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Official 1975 Topps Mini Thread



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    There is a thread in the sports forum that is debating a 1978 pop 2 Jackson Todd psa 10 that was listed for 1500.00 and then taken down (Hatch needed it). Given the discussion around these two Minis... I paid 1300.00 each for the Singleton and Brewer, 900.00 for the Garr = 3500.00. As always, when someone offers me cards, I will just make the fairest offer I can afford, they accepted and deal was done. I think a couple more hundred above what the Gates Brown 10 sold for is quite fair to both parties.
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    Heck these aren't even Green/Yellow, Red/Yellow 10s! BTW the talk of G. Brown reminds me of that tragic story I told in the old thread...do you guys remember how I described my case break where I was thumbing through the 100th odd, horribly centered pack and ran across a perfectly centered full-sized Gates Brown? I yelled out WOAHH!!! got so freaked I dropped the Son-of-a-b*tch and damaged a corner! LOL So tragic it has to be funny.
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    MiniDuffMiniDuff Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭
    Ouch. I did that on a PSA 8 Randle I cracked out. It was a 9, plain and simple, dead centered (imagine that on a Randle) sharp, no snow. As I am removing it from the half shell, post crack, it hung (static cling?) to the top half then dropped, maybe only 4 or 5 inches, perfectly on its corner...
    1975 Mini Collector
    ebay id Duffs_Dugout
    My Ebay Auctions
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    If there were a recorder nearby you would have heard this....grummble grummble...piece of sh*t case...(repeat for 2 hours) why the hell am I opening another box?...fine waste of 12,000 dollars...okay just one more...hell, I might as well finish off the case...grumble grumble...what? Whoaaah! THIS IS AWESO...WTF! M****ther F****er!! You have GOT to be kidding me! (Head for the Jack Daniels)...last 4 boxes opened the next afternoon.

    Actually the case was interesting, the cards were totally miscut with 80% of the cards having the player's names touching the bottom edge, but the Red/Yellows were fantastic (we'll see soon what PSA thinks) and there were 5-6 absolutely gorgeous Aaron 660s. If one or two of those dont turn a 10, I dunno. Lot's of beautiful Lynn rookies but in the end, the nice Red/Yellows will determine the quality of the case.
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    DakilloDakillo Posts: 158 ✭✭
    So the short Yount PSA 9 sells for the second highest recorded price oiver the past four and a half years. Some creative photography prevented the card from looking terribly short, since it was neatly centered top/bottom in the holder.

    Besides that random observation, I have nothing else to offer right now.

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    MiniMasterMiniMaster Posts: 505 ✭✭
    No Jim, I'd have to say it was a fluke that the Singleton showed up. Like Henry cracking that bogus case..... just a bit of frustration draining from me as I had made offers not to far off of what Henry paid. So guess I'm just a bit upset that the seller couldn't have simply made that counter offer. Maybe he didn't like the fact that I felt he was gouging me on the price? It all worked out rather nicely for Henry. In the end I sort of got what I wanted..... The seller had to settle for a lessor price than he had hoped to get. $2,600 seems far more reasonable than $3,700?
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    << <i>So the short Yount PSA 9 sells for the second highest recorded price oiver the past four and a half years. Some creative photography prevented the card from looking terribly short, since it was neatly centered top/bottom in the holder. >>

    Can be maddening Dakillo, But at least the buyer didn't pay what for the horrible 10s of Yount and Brett in the Dimitri auction - those will make you cry if this didn't. Btw, if my memory serves me correctly (not at home) you should see the pop of Yount 9s (and Brett for that matter) drop by 4 soon. MM those numbers are aribrary...I just gave an offer for all 3, so I dont really know the actual breakdown. 1000 would normally be high for the Garr Pop 1 but who knows.

    As an aside, in the two months since January 1 2013, the number of psa 9s in the regular issue has risen around 600 while the number of 9s in the minis has risen 150. I'm starting to track this.
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    MiniDuffMiniDuff Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭
    Its been such a long dry spell on decent raw that I broke down and bought that mini set that has been lingering forever on ebay with the extra yount, short schmidt and miscut ryan... well see.
    1975 Mini Collector
    ebay id Duffs_Dugout
    My Ebay Auctions
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    TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    I think I just wasted $200 on a card last night. I won the auction for the PSA 10 #606 Bruce Miller. I really didn't intend to win it . . . it was just one of those situations where I threw out a bid and expected someone to outbid me and then kind of forgot about it.

