<< <i>Price will be $1240.00. Just posted on mint website. >>
Everyone will save $37.50 apiece thanks to spot being a couple of bucks below $1300 >>
The weekly average also had to be below $1300 for it to change. It was very close. Looks like this will be a first day buy for me. I don't see gold radically dropping $45 in the next couple of days. On the other hand, there's a good chance gold may average above $1300 next week.
<< <i>Edited to add:
After saying that I can't find that price listed on the Mint website...still says TBD on the "Upcoming products" page >>
On the catalog page itself. Right below the red text that says, "Price to be determined."
<< <i> ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week .. >>
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush
<< ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week .. >>
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush >>
Free for all? Hardly.
We have security in place. We have a procedure in place. How does that equal free-for-all exactly?
Here's the thing, folks: The Mint made the decision that it was going to do this ticketing system, and the Mint in no way consulted with the ANA on that. The Mint decided it was going to offer 250 tickets each day. In fact, on July 16, the Mint announced in a press teleconference that they would do an announcement at 10:45 a.m. telling people where to line up for tickets, and then everyone could mad rush to that area.
THAT would have been a free-for-all. And THAT would have gotten the show shut down by the Fire Marshall.
I spoke to a couple of Mint officials in the hope that we could put together a joint plan for distribution that would serve the greatest number of people and be as fair as possible to everyone, and then publicize that plan in a joint announcement. The Mint chose not to take me up on my overtures.
If you have credentials in hand today, you'll have a shot at the first 250 tickets on Tuesday. If you don't have credentials in hand right now, chances are pretty thin for Tuesday. Had the Mint worked with us to put out that joint communication, we could have better publicized the advantages of registering for the show online and getting your credentials in the mail. But the Mint dragged its feet, put us off repeatedly, and then, after the deadline for online registration had passed, decided to announce its free-for-all plan.
If you don't have credentials in hand, get them on Tuesday. If you're an ANA member, you'll get the badge that gets you onto the bourse for the rest of the week. If you're paying the daily admission charge, buy your wristband a day or two early and be ready to get in line Wednesday-Saturday.
The ANA is bringing in extra security for the show, specifically to keep it from becoming a free-for-all. Public safety is the top concern.
-------- Jake Sherlock, ANA staff member Member, TEC
<< ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week .. >>
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush >>
Free for all? Hardly.
We have security in place. We have a procedure in place. How does that equal free-for-all exactly?
Here's the thing, folks: The Mint made the decision that it was going to do this ticketing system, and the Mint in no way consulted with the ANA on that. The Mint decided it was going to offer 250 tickets each day. In fact, on July 16, the Mint announced in a press teleconference that they would do an announcement at 10:45 a.m. telling people where to line up for tickets, and then everyone could mad rush to that area.
THAT would have been a free-for-all. And THAT would have gotten the show shut down by the Fire Marshall.
I spoke to a couple of Mint officials in the hope that we could put together a joint plan for distribution that would serve the greatest number of people and be as fair as possible to everyone, and then publicize that plan in a joint announcement. The Mint chose not to take me up on my overtures.
If you have credentials in hand today, you'll have a shot at the first 250 tickets on Tuesday. If you don't have credentials in hand right now, chances are pretty thin for Tuesday. Had the Mint worked with us to put out that joint communication, we could have better publicized the advantages of registering for the show online and getting your credentials in the mail. But the Mint dragged its feet, put us off repeatedly, and then, after the deadline for online registration had passed,free-for-all plan.
If you don't have credentials in hand, get them on Tuesday. If you're an ANA member, you'll get the badge that gets you onto the bourse for the rest of the week. If you're paying the daily admission charge, buy your wristband a day or two early and be ready to get in line Wednesday-Saturday.
The ANA is bringing in extra security for the show, specifically to keep it from becoming a free-for-all. Public safety is the top concern. >>
I seemed to have missed how , and to whom the 250 tickets and will be distributed on Tuesday.. can you list and reassure everyone on what the process that will be in place for Tuesday morning ? Best luck.... since you say the Mint is not in loop with the ANA Show managers
<< ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week .. >>
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush >>
Free for all? Hardly.
We have security in place. We have a procedure in place. How does that equal free-for-all exactly?
Here's the thing, folks: The Mint made the decision that it was going to do this ticketing system, and the Mint in no way consulted with the ANA on that. The Mint decided it was going to offer 250 tickets each day. In fact, on July 16, the Mint announced in a press teleconference that they would do an announcement at 10:45 a.m. telling people where to line up for tickets, and then everyone could mad rush to that area.
THAT would have been a free-for-all. And THAT would have gotten the show shut down by the Fire Marshall.
I spoke to a couple of Mint officials in the hope that we could put together a joint plan for distribution that would serve the greatest number of people and be as fair as possible to everyone, and then publicize that plan in a joint announcement. The Mint chose not to take me up on my overtures.
If you have credentials in hand today, you'll have a shot at the first 250 tickets on Tuesday. If you don't have credentials in hand right now, chances are pretty thin for Tuesday. Had the Mint worked with us to put out that joint communication, we could have better publicized the advantages of registering for the show online and getting your credentials in the mail. But the Mint dragged its feet, put us off repeatedly, and then, after the deadline for online registration had passed, decided to announce its free-for-all plan.
If you don't have credentials in hand, get them on Tuesday. If you're an ANA member, you'll get the badge that gets you onto the bourse for the rest of the week. If you're paying the daily admission charge, buy your wristband a day or two early and be ready to get in line Wednesday-Saturday.
The ANA is bringing in extra security for the show, specifically to keep it from becoming a free-for-all. Public safety is the top concern. >>
Sounds like there's no way to get credentials and get a ticket for a Kennedy on the same day.
<< ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week .. >>
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush >>
Free for all? Hardly.
We have security in place. We have a procedure in place. How does that equal free-for-all exactly?
Here's the thing, folks: The Mint made the decision that it was going to do this ticketing system, and the Mint in no way consulted with the ANA on that. The Mint decided it was going to offer 250 tickets each day. In fact, on July 16, the Mint announced in a press teleconference that they would do an announcement at 10:45 a.m. telling people where to line up for tickets, and then everyone could mad rush to that area.
