I think the great things about the original pieces is they are not marked COPY.. There still are some small private mints that are doing great things. Its good for the Hobby if you support them by buying one once in a while instead of US-Mint products that are set up like bowling pins to be instant hits for beanie-baby-flipsters.
“When you don't know what you're talking about, it's hard to know when you're finished.” - Tommy Smothers
Exploring metal expansion via special order nested struck mated pair.
Right two items fit perfectly together. Left 5C is for comparison.
Typical BU 4 sided scallop USA Made Foreign Issue WWII era 5C & Rare Short 1 in Date 1793 1c Nested Mated Pair. Illustrates host coin's metal's brockage expansion.
10 Proof issue 1793 Half Cent reproductions 8 of 10 normal, 2 of 10 specials
@Bullsitter said:
Got these two on Ebay for $45. Don't know if that's good or bad. These are my first two RL tokens and I always liked the Wizard. Looked for about a year before I found one. They both have the red printed COA but the second piece has a number written on the COA, 6013. Any known mintages on these?
You are the Wizzard of coins!
“When you don't know what you're talking about, it's hard to know when you're finished.” - Tommy Smothers
@LindyS said:
Exploring metal expansion via special order nested struck mated pair.
Right two items fit perfectly together. Left 5C is for comparison.
Typical BU 4 sided scallop USA Made Foreign Issue WWII era 5C & Rare Short 1 in Date 1793 1c Nested Mated Pair. Illustrates host coin's metal's brockage expansion.
That's really interesting. What's the story behind this? Were the Netherlands dies used on the GMM piece? Was a coin struck against the GMM piece?
Well it is official. A new rabbit hole has formed in my back bedroom and I dove in head first. The map that was posted was for Concept Dollars but there was an tunnel that led to some other things as well. Ordered today, shipped today. RL's photos.
My exploration of Scallop edge coins used for creation of GMM brockaged mated pairs:
Also known as:
1975 Hong Kong Dollar placed partially/mostly over GMM Large Cent Planchet, then GMM struck them with an, as requested by me, 1793 RARE Short 1 in date die resulting in another 2 piece mated pair.
@Zoins said: @LindyS said:
Exploring metal expansion via special order nested struck mated pair.
Right two items fit perfectly together. Left 5C is for comparison.
Typical BU 4 sided scallop USA Made Foreign Issue USA Made WWII era 5c for foreign market & Rare Short 1 in Date 1793 1c GMM Die created this Nested Mated Pair. Having additon host coin on left Illustrates multi struck 5c coin's metal's brockage expansion.
That's really interesting. What's the story behind this? Were the Netherlands dies used on the GMM piece? Was a coin struck against the GMM piece?
1793 "RARE" Short 1 in date die struck a perfectly placed 4 sided scallop 5c into a GMM copper Large 1c planchet.
Thus, resulting in a mated pair. I took my evolving error GMM orders quite seriously, as did they. I am a 100% satisfied special order customer !
Order after order...
All my specials were hand drawn out by me, 99% donor coins supplied by me. Mated pairs made using their coins or planchets as hosts were supplied by GMM. That's the 1% I did not send to Eureka Springs.
Continuing on with my 25 years ago error explorations:
Actual Error, a non copper plated USA ZINC 1c planchet struck into a simple two item mated pair using 1793 1c three cuds die pair, as I requested, on yet another interesting special order feature, their wrong, vines & bars edge GMM planchet as special ordered up.
Was a solid MS66 I cherry picked out of a BU roll a decade earlier:
1943D Steel Cent struck into same as above GMM late die state 1793 1c Three cuds die pair, on, yet again, their wrong for issue vines & bars edge GMM planchet.
Crazy Times, I was confronted with insane shopping opportunities just 25 years ago.
Sure I wish in some cases I picked even more interesting donor coins to mate...
I bought this book because the publisher said that there was a small write of about Ron Landis
and the evolution of the Peace dollar. I have not read the whole book only snide it for the mention of Lands's Mint,
Does anyone know if ANACS slabs GMM pieces such as the 8 piece 1793 coinage I posted above. I have yet to see an ANACS slab with a Landis coins in it. I have seen ICG.
@pcgscacgold said:
Does anyone know if ANACS slabs GMM pieces such as the 8 piece 1793 coinage I posted above. I have yet to see an ANACS slab with a Landis coins in it. I have seen ICG.
