Well that $20 bill will beat me by a long shot today. A quarter in the reject tray at the counting machine at the bank. A dime, nickel and 10 pennies at the High School parking lot.
Good day of finds on todays walk. A dime and six pennies plus a nice picture of Abe on a $5 bill plus 53 cans. Used the self checkout at Walmart and found a dime in the tray. Nothing at the coinstar.
Lightning can strike twice. I think it was last August I found an envelope with $400.00 dollars in it. Well Last night while driving for Uber, I stopped in a local drug store and on the way out I found an envelope with $250.00 dollars in it! No receipt or anything that can tie the money to its owner. And just a few days ago as posted above I found a $20.00 dollar bill in the parking lot. I think I will play the lottery tonight.
ebay seller name milbroco email bcmiller7@comcast.net
milbroco you need to set a side your roadkill and buy a gold coin with it. You have a super start on it now. My walk today yeilded a quarter, dime & 3 pennies. It sure helps when the sun is out.
@pocketpiececommems ...I must live in a poor area...people just do not lose money such as in your area... @milbroco..... You would really enjoy a gold coin... If just for the pleasure of owning one, get it raw - instead of slabbed... even maybe from the mint (they come in a capsule that can be opened). It is really nice to feel the weight of a gold coin... I like the AGE's... Cheers, RickO
@milbroco...Not too far - Catskill Mountain, NYS.... Yep, that big one is expected here too.. could be up to two feet of the white stuff.... Cheers, RickO
Quarter, nickel & penny + 23 cans on a walk and jog. After today's detecting (new post) I stopped by Walmart to pick up a few things and got a penny at the self checkout
Stopped at Walmart for a little shopping this morning. Always park a distance from the entrance to have a better chance at coins and less chance of damage to the pickup. Found a quarter and a dime. At the self check out there were 5 pennies in the tray. I'm waiting for the day when they leave there bills there for me too. Did a 4 mile walk this afternoon. A quarter, nickel , penny and 62 cans.
Yes, yes, yes @pocketpiececommems , the day that someone leaves bills will be appreciated. And I believe it will happen. Do you return cans for a deposit, aluminum, or the environment ?
Always love your walking finds.
We don't have a deposit on them. I sell for the aluminum to clean up the area. I use the proceeds to by circ commems or silver coins. It just amazes me when you can find change and bills out in the middle of no where at times.
@pocketpiececommems .... I have never known anyone to have as profitable walks/jogs as you have.... a healthy activity and compensation as well..... Cheers, RickO
Nice 'shamrock' picture PPC.... and another nice walk.... I have to wait a while... LOADS of snow here right now... we got 28 inches... and 3-4 foot drifts... likely be some good stuff in the parking lots when it melts.... but more snow due today.. Cheers, RickO
Dang...you guys are unbelievable.... I found a cent by the checkout in the supermarket yesterday.... Wippy dippy doo...... ... Still too much snow here... Cheers, RickO
Metal detected close to my favorite high school parking lot. Found $10.60 in change. No rain and the ground is getting harder. Then I drove over to the high school and walked the lot. Quarter dime and 2 pennies. tomorrow is the first day of Spring. I'm glad the snow is gone
Nice haul PPC.... glad your snow is gone.... Not here... still well over a foot and deeper in the drifts.... Oh well, Spring has sprung.... hope that is the end of snow..... Cheers, RickO
Yesterday (Sunday) A quarter, a dime, a nickle, and a penny at a rest stop on the PA turnpike. All 4 coins within 10 feet of each other. Kind of interesting that it was one of each denomination.
ebay seller name milbroco email bcmiller7@comcast.net
54 cans? Do you carry a sack? Well, yes, you must.... seems like with all those cans, jogging would be uncomfortable...unless you use a back pack. Cheers, RickO
A dime, nickel and penny + 73 cans on my walk/jog today. I carry several of the grocery sacks to give them another use. I generally park the pickup and do my walking warm up and toss the cans in the back. If I do some jogging I will walk some more for a cool down and continue the can pickup. I like the zipper pockets on the warm ups and jogging shorts to keep the roadkill coins in. I did find $2.77 metal detecting yesterday around the edge of a park swimming pool fence. I know a lot of these coins get hosed off of the concrete.
So.....0.16 + 2.77 = 2.93 ......not bad...plus the cans......plus the exercise .....::::::::::::
And you have the 'pick up and drop off' down to a science.
