@TNP777 said:
Colin Kaepernick is the face of Nike's 30th anniversary of "Just Do It" campaign: Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.
Geordie - If you felt Nike was overpriced garbage, why did it take you until now to dump them?
Hi, Daniel. Thanks for the question.
My post was 100% sarcastic. I was predicting, and rightfully so, the outrage most here and many in the public would express at this latest challenge to their precious white identity. Not only was the outrage predictable, but it's been pretty amusing as well.
I've made my feelings know on this subject many times with lots of words - those feelings have not changed. I have zero clue what it's like to live in this country with black skin, nor I suspect do any of you. We have seen, again and again and again (if we care to pay attention) examples of people of color being stopped, detained, shot, arrested, etc for simply living while black. We have seen, again and again and again, people of color having the police called on them for doing normal everyday things while black.
People who still think Kaepernick was intentionally disrespecting the Flag, Anthem and military as some sort of self-serving "little protest", that he and the other kneelers had no clue why they were kneeling, that he is a hypocrite and didn't sacrifice anything... I have zero doubt that if the kneelers were white, this thread would be no more than two pages long.
Two things for the record:
the pig socks were offensive and didn't help what Kaepernick had to say at all. They detracted from his stand. But again, I don't know what it's like to live in black skin. I've never been targeted for the color of my skin in any way.
boycotts are dumb. Burning shoes you already paid for is dumb. Smashing Keurigs you already paid for is dumb. Boycotting In-N-Out is hella dumb - I might as well boycott my right arm while I'm at it. Point being, if we're going to boycott a company for this outrage or that perceived slight, we need to go whole hog and examine every area of our life. Who does my favorite supermarket give money to? How about my favorite Jeans? Uh-oh, need to smash my Mikasa dishes - they gave money to the Dems. OMG, Driscoll gave money to a local Republican candidate - I'M NEVER EATING DRISCOLL STRAWBERRIES AGAIN!!! WHAT??? MY PILLOW ADVERTISES ON FOX NEWS????? BURN THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll leave y'all to your white angst.
Geordie - if you've read more about what Kapernick has stated regarding his views of the world, then you would know that my dislike for Kaepernick goes well beyond just his kneeling and your interpretation of it.
For example:
"San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick came under fire in August when he wore a T-shirt featuring images of former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro"
Sorry Geordie, but if this doesn't bother you, then it should, if you fully realize what Fidel Castro was all about.
@TNP777 said:
Colin Kaepernick is the face of Nike's 30th anniversary of "Just Do It" campaign: Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.
Geordie - If you felt Nike was overpriced garbage, why did it take you until now to dump them?
Hi, Daniel. Thanks for the question.
My post was 100% sarcastic. I was predicting, and rightfully so, the outrage most here and many in the public would express at this latest challenge to their precious white identity. Not only was the outrage predictable, but it's been pretty amusing as well.
I've made my feelings know on this subject many times with lots of words - those feelings have not changed. I have zero clue what it's like to live in this country with black skin, nor I suspect do any of you. We have seen, again and again and again (if we care to pay attention) examples of people of color being stopped, detained, shot, arrested, etc for simply living while black. We have seen, again and again and again, people of color having the police called on them for doing normal everyday things while black.
People who still think Kaepernick was intentionally disrespecting the Flag, Anthem and military as some sort of self-serving "little protest", that he and the other kneelers had no clue why they were kneeling, that he is a hypocrite and didn't sacrifice anything... I have zero doubt that if the kneelers were white, this thread would be no more than two pages long.
Two things for the record:
the pig socks were offensive and didn't help what Kaepernick had to say at all. They detracted from his stand. But again, I don't know what it's like to live in black skin. I've never been targeted for the color of my skin in any way.
boycotts are dumb. Burning shoes you already paid for is dumb. Smashing Keurigs you already paid for is dumb. Boycotting In-N-Out is hella dumb - I might as well boycott my right arm while I'm at it. Point being, if we're going to boycott a company for this outrage or that perceived slight, we need to go whole hog and examine every area of our life. Who does my favorite supermarket give money to? How about my favorite Jeans? Uh-oh, need to smash my Mikasa dishes - they gave money to the Dems. OMG, Driscoll gave money to a local Republican candidate - I'M NEVER EATING DRISCOLL STRAWBERRIES AGAIN!!! WHAT??? MY PILLOW ADVERTISES ON FOX NEWS????? BURN THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll leave y'all to your white angst.
Hey Geordie, I suspect you also have never put on a Law Enforcement uniform before? If you haven’t you got ZERO right to preach about this dirtbags intent when he wore those pig socks. I suggest you talk to the families of some of these Law Enforcement Officers families that had loved ones get shot in the line of duty. I guess your not sympathetic to them though.
