Originally posted by: jessewvu I haven't listed any but might at the beginning of the new year to help pay for some new furniture.
I may end up selling off a few more to recoup what my wife spent from our savings and my coin fund. In 6 short months without warning 8k went down to 1.5k and she said she paid off some bills with it. lol. ok, I forgave her but now I will need to bring my play money back up to get a few of my nice ones put into plastic that I'm sure should get a 67 on the WDDR001. Kris
Don't list your coins too cheaply on eBay as right after the first of the year the prices are going higher. I have been watching the trends for the past few months and have been selling at the higher prices while I see some of you absolutely giving yours away. Now you can not even find replacements on eBay so when you run out you will not be able to re-supply or you will have to pay higher prices.
What I see happening right now is the minor errors are being scooped up at low prices. The better errors like the new listed in the CPG will start selling next. This will all change after the first of the year when some on the big boys start advertising heavily in mags like coin world and numismatic news. THIS WILL HAPPEN GUYS!
By the way: Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everybody.
All my coins are packed up and moving to a new home. I may get them unburied in Jan or Feb. hopefully the prices skyrocket but I'm not so sure. Fingers crossed.
I pulled up some old eBay sales numbers, I sold a good bit of the major errors for about $10 each raw a few years ago. Isn't that what they are selling for now? Like 006 and 002?
I am getting a lot more than that for mine right now and back in the time you are talking about I was getting $300 for a ANACS graded MS 67 WDDR 001. I had not even started going through bank boxes then.
a guy is selling Lp2 boxes for about $20 on the bay. his (one) picture doesn't show the date/time, just a closeup of the bar code. I messaged him to see what he had. his initial response...has many but doesn't know exactly, says that it will just be a surprise to the buyer. of course I message him back again and let him know that I don't like surprises and ask him to check if he has certain dates available. just got his response today...haha...sorry that's the best I can do. what a businessman. his ebay handle refers to his coinshop. customer service ain't what it used to be. my assumption is that he knows he has lousy dates and is trying to sucker people with worthless boxes for $20. anyone else give this guy a try lately?
I haven't heard nor seen any updates on PCGS plans to label these errors. I've been out of the loop for awhile so I may have missed something. What's the latest?
Has anyone found anything exciting lately? So slow on this thread. Need to breathe some life into it...lol....I was able to pick up a 4/23 box for cheap recently but they sure are few and far between. I thought I would buy a bank box and hope for something like final stage wddr-oo6's with the obverse/reverse large die cracks. Found what I thought was a deal...unfortunately...he had mis-labeled the box and they were "D" mint coins....had to return them of course for refund...but I still might try again if something pops up that I just have to have. Well, hope to hear from any doubled die-hards that might still be lurking around these parts.
I have not been looking for any more as have enough already. I have been doing real good on sales for the past 6 months so am very happy with them. My biggest seller has been the WDDR 032 and I have sold many thousand of them (500 yesterday alone). The sales will probably slow down now until the fall. There has been no activity on this site at all for the past few months.
Congrat's PB on your 032 sales! Opportunities are out there yet -- hang in there Onedoll --
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
From the thread, I think the 4/16 box could be ok. I would much appreciate any info on the LP2 boxes I have. Some were from mint orders on release and others were picked up shortly after release. I think these are the better dated boxes I have. Thanks
Unfortunately, the 4/16 box is probably too late in the day to bear anything of importance. You have to have an early morning time stamp, in my experience, to find the wddr-013 late stage die crack coin. In my notes I have recorded that those appeared in late afternoon 4/15 to early morning 4/16 boxes. In regards to your other boxes shown here the 4/30 and the 5/1 dated boxes may have a few errors in them if you want to check them out. Pretty sure you'll find a few "catfish abes" in them at least. The other boxes, again from my experience are not holding anything special. Hopefully, others will chime in if they have different information that I do.
What he said -- agree. Take a look maybe will find some wddrs still worth the search. High grades are still tough to find. Good luck!
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
nothing worse than saying goodbye to an old friend. goodbye lp2 thread. it was fun while it lasted. your voice will never speak again of fantastic doubled die finds or share the excitement of their potentially historic numismatic significance. the sun has set so I tip my glass to you.
Not loaded. The prices on these have gone south. Way south.
MS66= you lose $.
