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25th Anniversary ASE set



  • bestdaybestday Posts: 4,236 ✭✭✭✭
    Mint threw out my 2nd order.... done in the fashion stated of shipping to another address
    Seems the Mint is bent on getting many more people to get orders filled.. my money is that mint is wondering if congress will jump on the mint's rear end from complaints that the sets were gone quickly
    LIne cancelled in the mint's word
  • SwampboySwampboy Posts: 12,949 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>I have one question for those of you that up so tight over these sets. Will an extra $1,000 to $2,000 really change your life style? In my case even a $100,000 windfall wouldn't. >>

    Regardless of the ethical/moral issues related to number of sets bought and the potential of violating the spirit of household minimums, the above statement is extremely naive and insulting to those that may not be luck enough where "even $100,000 windfall wouldn't" change their lifestyle. Congratulations on being in such an enviable situation - the majority of people can certainly use a measly 1k or 2k.

    Jeff >>

    NAIVE??? You don't know what the hell your talking about. I have earned every penny I have and didn't get it by beating the system. I have never used F & F to order more then the Mint's limit and have no time for those that do and belly ache about it. >>

    'Naive' was a poor choice of words.
    'Insulting' was, however, spot on whether or not you intended it be so.

    The entertainment can never be overdressed....except in burlesque

  • commacomma Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I have one question for those of you that up so tight over these sets. Will an extra $1,000 to $2,000 really change your life style? In my case even a $100,000 windfall wouldn't. >>

    That's pretty blatant...a lot of people who work for every penny of their money could certainly use a few thousand dollars, me being one of them.. If $100,000 wouldn't help you out, you are either just completely over-exaggerating to make a point, or you make more money than 99% of the country.

  • << <i>I have one question for those of you that up so tight over these sets. Will an extra $1,000 to $2,000 really change your life style? In my case even a $100,000 windfall wouldn't. >>

    Here is an email i received from my uncle the other day.

    "FYI-We finally decided to get a new TV. We put a 37" Vizio /1080p/ 60refresh on layaway at WalMart.
    Will have it by 12/15 or sooner. Can't wait!"

    He has wanted a HD TV for three years now, but could not afford one. If he would have had enough money to buy 5 sets and flip them all, I would have been happy for him.
  • MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 32,755 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Mint threw out my 2nd order.... done in the fashion stated of shipping to another address
    Seems the Mint is bent on getting many more people to get orders filled.. my money is that mint is wondering if congress will jump on the mint's rear end from complaints that the sets were gone quickly
    LIne cancelled in the mint's word >>

    This has always been the mint policy on ANY item with a HH limit.

    you CANNOT have the same anything on multiple orders.
    you CANNOT buy it for someone else
    you CANNOT have someone else buy it and ship to you.

    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions

  • << <i>

    << <i>I have one question for those of you that up so tight over these sets. Will an extra $1,000 to $2,000 really change your life style? In my case even a $100,000 windfall wouldn't. >>

    Here is an email i received from my uncle the other day.

    "FYI-We finally decided to get a new TV. We put a 37" Vizio /1080p/ 60refresh on layaway at WalMart.
    Will have it by 12/15 or sooner. Can't wait!"

    He has wanted a HD TV for three years now, but could not afford one. If he would have had enough money to buy 5 sets and flip them all, I would have been happy for him. >>

    Doesn't that really put things in perspective? Man, sometimes I almost want to give people things just to make them happier. I gave my future father in law a 42" plasma last year for xmas (was a GREAT/SMOKING/AMAZING black friday deal) and he started crying. Not that the guy is poor by any means, he owns a $1m house in Brooklyn. However, he just never spends money on himself like that and always puts others first. Not that I feel bad for people who utilize layaway or any of that nonsense, but I just feel like sometimes the world is so unfair to people. Then again, some people deserve to live in poverty and others deserve their millions. I guess it's too much of a complex topic to really think about in a straight line.

    I'm happy for your uncle though!

    To the guy talking about $100,000....you're a d-bag.
  • derrybderryb Posts: 36,635 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Obvious that someone didnt' get their order through.