You are correct, I have not worn a law enforcement uniform, which means you are right in inferring that I can't pretend to know what they are thinking and experiencing. I had not thought of that perspective before. Thank you for pointing that out. I truly mean that. And I'm sorry for inferring that I'm not sympathetic to the sacrifices that law enforcement make - in time, blood and sometimes lives. Those sacrifices should not be minimized.
I will state again, for the record, that the pig socks were offensive. I hate that he wore them. I do not think Kaepernick is a dirtbag, but the socks were NOT helpful to his message.
Time will tell if you're right. This is obviously a calculated risk on Nike's part, and one that I think will ultimately pay off for them. This is a ballsy move for sure. Initial market reaction is negative, but let's see what things look like in a few days.
You are correct, I have not worn a law enforcement uniform, which means you are right in inferring that I can't pretend to know what they are thinking and experiencing. I had not thought of that perspective before. Thank you for pointing that out. I truly mean that. And I'm sorry for inferring that I'm not sympathetic to the sacrifices that law enforcement make - in time, blood and sometimes lives. Those sacrifices should not be minimized.
I will state again, for the record, that the pig socks were offensive. I hate that he wore them. I do not think Kaepernick is a dirtbag, but the socks were NOT helpful to his message.
Geordie I’m not going to lie, your stance on this Kap situation really makes me not want to associate with you here BUT you are a perfect example of someone who has a vastly different view point than me who happens to be a genuinely nice guy and makes it difficult for anyone to dislike therefore on my part I won’t let this get between our longstanding comradery here. That being said I spent a 20 year career in LE and have shed blood with fellow officers of different race, color and creed and I promise you none of that came into play when the crap hit the fan, I can also promise you that we treated everyone the same regardless of race, color and creed.so it enrages me that people are defending this guy. I appreciate your candor in response to my question.
@TNP777 - Hey Gordie, I can tell by your post that you feel deeply about the problem that we have in this great nation. I think it is safe to say that we should all strive for equality for all people. There are racist of all colors in this country and while I don't know what the per centages are I hope they are going down as time goes by. I do think the claim that there are wholesale cases of police stopping people just because of color are over stated. I would hope if this is happening that the higher ups in the police departments would address this. I can't praise the men and women enough who choose to make this their life's work.
While I disagree with you on the kneeling because it is the wrong place and time.........I agree with you on the cause. There is always room for improvement on this problem that we have between people. We are ALL Americans and we should treat all people as we would want to be treated. JMHO
Paul, I can't tell how much I appreciate reading what you just wrote. I know my posts here and beliefs on CK couldn't be more at odds with most who have been posting on the subject. I'm grateful that the friendship we've developed here over the years won't go by the wayside because of our differing views.
I have known for quite some time about your career. I appreciate your service and appreciate that it was almost certainly not an easy job. I'm sure I don't appreciate it enough - as you so rightly pointed out, I have not worn that particular uniform. Please understand that I am not anti-police, not even a little bit. But also please understand that I recognize, or choose to recognize, that Kaepernick's protest has validity as well.
Good deal Geordie I do want to state for the record btw that by no means do I ever want a “Thank You” or anything for working a career in LE, I straight up did it for the money and benefits I did not think for one second I could make a difference and the only reason why I bring it up here is to back up certain points I try to make. And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a Dunkin Donuts buying a coffee and strangers have come up and asked if they could buy me my coffee and I politely told them no thank you, when they thanked me for my “Service” I always said “I am getting paid to do it and nobody is forcing me to do it but thank you just the same”. I do feel that I did however earn a right to be upset at someone disrespecting LE though.
@perkdog said:
Good deal Geordie I do want to state for the record btw that by no means do I ever want a “Thank You” or anything for working a career in LE, I straight up did it for the money and benefits I did not think for one second I could make a difference and the only reason why I bring it up here is to back up certain points I try to make. And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a Dunkin Donuts buying a coffee and strangers have come up and asked if they could buy me my coffee and I politely told them no thank you, when they thanked me for my “Service” I always said “I am getting paid to do it and nobody is forcing me to do it but thank you just the same”. I do feel that I did however earn a right to be upset at someone disrespecting LE though.
@perkdog said:
Good deal Geordie I do want to state for the record btw that by no means do I ever want a “Thank You” or anything for working a career in LE, I straight up did it for the money and benefits I did not think for one second I could make a difference and the only reason why I bring it up here is to back up certain points I try to make. And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a Dunkin Donuts buying a coffee and strangers have come up and asked if they could buy me my coffee and I politely told them no thank you, when they thanked me for my “Service” I always said “I am getting paid to do it and nobody is forcing me to do it but thank you just the same”. I do feel that I did however earn a right to be upset at someone disrespecting LE though.
Law Enforcement at Dunkin Donuts?
Why I never heard of such a thing.