For now! Have patience everyone. This is the tough part of collecting. Hoping and waiting for the right time. Prices south may mean time to BUY?
The OP was the biggest supporter of these 006's for the last 7 years. He now believes these are done. I had plenty of these, and I concur with the OP.
Took a few years for these to get traction, they peaked. CPG inclusion boosted the prices on these. That has come and gone. These have fallen as low as they ever have been. MS66 go unsold at $39.
Pitboss was the second biggest fan. He is now almost 'giving away' his stash.
I think only those left holding them, will try to support these. Even they know the future is bleak.
Call me crazy, but I'm not giving up on them yet! Die hard means just that, It will take sometime for me to die on these cause it's hard for me to die!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
As predicted, none of these varieties were graded PCGS 67. There is a glut of these FS varieties in PCGS 66. The very small pool of Modern PCGS Registry Lincoln variety guys already bought these and what remains will likely languish as footnotes in Lincoln variety history. Some guys may have made a little money but the only ones who truly made out were ANACS and PCGS. Especially ANACS who pumped out many inflated grades on these!! The ANACS 67's I bought and seen were no better than PCGS 65's in many cases. This may be one of the must hyped coins in the history of these boards! Well played players. Hopefully no one bet the farm on these because they have seen better days. They have officially "jumped the shark." Peace out.
I still like them a lot and am still making money on selling them. They have been great for me. People here on the forum have always been down on them but others like them.
I myself am not interested in minor errors which is all I have seen come out of the mint since the 2009's came out. The 09's gave us a bunch of minor errors too which i did not even save.
Originally posted by: hammer1 Not loaded. The prices on these have gone south. Way south.
MS66= you lose $.
For now! Have patience everyone. This is the tough part of collecting. Hoping and waiting for the right time. Prices south may mean time to BUY?
The OP was the biggest supporter of these 006's for the last 7 years. He now believes these are done. I had plenty of these, and I concur with the OP.
Took a few years for these to get traction, they peaked. CPG inclusion boosted the prices on these. That has come and gone. These have fallen as low as they ever have been. MS66 go unsold at $39.
Pitboss was the second biggest fan. He is now almost 'giving away' his stash.
I think only those left holding them, will try to support these. Even they know the future is bleak.
Originally posted by: hammer1 Not loaded. The prices on these have gone south. Way south.
MS66= you lose $.
For now! Have patience everyone. This is the tough part of collecting. Hoping and waiting for the right time. Prices south may mean time to BUY?
The OP was the biggest supporter of these 006's for the last 7 years. He now believes these are done. I had plenty of these, and I concur with the OP.
Took a few years for these to get traction, they peaked. CPG inclusion boosted the prices on these. That has come and gone. These have fallen as low as they ever have been. MS66 go unsold at $39.
Pitboss was the second biggest fan. He is now almost 'giving away' his stash.
I think only those left holding them, will try to support these. Even they know the future is bleak.
You say I am giving mine away but that is not the case. I picked very carefully the ones I sent into ANACS. I had 150 MS 67 WDDR 006's which I SOLD for between $75 and $150 each. That is not a bad profit when it only cost me $10 each to get graded and more than made up for the 65' and 66's that did not sell well.. The raw coins I sold, and I have sold thousands of them, have sold at prices that have also made me nice profits. I am still selling them at the rate of a few hundred dollars worth every week so if that is giving away my stash then so be it.
Originally posted by: hammer1 Don't forget your acquisition costs. You paid a premium for the LP2 boxes.
All that you are selling now are 65 & 66 which you admit you are losing money on.
That's IF he's selling those 65/66's? If he decides to hold on to those, maybe, just maybe, they'll spike back up again? Which in return means, a profit, once again!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
My cost to acquire them was low as I really loaded up early on when you could get them for next to nothing. As far as selling the 65 and 66's is concerned I really don't have that many of them. What I am selling now are the raw coins and I sure am not losing money on them. At $10 apiece for grading fee I can always crack the 65 and 66's out and sell them raw if I happen to get low on raw coins and all the 67's I sold for over $100 each will cover the difference by far. People are STILL buying raw coins and I have a big following of clients. I hope you all stop trying to sell them.
this one came from the lp2 boxes and is only found within a 24 hour period making them more rare and desirable. imho..this is the wddr-013 final stage D
Has anyone determined whether or not the Cherry Picker's Guide made a difference in the sales/promotion of the Lp2 errors? Where are the PCGS and NGC attributed and certified examples?
