Anyone up for some Roosie Talk? - Thread #3

Stooge started this thread with #1 & #2. I think its time to start a Roosie Talk Thread #3.
Thread #1
Thread #2
The 1956D X-JHF MS67FB dime that recently sold at Auction for around $235 with juice, Was then up-graded to MS68FB (and deserving so) just hammered for $7637 with juice. That was a pretty nice score for someone. I'm convinced it was a REAL bid. More than one person wanted this coin real bad. I believe there were 3 bidders from $4400 - $6500. This is a real positive for the Roosie market and may signal a bottom. I now also believe there are at least 3 strong players for properly graded top pop Roosies. I will be adjusting my price guide upwards. I actually started adjusting it upwards just after the 1964D MS68FB sold. I would bet that if the 1964D MS68FB was put up for resale today the owner would realize a 40% - 50% profit.
Thread #1
Thread #2
The 1956D X-JHF MS67FB dime that recently sold at Auction for around $235 with juice, Was then up-graded to MS68FB (and deserving so) just hammered for $7637 with juice. That was a pretty nice score for someone. I'm convinced it was a REAL bid. More than one person wanted this coin real bad. I believe there were 3 bidders from $4400 - $6500. This is a real positive for the Roosie market and may signal a bottom. I now also believe there are at least 3 strong players for properly graded top pop Roosies. I will be adjusting my price guide upwards. I actually started adjusting it upwards just after the 1964D MS68FB sold. I would bet that if the 1964D MS68FB was put up for resale today the owner would realize a 40% - 50% profit.
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
In a series I am collecting, I recently bought a coin back for 20 cents on the dollar from where I sold the same coin a couple years ago. A near $20,000 coin down to under $4000. How sweet is that! Helps you forget about the big losses in your collection.
I say the summer was the bottom for low pop and top pop correctly graded (even at todays standards) coins. High pop, Common date low pop and severely over graded coins will stay on the bottom.
And, I upgraded a fellow board members silver quarter earlier this year to a pop 1 MS67+. When did + grading start again Nick? So, it took all that time to make the pop 1 MS67+ Coin. Before I could even finalize the deal for me to purchase this board members coin (which I did) for my personal collection, the coin became pop 2, 3, 4 and then 5!! I then dusted off just one of my many specimens from my collection that had not seen PCGS for a couple years and that went MS67+ the first time through (and I was told PCGS was grading very tight at the show from a reliable source for what that's worth). Now, I own two of the pop 6/0 coin and have my best MS67 coin(s) yet to resubmit. Yippie!
As always, just my two cents.
And, our discussion applies to Classics as well. I just picked up a nice MS67+ Classic Commem "for peanuts" compared to what the coin would have fetched just a few years ago. The spread today is roughly $650 or $700 for MS67 and $20,000 to $25,000 for MS68 on this particular coin. What is there not to like at $1,325 for the MS67+ grade now!
I paid $3800 for my JHF 67fb 63-d. Is it an ms68fb now? Who knows. I don't care to pay pcgs $65 to find out. I also don't like having a registry set open where my favorite most spectacular coins are all now just common high pop coins.
I think you need to give this a second thought. Unfortunately, playing the upgrade game is routine around here given the Gradeflation issue. You can either just sit on your collection, or take your spectacular coins and upgrade some of them and make it truly spectacular. Again its very unfortunate that this is necessary, but it is what it is.
Nick, thanks for hijacking my thread theme.
Later, Paul.
I paid $3800 for my JHF 67fb 63-d. Is it an ms68fb now? Who knows. I don't care to pay pcgs $65 to find out. I also don't like having a registry set open where my favorite most spectacular coins are all now just common high pop coins.
The only way to know for sure is send it back to PCGS. I know the coin well. I use to own it. I would bet it would re-grade MS67+FB. If you sell the coin or consign it to an auction and the right dealer bought it then it would re-grade MS68FB.
So, it's true...the "right dealer" gets the upgrades? Not just any Joe on the street can score? I'm certain that's not what you are saying, correct?