Lucky for us it was literally right down the street from the prison. Very convenient in between shifts
@TNP777 said:
Hey Geordie - You had me worried there for a moment - I didn't have my sarcasm meter on. I'm on the side of CK (I know it won't make me popular on this thread). The dude did what he did, was asked why he did it, gave an honest answer and it's turned into He hates America, He hates the flag, He hates the Troops, etc.
@perkdog said:
Good deal Geordie I do want to state for the record btw that by no means do I ever want a “Thank You” or anything for working a career in LE.
Well I am thanking you Perk, whether you like it or not.
Local force is down 20-25%. Locate here and you would like the desert, might have to adjust to losing football though.
@perkdog said:
What happened to this guy? Why such a big change in his appearance once the anthem kneeling cane into play?? Why did he feel he had to change his looks to support his agenda ??? I think Kap is racially profiling.
@perkdog said:
Good deal Geordie I do want to state for the record btw that by no means do I ever want a “Thank You” or anything for working a career in LE.
Well I am thanking you Perk, whether you like it or not.
Local force is down 20-25%. Locate here and you would like the desert, might have to adjust to losing football though.
It is appreciated regardless so thank you. On numerous times I have been on the street backing up PD’s and believe me the police forces here are outgunned and outmanned. It’s a very serious issue, I’m sorry to here that your area suffers from lack of manpower too.
@stevek said:
Geordie - if you've read more about what Kapernick has stated regarding his views of the world, then you would know that my dislike for Kaepernick goes well beyond just his kneeling and your interpretation of it.
For example:
"San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick came under fire in August when he wore a T-shirt featuring images of former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro"
Sorry Geordie, but if this doesn't bother you, then it should, if you fully realize what Fidel Castro was all about.
Hi, Steve. Meant to touch on this earlier.
Yes, I realize what Fidel Castro did and who he was. I found CK's Castro shirt to be personally distasteful, but I see distasteful clothing all the time. "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat" for instance. That's as un-American and distasteful as anything I've probably ever seen, and I'd feel the exact same way if the other major political party was represented.
Also distasteful and disrespectful is the many ways the American Flag is represented on clothing, or rather as it's represented as clothing. A Flag on a shirt is one thing, but when it's bastardized and redesigned as some sort of "look how ****ing patriotic I am" thing, I have to roll my eyes. It's shameful to represent the Flag in that way, imo.
Saying all that, it's a free country. I'm not going to wear crap like that, but I'm not going to begrudge someone the freedom to look like a jackass.
@perkdog said:
What happened to this guy? Why such a big change in his appearance once the anthem kneeling cane into play?? Why did he feel he had to change his looks to support his agenda ??? I think Kap is racially profiling.
Meh. So he grew out his afro. Hell, if I could still grow hair, I might be tempted to grow one, too!
There are a lot of black folk growing out their hair these days. Seems like it's come back into fashion. I actually kind of like it. Reminds me of Oscar Gamble and Dr. J in the '70s. Maybe CK was making a political statement with his hair, but also maybe not. I think there are bigger things to talk about than how a guy does his hair.
CK has the right to voice his opinion anyway he pleases so long as he doesn't bring harm to others. However when on the job your conduct reflects either well or poorly on the company. I may be old and cynical but I believe if CK and Kneelers supporters buy season tickets to cheer them on and buy jerseys and souvenirs to the extent there is more profit the teams will allow it to continue. If attendance is down due to the Kneelers and people are not buying jerseys bringing profits down the teams will put a stop to it.
@stevek said:
So let's see if i can get this straight. A job applicant puts his previous places of employment on his resume. The prospective employer contacts his previous employers. They all state that although he has the qualifications, he was a disruption to the workplace and an overall detriment to the company, which is why he was let go.
The prospective employer decides not to hire this individual.
@stevek said:
So let's see if i can get this straight. A job applicant puts his previous places of employment on his resume. The prospective employer contacts his previous employers. They all state that although he has the qualifications, he was a disruption to the workplace and an overall detriment to the company, which is why he was let go.
The prospective employer decides not to hire this individual.
So now this is considered collusion?
you sound like a lawyer
@2dueces said:
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance.
Reality TV and the stars it spawned is a genie I hope we can eventually stuff back in the bottle. Same with the adoration of athletes.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
NFL statement regarding the Nike marketing campaign with Colin Kaepernick:
“The National Football League believes in dialogue, understanding and unity,” NFL executive vice president of communications and public affairs Jocelyn Moore said Tuesday in a statement. “We embrace the role and responsibility of everyone involved with this game to promote meaningful, positive change in our communities. The social justice issues that Colin and other professional athletes have raised deserve our attention and action.”
I’m amazed that anyone can defend CK. But with the blind hatred that was caused by events that happened in November, 2016 I’m no longer amazed at much. If it has any connection to that event certain groups will continue to chose the other side no matter how disturbing that issue is. I hope the Socialist mentality continues to blindly lead those who would back a person who wore pig socks and a Castro shirt into oblivion.