You've got it made, good luck tomorrow
Keep us posted.
If this snow ever melts, I am going to get back to walking as part of my exercise program.... and although I would like to think I could do as well as PPC... I know better.... people around here simply do not lose as much change... and cans are rare....That part is good though... Cheers, RickO
Did some detecting before a walk and jog this afternoon. $7.24 and a dollar bill by some soccer fields and a swimming pool. Quarter, dime and a penny + 17 cans on the walk and jog
PPC, I think if you decided to MD and walk/jog all day every day... you could turn it into a profession... You do better than a lot of gold panners I know.... Cheers, RickO
PPC... you never cease to amaze me...Always finding something wherever you go....
Cheers, RickO
Found a $20 dollar bill in the parking lot yesterday!
email bcmiller7@comcast.net
Well that $20 bill will beat me by a long shot today. A quarter in the reject tray at the counting machine at the bank. A dime, nickel and 10 pennies at the High School parking lot.
Lafayette Grading Set
A $20 dollar bill!!! Great find.... and PPC, your finds yesterday beat all my finds for the entire week
Cheers, RickO
Found 2 dimes in a coinstar, one silver and one clad.
Have a Great Day!
Silver in the coinstar is great...that is where I found my last two silver dimes (Rosies).... Cheers, RickO
Good day of finds on todays walk. A dime and six pennies plus a nice picture of Abe on a $5 bill plus 53 cans. Used the self checkout at Walmart and found a dime in the tray. Nothing at the coinstar.
Lafayette Grading Set
Lightning can strike twice. I think it was last August I found an envelope with $400.00 dollars in it. Well Last night while driving for Uber, I stopped in a local drug store and on the way out I found an envelope with $250.00 dollars in it! No receipt or anything that can tie the money to its owner. And just a few days ago as posted above I found a $20.00 dollar bill in the parking lot. I think I will play the lottery tonight.
email bcmiller7@comcast.net
2-dimes, 1-nickel, 2-cents on jobsite yesterday, 1 dime at the store this morning.
@milbroco... wow... you sure are finding the 'big' stuff..... and PPC... There you go again....
Amazing. Cheers, RickO
milbroco you need to set a side your roadkill and buy a gold coin with it. You have a super start on it now. My walk today yeilded a quarter, dime & 3 pennies. It sure helps when the sun is out.
Lafayette Grading Set
pocket - not a bad idea actually. I always wanted to buy a gold coin but never did. Now maybe I will get my first Goldie.
email bcmiller7@comcast.net
@pocketpiececommems ...I must live in a poor area...people just do not lose money such as in your area...
@milbroco..... You would really enjoy a gold coin... If just for the pleasure of owning one, get it raw - instead of slabbed... even maybe from the mint (they come in a capsule that can be opened). It is really nice to feel the weight of a gold coin... I like the AGE's... Cheers, RickO
Steel cent in coin counting machine at CU,
Lincoln cent as gas station,
Bicentennial quarter in change I got somewhere
All will be returned to the wild.
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
A dime and 5 pennies at Quick Trip.
Lafayette Grading Set
Nothing in the last week and it is snowing here today... plus, next Tuesday, possibly a major snowstorm... Cheers, RickO
ricko - i guess you live near me. snow today and a major snowstorm here Tuesday. Near Phila. Pa. But i did find two lincolns and a nickle
email bcmiller7@comcast.net
@milbroco...Not too far - Catskill Mountain, NYS.... Yep, that big one is expected here too.. could be up to two feet of the white stuff.... Cheers, RickO
2 feet.....yikes! I don't think we are expecting that much here. Good Luck with the snow.
And another dime and two pennies this morning.
email bcmiller7@comcast.net
I'm ready for the snow......................................It can not last long at this point in the season.
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
3 dimes, 4 nickels and 4 pennies + 29 cans on this mornings walk and jog
Lafayette Grading Set
Yep... I have to move to your area PPC..... I do not find anything like your consistent 'hauls' around here.... Not even the cans.... Cheers, RickO
Quarter, nickel & penny + 23 cans on a walk and jog. After today's detecting (new post) I stopped by Walmart to pick up a few things and got a penny at the self checkout
Lafayette Grading Set
1 quarter at the fast food restaurant, and a small well built flashlight about the size of a roll of dimes in the gutter.
Found a dime the other day on the floor at my work.
Another 15 cents in the automatic change dispenser at my local Wawa convenience store.
email bcmiller7@comcast.net
I found a quarter on the floor in Walmart...... Wow...that broke a long drought....