    When I received the notification that I won I took a closer look at the picture. What originally looked to me like a full PSA 10 suddenly seemed a little short. The card was sitting slightly crooked in the holder making it look fuller than I think it actually might be. Can you guys take a look at the auction and let me know what you think?

    Bruce Miller PSA 10
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    MiniMasterMiniMaster Posts: 505 ✭✭
    As someone who knows this set, are you suggesting that somehow the Gates 10 is any different or more special in circumstance than the singleton, when if anything, it is inferior?

    In that sentence I don't believe I was making any "suggestion" that the Gates 10 was different or more special in circumstances than the Singleton? I thought I was clear? I was using the Brown card as an example of a Common 10 that a few collectors were willing to up the ante compared to other PSA 10 commons.

    But for kicks lets take a look at the two cards and see what we find.

    Of the 67 gradings of the #371 Gates Brown card to date, there are 35 PSA 8's, 5 PSA 9's and 1 PSA 10.
    Of the 135 gradings of the #125 Ken Singleton card to date, there are 48 PSA 8's, 2 PSA 9's and 2 PSA 10's.

    The Gates different in that it is from the red/yellow club. Having less gradings than the Singleton due to the natural short issue, also many times plagued with print defects, as are the majority of the Singleton's with the snow (though I think less noticeable in most examples if compared to the #564 Tommy Davis). Gates examples that fill the holder I would say are a "special circumstance". Of the 5 PSA 9's I'm sure there are at least a few short examples. Singleton also has short examples (that appear not so natural). The true "filling the holder" examples of PSA 9 or PSA 10 are quite similar.

    So yes, as someone that knows the set...... I would suggest that a Gates or Singleton PSA 9 or PSA 10 that fills the holder and have no print defects are both very special cards. I would expect that you, also knowing this set, would have no issue with this assessment. So what is so "inferior" about the Gates Brown card compared to the Singleton? Simply because of the total number of cards graded? Most would have to conclude that arguement doesn't mean much due to the red/yellow natural short issue.

    The fact is the #371 Gates Brown PSA 10 is more unique than the Singleton PSA 10. Due to a "special circumstance" nobody has brought up yet. It's the only common red/yellow card to achieve a grade of PSA 10. The only other red/yellow card to achieve the PSA 10 grade is my #150 Bob Gibson. How many red/yellow cards have been graded? More than 135 me thinks image

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    The card is in one of the older holders. From my experience......some of those have a slightly larger area for the card to rest within. So a full-sized card could appear to not completely fill the holder. The only way to tell will be to measure it once it comes in. My guess is that the card will be at least 80mm tall.
    1975 Topps Minis, 1964 Topps
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    MiniDuffMiniDuff Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭
    Its close Chad. You will have to look closely at the bottom border when you have it in hand. The top border looks fine. I have cards that I have graded that sit just like that, so it could go either way. I wouldn't assume it was bad.
    1975 Mini Collector
    ebay id Duffs_Dugout
    My Ebay Auctions
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    TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    Thanks for the opinions guys. I will measure it when I have it in hand and let you know if you're curious.
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    MiniDuffMiniDuff Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭
    I'm not knocking the Brown 10 in the least, it is a stellar card. I am expanding on the fact that not all pop 1 psa 10s are alike. A Vincente Romo 10 wouldnt mean much to me as a one of one. That said, there is no card in the set in which a 10 exists that is a harder 9 than Sinigleton, which to me, makes it a very, very, special card.

    I am going to share my personal opinion as a seller, not a mini collector. I am also only talking about former builders of this set, not current. There is a reason that Matty and Eric always got first shot at anything rare that I graded. They came strong, with an offer in line with what they would have been willing to bid at auction, because they wanted the card, period. I don't think that either of them ever missed out on a card that I had and they wanted.
    1975 Mini Collector
    ebay id Duffs_Dugout
    My Ebay Auctions
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    Of my logged cards: 125 Singleton definitely 1 good 9, 1 good 10 (although I find my specimen just a tad short but borderline)
    Of my logged 371 Browns: 1 good 10...i have yet to log a good 9 (of the 5 there are three definite shorts I have seen: 15612860, 06471659, 12291874)
    Of the 150 Gibson (anytime you are selling your 10 MM LMK!!!) of the 14 9s...only 2-4 known full-size! 3 will be destroyed soon image (03779058, 30782428, 08253198), 5 more definite short: 30564892, 30782424, 11995815, 30782421, 40513814. That card is highly under-rated in difficulty, right up there with the Palmer.
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    BTW I just checked my inventory. I believe I have 3 full sized Gibsons in a 9 and in my book I have logged two good certs: 81938592 81753309 (I dont know if these duplicate my cards)... I know that over the last 5 years I would be stunned if anyone beat me on a nice full Gibson as I have known for a while how hard this card truly is. I dont remember how MM snuck that 10 by me...maybe during the year I was on hiatus while my f-ing neighbor enjoyed my stolen cards in his storage shed
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    << <i>Thanks for the opinions guys. I will measure it when I have it in hand and let you know if you're curious. >>