W.C.Fields "I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
@stevek said:
Geordie - if you've read more about what Kapernick has stated regarding his views of the world, then you would know that my dislike for Kaepernick goes well beyond just his kneeling and your interpretation of it.
For example:
"San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick came under fire in August when he wore a T-shirt featuring images of former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro"
Sorry Geordie, but if this doesn't bother you, then it should, if you fully realize what Fidel Castro was all about.
Hi, Steve. Meant to touch on this earlier.
Yes, I realize what Fidel Castro did and who he was. I found CK's Castro shirt to be personally distasteful, but I see distasteful clothing all the time. "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat" for instance. That's as un-American and distasteful as anything I've probably ever seen, and I'd feel the exact same way if the other major political party was represented.
Also distasteful and disrespectful is the many ways the American Flag is represented on clothing, or rather as it's represented as clothing. A Flag on a shirt is one thing, but when it's bastardized and redesigned as some sort of "look how ****ing patriotic I am" thing, I have to roll my eyes. It's shameful to represent the Flag in that way, imo.
Saying all that, it's a free country. I'm not going to wear crap like that, but I'm not going to begrudge someone the freedom to look like a jackass.
I hear ya Geordie.
Except that i believe there is a big difference between say an immature teeny bopper who ignorantly wears something and doesn't even know or care the meaning behind it, versus Kaepernick who i'm sure understands Fidel Castro and wanted to make a point regarding his ingrained beliefs.
There are weirdos that want Kap to be> @2dueces said:
I’m amazed that anyone can defend CK. But with the blind hatred that was caused by events that happened in November, 2016 I’m no longer amazed at much. If it has any connection to that event certain groups will continue to chose the other side no matter how disturbing that issue is. I hope the Socialist mentality continues to blindly lead those who would back a person who wore pig socks and a Castro shirt into oblivion.
Don’t forget he clearly stated he would stand for the anthem if he got a contract too. Oh AND he didn’t even vote in arguably the biggest presidential election EVER! The guy is a joke and it goes to prove how ignorant society is to back this guy after all these red flags. Had he just knelt and politely stated why and stuck to his guns without being a punk then this thread would be a total different scene rather than a battleground.
Fortune is inclined to disagree, Paul. Nike is looking at the long game, and will most likely weather this current storm and come out just fine. They didn’t make their decision without carefully weighing the short-term outrage versus the what other demographics in the market are telling them.
Paul, a question regarding your previous post. Based on our long conversation in this thread over the past couple of years, do you think I am ignorant? Or do you find that I have put a lot of thought into why I think the way I do. If the latter, so you think it’s possible that other reasonable people agree with me? And I’m talking about people that also passionately love this country and have deep respect for the Flag and Anthem.
@TNP777 said:
Fortune is inclined to disagree, Paul. Nike is looking at the long game, and will most likely weather this current storm and come out just fine. They didn’t make their decision without carefully weighing the short-term outrage versus the what other demographics in the market are telling them.
Paul, a question regarding your previous post. Based on our long conversation in this thread over the past couple of years, do you think I am ignorant? Or do you find that I have put a lot of thought into why I think the way I do. If the latter, so you think it’s possible that other reasonable people agree with me? And I’m talking about people that also passionately love this country and have deep respect for the Flag and Anthem.
That article has more holes in it than a sieve, and makes a valid point in the same way that a sieve holds water. LOL
Okay, forget the article, Steve. I still think Nike knows what they’re doing. I get that y’all are rooting against them, but I think they’ll be just fine
BTW Addidas and Puma we’re pursuing Kap as well. Nike was at an all time high. They are marketing geniuses. They will be fine. They have a brass set that’s for sure. I would like to add to my position on a further pull back.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
@stevek said:
NFL statement regarding the Nike marketing campaign with Colin Kaepernick:
“The National Football League believes in dialogue, understanding and unity,” NFL executive vice president of communications and public affairs Jocelyn Moore said Tuesday in a statement. “We embrace the role and responsibility of everyone involved with this game to promote meaningful, positive change in our communities. The social justice issues that Colin and other professional athletes have raised deserve our attention and action.”
Odd timing and I wonder what they were signaling. Wonder if it had something to do with losing at arbitration and seeding the trial. Or maybe just maybe they are seeing the light.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
@TNP777 said:
Okay, forget the article, Steve. I still think Nike knows what they’re doing. I get that y’all are rooting against them, but I think they’ll be just fine
Oh I agree with ya there.
I doubt if Nike is going the same way as Sears anytime soon. Just as long as they don't keep making bonehead moves such as this one.
@stevek said:
NFL statement regarding the Nike marketing campaign with Colin Kaepernick:
“The National Football League believes in dialogue, understanding and unity,” NFL executive vice president of communications and public affairs Jocelyn Moore said Tuesday in a statement. “We embrace the role and responsibility of everyone involved with this game to promote meaningful, positive change in our communities. The social justice issues that Colin and other professional athletes have raised deserve our attention and action.”
