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Isn't it time to let this five-year-old thread just ... die?



  • << <i>

    << <i>Such childish attacks are brushed aside with the credibility they warrant NADA ZIP ZILTCH. >>

    There's no "T" in ZILCH.

    Russ, NCNE >>

    For crying out loud, I'm a Pipefitter Journeyman not an Academic.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • MarkMark Posts: 3,533 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You know, if it cost 50 cents per post to post in this thread, the money collected would repay mirabela for the coin he purchased..... image


  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,360 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Tactics of shilling 101:

    Divert the conversation away and try to force others to believe you are right.

    Seems most of us only have a concern that poe is a major f' of a dealer and works very underhandedly.
    Most also posted they would never bid on such a deceptive auction.
    It was poe's defense of his tactics and your defense of him that have gotten people to call names.

    kittyfish, I could care less if you believe what I believe or anyone else believes. You've shown your colors as a shill for poe.
    As for the "masons".....I could care less about that too....until you posted that though, and when you just posted the portion of belonging to the same org, I was going to guess KKK.

    You must enjoy defending things that are beyond defense to continue posting in this thread......
    1) Poe's tactics are irreputable and beyond defense
    2) Your defense of poe is sad and beyond defense
    3) Your "holier than though" attitude is beyond defense
    4) Being a shill for poe like you are is beyond defense
    5) Dude, you just plain suck

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • I am not now nor have I ever been a shill for Poe. Shilling is against eBay policy. Those policies are viewed with great exception here because people openly discuss other violations of eBay policy here to the point of bragging about it. ie Bid Snipers and feedback extortion to name a couple.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • Time to open a bottle of wine! The catfish has been rolled in cornmeal and flour and is about to be dropped in hot oil!! Pass the tartar sauce please!!!..image
  • TomBTomB Posts: 21,116 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've only read portions of this enormous thread, however, it strikes me as being eerily similar, in certain ways, to the old aswimmer and dwood thread from about two years ago. In the current scenario we have Poe58 playing the part of aswimmer and catfish172 playing the part of dwood. Does anyone else see the similarities?
    Thomas Bush Numismatics & Numismatic Photography

    In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson


  • << <i>Does anyone else see the similarities? >>

    Good point! I believe you're right!

  • << <i>I've only read portions of this enormous thread, however, it strikes me as being eerily similar, in certain ways, to the old aswimmer and dwood thread from about two years ago. In the current scenario we have Poe58 playing the part of aswimmer and catfish172 playing the part of dwood. Does anyone else see the similarities? >>

    Is the thread still around? Did board members resort to name calling then too?
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.

  • << <i>Did board members resort to name calling then too? >>

    No, but we did get a big kick out of the two fools! Kinda familiar isn't it?..image
  • Supreme Ruler--Where are you when we need you to lock down a really boring thread that I unfortuneately can't resist reading.
    Curmudgeon in waiting!

  • << <i>Supreme Ruler--Where are you when we need you to lock down a really boring thread that I unfortuneately can't resist reading. >>

    It was locked down after someone had filed a complaint. Somehow it got reopened. Edited to add: If there is more than one moderator perhaps they don't respect each others decisions.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,303 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I went through a number of coins purchased by Poe's buyers. I was sort of surprised that most every one was reasonable. Poe consistently grades one grade high but his buyers seem to realize that. There are both newbies and oldies there. A lot of the auctions sell for under $10.00. Saw an AG-VG bust dime go for $8 plus postage. Seemed reasonable. I cannot tell if the coins are damaged, bent, etc. as the scans are pretty bad. But the customers seem happy. Try as I might to find more cleaned coins and burials, I could not. Maybe Poe is not the cad we make him out to be. He's way off base on the seated quarter sold and those SLQ's, but the cheap stuff he sells seems to satisfy his customers. After all, 25 years of ANA experience is hard to beat.

    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold
  • Hello

    Hey don’t worry Matt will get his money back from the next guy he tries to cheat! For Example,

    AN ECCENTRIC BUYER/SELLER that tried to bully refund-NEEDS TO GROW UP-Real Sad ! Seller csjs ( 597 )
    Mar-17-04 16:08 2227464795
    Reply by banjospitnwhittle: Coin was cleaned, refused refund, offered only 36% credit! Unethical seller. Mar-17-04 18:20

    OR the next one!

