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HOF Order numbers, time of order, and mix of HOF's thread...Updated Pops Report inside



  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,117 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nice submission B Junkie.

    Pops as of 5/4/14 compared to 5/1/14...........100 Andre Dawson proof half dollars added to the mix.



  • KudbegudKudbegud Posts: 4,735 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Goldbully for keeping us up on the population numbers. Interesting to see the increases each period as well as the label variations added. The big boys getting their exclusive labels maybe? Could be why mine are not completed yet.

    BackroadJunkie: I agree your return shipping was ridiculous. Perhaps you got yours in early enough to miss the big influx. Or maybe NGC isn't getting huge numbers of HOF submissions (doubtful). Very nice set by the way. I should be so lucky.

    My submission is in limbo. I got the UPS shipment Wednesday 4/9 about 2:15pm. Had the box ready with the paperwork in anticipation. Opened each mint box and inspected each coin. Transferred each to the PCGS supplied flips and sealed the box. Drove to the PO and mailed them off at 3:02pm. They were received at PCGS at 9:40am Monday 4/14. I went for the quarterly special which has a 21 business day turn around right in the description of the special notice. Tomorrow will be business day 15 so I technically have till Tuesday the 13th holding my breath. 5 weeks not including return shipping. So your "slow" turn around to your door really isn't so bad. Pretty good actually if you discount the two week return shipping which certainly could have been better.

  • HATTRICKHATTRICK Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the population updates !!!!image
    " If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. " The 1st Law of Opposition from The Firesign Theater
  • ebizgobroebizgobro Posts: 595 ✭✭✭
    Goldbully - Thanks for posting the PCGS population. It is very interesting to see the changes and the additional labels and sub-labels.

    Here are some additional thoughts after seeing Goldbully's numbers and finished auctions on eBay:

    1. The most valuable label might well be the PCGS First Strike label unless PCGS changes the cutoff date, which I hope that they won't do.

    2. As noted previously, there is a clear delineation between the original mintage of gold (pre 6/21) and silver (pre 5/16) and the First Strike label will confirm that.

    3. An interesting guess is the original mintages. Here's are some SWAG's based upon nothing but watching the numbers and some dreaming. We won't know the real numbers unless we use the FoIA and it will be much too late.

    o Gold: estimated original mintage: Proof (10,000) and Unc (5,000) leaving post 6/21: Proof (22,000) and Unc. (13,000)
    o Silver: estimated original mintage: Proof (100,000) Unc. (50,000) leaving post 5/16: Proof ( 162,000) and Unc. (72,000)

    4. If these estimates are anywhere close, there will be a visible market scarcity for the First Strike Label.
    5. In addition, even if you had a sub-label (Cass McFarland, Cal Ripken, Andre Dawson, NY Yankees, etc.), you would still want that First Strike notation on it.
    6. So for those on the fence, Tuesday May 6 is the deadline for First Strike.

    Just some thoughts after a few beers. Maybe someone else has a better guesstimate image
  • ebizgobroebizgobro Posts: 595 ✭✭✭

    3. An interesting guess is the original mintages. Here's are some SWAG's based upon nothing but watching the numbers and some dreaming. We won't know the real numbers unless we use the FoIA and it will be much too late.

    o Gold: estimated original mintage: Proof (10,000) and Unc (5,000) leaving post 6/21: Proof (22,000) and Unc. (13,000)
    o Silver: estimated original mintage: Proof (100,000) Unc. (50,000) leaving post 5/16: Proof ( 162,000) and Unc. (72,000)

    In case you are wondering where I got the above numbers, it wasn't voodoo economics.

    I remembered Raufus' post about sales at the Baltimore event: 200 gold proof; 200 gold unc: 2,000 silver proof; 1,000 silver unc.
    The percentage of mintage that is common to the Baltimore sales is 2%.

    Although many posts have criticized the US Mint, there is probably some logic to the 2% number.