THAT would have been a free-for-all. And THAT would have gotten the show shut down by the Fire Marshall.
I spoke to a couple of Mint officials in the hope that we could put together a joint plan for distribution that would serve the greatest number of people and be as fair as possible to everyone, and then publicize that plan in a joint announcement. The Mint chose not to take me up on my overtures.
If you have credentials in hand today, you'll have a shot at the first 250 tickets on Tuesday. If you don't have credentials in hand right now, chances are pretty thin for Tuesday. Had the Mint worked with us to put out that joint communication, we could have better publicized the advantages of registering for the show online and getting your credentials in the mail. But the Mint dragged its feet, put us off repeatedly, and then, after the deadline for online registration had passed,free-for-all plan.
If you don't have credentials in hand, get them on Tuesday. If you're an ANA member, you'll get the badge that gets you onto the bourse for the rest of the week. If you're paying the daily admission charge, buy your wristband a day or two early and be ready to get in line Wednesday-Saturday.
The ANA is bringing in extra security for the show, specifically to keep it from becoming a free-for-all. Public safety is the top concern. >>
I seemed to have missed how , and to whom the 250 tickets and will be distributed on Tuesday.. can you list and reassure everyone on what the process that will be in place for Tuesday morning ? Best luck.... since you say the Mint is not in loop with the ANA Show managers >>
The mint is in charge of sales and handing out tickets.
Someone needs to remind the mint to buy different color tickets for different days so the scammers can't slip in with a previous day's ticket. (The mint will keep tickets used to make a purchase)
You should not need a ticket to buy the clad and they sould be selling the clad as soon as the bourse floor is open... Line outside no matter.
I'd say a guy with this emblem on his left shoulder standing at the entrance to the proof Kennedy ticket queue at the ANA show will keep disruption to a minimum...
<< ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week .. >>
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush >>
Free for all? Hardly.
We have security in place. We have a procedure in place. How does that equal free-for-all exactly?
Here's the thing, folks: The Mint made the decision that it was going to do this ticketing system, and the Mint in no way consulted with the ANA on that. The Mint decided it was going to offer 250 tickets each day. In fact, on July 16, the Mint announced in a press teleconference that they would do an announcement at 10:45 a.m. telling people where to line up for tickets, and then everyone could mad rush to that area.
THAT would have been a free-for-all. And THAT would have gotten the show shut down by the Fire Marshall.
I spoke to a couple of Mint officials in the hope that we could put together a joint plan for distribution that would serve the greatest number of people and be as fair as possible to everyone, and then publicize that plan in a joint announcement. The Mint chose not to take me up on my overtures.
If you have credentials in hand today, you'll have a shot at the first 250 tickets on Tuesday. If you don't have credentials in hand right now, chances are pretty thin for Tuesday. Had the Mint worked with us to put out that joint communication, we could have better publicized the advantages of registering for the show online and getting your credentials in the mail. But the Mint dragged its feet, put us off repeatedly, and then, after the deadline for online registration had passed,free-for-all plan.
If you don't have credentials in hand, get them on Tuesday. If you're an ANA member, you'll get the badge that gets you onto the bourse for the rest of the week. If you're paying the daily admission charge, buy your wristband a day or two early and be ready to get in line Wednesday-Saturday.
The ANA is bringing in extra security for the show, specifically to keep it from becoming a free-for-all. Public safety is the top concern. >>
I seemed to have missed how , and to whom the 250 tickets and will be distributed on Tuesday.. can you list and reassure everyone on what the process that will be in place for Tuesday morning ? Best luck.... since you say the Mint is not in loop with the ANA Show managers >>
I didn't say the Mint wasn't in the loop. I said the Mint hasn't been consulting us, which was my nice way of saying that the Mint is doing what the Mint wants to do.
For Tuesday, the first people in line will receive up to 2 tickets until all tickets are gone. The Mint plans to send somebody out at about 10:45 a.m. to start distributing those tickets. The ticket-holders will then be led onto the bourse through a side entrance, so as not to parade a sea of people down one aisle on the bourse and interrupt dealers and collectors trying to do business.
Since my last post, I received confirmation from the show director that the Convention Center security staff will be on patrol to kick out anybody trying to camp out overnight. The Convention Center security handles events that are much larger than the World's Fair of Money, such as Comic-Con. They know how to do crowd control very well.
So, to recap, show up with credentials in hand, hop in the line when the convention centers' doors open, and hope you're one of the first 250 to get the ticket so you can buy a coin.
If you have a complaint about the way security is handled, tell the ANA. If you have a complaint over the ticket system, the fairness of it all, the lines, or anything else, please call 1-800-USA-MINT.
-------- Jake Sherlock, ANA staff member Member, TEC
If you have a complaint about the way security is handled, tell the ANA. If you have a complaint over the ticket system, the fairness of it all, the lines, or anything else, please call 1-800-USA-MINT. >>
That number rings the private company subcontractors that handle the fulfillment operations in Indiana.
I'd find a different number for complaints. Perhaps the Mint's public relations department in DC. Media Relations is 202-354-7222 - The general phone number for an operator is 202-756(354?)-6468
So, to recap, show up with credentials in hand, hop in the line when the convention centers' doors open, and hope you're one of the first 250 to get the ticket so you can buy a coin.
It would make more sense to randomly distribute the tickets throughout the line. That way you will avoid having people pushing and shoving to be the first 250 people.
I'd find a different number for complaints. Perhaps the Mint's public relations department in DC. Media Relations is 202-354-7222 - The general phone number for an operator is 202-756(354?)-6468
The Mint department in charge of this event is Sales and Marketing. The phone number is 202-354-7500. You can ask for Mr. Landry or Mr. Presley. Not suggesting anyone call to complain, but rather ask for information. Those guys are very busy as well.
Mr. Landry is new head of that but I'd be hesitant to call the guy over an email or fax. He's a step or two under the mint director.
He knows there are issues like paid line standees. There are lower level people that handle sales at the sales counters and shows.
BTW, the people behind the registers at the show work at mint hq in DC at the register. Unfortunately, they are the little fish. Ideally, there's someone in between to fax, email, call.
