what i find funny is he kicked out those manpower people, and yet he is fine selling many many many more to the dealers in one shot, this guy is a real piece of work, and i would not be surprised if the word kickback can't be used...................................
Still, I think someone should buy it so the seller has to pay eBay fees when the seller doesn't deliver his book. Although the description says pamphlet, the title says book... Either way, he'd better deliver if someone buys it.
<< <i>Holllyyy crap. Ebay member "coinsandantiques" just posted about 30 of the 5 oz sets. Major flood. What is he/she thinking!? And how the heck did they get 30 sets?
EDIT: I am not affiliated with these sales, just for the record. >>
<< <i>what i find funny is he kicked out those manpower people, and yet he is fine selling many many many more to the dealers in one shot, this guy is a real piece of work, and i would not be surprised if the word kickback can't be used................................... >>
If he has to sell 50 sets to the ManPower people, those are 50 sets that he isn't able to keep for himself.
I actually don't have a problem with an AP making personal arrangements for a handful of sets, but 3100? That's just abuse and greed and whatever else you want to call it.
So far each AP has released these coins in different holders, from what I've seen on Ebay. Has anyone received any of these pucks from the Gold Center, and if they have, what packaging are they in? Unless they change 'em up, or have 'em slabbed, it should be somewhat easy to pinpoint where these folks are getting these.
Successful transactions with keepdachange, tizofthe, adriana, wondercoin
Still, I think someone should buy it so the seller has to pay eBay fees when the seller doesn't deliver his book. Although the description says pamphlet, the title says book... Either way, he'd better deliver if someone buys it. >>
for $500 minus fees and shipping, I'll print you a book and send it to you!
<< <i>Holllyyy crap. Ebay member "coinsandantiques" just posted about 30 of the 5 oz sets. Major flood. What is he/she thinking!? And how the heck did they get 30 sets?
EDIT: I am not affiliated with these sales, just for the record. >>
I wonder if these AP's are going back to the mint and complaining that it is not fair that they are going to sell them for $900 and they are going to immediately be resold for $2500. Of course if these AP's would just sell them all at once or continue to sell them until sold out the prices would most likely go down.
Why sell to the public when the AP can dump them quickly to a dealer who will give a lot more than the mint's 10%? No shipping hassles, no new accounts to set up, etc.
...30 sets from one source...can we stop remaining calm now? >>
30 that we know of, probably more to come. I wonder if the AP is getting a cut of the final sale price or if the payoffs occured at the initial sale.? I really hope that the mint drops all the APs and starts fresh.
...30 sets from one source...can we stop remaining calm now? >>
I dont know, anyone want to admit that rules about price limits and one per HH were a waste of time now-------------BigE >>
Let's see...
2700 sets @$1600 = $4,320,000 potential profit (I give them credit for selling 300 sets to those in line on Monday)
Average profit selling ASEs is $1.50 and AGE's is $20 (probably on the high side), so they have to move 2.88 million ASEs or 216,000 AGEs to be in the same position. I guess it would be worth losing your AP status. If you buy in bulk from a AP instead of being an AP, your profit may drop 50%, so these pucks will fund your operation for a number of years!
Does anybody have a rough estimate of how many sets each of the Authorized Purchasers have sold? Looks to me like it is no where near 33,000 sets!! Looks like some or all of the AP's are sandbagging. True practices of deception!
<< <i>I dont know, anyone want to admit that rules about price limits and one per HH were a waste of time now-------------BigE >>
Not me.
After all, if distribution had been done fairly, I'm *completely sure* I would have gotten the coins I wanted (even though there are obviously not enough to go around at this point in time), at the price I wanted to pay.
Sorry if this was already posted. I found the part about the guy hiring folks to get the coins for him particularly interesting. He was eventually asked to leave. I wonder how many he got?
Successful transactions with keepdachange, tizofthe, adriana, wondercoin
2700 sets @$1600 = $4,320,000 potential profit (I give them credit for selling 300 sets to those in line on Monday)
Average profit selling ASEs is $1.50 and AGE's is $20 (probably on the high side), so they have to move 2.88 million ASEs or 216,000 AGEs to be in the same position. I guess it would be worth losing your AP status. If you buy in bulk from a AP instead of being an AP, your profit may drop 50%, so these pucks will fund your operation for a number of years! >>
Not a full analysis. Being an AP is a sweet gig. You're almost a sole-source & you don't have to advertise, and if you do advertise, it's just to ther dealers. Being an AP is REALLY sweet when the mint is rationing AGEs and ASEs like they have been because you can easily sell ALL inventory. They sold 35M, maybe 40M ASEs last year... That's about 3M a piece if sales are distributed easily, and that's just silver, and that's all BULK orders - cases of ASEs, not onesy-twosey. It's not a status that I'd want to lose, because if you lost it, your whole business model would be drastically altered.
When you can get a couple of million, and you are tired of the coin biz with the Mint, etc., etc, and your 60 years old, maybe its a nice way to go out. But, hold on a minute, some Barney Fife wannabe will be along in a minute saying how his friends at the Mint "will put these guys behind bars forever". Just wait---------------------------------BigE
Sorry if this was already posted. I found the part about the guy hiring folks to get the coins for him particularly interesting. He was eventually asked to leave. I wonder how many he got? >>
Just in case you haven't read the comments at the end of the article, The Gold Center responded.