Odd timing and I wonder what they were signaling. Wonder if it had something to do with losing at arbitration and seeding the trial. Or maybe just maybe they are seeing the light.
Interesting point as to why the NFL decided that they needed to make any statement at all regarding this. I mean the relationship between the NFL and Nike is important, but it's not symbiotic, especially for the NFL.
Since this kneeling affair began, the NFL acted as if they had to strike some sort of balance between their fan base and their players who around 70% are African American.
I would have to believe that the vast majority of NFL players couldn't care less about Colin Kaepernick, and they would confirm that if strapped to a polygraph machine.
The NFL has screwed up this situation so badly, and they keep digging the hole deeper.
@stevek said:
So let's see if i can get this straight. A job applicant puts his previous places of employment on his resume. The prospective employer contacts his previous employers. They all state that although he has the qualifications, he was a disruption to the workplace and an overall detriment to the company, which is why he was let go.
The prospective employer decides not to hire this individual.
@stevek said:
So let's see if i can get this straight. A job applicant puts his previous places of employment on his resume. The prospective employer contacts his previous employers. They all state that although he has the qualifications, he was a disruption to the workplace and an overall detriment to the company, which is why he was let go.
The prospective employer decides not to hire this individual.
So now this is considered collusion?
you sound like a lawyer
@2dueces said:
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance.
Reality TV and the stars it spawned is a genie I hope we can eventually stuff back in the bottle. Same with the adoration of athletes.
Agree. Kardashian's heed to go!
They are certainly near the top of the dung heap
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
@Justacommeman said:
BTW Addidas and Puma we’re pursuing Kap as well. Nike was at an all time high. They are marketing geniuses. They will be fine. They have a brass set that’s for sure. I would like to add to my position on a further pull back.
@TNP777 said:
Fortune is inclined to disagree, Paul. Nike is looking at the long game, and will most likely weather this current storm and come out just fine. They didn’t make their decision without carefully weighing the short-term outrage versus the what other demographics in the market are telling them.
Paul, a question regarding your previous post. Based on our long conversation in this thread over the past couple of years, do you think I am ignorant? Or do you find that I have put a lot of thought into why I think the way I do. If the latter, so you think it’s possible that other reasonable people agree with me? And I’m talking about people that also passionately love this country and have deep respect for the Flag and Anthem.
No I don’t think your ignorant, I think you just see the smaller picture compared to the bigger picture. You have read my numerous posts so you know how I feel, and how I think, maybe you feel the same way as> @TNP777 said:
Fortune is inclined to disagree, Paul. Nike is looking at the long game, and will most likely weather this current storm and come out just fine. They didn’t make their decision without carefully weighing the short-term outrage versus the what other demographics in the market are telling them.
Paul, a question regarding your previous post. Based on our long conversation in this thread over the past couple of years, do you think I am ignorant? Or do you find that I have put a lot of thought into why I think the way I do. If the latter, so you think it’s possible that other reasonable people agree with me? And I’m talking about people that also passionately love this country and have deep respect for the Flag and Anthem.
Geordie, we are Light years away from each other in our beliefs on this and I’m pretty confident a few other things as well. I do think that anyone who has a deep respect for the flag and the anthem would not kneel or support anyone who does. let’s just leave it at that.
This thread is....... interesting....... for sure....
A know nothing athlete...a know nothing reality tv personality.
A guy that's just trying to profit from taking a stand...a guy using his celebrity to sell MAGA hats and hotel rooms and golf memberships.
A guy flip flopping on whether he'll stand just to get a job...a guy that switches parties and positions just to get elected.
A guy who wears a Castro shirt...a guy who calls Putin his homeboy.
A guy who disrespects the military, by kneeling...a guy that hates POWs and won't recognize them as heroes, badmouths gold star families, dismisses the work of his own intelligence agencies, and puts a lackey in charge of the VA.
A guy who disrespects the flag by kneeling...a guy that thinks very fine people walk around on American soil waving Nazi and Confederate flags.
A guy that disrespects law enforcement by wearing a pair of socks...a guy that disrespects law enforcement by claiming they're incompetent and biased and incapable of doing their job.
A guy that wants to bring attention to the issues of others, and the discriminatory practices of law enforcement in the minority communities...a guy that wants to bring attention to the discriminatory practices of law enforcement supposedly directed only at him, and at the same time, wants law enforcement to only do his bidding, arresting only those at his direction and at a time of his choosing.
I could go on and on.
Man, y'all are funny, to say the least.
We have much, much bigger problems in America than a football player taking a knee, but it's clear that there are many that are easily distracted and manipulated into false outrage.
@countdouglas said:
This thread is....... interesting....... for sure....