    "How many times can a man turn his head and pretend he just doesn’t see?” - Bob Dylan

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>I have one question for those of you that up so tight over these sets. Will an extra $1,000 to $2,000 really change your life style? In my case even a $100,000 windfall wouldn't. >>

    Regardless of the ethical/moral issues related to number of sets bought and the potential of violating the spirit of household minimums, the above statement is extremely naive and insulting to those that may not be luck enough where "even $100,000 windfall wouldn't" change their lifestyle. Congratulations on being in such an enviable situation - the majority of people can certainly use a measly 1k or 2k.

    Jeff >>

    NAIVE??? You don't know what the hell your talking about. I have earned every penny I have and didn't get it by beating the system. I have never used F & F to order more then the Mint's limit and have no time for those that do and belly ache about it. >>

    then don`t read this thread. simple as that.
    my ebay items BST transactions/swaps/giveaways with: Tiny, raycyca,mrpaseo, Dollar2007,Whatafind, Boom, packers88, DBSTrader2, 19Lyds, Mar327, pontiacinf, ElmerFusterpuck.
  • I think he said life style. Chances are its not going to change a life style. I would still have to work the same job at the same hours. I would still eat out as often as I have in the past, which is hardly ever. OK, so right there, my lifestyle would in fact change.
  • carew4mecarew4me Posts: 3,467 ✭✭✭✭
    Come on GAT, $100,000 would at least pay some of the salaries of your main house staff!

    Loves me some shiny!
  • ObiwancanoliObiwancanoli Posts: 1,065 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Mint threw out my 2nd order.... done in the fashion stated of shipping to another address
    Seems the Mint is bent on getting many more people to get orders filled.. my money is that mint is wondering if congress will jump on the mint's rear end from complaints that the sets were gone quickly
    LIne cancelled in the mint's word >>

    This has always been the mint policy on ANY item with a HH limit.

    you CANNOT have the same anything on multiple orders.
    you CANNOT buy it for someone else
    you CANNOT have someone else buy it and ship to you.
    etc. >>

    I'm not sure I subscribe to this theory...

    So far as I can find, there's no written Mint policy preventing me, for instance, from buying something for someone else, and having it shipped to them. Or, vice versa. WHen a HH limit is established, what the Mint's systems are designed to correlate are billing addresses, for THAT is the only constant in virtually all orders, whether you have an account at the Mint, or not.

    If, for example, I purchase a gift for someone, and wish it sent to their address, that's easily done, as the Mint order site clearly allows for, nay, asks, if the shipping address IS different fromt he billing address.

    As an example of a lesson I learned early in this approach, I tried using different CC's, but sending to different addresses (for myself), and the Mint caught that, and cancelled the 2nd order (it was for the UHR)... yet, I've had family purchase - on their CC - items for me, and had them shipped to my address, without problem.

    Ms. M, I regret to differ here, but I believe it's the billing address (and name, no doubt) that separates the redundancies from the duplications, and evaporates the doppelgangers...

    A Truth That's Told With Bad Intent
    Beats All The Lies You Can Invent
  • pontiacinfpontiacinf Posts: 8,915 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Mint threw out my 2nd order.... done in the fashion stated of shipping to another address
    Seems the Mint is bent on getting many more people to get orders filled.. my money is that mint is wondering if congress will jump on the mint's rear end from complaints that the sets were gone quickly
    LIne cancelled in the mint's word >>

    This has always been the mint policy on ANY item with a HH limit.

    you CANNOT have the same anything on multiple orders.
    you CANNOT buy it for someone else
    you CANNOT have someone else buy it and ship to you.
    etc. >>

    I'm not sure I subscribe to this theory...

    So far as I can find, there's no written Mint policy preventing me, for instance, from buying something for someone else, and having it shipped to them. Or, vice versa. WHen a HH limit is established, what the Mint's systems are designed to correlate are billing addresses, for THAT is the only constant in virtually all orders, whether you have an account at the Mint, or not.

    If, for example, I purchase a gift for someone, and wish it sent to their address, that's easily done, as the Mint order site clearly allows for, nay, asks, if the shipping address IS different fromt he billing address.

    As an example of a lesson I learned early in this approach, I tried using different CC's, but sending to different addresses (for myself), and the Mint caught that, and cancelled the 2nd order (it was for the UHR)... yet, I've had family purchase - on their CC - items for me, and had them shipped to my address, without problem.