    The first Negative I ever posted and you really earned it. Seller poe58 ( 284 )
    Aug-03-04 22:48 3922454242

    Reply by banjospitnwhittle: FRAUD, cleaned coin adv. as BU, BS return policy, Liar & Cheat. Aug-04-04 18:26
    Follow-up by poe58: Lies, Threats, and Harassment If You give him the chance he'll swap coins on you Aug-04-04 19:38

    OR the next one!

    Insert name HERE!
  • Hi catfish.
    Realtime National Debt Clock:


  • << <i>I went through a number of coins purchased by Poe's buyers. I was sort of surprised that most every one was reasonable. Poe consistently grades one grade high but his buyers seem to realize that. There are both newbies and oldies there. A lot of the auctions sell for under $10.00. Saw an AG-VG bust dime go for $8 plus postage. Seemed reasonable. I cannot tell if the coins are damaged, bent, etc. as the scans are pretty bad. But the customers seem happy. Try as I might to find more cleaned coins and burials, I could not. Maybe Poe is not the cad we make him out to be. He's way off base on the seated quarter sold and those SLQ's, but the cheap stuff he sells seems to satisfy his customers. After all, 25 years of ANA experience is hard to beat.

    roadrunner >>

    He doesn't have 25 years of ANA experience. He has 25 years of collecting experience. This is a one transaction occurance of this nature. I have been working with him on a hosting method that he could do higher resolution scans. He is not nearly computer literate as I am and he's as I've said stubborn towards learning new ways of doing things.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    How to crash the Mason's:

    The Secret Handshake

    It’s a regular handshake, except you press your forefinger hard into the other person’s palm. The thumb presses against the base joints of the second and third fingers.

    The Secret Password

    Tubal-Cain is the secret password of a Master Mason (some lodges have their own passwords)

    The Secret Word

    Not to be confused with the password. The Word is so secret that initiates are taught it one letter at a time. First the learn, A, then O, then M, and finally I. The Word is IAOM
    ( EE-Ah-Oh-Mmm)
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • Mr. Poo and Mr. fishcat are back! Maybe they're not fried yet!!!
  • Since the ANA came back with a lower grade than advertised, it behooves POE to refund the money.
    Catfish, I am also a Past Master of my lodge, and believe me, in the Masons as in any organization
    there are ethical and unethical people. Poe in my opinion after reading this thread belongs in the
    latter category.
    give me liberty or give me death
    my hotelsimage
  • flaminioflaminio Posts: 5,664 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Hello >>

    If you intend on sticking around, I wonder if you would comment on my post. It's somewhere in the 300s, and catfish said it was the "best statement in the thread". If you're serious about this, I'd appreciate a response.

  • << <i>Since the ANA came back with a lower grade than advertised, it behooves POE to refund the money.
    Catfish, I am also a Past Master of my lodge, and believe me, in the Masons as in any organization
    there are ethical and unethical people. Poe in my opinion after reading this thread belongs in the
    latter category. >>

    I would've refunded 12 pages ago myself if for no other reason than to make it all go away. This thread only describes one transaction. A transaction which Poe still believes he is right<I do not, I fully believe this was an honest mistake> I do not believe for a minute one transaction warrants a judgement of unethical. In this thread I am merely giving my points on the matter and am not on an errand. Since poe still believes he is right and on the grading issue he believes it is impossible to receive results that fast. For those reasons he will continue to stand his ground.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • roadrunnerroadrunner Posts: 28,303 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry if I confused 25 years of ANA experience with 25 years of collecting experience. You would think both would tend to indicate that a person KNOWS something about coins. I have yet to meet a 25 year collector who consistently was off by one grade ALL the time.
    Even the grading services undergrade once in a while!

    Sorry Poe58, I just don't buy your story. No one here on the forum is looking to scam you out for $50. What's the point?? You made a bad decision and decided to play damage control. You have probably already wasted far more than $50 and had hundreds of dollars of damage done to your reputation. Way to go. You cut off your nose to spite your face.

    ....still waiting on how you figure that 1927 SLQ is a FULL HEAD....I gotta here this one....we're all waiting.

    Barbarous Relic No More, LSCC -GoldSeek--shadow stats--SafeHaven--321gold
  • Hey poe58/catfish:

    Realtime National Debt Clock:

  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭


    Russ, NCNE

  • << <i>decided to play damage control. >>

    If this is damage control I'm glad it isn't a submarine.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295

    << <i>Hey poe58/catfish:

    image >>

    Just in case catfish needs a translation:

    Shut the f*** up!

