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The official DERAILED 2006 New York Yankees thread



  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    t doesn't motivate the players when you boo,

    besides being an english professor, Axhole is also a sports psychologist.

    Good for you.
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    Please tell me that you don't honestly believe that your own 'fans' booing does anything more than make you hate their spoiled ways more?
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    You are an idiot

    Good for you.
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>You are an idiot

    Steve >>

    That's my line.

    Please answer the question you simple-minded twit.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    listen idiot, when you answer all the questions that you have run from then maybe I'll answer your stupid question.


    Good for you.
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    Ok so you're saying I am right and you are wrong, or your brain can't grasp the simple question I posed?

  • I really doubt ARod hates the Yankees. Maybe those who came to the biggest sports scene and FAILED(Unlike ARod) might hate it, or those who are jealous b/c their "favorite" team just will never accomplish what the NY Yankees have do.

    I don't mind that players get booed when they don't perform up to the their own standards. Nobody gets a "pass" in NY. Maybe in other cities where that certain "star" player is all those fans have to hold onto, but just a name doesn't deserve constant cheering. Production does.
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  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    No one is looking for a 'pass'. But from the same dopes who booed the greatest reliever ever (Rivera), you 'fans' in NY aren't about doing anything but fulfilling your own feelings of entitlement when you boo all time greats like Rivera and Arod.

    It's not about passion - its about you being spoiled. It's not about demanding the best - it's expecting a world series trophy delivered every year because you say so.

  • Well, I do consider Yankee fans(myself included) to be spoiled. Spoiled by 26 World Championships, spoiled by an owner who if he lets the proper management run the player personell decision making processes that the team improves and contends. I guess us Yankee fans are spoiled.

    Where did I say "passion" in my last post huh? Another one for you Ax.

    Production gets a pass, names don't.

    I see your still crying and whining about the Yankees as usual, talk about the definition of a hater.
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  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    No one is crying you idiot.

    I am talking about the lack of respect yankee 'fans' have for the hometown team.

  • Nope we love the team. If a "player" on the Yankees doesn't perform and produce then after a while we'll let them know, instead of just dlckriding a "superstar". NO PLAYER MAKES THE TEAM IN NY, sorry kid.

    So why do you hate NY? Answer the question.
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  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    I don't hate NY.

    I hate the spoiled brat fans that think they are owed a world series every year, much like laker fans who feel they are entitled the same way.

    Booing the home town player is never acceptable (except apparently in NY).

    You have no idea what it means to be a real fan, twit.
  • Your a HATER. You see, this is a Yankees thread and you've posted more bs in it than anyone else. Why? Because you can't stand the Yankees. Or basically anyteam in the continental Northeastern US.
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  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>Your a HATER. You see, this is a Yankees thread and you've posted more bs in it than anyone else. Why? Because you can't stand the Yankees. Or basically anyteam in the continental Northeastern US. >>

    I am not a hater...should I drink some more haterade? haha you're a simple minded DOPE.

  • Hey...thanks for keeping the Yankee thread up. It's much easier to find than your Mariner thread, now if only you posted there instead of in this thread. I don't mind though, your endless spincycle rants about the same things don't bother me. You first defend yourself, then throw around some tired arguement, then cry some more, then end with some name calling and run out of the thread until the next time you log on. lol, boy your life must rock.
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  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    Yeah my life is pretty good.

    Yours, on the other hand, must be miserable if you are left booing the best player on your team (and the best in the AL), and booing the best reliver the game has ever known.

    If that gets you through the day, then your life must be in shambles.
  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭
    Numerous time I have heard Arod, Rivera, Jeter, and many other Yankees state very emphatically that if you dont perform you deserve to get booed. They see it as a sign of respect for winning by knowledgeable fans. They dont take it personal, they dont cry, whine, bit@h and complain like you do Ax. They know where it comes from, they respect it, and they expect it under those circumstances. Many times there have been Yankee players who call the fans the best in the game who treat you like kings when you get the job done and let you know it when you dont. Im sure if asked there isnt a single person who plays for the Yankees who would rather play for another team with no chance at winning, in a stadium half full with fans who sit on their hands or cheer without having a clue about whats going on.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    Yes of course they are going to say the PC thing and say their fans are the best....it doesn't mean it to be true.

    Being a fan means being a fan through thick and thin, not just when they are doing well. But as a yankee 'fan', you only want front runners, you only complain, you only whine and cry.