ANACS slabs the Concept Dollars but I haven't seen them slab any of the COPY pieces.
@pcgscacgold said:
Does anyone know if ANACS slabs GMM pieces such as the 8 piece 1793 coinage I posted above. I have yet to see an ANACS slab with a Landis coins in it. I have seen ICG.
ANACS slabs the Concept Dollars but I haven't seen them slab any of the COPY pieces.
Thanks. I was afraid of that. Maybe some day they will.
@pcgscacgold said:
Does anyone know if ANACS slabs GMM pieces such as the 8 piece 1793 coinage I posted above. I have yet to see an ANACS slab with a Landis coins in it. I have seen ICG.
Silly ME !!! I replied to you on Daniel Carrs thread
GMM is on page 679 & 680.
Daniel Carr is on 691-697
Both I found in the 6th ed of Unusual World Coins, the Reference PCGS uses when you submit with catalogue number as I have read here on the forums.
Here's my post when I gleefully bought a shrink wrapped book
I was thinking about sending my Oregon trail piece in
I haven't seen PCGS slab anything that wasn't cataloged in Krause yet but it may be worth trying as I've seen PCGS slab more items that don't have catalog numbers.
This photo shows the elaborate edge of the ANA 107th Convention medal issued to the exhibitors and judges.
I took the relective lens from a large flashlight abd set the medal in it. The edge reflects nicely around the edge of the piece. Kind of 'dirt road', but it works.
@pcgscacgold said:
Thanks @LindyS That would mean they can be slabbed. Interesting. I will have to try and find that book so that I know what DC stuff is on the 7 pages.
AND, his work has been in the Krause Unusual World Coin's catalog for quite a while too. I have the 5th Edition of that book, published in 2007. and both Ron and Dan's work is listed.
Ron's entries don't show any photographs (in the 5th Edition) but do cover all of his early Federal Coinage reproductions.
Thanks @ZoidMeister I am building a stack of raw DC and RL stuff for ANACS. Once ready, I will verify with them what they will do and not do. I plan to attend Central States in April and the ANA in August and am hoping they will be there.
@LindyS said:
10 Proof issue 1793 Half Cent reproductions 8 of 10 normal, 2 of 10 specials
Great looking set! Do you know what the numbers in the lower right corner of the inserts mean? I've always been curious about those!
At first I wondered if they are catalog numbers, but seeing all of these together I wonder if they are like a serial number for each type?
@Zoins I just ordered the Proof half cent and mine has #996. The explanation was mine is the 996 minted. LindyS bought a whole bunch and got them in order as they came off the press. At least that is the way I understand it.
The copper 1793 set, and proof came in along with the 1796 proof dime. I love the proof silver so I ordered a few more things. More of Landis Studio photos. I can't even come close to these photos so why try.
These are wax impressions from some interesting Gallery Mint dies, One is the 1995 Concept Dollar with IGWT obverse, the other is the cancelled obverse die for the Coin World Chain Cent. These were impressed by Verne Walrafen on one of his many trips to the Mint and then gifted to me. Prized pieces!
@CDBPDX said:
These are wax impressions from some interesting Gallery Mint dies, One is the 1995 Concept Dollar with IGWT obverse, the other is the cancelled obverse die for the Coin World Chain Cent. These were impressed by Verne Walrafen on one of his many trips to the Mint and then gifted to me. Prized pieces!
Those are wonderful, historic, and rare pieces!
Verne was such as good patron of the Gallery Mint! I miss his enthusiasm and contributions. Rest in peace Verne!
@CDBPDX said:
These are wax impressions from some interesting Gallery Mint dies, One is the 1995 Concept Dollar with IGWT obverse, the other is the cancelled obverse die for the Coin World Chain Cent. These were impressed by Verne Walrafen on one of his many trips to the Mint and then gifted to me. Prized pieces!
Those are wonderful, historic, and rare pieces!
Verne was such as good patron of the Gallery Mint! I miss his enthusiasm and contributions. Rest in peace Verne!
@CDBPDX said:
These are wax impressions from some interesting Gallery Mint dies, One is the 1995 Concept Dollar with IGWT obverse, the other is the cancelled obverse die for the Coin World Chain Cent. These were impressed by Verne Walrafen on one of his many trips to the Mint and then gifted to me. Prized pieces!
