Steve after you use his link than go down to where it says Show all related coins and Varieties and click on that and it takes you to where you can see the others...of course no pictures yet.....Enjoy
If you are talking the 2009 Cents. Here is a group of them
569542 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, BN 569543 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, RB 407833 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years First Day of Issue, BN 569544 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, RD 569545 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, BN 407834 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years First Day of Issue, RB 569546 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, RB 569547 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, RD 407835 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years First Day of Issue, RD 569548 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-803, BN 569549 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-803, RB 569550 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-803, RD 569551 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, BN 569552 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RB 569553 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RD 569554 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-805, BN 569555 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-805, RB 569556 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-805, RD 569557 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-806, BN 569558 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-806, RB 569559 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-806, RD 569560 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-807, BN 569562 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-807, RB 569563 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-807, RD 569564 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-808, BN 569565 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-808, RB 569566 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-808, RD
Edited to add the 2009-D listings.
407842 2009-D 1C Lincoln-Formative Years First Day of Issue, BN 407843 2009-D 1C Lincoln-Formative Years First Day of Issue, RB 407844 2009-D 1C Lincoln-Formative Years First Day of Issue, RD
Collector and Researcher of Liberty Head Nickels. ANA LM-6053
One wonders why you cannot find this in the submission list. Who is going to go through such a hassle to find these numbers when they are not published for submitting?
Collector and Researcher of Liberty Head Nickels. ANA LM-6053
I'm going to start putting mine in coin tubes of 50, awaiting my final determination on if i can make it work with PCGS... Fingers crossed! Now on to opening more mint boxes, I figured at this point, there isn't much use in holding on to sealed boxes.
The answer i got was $16 for modern plus $18 for attribution plus $10 handling fee and return shipping. I asked about switching from ANACS to PCGS and was told $18 Plus $32 plus handling fee plus return shipping. Thats more than sending them in raw. Don't they believe ANACS is able to attribute coins. Bulk is the only way to go with these coins if PCGS is going to allow it but they will not even tell you if they will.
$34 is steep but the way it is... It will be interesting to see what a PCGS ms66 or 67 fetches. I would consider a bulk rate if they would give a quote.
Interesting they don't think the other cpg can attribute -- I will say that cpg will attribute with whatever wording/phrase you request, like skeleton, boner finger, sixth finger, etc. I suspect our host will use only one phrase for each variety.
Nice to see some reports again with findings. The hunt is on again!!
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
Originally posted by: pitboss I hope you do find them. I'm just glad I don't have to look for any more.
Just opened five "P" mint rolls (not in their original boxes) that were sold to me for a couple dollars each. Sure it's a little risky buying unknown date rolls, a little like a lotto ticket, but there they were...each roll contained 002's, 003's, and catfish abes. averaged seven 002's per roll. Now I know the 002's aren't uncommon but they're always fun to find.
Those rolls for a couple of dollars each were a big bargain and will soon be going for quite a bit more money. Glad to hear you got something out of them.
I have end roll errors for all the errors that can be found LP2 boxes. I wonder what they would fetch in an auction... I have enough to put together a heads/tails set or two.
Any one that has any of these good dated boxes would sell them now with the CPG showing them raw at $40 each. I am almost completely sold out of MS 67's in all the popular errors. I wonder if all the nay sayers still think I was foolish to get as many graded by ANACS as i did now.
I would not sell any with errors on the ends of rolls at this time because you would not get enough for them to offset the errors that the rolls will contain. The CPG puts the price of ms65's at $40 each and I am not even sure if those are graded by a 3rd party grader or just raw 65's. The coins in them have not been picked over yet so it is worthwhile to at least look at them.
Has anyone shipped their Formative error coins to PCGS or NGC for grading yet? Curious to see if there's any successful crossovers from Anacs slabs also.
not yet... I'm about to start listing all the errors I found in the LP2 boxes that aren't in the CPG though... I don't know if it is worth it to send to ANACS.