    Ms. M, I regret to differ here, but I believe it's the billing address (and name, no doubt) that separates the redundancies from the duplications, and evaporates the doppelgangers... >>

    what she said is accurate, you can read into it what you please, but as in the mints own
    words you will still get "NOTHING" guess thats the diff I havent been seeing, I always get cause
    I do not try and get over on anyone.

    thanks for making it plain and simple for the rest

    Go BIG or GO HOME. ©Bill
  • commacomma Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭
    I've said this on the thread before, but your CC address and Shipping address do NOT have to be the same. I called the mint twice on this issue and they confirmed that is the case both times. My billing address is a PO box and I had my shipping address as my home address. My order did not get cancelled.
  • youniqueyounique Posts: 882 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I think he said life style. Chances are its not going to change a life style. I would still have to work the same job at the same hours. I would still eat out as often as I have in the past, which is hardly ever. OK, so right there, my lifestyle would in fact change. >>

    Where in the hell did this thread just go?????????????
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,360 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ya know what is sad, but funny, about all this?

    I have a high school friend that I have been seeing on FB posting a bit. Poor guy has had a rough time and is having to work 2 jobs. I, and some others, in a better position than he is, sent him some anonymous XMas funds last year so he could enjoy himself a little.

    Seeing all this, I told him about these sets....told him I would help him sell and he could keep 100% of the profits. I would also front the money so he would be out $0.00 if they were to tank (we all know they won't "tank").
    But, he couldn't get out of his job to do it and doesn't know this area so he kind of wrote it off image
    (If you think coin nerds are bad, band geeks are worse image )

    So, sometimes $1000 can really change things for a person (heck, the $300+ we sent him last year made his Christmas merry when it wouldn't have been) but sometimes they just don't know enough or have the ability to get that far. It takes money (and knowledge) to make money.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • BigDaddyzBigDaddyz Posts: 1,306 ✭✭✭

    << <i>So, sometimes $1000 can really change things for a person (heck, the $300+ we sent him last year made his Christmas merry when it wouldn't have been) but sometimes they just don't know enough or have the ability to get that far. It takes money (and knowledge) to make money. >>

    Same here...I have a friend I tried to get to do it...said "no thanks"...his wife didn't think it was a good idea to get involved
    Great BST experiences: abitofthisabitofthat, silvercoinsdude, gerard, coinfame, mikescoins, wondercoin
  • CCC2010CCC2010 Posts: 1,997 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>So, sometimes $1000 can really change things for a person (heck, the $300+ we sent him last year made his Christmas merry when it wouldn't have been) but sometimes they just don't know enough or have the ability to get that far. It takes money (and knowledge) to make money. >>

    Same here...I have a friend I tried to get to do it...said "no thanks"...his wife didn't think it was a good idea to get involved >>

    Sometimes all we can do is try to help out our friends. Like that saying goes you can lead the horse to water etc. etc. image

  • << <i>

    << <i>So, sometimes $1000 can really change things for a person (heck, the $300+ we sent him last year made his Christmas merry when it wouldn't have been) but sometimes they just don't know enough or have the ability to get that far. It takes money (and knowledge) to make money. >>

    Same here...I have a friend I tried to get to do it...said "no thanks"...his wife didn't think it was a good idea to get involved >>

    I too tried to get a friend to order but she couldn't get off from work to do so.

  • << <i>

    << <i>I think he said life style. Chances are its not going to change a life style. I would still have to work the same job at the same hours. I would still eat out as often as I have in the past, which is hardly ever. OK, so right there, my lifestyle would in fact change. >>

    Where in the hell did this thread just go????????????? >>

    Everyone is bored waiting for the sets to ship so the thread degenerates into whining and BS......but sometimes we do get to see a poster's true colors
  • spotthedogspotthedog Posts: 313 ✭✭✭
    Who is going to donate their 25th anniversary silver eagle sets to charity, or give them to a homeless person, or to a protester at one of the "occupy" sites around the country? Please post here.
  • I think one of your choices has potential...
  • CoinMeisterCoinMeister Posts: 642 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Who is going to donate their 25th anniversary silver eagle sets to charity, or give them to a homeless person, or to a protester at one of the "occupy" sites around the country? Please post here. >>

    I like the thought. However, a charity or homeless person would have no clue what to do with the set. A better thought would be if a fellow board member would sell their set and give their profit to charity. A fellow board member would have a better understanding of how to maximize the profit potential.
    "What we are never changes, but who we are ... never stops changing."
  • <<Who is going to donate their 25th anniversary silver eagle sets to charity, or give them to a homeless person, or to a protester at one of the "occupy" sites around the country? Please post here.>>

    I am not. Now I'm not against giving to charity or to the homeless. I do that. Still haven't decided if I'm for or against the OWS. But again, no, I am not going to donate one of my sets to the above causes.

