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The Official Anything "T-206 Thread"



  • Nevermind........There it is.
  • Nice Eric...I always liked the Joss card for some reason. Your "other" transaction hasn't arrived yet?
  • Oh, it has. It actually arrived yesterday, however I'm holding off on posting it for a little longer. That card will be my last new t206 for a while, and I will have nothing new to contribute for a couple months.

    I guess I could post some of my existing commons, just to do some posting.
  • gosteelersgosteelers Posts: 2,668 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Oh, it has. It actually arrived yesterday, however I'm holding off on posting it for a little longer. That card will be my last new t206 for a while, and I will have nothing new to contribute for a couple months.

    I guess I could post some of my existing commons, just to do some posting. >>

    I don't care, I want to see it...image
  • GoSteelers......

    Fine, I'll show it once I scan it in. It's nothing too spectacular.....nothing like a Magie, O'hara (STL), Demmitt (STL), or anything else like that. But it is a big deal for me.
  • Sorry Eric...I'm letting your cat out of the bag. Guys, its a Bob Unglaub Sweet Cap 350 in a PSA 4...Eric just loves it. image
  • In the words of Adam Sandler from Big Daddy:

    "Damn you scuba steve!"

    Actually Dave....I wouldn't mind having that card image
  • Thanks for the welcome!! And what is the card???

    Have some cards to add myself - just a quick question though - what image size are you scanning your cards? I don't want my cards to appear too large on the screen.
    My t206 collection can be seen here

    The aim is to add one card per week to the collection....
  • Martuk
    I'm not even sure what size I scan mine in...but if it's too big it won't allow you to post it anyway..so you should be fine.

  • Dave,

    Thanks for that - will add some over the weekend


    My t206 collection can be seen here

    The aim is to add one card per week to the collection....
  • Martin,

    When I scan my Cards, I scan an image of the front first, then the back.

    Once scanned, I open the pic up, and cut the image out. I then open up Microsoft Photo Editor, and paste the image there. I usually crop the size down 50%. That gives me the image size you see. Then I do the same with the back and add it with the front image and resave it. If you crop it down 50% you won't have a problem. Hope this helps.

    There may be an easier way to do it, but this way is efficient for me.

    Edited: I also use photobucket as my photo hosting site. It's free and easy to use. Upload your pictures there and it generates your html coding to post images. If you decide to use that site, copy the third box below the picture. It starts with: [img]

  • Thanks Eric,


    Here are the first two t206 cards I purchased last Christmas (present to myself) and now I'm hooked.

    I created my own site a few months ago to show my cards but simply resize my initial scans on the site with height and width html code. It looks like an html height of about 320 for scanning/saving purposes is about right.


    Didn't scan the backs - one is a Sweet Cap and the other a Piedmont.

    Am also looking to add some interesting backs at the moment - only have Sweet Caps (one overprint), Piedmonts, Polar Bears and an Old Mill.
    My t206 collection can be seen here

    The aim is to add one card per week to the collection....
  • Martin,

    Very nice! I'm a newbie myself. I started in January, this year. This was my first T206, and like you, once I had that....I was hooked.

  • OK, since I now have the link to my T206 set, I'll just post the new pickup....the one I've been holding out on. Otherwise you guys will just see it. Next to the Elberfeld (Wash), this is my second favorite card.


  • Congrats Eric....I am going to have to pick up a red hindu very soon! I'm still keeping my fingers crossed on my deal...which should take place sometime the beginning of next week.
  • Thanks Dave.

    I really hope yours goes through. And when it does, you better post that s#!T on here so we can all just be blown away.....but by that comment we're assuming I know what it is.....but I don't image
  • WOW!!!!!!

    Just checked out what a Red Hindu back means in terms of scarcity and thus price - VERY NICE ADDITION INDEED Eric!!!!!!!image
    My t206 collection can be seen here

    The aim is to add one card per week to the collection....
  • Thanks Martin.

    It's my first tough back, and I hope to one day add some more.
  • Just picked this up through a trade. I'll hold unto it until I find an upgrade..but nice to have another Lenox backafter getting rid of the first one! image
    And no, this isn't the "blockbuster" i'm working on!