Other than stopping new releases at shows, I don't see what can be done. Certainly, if anyone has a new idea... contact the mint
<< ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week .. >>
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush >>
Free for all? Hardly.
We have security in place. We have a procedure in place. How does that equal free-for-all exactly?
Here's the thing, folks: The Mint made the decision that it was going to do this ticketing system, and the Mint in no way consulted with the ANA on that. The Mint decided it was going to offer 250 tickets each day. In fact, on July 16, the Mint announced in a press teleconference that they would do an announcement at 10:45 a.m. telling people where to line up for tickets, and then everyone could mad rush to that area.
THAT would have been a free-for-all. And THAT would have gotten the show shut down by the Fire Marshall.
I spoke to a couple of Mint officials in the hope that we could put together a joint plan for distribution that would serve the greatest number of people and be as fair as possible to everyone, and then publicize that plan in a joint announcement. The Mint chose not to take me up on my overtures.
If you have credentials in hand today, you'll have a shot at the first 250 tickets on Tuesday. If you don't have credentials in hand right now, chances are pretty thin for Tuesday. Had the Mint worked with us to put out that joint communication, we could have better publicized the advantages of registering for the show online and getting your credentials in the mail. But the Mint dragged its feet, put us off repeatedly, and then, after the deadline for online registration had passed,free-for-all plan.
If you don't have credentials in hand, get them on Tuesday. If you're an ANA member, you'll get the badge that gets you onto the bourse for the rest of the week. If you're paying the daily admission charge, buy your wristband a day or two early and be ready to get in line Wednesday-Saturday.
The ANA is bringing in extra security for the show, specifically to keep it from becoming a free-for-all. Public safety is the top concern. >>
I seemed to have missed how , and to whom the 250 tickets and will be distributed on Tuesday.. can you list and reassure everyone on what the process that will be in place for Tuesday morning ? Best luck.... since you say the Mint is not in loop with the ANA Show managers >>
I didn't say the Mint wasn't in the loop. I said the Mint hasn't been consulting us, which was my nice way of saying that the Mint is doing what the Mint wants to do.
For Tuesday, the first people in line will receive up to 2 tickets until all tickets are gone. The Mint plans to send somebody out at about 10:45 a.m. to start distributing those tickets. The ticket-holders will then be led onto the bourse through a side entrance, so as not to parade a sea of people down one aisle on the bourse and interrupt dealers and collectors trying to do business.
Since my last post, I received confirmation from the show director that the Convention Center security staff will be on patrol to kick out anybody trying to camp out overnight. The Convention Center security handles events that are much larger than the World's Fair of Money, such as Comic-Con. They know how to do crowd control very well.
So, to recap, show up with credentials in hand, hop in the line when the convention centers' doors open, and hope you're one of the first 250 to get the ticket so you can buy a coin.
If you have a complaint about the way security is handled, tell the ANA. If you have a complaint over the ticket system, the fairness of it all, the lines, or anything else, please call 1-800-USA-MINT. >>
Thanks for responding and the info, but you are not entirely open with your information.... dealers and their staff with show credentials will be on the show floor way before doors open..early badge holders who dish $150.00 to get in at 8.00am.. where are they in the line ? Seems odd to me ....it is an ANA show ,yet the Mint is calling the shots ... sounds like the ANA needs the Mint's following to boost the Show.
<< <i>Thanks for responding and the info, but you are not entirely open with your information.... dealers and their staff with show credentials will be on the show floor way before doors open..early badge holders who dish $150.00 to get in at 8.00am.. where are they in the line ? >>
Yes, they will be on the show floor. But the line for the tickets is not on the show floor. It's out in the conference room area, away from the main lobby and the registration desk. The tickets will be distributed out there, and then the ticket-holders will be escorted in by security.
Thusly, there is no advantage to being on the show floor. If you're on the show floor, you ain't getting a Kennedy unless you have a credentialed employee standing in line for you. Early bird badges have no bearing on the line.
I'm not trying to be closed with my information. Ask away.
-------- Jake Sherlock, ANA staff member Member, TEC
<< <i> Thanks for responding and the info, but you are not entirely open with your information.... dealers and their staff with show credentials will be on the show floor way before doors open..early badge holders who dish $150.00 to get in at 8.00am.. where are they in the line ? Seems odd to me ....it is an ANA show ,yet the Mint is calling the shots ... sounds like the ANA needs the Mint's following to boost the Show. >>
Accusatory tone
You could have simply expressed concern about early access people, like dealers, having access to the line before others.
Additionally, I'm going to guess that there will be attempts by people to ask "where will the line start?" from early on. Also, some may even want to start unofficial lines in one place ... Perhaps others may not honor them or may have another line started some place else.
250 people minimum will be somewhere before 8am and that's a lot of people. 3 ft of space per and that's a long line. Tho, who knows if they don't stand side by side some of them. Moving them will be a mess. However, if a corral is set up people might line form there guessing that's the place.
An inherently imperfect system must be used leading to a thankless job. You have my advance sympathies, JS.
<< <i>Thanks for responding and the info, but you are not entirely open with your information.... dealers and their staff with show credentials will be on the show floor way before doors open..early badge holders who dish $150.00 to get in at 8.00am.. where are they in the line ? >>
Yes, they will be on the show floor. But the line for the tickets is not on the show floor. It's out in the conference room area, away from the main lobby and the registration desk. The tickets will be distributed out there, and then the ticket-holders will be escorted in by security.
Thusly, there is no advantage to being on the show floor. If you're on the show floor, you ain't getting a Kennedy unless you have a credentialed employee standing in line for you. Early bird badges have no bearing on the line.
I'm not trying to be closed with my information. Ask away. >>
I hope that the conference room area is sealed because now people know the general area to pre-line form
A lot of folks are gonna buy not to flip or to get a perceived rarity but because they want a gold Kennedy. I think, given the mint's quality control, they're gonna look fantastic.
"I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.
<< <i>A lot of folks are gonna buy not to flip or to get a perceived rarity but because they want a gold Kennedy. I think, given the mint's quality control, they're gonna look fantastic. >>
Indeed. From the pics released and the comments of those who have seen them they are a gorgeous coin. To me it is far and away the best modern since the 2009 UHR. I'm not driving the 150 miles to Rosemont for a chance to get two. I will order a pair online though.
