So I had this pack of 1993 Baseball Aces Playing Cards sitting around for forever -- and a friend wanted to play some cards. Not being able to locate a deck of playing cards, I figured, what the heck.
The deck is set up with different players representing different cards. Now the interesting part: the two wild cards:
I've done some research, and can't find either any other examples of a signed card coming out of this release -- or any proof they did a special insert set with this. (The one wild card was also in the center of the deck, which is extremely odd for playing card collation.)
Any thoughts/comments? I thought it was pretty cool. But would love more information if anyone had it!
<< <i>So I had this pack of 1993 Baseball Aces Playing Cards sitting around for forever -- and a friend wanted to play some cards. Not being able to locate a deck of playing cards, I figured, what the heck.
The deck is set up with different players representing different cards. Now the interesting part: the two wild cards:
I've done some research, and can't find either any other examples of a signed card coming out of this release -- or any proof they did a special insert set with this. (The one wild card was also in the center of the deck, which is extremely odd for playing card collation.)
Any thoughts/comments? I thought it was pretty cool. But would love more information if anyone had it! >>
I forgot to share my 1985 Topps Vending experience on this thread. It sucked! lol
I pulled four base and four AS cards. The base were all REALLY bad centering (with the line in his leg, not that it matters). The four AS cards were dead centered and sharp, but I'm not as interested in those as I am the base cards. I could see one going broke by chasing a centered Ripken in vending cases.
This further shows me that I'm going to have to spend a small mint on the next 1985 Topps PSA 10 to rear it's ugly mug on ebay.
(4) 1985 Topps Vending - Centering was all bad... all gravitating towards the bottom-right. Out of four boxes, I pulled:
(2) McGwire - both slightly OC, nothing higher than an 8 (3) Clemens - better centering, but one had a gouge out of the right edge. I may squeak a 9 out of one of the other two. (2) Puckett - both slightly OC, nothing higher than an 8 (3) Ryan - all OC really bad... none worth subbing
Man I wish my truck wasn't draining all of my funds right now... somebody please jump on this sucker fast before I do something I'll regret later. MOOOO!!!
Wow. I just checked. It's a POP 7! If it were a POP 2 I could excuse the error since maybe it was the 2nd to be graded. But there are 7! Shame shame...
I collect PSA cards of the following: Billy Ripken Cal Ripken, Jr. 1980-2002 Cal Ripken, Sr. Hall of Fame Rookies
<< <i>Wow. I just checked. It's a POP 7! If it were a POP 2 I could excuse the error since maybe it was the 2nd to be graded. But there are 7! Shame shame... >>
Hmm that's a bit of false advertising... think I will report it!
Wow, I didn't even check the registry. Glad I didn't jump on it when I wanted to. I think it's still not that bad of a deal for that card in a 10 though.
<< <i>Wow, I didn't even check the registry. Glad I didn't jump on it when I wanted to. I think it's still not that bad of a deal for that card in a 10 though. >>
Not much going on lately... I got owned on a couple bidding attempts this week, and I shipped about a dozen Ripken cards to Newport Beach on Monday for the April special. Oh, a CU board member contacted me about someone selling about 1,000 raw Ripken cards, and I ended up buying them for $150!! Mostly low to middle end cards, but there were plenty of very nice cards in there to peak my interest! They arrived on Monday, but I've only had the time to go through about 100 of them. I did however come across one of the nicest 1985 Topps cards I've ever seen! Very solid and perfectly centered! Unfortunately I got it about four hours after I shipped my April sub, so this one will have to wait until next time.
Hey, what ever happened to that guy who came on here with that 1993 Baseball Aces auto'd card? I found the other thread about his card, and I'm extremely curious to see what happened with it. I never knew how rare those auto'd cards are!
<< <i>Not much going on lately... I got owned on a couple bidding attempts this week, and I shipped about a dozen Ripken cards to Newport Beach on Monday for the April special. Oh, a CU board member contacted me about someone selling about 1,000 raw Ripken cards, and I ended up buying them for $150!! Mostly low to middle end cards, but there were plenty of very nice cards in there to peak my interest! They arrived on Monday, but I've only had the time to go through about 100 of them. I did however come across one of the nicest 1985 Topps cards I've ever seen! Very solid and perfectly centered! Unfortunately I got it about four hours after I shipped my April sub, so this one will have to wait until next time.
Hey, what ever happened to that guy who came on here with that 1993 Baseball Aces auto'd card? I found the other thread about his card, and I'm extremely curious to see what happened with it. I never knew how rare those auto'd cards are!