    And I don't feel bad about the decision either.

  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭
    I know a lot of people that don't "have" yet they are happy...and I also know people that "have" just about everything a person could have, yet happiness eludes them.

  • << <i><<Who is going to donate their 25th anniversary silver eagle sets to charity, or give them to a homeless person, or to a protester at one of the "occupy" sites around the country? Please post here.>>

    I am not. Now I'm not against giving to charity or to the homeless. I do that. Still haven't decided if I'm for or against the OWS. But again, no, I am not going to donate one of my sets to the above causes.

    And I don't feel bad about the decision either.

    CollectorMan >>

    The profits (if any) that I make selling my extra ASE sets will go to my favorite charity (me) in order to further my numismatic interests.
    If others choose to donate their profits to charity, that's entirely up to them.
  • RichRRichR Posts: 3,858 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Not to be overly melodramatic, but I'd wagar that the vast majority of people in this hobby/business should consider themselves financially [more] fortunate. Perhaps not Rockefeller fortunate, but better off than most.

    And that's why all the "...we're all going to hell in a handbasket" rhetoric sometimes gets a bit old. We should all take a minute to count our relative blessings.

    I'll get off my 3-week early Thanksgiving soapbox now.

  • << <i>Ya know what is sad, but funny, about all this?

    I have a high school friend that I have been seeing on FB posting a bit. Poor guy has had a rough time and is having to work 2 jobs. I, and some others, in a better position than he is, sent him some anonymous XMas funds last year so he could enjoy himself a little.

    Seeing all this, I told him about these sets....told him I would help him sell and he could keep 100% of the profits. I would also front the money so he would be out $0.00 if they were to tank (we all know they won't "tank").
    But, he couldn't get out of his job to do it and doesn't know this area so he kind of wrote it off image
    (If you think coin nerds are bad, band geeks are worse image )

    So, sometimes $1000 can really change things for a person (heck, the $300+ we sent him last year made his Christmas merry when it wouldn't have been) but sometimes they just don't know enough or have the ability to get that far. It takes money (and knowledge) to make money. >>

    Very nice helping your friend! Im sure it made your own Christmas more enjoyable also knowing you helped.
  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 22,677 ✭✭✭✭✭
    the $300+ we sent him last year made his Christmas merry when it wouldn't have been

    Nice gesture, Bochi.
    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 32,755 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I've said this on the thread before, but your CC address and Shipping address do NOT have to be the same. I called the mint twice on this issue and they confirmed that is the case both times. My billing address is a PO box and I had my shipping address as my home address. My order did not get cancelled. >>

    I was talking about ordering over the HH limit.

    if you place two 5 item orders on these, and just the shipping address is different, then the mint will cancel one of the orders no doubt.

    you can't say "it's a gift for someone else"
    you can't say someone else couldn't buy it because they are at work
    you can't say anything.

    they will cancel one of the two orders.

    the only way to order over the HH limit is to have the friends and family network and use different EVERYTHING: different addresses, CC, telephone, e-mail....

    otherwise they will find you and cancel orders...

    now, if you want to ship your 1 order to someplace else... that's fine. or if you placed 5 orders for 1 each and ship them all over the country.... that's fine.

    But once you go over the HH limit, they start comparing duplicates and cancelling orders.
    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
  • My only hope to get filled is if the mint cancels all attempts to circumvent HH limits. Most likely that still won't get me there. It is clear that many legitimate attempts to buy will get screwed because of the work arounds on the HH. Nobody to blame but myself though, if I don't get filled. I tried to buy 5 sets, which I admit to being a pig for that. I won't be chasing these sets if I miss out.
  • dragondragon Posts: 4,548 ✭✭
    Well it looks like Ebay finally succeeded in whacking every last 25th set (for now anyway) as a search just showed no sets at all.