Wantstoknow: You don't have a clue-These ARE NOT my customers. These are people trying to take advantage of a situation/system that The Gold Center, Inc., had no part in setting up. These are people trying to make a quick buck. The US Mint set the rules-you don't like them-call the Mint. HeavyB: We are distributors for the US MINT. We have thousands of customers from coast to coast. The US MINT forced us into this situation, and the Director of the US Mint resigned last week. Maybe the US Mint decided it was better for the 'Distributors to take the blame, than the Mint, for this screw up.' The Mint did not want to deal with the public, nor do I. TC: What are you smoking? There are 5 -FIVE- 5 ounce coins (5 times 5 = 25) or 25 ounces in a set- Please go back to school. Public apology appreciated. Add in the hundreds, if not thousands of man hours, packaging, boxes, credit card fee's, banking fee's,answering 200 phone calls a day for the last month, interest on 3 million dollars and tell me how much I made. Then subtract 50 percent in taxes and what did I make? According to your math, TRILLIONS. rdh4: How many customers do you think we have? US Treasury rules state that 'no officer, employee, owner' may buy or keep any of these coins-CHEAP/SLEAZY SHOT. Please contact me directly and I will be glad to give you the phone numbers of the acting Director of the US MINT. We have been selling the sets to our 'Real' customers for 3 weeks. AND we actually received 3700 sets. If I am going to give away $1500 per set profit, I do have the right to give away money to MY customers. hogeye; JE123; Kev; Firnemt; jagerdude420: How about '200' people come pitch tents and park at your house? I wish I could make $1500.00 per set instead of $50.00. Can you say 'Used'-you were willing to stand in line, in the cold, for $50.00 while the guy that hired you tried to make 100's of THOUSANDS of dollars and make me violate US MINT POLICY. Hogeye-You want photo's of how many were there? We have already sent photo's to the Mint. My dealers and customers are entitled to one set. We sold Two sets on the phone to our 'real' customers for every one sold to the people in line just on Monday alone. Want to recompute your numbers? The US Mint put us in this position, not us. I did violate US Mint policy by giving TWO tickets to an elderly couple that drove here from OHIO, stayed in the cold all night, and were the first to contact us to turn in the people standing in line for dealers/profiteer's . Turn me in. Contact me and I will be glad to provide numbers for the US MINT. Tonight on ebay, most of the sets we sold at $975, are being sold at $2400. Blame these guys not me. The US mint created rules that accomplished EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what they wanted to happen. We estimate that 1 in 8 sets we sold on Monday are on ebay right now. Not our rules, the Mints rules. Hope this clears up the ridiculous statements/comments made on this site. Oh and most importantly, THANK YOU TO THE SPRINGFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT AND MY EMPLOYEES FOR PUTTING UP WITH THIS SITUATION. The Gold Center, Inc.
So should we ask him where in the heck coinsantiques got their sets from...
2700 sets @$1600 = $4,320,000 potential profit (I give them credit for selling 300 sets to those in line on Monday)
Average profit selling ASEs is $1.50 and AGE's is $20 (probably on the high side), so they have to move 2.88 million ASEs or 216,000 AGEs to be in the same position. I guess it would be worth losing your AP status. If you buy in bulk from a AP instead of being an AP, your profit may drop 50%, so these pucks will fund your operation for a number of years! >>
Not a full analysis. Being an AP is a sweet gig. You're almost a sole-source & you don't have to advertise, and if you do advertise, it's just to ther dealers. Being an AP is REALLY sweet when the mint is rationing AGEs and ASEs like they have been because you can easily sell ALL inventory. They sold 35M, maybe 40M ASEs last year... That's about 3M a piece if sales are distributed easily, and that's just silver, and that's all BULK orders - cases of ASEs, not onesy-twosey. It's not a status that I'd want to lose, because if you lost it, your whole business model would be drastically altered. >>
I agree. A one time profit on these coins not worth loosing your AP status. Way to much money to be lost in the long run. The AP's are all playing with fire right now.
If this was all such a burden for the Gold Center why did they order them? They knew what they were getting into and they weren't forced to purchase. A real class act this one.
Sorry if this was already posted. I found the part about the guy hiring folks to get the coins for him particularly interesting. He was eventually asked to leave. I wonder how many he got? >>
Thanks for the link, interesting story, espically the comments. The owner stated “We primarily wanted to take care of our own customers and dealers. Once we got through that, we opened it up to the public on Monday morning at 10 a.m.,” Looks like he took care of them and most likley made quite a bit on the side for himself.
The owner predicted the set will be selling for 15000 to 20000 in the future.
Sorry if this was already posted. I found the part about the guy hiring folks to get the coins for him particularly interesting. He was eventually asked to leave. I wonder how many he got? >>
Just in case you haven't read the comments at the end of the article, The Gold Center responded.
