Just got these graded, and are on the way back from PSA. All will be for sale, and I believe there are some low pops here. PM with any interest.
Always buying Gretzky PSA Graded
Need some 2007 A&G Regular Back Mini's PM if you have any and I will send my needs list.
WHY THE F*** DO YOU NEED 3 F***ING 2002 ULTRA PSA 10'S?!?!?
Are you too stupid to realize that you already own these cards? or are you just trying to run up costs for the rest of us here that typically help each other out? My guess is the second.
You are a f***ing @$$hole and I hope your ugly f***ing soul rots in he11!
I'm done. If I get the boot for this it's been nice knowing everyone...
seems that's he likely trying to keep you or someone else from passing/beating him. That's the "drug" of the registry. It's nice to think that sometimes it is a close community, but the registry can do that to some people (any competition can). I don't know him at all, but he probably wants "the best set", which is probably no different than you. You want to pass him (and finish in all 10's) and so does he. That's why some people keep their sets private (I think an earlier topic).
Use a snip service if you don't already and bid what you're willing to pay. I know it probably frustrating, but you're not going to make him stop his behavior by calling him out like that (probably have the opposite reaction).
Honestly, I laugh when I see stuff like that. The cards aren't worth that. The prices will come down. One person, no matter how much they try, can inflate the market over the long haul. Eventually he will stop, because it doesn't make any sense. It is doubtful he could make back his investment later on because more will get graded. He will likely sell them soon. If they are rare in the market place now, it is only because people haven't gotten them graded yet. It certainly isn't because they are actually rare cards. Once people see prices like that, the floodgates will be open and we'll begin seeing them unsold in seller's stores for $12 just like other basic cards that used to sell for $30+.
Patience is the key. I've found people like this come and go. It wouldn't surprise me though if you see the same cards he just bought for $99 soon. I think he's trying to make a quick buck. Don't buy from him when he does this and that is probably the best way to stop him. Kevin
I collect PSA cards of the following: Billy Ripken Cal Ripken, Jr. 1980-2002 Cal Ripken, Sr. Hall of Fame Rookies
This whole thing makes me glad I'm not truly competing with anyone and enjoy the thrill of the hunt. This is only a competition of who has the most money, and he clearly wins there. Given that, it is not a competition that even makes sense for me to participate in. He's more than welcome to pass me on the Master set. Although I hid my collection out of fear he was bidding me up. It was a shame to do that since I put so much work into my scans.
EDITED TO SAY: I even entertained the idea of removing my set from the registry so that he would be the winner and there wouldn't be any competition for him for #1 on the Master set. Then I could just purchase Ripkens quietly and still enjoy my hobby.
I collect PSA cards of the following: Billy Ripken Cal Ripken, Jr. 1980-2002 Cal Ripken, Sr. Hall of Fame Rookies
Personally I think that the community we have here on this thread is awesome. I would love for all of us to have a complete PSA 10 set.
I personally couldn't care less how long it takes me to get there, I'll do it eventually.
I've also been more than generous. In the past when big groups get put up. I always let people know what I'm going after so we don't end up stepping on each others toes too much.
I never go off like this around here. But this really set me off. I don't care about losing the cards. I just am ticked that I lost them to someones hidden agenda.
Also I forgot to add that I have in the past few months considered selling my Ripken collection. I think mostly because of the HUGE financial drain it has taken on me, and the fact that things like this are just making it that much more strenuous to build my set up. I could easily sell off everything I have and pay off my credit cards and have a ton of money to put aside. I think one of the main reasons I haven't is because I would seriously hate to see all the hard work to put it together go to waste.
<< <i>If they are rare in the market place now, it is only because people haven't gotten them graded yet. It certainly isn't because they are actually rare cards. Once people see prices like that, the floodgates will be open and we'll begin seeing them unsold in seller's stores for $12 just like other basic cards that used to sell for $30+. >>
You just described my quest for the perfect 1997 Select, lol. Before I started subbing for it, there were zero 9s, and zero 10s. I had finally landed the first 9, but I still wanted that 10. So I subbed some more, and got a second 9. I sold that thing for a ridiculous $99.99. When I recently landed the first 10 (and another 9), I tried selling the other two 9s, and nobody wants them (still trying)!! lol ... oh, and a second 10 showed up in the meantime, go figure! Anyway, yeah, I see what you're talking about.