  • << <i>My only hope to get filled is if the mint cancels all attempts to circumvent HH limits. Most likely that still won't get me there. It is clear that many legitimate attempts to buy will get screwed because of the work arounds on the HH. Nobody to blame but myself though, if I don't get filled. I tried to buy 5 sets, which I admit to being a pig for that. I won't be chasing these sets if I miss out. >>

    Ebay stopping all presales may help the people on the wating list. Flippers that were planning to presell all their sets on ebay and pay off their bill with the presale money could become nervous and cancel with the mint before the coins are shipped. Is Ebay going to cancel the presales that have already occured? If that happens there will be quite a flood of sets going for sale when the coins are in hand and no guarantee of a nice profit, which may make some flippers nervous enough to back out.

    Edited to add GO STEELERS!!!!!
  • DCWDCW Posts: 7,210 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>My only hope to get filled is if the mint cancels all attempts to circumvent HH limits. Most likely that still won't get me there. It is clear that many legitimate attempts to buy will get screwed because of the work arounds on the HH. Nobody to blame but myself though, if I don't get filled. I tried to buy 5 sets, which I admit to being a pig for that. I won't be chasing these sets if I miss out. >>

    Ebay stopping all presales may help the people on the wating list. Flippers that were planning to presell all their sets on ebay and pay off their bill with the presale money could become nervous and cancel with the mint before the coins are shipped. Is Ebay going to cancel the presales that have already occured? If that happens there will be quite a flood of sets going for sale when the coins are in hand and no guarantee of a nice profit, which may make some flippers nervous enough to back out.

    Edited to add GO STEELERS!!!!! >>

    The flaw in your theory is that no one has been charged yet. Only when the item is shipped does the buyers credit card get charged. So nobody should be concerned yet on paying off their balances.

    Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
    "Coin collecting for outcasts..."

  • commacomma Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I've said this on the thread before, but your CC address and Shipping address do NOT have to be the same. I called the mint twice on this issue and they confirmed that is the case both times. My billing address is a PO box and I had my shipping address as my home address. My order did not get cancelled. >>

    I was talking about ordering over the HH limit.

    if you place two 5 item orders on these, and just the shipping address is different, then the mint will cancel one of the orders no doubt.

    you can't say "it's a gift for someone else"
    you can't say someone else couldn't buy it because they are at work
    you can't say anything.

    they will cancel one of the two orders.

    OK, sorry, misunderstood you. Ya, that's completely right. Curious how many orders were cancelled because of this (not "phantom" orders)

    the only way to order over the HH limit is to have the friends and family network and use different EVERYTHING: different addresses, CC, telephone, e-mail....

    otherwise they will find you and cancel orders...

    now, if you want to ship your 1 order to someplace else... that's fine. or if you placed 5 orders for 1 each and ship them all over the country.... that's fine.

    But once you go over the HH limit, they start comparing duplicates and cancelling orders. >>

  • carew4mecarew4me Posts: 3,467 ✭✭✭✭
    beginning message board lesson:

    If you quote a previous post...you do not include your reply in the quoted response.

    Makes it impossible for people to know what was there text and what is your response to said text.

    you are welcome.

    Loves me some shiny!

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>My only hope to get filled is if the mint cancels all attempts to circumvent HH limits. Most likely that still won't get me there. It is clear that many legitimate attempts to buy will get screwed because of the work arounds on the HH. Nobody to blame but myself though, if I don't get filled. I tried to buy 5 sets, which I admit to being a pig for that. I won't be chasing these sets if I miss out. >>

    Ebay stopping all presales may help the people on the wating list. Flippers that were planning to presell all their sets on ebay and pay off their bill with the presale money could become nervous and cancel with the mint before the coins are shipped. Is Ebay going to cancel the presales that have already occured? If that happens there will be quite a flood of sets going for sale when the coins are in hand and no guarantee of a nice profit, which may make some flippers nervous enough to back out.

    Edited to add GO STEELERS!!!!! >>

    The flaw in your theory is that no one has been charged yet. Only when the item is shipped does the buyers credit card get charged. So nobody should be concerned yet on paying off their balances. >>

    The story of my life, a flaw in my thought process, LOL. I'm still thinking some nervous flippers could be out there looking at what seemed like a sure thing, now they will be competing with a lot of sales on ebay. After the initial wave goes thru, the price should stablize/rebound, but if a thousand sets are for sale early on, no double your money guarantee. Has anyone heard for sure of any presales that went thru being cancelled by ebay?
  • derrybderryb Posts: 36,635 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>beginning message board lesson:

    If you quote a previous post...you do not include your reply in the quoted response.