    Hey Von, how goes it? Congrats on the card. IMO it looked fine but I missed my bid, I think you got a decent deal on it.
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,753 ✭✭✭
    Henry what does it mean that 3 will be destroyed soon?
    Collector Focus

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    ToneDToneD Posts: 281 ✭✭✭
    I finally bought a scanner so I thought I would share my 75 mini's. I'm not collecting the set but I do like to pick up some HOF's from time to time. The card that set me on the collecting path was the Yount card. In '83 I found a box of cards that belonged to my older brother but he did not want them anymore. So I took them and I found the Yount inside. I was immediately hooked and started my path. I bugged my mom everyday to take me to 7-11 so I could by Topps and Fleer. Someday I will get the Yount graded even though it won't grade high. It will always stay in my collection. Thanks for listening to me babble. image

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    Welcome ToneD and thanks for sharing,

    BTW that there has to be the largest diamond cut Yount i have ever seen! So it's got that going for it image
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    MiniMasterMiniMaster Posts: 505 ✭✭
    Henry, you shouldn't tell all the little secrets of this graded set......lol. My #150 Bob Gibson PSA 10 is without question one of the finest cards in my set! Not sure exactly when you started your set(s) Henry. I'm pretty sure my acquisition of this card was before you started your mini run. Matty C. gave me the tip on this seller that had several star PSA 10's for sale. I believe the cards were of Steve Carlton, Thurman Munson, Carlton Fisk, and of course the Bob Gibson. All great looking cards! The Gibson though was special. I hadn't even thought at the time it was the only red/yellow PSA 10.....lol. The rich color, clarity of Bob Gibson, lack of print defects, the perfect centering! Knowing how hard it is to come by any decent looking 9, the print defects that plague this card. I was all smiles when I saw this baby! Ever see the Clint Eastwood movie "Kelly's Hero's". When they finally blow a hole into that bank and they break open one of those wooden crates, the smiles on those guys faces..... that's the kind of smile I had my face image
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    ToneDToneD Posts: 281 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Welcome ToneD and thanks for sharing,

    BTW that there has to be the largest diamond cut Yount i have ever seen! So it's got that going for it image >>

    Thanks Mint...Yeah my Yount is not going to win any beauty contests. image
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    jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,753 ✭✭✭
    Do you have an image of the Gibson 10?
    Collector Focus

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    MattyCMattyC Posts: 1,335 ✭✭
    Ah, MM, I remember when I found that stash of star 10s that guy had! We were so pumped. I wound up getting the PSA 10 Aaron from him that I later sold to Eric. I also got the very PSA 9 #5 Ryan HL that later bumped upon review to a 10-- easily the highlight of my grading history.

    Glad to see Henry back in the mix! That is some amazing work on the mini data. Collectors of these cards will be thankful for years to come.

    The few minis I kept from my set break are among my favorite cards of all. Catching up on this thread just inspired me to bust them out and hang with them a little.

    I remember Gates and Singleton haunting me late in my set build. Never got those two in 9. They and a few others like Krausse and Claudell were a big part of why I broke my set; we may never see a whole set in PSA 9+ aside from the top one. I actually had one of the Krausse's and sold it early on for an offer I could not refuse. What a beast that one is.

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    MiniMasterMiniMaster Posts: 505 ✭✭
    There is an image of the Gibson if you go to my set on the PSA Set Registry of the 75 Topps Mini's.
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    MiniMasterMiniMaster Posts: 505 ✭✭
    Matty C. good to hear from you! Hope all is well. Your #5 Ryan HL bump from 9 to 10 has to be one of the greater tales of the 75 Mini thread. Very Nice!