  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭
    You dont have the first clue about what it means to be a Yankee fan. You have no clue of tradition, history, winning, or respect of the game. Any time you are called on anything by being told what the players say, you respond with your PC garbage. Does it ever occur to you that these guys have respect for the game, their fans, the situations their job puts them in, and a level of expectation of the ups and downs that follow ? Could it just be that they dont get all worked up like whining little girl scouts like you do ? Take off your pampers, get out in the real world and maybe get a taste of what being a man is all about. These players are not giving PC talk Ax, they are telling it like it is and taking things in stride like a man in their situation does.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • SoFLPhillyFanSoFLPhillyFan Posts: 3,931 ✭✭

    Hey Ax!

    What are they teaching the kids out there in Stanislaus County? A budding Scott Peterson!

    4 Year Old "Little Mr. Apricot" Flips Off Crowd, Loses Title

    (CBS 13) PATTERSON, Calif. A big brouhaha in Stanislaus County as a pageant winner in Patterson is stripped of his crown. Heather Hudgens reports it all started with apricots and a finger foul-up.

    It was another weekend of royalty in Patterson, and the parade queens were on their best behavior.

    “I would never do it, it’s not queen worthy,” said one of the queens.

    What she's talking about is what happened last month at the Apricot festival, when the newly-crowned Little Mr. Apricot, 4-year old Matthew Burgos, raised his middle finger to the crowd!

    At Mil's Cafe, now all the talk is what happened next, when Matthew was unceremoniously relieved of his crown. The reason - the unfortunate flip of the finger.

    Matthew's mom understands why the apricot board took Matthew's title, but wishes some townsfolk would just get over it.

    “I think it is ridiculous, I mean he’s four years old,” she says.

    CBS 13 asked the Patterson Apricot Fiesta Board to comment, they would not, except to confirm the story. First runner-up Michael Montiel will now assume the role of Little Mr. Apricot. Matthew doesn't even know he's been stripped of the title. His mom and dad say he likely wouldn't understand, anyway.
  • WinPitcherWinPitcher Posts: 27,726 ✭✭✭
    Ok so you're saying I am right and you are wrong, or your brain can't grasp the simple question I posed?

    No, I did not say anything of the sort. I also grasped the simple question that you posed. I chose not to answer it. My reply was direct and to the point.

    My reply was: when you answer all the questions that you have run from then maybe I'll answer your stupid question.

    what part of my reply did you not understand? how you got : Ok so you're saying I am right and you are wrong, or your brain can't grasp the simple question I posed?

    only an idiot would come to that conclusion, oh that is right, you are an idiot.

    Good for you.
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    How many stories shall I post about the absurdities that happen in florida? If you hear about some ass backwards happening, its usually in florida. Good try though, I found the story funny (I hadn't heard about it until you posted it). The things kids do!

  • << <i>You dont have the first clue about what it means to be a Yankee fan. You have no clue of tradition, history, winning, or respect of the game. Any time you are called on anything by being told what the players say, you respond with your PC garbage. Does it ever occur to you that these guys have respect for the game, their fans, the situations their job puts them in, and a level of expectation of the ups and downs that follow ? Could it just be that they dont get all worked up like whining little girl scouts like you do ? Take off your pampers, get out in the real world and maybe get a taste of what being a man is all about. These players are not giving PC talk Ax, they are telling it like it is and taking things in stride like a man in their situation does. >>

    Hey hey hey hey now Bri.......let's not give the Girl Scouts a bad name. I agree with you on every other point. No "FAN" should simply dlckride a player because they are signed to his favorite team. I'm a fan of the TEAM.
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  • SoFLPhillyFanSoFLPhillyFan Posts: 3,931 ✭✭

    << <i>SoFl-

    How many stories shall I post about the absurdities that happen in florida? If you hear about some ass backwards happening, its usually in florida. Good try though, I found the story funny (I hadn't heard about it until you posted it). The things kids do! >>

    I found it funny also.

    Of course I'm not from Florida as you may recall.

    I hail from the Great Northeast US, the best place in all of the States!
  • I live in DC. A whole lotta funny chit goes on around here.
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  • perkdogperkdog Posts: 30,281 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice job in running all over the place while Martinez was catching! I definately could have stolen a few bases off him. How many did you guys steal? 6 bases? Melky's slam just cleared the fence but good for him.
  • Man the Rat looked like the rat of old til he ran out of gas (cheese?) in the seventh last night.

    Still amazed after the sox run that they're only 3 out, could they close the gap even more before the allstar break?

    Chacon got sent to the pen yesterday also, ya had to know that he was probably too good to be true, wheres the pitching help gonna come from?