    Makes it impossible for people to know what was there text and what is your response to said text.

    you are welcome. >>

    when you write/edit your reply, quoted text will always begin with the letter q in brackets and end with /q in brackets. The first set of brackets tell the text editor to begin the quote and the second set of brackets with the backslash tell it to end the quote. Your reply should appear on the next line after that. When you click on "quote" to reply to a post the text message box that opens will automatically put what you are quoting between the "q" brackets. You are free to edit/delete lines as you see fit, just make sure the "q" brackets remain at the beginning and end of what you are quoting. If you are quoting someone who quoted someone else you will see multiple q brackets. If you want to just quote one sentence of a post, remove everything but that sentence, keeping the q brackets before and after that sentence. An alternative would be to copy just that sentence and enter it at the beginning of your reply between q brackets.

    You can also use the letter b in brackets to make a word or sentence boldface. Just make sure you put brackets immediately before and immediately after what you want in boldface. Itallic can be done with the letter i in brackets and underline can be done with the letter u in brackets. You can even make something boldface and underlined by using both. The backslash symbol must alway appear before the letter in the second set of brackets. If anyone has other letters that can be used in this fashion please share. The test forum is a good place to practice this.

    "How many times can a man turn his head and pretend he just doesn’t see?” - Bob Dylan

  • commacomma Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>beginning message board lesson:

    If you quote a previous post...you do not include your reply in the quoted response.

    Makes it impossible for people to know what was there text and what is your response to said text.

    you are welcome. >>

    I didn't. For some reason my response wasn't in there...
  • commacomma Posts: 1,514 ✭✭✭
    Every time I quote it is putting my response in quotes...I don't know why

  • << <i>

    << <i> It takes money (and knowledge) to make money. >>

    Same here...I have a friend I tried to get to do it...said "no thanks"...his wife didn't think it was a good idea to get involved >>

    Sometimes all we can do is try to help out our friends. Like that saying goes you can lead the horse to water etc. etc. image >>

    its funny i tried to get a ton of people to buy they all were like no i dont want to waste my money on things like that then when they see the profit u make they are blown away ......

    little bit of Money + Knowledge = success
    gdavis70,Musky1011,cohodk,cucamongacoin,robkool,chumley, drei3ree, Rampage,jmski52, commoncents05, dimples, dcarr, Grouchy, holeinone1972, JonMN34, mission16,meltdown,Omega,PQpeace, SeaEagleCoins, WaterSport, whatsup,Wizard1,WinLoseWin,MMR,49thStateofMind,SamByrd,Ahrensdad,BAJJERFAN,timrutnat,TWQG,CarlWohlforth,Ciccio,PreTurb,NumisMe,Patches,NotSure,luvcoins123,piecesofme,perryhall,nibanny,atarian,airplanenut
  • hammer1hammer1 Posts: 3,874 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Every time I quote it is putting my response in quotes...I don't know why >>

    Make sure your response is BELOW all the text you are quoting.

  • << <i>Every time I quote it is putting my response in quotes...I don't know why >>

    I often have to edit my quotes to get the *Q* tags to go in the right spots.
    Successful transactions with keepdachange, tizofthe, adriana, wondercoin
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,360 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>So, sometimes $1000 can really change things for a person (heck, the $300+ we sent him last year made his Christmas merry when it wouldn't have been) but sometimes they just don't know enough or have the ability to get that far. It takes money (and knowledge) to make money. >>

    Same here...I have a friend I tried to get to do it...said "no thanks"...his wife didn't think it was a good idea to get involved >>

    Agree...and I have another friend that was like that with his wife, to the point that he asked me to explain things to her very crisply (times/costs/etc), and, when I did, she was fine. But, with the original portion I posted above, even though we weren't the closest in high school, we never had problems with each other, so when he friended me and a bunch of others on FB and I saw what he had been going through lately (divorce, not getting his kids, living in an apt, unable to get some basic household needs fixed, working 2 jobs and not whining about it - just stating matter of factly how things were going, etc etc etc, I not only wanted to give him (again, anonymously) some XMas funds, but to also find a way that he could make some of his own money from these and learn about them.