My main "goal" is not to have a better set than everyone else, I just want one of the best, and to qualify for than dreaded Set Registry Award!! Is that too much to ask? (lol)
I came within 2 MONTHS of getting it last year before 'backbidder' swooped in with his insanely awesome set. It was such a punch in the face, but at the same time I was happy to see another collector like us show up. Not good for my wallet, but really good for our hobby.
Anyway, I understand Adam's frustration, I feel it too. For all we know he could see a flaw in (one of) his Ultras, and he's buying the extras to find the best one, and go fishing with the rest on ebay. Who knows...
The one buyer who has been costing us the most money lately is call1dino. That man is a serious fast-track collector. He's cost me tons of overbid money, but a lot of that money has come from him buying all of my extras on ebay, so I guess I can't complain too much. I wish he would get on this thread. We could use his input on here.
Speak of the devil, I just got killed on that 1991 Fleer PSA 10. call1dino just beat my $47.00 max bid. lol
I'm a silver lining type of guy, and one of the positive things I can find in all of this is, it has inspired me to sub my own cards a lot more.
A) It's less expensive to buy and sub a half dozen cards than it is to bid mega-high on a card like this.
You can make a lot of your money back by selling your extras that didn't make your set.
C) You gain the satisfaction knowing that you actually subbed the card that's sitting in your set.
Doing the ebay dance has gotten me pretty far in this game, but I think spending the majority of my money on subbing my own will take me the rest of the way. don't get me wrong, I'll still toss my hat in the ebay ring whenever I see a card that I need, but I won't be trying as hard. Sure I bid huge on that 1988 Topps, but that was after subbing about a dozen of my own.
I still get tons of enjoyment in this set, and Adam I hope you stick with it. Kevin, I was really sad to see your hide your sets, but I really can't blame you. I do still use your website, in fact I just used it yesterday.
I honestly would much rather sub my own cards, but I get so picky when pre-gradeing them that by the time I'm done I have only a couple to sub. That and the grades I pop from say a 25 card sub aren't gonna come close to the grades that pop for someone like 4SC or PSG who sub thousands of cards. So in the long run it is all about the time I am willing to put into picking through boxes of cardboard. Just like at card shows I go to. I really don't have the patience to sift through a 5000 ct box of cards looking for something that might not even be there when I can go to someones table that has his stuff sorted by team or player so I can shoot straight to what I am looking for evaluate it and move on.
I get 95% of my raw cards from ebay, and the other 5% come from opening wax. For example, when I was searching for that 1997 Select, my first 9 came from ebay, the next 9 came from a box from BBCE, and the next 9 and the 10 came from ebay. It's a crapshoot. When i buy a bunch of raws, only about 20% make it past my pre-grading, and i still get nailed on my grades. It's win/win for me though, because my raw set builds up, and I get to put my own subs in my set. The whole process can last 3 or 4 months though, between searching for and buying raw, subbing them, popping the grades and adding them to your set. Well worth the effort, and the money savings.
call1dino is a super nice guy, he recently sent me a package that 9 PSA 10's I needed and 4 PSA 9's. Also had a PSA/DNA certified Ripken autograph on a 1983 Topps Rickey Henderson Record Breaker (Cal is pictured in the background). Totally made my month!
It looks like KingRang is bidding on the 1990 Topps #570 PSA 10 that is on eBay right now even though he has one already. The only thing I can figure is he is just bidding them up so others can't win. Sometimes he wins them, sometimes he doesn't. I don't really understand the point.
I collect PSA cards of the following: Billy Ripken Cal Ripken, Jr. 1980-2002 Cal Ripken, Sr. Hall of Fame Rookies
<< <i>It looks like KingRang is bidding on the 1990 Topps #570 PSA 10 that is on eBay right now even though he has one already. The only thing I can figure is he is just bidding them up so others can't win. Sometimes he wins them, sometimes he doesn't. I don't really understand the point.
Kevin >>
That or he sucks at keeping inventory of what he has.