It cost you more to ship ANACS graded coins tp PCGS than it does to send them raw so why would anyone do that and lose your ANACS graded coin and the money you paid to have it graded.
Here you go......My grades just posted. Most were hand picked ANACS 67's. As I stated numerous times, ANACS 67's are PCGS 65 and 66's. Here's your proof. The grades were as I expected.
Order #20977373 / Submission #5232298
Line # Item # Cert # PCGS No. Description Country Grade
1 1 33005907 569544 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, RD USA MS66RD
1 2 33005908 569544 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, RD USA MS66RD
1 3 33005909 569544 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, RD USA MS66RD
1 4 33005910 569544 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, RD USA MS66RD
2 1 33005911 569547 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, RD USA MS66RD
2 2 33005912 569547 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, RD USA MS65RD
2 3 33005913 569547 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, RD USA MS66RD
2 4 33005914 569547 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, RD USA MS66RD
3 1 33005915 569553 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RD USA MS66RD
3 2 33005916 569553 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RD USA MS66RD
3 3 33005917 569553 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RD USA MS66RD
3 4 33005918 569553 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RD USA MS66RD
3 5 33005919 569553 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RD USA MS65RD
8924 2009 Formative Years graded at PCGS. 7 have been graded 67. It ain't going to happen!! I'd put a large wager on there never being a DDR graded 67 at PCGS!!!
Originally posted by: 08HALA20 Nice grades but one 67 woulda been nice.
8924 2009 Formative Years graded at PCGS. 7 have been graded 67. It ain't going to happen!! I'd put a large wager on there never being a DDR graded 67 at PCGS!!!
Thanks for sharing this! At least we know "other" is fairly close to PCGS by 1 point. At a cost of 2x over the obvious can be interpreted... Just sayin...
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
I have still not seen any come on ebay with PCGS grading.
I've had three MS66 801, 802 and 804's on eBay for over a week. Very little interest. I am going to do a non reserved auction for three next week. I expect to lose my shirt to fine buyers on eBay!! These coins are DOA. PCGS is the only one who will make any money going forward on these. I think the market is made up of several hoarders and less than 10 true buyers!!
Originally posted by: pitboss I have still not seen any come on ebay with PCGS grading.
I've had three MS66 801, 802 and 804's on eBay for over a week. Very little interest. I am going to do a non reserved auction for three next week. I expect to lose my shirt to fine buyers on eBay!! These coins are DOA. PCGS is the only one who will make any money going forward on these. I think the market is made up of several hoarders and less than 10 true buyers!!
I have not sold many of my MS66's and i have had them up there for a couple of years so that is not a good guide to go by. I have sold over 150 MS 67's WDDR 006's and around 90 of the other ones listed in the CPG. I am very happy with ANACS as their prices are much more reasonable.
Wow this thread is as dead as the interest in these coins!! I have an 801, 802 and 804 in PCGS 66 listed on eBay ending Sunday. I will not spam the board with my listings but if you search you will find them under both errors and the Lincoln 2009 category. Totally underwhelming prices and watch count thus far. If you haven't sent these to our hosts to be graded I wouldn't waste the money. About 6 people truly care about them. There time has come and gone imho!! Another numismatic footnote, nothing more, nothing less!!
I am still able to sell these coins. The graded 66's are not selling that well but the 67's and the raw coins are doing well.
The reason you don't see many sales on ebay is because I have over 100 buyers that come back to me for more coins so they do not appear on ebay for sales. I have sold hundreds of graded coins as well as ungraded ones so the sales are still being made. ( Over 140 WDDR 006 MS 67's alone. )
Looking at Manorcourtman's listings on Ebay today for the PCGS graded MS66 errors. disappointed that PCGS only lists the cherry picker number on the label instead of the Wddr # or description i.e. "extra finger" etc.
For the new collector of these errors, without knowing anything about the cherry pickers' guide existence or numeric system, it would be confusing at best. Even the Wexler #'s are vague without attached descriptions on the label for new collectors.