Wantstoknow: You don't have a clue-These ARE NOT my customers. These are people trying to take advantage of a situation/system that The Gold Center, Inc., had no part in setting up. These are people trying to make a quick buck. The US Mint set the rules-you don't like them-call the Mint. HeavyB: We are distributors for the US MINT. We have thousands of customers from coast to coast. The US MINT forced us into this situation, and the Director of the US Mint resigned last week. Maybe the US Mint decided it was better for the 'Distributors to take the blame, than the Mint, for this screw up.' The Mint did not want to deal with the public, nor do I. TC: What are you smoking? There are 5 -FIVE- 5 ounce coins (5 times 5 = 25) or 25 ounces in a set- Please go back to school. Public apology appreciated. Add in the hundreds, if not thousands of man hours, packaging, boxes, credit card fee's, banking fee's,answering 200 phone calls a day for the last month, interest on 3 million dollars and tell me how much I made. Then subtract 50 percent in taxes and what did I make? According to your math, TRILLIONS. rdh4: How many customers do you think we have? US Treasury rules state that 'no officer, employee, owner' may buy or keep any of these coins-CHEAP/SLEAZY SHOT. Please contact me directly and I will be glad to give you the phone numbers of the acting Director of the US MINT. We have been selling the sets to our 'Real' customers for 3 weeks. AND we actually received 3700 sets. If I am going to give away $1500 per set profit, I do have the right to give away money to MY customers. hogeye; JE123; Kev; Firnemt; jagerdude420: How about '200' people come pitch tents and park at your house? I wish I could make $1500.00 per set instead of $50.00. Can you say 'Used'-you were willing to stand in line, in the cold, for $50.00 while the guy that hired you tried to make 100's of THOUSANDS of dollars and make me violate US MINT POLICY. Hogeye-You want photo's of how many were there? We have already sent photo's to the Mint. My dealers and customers are entitled to one set. We sold Two sets on the phone to our 'real' customers for every one sold to the people in line just on Monday alone. Want to recompute your numbers? The US Mint put us in this position, not us. I did violate US Mint policy by giving TWO tickets to an elderly couple that drove here from OHIO, stayed in the cold all night, and were the first to contact us to turn in the people standing in line for dealers/profiteer's . Turn me in. Contact me and I will be glad to provide numbers for the US MINT. Tonight on ebay, most of the sets we sold at $975, are being sold at $2400. Blame these guys not me. The US mint created rules that accomplished EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what they wanted to happen. We estimate that 1 in 8 sets we sold on Monday are on ebay right now. Not our rules, the Mints rules. Hope this clears up the ridiculous statements/comments made on this site. Oh and most importantly, THANK YOU TO THE SPRINGFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT AND MY EMPLOYEES FOR PUTTING UP WITH THIS SITUATION. The Gold Center, Inc.
So should we ask him where in the heck coinsantiques got their sets from... >>
I hope he sold 1 per household, otherwise this guy is pushing his luck.
It's time the USMint handles bullion themselves and cuts out the APs. Just sell to the public using their own current system, make it 20oz minimum (1 tube), and no returns. They will still get out to dealers so folks can do lesser amounts (singles) but it will cut some of the price and be much quicker and there would be no one else to blame/screw up the system
So the Gold Center owner admits he sold two sets to his customers for every one set he sold on Monday. If 600 sets were sold on Monday, he has sold 1800 sets total. Where are the other 1900 sets that he received from the Mint?
<< <i>So the Gold Center owner admits he sold two sets to his customers for every one set he sold on Monday. If 600 sets were sold on Monday, he has sold 1800 sets total. Where are the other 1900 sets that he received from the Mint? >>
I guess he will send them to be graded and make a killing afterwards....yes he will probably sell to the public but it will come with a sticker shock.
Lots of complaining from the Gold Center guy. He acts like he was forced to carry these, which he was not. Perhaps he was heavily pressured by his "customers and dealers."
Since when do you have people camped out in the parking lot of a precious metals distributor instead of a Harry Potter premier? He has every right to kick these folks off his property, but I think he could have been a little more creative. Grab a few porta-potties and a security guard. A crowd is a great advertisement and he easily could have capitalized on this with a little creativity.
His practices on these have not been beneficial toward the public who he's supposed to be serving as an AP. Who knows who most of his sets went to, but it certainly doesn't feel like they're being distributed fairly.
Successful transactions with keepdachange, tizofthe, adriana, wondercoin
Still, I think someone should buy it so the seller has to pay eBay fees when the seller doesn't deliver his book. Although the description says pamphlet, the title says book... Either way, he'd better deliver if someone buys it. >>
for $500 minus fees and shipping, I'll print you a book and send it to you! >>
Sorry if this was already posted. I found the part about the guy hiring folks to get the coins for him particularly interesting. He was eventually asked to leave. I wonder how many he got? >>
Just in case you haven't read the comments at the end of the article, The Gold Center responded.
Wantstoknow: You don't have a clue-These ARE NOT my customers. These are people trying to take advantage of a situation/system that The Gold Center, Inc., had no part in setting up. These are people trying to make a quick buck. The US Mint set the rules-you don't like them-call the Mint. HeavyB: We are distributors for the US MINT. We have thousands of customers from coast to coast. The US MINT forced us into this situation, and the Director of the US Mint resigned last week. Maybe the US Mint decided it was better for the 'Distributors to take the blame, than the Mint, for this screw up.' The Mint did not want to deal with the public, nor do I. TC: What are you smoking? There are 5 -FIVE- 5 ounce coins (5 times 5 = 25) or 25 ounces in a set- Please go back to school. Public apology appreciated. Add in the hundreds, if not thousands of man hours, packaging, boxes, credit card fee's, banking fee's,answering 200 phone calls a day for the last month, interest on 3 million dollars and tell me how much I made. Then subtract 50 percent in taxes and what did I make? According to your math, TRILLIONS. rdh4: How many customers do you think we have? US Treasury rules state that 'no officer, employee, owner' may buy or keep any of these coins-CHEAP/SLEAZY SHOT. Please contact me directly and I will be glad to give you the phone numbers of the acting Director of the US MINT. We have been selling the sets to our 'Real' customers for 3 weeks. AND we actually received 3700 sets. If I am going to give away $1500 per set profit, I do have the right to give away money to MY customers. hogeye; JE123; Kev; Firnemt; jagerdude420: How about '200' people come pitch tents and park at your house? I wish I could make $1500.00 per set instead of $50.00. Can you say 'Used'-you were willing to stand in line, in the cold, for $50.00 while the guy that hired you tried to make 100's of THOUSANDS of dollars and make me violate US MINT POLICY. Hogeye-You want photo's of how many were there? We have already sent photo's to the Mint. My dealers and customers are entitled to one set. We sold Two sets on the phone to our 'real' customers for every one sold to the people in line just on Monday alone. Want to recompute your numbers? The US Mint put us in this position, not us. I did violate US Mint policy by giving TWO tickets to an elderly couple that drove here from OHIO, stayed in the cold all night, and were the first to contact us to turn in the people standing in line for dealers/profiteer's . Turn me in. Contact me and I will be glad to provide numbers for the US MINT. Tonight on ebay, most of the sets we sold at $975, are being sold at $2400. Blame these guys not me. The US mint created rules that accomplished EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what they wanted to happen. We estimate that 1 in 8 sets we sold on Monday are on ebay right now. Not our rules, the Mints rules. Hope this clears up the ridiculous statements/comments made on this site. Oh and most importantly, THANK YOU TO THE SPRINGFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT AND MY EMPLOYEES FOR PUTTING UP WITH THIS SITUATION. The Gold Center, Inc.