Those are wonderful, historic, and rare pieces!
Verne was such as good patron of the Gallery Mint! I miss his enthusiasm and contributions. Rest in peace Verne!
Verne passed away in 2012.
Ron carved the following for Caroline, his wife.
What a kind gesture and amazing piece of art. Speaks a lot about the kind of person Ron is. They must have had a great friendship through GMM.
Here's a wonderful for the wedding of Joe Rust's daughter, Jennifer Leah, to Neil Alexander in Colorado Springs. It would be great to see the gold ones!
This particular specimen was sold by Jennifer:
Jennifer Leah said:
Gallery Mint Museum - 1999 Alexander/Rust Marriage Token
Designed by Ron Landis, hand struck by Joe Rust, my father and founding partner of Gallery Mint. Dad struck these for guests at my wedding, including two in gold (sorry guys, you will never see these for sale). These are in pewter I believe and were a wonderful token to give the guest at our wedding. I will offer this one and possibly one more if time allows for followers of GMM. .
@CDBPDX said:
From 1995 through 2005, the Gallery Mint published newsletters and collectors updates to allow GMM patrons to keep up with the goings on at the Mint. I was fortunate to acquire an almost complete set of Gallery Mint newsletters. They can be viewed here: gmm.cdbpdx.com/news/
Thanks so much for sharing.
I was going through some stored items recently and came across an unopened box from the Gallery Mint. When I opened it I found a display box. Now that tells me somewhere I have the coins that go with it presumably for the Complete 1796 Type Set.
The archived newsletters also identified that the 1796 Set and Display Case were first introduced at the "107th Convention of the American Numismatic Assn. in Portland, Oregon." Ironically, I attended that one.
OK, here is box from the Gallery Mint that I just opened after all these years. As pictured, I can confirm that it is for the full 14 piece 1796 set. Note the date on the postmark as documentation of when it was mailed by the mint. Now to find that separate package of the coins to go into the display box.
To what extent have these sets in the case gone up in value?
@CDBPDX said:
From 1995 through 2005, the Gallery Mint published newsletters and collectors updates to allow GMM patrons to keep up with the goings on at the Mint. I was fortunate to acquire an almost complete set of Gallery Mint newsletters. They can be viewed here: gmm.cdbpdx.com/news/
Thanks so much for sharing.
I was going through some stored items recently and came across an unopened box from the Gallery Mint. When I opened it I found a display box. Now that tells me somewhere I have the coins that go with it presumably for the Complete 1796 Type Set.
The archived newsletters also identified that the 1796 Set and Display Case were first introduced at the "107th Convention of the American Numismatic Assn. in Portland, Oregon." Ironically, I attended that one.
OK, here is box from the Gallery Mint that I just opened after all these years. As pictured, I can confirm that it is for the full 14 piece 1796 set. Note the date on the postmark as documentation of when it was mailed by the mint. Now to find that separate package of the coins to go into the display box.
To what extent have these sets in the case gone up in value?
Enough to where I think you will be very happy. If what I paid for the Proof Dollar, Half Dollar, Quarter and Dime are any indication you have done well sitting on this set.
You can research what you likely paid direct from GMM using Clifford's handy archived newsletter images/links. Gold and silver metals were far more affordable back when you bought. Everyone who bought back then are up over admission price:
I am not sure what normal replicas sell for as I only concentrated on made on purpose errors and historically significant items from their limited production. I have paid good money on those at fleabay since 1998 and at coin shows when I come across something I do not own & desire & can afford.
@CDBPDX said:
From 1995 through 2005, the Gallery Mint published newsletters and collectors updates to allow GMM patrons to keep up with the goings on at the Mint. I was fortunate to acquire an almost complete set of Gallery Mint newsletters. They can be viewed here: gmm.cdbpdx.com/news/
Thanks so much for sharing.
I was going through some stored items recently and came across an unopened box from the Gallery Mint. When I opened it I found a display box. Now that tells me somewhere I have the coins that go with it presumably for the Complete 1796 Type Set.
The archived newsletters also identified that the 1796 Set and Display Case were first introduced at the "107th Convention of the American Numismatic Assn. in Portland, Oregon." Ironically, I attended that one.