Anyway, welcome home Tuna! >>
Yeah, not much going on with me and cards lately either... stupid lack of money!
The guy that had the Ripken Aces auto sent it off to Beckett to have it graded and authenticated, interested in seeing the results!!
And thanks for the welcome back... wish I was still in Texas though...
I feel you on the lack of money lately... In the month of March I had about $1400 in truck repairs, my wife's 30th birthday party, and pretty soon we're going on vacation to Colorado for a week (THAT is gonna be cool). Luckily there hasn't been much I've needed on ebay lately. I did pass up on that 2001 Topps Heritage Chrome PSA 10 last night. Sold for over $150. I was going to throw a bid of about $150 on it, but I decided not to. I would have lost anyway.
I sent in a 118-card sub this week, and only about 10% were Ripkens, so the rest will be sold and hopefully pull me out of my financial funk.
<< <i>Hey, what ever happened to that guy who came on here with that 1993 Baseball Aces auto'd card? I found the other thread about his card, and I'm extremely curious to see what happened with it. I never knew how rare those auto'd cards are! >>
The guy had it sold for big money if it came back a 9 but it came back an 8.5 so I don't know whats happening with the prior deal.
I think I was battling one of you Ripken guys on ebay last night. I was bidding on a Ripken/Maddux 1998 Topps Mystery Finest psa 10. I was buying the card for my Maddux registry. Normally, Im the only weirdo buying Maddux psa 10s these days and I dont usually have any competition bidding on ebay for them. But I noticed someone kept outbidding me for this card yesterday. So after going back and forth, I just threw in a bid of $91 and left the computer figuring that I will win the auction at the end (and would have overpaid). But i check this morning and I lost! Im assuming that its because of a Ripken fan. Good thing Maddux doesn't share too many cards with this guy. Damn you Ripken collectors.
BTW for those of you with eTopps accounts. They have a Ripken Auto posting at 7pm this friday for $90. It will be on the T206 card of him from 09. I have one lined up and ready to go. He's only signing 50 so it'll probably be sold out in I'm guessing about 45 secs or so.
I should be back in the game soon! Just got a job offer today, start training on Monday! Best of all it's a work from home tech support job. Going to be moving back to Austin,TX in a few months too!
ypsi72 has always been an awesome seller, and he just listed a bunch of cards that I need for my Basic Set... but I'm not even putting them on my watch list when they have a $99.99 starting bid. I hope he gets that for them, but it won't be from me.
Don't have a Cal Ripken Set Registry set but I do have a ticket from 2131. I still need to get it graded. I actually went to the game, its a night I'll never forget, Joe D. Hank and the boys were all there. Homerun by Cal himself called by the President on ESPN. Chris Berman with the back,back,back and all. They empressed it with the #8. Given I was from Baltimore I also went to Earl's day in 1982 and Thanks Brooks day in 1977. Baltimore was really a ballclub then, I went to opening day in 1982 too, Cal hit a homer that day too.
Would have loved to have been there on the 2,131 night, sadly I just had to watch it on TV But even then it was pretty amazing, can't imagine what it was like in person!
<< <i>Would have loved to have been there on the 2,131 night, sadly I just had to watch it on TV But even then it was pretty amazing, can't imagine what it was like in person! >>
Here is my actual ticket from that night
Successful dealings with Wcsportscards94558, EagleEyeKid, SamsGirl214, Volver, DwayneDrain, Oaksey25, Griffins, Cardfan07, Etc.
Hard to tell by that picture, because he has the card slightly tilted to avoid the flash from the camera. Looks pretty close to 50/50 centering if the card were scanned instead.
Bigalbert, speaking of centering, you should seriously consider subbing this bad boy!
I love clicking on your sig... right when I think I'm near the top of the Ripken collecting world, this brings me back down to ground level. Good lord that is one insane collection... to think that's only what made it to your photobucket!
The funny thing is that all of our 1990 Topps PSA 10's are within 1 or 2 serial numbers of each other... and were bought within 1 or 2 weeks of each other!
Haven't been buying many Ripkens lately. I did pick up an 88 Donruss DK and its ugly Leaf twin.
Other than the french writing on the back I noticed that the red lines that go through the blue boarders are different. Not really a big deal, just sayin.