So should we ask him where in the heck coinsantiques got their sets from... >>
You talking to me???!?!! You talkin to me??!!??!
I never made a response to the newspaper article there, didn't even know about it. Either this guy reads the board here (or is a member, in which case I would think he'd want to man-up and reveal himself by his nickname) or he's psychic.
IMHO, this is an AP who should be DQ from the program. If that article was true in every way, IMHO, he should have said "no comment," or plead the 5th.
EDITED to add that I missed that someone else named tc made a comment that I didn't see. It was not me though.
Sorry if this was already posted. I found the part about the guy hiring folks to get the coins for him particularly interesting. He was eventually asked to leave. I wonder how many he got? >>
Just in case you haven't read the comments at the end of the article, The Gold Center responded.
Wantstoknow: You don't have a clue-These ARE NOT my customers. These are people trying to take advantage of a situation/system that The Gold Center, Inc., had no part in setting up. These are people trying to make a quick buck. The US Mint set the rules-you don't like them-call the Mint. HeavyB: We are distributors for the US MINT. We have thousands of customers from coast to coast. The US MINT forced us into this situation, and the Director of the US Mint resigned last week. Maybe the US Mint decided it was better for the 'Distributors to take the blame, than the Mint, for this screw up.' The Mint did not want to deal with the public, nor do I. TC: What are you smoking? There are 5 -FIVE- 5 ounce coins (5 times 5 = 25) or 25 ounces in a set- Please go back to school. Public apology appreciated. Add in the hundreds, if not thousands of man hours, packaging, boxes, credit card fee's, banking fee's,answering 200 phone calls a day for the last month, interest on 3 million dollars and tell me how much I made. Then subtract 50 percent in taxes and what did I make? According to your math, TRILLIONS. rdh4: How many customers do you think we have? US Treasury rules state that 'no officer, employee, owner' may buy or keep any of these coins-CHEAP/SLEAZY SHOT. Please contact me directly and I will be glad to give you the phone numbers of the acting Director of the US MINT. We have been selling the sets to our 'Real' customers for 3 weeks. AND we actually received 3700 sets. If I am going to give away $1500 per set profit, I do have the right to give away money to MY customers. hogeye; JE123; Kev; Firnemt; jagerdude420: How about '200' people come pitch tents and park at your house? I wish I could make $1500.00 per set instead of $50.00. Can you say 'Used'-you were willing to stand in line, in the cold, for $50.00 while the guy that hired you tried to make 100's of THOUSANDS of dollars and make me violate US MINT POLICY. Hogeye-You want photo's of how many were there? We have already sent photo's to the Mint. My dealers and customers are entitled to one set. We sold Two sets on the phone to our 'real' customers for every one sold to the people in line just on Monday alone. Want to recompute your numbers? The US Mint put us in this position, not us. I did violate US Mint policy by giving TWO tickets to an elderly couple that drove here from OHIO, stayed in the cold all night, and were the first to contact us to turn in the people standing in line for dealers/profiteer's . Turn me in. Contact me and I will be glad to provide numbers for the US MINT. Tonight on ebay, most of the sets we sold at $975, are being sold at $2400. Blame these guys not me. The US mint created rules that accomplished EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what they wanted to happen. We estimate that 1 in 8 sets we sold on Monday are on ebay right now. Not our rules, the Mints rules. Hope this clears up the ridiculous statements/comments made on this site. Oh and most importantly, THANK YOU TO THE SPRINGFIELD POLICE DEPARTMENT AND MY EMPLOYEES FOR PUTTING UP WITH THIS SITUATION. The Gold Center, Inc.
So should we ask him where in the heck coinsantiques got their sets from... >>
I hope he sold 1 per household, otherwise this guy is pushing his luck. >>
That is special.........
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
and another thing, I've been defending those where I can. tGC sold some to the public. Whoop-de-doo in this case as it was a fraction of what he bought. 3100/3700 or 3400/3700 is the fraction sold to the "preferred people." And he ran off the Manpower people. OK. He still sold most of his stock to people of hiis choosing. Mostly not defensible.
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
<< <i>Okay, who here is "national_park_5oz_silver_info"???
New, $499.99 eBay listing
If you can't get the pucks, sell the info!
That's only been posted 3 times now.