  • They have some middle relievers they can be brought up from the minors as well as a guy who could definetly pan out as the next setup man. As for starters? Yeesh, with a tight race in nearly every league I don't think many will go up on the market, and those that do will cost to much. Maybe Smoltz? Who knows.
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    Looking for Topps rookies as well.

  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭
    I wouldnt count on Smoltz. If anywhere I think he will end up in Detroit. He is from the area and was a Tigers pick 20 or so yrs ago. It would be a fitting homecoming for him to finish off his career by helping the Tigers.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • A man can hope Bri. Also, I really don't want to see a rotation that deep...scary.
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    Looking for Topps rookies as well.

  • very nice game last night from wright, another one of those its about dang time
    good to see farnsworth hold one for a change, do the red sox ever lose anymore?
  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭
    Wang is really looking good lately. He is by far the most consistent starter after Mussina. If he can hold up, Wright can continue improving, and Randy gets to even 75% of what he used to be then they may just be able to stay close until Matsui and co. return from injuries.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • Yesterday's quote of the day on the D-Rays game -

    << <i>"It's very frustrating to lose this one," said Alex Rodriguez, who went 0-for-4, fanned twice and was 0-for-2 with runners in scoring position. "We felt it had the potential to be a blowout." >>

    Yeah, it would have been, had you been able to come up with just one key hit vs. these guys... On the plus side, he is in the top 90 in the MLB in batting avg. this year, so he has that going for him, which is nice...
  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭

    << <i>On the plus side, he is in the top 90 in the MLB in batting avg. this year, so he has that going for him, which is nice... >>

    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    Wow not even a week's reprieve before the 'fans' start gnawing at him again.

  • stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Wow not even a week's reprieve before the 'fans' start gnawing at him again.

    Unbelievable. >>

    As I just posted in the other thread, they have 252,000,000 reasons to gnaw at A-Rod. If you want to gripe at Yankee 'fan' (as you put it) about this, feel free to discuss it on the appropriate thread image
    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Wow not even a week's reprieve before the 'fans' start gnawing at him again.

    Unbelievable. >>

    As I just posted in the other thread, they have 252,000,000 reasons to gnaw at A-Rod. If you want to gripe at Yankee 'fan' (as you put it) about this, feel free to discuss it on the appropriate thread image >>

    It's absolutely appropriate for me to post here - what are you, forum cop?

  • I don't remember giving any reprieve at all - I just don't have much time to post. One walk off HR vs. the Mets and 1 or 2 other good games does not make up for watching the guy come up small night in and night out in big spots for 3 years. One of the worst trades ever for the Yankees for a lot of reasons - first and foremost it was just a huge victory for all those who wrongly scream "THE YANKEES BUY EVERYBODY" and gave ammo to all the payroll whiners.. I wish the deal had never been done, and it probably wouldn't have (at least as it was made) if Soriano hadn't had that terrible WS... I would have liked to keep him at second, and Cano was originally a 3B... As a lifelong (30+) fan, there have always been trades and signings that I loved and hated (and it's not personal or anything - I loved the Martinez deal years ago even though it basically ensured that my favorite player of all time was not coming back to a title contender)... This one is just right at the top of my current list of bad deals. There is nothing I'd like more than to see than ARod step up and help carry the team to another playoff spot, then go on to play great in the post-season - hell, be WS MVP... Do I think it will happen? History, and what I've seen from the guy as a member of this team, says it won't...
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    So his winning the MVP last year didn't mean anything for you?

    I didn't see anyone complaining when he won the first postseason he was in as a yankees, leading the team to a win over the Twins.

    Selective amnesia...it's gotta suck to have.

  • << <i>I didn't see anyone complaining when he won the first postseason he was in as a yankees, leading the team to a win over the Twins. >>

    Well, the 2004 team was pretty balanced (Jeter Posada, Sheff, Matsui, all had good years) and ARod did play well vs. the Twins.. Much of the complaining started just after that, when he (and much of the team) forgot to show up for the last 4 games vs. Boston...

    Last years MVP? A stats award. Ortiz deserved it over him, as much as that pains me to say. Last years real MVP I think was Ozzie Guillen - it seemed like for the job he did with that team he deserved more than mgr. of the year...

    Tough for me to remember him as MVP when he followed up that great statistical season by hitting .133 vs LA, failing to come through time and again...
  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I didn't see anyone complaining when he won the first postseason he was in as a yankees, leading the team to a win over the Twins. >>

    Well, the 2004 team was pretty balanced (Jeter Posada, Sheff, Matsui, all had good years) and ARod did play well vs. the Twins.. Much of the complaining started just after that, when he (and much of the team) forgot to show up for the last 4 games vs. Boston... >>


    But yet he's the only one who gets crapped on. Even though he's the best player on that team. Odd.