Wow, that 1982 Topps Traded PSA/DNA 10 only sold for $308.03! If that card is submitted into a graded card slab, it would be worth much more than that (I think).
The grade placed on the sig is mostly based off of the quality of the sig. By that I mean that the ink is continuous, and doesn't break at all through the flow of the letters.
I'm pretty sure it's the bad centering and the poor card stock (chipping) that typically keeps it out of a 10. It seems like 99 out of 100 are OC. I'd love to see a scan of backbidder's '85!
Shame that they allowed one of the 85 Topps Ripkens into a PSA 10 holder even with the orange line down the leg. No offense to Backbidder (congrats on the 10), but that is so wrong. It would be nice to see a real true 10 of that card, centered and without the line. A true 10 of this card would probably fetch $750 or more.
Cardboard Zombie Always buying perfect 1986 Fleer Basketball PSA 10 cards and 1982 OPC Nolan Ryan cards. Thank you.
I think if anything this card should be considered a "stripe variation" rather than a print defect. Doesn't there seem to be way more cards WITH the stripe than without? The stripe shouldn't take away from the grade. It's not the same as a centering issue or a random print spot.
I kinda keep up on this thread because it's interesting and the Basic Topps discussion is the best. On that note, what's more desirable- an '85 or '88 in a 10? And, yes, even if the '85 had the stripe would you want it in a 10 case?
The more desirable is the 1985 by far. In a 10, it's probably the most valuable card in the set. Higher than the Topps or Fleer RCs. Stripe or not.
To add: I would love nothing more to see the population increase on this card (currently a 7), that way I could afford one. Judging by 4SC's dump-off ebay account, they have been trying for a long time to nail down a 10.
Need some 2007 A&G Regular Back Mini's PM if you have any and I will send my needs list.
Why the f*** are you bidding on every single card from the basic set including ones you already own?!?!
Kingrang's registry
2000 Ultra
2002 Ultra #1
2002 Ultra #2
WHY THE F*** DO YOU NEED 3 F***ING 2002 ULTRA PSA 10'S?!?!?
Are you too stupid to realize that you already own these cards? or are you just trying to run up costs for the rest of us here that typically help each other out? My guess is the second.
You are a f***ing @$$hole and I hope your ugly f***ing soul rots in he11!
I'm done. If I get the boot for this it's been nice knowing everyone...
That is some very odd action. I would hate to think he's hoarding them to raise the prices. There has to be some explanation.
Use a snip service if you don't already and bid what you're willing to pay. I know it probably frustrating, but you're not going to make him stop his behavior by calling him out like that (probably have the opposite reaction).
Anyway, you have a great set!
Patience is the key. I've found people like this come and go. It wouldn't surprise me though if you see the same cards he just bought for $99 soon. I think he's trying to make a quick buck. Don't buy from him when he does this and that is probably the best way to stop him.
Billy Ripken
Cal Ripken, Jr. 1980-2002
Cal Ripken, Sr.
Hall of Fame Rookies
EDITED TO SAY: I even entertained the idea of removing my set from the registry so that he would be the winner and there wouldn't be any competition for him for #1 on the Master set. Then I could just purchase Ripkens quietly and still enjoy my hobby.
Billy Ripken
Cal Ripken, Jr. 1980-2002
Cal Ripken, Sr.
Hall of Fame Rookies
I personally couldn't care less how long it takes me to get there, I'll do it eventually.
I've also been more than generous. In the past when big groups get put up. I always let people know what I'm going after so we don't end up stepping on each others toes too much.
I never go off like this around here. But this really set me off. I don't care about losing the cards. I just am ticked that I lost them to someones hidden agenda.
<< <i>If they are rare in the market place now, it is only because people haven't gotten them graded yet. It certainly isn't because they are actually rare cards. Once people see prices like that, the floodgates will be open and we'll begin seeing them unsold in seller's stores for $12 just like other basic cards that used to sell for $30+.
You just described my quest for the perfect 1997 Select, lol. Before I started subbing for it, there were zero 9s, and zero 10s. I had finally landed the first 9, but I still wanted that 10. So I subbed some more, and got a second 9. I sold that thing for a ridiculous $99.99. When I recently landed the first 10 (and another 9), I tried selling the other two 9s, and nobody wants them (still trying)!! lol ... oh, and a second 10 showed up in the meantime, go figure! Anyway, yeah, I see what you're talking about.