<< <i>So, to recap, show up with credentials in hand, hop in the line when the convention centers' doors open, and hope you're one of the first 250 to get the ticket so you can buy a coin. >>
"Provided" that everybody with a ticket buys 2 coins. It seems to me, that the ticket handlers should ask those in line how many coins they are going to purchase and give out 1 ticket for each coin.
THAT WAY, since the Mint is going to sell 500 coins a day, everybody in line can be accounted for.
1 ticket = 1 coin 2 tickets = 2 coins (the limit)
Only giving out 250 tickets with each ticket capable of buying 2 coins is asking for problems since not everybody in that line is going to buy 2 coins.
I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
<< <i><< So, to recap, show up with credentials in hand, hop in the line when the convention centers' doors open, and hope you're one of the first 250 to get the ticket so you can buy a coin. >>
"Provided" that everybody with a ticket buys 2 coins. It seems to me, that the ticket handlers should ask those in line how many coins they are going to purchase and give out 1 ticket for each coin.
THAT WAY, since the Mint is going to sell 500 coins a day, everybody in line can be accounted for.
1 ticket = 1 coin 2 tickets = 2 coins (the limit)
Only giving out 250 tickets with each ticket capable of buying 2 coins is asking for problems since not everybody in that line is going to buy 2 coins. >>
----- Very true. Given the buzz around this coin, I'm assuming everyone in line will want 2. But you're right -- 1 ticket = 1 coin. If everyone in line only wants one coin, then 500 people will get tickets. The Mint has also said that, in the event that everyone in line has received tickets and there are tickets left over, they would open the Kennedy sales to first-come, first-serve. Personally, I don't see that happening, even on Saturday.
-------- Jake Sherlock, ANA staff member Member, TEC
And right as I post my last comment, the Mint makes a liar out of me:
This just in (also posted this in a new thread):
Note to Editors
Because of the expected overwhelming response, dialog with our customers and many others interested in the 50th Anniversary Kennedy Half-Dollar Gold Proof Coin, the United States Mint is reducing the over-the-counter purchase limit to one unit per customer.
This change in the purchase limit will give more members of the public an opportunity to purchase this popular coin, essentially doubling the number of customers able to purchase it. The number of units available at each retail location (Philadelphia and Denver facilities, Washington, D.C., headquarters and Chicago ANA World’s Fair of Money) will remain the same. There will be 500 units available initially at each United States Mint location (Philadelphia, Denver and Washington) and an additional 100 units per day for the first three days after the product launch. There will be 2,500 at the ANA, 500 available per day of the convention.
The household ordering limit of five will remain the same.
-------- Jake Sherlock, ANA staff member Member, TEC
Im thinking the Silver Set will be OK. It will certainly be over produced like everything lately but Silver is the natural metal for a 1964 tribute type Kennedy. I expect to get exactly 1 set of the Silver.
Gold just isn't natural for this Coin. It makes it way too expensive and since production will be very high, I don't expect there to be any lasting value. Just another bullion coin.
One unique aspect of the gold Kennedy is it's size; At over 30mm in diameter it is the largest .9999 gold piece ever produced by the US Mint. It is far larger than the 2009 UHR and the First Spouse gold. Only the $50 AGE is larger and it's darn near that size.
The size, proof strike, .9999 gold content and design elements will sustain demand in the future. It is far from just bullion in my mind.
<< <i>One unique aspect of the gold Kennedy is it's size; At over 30mm in diameter it is the largest .9999 gold piece ever produced by the US Mint. It is far larger than the 2009 UHR and the First Spouse gold. Only the $50 AGE is larger and it's darn near that size. >>
<< <i>One unique aspect of the gold Kennedy is it's size; At over 30mm in diameter it is the largest .9999 gold piece ever produced by the US Mint. It is far larger than the 2009 UHR and the First Spouse gold. Only the $50 AGE is larger and it's darn near that size. >>
Larger than a gold buffalo? >>
I stand corrected! I forgot about the $50 gold Buff!
<< <i>And right as I post my last comment, the Mint makes a liar out of me:
This just in (also posted this in a new thread):
Note to Editors
Because of the expected overwhelming response, dialog with our customers and many others interested in the 50th Anniversary Kennedy Half-Dollar Gold Proof Coin, the United States Mint is reducing the over-the-counter purchase limit to one unit per customer.
This change in the purchase limit will give more members of the public an opportunity to purchase this popular coin, essentially doubling the number of customers able to purchase it. The number of units available at each retail location (Philadelphia and Denver facilities, Washington, D.C., headquarters and Chicago ANA World’s Fair of Money) will remain the same. There will be 500 units available initially at each United States Mint location (Philadelphia, Denver and Washington) and an additional 100 units per day for the first three days after the product launch. There will be 2,500 at the ANA, 500 available per day of the convention.
Thanks to Mr. Sherlock, for his information ,honesty ,helpful, inputs....best wishes to you and the ANA for a great show, that will leave positive impressions on all show participants
Since they clarified the number at mint locations, shouldn't there be special labels for all of these. And if you really want to be complete you need an ANA label, DC, Philly and Denver first day labels and then one regular order period label. They should print all the labels with a super-special anti-counterfeiting design so we can crack out and throw away the silly coins and just trade the labels!!! Separate little holders for the labels would be so much easier to carry and store than those bulky things with coins in them.
<< <i>Price will be $1240.00. Just posted on mint website. >>
Everyone will save $37.50 apiece thanks to spot being a couple of bucks below $1300
Edited to add:
After saying that I can't find that price listed on the Mint website...still says TBD on the "Upcoming products" page
<< <i>
<< <i>Price will be $1240.00. Just posted on mint website. >>
Everyone will save $37.50 apiece thanks to spot being a couple of bucks below $1300
Edited to add:
After saying that I can't find that price listed on the Mint website...still says TBD on the "Upcoming products" page >>
Mint Link
<< <i>
<< <i>Price will be $1240.00. Just posted on mint website. >>
Everyone will save $37.50 apiece thanks to spot being a couple of bucks below $1300 >>
The weekly average also had to be below $1300 for it to change. It was very close. Looks like this will be a first day buy for me. I don't see gold radically dropping $45 in the next couple of days. On the other hand, there's a good chance gold may average above $1300 next week.