    So I welcome other estimates and thank Raufus for the information and again congratulate his son for buying the first coin at Baltimore. image

    Edited for two typos.
  • Type2Type2 Posts: 13,985 ✭✭✭✭✭
    All my orders keep getting pushed out one day every day are any one elses doing the same? image

    Hoard the keys.
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    That is what the mint always does. It really is stupid but they don't care as they have a captive audience.
  • VirginiaCollectorVirginiaCollector Posts: 215 ✭✭✭

    << <i>All my orders keep getting pushed out one day every day are any one elses doing the same? image >>

    There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."
  • agentjim007agentjim007 Posts: 6,256
    Dates pushing back a day at a time is nothing new. Once they have them you will get them before that date.
  • FS deadline is tomorrow... will be interesting to see what that does to these dates that keep getting pushed back. Will tons of people cancel orders if they are not shipped by end of day tomorrow?
  • agentjim007agentjim007 Posts: 6,256
    People will not cancel they are still worth more than issue price but there will be a lot more raw dumped.
  • HATTRICKHATTRICK Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>FS deadline is tomorrow... will be interesting to see what that does to these dates that keep getting pushed back. Will tons of people cancel orders if they are not shipped by end of day tomorrow? >>

    NOBODY WILL CANCEL GOLD. Few will cancel silver. Even though the higher profit of first strike will be gone there is still a good profit to be made on the

    raw coins and many people who still and in the future will want to own these coins. They have lots of appeal on many fronts.
    " If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. " The 1st Law of Opposition from The Firesign Theater
  • PRIZ430PRIZ430 Posts: 306 ✭✭✭

    << <i>FS deadline is tomorrow... will be interesting to see what that does to these dates that keep getting pushed back. Will tons of people cancel orders if they are not shipped by end of day tomorrow? >>

    Will also be interesting to see what it does to prices of FS available in the aftermarket....Perhaps a price pop...created by those looking to purchase the FS they missed out on from the mint...
  • GATGAT Posts: 3,146

    << <i>FS deadline is tomorrow... will be interesting to see what that does to these dates that keep getting pushed back. Will tons of people cancel orders if they are not shipped by end of day tomorrow? >>

    Anyone that cancels orders over the FS deadline will be very foolish. The coins will still be worth more then issue price. I cancelled a large Silver Dollar order primarily because I didn't want to deal with the eBay idiots and had good gold orders.

    To those of you concerned over the Mint pushing delivery dates back a day at a time, pay no attention, the day the coins go in stock and reserved is the only important date. At that time you are getting close to delivery.
    USAF vet 1951-59
  • BigABigA Posts: 2,715 ✭✭✭✭
    I agree....my silver order was "in stock and reserved" for 9 days before it was shipped
  • ebizgobroebizgobro Posts: 595 ✭✭✭
    Another view of the market for the Baseball HOF coins

    Coin Week article on HOF Baseball coins
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    Good article!
  • HATTRICKHATTRICK Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Note the following:

    1. In the first couple of weeks when coins were shipping the PCGS pops were going up very, very slowly.

    2. In the last week after shipments were though to have stopped for a whill the populations are jumping by the hundreds every other day.

    3. The Coin World article says he was told coins are minted and shipping and the problem is the fulfillment system.

    4. A few are hitting gold on the mint shipping wheel while most are getting the MInt Bag.

    5. All points to a few getting big shipments of coins and most getting shipments of bags.

    See below.imageimage
    " If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. " The 1st Law of Opposition from The Firesign Theater
  • HATTRICKHATTRICK Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>image >>

    Mint wheel created by BULLSITTER
    " If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. " The 1st Law of Opposition from The Firesign Theater
  • HalfStrikeHalfStrike Posts: 2,202 ✭✭✭
    The mint only struck a small initial amount of coins, all the evidence points to that. They don't want people to cancel orders so will say what they can to keep them.

  • HATTRICKHATTRICK Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes there was an initial amount of coins struck, however it was far from being small.
    Most likely between 1/3 and 1/2 of the gold and silver coins. Maybe more for the gold as they had been minting them since early in the year.