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    MattyCMattyC Posts: 1,335 ✭✭
    Thx. Can't tell you how many #5's I pulled from packs that were instant garbage, so OC as to be utterly worthless. That card gets my vote for most often messed-up HOFer card. The Aaron 660 might be a close second with those brutal trapezoid cuts right out of the pack. Winfield and Schmidt also, with those rugged PD issues.
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    Hey Matt! Been a while, good to read your posts. I heard about your #5 Ryan card many years ago from Jim. I remember Jim saying almost breathlessly "that card is a legit 10!"
    I agree that the #5 HL is exceptionally hard. I am not sure which star card I view as the absolute hardest to find, there are several in addition to your suggestions: of course the Gibson, but the Brooks Robinson is hard to find not short, and the Carew is impossible in a 9. On the other hand, strong examples of the Killebrew have been popping up and well as Fingers so those have become a bit less difficult. I believe the G. Perry is still somewhat tough.
    BTW - I checked out the Gibson 10 in MMs set. Man, that is one beautiful card!
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    bobsbbcardsbobsbbcards Posts: 3,254 ✭✭✭
    Just scanned a batch of cards in the set I purchased, and the Gates Brown card was quite nice.

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    jackstrawjackstraw Posts: 3,753 ✭✭✭
    Wow super nice Bob....
    Collector Focus

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    MattyCMattyC Posts: 1,335 ✭✭
    Just saying...had anyone ever seen Gates Brown and this guy in the same room? Who knew the man was so talented?

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    I actually liked Gates Brown more in "The Green Mile"
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    Looks like we are having a "mini" typhoon! Anyone know where Jwilson is getting these cards? Seems like he is breaking a set, but I thought that bobs nailed the last ebay auction. BTW congrats to whomever snagged that beautiful Taylor...I thought for sure I had that one under the radar
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    calaban7calaban7 Posts: 3,003 ✭✭✭
    Hi guys , there is a Steve Rogers SGC 88 , just listed on Ebay , that looks like a nice price . I wonder if it will cross to a PSA 8 . It looks a little short to me , but that's why I'm asking for your opinion .

    Any help would be appreciated ----- Sonny
    " In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
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    MiniDuffMiniDuff Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭
    not a chance it crosses. snow and low.
    1975 Mini Collector
    ebay id Duffs_Dugout
    My Ebay Auctions
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    << <i>not a chance it crosses. snow and low. >>

    +1 a snowstorm warning in effect
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    MiniDuffMiniDuff Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭
    anyone see the sad case of the stolen brett 9 on the general forum?

    didnt want to add insult to injury, but wow...never seen a more obvious sheet cut in my life. old slab, stunning and sharp card, but waaaay wide and short to boot.
    1975 Mini Collector
    ebay id Duffs_Dugout
    My Ebay Auctions
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    calaban7calaban7 Posts: 3,003 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>not a chance it crosses. snow and low. >>

    +1 a snowstorm warning in effect >>

    Thank you !!!!! ----- Sonny
    " In a time of universal deceit , telling the truth is a revolutionary act " --- George Orwell
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    << <i>anyone see the sad case of the stolen brett 9 on the general forum?

    didnt want to add insult to injury, but wow...never seen a more obvious sheet cut in my life. old slab, stunning and sharp card, but waaaay wide and short to boot. >>

    If you ever want to REALLY get depressed Jim, spend about 30 minutes and go through all the VCP pics of all the Brett, Yount, Gibson and B. Robinson 9s that have sold since 2007 image
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    MattyCMattyC Posts: 1,335 ✭✭
    Pretty amazing Bly and Yount on the bay right now! Seller of the Yount should put up a better scan as I think there's a smudge on the holder in that one he's using. Both awesome cards. I remember I had a deal on the table for a PSA 9 Bly at $500 when I first got into the set, but passed because I thought that was too steep. Surely, I thought, another would surface. Years passed, and this is the first one I've seen for sale since! I wonder is he the toughest HOFer in PSA 9 in the set? I'd have to peruse the pops but too lazy, lol.
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    aconteaconte Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Pretty amazing Bly and Yount on the bay right now! Seller of the Yount should put up a better scan as I think there's a smudge on the holder in that one he's using. Both awesome cards. I remember I had a deal on the table for a PSA 9 Bly at $500 when I first got into the set, but passed because I thought that was too steep. Surely, I thought, another would surface. Years passed, and this is the first one I've seen for sale since! I wonder is he the toughest HOFer in PSA 9 in the set? I'd have to peruse the pops but too lazy, lol. >>

    I find it amazing that someone will spend so much money on a card like the Blyleven with no back scan listed by a seller. Wouldn't you want to see the back of that card? Also, has the photo been
    enhanced at all or is that the true red and blue colors in the Blyleven mini? I can't tell but it does look colorful!