<< <i>Edited to add:
After saying that I can't find that price listed on the Mint website...still says TBD on the "Upcoming products" page >>
On the catalog page itself. Right below the red text that says, "Price to be determined."
Box of 20
<< <i>
<< <i>Price will be $1240.00. Just posted on mint website. >>
Everyone will save $37.50 apiece thanks to spot being a couple of bucks below $1300
Edited to add:
After saying that I can't find that price listed on the Mint website...still says TBD on the "Upcoming products" page >>
While on the Product Schedule page, be sure to select the UPCOMING tab.
The name is LEE!
<< <i>
<< <i>
ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week ..
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush
<< <i><<
ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week ..
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush >>
Free for all? Hardly.
We have security in place. We have a procedure in place. How does that equal free-for-all exactly?
Here's the thing, folks: The Mint made the decision that it was going to do this ticketing system, and the Mint in no way consulted with the ANA on that. The Mint decided it was going to offer 250 tickets each day. In fact, on July 16, the Mint announced in a press teleconference that they would do an announcement at 10:45 a.m. telling people where to line up for tickets, and then everyone could mad rush to that area.
THAT would have been a free-for-all. And THAT would have gotten the show shut down by the Fire Marshall.
I spoke to a couple of Mint officials in the hope that we could put together a joint plan for distribution that would serve the greatest number of people and be as fair as possible to everyone, and then publicize that plan in a joint announcement. The Mint chose not to take me up on my overtures.
If you have credentials in hand today, you'll have a shot at the first 250 tickets on Tuesday. If you don't have credentials in hand right now, chances are pretty thin for Tuesday. Had the Mint worked with us to put out that joint communication, we could have better publicized the advantages of registering for the show online and getting your credentials in the mail. But the Mint dragged its feet, put us off repeatedly, and then, after the deadline for online registration had passed, decided to announce its free-for-all plan.
If you don't have credentials in hand, get them on Tuesday. If you're an ANA member, you'll get the badge that gets you onto the bourse for the rest of the week. If you're paying the daily admission charge, buy your wristband a day or two early and be ready to get in line Wednesday-Saturday.
The ANA is bringing in extra security for the show, specifically to keep it from becoming a free-for-all. Public safety is the top concern.
Jake Sherlock, ANA staff member
Member, TEC
<< <i>While on the Product Schedule page, be sure to select the UPCOMING tab. >>
<< <i>
<< <i><<
ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week ..
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush >>
Free for all? Hardly.
We have security in place. We have a procedure in place. How does that equal free-for-all exactly?
Here's the thing, folks: The Mint made the decision that it was going to do this ticketing system, and the Mint in no way consulted with the ANA on that. The Mint decided it was going to offer 250 tickets each day. In fact, on July 16, the Mint announced in a press teleconference that they would do an announcement at 10:45 a.m. telling people where to line up for tickets, and then everyone could mad rush to that area.
THAT would have been a free-for-all. And THAT would have gotten the show shut down by the Fire Marshall.
I spoke to a couple of Mint officials in the hope that we could put together a joint plan for distribution that would serve the greatest number of people and be as fair as possible to everyone, and then publicize that plan in a joint announcement. The Mint chose not to take me up on my overtures.
If you have credentials in hand today, you'll have a shot at the first 250 tickets on Tuesday. If you don't have credentials in hand right now, chances are pretty thin for Tuesday. Had the Mint worked with us to put out that joint communication, we could have better publicized the advantages of registering for the show online and getting your credentials in the mail. But the Mint dragged its feet, put us off repeatedly, and then, after the deadline for online registration had passed,free-for-all plan.
If you don't have credentials in hand, get them on Tuesday. If you're an ANA member, you'll get the badge that gets you onto the bourse for the rest of the week. If you're paying the daily admission charge, buy your wristband a day or two early and be ready to get in line Wednesday-Saturday.
The ANA is bringing in extra security for the show, specifically to keep it from becoming a free-for-all. Public safety is the top concern. >>
I seemed to have missed how , and to whom the 250 tickets and will be distributed on Tuesday.. can you list and reassure everyone on what the process that will be in place for Tuesday morning ? Best luck.... since you say the Mint is not in loop with the ANA Show managers
<< <i>
<< <i><<
ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week ..
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush >>
Free for all? Hardly.
We have security in place. We have a procedure in place. How does that equal free-for-all exactly?
Here's the thing, folks: The Mint made the decision that it was going to do this ticketing system, and the Mint in no way consulted with the ANA on that. The Mint decided it was going to offer 250 tickets each day. In fact, on July 16, the Mint announced in a press teleconference that they would do an announcement at 10:45 a.m. telling people where to line up for tickets, and then everyone could mad rush to that area.
THAT would have been a free-for-all. And THAT would have gotten the show shut down by the Fire Marshall.
I spoke to a couple of Mint officials in the hope that we could put together a joint plan for distribution that would serve the greatest number of people and be as fair as possible to everyone, and then publicize that plan in a joint announcement. The Mint chose not to take me up on my overtures.
If you have credentials in hand today, you'll have a shot at the first 250 tickets on Tuesday. If you don't have credentials in hand right now, chances are pretty thin for Tuesday. Had the Mint worked with us to put out that joint communication, we could have better publicized the advantages of registering for the show online and getting your credentials in the mail. But the Mint dragged its feet, put us off repeatedly, and then, after the deadline for online registration had passed, decided to announce its free-for-all plan.
If you don't have credentials in hand, get them on Tuesday. If you're an ANA member, you'll get the badge that gets you onto the bourse for the rest of the week. If you're paying the daily admission charge, buy your wristband a day or two early and be ready to get in line Wednesday-Saturday.
The ANA is bringing in extra security for the show, specifically to keep it from becoming a free-for-all. Public safety is the top concern. >>
Sounds like there's no way to get credentials and get a ticket for a Kennedy on the same day.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i><<
ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week ..
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush >>
Free for all? Hardly.