A know nothing athlete...a know nothing reality tv personality.
A guy that's just trying to profit from taking a stand...a guy using his celebrity to sell MAGA hats and hotel rooms and golf memberships.
A guy flip flopping on whether he'll stand just to get a job...a guy that switches parties and positions just to get elected.
A guy who wears a Castro shirt...a guy who calls Putin his homeboy.
A guy who disrespects the military, by kneeling...a guy that hates POWs and won't recognize them as heroes, badmouths gold star families, dismisses the work of his own intelligence agencies, and puts a lackey in charge of the VA.
A guy who disrespects the flag by kneeling...a guy that thinks very fine people walk around on American soil waving Nazi and Confederate flags.
A guy that disrespects law enforcement by wearing a pair of socks...a guy that disrespects law enforcement by claiming they're incompetent and biased and incapable of doing their job.
A guy that wants to bring attention to the issues of others, and the discriminatory practices of law enforcement in the minority communities...a guy that wants to bring attention to the discriminatory practices of law enforcement supposedly directed only at him, and at the same time, wants law enforcement to only do his bidding, arresting only those at his direction and at a time of his choosing.
I could go on and on.
Man, y'all are funny, to say the least.
We have much, much bigger problems in America than a football player taking a knee, but it's clear that there are many that are easily distracted and manipulated into false outrage.
That is truly a great analogy, one of the finest I've ever seen.....
.....between Colin Kaepernick and making chit up. LOL
I fundamentally disagree with placing more importance on the symbolism of the Flag and Anhem than the freedoms and rights those symbols represent, and the fact that those freedoms and rights are still not the same for all Americans.
Geordie - if you've read more about what Kapernick has stated regarding his views of the world, then you would know that my dislike for Kaepernick goes well beyond just his kneeling and your interpretation of it.
For example:
"San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick came under fire in August when he wore a T-shirt featuring images of former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro"
Sorry Geordie, but if this doesn't bother you, then it should, if you fully realize what Fidel Castro was all about.
Hey Geordie, I suspect you also have never put on a Law Enforcement uniform before? If you haven’t you got ZERO right to preach about this dirtbags intent when he wore those pig socks. I suggest you talk to the families of some of these Law Enforcement Officers families that had loved ones get shot in the line of duty. I guess your not sympathetic to them though.
Hi, Paul.
You are correct, I have not worn a law enforcement uniform, which means you are right in inferring that I can't pretend to know what they are thinking and experiencing. I had not thought of that perspective before. Thank you for pointing that out. I truly mean that. And I'm sorry for inferring that I'm not sympathetic to the sacrifices that law enforcement make - in time, blood and sometimes lives. Those sacrifices should not be minimized.
I will state again, for the record, that the pig socks were offensive. I hate that he wore them. I do not think Kaepernick is a dirtbag, but the socks were NOT helpful to his message.
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Nike stock price down almost 3% today.
Still think heads won't roll over this at Nike eh?
Hi, Steve.
Time will tell if you're right. This is obviously a calculated risk on Nike's part, and one that I think will ultimately pay off for them. This is a ballsy move for sure. Initial market reaction is negative, but let's see what things look like in a few days.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
Geordie I’m not going to lie, your stance on this Kap situation really makes me not want to associate with you here BUT you are a perfect example of someone who has a vastly different view point than me who happens to be a genuinely nice guy and makes it difficult for anyone to dislike therefore on my part I won’t let this get between our longstanding comradery here. That being said I spent a 20 year career in LE and have shed blood with fellow officers of different race, color and creed and I promise you none of that came into play when the crap hit the fan, I can also promise you that we treated everyone the same regardless of race, color and creed.so it enrages me that people are defending this guy. I appreciate your candor in response to my question.
@TNP777 - Hey Gordie, I can tell by your post that you feel deeply about the problem that we have in this great nation. I think it is safe to say that we should all strive for equality for all people. There are racist of all colors in this country and while I don't know what the per centages are I hope they are going down as time goes by. I do think the claim that there are wholesale cases of police stopping people just because of color are over stated. I would hope if this is happening that the higher ups in the police departments would address this. I can't praise the men and women enough who choose to make this their life's work.
While I disagree with you on the kneeling because it is the wrong place and time.........I agree with you on the cause. There is always room for improvement on this problem that we have between people. We are ALL Americans and we should treat all people as we would want to be treated. JMHO
i'm trying to figure out who reignited this dumpster fire
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Paul, I can't tell how much I appreciate reading what you just wrote. I know my posts here and beliefs on CK couldn't be more at odds with most who have been posting on the subject. I'm grateful that the friendship we've developed here over the years won't go by the wayside because of our differing views.