Hey guys, its been a long time since I've been on here to post. This past year has been crazy. Between my wedding and getting our first home, it would be safe to say I've been out of the card collecting game for almost a year. I've had to stay away to not even be tempted to buy/ Still, I had to come back as I just picked up a PSA 10 2001 Topps Ripken. I'm now only one card short, one really key and expensive card, but one card none the less of having the my Basic Topps set complete! I figured if anyone could appreciate how hard it was to not be on the hunt for any cards it would be you all! Now the last card I need for this set is the Ripken rookie. I've seen several on eBay latlely, but since I haven't been keepinig up with the going price for one, I figured I'd ask you all how much a nicely center 10 should run me. I've been thinking between $400-$500. Am I in the ballpark on that? Any input would be great!
Le Mieux Collection #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100% #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
Welcome back! I took about two months off and could hardly stand it, so I can't imagine how hard a year would be. Sounds like it was well worth it though! Congrats!
You should be able to find one for less than $400 right now. Two just sold BIN for $385. There is another one out there right now with a $385 BIN, but I would take a stab at one of the two active auctions. Actually, after taking a look at the cards, one is being sold by PWCC that's in an older slab, and it looks more OC than I would like. If you're patient, you should be able to find one for well less than $400.
Thanks, it's been rough being away from it. Hell, I just missed talking baseball more than anything! As for the 85, sorry it's not on the trading block and I hope it never has too be. I was really shocked when I was able to pick it up and I plan on hangin onto it for awhile. Still, I'm starting to stash some cash for the 82 now so I can make a run at one on the Bay in the next few months. It's so crazy to be this close to the end, but it's nice to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for the info on the going price of the 82, I would have thought it'd start creeping higher by now. Still, not complaining about card prices being down. Keeps me in the action.
Le Mieux Collection #19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers #41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club #25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps #4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps #7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps #1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100% #1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
Just had a few Ripken PSA 10s pop - I wanted to give people here a chance if they needed them before going to ebay. Shipping is $3 total no matter how many you buy. Paypal gift is appreciated as payment, but will take regular Paypal, check, M.O. Check out scans below:
The deck is set up with different players representing different cards. Now the interesting part: the two wild cards:
I've done some research, and can't find either any other examples of a signed card coming out of this release -- or any proof they did a special insert set with this. (The one wild card was also in the center of the deck, which is extremely odd for playing card collation.)
Any thoughts/comments? I thought it was pretty cool. But would love more information if anyone had it!
<< <i>So I had this pack of 1993 Baseball Aces Playing Cards sitting around for forever -- and a friend wanted to play some cards. Not being able to locate a deck of playing cards, I figured, what the heck.
The deck is set up with different players representing different cards. Now the interesting part: the two wild cards:
I've done some research, and can't find either any other examples of a signed card coming out of this release -- or any proof they did a special insert set with this. (The one wild card was also in the center of the deck, which is extremely odd for playing card collation.)
Any thoughts/comments? I thought it was pretty cool. But would love more information if anyone had it! >>
You should turn your PM's on esaslo
EDIT: I just checked, and there ARE autos in those decks!! Sweet!!
I pulled four base and four AS cards. The base were all REALLY bad centering (with the line in his leg, not that it matters). The four AS cards were dead centered and sharp, but I'm not as interested in those as I am the base cards. I could see one going broke by chasing a centered Ripken in vending cases.
This further shows me that I'm going to have to spend a small mint on the next 1985 Topps PSA 10 to rear it's ugly mug on ebay.
(4) 1985 Topps Vending - Centering was all bad... all gravitating towards the bottom-right. Out of four boxes, I pulled:
(2) McGwire - both slightly OC, nothing higher than an 8
(3) Clemens - better centering, but one had a gouge out of the right edge. I may squeak a 9 out of one of the other two.
(2) Puckett - both slightly OC, nothing higher than an 8
(3) Ryan - all OC really bad... none worth subbing
99% OC...ugh
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
Billy Ripken
Cal Ripken, Jr. 1980-2002
Cal Ripken, Sr.
Hall of Fame Rookies
Billy Ripken
Cal Ripken, Jr. 1980-2002
Cal Ripken, Sr.
Hall of Fame Rookies
<< <i>Wow. I just checked. It's a POP 7! If it were a POP 2 I could excuse the error since maybe it was the 2nd to be graded. But there are 7! Shame shame... >>
Hmm that's a bit of false advertising... think I will report it!
<< <i>Wow, I didn't even check the registry. Glad I didn't jump on it when I wanted to. I think it's still not that bad of a deal for that card in a 10 though. >>
I want one with the coupon in a 10
Hey, what ever happened to that guy who came on here with that 1993 Baseball Aces auto'd card? I found the other thread about his card, and I'm extremely curious to see what happened with it. I never knew how rare those auto'd cards are!
Anyway, welcome home Tuna!