    << <i>Last years MVP? A stats award. Ortiz deserved it over him, as much as that pains me to say. Last years real MVP I think was Ozzie Guillen - it seemed like for the job he did with that team he deserved more than mgr. of the year... >>

    How does a guy who rides the pine and only bat win the MVP award? And since when hasn't the MVP award been a stats award?

    << <i>Tough for me to remember him as MVP when he followed up that great statistical season by hitting .133 vs LA, failing to come through time and again... >>

    He had a bad series...but I don't hear people saying that. I don't hear people saying he had a great 2004, they just want to complain about 2005. Yet you never hear Arod complain. He just goes out and continues to do his job, even though he has the most unappreciative 'fans' in the business.
  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭
    All that matters in baseball is winning. Winning games and winning championships. Those unfamiliar with what it is like to win championships are those who constantly put stock in individual achievements.

    It is a team game, with one ultimate goal, a world series championship. It wouldnt matter one bit to me if year in and year out a Yankee won MVP, ROY, and CY awards. Those mean absolutely nothing in the long run.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>All that matters in baseball is winning. Winning games and winning championships. Those unfamiliar with what it is like to win championships are those who constantly put stock in individual achievements.

    It is a team game, with one ultimate goal, a world series championship. It wouldnt matter one bit to me if year in and year out a Yankee won MVP, ROY, and CY awards. Those mean absolutely nothing in the long run. >>

    So are you saying that the yankees failings of the past 2 years are somehow Arod's fault?

    What about the 3 years prior to that?
  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭
    That is not in any way, shape or form what I was saying Ax.

    Nothing the Yankees fail to do is Arods fault. I said over and over it is a team game.

    What I DID SAY is that personal achievements mean NOTHING. You continuously talk about his MVP's as if they actually mean a damn thing.

    Dont you get the point that people who care about winning dont care about personal awards ? They are not at all on a list of priorities or memorable events. Its not that HIS MVP means nothing because he didnt help them win, its because NO AWARD means anything except the world series.

    Maybe when your team wins something you will understand the difference of importance between the two.

    I have stated very clearly what the point was. I think everyone reading this will fully grasp and comprehend what it says. If you do not, then it is your loss and not mine or anyone elses. No need to carry on questioning the meaning, it is explained, done, and over with.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭
    Then why all the hate for Arod, and the other players get none?

    Randy Johnson was successful outside NY, signed a huge deal, and hasn't brought a world series win to NY, where are the incessant boos when he fails?

    And I talk about Arod's achievements to battle those who try to pin NY's failures as of late on him, as if HE's the cause for them not winning a world series. Truth is, they'd have been lucky to make the postseason last year without him.

  • The big unit is one of the top leaders in the AL in wins. The only thing Arod is in the Top 10 for is tied for 10th in RBI's. Nowhere near Top 10 in BA or HRs, although he's near the top in errors.
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  • bri2327bri2327 Posts: 3,178 ✭✭
    I have taken shots at Randy Johnson dozens of times on here. I thought it was a mistake signing him. He was old, his fastball wasnt what it used to be, and returning him to the A.L. spelled trouble from the get go.

    I have booed him, as have many others. The fact is that people have this untouchable feeling of love towards Arod outside NY that when he gets booed people talk. Randy Johnson was never loved like Arod is so when he is booed nobody talks about it much.

    He is moody and stubborn. He has never been a great teammate or one who embraces the fans. He is a deadbeat father who wont acknowledge his daughter. All these things have been brought up numerous times by myself and others.

    Its like the tree falling in the forest thing, if nobody is there to hear it, etc, etc. If Randy Johnson gets booed and nobody cares, does it get heard or talked about ? Same idea.
    "The other teams could make trouble for us if they win."
    -- Yogi Berra

  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>The big unit is one of the top leaders in the AL in wins. >>

    Anyone who thinks wins is a good measure of a pitcher without looking at ERA needs to have their head examined.

    Perfect example. Who's having the better year:

    Pitcher A: 10-7, 5.13 ERA, 114 IP and 110 hits allowed
    Pitcher B: 7-5, 2.88 ERA, 121 IP and 86 hits allowed.

  • Wins are all that matter.
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    1950s-1960s Topps NY Giants Team cards

    Looking for Topps rookies as well.

  • AxtellAxtell Posts: 10,037 ✭✭

    << <i>Wins are all that matter. >>

    You honestly believe that, don't you?

    How much control of a win is the pitcher's control?
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