OK, here is box from the Gallery Mint that I just opened after all these years. As pictured, I can confirm that it is for the full 14 piece 1796 set. Note the date on the postmark as documentation of when it was mailed by the mint. Now to find that separate package of the coins to go into the display box.
To what extent have these sets in the case gone up in value?
@LindyS said:
You can research what you likely paid direct from GMM using Clifford's handy archived newsletter images/links. Gold and silver metals were far more affordable back when you bought. Everyone who bought back then are up over admission price:
I am not sure what normal replicas sell for as I only concentrated on made on purpose errors and historically significant items from their limited production. I have paid good money on those at fleabay since 1998 and at coin shows when I come across something I do not own & desire & can afford.
@CDBPDX said:
From 1995 through 2005, the Gallery Mint published newsletters and collectors updates to allow GMM patrons to keep up with the goings on at the Mint. I was fortunate to acquire an almost complete set of Gallery Mint newsletters. They can be viewed here: gmm.cdbpdx.com/news/
Thanks so much for sharing.
I was going through some stored items recently and came across an unopened box from the Gallery Mint. When I opened it I found a display box. Now that tells me somewhere I have the coins that go with it presumably for the Complete 1796 Type Set.
The archived newsletters also identified that the 1796 Set and Display Case were first introduced at the "107th Convention of the American Numismatic Assn. in Portland, Oregon." Ironically, I attended that one.
OK, here is box from the Gallery Mint that I just opened after all these years. As pictured, I can confirm that it is for the full 14 piece 1796 set. Note the date on the postmark as documentation of when it was mailed by the mint. Now to find that separate package of the coins to go into the display box.
To what extent have these sets in the case gone up in value?
That was a great link and very helpful. Thanks. I am currently trying to build the Proof and Mint State sets. It should be a fun project to keep me busy.
1998 ANA SUMMER SEMINAR Landis Obverse Die paired with Jansen Reverse Die
Great piece! Somehow, it reminds me of this!
Here's a shot of my screen of this wax impression I mentioned on prior page:
Here's the image from the prior page
I think the great things about the original pieces is they are not marked COPY.. There still are some small private mints that are doing great things. Its good for the Hobby if you support them by buying one once in a while instead of US-Mint products that are set up like bowling pins to be instant hits for beanie-baby-flipsters.
Exploring metal expansion via special order nested struck mated pair.
Right two items fit perfectly together. Left 5C is for comparison.
Typical BU 4 sided scallop USA Made Foreign Issue WWII era 5C & Rare Short 1 in Date 1793 1c Nested Mated Pair. Illustrates host coin's metal's brockage expansion.
10 Proof issue 1793 Half Cent reproductions 8 of 10 normal, 2 of 10 specials

You are the Wizzard of coins!
Just a little old Hobo token.......love Uncle Sam's hat

CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
I'm definitely "on board" with Ron's hobos . . . .
Busy chasing Carr's . . . . . woof!
Successful BST transactions with: Bullsitter, Downtown1974, P0CKETCHANGE, Twobitcollector, AKbeez, DCW, Illini420, ProofCollection, DCarr, Cazkaboom, RichieURich, LukeMarshall, carew4me, BustDMs, coinsarefun, PreTurb, felinfoal, jwitten, GoldenEgg, pruebas, lazybones, COCollector, CuKevin, MWallace, USMC_6115, NamVet69, zippcity, . . . . who'd I forget?
I like the train of hobos @ZoidMeister Is that the complete set now?
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
O believe it is. I'll verify in the morning
Busy chasing Carr's . . . . . woof!
Successful BST transactions with: Bullsitter, Downtown1974, P0CKETCHANGE, Twobitcollector, AKbeez, DCW, Illini420, ProofCollection, DCarr, Cazkaboom, RichieURich, LukeMarshall, carew4me, BustDMs, coinsarefun, PreTurb, felinfoal, jwitten, GoldenEgg, pruebas, lazybones, COCollector, CuKevin, MWallace, USMC_6115, NamVet69, zippcity, . . . . who'd I forget?
If that's the case you need to put them in order
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Maybe, like this
BTW, Right click and open in new window for full size
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Great set @ZoidMeister! I love these train hobo tokens! I do like @coinsarefun's rendition with the coal car after the engine!