    So many stories. So few facts.
    " If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. " The 1st Law of Opposition from The Firesign Theater
  • HalfStrikeHalfStrike Posts: 2,202 ✭✭✭
    I doubt they struck half the coins or else many more would be out there already, the mint has been burned a lot recently on coin sales doing that. Usually they wait to see what the initial sales are before striking more than that initial amount, they can predict closer to final sales numbers that way. It doesn't normally take two months to ship already minted coins either, they could manually do the orders if that was the case.
  • pmacpmac Posts: 3,189 ✭✭✭
    Well I guess I'll add to this prodigious thread. I ordered the $1 PR & MS and the 50c PR & MS the day after the initial offering. They still haven't been shipped with the 50c having a projected ship date in April (it's now May) and the $1 in May. I've read here that they are waiting till all four are available (I hope). The cancel box is still there, whatever that means. I'll probably get someone's rejects if I'm lucky.
  • PRIZ430PRIZ430 Posts: 306 ✭✭✭
    TOPS 25% of the coins were minted before ordering began....there was too much risk on the part of the mint to coin more than 25% due to the "unknown" of what the mix of Uncs and Proofs would be....
  • BullsitterBullsitter Posts: 5,483 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Cutoff tomorrow, I'm guessing at least 200 more FS 70s by June 1, probably more.

    Maybe PCGS will make "STRUCK OUT" labels for us that can't make FS....image......and I bet they would sell.... image
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    I don't know about "struck out" as sales have been great.

    I wish all the mints products would make me this kind of money and I have not even got any of my gold orders yet.
  • KudbegudKudbegud Posts: 4,735 ✭✭✭✭✭

  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    That was great.

    It shows why these coins are getting so expensive with so much having happened in baseball over the last 100 + years.

    Everybody loves the game.
  • MilesWaitsMilesWaits Posts: 5,322 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Another view of the market for the Baseball HOF coins

    Coin Week article on HOF Baseball coins >>

    This bares repeating...thanks for posting.
    Now riding the swell in PM's and surf.
  • pcunixpcunix Posts: 620

    << <i>That was great.

    It shows why these coins are getting so expensive with so much having happened in baseball over the last 100 + years.

    Everybody loves the game. >>

    Everybody? Actually, there are plenty of us who don't care about it at all. I wouldn't watch a baseball game (or any other sport) on TV, never mind go to one.

    Why do sports fans always assume everybody else loves sports? "What did you think of that game, huh?", they ask. I didn't even know there WAS a game more often than not!

    It would be like me asking everyone I see "Has your BHOF ship date changed? Are you going to slam them? Are you flipping or keeping?"

    Not everybody cares about sports.

  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    Every mint employee has a different story as to why we don't have our coins yet.

    If you don't believe me that call 3 0r 4 different reps and you will get at least 2 0r 3 different responses.

    You would think they would have a meeting and hand out one story to give to everyone that calls.
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>That was great.

    It shows why these coins are getting so expensive with so much having happened in baseball over the last 100 + years.

    Everybody loves the game. >>

    Everybody? Actually, there are plenty of us who don't care about it at all. I wouldn't watch a baseball game (or any other sport) on TV, never mind go to one.

    Why do sports fans always assume everybody else loves sports? "What did you think of that game, huh?", they ask. I didn't even know there WAS a game more often than not!

    It would be like me asking everyone I see "Has your BHOF ship date changed? Are you going to slam them? Are you flipping or keeping?"

    Not everybody cares about sports. >>

    OK, not everyone, but most do.

    Some like football, some like racing, some even like basketball and soccer.

    Baseball is America's national game and is wildly loved.

  • << <i>

    << <i>FS deadline is tomorrow... will be interesting to see what that does to these dates that keep getting pushed back. Will tons of people cancel orders if they are not shipped by end of day tomorrow? >>

    NOBODY WILL CANCEL GOLD. Few will cancel silver. Even though the higher profit of first strike will be gone there is still a good profit to be made on the

    raw coins and many people who still and in the future will want to own these coins. They have lots of appeal on many fronts. >>

    I was referring to the Silver. I know no one will cancel the Gold orders.

    But the Silver has been moving back a day each day.... so I'm curious to see if any dates move up if people who ordered early will cancel because they miss the FS deadline.
  • BackroadJunkieBackroadJunkie Posts: 3,745 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>That was great.

    It shows why these coins are getting so expensive with so much having happened in baseball over the last 100 + years.

    Everybody loves the game. >>

    Well, not quite.

    During one of the baseball strikes/lockouts (when my team actually had a chance for the playoffs for the first time in about 50 years), some high-ranking official was asked about the fans. His reply? "Oh, they'll be back.", and dismissed the question. Never went back. It was the time of VCR's, finding fishing holes, and football. Baseball wasn't the only thing going during Sunday afternoons like it was in say, the 60's. I haven't seen a game since.