I have not been on these boards since they changed the format but these coins have been selling so well that I though I would bring this back so we can all see.
I have a very large following of collectors that buy from me regularly and I have been selling very well but not on eBay. My eBay sales are down considerably. I had 650 of them graded by ANACS and have less than 50 left available. I have been selling my MS65 and MS66 cheap as I want to get clear of them but the MS67's have brought me between $75 and $160 each and I had around 400 of them with only 25 left. I had over 800 WDDR 006 and now have less than 50 and over 600 WDDR 043 with only about 20 left. The WDDR 001 I had 900 at one time and am down to less than 100 of them. I am now advertising on the BST for more coins if anyone wants to sell some. So you could say sales have been good but it is because I worked hard to create a good following and encouraged people to deal with me off eBay.
Welcome back Pitboss. Your story is incredible considering the seeming lack of enthusiasm on this forum and by Ebay customers in general. I have sold a trickle of these formative error coins but things are slow overall. Believe it or not I've sold more of my "sore foot Abes" than the big errors recently. I am the only one showing them (I might be the only one that ever found them?)
This is the second die crack error I got to name if you remember my "cracked skull Abes". Those were all lost in my burglary. I don't have many left of the "sore foot Abes", probably ten or so, but I think they're cool. On a side note I picked up a couple of 4/23 boxes yesterday and one 4/16 early a.m. box as well. I think everyone knows what errors lie within. Well, Pitboss, keep in touch and let us know how things are going.
I have not bought any in quite a while but have reached the point where I will have to if I want to keep my customers happy as I do not have many of the good ones left. That is why I have started advertising for them. I had one customer Saturday that bought 15 rolls of different varieties and sent me a money order of $900 for them which I got today. There is an underground of people out there that want these coins and will drive the desire for them in a few years. Unfortunately for me at the age of 77 I will most likely not be around or at least not care abut them then. Have a great day collecting whatever you like to collet.
Going up for sure.
The coins that are listed cheap are just about all gone now.
Even though the sales have slowed in the past week they are still going out the door.
I haven't listed any but might at the beginning of the new year to help pay for some new furniture.
I may end up selling off a few more to recoup what my wife spent from our savings and my coin fund. In 6 short months without warning 8k went down to 1.5k and she said she paid off some bills with it. lol. ok, I forgave her but now I will need to bring my play money back up to get a few of my nice ones put into plastic that I'm sure should get a 67 on the WDDR001. Kris
I was a Monkey
By the way: Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everybody.
I pulled up some old eBay sales numbers, I sold a good bit of the major errors for about $10 each raw a few years ago. Isn't that what they are selling for now? Like 006 and 002?
I have been doing real good on sales for the past 6 months so am very happy with them.
My biggest seller has been the WDDR 032 and I have sold many thousand of them (500 yesterday alone).
The sales will probably slow down now until the fall.
There has been no activity on this site at all for the past few months.
[URL=http://s300.photobucket.com/user/Wittum/media/Mobile Uploads/image_zps8xzxeicb.jpeg.html]
Here is what i have for your times
04/21 - 9774 - 09:09 - (11) WDDR-005 and 1 die crack from rim to head on reverse
04/21 - 9774 - 12:20 - (14) WDDR-005
04/21 - 9774 - 12:20 - (07) WDDR-005
I didn't open any more because i didn't need any more 005
04/22 - 9883 - 12:49 - (10) WDDR-008
04/30 - all - A LOT of WDDR-004 from 12:02 - 14:12
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.MS66= you lose $.
Not loaded. The prices on these have gone south. Way south.
MS66= you lose $.
For now! Have patience everyone. This is the tough part of collecting. Hoping and waiting for the right time. Prices south may mean time to BUY?
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Not loaded. The prices on these have gone south. Way south.
MS66= you lose $.
For now! Have patience everyone. This is the tough part of collecting. Hoping and waiting for the right time. Prices south may mean time to BUY?
The OP was the biggest supporter of these 006's for the last 7 years. He now believes these are done. I had plenty of these, and I concur with the OP.