1996-2000 Gallery Mint Train Hobo Token Set - Ex. Don "H2O" Haley
Here's my set with a nice Gallery Mint Train Capital Plastics holder, ordered by date of issue:
That's really interesting. What's the story behind this? Were the Netherlands dies used on the GMM piece? Was a coin struck against the GMM piece?
Great looking set! Do you know what the numbers in the lower right corner of the inserts mean? I've always been curious about those!
At first I wondered if they are catalog numbers, but seeing all of these together I wonder if they are like a serial number for each type?
Well it is official. A new rabbit hole has formed in my back bedroom and I dove in head first. The map that was posted was for Concept Dollars but there was an tunnel that led to some other things as well. Ordered today, shipped today. RL's photos.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
My exploration of Scallop edge coins used for creation of GMM brockaged mated pairs:
Also known as:
1975 Hong Kong Dollar placed partially/mostly over GMM Large Cent Planchet, then GMM struck them with an, as requested by me, 1793 RARE Short 1 in date die resulting in another 2 piece mated pair.
1793 "RARE" Short 1 in date die struck a perfectly placed 4 sided scallop 5c into a GMM copper Large 1c planchet.
Thus, resulting in a mated pair. I took my evolving error GMM orders quite seriously, as did they. I am a 100% satisfied special order customer !
Order after order...
All my specials were hand drawn out by me, 99% donor coins supplied by me. Mated pairs made using their coins or planchets as hosts were supplied by GMM. That's the 1% I did not send to Eureka Springs.
@LindyS Your collection is amazing and to hear all the work you put into the creation is really neat. Congrats from this newby.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
Continuing on with my 25 years ago error explorations:
Actual Error, a non copper plated USA ZINC 1c planchet struck into a simple two item mated pair using 1793 1c three cuds die pair, as I requested, on yet another interesting special order feature, their wrong, vines & bars edge GMM planchet as special ordered up.
Was a solid MS66 I cherry picked out of a BU roll a decade earlier:
1943D Steel Cent struck into same as above GMM late die state 1793 1c Three cuds die pair, on, yet again, their wrong for issue vines & bars edge GMM planchet.
Crazy Times, I was confronted with insane shopping opportunities just 25 years ago.
Sure I wish in some cases I picked even more interesting donor coins to mate...
I bought this book because the publisher said that there was a small write of about Ron Landis
and the evolution of the Peace dollar. I have not read the whole book only snide it for the mention of Lands's Mint,


CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Awesome article Steph. Thanks for sharing.
Busy chasing Carr's . . . . . woof!
Successful BST transactions with: Bullsitter, Downtown1974, P0CKETCHANGE, Twobitcollector, AKbeez, DCW, Illini420, ProofCollection, DCarr, Cazkaboom, RichieURich, LukeMarshall, carew4me, BustDMs, coinsarefun, PreTurb, felinfoal, jwitten, GoldenEgg, pruebas, lazybones, COCollector, CuKevin, MWallace, USMC_6115, NamVet69, zippcity, . . . . who'd I forget?
These were sent as Christmas gifts.
This is the one I received in the mail, out of the blue. I had no pending orders, I felt so lucky to be gifted mine:
I just wanted to say that the idea of buying two GMM pieces with COPY on each side is a great one.
I was just staring at my own coin and wondering where the COPY was, before realizing it was two coins!
Does anyone know if ANACS slabs GMM pieces such as the 8 piece 1793 coinage I posted above. I have yet to see an ANACS slab with a Landis coins in it. I have seen ICG.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
ANACS slabs the Concept Dollars but I haven't seen them slab any of the COPY pieces.
Thanks. I was afraid of that. Maybe some day they will.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
Silly ME !!! I replied to you on Daniel Carrs thread
GMM is on page 679 & 680.
Daniel Carr is on 691-697
Both I found in the 6th ed of Unusual World Coins, the Reference PCGS uses when you submit with catalogue number as I have read here on the forums.
Here's my post when I gleefully bought a shrink wrapped book
**********11-04-2021, You can buy the book new at 54.95 issue now, must have printed another run
Thanks @LindyS That would mean they can be slabbed. Interesting. I will have to try and find that book so that I know what DC stuff is on the 7 pages.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
This photo shows the elaborate edge of the ANA 107th Convention medal issued to the exhibitors and judges.