    HOWEVER, that doesn't mean I don't understand the fan-base. All you really have to do is look at the Cubs. I swear half the fans are proud that they suck. (I bet a dollar with a girl on whether they'd win the world series. After winning, we pretty much made it a double or nothing bet in perpetuity. That was like, 30 years ago, and she owes me some $50 million now. I should track her down and try to collect.)

    Note this doesn't count toward teams like Miami. Their fans have a very different (and understandable) reason to dislike the team. But that doesn't mean a lot of those former team fans still aren't still baseball fans.

    And as I've mentioned before, look at the coin. What on the coin says "Hall of Fame" to you? It's a baseball coin, not a HOF coin.

    So even if I'm not a baseball fan, I can certainly understand the demand this group of coins have. (Which is why I stood in line early when they went on sale. image ) I just didn't anticipate the DEMAND for these coins. Otherwise, I would have bought the darned gold proof with my first order... HAhahaha...
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    They would be fools to cancel the silver orders.

    Silver ones are selling for twice plus what we bought them for.

    Thats like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
  • BackroadJunkieBackroadJunkie Posts: 3,745 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>That was great.

    It shows why these coins are getting so expensive with so much having happened in baseball over the last 100 + years.

    Everybody loves the game. >>

    Everybody? Actually, there are plenty of us who don't care about it at all. I wouldn't watch a baseball game (or any other sport) on TV, never mind go to one.

    Why do sports fans always assume everybody else loves sports? "What did you think of that game, huh?", they ask. I didn't even know there WAS a game more often than not!

    It would be like me asking everyone I see "Has your BHOF ship date changed? Are you going to slam them? Are you flipping or keeping?"

    Not everybody cares about sports. >>

    Everybody was a bit far reaching, but you can't argue that 50 million seats were filled at stadiums alone last year. The fan base is huge. I'll bet the percentage of people in this country that doesn't know the basic rules of baseball is pretty darn small. The percentage that grew up in the US probably approaches zero.

    Baseball is part of the culture. Not everyone might be a fan, but I think everyone understands it. (The game. Not the politics, who's the current stars, etc.) Now, compare that to... cricket. image

  • AnkurJAnkurJ Posts: 11,370 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>FS deadline is tomorrow... will be interesting to see what that does to these dates that keep getting pushed back. Will tons of people cancel orders if they are not shipped by end of day tomorrow? >>

    NOBODY WILL CANCEL GOLD. Few will cancel silver. Even though the higher profit of first strike will be gone there is still a good profit to be made on the

    raw coins and many people who still and in the future will want to own these coins. They have lots of appeal on many fronts. >>

    I was referring to the Silver. I know no one will cancel the Gold orders.

    But the Silver has been moving back a day each day.... so I'm curious to see if any dates move up if people who ordered early will cancel because they miss the FS deadline. >>

    They're still worth something without a FS label! Lol
    All coins kept in bank vaults.
    PCGS Registries
    Box of 20
    SeaEagleCoins: 11/14/54-4/5/12. Miss you Larry!
  • badhop55badhop55 Posts: 158 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>That was great.

    It shows why these coins are getting so expensive with so much having happened in baseball over the last 100 + years.

    Everybody loves the game. >>

    Everybody? Actually, there are plenty of us who don't care about it at all. I wouldn't watch a baseball game (or any other sport) on TV, never mind go to one.

    Why do sports fans always assume everybody else loves sports? "What did you think of that game, huh?", they ask. I didn't even know there WAS a game more often than not!

    It would be like me asking everyone I see "Has your BHOF ship date changed? Are you going to slam them? Are you flipping or keeping?"

    Not everybody cares about sports. >>

    Wow! Almost sorry I posted it. It was supposed to be fun. Oh well.
  • BackroadJunkieBackroadJunkie Posts: 3,745 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>They would be fools to cancel the silver orders.

    Silver ones are selling for twice plus what we bought them for.

    Thats like cutting off your nose to spite your face. >>

    Here are the new numbers. I should probably just post them here too...

    << <i>New raw number from the mint, 5/5/2014, week 6 of sales. Also included are unit sales and percentage increase over last week.