Still, I think someone should buy it so the seller has to pay eBay fees when the seller doesn't deliver his book. Although the description says pamphlet, the title says book... Either way, he'd better deliver if someone buys it.
<< <i>
<< <i>Holllyyy crap. Ebay member "coinsandantiques" just posted about 30 of the 5 oz sets. Major flood. What is he/she thinking!? And how the heck did they get 30 sets?
EDIT: I am not affiliated with these sales, just for the record. >>
coinsantiques.10, coinsantiques.11, coinsantiques.13, coinsantiques.15, coinsantiques.21, coinsantiques.22, coinsantiques.25, coinsantiques.12, coinsantiques.14, coinsantiques.16, coinsantiques.17 and coinsantiques.18.
link >>
I wonder how much time he has to spend in each of his 12 households.
<< <i>what i find funny is he kicked out those manpower people, and yet he is fine selling many many many more to the dealers in one shot, this guy is a real piece of work, and i would not be surprised if the word kickback can't be used...................................
If he has to sell 50 sets to the ManPower people, those are 50 sets that he isn't able to keep for himself.
I actually don't have a problem with an AP making personal arrangements for a handful of sets, but 3100? That's just abuse and greed and whatever else you want to call it.
<< <i>Okay, who here is "national_park_5oz_silver_info"??? New, $499.99 eBay listing If you can't get the pucks, sell the info!
I know I posted the link about .......40 pages back........really funny I had the same question Who is he????
"Hi, I work for a company. They give me the items to list. I do not know how they got them."
Ebay Link
<< <i>
<< <i>Okay, who here is "national_park_5oz_silver_info"???
New, $499.99 eBay listing
If you can't get the pucks, sell the info!
That's only been posted 3 times now.
Still, I think someone should buy it so the seller has to pay eBay fees when the seller doesn't deliver his book. Although the description says pamphlet, the title says book... Either way, he'd better deliver if someone buys it. >>
for $500 minus fees and shipping, I'll print you a book and send it to you!
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Holllyyy crap. Ebay member "coinsandantiques" just posted about 30 of the 5 oz sets. Major flood. What is he/she thinking!? And how the heck did they get 30 sets?
EDIT: I am not affiliated with these sales, just for the record. >>
coinsantiques.10, coinsantiques.11, coinsantiques.13, coinsantiques.15, coinsantiques.21, coinsantiques.22, coinsantiques.25, coinsantiques.12, coinsantiques.14, coinsantiques.16, coinsantiques.17 and coinsantiques.18.
link >>
I wonder how much time he has to spend in each of his 12 households. >>
Has another 15 sets as BIN for $2700
...30 sets from one source...can we stop remaining calm now?
No shipping hassles, no new accounts to set up, etc.
<< <i>Excellent!!!
...30 sets from one source...can we stop remaining calm now? >>
30 that we know of, probably more to come. I wonder if the AP is getting a cut of the final sale price or if the payoffs occured at the initial sale.? I really hope that the mint drops all the APs and starts fresh.
<< <i>Excellent!!!
...30 sets from one source...can we stop remaining calm now? >>
I dont know, anyone want to admit that rules about price limits and one per HH were a waste of time now
<< <i>
<< <i>Excellent!!!
...30 sets from one source...can we stop remaining calm now? >>
I dont know, anyone want to admit that rules about price limits and one per HH were a waste of time now
Let's see...
2700 sets @$1600 = $4,320,000 potential profit (I give them credit for selling 300 sets to those in line on Monday)
Average profit selling ASEs is $1.50 and AGE's is $20 (probably on the high side), so they have to move 2.88 million ASEs or 216,000 AGEs to be in the same position. I guess it would be worth losing your AP status. If you buy in bulk from a AP instead of being an AP, your profit may drop 50%, so these pucks will fund your operation for a number of years!
Looks to me like it is no where near 33,000 sets!! Looks like some or all of the AP's are sandbagging.
True practices of deception!
<< <i>I dont know, anyone want to admit that rules about price limits and one per HH were a waste of time now
Not me.
After all, if distribution had been done fairly, I'm *completely sure* I would have gotten the coins I wanted (even though there are obviously not enough to go around at this point in time), at the price I wanted to pay.
Sorry if this was already posted. I found the part about the guy hiring folks to get the coins for him particularly interesting. He was eventually asked to leave. I wonder how many he got?
<< <i>Let's see...
2700 sets @$1600 = $4,320,000 potential profit (I give them credit for selling 300 sets to those in line on Monday)
Average profit selling ASEs is $1.50 and AGE's is $20 (probably on the high side), so they have to move 2.88 million ASEs or 216,000 AGEs to be in the same position. I guess it would be worth losing your AP status. If you buy in bulk from a AP instead of being an AP, your profit may drop 50%, so these pucks will fund your operation for a number of years! >>
Not a full analysis. Being an AP is a sweet gig. You're almost a sole-source & you don't have to advertise, and if you do advertise, it's just to ther dealers. Being an AP is REALLY sweet when the mint is rationing AGEs and ASEs like they have been because you can easily sell ALL inventory. They sold 35M, maybe 40M ASEs last year... That's about 3M a piece if sales are distributed easily, and that's just silver, and that's all BULK orders - cases of ASEs, not onesy-twosey. It's not a status that I'd want to lose, because if you lost it, your whole business model would be drastically altered.
<< <i>Newspaper article from Springfield on the Pucks and Gold Center
Sorry if this was already posted. I found the part about the guy hiring folks to get the coins for him particularly interesting. He was eventually asked to leave. I wonder how many he got? >>
Just in case you haven't read the comments at the end of the article, The Gold Center responded.