I have known for quite some time about your career. I appreciate your service and appreciate that it was almost certainly not an easy job. I'm sure I don't appreciate it enough - as you so rightly pointed out, I have not worn that particular uniform. Please understand that I am not anti-police, not even a little bit. But also please understand that I recognize, or choose to recognize, that Kaepernick's protest has validity as well.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
Good deal Geordie
I do want to state for the record btw that by no means do I ever want a “Thank You” or anything for working a career in LE, I straight up did it for the money and benefits I did not think for one second I could make a difference and the only reason why I bring it up here is to back up certain points I try to make. And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a Dunkin Donuts buying a coffee and strangers have come up and asked if they could buy me my coffee and I politely told them no thank you, when they thanked me for my “Service” I always said “I am getting paid to do it and nobody is forcing me to do it but thank you just the same”. I do feel that I did however earn a right to be upset at someone disrespecting LE though.
Law Enforcement at Dunkin Donuts?
Why I never heard of such a thing.
Lucky for us it was literally right down the street from the prison. Very convenient in between shifts
Hey Geordie - You had me worried there for a moment - I didn't have my sarcasm meter on. I'm on the side of CK (I know it won't make me popular on this thread). The dude did what he did, was asked why he did it, gave an honest answer and it's turned into He hates America, He hates the flag, He hates the Troops, etc.
Well I am thanking you Perk, whether you like it or not.
Local force is down 20-25%. Locate here and you would like the desert, might have to adjust to losing football though.
It is appreciated regardless so thank you. On numerous times I have been on the street backing up PD’s and believe me the police forces here are outgunned and outmanned. It’s a very serious issue, I’m sorry to here that your area suffers from lack of manpower too.
Hi, Steve. Meant to touch on this earlier.
Yes, I realize what Fidel Castro did and who he was. I found CK's Castro shirt to be personally distasteful, but I see distasteful clothing all the time. "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat" for instance. That's as un-American and distasteful as anything I've probably ever seen, and I'd feel the exact same way if the other major political party was represented.
Also distasteful and disrespectful is the many ways the American Flag is represented on clothing, or rather as it's represented as clothing. A Flag on a shirt is one thing, but when it's bastardized and redesigned as some sort of "look how ****ing patriotic I am" thing, I have to roll my eyes. It's shameful to represent the Flag in that way, imo.
Saying all that, it's a free country. I'm not going to wear crap like that, but I'm not going to begrudge someone the freedom to look like a jackass.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
Look at you gals talking about your favorite clothing brands , shoes and what not
Are coach purses still in ladies?
Meh. So he grew out his afro. Hell, if I could still grow hair, I might be tempted to grow one, too!
There are a lot of black folk growing out their hair these days. Seems like it's come back into fashion. I actually kind of like it. Reminds me of Oscar Gamble and Dr. J in the '70s. Maybe CK was making a political statement with his hair, but also maybe not. I think there are bigger things to talk about than how a guy does his hair.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
Coaches purses are stuffed with payoff money.
CK has the right to voice his opinion anyway he pleases so long as he doesn't bring harm to others. However when on the job your conduct reflects either well or poorly on the company. I may be old and cynical but I believe if CK and Kneelers supporters buy season tickets to cheer them on and buy jerseys and souvenirs to the extent there is more profit the teams will allow it to continue. If attendance is down due to the Kneelers and people are not buying jerseys bringing profits down the teams will put a stop to it.
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
Totally true statement
But tha> @bronco2078 said:
Reality TV and the stars it spawned is a genie I hope we can eventually stuff back in the bottle. Same with the adoration of athletes.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Sometimes that bottle looks awfully small!

And in the case of a super tasty IPA, the bottle is always way too small.
Oh. Wait. This isn’t the beer thread?
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
NFL statement regarding the Nike marketing campaign with Colin Kaepernick:
“The National Football League believes in dialogue, understanding and unity,” NFL executive vice president of communications and public affairs Jocelyn Moore said Tuesday in a statement. “We embrace the role and responsibility of everyone involved with this game to promote meaningful, positive change in our communities. The social justice issues that Colin and other professional athletes have raised deserve our attention and action.”
I’m amazed that anyone can defend CK. But with the blind hatred that was caused by events that happened in November, 2016 I’m no longer amazed at much. If it has any connection to that event certain groups will continue to chose the other side no matter how disturbing that issue is. I hope the Socialist mentality continues to blindly lead those who would back a person who wore pig socks and a Castro shirt into oblivion.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.
I hear ya Geordie.
Except that i believe there is a big difference between say an immature teeny bopper who ignorantly wears something and doesn't even know or care the meaning behind it, versus Kaepernick who i'm sure understands Fidel Castro and wanted to make a point regarding his ingrained beliefs.
There are weirdos that want Kap to be> @2dueces said:
Don’t forget he clearly stated he would stand for the anthem if he got a contract too. Oh AND he didn’t even vote in arguably the biggest presidential election EVER! The guy is a joke and it goes to prove how ignorant society is to back this guy after all these red flags. Had he just knelt and politely stated why and stuck to his guns without being a punk then this thread would be a total different scene rather than a battleground.