  • Very sweet Dave!

    I've got to get myself one of those, that's for sure.
  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭
    Nice stuff, guys. Not quite a Red Hindu or Lenox but I have a couple of favorite backs to scan later.

    By the way, is that jmckp or whatever it is on here? I'm curious to know about what happened with the GAI 3 O'Hara and his defaulted BIN.
  • Thanks yawie....

    What exactly do you want to know about the O'Hara? I talk to him occationally and might be able to find out.

    I can't remember what he was asking about it on the Net54 board. I think if it looked trimmed or something. Anyway, let me know and I'll see what I can find out.
  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭
    It's no biggie, really; I was just kinda curious as to his rationale. I saw the card posted the other night and was talking with a buddy about it. My friend and I agreed that the BIN would've been a solid buy on an SGC or PSA card but confidence in GAI probably wasn't enough to justify $3 G's, especially given the width and paste (?) residue on back. I knew there was a chance somebody would pull the trigger on it, but I figured it would end up running as an auction with a hammer price of about $2,500. Anyway, I was surprised to see it relisted today. I'd be pretty livid if I were the seller and a guy backed out on a BIN but I guess they came to some sort of resonable parting of the ways since I didn't see a feedback bloodbath.
  • steve...email or PM me. I know what happened.
  • lamontcarterlamontcarter Posts: 748 ✭✭✭
    I'm embarassed to post these after Dave's Lenox but........

  • I have a question and I was hoping you guys can help. Perhaps it has already been discussed and if so, just please post a link and I can read it from there. My question is: If the famous Wagner T206 was recently sold for 2.35 Million (or whatever the figure), why does is still show up in the set registry for "Honus & Friends." I understand that it will always show up in the all-time finest set, but it's still showing up in the current finest set as well???
  • artimusartimus Posts: 684
  • Steve....apparently they mutually agreed to nullify the deal....though I too would like to know what happened.

    LC....nice additions. That Bender Portrait looks good for a PSA 1. I really like that portrait and will definitely have to go after one.

    preownedautos....my guess is that the buyer wanted to stay anonymous and won't be registering that Wagner. Therefore "Honus and Friends" doesn't get the email that is generated when you try to register a card that is already in the registry. So until that happens, which it won't, he won't have to remove it.
  • jmpkcpjmpkcp Posts: 97 ✭✭
    Yeah, I'm on here....so the O'hara situation....the seller was very understanding. I wanted some built in protection as I felt the card looked narrow myself. But I fully understand the seller's hesitancy to do so, so we just mutually agreed to let someone else take it on. In retrospect, I now feel that the card is NOT too thin and would fall into proper parameters. I'm just so used to PSA holders that it looked out of place to me. Whoever gets it now is likely getting a good deal.

    Any further questions?

  • Hey Joe,

    Thanks for filling us in. I'm always hesitant to pull the trigger on a card not in a PSA or SGC holder. GAI might grade something a 3, but if its cracked and resubmitted to PSA it may not even grade. I'd hate for that to happen to me. Thanks again.
  • Scott,
    Nothing to be embarrassed about..are you kidding? That Bender is a pretty nice looking 1 too....one of my favorite portrait poses.
  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Any further questions? >>

    Just one: Why on earth would you hit the BIN on a $3,000 card then ask the questions?!? You're lucky you had an understanding seller.
  • jmpkcpjmpkcp Posts: 97 ✭✭
    Well, seeing that I have been in the biz for almost 25 years, and know the proper protocol.....I'd say the reason for me doing so, using medical terminology is....

    BRAIN FART!!!!

    That is why I was very kind in my words to the seller. I let him keep the $18 in shipping I paid for and helped him cancel the transaction through eBay to avoid auction fees.
  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭
    That's cool. That guy should have some good karma coming back to him. Sounds like you went from a case of immediate buyer's remorse to delayed non-buyer's remorse. Oh well, there have been a fair amount of Demmitts and O'Haras available this year. You'll find one.