Wantstoknow: You don't have a clue-These ARE NOT my customers. These are people trying to take advantage of a situation/system that The Gold Center, Inc., had no part in setting up. These are people trying to make a quick buck. The US Mint set the rules-you don't like them-call the Mint.
HeavyB: We are distributors for the US MINT. We have thousands of customers from coast to coast. The US MINT forced us into this situation, and the Director of the US Mint resigned last week. Maybe the US Mint decided it was better for the 'Distributors to take the blame, than the Mint, for this screw up.' The Mint did not want to deal with the public, nor do I. TC: What are you smoking? There are 5 -FIVE- 5 ounce coins (5 times 5 = 25) or 25 ounces in a set- Please go back to school. Public apology appreciated. Add in the hundreds, if not thousands of man hours, packaging, boxes, credit card fee's, banking fee's,answering 200 phone calls a day for the last month, interest on 3 million dollars and tell me how much I made. Then subtract 50 percent in taxes and what did I make? According to your math, TRILLIONS.
rdh4: How many customers do you think we have? US Treasury rules state that 'no officer, employee, owner' may buy or keep any of these coins-CHEAP/SLEAZY SHOT. Please contact me directly and I will be glad to give you the phone numbers of the acting Director of the US MINT. We have been selling the sets to our 'Real' customers for 3 weeks. AND we actually received 3700 sets. If I am going to give away $1500 per set profit, I do have the right to give away money to MY customers.
hogeye; JE123; Kev; Firnemt; jagerdude420: How about '200' people come pitch tents and park at your house? I wish I could make $1500.00 per set instead of $50.00. Can you say 'Used'-you were willing to stand in line, in the cold, for $50.00 while the guy that hired you tried to make 100's of THOUSANDS of dollars and make me violate US MINT POLICY.
Hogeye-You want photo's of how many were there? We have already sent photo's to the Mint. My dealers and customers are entitled to one set. We sold Two sets on the phone to our 'real' customers for every one sold to the people in line just on Monday alone. Want to recompute your numbers? The US Mint put us in this position, not us. I did violate US Mint policy by giving TWO tickets to an elderly couple that drove here from OHIO, stayed in the cold all night, and were the first to contact us to turn in the people standing in line for dealers/profiteer's . Turn me in. Contact me and I will be glad to provide numbers for the US MINT. Tonight on ebay, most of the sets we sold at $975, are being sold at $2400. Blame these guys not me. The US mint created rules that accomplished EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what they wanted to happen. We estimate that 1 in 8 sets we sold on Monday are on ebay right now. Not our rules, the Mints rules. Hope this clears up the ridiculous statements/comments made on this site.
The Gold Center, Inc.
So should we ask him where in the heck coinsantiques got their sets from...
<< <i>
<< <i>Let's see...
2700 sets @$1600 = $4,320,000 potential profit (I give them credit for selling 300 sets to those in line on Monday)
Average profit selling ASEs is $1.50 and AGE's is $20 (probably on the high side), so they have to move 2.88 million ASEs or 216,000 AGEs to be in the same position. I guess it would be worth losing your AP status. If you buy in bulk from a AP instead of being an AP, your profit may drop 50%, so these pucks will fund your operation for a number of years! >>
Not a full analysis. Being an AP is a sweet gig. You're almost a sole-source & you don't have to advertise, and if you do advertise, it's just to ther dealers. Being an AP is REALLY sweet when the mint is rationing AGEs and ASEs like they have been because you can easily sell ALL inventory. They sold 35M, maybe 40M ASEs last year... That's about 3M a piece if sales are distributed easily, and that's just silver, and that's all BULK orders - cases of ASEs, not onesy-twosey. It's not a status that I'd want to lose, because if you lost it, your whole business model would be drastically altered. >>
I agree. A one time profit on these coins not worth loosing your AP status. Way to much money to be lost in the long run. The AP's are all playing with fire right now.
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Member id varietal_sell ( Feedback Score Of 1267)
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Item number: 280611458677
Item location: Ashland, Illinois, United States
Ships to: United States
Payments: PayPal See payment details
Gee... ya think?
<< <i>Newspaper article from Springfield on the Pucks and Gold Center
Sorry if this was already posted. I found the part about the guy hiring folks to get the coins for him particularly interesting. He was eventually asked to leave. I wonder how many he got? >>
Thanks for the link, interesting story, espically the comments. The owner stated “We primarily wanted to take care of our own customers and dealers. Once we got through that, we opened it up to the public on Monday morning at 10 a.m.,” Looks like he took care of them and most likley made quite a bit on the side for himself.
The owner predicted the set will be selling for 15000 to 20000 in the future.
<< <i>
<< <i>Newspaper article from Springfield on the Pucks and Gold Center
Sorry if this was already posted. I found the part about the guy hiring folks to get the coins for him particularly interesting. He was eventually asked to leave. I wonder how many he got? >>
Just in case you haven't read the comments at the end of the article, The Gold Center responded.
Wantstoknow: You don't have a clue-These ARE NOT my customers. These are people trying to take advantage of a situation/system that The Gold Center, Inc., had no part in setting up. These are people trying to make a quick buck. The US Mint set the rules-you don't like them-call the Mint.