  • Hard to believe a thread could digress so far as to include vulgarity. Guess it shows that high number of posts doesn't necessarily count as an indicator of character.image
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Guess it shows that high number of posts doesn't necessarily count as an indicator of character. >>

    Just as a low number of posts, the majority of which were accumulated in a single thread, also does not.

    Russ, NCNE
  • Hello
    I am delighted to see that so many people feel they have the right to judge even the right to condemn! I can correctly assume that you all are learned scholars elevated to this position based solely on your qualifications. I also see some people passing on things they know nothing about! I do not remotely believe that Little Matt has had the coin I sold him graded. He hasn't had enough time to do so. Please continue your attacks on me. The reason is simple. In that way I might spare someone else. I have refunded buyers moneys in the past simply because I felt they were sincere in there desire. Matthew did not want to return the coin. He wanted some of his money refunded and to keep what he calls a worthless coin. “I am sure your 100% feedback rating is worth at least that much?” I believe is the way he put it. Well some times you get the Bear and sometimes the Bear gets you. I will not yield to a simple con man. For some reason he has learned that this behavior is an acceptable way of dealing on eBay.
    What Catfish hasn’t told you all is that I am disability retired. I have more than enough money to live on and comfortably at that. I have often times given moneys to charities more a especially to children’s hospitals because they helped my little brother once long ago. I have helped families not only in my home state but here in Ohio as well. I am by no means a greedy person. He has been witness to this, and for these reasons he feels that he should defend me. While I am grateful, I see nothing here to defend!
    Thank you one and All!
    Poe 58
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295
    So now we are back to your claim that he switched coins? I guess you have never heard of Express service at ANACS. But then why would you with the junk you sell that would get net graded like the POS you sent Matt.

    The only con man is you Poe58.

  • << <i>So now we are back to your claim that he switched coins? >>

    Actually, he never left that, the rest of the thread did.
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • Hello again I understand your motivation K6AZ. Since you are a power seller and it would benefit you for me to close- up shop.
    Why do you feel the need to resort to these lower level tactics? I wouldn't choose that method personally I was wondering whom Matt was fronting for!
    Thank you!
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    What Catfish hasn’t told you all is that I am disability retired. I have more than enough money to live on and comfortably at that. I have often times given moneys to charities more a especially to children’s hospitals because they helped my little brother once long ago. I have helped families not only in my home state but here in Ohio as well.

    Russ, Is this from Chapter 7, Page 47 of the "Ebay Scammers Handbook." :

    "When your feet are to the fire, make sure you are able to tell sorry stories about yourself to garner sympathy from the aggrieved party."


    Frankly, I do not care if you are a combination of Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Anne Frank, and the entire NYFD. The fact is you ripped Mirabella on the coin and refused the return for no good reason. Period.
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295

    << <i>Hello again I understand your motivation K6AZ. Since you are a power seller and it would benefit you for me to close- up shop.
    Why do you feel the need to resort to these lower level tactics? I wouldn't choose that method personally I was wondering whom Matt was fronting for!
    Thank you!
    Joe >>

    Oh, this just gets better all the time!

    I'm a power seller? Not really. If eBay had given me a choice, I would have opted out. They have this program rigged now where if you sell $1000, they bestow this "privilege" on you whether you like it or not. I haven't sold anything in a couple of months, so this conspiracy theory of yours doesn't hold water.

    You know, the more outrageous statements you two make, the clearer this whole business becomes. You obviously are not the brightest bulb.
  • Will we make 400 posts by midnight eastern?
    Member Steamfitters Local 614
    USMC Veteran 1981-1992
    Cold War Veteran

    It's truly funny, no make that truly sad, that people in this day and age are so wrapped up in their own little world that they refuse to try and teach someone else the correct or accepted way of doing things.
  • Hello RYK
    Then I am glad we agreed so quickly, because I place no value on your opinion.
  • Let us stop slamming people. People, we have heard enough!!!!!!!!!!!
    Young Numismatist that collects: Morgan Dollars, SAE, Proof Sets, and Liberty Nickels.
    I also love to go through rolls to find coins.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,360 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Hello again I understand your motivation K6AZ. Since you are a power seller and it would benefit you for me to close- up shop.
    Why do you feel the need to resort to these lower level tactics? I wouldn't choose that method personally I was wondering whom Matt was fronting for!
    Thank you!
    Joe >>

    Whatta crock of sh!t......