My main "goal" is not to have a better set than everyone else, I just want one of the best, and to qualify for than dreaded Set Registry Award!! Is that too much to ask? (lol)
I came within 2 MONTHS of getting it last year before 'backbidder' swooped in with his insanely awesome set. It was such a punch in the face, but at the same time I was happy to see another collector like us show up. Not good for my wallet, but really good for our hobby.
Anyway, I understand Adam's frustration, I feel it too. For all we know he could see a flaw in (one of) his Ultras, and he's buying the extras to find the best one, and go fishing with the rest on ebay. Who knows...
I'm a silver lining type of guy, and one of the positive things I can find in all of this is, it has inspired me to sub my own cards a lot more.
A) It's less expensive to buy and sub a half dozen cards than it is to bid mega-high on a card like this.
C) You gain the satisfaction knowing that you actually subbed the card that's sitting in your set.
Doing the ebay dance has gotten me pretty far in this game, but I think spending the majority of my money on subbing my own will take me the rest of the way. don't get me wrong, I'll still toss my hat in the ebay ring whenever I see a card that I need, but I won't be trying as hard. Sure I bid huge on that 1988 Topps, but that was after subbing about a dozen of my own.
I still get tons of enjoyment in this set, and Adam I hope you stick with it. Kevin, I was really sad to see your hide your sets, but I really can't blame you. I do still use your website, in fact I just used it yesterday.
I honestly would much rather sub my own cards, but I get so picky when pre-gradeing them that by the time I'm done I have only a couple to sub. That and the grades I pop from say a 25 card sub aren't gonna come close to the grades that pop for someone like 4SC or PSG who sub thousands of cards. So in the long run it is all about the time I am willing to put into picking through boxes of cardboard. Just like at card shows I go to. I really don't have the patience to sift through a 5000 ct box of cards looking for something that might not even be there when I can go to someones table that has his stuff sorted by team or player so I can shoot straight to what I am looking for evaluate it and move on.
Bowman is a jumbo
<< <i>For those of you who may not check the BST forum, someone is selling all of their Basic Topps Set in PSA 10. click it! >>
Funny how the 4 he's missing are the 4 I'm missing...
How long do you guys think it will take before we make up that ground?
Billy Ripken
Cal Ripken, Jr. 1980-2002
Cal Ripken, Sr.
Hall of Fame Rookies
<< <i>It looks like KingRang is bidding on the 1990 Topps #570 PSA 10 that is on eBay right now even though he has one already. The only thing I can figure is he is just bidding them up so others can't win. Sometimes he wins them, sometimes he doesn't. I don't really understand the point.
Kevin >>
That or he sucks at keeping inventory of what he has.
Honestly, I don't like the signature itself. Not sure how that got a 10, or what they even base it on. I don't like the "Cal R- Jr." sig.
<< <i>I would be interested in an 85 Topps Ripken without the line on his thigh if you score one . >>
Trust me, if I pull something I even think has an outside shot at a 10 it's going to PSA!
<< <i>anybody know why the top 2 in the master set , hid their sets? >>
I know that Kevin O'Connor did it to try and lower competition for cards he needs... I'm sure the #2 did it for the same reason.
<< <i>Does that infamous line always keep the '85 out of a 10 holder? >>
My 10 has the line.
No offense to Backbidder (congrats on the 10), but that is so wrong.
It would be nice to see a real true 10 of that card, centered and without the line.
A true 10 of this card would probably fetch $750 or more.
Always buying perfect 1986 Fleer Basketball PSA 10 cards and 1982 OPC Nolan Ryan cards. Thank you.
To add: I would love nothing more to see the population increase on this card (currently a 7), that way I could afford one. Judging by 4SC's dump-off ebay account, they have been trying for a long time to nail down a 10.
<< <i>Holy shizzzzz... speaking of which, we have a new #1!! Way to go Mr. Wynne!! A perfect 10!!
I was just popping in to mention this.
On a side note I pulled 1 McGwire, 2 Clemens', and 2 Puckett's.
Not a bad haul for $73.25