I took the relective lens from a large flashlight abd set the medal in it. The edge reflects nicely around the edge of the piece. Kind of 'dirt road', but it works.
AND, his work has been in the Krause Unusual World Coin's catalog for quite a while too. I have the 5th Edition of that book, published in 2007. and both Ron and Dan's work is listed.
Ron's entries don't show any photographs (in the 5th Edition) but do cover all of his early Federal Coinage reproductions.
Busy chasing Carr's . . . . . woof!
Successful BST transactions with: Bullsitter, Downtown1974, P0CKETCHANGE, Twobitcollector, AKbeez, DCW, Illini420, ProofCollection, DCarr, Cazkaboom, RichieURich, LukeMarshall, carew4me, BustDMs, coinsarefun, PreTurb, felinfoal, jwitten, GoldenEgg, pruebas, lazybones, COCollector, CuKevin, MWallace, USMC_6115, NamVet69, zippcity, . . . . who'd I forget?
Thanks @ZoidMeister I am building a stack of raw DC and RL stuff for ANACS. Once ready, I will verify with them what they will do and not do. I plan to attend Central States in April and the ANA in August and am hoping they will be there.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
This is a cool piece. Not only is it a mule, it was created by GMM coiner Adam Hardcastle!
Here's mine with a standard reverse to compare:
What a wonderful gift! I love the wreath on the reverse on this one!
These are now available on the Landis site for $175.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
@Zoins I just ordered the Proof half cent and mine has #996. The explanation was mine is the 996 minted. LindyS bought a whole bunch and got them in order as they came off the press. At least that is the way I understand it.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
The copper 1793 set, and proof came in along with the 1796 proof dime. I love the proof silver so I ordered a few more things. More of Landis Studio photos. I can't even come close to these photos so why try.
MS Dollar:

Proof Dollar:

Proof Half Dollar:

MS Quarter set:

Proof Quarter set:

Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
My Proof 1796 10c with reeded edge applied planchet got struck by Doe Dough Die from fleabay. What were you shopping for in early 2001 ?
These are wax impressions from some interesting Gallery Mint dies, One is the 1995 Concept Dollar with IGWT obverse, the other is the cancelled obverse die for the Coin World Chain Cent. These were impressed by Verne Walrafen on one of his many trips to the Mint and then gifted to me. Prized pieces!
Those are wonderful, historic, and rare pieces!
Verne was such as good patron of the Gallery Mint! I miss his enthusiasm and contributions. Rest in peace Verne!
Always something new to see here. Thanks for sharing the wax impressions @CDBPDX
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
Verne passed away in 2012.
Ron carved the following for Caroline, his wife.
What a kind gesture and amazing piece of art. Speaks a lot about the kind of person Ron is. They must have had a great friendship through GMM.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
Here's a wonderful for the wedding of Joe Rust's daughter, Jennifer Leah, to Neil Alexander in Colorado Springs. It would be great to see the gold ones!
This particular specimen was sold by Jennifer:
Ref: https://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/gallery-mint-museum-1999-alexander-423300644
To what extent have these sets in the case gone up in value?
Enough to where I think you will be very happy. If what I paid for the Proof Dollar, Half Dollar, Quarter and Dime are any indication you have done well sitting on this set.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572
You can research what you likely paid direct from GMM using Clifford's handy archived newsletter images/links. Gold and silver metals were far more affordable back when you bought. Everyone who bought back then are up over admission price:
I am not sure what normal replicas sell for as I only concentrated on made on purpose errors and historically significant items from their limited production. I have paid good money on those at fleabay since 1998 and at coin shows when I come across something I do not own & desire & can afford.
Do you know of others that had purposely made errors? Is there a community of like minded collectors / co-creators of these?
Your hand-written drawings for the design of these are a part of history now and deserve to be documented as such

That was a great link and very helpful. Thanks. I am currently trying to build the Proof and Mint State sets. It should be a fun project to keep me busy.
Successful BST with drddm, BustDMs, Pnies20, lkeigwin, pursuitofliberty, Bullsitter, felinfoel, SPalladino
$5 Type Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/u-s-coins/type-sets/half-eagle-type-set-circulation-strikes-1795-1929/album/344192
CBH Set https://www.pcgs.com/setregistry/everyman-collections/everyman-half-dollars/everyman-capped-bust-half-dollars-1807-1839/album/345572