    # Desc Sold Diff %age
    B31 2014 BASEBALL HOF GOLD PROOF 39,098 -78 -0.2%
    B32 2014 BASEBALL HOF GOLD UNC 21,952 -11 -0.1%
    B33 2014 BASEBALL HOF SILVER PROOF 287,361 -395 -0.1%
    B34 2014 BASEBALL HOF SILVER UNC 150,490 -257 -0.2%
    B35 2014 BASEBALL HOF CLAD PROOF 133,799 11,372 8.5%
    B36 2014 BASEBALL HOF CLAD UNC 82,342 6,888 8.4%

    So we're still seeing only small numbers of cancellations on the Au and Ag, 18.2K additional clads sold this week. >>

    Regarding the clads, they sold 22K week 5, and 18K six weeks into sales. The mint doesn't have data going back far enough for girl scounts or 5-star generals, but in week 13, generals sold 445 clads. The Civil Rights silver dollar sold 7,700 in week 5 and 5,000 in week 6. (They're still available if you want one.)

    So there's still some strong sales for the clads, without any targeted advertising such as ads during ballgames, etc. And it's only May. I will admit that gold and silver sell outs could be driving the clad sales.

    Won't really know for sure until after the May flood... image (Hopefully the mint holds off advertising until Novitex figures out their clusterfu... )
  • HATTRICKHATTRICK Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>That was great.

    It shows why these coins are getting so expensive with so much having happened in baseball over the last 100 + years.

    Everybody loves the game. >>

    Everybody? Actually, there are plenty of us who don't care about it at all. I wouldn't watch a baseball game (or any other sport) on TV, never mind go to one.

    Why do sports fans always assume everybody else loves sports? "What did you think of that game, huh?", they ask. I didn't even know there WAS a game more often than not!

    It would be like me asking everyone I see "Has your BHOF ship date changed? Are you going to slam them? Are you flipping or keeping?"

    Not everybody cares about sports. >>

    Wow! Almost sorry I posted it. It was supposed to be fun. Oh well. >>

    Don't let it bother you. There are as many who will disagree as those who will agree. Be true to yourself and every one else can go somewhere they like.

    " If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. " The 1st Law of Opposition from The Firesign Theater
  • sparky64sparky64 Posts: 7,034 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I still have an expected shipping date of 4/16 showing for a lowly unc. clad I ordered 3/27.

    "If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"

    My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress

  • HATTRICKHATTRICK Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭✭✭


    Will this set the new pace for the gold 70's First Strike?

    " If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. " The 1st Law of Opposition from The Firesign Theater
  • BackroadJunkieBackroadJunkie Posts: 3,745 ✭✭✭✭✭



    Will this set the new pace for the gold 70's First Strike?

    image >>

    Today's the day PCGS cuts off First Strike. Anyone get any ship notices for any of the six options?

    NGC goes in two days, and for that, they coins have to be in their hands...
  • VirginiaCollectorVirginiaCollector Posts: 215 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I still have an expected shipping date of 4/16 showing for a lowly unc. clad I ordered 3/27. >>

    I'd say those numbers warrant a call to the mint!
    There is a very fine line between "hobby" and "mental illness."
  • BackroadJunkieBackroadJunkie Posts: 3,745 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I still have an expected shipping date of 4/16 showing for a lowly unc. clad I ordered 3/27. >>

    At least I'm not alone trapped in a time warp...

    << <i>2014 BASEBALL HOF CLAD PROOF 1 $19.95 $19.95 1 unit backordered. Expected to ship on 04/10/2014. >>

  • goldgirlgoldgirl Posts: 159 ✭✭
    Ordered 3/28

    2014 BASEBALL HOF CLAD UNC 1 $18.95 $18.95 1 unit backordered. Expected to ship on 04/16/2014.
    2014 BASEBALL HOF CLAD PROOF 1 $19.95 $19.95 1 unit backordered. Expected to ship on 04/10/2014.

    Cancel boxes still there...
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    All orders have been pushed way back!
  • badhop55badhop55 Posts: 158 ✭✭✭
    Order placed 1 Apr:

    2014 BASEBALL HOF SILVER PROOF 2 $51.95 $103.90 2 units backordered. Expected to ship on 08/07/2014.
  • HATTRICKHATTRICK Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mid May silver orders moved to mid June. June 21 gold orders moved to June 30.

    It will be awhile before coins are shipped!!!!imageimageimage
    " If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. " The 1st Law of Opposition from The Firesign Theater

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