Cheers, RickO
Stopped at Walmart for a little shopping this morning. Always park a distance from the entrance to have a better chance at coins and less chance of damage to the pickup. Found a quarter and a dime. At the self check out there were 5 pennies in the tray. I'm waiting for the day when they leave there bills there for me too. Did a 4 mile walk this afternoon. A quarter, nickel , penny and 62 cans.
Lafayette Grading Set
Yes, yes, yes @pocketpiececommems , the day that someone leaves bills will be appreciated. And I believe it will happen. Do you return cans for a deposit, aluminum, or the environment ?
Always love your walking finds.
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
We don't have a deposit on them. I sell for the aluminum to clean up the area. I use the proceeds to by circ commems or silver coins. It just amazes me when you can find change and bills out in the middle of no where at times.
Lafayette Grading Set
Great, and I do love your reporting you finds here
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
@pocketpiececommems .... I have never known anyone to have as profitable walks/jogs as you have.... a healthy activity and compensation as well.....
Cheers, RickO
A green dollar bill I guess in honor of St Pats day a dime and a penny plus screw driver bit and 30 cans on this mornings walk
Lafayette Grading Set
Nice 'shamrock' picture PPC.... and another nice walk.... I have to wait a while... LOADS of snow here right now... we got 28 inches... and 3-4 foot drifts... likely be some good stuff in the parking lots when it melts.... but more snow due today.. Cheers, RickO
The high school and city parking lots were good to me today. Quarter, 2 dimes, nickel and 21 pennies + 12 cans
Lafayette Grading Set
Another dollar bill for me tonight at the mall parking lot.
email bcmiller7@comcast.net
Dang...you guys are unbelievable.... I found a cent by the checkout in the supermarket yesterday.... Wippy dippy doo......
... Still too much snow here... Cheers, RickO
Metal detected close to my favorite high school parking lot. Found $10.60 in change. No rain and the ground is getting harder. Then I drove over to the high school and walked the lot. Quarter dime and 2 pennies. tomorrow is the first day of Spring. I'm glad the snow is gone
Lafayette Grading Set
Nice haul PPC.... glad your snow is gone.... Not here... still well over a foot and deeper in the drifts.... Oh well, Spring has sprung.... hope that is the end of snow..... Cheers, RickO
Yesterday (Sunday) A quarter, a dime, a nickle, and a penny at a rest stop on the PA turnpike. All 4 coins within 10 feet of each other. Kind of interesting that it was one of each denomination.
email bcmiller7@comcast.net
First day of Spring
2 dimes, 4 pennies and 54 cans This was just a great day to walk and jog
Lafayette Grading Set
54 cans? Do you carry a sack? Well, yes, you must.... seems like with all those cans, jogging would be uncomfortable...unless you use a back pack.
Cheers, RickO
A dime, nickel and penny + 73 cans on my walk/jog today. I carry several of the grocery sacks to give them another use. I generally park the pickup and do my walking warm up and toss the cans in the back. If I do some jogging I will walk some more for a cool down and continue the can pickup. I like the zipper pockets on the warm ups and jogging shorts to keep the roadkill coins in. I did find $2.77 metal detecting yesterday around the edge of a park swimming pool fence. I know a lot of these coins get hosed off of the concrete.
Lafayette Grading Set
So.....0.16 + 2.77 = 2.93 ......not bad...plus the cans......plus the exercise .....::::::::::::

And you have the 'pick up and drop off' down to a science.
You've got it made, good luck tomorrow
Keep us posted.
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
If this snow ever melts, I am going to get back to walking as part of my exercise program.... and although I would like to think I could do as well as PPC... I know better.... people around here simply do not lose as much change... and cans are rare....That part is good though... Cheers, RickO
A nice day to walk and find roadkill. A dollar bill, 3 quarters, 2 dimes , 1 nickel, 9 pennies and 59 cans.
Lafayette Grading Set
Did some detecting before a walk and jog this afternoon. $7.24 and a dollar bill by some soccer fields and a swimming pool. Quarter, dime and a penny + 17 cans on the walk and jog
Lafayette Grading Set
PPC, I think if you decided to MD and walk/jog all day every day... you could turn it into a profession...
You do better than a lot of gold panners I know....
Cheers, RickO
Got a shiny penny in a gas station parking lot. Gas stations are just about the only place I can reliably get "surface finds"