    And I'm guessing "Trimmed!" was the knee-jerk response of a lot of collectors, but that probably has more to do with the holder than with the card itself. My degenerate gambler days are long over, but I'd be willing to bet it'd grade with the other two major graders. That said, I don't think I'd bet that it would grade higher than a 2. Still a pretty attractive card, though.
  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭
    Just finished scanning my two new cards:


    I'm sure I overpaid for this since I was the only one who bid on it - ugh - but I've been wanting an Ames portrait and couldn't resist one with a Hindu back.


    Needham seems to be one of those cards that always has weak registration and this one certainly fits that pattern. I'll probably keep my eyes out for a nice crisp one, but I couldn't pass up an AB 460, a deceptively difficult back if you axe me, at a decent price.
  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭
    By the way, the Benders are great. Love the portrait. That's another card I sometimes see with registration issues. There's often a kind of shadow effect where the dark ink was struck a bit higher than the other colors, but yours looks nice, LC.
  • Steve,
    Did the Ames Hindu come off ebay? I'm guessing so since you said your the only one that bid on it....but damn if I saw it...image
  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭
    Yeah, both of the cards were from london_venture. He has some strange closing times to his auctions. The Ames opened at $149.95, which is about $25-50 more than I would've liked to have spent on a lower-grade Hindu, but that's how it goes, I guess: Ya want something bad enough, you'll pay for it.
  • lamontcarterlamontcarter Posts: 748 ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the kind words, they're appreciated.

    Great cards as usual. You must have a pretty nice selection of Hindu's at this point.

  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭
    Thanks! I'm up to 16 Hindus now. Probably the most I have of any one type besides the obvious Sweet Cap and Piedmont. Well, now that I think about it, I probably have more Polar Bears, too. I really like the dark look of the PB reverse - not to mention tobacco staining on the obverse - and will generally opt for a PB over other common backs when possible.
  • Just wonderful cards and scans here lately.

    Steve, Great snag on that Ames Hindu; nice. 16 Hindu's; wow!

    I thought I would share a number of recent EPDG acquisitions. My T206 EPDG Back set is coming along nicely. The Anderson was a previously unverified EPDG (first siting) and I was especially happy to get that one.

    Never met a Vintage card I didn't like!
  • A couple more EPDG's of the HOF variety recently added also:


    Never met a Vintage card I didn't like!
  • lamontcarterlamontcarter Posts: 748 ✭✭✭
    Beautiful cards and glad to see you back. It's been awhile.

  • Ray,

    Nice EPDG's.

    And Steve leading the way on Hindus. 16? Dang!

    Great cards everyone.
  • Ray has always been one with great eye appeal....congrats Ray...that much tougher I know when your only looking for one back...and in honor of Ray's EPDG's, I'll again (shameless plug) post my only current..(for a short time anyway)....its currently being crossed over...

  • yawie99yawie99 Posts: 2,575 ✭✭✭
    That Marquard gets around. Hopefully its found a place to hang its hat with you, Ray. I know the back of the Lajoie has some issues, but I think the color is fantastic. My kinda card!
  • djspanndjspann Posts: 541
    Great additions everyone! Incredible, really.

    Also, welcome Martuk.

    I won't bore everyone with scans of the few commons I have picked up recently. image

  • lamontcarterlamontcarter Posts: 748 ✭✭✭
    ahhhh I'll bore you guys.


  • << <i>Great additions everyone! Incredible, really.

    Also, welcome Martuk.

    I won't bore everyone with scans of the few commons I have picked up recently. image

    Doug >>

    Aw c'mon Doug, no worry; we love the commons!! Please show.

    And how bout' that Elberfeld; that has really sweet color and centering. Gorgeous card.
    Never met a Vintage card I didn't like!
  • Hey Dave,

    edited: Nevermind....for some reason I thought you had two of these cards. I was deceived. Your pics are much better then the ones that were in the auction, and thus thought it was two cards. Anyway, very nice again. And you can show it a couple more times if you'd like. We don't mind.

    Doug...I agree.....show those commons. We don't mind one bit!
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