because of past missed opportunity self-kicking experiences.. i smelled another Buffalo DollEr type issue in the making.. but STILL not one single product "option" has sold out yet..

    well like i said earlier, when you're a monopoly, you can get away with this kind of pathetic customer "service".. >>

    I remember the Buffalo fiasco! I ordered 220 of the coin & currency sets. They decided to impose a limit of 20 sets per order (after the fact of course), so if I would've placed 11 orders of 20 I would've gotten all of them, but instead I got the 20 and they were sold out (only 50,000 issued). Now I know that many could care less about flippers, but that cost me about $30,000 since they were selling on eBay for $150 over cost at the time. I also ordered some singles and 2 coin sets. My last order of 2 coin sets (about 30 sets) got lost or misplaced, and the Mint kept telling me that they would just issue a refund. I told them to find the package and send the coins (since they already got me on the C&C sets) and I finally received them in late September. I still have some of these, I always did like the coin (see avitar).

    I did get a call from FEDEX late yesterday, so maybe they will try to deliver them again. I didn't buy this set to flip, I'd like to keep it!
    I'd keep playing. I don't think the heavy stuff will be coming down for quite a while!
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    It's a good thing that you guys told me how to track Fed Ex when you don't have a tracking number from the Mint. MY 3 Coin Buffalo Set was suppose to be delivered by 10:30 this morning. When I checked the reference number at 10:50 , it said that no one was home. I called Fed Ex and he went to the wrong address. It's a good thing a signature was required. What was strange though, he asked me how I knew it wasn't delivered since I didn't have a tracking number. How did he know I didn't have a tracking number?

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