Took a few years for these to get traction, they peaked. CPG inclusion boosted the prices on these. That has come and gone. These have fallen as low as they ever have been. MS66 go unsold at $39.
Pitboss was the second biggest fan. He is now almost 'giving away' his stash.
I think only those left holding them, will try to support these. Even they know the future is bleak.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.RAD#306
Not loaded. The prices on these have gone south. Way south.
MS66= you lose $.
For now! Have patience everyone. This is the tough part of collecting. Hoping and waiting for the right time. Prices south may mean time to BUY?
The OP was the biggest supporter of these 006's for the last 7 years. He now believes these are done. I had plenty of these, and I concur with the OP.
Took a few years for these to get traction, they peaked. CPG inclusion boosted the prices on these. That has come and gone. These have fallen as low as they ever have been. MS66 go unsold at $39.
Pitboss was the second biggest fan. He is now almost 'giving away' his stash.
I think only those left holding them, will try to support these. Even they know the future is bleak.
Not loaded. The prices on these have gone south. Way south.
MS66= you lose $.
For now! Have patience everyone. This is the tough part of collecting. Hoping and waiting for the right time. Prices south may mean time to BUY?
The OP was the biggest supporter of these 006's for the last 7 years. He now believes these are done. I had plenty of these, and I concur with the OP.
Took a few years for these to get traction, they peaked. CPG inclusion boosted the prices on these. That has come and gone. These have fallen as low as they ever have been. MS66 go unsold at $39.
Pitboss was the second biggest fan. He is now almost 'giving away' his stash.
I think only those left holding them, will try to support these. Even they know the future is bleak.
All that you are selling now are 65 & 66 which you admit you are losing money on.
Don't forget your acquisition costs. You paid a premium for the LP2 boxes.
All that you are selling now are 65 & 66 which you admit you are losing money on.
That's IF he's selling those 65/66's? If he decides to hold on to those, maybe, just maybe, they'll spike back up again? Which in return means, a profit, once again!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Are there anything good that came out of those?
this one came from the lp2 boxes and is only found within a 24 hour period making them more rare and desirable. imho..this is the wddr-013 final stage D
Has anyone determined whether or not the Cherry Picker's Guide made a difference in the sales/promotion of the Lp2 errors? Where are the PCGS and NGC attributed and certified examples?
I have not been on these boards since they changed the format but these coins have been selling so well that I though I would bring this back so we can all see.
Are these selling like you say, or is it just wishful thinking? I thought these were DEAD in the water?
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.I have a very large following of collectors that buy from me regularly and I have been selling very well but not on eBay. My eBay sales are down considerably. I had 650 of them graded by ANACS and have less than 50 left available. I have been selling my MS65 and MS66 cheap as I want to get clear of them but the MS67's have brought me between $75 and $160 each and I had around 400 of them with only 25 left. I had over 800 WDDR 006 and now have less than 50 and over 600 WDDR 043 with only about 20 left. The WDDR 001 I had 900 at one time and am down to less than 100 of them. I am now advertising on the BST for more coins if anyone wants to sell some. So you could say sales have been good but it is because I worked hard to create a good following and encouraged people to deal with me off eBay.
WoW! OK.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Welcome back Pitboss. Your story is incredible considering the seeming lack of enthusiasm on this forum and by Ebay customers in general. I have sold a trickle of these formative error coins but things are slow overall. Believe it or not I've sold more of my "sore foot Abes" than the big errors recently. I am the only one showing them (I might be the only one that ever found them?)

This is the second die crack error I got to name if you remember my "cracked skull Abes". Those were all lost in my burglary. I don't have many left of the "sore foot Abes", probably ten or so, but I think they're cool. On a side note I picked up a couple of 4/23 boxes yesterday and one 4/16 early a.m. box as well. I think everyone knows what errors lie within. Well, Pitboss, keep in touch and let us know how things are going.
I have not bought any in quite a while but have reached the point where I will have to if I want to keep my customers happy as I do not have many of the good ones left. That is why I have started advertising for them. I had one customer Saturday that bought 15 rolls of different varieties and sent me a money order of $900 for them which I got today. There is an underground of people out there that want these coins and will drive the desire for them in a few years. Unfortunately for me at the age of 77 I will most likely not be around or at least not care abut them then. Have a great day collecting whatever you like to collet.