I'm afraid that it will take some time for these to become more broadly known and appreciated. Prices will be affected dramatically and not cost effective to slab: especially if a 66 is the most you can hope for from our hosts. I wonder if the errors themselves are part of the grading evaluation and are dinged as an imperfection or flaw on the coin, hence reducing the grade. That might be the reason that an Anacs MS67 doesn't cross at the same grade?
I'll be following the trends of course but my buying habits have been stilled for the most part. I'm still a believer, long term, though. Keep the faith doubled die=hards!
The seller got a good price for each of the pcgs graded coins. Unfortunately it is expensive to have pcgs grade them but still, money was made on those auctions. I would expect to see more ddr holders grade coins using pcgs and to see more auctions of them on ebay
I still am selling $200 to $300 a week in 09 error coins so will not complain but would like to see sales go up.
I still blame low coin sales on this horrible economy with so many people out of work or working at wages so low they can not afford to buy coins,
Lincoln cent buyers are the most effected by this economy and will start buying once we get a new administration in place and revise some of the mandates put in place.
So we still have 1 1/2 years of low sales ahead of us guys but things will improve.
As a holiday celebration, I shamelessly posted a few key date/time LP2 boxes on the bay for anyone who would like to have some hunting fun. Might be a good time to expose kids or newps to what it's like to find something cool in the (almost) wild.
When I was a YN, the thrill was searching bank rolls of cents seeking the coveted wheatbacks and filled much of a cent album that way. I still have those albums and boxes of wheats. It would be cool someday if Whitman would update their simple albums to include one or two of these ddrs -- yeah a stretch, but who knows?
Happy Holidays to all ya's -- AK
Refs: MCM,Fivecents,Julio,Robman,Endzone,Coiny,Agentjim007,Musky1011,holeinone1972,Tdec1000,Type2,bumanchu, Metalsman,Wondercoin,Pitboss,Tomohawk,carew4me,segoja,thebigeng,jlc_coin,mbogoman,sportsmod,dragon,tychojoe,Schmitz7,claychaser, Bullsitter, robeck, Nickpatton, jwitten, and many OTHERS
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
569542 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, BN
569543 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, RB
407833 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years First Day of Issue, BN
569544 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, RD
569545 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, BN
407834 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years First Day of Issue, RB
569546 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, RB
569547 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, RD
407835 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years First Day of Issue, RD
569548 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-803, BN
569549 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-803, RB
569550 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-803, RD
569551 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, BN
569552 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RB
569553 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RD
569554 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-805, BN
569555 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-805, RB
569556 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-805, RD
569557 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-806, BN
569558 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-806, RB
569559 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-806, RD
569560 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-807, BN
569562 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-807, RB
569563 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-807, RD
569564 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-808, BN
569565 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-808, RB
569566 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-808, RD
Edited to add the 2009-D listings.
407842 2009-D 1C Lincoln-Formative Years First Day of Issue, BN
407843 2009-D 1C Lincoln-Formative Years First Day of Issue, RB
407844 2009-D 1C Lincoln-Formative Years First Day of Issue, RD
All the ones in the CPG are in there except for the PR001.
<< <i>My coins are on the way to PCGS. Mostly 43 and 50's and 01's. I'll post grades whenever I get them! Prolly a LONG wait ahead!! >>
What service level do they have to be sent in?
Mint Errors for $60 per coin or Modern plus Variety attribution fee? ($16+ $18)
<< <i>
<< <i>My coins are on the way to PCGS. Mostly 43 and 50's and 01's. I'll post grades whenever I get them! Prolly a LONG wait ahead!! >>
What service level do they have to be sent in?
Mint Errors for $60 per coin or Modern plus Variety attribution fee? ($16+ $18)
Joe >>
Darn good question That I would like to know the answer to also. Are the being considered a variety or a mint error?
I asked about switching from ANACS to PCGS and was told $18 Plus $32 plus handling fee plus return shipping.