We have security in place. We have a procedure in place. How does that equal free-for-all exactly?
Here's the thing, folks: The Mint made the decision that it was going to do this ticketing system, and the Mint in no way consulted with the ANA on that. The Mint decided it was going to offer 250 tickets each day. In fact, on July 16, the Mint announced in a press teleconference that they would do an announcement at 10:45 a.m. telling people where to line up for tickets, and then everyone could mad rush to that area.
THAT would have been a free-for-all. And THAT would have gotten the show shut down by the Fire Marshall.
I spoke to a couple of Mint officials in the hope that we could put together a joint plan for distribution that would serve the greatest number of people and be as fair as possible to everyone, and then publicize that plan in a joint announcement. The Mint chose not to take me up on my overtures.
If you have credentials in hand today, you'll have a shot at the first 250 tickets on Tuesday. If you don't have credentials in hand right now, chances are pretty thin for Tuesday. Had the Mint worked with us to put out that joint communication, we could have better publicized the advantages of registering for the show online and getting your credentials in the mail. But the Mint dragged its feet, put us off repeatedly, and then, after the deadline for online registration had passed,free-for-all plan.
If you don't have credentials in hand, get them on Tuesday. If you're an ANA member, you'll get the badge that gets you onto the bourse for the rest of the week. If you're paying the daily admission charge, buy your wristband a day or two early and be ready to get in line Wednesday-Saturday.
The ANA is bringing in extra security for the show, specifically to keep it from becoming a free-for-all. Public safety is the top concern. >>
I seemed to have missed how , and to whom the 250 tickets and will be distributed on Tuesday.. can you list and reassure everyone on what the process that will be in place for Tuesday morning ? Best luck.... since you say the Mint is not in loop with the ANA Show managers >>
The mint is in charge of sales and handing out tickets.
Someone needs to remind the mint to buy different color tickets for different days so the scammers can't slip in with a previous day's ticket. (The mint will keep tickets used to make a purchase)
You should not need a ticket to buy the clad and they sould be selling the clad as soon as the bourse floor is open... Line outside no matter.
<< <i><<
<< <<
ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week ..
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush >>
Free for all? Hardly.
We have security in place. We have a procedure in place. How does that equal free-for-all exactly?
Here's the thing, folks: The Mint made the decision that it was going to do this ticketing system, and the Mint in no way consulted with the ANA on that. The Mint decided it was going to offer 250 tickets each day. In fact, on July 16, the Mint announced in a press teleconference that they would do an announcement at 10:45 a.m. telling people where to line up for tickets, and then everyone could mad rush to that area.
THAT would have been a free-for-all. And THAT would have gotten the show shut down by the Fire Marshall.
I spoke to a couple of Mint officials in the hope that we could put together a joint plan for distribution that would serve the greatest number of people and be as fair as possible to everyone, and then publicize that plan in a joint announcement. The Mint chose not to take me up on my overtures.
If you have credentials in hand today, you'll have a shot at the first 250 tickets on Tuesday. If you don't have credentials in hand right now, chances are pretty thin for Tuesday. Had the Mint worked with us to put out that joint communication, we could have better publicized the advantages of registering for the show online and getting your credentials in the mail. But the Mint dragged its feet, put us off repeatedly, and then, after the deadline for online registration had passed,free-for-all plan.
If you don't have credentials in hand, get them on Tuesday. If you're an ANA member, you'll get the badge that gets you onto the bourse for the rest of the week. If you're paying the daily admission charge, buy your wristband a day or two early and be ready to get in line Wednesday-Saturday.
The ANA is bringing in extra security for the show, specifically to keep it from becoming a free-for-all. Public safety is the top concern. >>
I seemed to have missed how , and to whom the 250 tickets and will be distributed on Tuesday.. can you list and reassure everyone on what the process that will be in place for Tuesday morning ? Best luck.... since you say the Mint is not in loop with the ANA Show managers >>
I didn't say the Mint wasn't in the loop. I said the Mint hasn't been consulting us, which was my nice way of saying that the Mint is doing what the Mint wants to do.
For Tuesday, the first people in line will receive up to 2 tickets until all tickets are gone. The Mint plans to send somebody out at about 10:45 a.m. to start distributing those tickets. The ticket-holders will then be led onto the bourse through a side entrance, so as not to parade a sea of people down one aisle on the bourse and interrupt dealers and collectors trying to do business.
Since my last post, I received confirmation from the show director that the Convention Center security staff will be on patrol to kick out anybody trying to camp out overnight. The Convention Center security handles events that are much larger than the World's Fair of Money, such as Comic-Con. They know how to do crowd control very well.
So, to recap, show up with credentials in hand, hop in the line when the convention centers' doors open, and hope you're one of the first 250 to get the ticket so you can buy a coin.
If you have a complaint about the way security is handled, tell the ANA. If you have a complaint over the ticket system, the fairness of it all, the lines, or anything else, please call 1-800-USA-MINT.
Jake Sherlock, ANA staff member
Member, TEC
<< <i>
If you have a complaint about the way security is handled, tell the ANA. If you have a complaint over the ticket system, the fairness of it all, the lines, or anything else, please call 1-800-USA-MINT. >>
That number rings the private company subcontractors that handle the fulfillment operations in Indiana.
I'd find a different number for complaints. Perhaps the Mint's public relations department in DC. Media Relations is 202-354-7222 - The general phone number for an operator is 202-756(354?)-6468
Jake Sherlock, turn on your private messages.
So, to recap, show up with credentials in hand, hop in the line when the convention centers' doors open, and hope you're one of the first 250 to get the ticket so you can buy a coin.
It would make more sense to randomly distribute the tickets throughout the line. That way you will avoid having people pushing and shoving to be the first 250 people.
I'd find a different number for complaints. Perhaps the Mint's public relations department in DC. Media Relations is 202-354-7222 - The general phone number for an operator is 202-756(354?)-6468
The Mint department in charge of this event is Sales and Marketing. The phone number is 202-354-7500. You can ask for Mr. Landry or Mr. Presley. Not suggesting anyone call to complain, but rather ask for information. Those guys are very busy as well.
He knows there are issues like paid line standees. There are lower level people that handle sales at the sales counters and shows.