HeavyB: We are distributors for the US MINT. We have thousands of customers from coast to coast. The US MINT forced us into this situation, and the Director of the US Mint resigned last week. Maybe the US Mint decided it was better for the 'Distributors to take the blame, than the Mint, for this screw up.' The Mint did not want to deal with the public, nor do I. TC: What are you smoking? There are 5 -FIVE- 5 ounce coins (5 times 5 = 25) or 25 ounces in a set- Please go back to school. Public apology appreciated. Add in the hundreds, if not thousands of man hours, packaging, boxes, credit card fee's, banking fee's,answering 200 phone calls a day for the last month, interest on 3 million dollars and tell me how much I made. Then subtract 50 percent in taxes and what did I make? According to your math, TRILLIONS.
rdh4: How many customers do you think we have? US Treasury rules state that 'no officer, employee, owner' may buy or keep any of these coins-CHEAP/SLEAZY SHOT. Please contact me directly and I will be glad to give you the phone numbers of the acting Director of the US MINT. We have been selling the sets to our 'Real' customers for 3 weeks. AND we actually received 3700 sets. If I am going to give away $1500 per set profit, I do have the right to give away money to MY customers.
hogeye; JE123; Kev; Firnemt; jagerdude420: How about '200' people come pitch tents and park at your house? I wish I could make $1500.00 per set instead of $50.00. Can you say 'Used'-you were willing to stand in line, in the cold, for $50.00 while the guy that hired you tried to make 100's of THOUSANDS of dollars and make me violate US MINT POLICY.
Hogeye-You want photo's of how many were there? We have already sent photo's to the Mint. My dealers and customers are entitled to one set. We sold Two sets on the phone to our 'real' customers for every one sold to the people in line just on Monday alone. Want to recompute your numbers? The US Mint put us in this position, not us. I did violate US Mint policy by giving TWO tickets to an elderly couple that drove here from OHIO, stayed in the cold all night, and were the first to contact us to turn in the people standing in line for dealers/profiteer's . Turn me in. Contact me and I will be glad to provide numbers for the US MINT. Tonight on ebay, most of the sets we sold at $975, are being sold at $2400. Blame these guys not me. The US mint created rules that accomplished EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what they wanted to happen. We estimate that 1 in 8 sets we sold on Monday are on ebay right now. Not our rules, the Mints rules. Hope this clears up the ridiculous statements/comments made on this site.
The Gold Center, Inc.
So should we ask him where in the heck coinsantiques got their sets from... >>
I hope he sold 1 per household, otherwise this guy is pushing his luck.
They will still get out to dealers so folks can do lesser amounts (singles) but it will cut some of the price and be much quicker and there would be no one else to blame/screw up the system
Wonder how the gold center chump would like that!
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
He must be proud to know that he is "giving away" $1,500 per set. Sounds like a genuine saint to me.
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>he said he had been selling them to his real customers for 3 weeks >>
VERY likely in bulk.
<< <i>So the Gold Center owner admits he sold two sets to his customers for every one set he sold on Monday. If 600 sets were sold on Monday, he has sold 1800 sets total. Where are the other 1900 sets that he received from the Mint? >>
I guess he will send them to be graded and make a killing afterwards....yes he will probably sell to the public but it will come with a sticker shock.
<< <i>can we conspire any more to hit 4100? >>
Lots of complaining from the Gold Center guy. He acts like he was forced to carry these, which he was not. Perhaps he was heavily pressured by his "customers and dealers."
Since when do you have people camped out in the parking lot of a precious metals distributor instead of a Harry Potter premier? He has every right to kick these folks off his property, but I think he could have been a little more creative. Grab a few porta-potties and a security guard. A crowd is a great advertisement and he easily could have capitalized on this with a little creativity.
His practices on these have not been beneficial toward the public who he's supposed to be serving as an AP. Who knows who most of his sets went to, but it certainly doesn't feel like they're being distributed fairly.
<< <i>APMEX Mt. Hood SINGLE just went for $699!!!! >>
Sometimes I wonder if the eBayers should be selling them as singles instead of as a set.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Okay, who here is "national_park_5oz_silver_info"???
New, $499.99 eBay listing
If you can't get the pucks, sell the info!
That's only been posted 3 times now.
Still, I think someone should buy it so the seller has to pay eBay fees when the seller doesn't deliver his book. Although the description says pamphlet, the title says book... Either way, he'd better deliver if someone buys it. >>
for $500 minus fees and shipping, I'll print you a book and send it to you! >>
send me $250 and I will write a book for you.
<< <i>
<< <i>Newspaper article from Springfield on the Pucks and Gold Center
Sorry if this was already posted. I found the part about the guy hiring folks to get the coins for him particularly interesting. He was eventually asked to leave. I wonder how many he got? >>
Just in case you haven't read the comments at the end of the article, The Gold Center responded.
Wantstoknow: You don't have a clue-These ARE NOT my customers. These are people trying to take advantage of a situation/system that The Gold Center, Inc., had no part in setting up. These are people trying to make a quick buck. The US Mint set the rules-you don't like them-call the Mint.
HeavyB: We are distributors for the US MINT. We have thousands of customers from coast to coast. The US MINT forced us into this situation, and the Director of the US Mint resigned last week. Maybe the US Mint decided it was better for the 'Distributors to take the blame, than the Mint, for this screw up.' The Mint did not want to deal with the public, nor do I. TC: What are you smoking? There are 5 -FIVE- 5 ounce coins (5 times 5 = 25) or 25 ounces in a set- Please go back to school. Public apology appreciated. Add in the hundreds, if not thousands of man hours, packaging, boxes, credit card fee's, banking fee's,answering 200 phone calls a day for the last month, interest on 3 million dollars and tell me how much I made. Then subtract 50 percent in taxes and what did I make? According to your math, TRILLIONS.
rdh4: How many customers do you think we have? US Treasury rules state that 'no officer, employee, owner' may buy or keep any of these coins-CHEAP/SLEAZY SHOT. Please contact me directly and I will be glad to give you the phone numbers of the acting Director of the US MINT. We have been selling the sets to our 'Real' customers for 3 weeks. AND we actually received 3700 sets. If I am going to give away $1500 per set profit, I do have the right to give away money to MY customers.
hogeye; JE123; Kev; Firnemt; jagerdude420: How about '200' people come pitch tents and park at your house? I wish I could make $1500.00 per set instead of $50.00. Can you say 'Used'-you were willing to stand in line, in the cold, for $50.00 while the guy that hired you tried to make 100's of THOUSANDS of dollars and make me violate US MINT POLICY.