Thats more than sending them in raw.
Don't they believe ANACS is able to attribute coins.
Bulk is the only way to go with these coins if PCGS is going to allow it but they will not even tell you if they will.
I thought that would be the right way
I kept a few of 001 002 003 004 and 006 and sold all the rest.
I will have to screen them and send out a couple of each, maybe not the 003 004's
<< <i>
<< <i>My coins are on the way to PCGS. Mostly 43 and 50's and 01's. I'll post grades whenever I get them! Prolly a LONG wait ahead!! >>
What service level do they have to be sent in?
Mint Errors for $60 per coin or Modern plus Variety attribution fee? ($16+ $18)
Joe >>
I sent them Modern($16) plus attribution fee($18) plus return ship/handing fee.
Interesting they don't think the other cpg can attribute -- I will say that cpg will attribute with whatever wording/phrase you request, like skeleton, boner finger, sixth finger, etc. I suspect our host will use only one phrase for each variety.
Nice to see some reports again with findings. The hunt is on again!!
Challenge accepted.
There's got to be someone out there that wants to clean their closet out
I hope you do find them. I'm just glad I don't have to look for any more.
Just opened five "P" mint rolls (not in their original boxes) that were sold to me for a couple dollars each. Sure it's a little risky buying unknown date rolls, a little like a lotto ticket, but there they were...each roll contained 002's, 003's, and catfish abes. averaged seven 002's per roll. Now I know the 002's aren't uncommon but they're always fun to find.
Ok, back to your regularly scheduled program
Those rolls for a couple of dollars each were a big bargain and will soon be going for quite a bit more money. Glad to hear you got something out of them.
4/30 7:42 - WDDR-001 = 12, WDDR-002 = 6
4/30 7:43 - WDDR-001 = 11, WDDR-002 = 14, WDDR-003 = 6
4/30 7:43 - WDDR-001 = 8, WDDR-002 = 7, WDDR-003 = 6
Order #20977373 / Submission #5232298
Line # Item # Cert # PCGS No. Description Country Grade
1 1 33005907 569544 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, RD USA MS66RD
1 2 33005908 569544 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, RD USA MS66RD
1 3 33005909 569544 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, RD USA MS66RD
1 4 33005910 569544 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-801, RD USA MS66RD
2 1 33005911 569547 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, RD USA MS66RD
2 2 33005912 569547 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, RD USA MS65RD
2 3 33005913 569547 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, RD USA MS66RD
2 4 33005914 569547 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-802, RD USA MS66RD
3 1 33005915 569553 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RD USA MS66RD
3 2 33005916 569553 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RD USA MS66RD
3 3 33005917 569553 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RD USA MS66RD
3 4 33005918 569553 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RD USA MS66RD
3 5 33005919 569553 2009 1C Lincoln-Formative Years DDR FS-804, RD USA MS65RD
4 1 33005920 37986 1968-D/D 1C RPM FS-501 (027.3), RD USA MS65RD
Total Items: 14
Nice grades but one 67 woulda been nice.
8924 2009 Formative Years graded at PCGS. 7 have been graded 67. It ain't going to happen!! I'd put a large wager on there never being a DDR graded 67 at PCGS!!!
Did you plan to list any ebay.
It would be interested to see what action a 66 will see.
Nice grades but one 67 woulda been nice.
8924 2009 Formative Years graded at PCGS. 7 have been graded 67. It ain't going to happen!! I'd put a large wager on there never being a DDR graded 67 at PCGS!!!
Thanks for sharing this! At least we know "other" is fairly close to PCGS by 1 point. At a cost of 2x over the obvious can be interpreted... Just sayin...
I have still not seen any come on ebay with PCGS grading.