<< <i>Not much going on lately... I got owned on a couple bidding attempts this week, and I shipped about a dozen Ripken cards to Newport Beach on Monday for the April special. Oh, a CU board member contacted me about someone selling about 1,000 raw Ripken cards, and I ended up buying them for $150!! Mostly low to middle end cards, but there were plenty of very nice cards in there to peak my interest! They arrived on Monday, but I've only had the time to go through about 100 of them. I did however come across one of the nicest 1985 Topps cards I've ever seen! Very solid and perfectly centered! Unfortunately I got it about four hours after I shipped my April sub, so this one will have to wait until next time.
Hey, what ever happened to that guy who came on here with that 1993 Baseball Aces auto'd card? I found the other thread about his card, and I'm extremely curious to see what happened with it. I never knew how rare those auto'd cards are!
Anyway, welcome home Tuna!
Yeah, not much going on with me and cards lately either... stupid lack of money!
The guy that had the Ripken Aces auto sent it off to Beckett to have it graded and authenticated, interested in seeing the results!!
And thanks for the welcome back... wish I was still in Texas though...
I sent in a 118-card sub this week, and only about 10% were Ripkens, so the rest will be sold and hopefully pull me out of my financial funk.
Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
- uncut
Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
<< <i>Wow... I want. 1991 Crown/Coke Orioles PSA 10 >>
Hmm, I've got 5 of those sheets, maybe I should try to get some of them graded
<< <i>Hey, what ever happened to that guy who came on here with that 1993 Baseball Aces auto'd card? I found the other thread about his card, and I'm extremely curious to see what happened with it. I never knew how rare those auto'd cards are! >>
The guy had it sold for big money if it came back a 9 but it came back an 8.5 so I don't know whats happening with the prior deal.
EDIT: Nevermind, I found it. LINK
The winning bidder was g***k (6010)... for some reason this feels familiar, but I can't think of who it is. Tuna is much better at this than I am.
There are a couple Maddux collectors on here that I know of, but not sure they have that kind of intensity when bidding.
Honestly been thinking about selling all my Ripkens. Everything I make an attempt at gets blown up to $50+ and is killing me!
Been a lot more focused on my Red Sox collection as of late.
ypsi72 has always been an awesome seller, and he just listed a bunch of cards that I need for my Basic Set... but I'm not even putting them on my watch list when they have a $99.99 starting bid. I hope he gets that for them, but it won't be from me.
<< <i>Would have loved to have been there on the 2,131 night, sadly I just had to watch it on TV
Here is my actual ticket from that night
<< <i> I went to opening day in 1982 too, Cal hit a homer that day too. >>
which happened to be his first career HR
I love clicking on your sig... right when I think I'm near the top of the Ripken collecting world, this brings me back down to ground level. Good lord that is one insane collection... to think that's only what made it to your photobucket!
Other than the french writing on the back I noticed that the red lines that go through the blue boarders are different. Not really a big deal, just sayin.
#19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
#41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
#25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
#4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
#7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
#1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
#1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
You should be able to find one for less than $400 right now. Two just sold BIN for $385. There is another one out there right now with a $385 BIN, but I would take a stab at one of the two active auctions. Actually, after taking a look at the cards, one is being sold by PWCC that's in an older slab, and it looks more OC than I would like. If you're patient, you should be able to find one for well less than $400.
<< <i>Welcome back. I'll trade you my 82 for your 85... Whadda ya say? >>
I would trade him my '82 for his '85 any day of the week! lol
#19 All Time 500 Goal Scorers
#41 All Time 3000 Strikeouts Club
#25 Cal Ripken Jr. Basic Topps
#4 Greg Maddux Basic Topps
#7 Ryne Sandberg Basic Topps
#1 Fank Thomas Rookies 100%
#1 Chipper Jones Rookies 100%
Just had a few Ripken PSA 10s pop - I wanted to give people here a chance if they needed them before going to ebay.
Shipping is $3 total no matter how many you buy.
Paypal gift is appreciated as payment, but will take regular Paypal, check, M.O.
Check out scans below:
Cal Ripken:
1983 OPC #163 PSA 10 - $75---------------SOLD
1985 Fleer #626 In-Action PSA 10 - $15
1987 Topps #784 PSA 10 - $15
1989 Score #15 PSA 10 - $15
1990 K-Mart #20 PSA 10 - $10
1992 King B Disc PSA 10 - $20 (POP 3)----SOLD
1993 Flair #157 - $15 ------------------------SOLD
1993 OPC #352 - $50 (POP 3)--------------SOLD
Also have Ripken 1992 OPC Premier PSA 9 - $5