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    MiniMasterMiniMaster Posts: 505 ✭✭
    My #30 PSA 9 was the first one back in 2004. I pulled it from a wax pack myself. The back is well centered and the front has very nice color like this one. Mine doesn't have the somewhat noticable print marks on the upper left. Though I don't feel those print marks would be as visible without magnification. The example on the bay looks very nice.
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    MM. Please post a picture. It's worth at least a thousand words.....image
    1975 Topps Minis, 1964 Topps
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    << <i>Pretty amazing Bly and Yount on the bay right now! Seller of the Yount should put up a better scan as I think there's a smudge on the holder in that one he's using. Both awesome cards. I remember I had a deal on the table for a PSA 9 Bly at $500 when I first got into the set, but passed because I thought that was too steep. Surely, I thought, another would surface. Years passed, and this is the first one I've seen for sale since! I wonder is he the toughest HOFer in PSA 9 in the set? I'd have to peruse the pops but too lazy, lol. >>

    This should be fun!
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    MiniDuffMiniDuff Posts: 1,241 ✭✭✭
    That Yount is from the same sheet cut sub (my suspicion, no way to prove) years ago as the PSA 9 brett stolen recently. Wanna get sick?

    31050786 - 9
    31050787 - 9
    31050788 - 10
    31050789 - 9
    31050790 - 10
    31050791 - 9
    31050792 - 10
    31050793 - 9
    31050794 - 9
    31050795 - 10
    31050796 - 9
    31050797 - 9
    31050798 - 9
    31050799 - 9
    31050800 - 9
    31050801 - 10
    31050802 - 9
    31050803 - 9
    31050804 - 9
    31050805 - 9
    31050806 - 9
    31050807 - 9
    31050808 - 9
    31050809 - 9
    31050810 - 9
    31050811 - 9
    31050812 - 9

    For giggles:
    31050813 1979 OPC Gretzky PSA 9

    Nothing like a six figure sub on 28 cards. Of course the submitter may have just had a really good eye, as we all know how easy it is to find 9 and 10 worthy Bretts and Younts.

    This ought to give a real appreciate to just how hard these cards are. Suppress this sub from the pop report as well as Henrys data and see how few pack pulled subbed cards there are and what they should really be worth.

    There are differing opinions of sheet cut cards and I am making a presumption about the sub above. I don't even know what PSA's policy was back when that sub went it. I do know looking at the Brett scanned, it didn't come in a pack.
    1975 Mini Collector
    ebay id Duffs_Dugout
    My Ebay Auctions
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    MattyCMattyC Posts: 1,335 ✭✭
    My Brett and Yount are from that sub. Spoke once with the guy who subbed them. He was pretty amazed at the results, to say the least. But most of them were damn fine cards.


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    grote15grote15 Posts: 29,595 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Unfortunately, Jim is spot on, and that would certainly explain the 10s, as cards pulled from packs are that much tougher to find in gem mint grade than those cut years after issue using modern technology.

    Personally, I don't consider sheet cut cards as authentic cards like those pulled from packs which were cut in the Topps factory using 1975 technology, and it is for that reason that PSA does also state in its grading guidelines that it will not knowingly grade sheet cut cards.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
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    Yount (R) 223: First 8 are the definite shorts. The 4 in parentheses will be destroyed soon so pop will go to 66.
    The below are the legit 9s that have shown up on VCP. I might be missing a few. Interestingly, a relatively small percentage of the 9s have been circulating since 2006ish. So most are keeping their Younts in their collections (not surprising). Some of the shorts have been sold over and over again...thus suppressing the price.
    Please shoot me an jpg with cert if you have one not listed here...I have several Yount 9s that I have not had a chance to catch-up on.

    Of the 10s. I know that at least a couple are short - including the ridiculous D. Young Yount 10. I believe I have seen 3 really nice 10s...this might be number 4.
    75 Minis - GET IN MY BELLY!
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    grote15grote15 Posts: 29,595 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So most are keeping their Younts in their collections (not surprising).

    I pulled a Yount from a mini rack pack about a year ago and it came back PSA 9 (thought it might actually have a shot at a 10), and it's one of my favorite cards in my set.

    Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
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    aconteaconte Posts: 2,054 ✭✭✭

    << <i>So most are keeping their Younts in their collections (not surprising).

    I pulled a Yount from a mini rack pack about a year ago and it came back PSA 9 (thought it might actually have a shot at a 10), and it's one of my favorite cards in my set. >>


    I remember when you posted pictures of that card. What an awesome card. You know how tough that is to come by especially when looking at a submission below with all those 9's and 10's
    and factoring in what might be an authentic card.


    Would it bother you if you found out your 75 Mini Brett was sheet cut or suspected as such?

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