I've had three MS66 801, 802 and 804's on eBay for over a week. Very little interest. I am going to do a non reserved auction for three next week. I expect to lose my shirt to fine buyers on eBay!! These coins are DOA. PCGS is the only one who will make any money going forward on these. I think the market is made up of several hoarders and less than 10 true buyers!!
you say that interest seems to have waned outside of the hoarders. The CPG has not had the
effect most of us anticipated. It looks like prices asked online need to be adjusted to prime the
pump for other collectors to get engaged. The Wddr-001 is the best of your three coin lot.
The 002's and 004's, as you know, are very common errors that have very limited potential.
I wouldn't pay for any of these errors to be slabbed under current market conditions. The cost is
too much vs. re-sale potential. Also, the Anacs 67's have set a precedent for market value
already. A PCGS 66 probably is as good a sample as the Anacs 67's but psychologically they seem
inferior to the uninitiated and as a result hold less value. One can't ask for premium prices on
Ebay for 66's if you follow my logic.
Now, if a PCGS ms67 were to be offered that would demand attention. So
far PCGS hasn't deemed any one of these better than a 66 to the best of my knowledge. I've got
a few that I'd like to have slabbed eventually but, again, there's not a strong
enough demand in the market to warrant the expense currently. Let us know what your listing
status is or post the item number so we can see what you're offering. Good luck.
I have still not seen any come on ebay with PCGS grading.
I've had three MS66 801, 802 and 804's on eBay for over a week. Very little interest. I am going to do a non reserved auction for three next week. I expect to lose my shirt to fine buyers on eBay!! These coins are DOA. PCGS is the only one who will make any money going forward on these. I think the market is made up of several hoarders and less than 10 true buyers!!
I have not sold many of my MS66's and i have had them up there for a couple of years so that is not a good guide to go by. I have sold over 150 MS 67's WDDR 006's and around 90 of the other ones listed in the CPG. I am very happy with ANACS as their prices are much more reasonable.
The reason you don't see many sales on ebay is because I have over 100 buyers that come back to me for more coins so they do not appear on ebay for sales. I have sold hundreds of graded coins as well as ungraded ones so the sales are still being made. ( Over 140 WDDR 006 MS 67's alone. )
For the new collector of these errors, without knowing anything about the cherry pickers' guide existence or numeric system, it would be confusing at best. Even the Wexler #'s are vague without attached descriptions on the label for new collectors.
I'm afraid that it will take some time for these to become more broadly known and appreciated. Prices will be affected dramatically and not cost effective to slab: especially if a 66 is the most you can hope for from our hosts. I wonder if the errors themselves are part of the grading evaluation and are dinged as an imperfection or flaw on the coin, hence reducing the grade. That might be the reason that an Anacs MS67 doesn't cross at the same grade?
I'll be following the trends of course but my buying habits have been stilled for the most part.
I'm still a believer, long term, though.
Net price margins after slabbing/shipping and handling costs with PCGS, coupled with lower MS
grading and less than enthusiastic sales results on Ebay is preventing me from sending then in for
now. Pitboss is the only one that is reporting big sales on his Anacs graded samples and most of
those are offline deals. I'll be watching and waiting for the tide to turn on these.
I still blame low coin sales on this horrible economy with so many people out of work or working at wages so low they can not afford to buy coins,
Lincoln cent buyers are the most effected by this economy and will start buying once we get a new administration in place and revise some of the mandates put in place.
So we still have 1 1/2 years of low sales ahead of us guys but things will improve.
I am too old for that and will continue selling them until they are all gone as I have no one to leave them to.
My advice is to keep stocking them while you can get them at a good price.
He just bought over $800 more of them from me today.
This bodes well for these coins if they are put out there for the buyers to see.
He puts them in a small display case with a 2 page copy of the cherry pickers guide beside the actual book.
You dealers need to try this and promote the coins a little.
You just might make a little money.
When I was a YN, the thrill was searching bank rolls of cents seeking the coveted wheatbacks and filled much of a cent album that way. I still have those albums and boxes of wheats. It would be cool someday if Whitman would update their simple albums to include one or two of these ddrs -- yeah a stretch, but who knows?
Happy Holidays to all ya's -- AK