BTW, the people behind the registers at the show work at mint hq in DC at the register. Unfortunately, they are the little fish. Ideally, there's someone in between to fax, email, call.
Other than stopping new releases at shows, I don't see what can be done. Certainly, if anyone has a new idea... contact the mint
Box of 20
<< <i>
<< <i><<
<< <<
ANA and the Mint promising a free for all at least on Tuesday, until they learn better for the rest of the week ..
Where did the ANA and the Mint promise a "free-for-all" on Tuesday? I personally agree that it will be just that, but did they go on record stating this? >>
By the ANA Show and Mint actions and also inactions ...these will promise an interesting situation on Tuesday before the gold rush >>
Free for all? Hardly.
We have security in place. We have a procedure in place. How does that equal free-for-all exactly?
Here's the thing, folks: The Mint made the decision that it was going to do this ticketing system, and the Mint in no way consulted with the ANA on that. The Mint decided it was going to offer 250 tickets each day. In fact, on July 16, the Mint announced in a press teleconference that they would do an announcement at 10:45 a.m. telling people where to line up for tickets, and then everyone could mad rush to that area.
THAT would have been a free-for-all. And THAT would have gotten the show shut down by the Fire Marshall.
I spoke to a couple of Mint officials in the hope that we could put together a joint plan for distribution that would serve the greatest number of people and be as fair as possible to everyone, and then publicize that plan in a joint announcement. The Mint chose not to take me up on my overtures.
If you have credentials in hand today, you'll have a shot at the first 250 tickets on Tuesday. If you don't have credentials in hand right now, chances are pretty thin for Tuesday. Had the Mint worked with us to put out that joint communication, we could have better publicized the advantages of registering for the show online and getting your credentials in the mail. But the Mint dragged its feet, put us off repeatedly, and then, after the deadline for online registration had passed,free-for-all plan.
If you don't have credentials in hand, get them on Tuesday. If you're an ANA member, you'll get the badge that gets you onto the bourse for the rest of the week. If you're paying the daily admission charge, buy your wristband a day or two early and be ready to get in line Wednesday-Saturday.
The ANA is bringing in extra security for the show, specifically to keep it from becoming a free-for-all. Public safety is the top concern. >>
I seemed to have missed how , and to whom the 250 tickets and will be distributed on Tuesday.. can you list and reassure everyone on what the process that will be in place for Tuesday morning ? Best luck.... since you say the Mint is not in loop with the ANA Show managers >>
I didn't say the Mint wasn't in the loop. I said the Mint hasn't been consulting us, which was my nice way of saying that the Mint is doing what the Mint wants to do.
For Tuesday, the first people in line will receive up to 2 tickets until all tickets are gone. The Mint plans to send somebody out at about 10:45 a.m. to start distributing those tickets. The ticket-holders will then be led onto the bourse through a side entrance, so as not to parade a sea of people down one aisle on the bourse and interrupt dealers and collectors trying to do business.
Since my last post, I received confirmation from the show director that the Convention Center security staff will be on patrol to kick out anybody trying to camp out overnight. The Convention Center security handles events that are much larger than the World's Fair of Money, such as Comic-Con. They know how to do crowd control very well.
So, to recap, show up with credentials in hand, hop in the line when the convention centers' doors open, and hope you're one of the first 250 to get the ticket so you can buy a coin.
If you have a complaint about the way security is handled, tell the ANA. If you have a complaint over the ticket system, the fairness of it all, the lines, or anything else, please call 1-800-USA-MINT. >>
Thanks for responding and the info, but you are not entirely open with your information.... dealers and their staff with show credentials will be on the show floor way before doors open..early badge holders who dish $150.00 to get in at 8.00am.. where are they in the line ?
Seems odd to me ....it is an ANA show ,yet the Mint is calling the shots ... sounds like the ANA needs the Mint's following to boost the Show.
<< <i>Thanks for responding and the info, but you are not entirely open with your information.... dealers and their staff with show credentials will be on the show floor way before doors open..early badge holders who dish $150.00 to get in at 8.00am.. where are they in the line ? >>
Yes, they will be on the show floor. But the line for the tickets is not on the show floor. It's out in the conference room area, away from the main lobby and the registration desk. The tickets will be distributed out there, and then the ticket-holders will be escorted in by security.
Thusly, there is no advantage to being on the show floor. If you're on the show floor, you ain't getting a Kennedy unless you have a credentialed employee standing in line for you. Early bird badges have no bearing on the line.
I'm not trying to be closed with my information. Ask away.
Jake Sherlock, ANA staff member
Member, TEC
<< <i>
Thanks for responding and the info, but you are not entirely open with your information.... dealers and their staff with show credentials will be on the show floor way before doors open..early badge holders who dish $150.00 to get in at 8.00am.. where are they in the line ?
Seems odd to me ....it is an ANA show ,yet the Mint is calling the shots ... sounds like the ANA needs the Mint's following to boost the Show.
Accusatory tone
You could have simply expressed concern about early access people, like dealers, having access to the line before others.
Additionally, I'm going to guess that there will be attempts by people to ask "where will the line start?" from early on. Also, some may even want to start unofficial lines in one place ... Perhaps others may not honor them or may have another line started some place else.
250 people minimum will be somewhere before 8am and that's a lot of people. 3 ft of space per and that's a long line. Tho, who knows if they don't stand side by side some of them. Moving them will be a mess. However, if a corral is set up people might line form there guessing that's the place.
An inherently imperfect system must be used leading to a thankless job. You have my advance sympathies, JS.
<< <i>
<< <i>Thanks for responding and the info, but you are not entirely open with your information.... dealers and their staff with show credentials will be on the show floor way before doors open..early badge holders who dish $150.00 to get in at 8.00am.. where are they in the line ? >>
Yes, they will be on the show floor. But the line for the tickets is not on the show floor. It's out in the conference room area, away from the main lobby and the registration desk. The tickets will be distributed out there, and then the ticket-holders will be escorted in by security.
Thusly, there is no advantage to being on the show floor. If you're on the show floor, you ain't getting a Kennedy unless you have a credentialed employee standing in line for you. Early bird badges have no bearing on the line.