    That's why, rather than just tell him about them, I offered to make it a 100% zero-loss.....no matter what, if he sold and couldn't re-coup his original investment, I would pay the difference, or just buy them from him.

    Regrettably, a lot of what we do isn't seen that well by others. I would liken it to a stockbroker who knows how hot a certain IPO is going to be from all the ones wanting a piece, and offering to have a few friends buy-in, but they don't know enough and think it is too risky, so they don't, and then it skyrockets. I have also seen this before and was lucky enough to have some funds to be able to step in and buy what I could.

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • Dollar2007Dollar2007 Posts: 759 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Mint threw out my 2nd order.... done in the fashion stated of shipping to another address
    Seems the Mint is bent on getting many more people to get orders filled.. my money is that mint is wondering if congress will jump on the mint's rear end from complaints that the sets were gone quickly
    LIne cancelled in the mint's word >>

    Of course they cancelled it, you can't have multiple orders from the same billing address, why not just have the person who lives at the shipping address pay for them to avoid the whole issue?
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>My only hope to get filled is if the mint cancels all attempts to circumvent HH limits. Most likely that still won't get me there. It is clear that many legitimate attempts to buy will get screwed because of the work arounds on the HH. Nobody to blame but myself though, if I don't get filled. I tried to buy 5 sets, which I admit to being a pig for that. I won't be chasing these sets if I miss out. >>

    Ebay stopping all presales may help the people on the wating list. Flippers that were planning to presell all their sets on ebay and pay off their bill with the presale money could become nervous and cancel with the mint before the coins are shipped. Is Ebay going to cancel the presales that have already occured? If that happens there will be quite a flood of sets going for sale when the coins are in hand and no guarantee of a nice profit, which may make some flippers nervous enough to back out.

    Edited to add GO STEELERS!!!!! >>

    The flaw in your theory is that no one has been charged yet. Only when the item is shipped does the buyers credit card get charged. So nobody should be concerned yet on paying off their balances. >>

    Not entirely flawed. I know there are likely lots of people that may have purchased using a debit checking, with the plan to flip and have the $ in their accounts before it is charged...Also, I believe it's possible to create and later load prepaid cards registered to whereever, but if there's no money to load those cards...Poof...
  • CoinCrazyPACoinCrazyPA Posts: 2,899 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>My only hope to get filled is if the mint cancels all attempts to circumvent HH limits. Most likely that still won't get me there. It is clear that many legitimate attempts to buy will get screwed because of the work arounds on the HH. Nobody to blame but myself though, if I don't get filled. I tried to buy 5 sets, which I admit to being a pig for that. I won't be chasing these sets if I miss out. >>

    Ebay stopping all presales may help the people on the wating list. Flippers that were planning to presell all their sets on ebay and pay off their bill with the presale money could become nervous and cancel with the mint before the coins are shipped. Is Ebay going to cancel the presales that have already occured? If that happens there will be quite a flood of sets going for sale when the coins are in hand and no guarantee of a nice profit, which may make some flippers nervous enough to back out.

    Edited to add GO STEELERS!!!!! >>

    The flaw in your theory is that no one has been charged yet. Only when the item is shipped does the buyers credit card get charged. So nobody should be concerned yet on paying off their balances. >>

    Not entirely flawed. I know there are likely lots of people that may have purchased using a debit checking, with the plan to flip and have the $ in their accounts before it is charged...Also, I believe it's possible to create and later load prepaid cards registered to whereever, but if there's no money to load those cards...Poof... >>

    That's what I use, I don't even own a cc anymore.
    Positive BST transactions: agentjim007, cohodk, CharlieC, Chrischampeon, DRG, 3 x delistamps, djdilliodon, gmherps13, jmski52, Meltdown, Mesquite, 2 x nibanny, themaster, 2 x segoja, Timbuk3, ve3rules, jom, Blackhawk, hchcoin, Relaxn, pitboss, blu62vette, Jfoot13, Jinx86, jfoot13,Ronb

    Successful Trades: Swampboy,
  • HalfStrikeHalfStrike Posts: 2,202 ✭✭✭
    Let's hope they start shipping this week. One of the improvements the mint can make for next year is to give reliable dates on shipping.
  • 2600
    I just checked my order status - ship date now 11/21

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