    Ya know something, do some investigation before you spout ignorance.
    People LOOKED at your auctions and saw more than 1 that was way off. They saw how YOU DENIED insurance then catfish comes on and starts talking about going through all the hoops on how to get it.

    K6AZ doesn't need to try to get rid of you to sell his coins....he has AT LEAST 3 things going for him that you don't:
    1) Honesty/integrity (lumped together)

    He doesn't spout the BS that you do in order to hide the garbage you sell. (don't get that wrong.....people need to buy garbage coins too, but just be honest about it to people). Oh yeah, he also has a return policy.....clearly stated.

    if you don't believe someone can have coins graded that quickly (esp at ANACS), then why not call them and see if it is possible?
    why do you just close your mind and say that since you can't see it, it must not be real?

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • I advance no theory here! I just made a useless speculation without regard for others! Is that not what is done here? Then I apologize; because it sure seems that way.
  • Bochiman, we have heard enough. We know what has happened. Please Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Young Numismatist that collects: Morgan Dollars, SAE, Proof Sets, and Liberty Nickels.
    I also love to go through rolls to find coins.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,360 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm waiting for the next exciting twist in this saga....

    Poe and catfish are really twins, separated at birth, and have a psychotic (errr...psychic) link with each other.
    But wait!
    The twist is that they aren't really twins!!!
    They are 2 of the triplets separated at birth and the 3rd is no other than....
    da da dummm........ AH himself image

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • XpipedreamRXpipedreamR Posts: 8,059 ✭✭

    << <i>Bochiman, we have heard enough. We know what has happened. Please Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>

    Go to bed, sonimage
  • XpipedreamRXpipedreamR Posts: 8,059 ✭✭
    ...and 400!

  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295

    << <i>Bochiman, we have heard enough. We know what has happened. Please Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>

    Speak for yourself. If you find this thread irritating, don't read it.
  • I think poe58 needs a break. I fyou were him, would you want us to be annoying him.
    Young Numismatist that collects: Morgan Dollars, SAE, Proof Sets, and Liberty Nickels.
    I also love to go through rolls to find coins.
  • Poe58, would you please turn on you Pm feature.
    Young Numismatist that collects: Morgan Dollars, SAE, Proof Sets, and Liberty Nickels.
    I also love to go through rolls to find coins.
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you were him, would you want us to be annoying him.

    If I were him, I would refund mirabella's return, stop selling overgraded coins on ebay, and spend more time helping the children at the hospital.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,360 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Bochiman, we have heard enough. We know what has happened. Please Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >>

    Go stop it yourself!!!!
    You don't like it, grow up and don't read it!

    You want to stop people who don't like what poe is doing, then publicly support poe if you must.
    You want me to stop posting, then ask nicely and do it in a PM and with reason, otherwise, go take a flying "leap".

    Wonder what makes you think you can tell me what to do? Just because I am a nice guy? image
    Don't come onto the forum to try to take your aggressions from your dog doo'ing in your shoes and your mommy sending you to your room without dinner and dessert and rolling it towards me.

    poe screwed up, isn't man enough to admit it. So that means he is either idiotic or a dishonest seller. Take your pic.
    I also don't care for assertions from him that other sellers are out to get rid of him so they can get his customers.
    I guess he thinks he has 100% title to all stupid buyers who buy from him more than once and no one else can sell to them since they don't know the difference???
    (exaggeration since I am sure they aren't all stupid but he must think they are since they buy from him more than once)

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • I don't agree with poe but I think he has had enough.
    Young Numismatist that collects: Morgan Dollars, SAE, Proof Sets, and Liberty Nickels.
    I also love to go through rolls to find coins.
  • If I were poe58, I would:
    1. refund the money including shipping,
    2. sell only certified coins on ebay,
    3. admit on this thread that I was wrong,
    4. and ask for the coin in question back.
    OK. This is just my opinion.
    Young Numismatist that collects: Morgan Dollars, SAE, Proof Sets, and Liberty Nickels.
    I also love to go through rolls to find coins.
  • K6AZK6AZ Posts: 9,295

    << <i>I don't agree with poe but I think he has had enough. >>

    No, he hasn't had enough. Mirabela is still stuck with a coin that is worth less than one quarter of what he paid for it (and one quarter of the advertised grade). I can't speak for Bochiman, but I'm not laying off this sorry excuse of a seller until he capitualates and accepts the coin in return.
This discussion has been closed.