4 Billion dollar loss in market cap for Nike. Love it
Nike has had quite a number of successful marketing campaigns.
However i predict this one will go down as one of the worst in all of corporate history, and it's a very easy call.
Whoever is the campaign developer on this, had better begin updating their resume.
Fortune is inclined to disagree, Paul. Nike is looking at the long game, and will most likely weather this current storm and come out just fine. They didn’t make their decision without carefully weighing the short-term outrage versus the what other demographics in the market are telling them.
Paul, a question regarding your previous post. Based on our long conversation in this thread over the past couple of years, do you think I am ignorant? Or do you find that I have put a lot of thought into why I think the way I do. If the latter, so you think it’s possible that other reasonable people agree with me? And I’m talking about people that also passionately love this country and have deep respect for the Flag and Anthem.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
That article has more holes in it than a sieve, and makes a valid point in the same way that a sieve holds water. LOL
Okay, forget the article, Steve. I still think Nike knows what they’re doing. I get that y’all are rooting against them, but I think they’ll be just fine
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
I suspect that this was a CEO generated decision. Tossed my 3 Nike Baseball caps in the trash yesterday.
BTW Addidas and Puma we’re pursuing Kap as well. Nike was at an all time high. They are marketing geniuses. They will be fine. They have a brass set that’s for sure. I would like to add to my position on a further pull back.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Odd timing and I wonder what they were signaling. Wonder if it had something to do with losing at arbitration and seeding the trial. Or maybe just maybe they are seeing the light.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Oh I agree with ya there.
I doubt if Nike is going the same way as Sears anytime soon. Just as long as they don't keep making bonehead moves such as this one.
Interesting point as to why the NFL decided that they needed to make any statement at all regarding this. I mean the relationship between the NFL and Nike is important, but it's not symbiotic, especially for the NFL.
Since this kneeling affair began, the NFL acted as if they had to strike some sort of balance between their fan base and their players who around 70% are African American.
I would have to believe that the vast majority of NFL players couldn't care less about Colin Kaepernick, and they would confirm that if strapped to a polygraph machine.
The NFL has screwed up this situation so badly, and they keep digging the hole deeper.
They are certainly near the top of the dung heap
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Wonder if a tariff is on its way.
No I don’t think your ignorant, I think you just see the smaller picture compared to the bigger picture. You have read my numerous posts so you know how I feel, and how I think, maybe you feel the same way as> @TNP777 said:
Geordie, we are Light years away from each other in our beliefs on this and I’m pretty confident a few other things as well. I do think that anyone who has a deep respect for the flag and the anthem would not kneel or support anyone who does. let’s just leave it at that.
“You are free to choose, but you are not free to alter the consequences of your decisions.” ― Ezra Taft Benson
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
This thread is....... interesting....... for sure....
A know nothing athlete...a know nothing reality tv personality.
A guy that's just trying to profit from taking a stand...a guy using his celebrity to sell MAGA hats and hotel rooms and golf memberships.
A guy flip flopping on whether he'll stand just to get a job...a guy that switches parties and positions just to get elected.
A guy who wears a Castro shirt...a guy who calls Putin his homeboy.
A guy who disrespects the military, by kneeling...a guy that hates POWs and won't recognize them as heroes, badmouths gold star families, dismisses the work of his own intelligence agencies, and puts a lackey in charge of the VA.
A guy who disrespects the flag by kneeling...a guy that thinks very fine people walk around on American soil waving Nazi and Confederate flags.
A guy that disrespects law enforcement by wearing a pair of socks...a guy that disrespects law enforcement by claiming they're incompetent and biased and incapable of doing their job.
A guy that wants to bring attention to the issues of others, and the discriminatory practices of law enforcement in the minority communities...a guy that wants to bring attention to the discriminatory practices of law enforcement supposedly directed only at him, and at the same time, wants law enforcement to only do his bidding, arresting only those at his direction and at a time of his choosing.
I could go on and on.
Man, y'all are funny, to say the least.
We have much, much bigger problems in America than a football player taking a knee, but it's clear that there are many that are easily distracted and manipulated into false outrage.
That is truly a great analogy, one of the finest I've ever seen.....
.....between Colin Kaepernick and making chit up. LOL
I do think that anyone who has a deep respect for the flag and the anthem would not kneel or support anyone who does.
And that is where you are completely off base.
I fundamentally disagree with placing more importance on the symbolism of the Flag and Anhem than the freedoms and rights those symbols represent, and the fact that those freedoms and rights are still not the same for all Americans.
Dodgers collection scans | Brett Butler registry | 1978 Dodgers - straight 9s, homie
In your opinion, there are millions of others who flat out agree with me and think you guys are wrong