Hogeye-You want photo's of how many were there? We have already sent photo's to the Mint. My dealers and customers are entitled to one set. We sold Two sets on the phone to our 'real' customers for every one sold to the people in line just on Monday alone. Want to recompute your numbers? The US Mint put us in this position, not us. I did violate US Mint policy by giving TWO tickets to an elderly couple that drove here from OHIO, stayed in the cold all night, and were the first to contact us to turn in the people standing in line for dealers/profiteer's . Turn me in. Contact me and I will be glad to provide numbers for the US MINT. Tonight on ebay, most of the sets we sold at $975, are being sold at $2400. Blame these guys not me. The US mint created rules that accomplished EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what they wanted to happen. We estimate that 1 in 8 sets we sold on Monday are on ebay right now. Not our rules, the Mints rules. Hope this clears up the ridiculous statements/comments made on this site.
The Gold Center, Inc.
So should we ask him where in the heck coinsantiques got their sets from... >>
You talking to me???!?!! You talkin to me??!!??!
I never made a response to the newspaper article there, didn't even know about it. Either this guy reads the board here (or is a member, in which case I would think he'd want to man-up and reveal himself by his nickname) or he's psychic.
IMHO, this is an AP who should be DQ from the program. If that article was true in every way, IMHO, he should have said "no comment," or plead the 5th.
EDITED to add that I missed that someone else named tc made a comment that I didn't see. It was not me though.
I'll stand by my other comments though.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Newspaper article from Springfield on the Pucks and Gold Center
Sorry if this was already posted. I found the part about the guy hiring folks to get the coins for him particularly interesting. He was eventually asked to leave. I wonder how many he got? >>
Just in case you haven't read the comments at the end of the article, The Gold Center responded.
Wantstoknow: You don't have a clue-These ARE NOT my customers. These are people trying to take advantage of a situation/system that The Gold Center, Inc., had no part in setting up. These are people trying to make a quick buck. The US Mint set the rules-you don't like them-call the Mint.
HeavyB: We are distributors for the US MINT. We have thousands of customers from coast to coast. The US MINT forced us into this situation, and the Director of the US Mint resigned last week. Maybe the US Mint decided it was better for the 'Distributors to take the blame, than the Mint, for this screw up.' The Mint did not want to deal with the public, nor do I. TC: What are you smoking? There are 5 -FIVE- 5 ounce coins (5 times 5 = 25) or 25 ounces in a set- Please go back to school. Public apology appreciated. Add in the hundreds, if not thousands of man hours, packaging, boxes, credit card fee's, banking fee's,answering 200 phone calls a day for the last month, interest on 3 million dollars and tell me how much I made. Then subtract 50 percent in taxes and what did I make? According to your math, TRILLIONS.
rdh4: How many customers do you think we have? US Treasury rules state that 'no officer, employee, owner' may buy or keep any of these coins-CHEAP/SLEAZY SHOT. Please contact me directly and I will be glad to give you the phone numbers of the acting Director of the US MINT. We have been selling the sets to our 'Real' customers for 3 weeks. AND we actually received 3700 sets. If I am going to give away $1500 per set profit, I do have the right to give away money to MY customers.
hogeye; JE123; Kev; Firnemt; jagerdude420: How about '200' people come pitch tents and park at your house? I wish I could make $1500.00 per set instead of $50.00. Can you say 'Used'-you were willing to stand in line, in the cold, for $50.00 while the guy that hired you tried to make 100's of THOUSANDS of dollars and make me violate US MINT POLICY.
Hogeye-You want photo's of how many were there? We have already sent photo's to the Mint. My dealers and customers are entitled to one set. We sold Two sets on the phone to our 'real' customers for every one sold to the people in line just on Monday alone. Want to recompute your numbers? The US Mint put us in this position, not us. I did violate US Mint policy by giving TWO tickets to an elderly couple that drove here from OHIO, stayed in the cold all night, and were the first to contact us to turn in the people standing in line for dealers/profiteer's . Turn me in. Contact me and I will be glad to provide numbers for the US MINT. Tonight on ebay, most of the sets we sold at $975, are being sold at $2400. Blame these guys not me. The US mint created rules that accomplished EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of what they wanted to happen. We estimate that 1 in 8 sets we sold on Monday are on ebay right now. Not our rules, the Mints rules. Hope this clears up the ridiculous statements/comments made on this site.
The Gold Center, Inc.
So should we ask him where in the heck coinsantiques got their sets from... >>
I hope he sold 1 per household, otherwise this guy is pushing his luck. >>
That is special.........
<< <i>
<< <i>I hope he sold 1 per household, otherwise this guy is pushing his luck. >>
That is special......... >>
I don't have to contact the Mint. Other people have. Just for the callousness, I hope he does get it pulled.
Just sayin' he better have.
I knew we could do it if we worked together!