I'm not trying to be closed with my information. Ask away. >>
I hope that the conference room area is sealed because now people know the general area to pre-line form
What are the actual mintage numbers for each coin (mint mark, finish, material etc).
Flipping a coin is a losing game. Collecting genuine rarity is another story.
<< <i>What's wierd to me is that everyone is getting so Kennedy all of a sudden.
What are the actual mintage numbers for each coin (mint mark, finish, material etc).
Flipping a coin is a losing game. Collecting genuine rarity is another story. >>
Mintages? They have no fixed mintage limit on the upper side. Supposedly they have 30k or 40k of the gold already struck.
<< <i>A lot of folks are gonna buy not to flip or to get a perceived rarity but because they want a gold Kennedy. I think, given the mint's quality control, they're gonna look fantastic. >>
Indeed. From the pics released and the comments of those who have seen them they are a gorgeous coin. To me it is far and away the best modern since the 2009 UHR. I'm not driving the 150 miles to Rosemont for a chance to get two. I will order a pair online though.
<< <i>So, to recap, show up with credentials in hand, hop in the line when the convention centers' doors open, and hope you're one of the first 250 to get the ticket so you can buy a coin. >>
"Provided" that everybody with a ticket buys 2 coins. It seems to me, that the ticket handlers should ask those in line how many coins they are going to purchase and give out 1 ticket for each coin.
THAT WAY, since the Mint is going to sell 500 coins a day, everybody in line can be accounted for.
1 ticket = 1 coin
2 tickets = 2 coins (the limit)
Only giving out 250 tickets with each ticket capable of buying 2 coins is asking for problems since not everybody in that line is going to buy 2 coins.
The name is LEE!
<< <i><< So, to recap, show up with credentials in hand, hop in the line when the convention centers' doors open, and hope you're one of the first 250 to get the ticket so you can buy a coin. >>
"Provided" that everybody with a ticket buys 2 coins. It seems to me, that the ticket handlers should ask those in line how many coins they are going to purchase and give out 1 ticket for each coin.
THAT WAY, since the Mint is going to sell 500 coins a day, everybody in line can be accounted for.
1 ticket = 1 coin
2 tickets = 2 coins (the limit)
Only giving out 250 tickets with each ticket capable of buying 2 coins is asking for problems since not everybody in that line is going to buy 2 coins. >>
Very true. Given the buzz around this coin, I'm assuming everyone in line will want 2. But you're right -- 1 ticket = 1 coin. If everyone in line only wants one coin, then 500 people will get tickets. The Mint has also said that, in the event that everyone in line has received tickets and there are tickets left over, they would open the Kennedy sales to first-come, first-serve. Personally, I don't see that happening, even on Saturday.
Jake Sherlock, ANA staff member
Member, TEC
This just in (also posted this in a new thread):
Note to Editors
Because of the expected overwhelming response, dialog with our customers and many others interested in the 50th Anniversary Kennedy Half-Dollar Gold Proof Coin, the United States Mint is reducing the over-the-counter purchase limit to one unit per customer.
This change in the purchase limit will give more members of the public an opportunity to purchase this popular coin, essentially doubling the number of customers able to purchase it. The number of units available at each retail location (Philadelphia and Denver facilities, Washington, D.C., headquarters and Chicago ANA World’s Fair of Money) will remain the same. There will be 500 units available initially at each United States Mint location (Philadelphia, Denver and Washington) and an additional 100 units per day for the first three days after the product launch. There will be 2,500 at the ANA, 500 available per day of the convention.
The household ordering limit of five will remain the same.
Jake Sherlock, ANA staff member
Member, TEC
a 1964 tribute type Kennedy. I expect to get exactly 1 set of the Silver.
Gold just isn't natural for this Coin. It makes it way too expensive and since production will be very high, I don't expect there
to be any lasting value. Just another bullion coin.
bunch of unwanted stuff?
The size, proof strike, .9999 gold content and design elements will sustain demand in the future. It is far from just bullion in my mind.
It fits in the album, denominated 1/2 dollar, and is part of the set.
<< <i>One unique aspect of the gold Kennedy is it's size; At over 30mm in diameter it is the largest .9999 gold piece ever produced by the US Mint. It is far larger than the 2009 UHR and the First Spouse gold. Only the $50 AGE is larger and it's darn near that size. >>
Larger than a gold buffalo?
<< <i>
<< <i>One unique aspect of the gold Kennedy is it's size; At over 30mm in diameter it is the largest .9999 gold piece ever produced by the US Mint. It is far larger than the 2009 UHR and the First Spouse gold. Only the $50 AGE is larger and it's darn near that size. >>
Larger than a gold buffalo? >>
I stand corrected! I forgot about the $50 gold Buff!
<< <i>Experience - Yes
Doubts - Yes
Opinion = I would be VERY surprised if there were more than a few gold Kennedy's at the kiosks on 8/5.
Obviously, it doesn't settle it - but if I were a gambling man........................... >>
So are you now or have you ever been a gambling man?
<< <i>And right as I post my last comment, the Mint makes a liar out of me:
This just in (also posted this in a new thread):
Note to Editors
Because of the expected overwhelming response, dialog with our customers and many others interested in the 50th Anniversary Kennedy Half-Dollar Gold Proof Coin, the United States Mint is reducing the over-the-counter purchase limit to one unit per customer.
This change in the purchase limit will give more members of the public an opportunity to purchase this popular coin, essentially doubling the number of customers able to purchase it. The number of units available at each retail location (Philadelphia and Denver facilities, Washington, D.C., headquarters and Chicago ANA World’s Fair of Money) will remain the same. There will be 500 units available initially at each United States Mint location (Philadelphia, Denver and Washington) and an additional 100 units per day for the first three days after the product launch. There will be 2,500 at the ANA, 500 available per day of the convention.
Thanks to Mr. Sherlock, for his information ,honesty ,helpful, inputs....best wishes to you and the ANA for a great show, that will leave positive impressions on all show participants
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.<< <i>As mentioned earlier, Coin Of The Year! (gold JFK)
Probably...but it won't be the "Score of the year"
As mentioned earlier....there will be enough to go around. Collectors will be happy....
Anyone go for the clads last week???
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.