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
You have an insane collection of 1950-date coins and I have looked at your set more than a few times. What you do with it is up to you of course, but I was trying to say that it might be a good idea to take a few of them and attempt to get them upgraded. I apologize if I upset you.
I had a thought come across my brain last night. Wondercoin has no issue with getting upgrades, so my idea is what if you send him a box of 20 and had him preview them. Maybe he and Nick can meet over dinner and together preview them. Always good to get a 2nd and 3rd opinion, and that way maybe you will have some luck.
BTW, I have never had a coin upgrade. I have sent in 3 total and also found it to be a chore. When time and $$$ collide, I'm planning a trip to sunny California for a crash course/master class on upgrading from both of them. Maybe sometime next summer, that is if S.C. doesn't have their Earthquake!
Later, Paul.
Can I resubmit to get a plus too?
Would David's 54S cross?
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
Bill, You know David's coin well. weren't you going to purchase it. David stepped in
and scooped it up. How do you remember the coin? I always felt and still do that David's
54S is the best on the planet.
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
Like you ever believe anything Nick tells you....??
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
Mitch, Your 54S still is the best on the planet for a non-FB coin. To be fair neither David's nor my 54S existed at that time. So I guess I should change my statement to say. At this time, on this day of 2016 to the best of my knowledge David's NGC 1954S MS68*FT is the best on the planet. It even surpasses Mitch's PC 1954S MS68 and my PC MS68FB. At the time Mitch acquired his 1954S MS68 it was (to the best of my knowledge) the best on the planet.
I'm still trying to make that MS68+FB 47-S. I am sitting here with (3) MS68FB coins! I really enjoyed looking at them today.
Unfortunately, since these are not my primary series, that's pretty much all I've got. I do have two complete sets of raw Roosies though. One of the albums has some beautifully toned examples too!
How are you imaging your coins? I know for a fact that your lincolns are UNDERstated, and now by reading this thread I'd say your 54S roosie suffers this fate as well. I think you need to pour more light on them cause man do you have amazing examples of each series and we all want to drink them up.
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
Your coins are monsters. While it's an honorable thing not to overdo your imaging, and your images are good, but they leave me wondering how amazing some of your coins are. You'll have to bring them to lunch I suppose
Your coins are monsters. While it's an honorable thing not to overdo your imaging, and your images are good, but they leave me wondering how amazing some of your coins are. You'll have to bring them to lunch I suppose
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
First Roosies post on the new board.
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
Here's the best from my raw album.

Nice 51-S. Those are incredible well defined split bands.
Later, Paul.
Coronacoins, Emerald Coast, & Royal Roosies are becoming very serious Silver Roosie Dime sets real quick like. Emerald Coast has the makings of a #2 set for sure.
Later, Paul.
I am working with Emerald Coast. The goal is a top 3 set with sights on #2. It's nice to see a Collector coming into the series that isn't just focused on trying to grab the #1 spot because he can. He truly loves the series. Not looking to add pop 3/0 or better to the set. Money goes a lot further focusing on nice coins in the under grades.
I looked at Royal and he has a great start to a great set.
Well he came to the right collector to help him with his goals. Good work Nick, and tell this guy I wish him the best with finishing his set.
BTW, If he were to upgrade his 1955 & 1964-D 66+FB's, I would like to buy them for a project I'm working on, so please pass this along...
Later, Paul.
54s and 57p are pretty.
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
Wow, that Emerald Coast has a nice set going!!!
Sounds like a great set of dimes. Can't wait to see them, so please post them here.
Welcome to the boards!!!
Later, Paul.
Yes I would love to see pics.
Show us Roosies!!!!!!!
rainbowroosie April 1, 2003
Here is the last NGC crossover submission results I sent in for Emerald Coast. All 5 of his NGC silvers
crossed. The 2016D is mine. I'll be sending in another submission for him next week. These were sent
in under regular tier.
1948D MS67+FB
1951S MS67+FB
1951D MS67+FB
1952 MS67FB
1959 MS67FB
1966 DNC
2016D MS68FB