Does anybody have an order with APMEX that hasn't shipped yet. That $1395 price looks pretty sweet right now. I doubt they sell anymore on their website. I guess though many believe we will be able to pick up for melt price here soon. I had bought three from APMEX. One for each kid. Was pretty happy about it. Now I got one coming tomorrow and to go out and try and get the other two would cost me more than I had originally spent. I guess all the people that only wanted one and ordered from APMEX a couple of weeks ago things worked out pretty good. I am happy for the few of them but the calls to the mint didn't really change much in the whole scheme of things the way it looks today.
There is no way the Coin Vault @ MS-69 NGC graded, ATB 2010 5 oz pucks @$3995 satisfies the mint directive for sale to the public @ 1 set per HH and within the limits of mark up established by the mint.
<< <i>Got my set today. I heartily commend APMEX for their packaging. The coins are in capsules that look like they were intended for something thicker, but the diameter is fine and it works just great. The individual padded zippie bags (with ID labels) are a nice touch. In hand the coins are quite impressive. As previously mentioned by the mint, the detailing of the dies is a bit finer than on the circulating coins, and I have no objection to that. Most of the coins show fine die polish lines in the fields, as made. Not a problem, as it is consistent. One coin does show some major scraping on the raised ring that forms the reverse border. My guess is that it came from the Mint that way. The rest of the coins are fine; would probably grade MS-69 if I slabbed them. I feel no need to.
All in all I am happy with the set, and inclined to buy another one next year. TD >>
Many thanks Capt H for the detailed and helpful report, which is encouraging. Do you think we can also count you in for the whole set of 112 going up to 2021? >>
112? The second set of 56 designs would not end until 2032.
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
<< <i>Does anybody have an order with APMEX that hasn't shipped yet. That $1395 price looks pretty sweet right now. I doubt they sell anymore on their website. I guess though many believe we will be able to pick up for melt price here soon. I had bought three from APMEX. One for each kid. Was pretty happy about it. Now I got one coming tomorrow and to go out and try and get the other two would cost me more than I had originally spent. I guess all the people that only wanted one and ordered from APMEX a couple of weeks ago things worked out pretty good. I am happy for the few of them but the calls to the mint didn't really change much in the whole scheme of things the way it looks today. >>
Many here agree with you, others dont. There is nothing that can be done about it now--------------------BigE
<< <i>There is no way the Coin Vault @ MS-69 NGC graded, ATB 2010 5 oz pucks @$3995 satisfies the mint directive for sale to the public @ 1 set per HH and within the limits of mark up established by the mint. >>
<< <i>There is no way the Coin Vault @ MS-69 NGC graded, ATB 2010 5 oz pucks @$3995 satisfies the mint directive for sale to the public @ 1 set per HH and within the limits of mark up established by the mint. >>
The Coin Vault is not an AP. >>
The coin vault can't buy more than one per HH.
If you were with us earlier, the coin vault is probably pre-selling, IMO.
The answer is - there is now way that coin vault is selling these ATB 2010 5 oz bullion coins as an AP, they have to get them from the secondary market.
Look at the coin vault mark up!!!
Geez, the guy on ebay is languishing with no bids @ $2000 starting and no takers @ $3000 BIN. And he has coins to ship.
wait until the USM direct offering of the collectible one occurs
27,000 issue.
rarer and a little easier to obtain. DIRECT.
If you are gonna make any money on this bullion issue, make it now. Once the 27,000 issue collectible one hits the market, that'll be the "soup de jour"
wait until the USM direct offering of the collectible one occurs
27,000 issue.
rarer and a little easier to obtain. DIRECT.
If you are gonna make any money on this bullion issue, make it now. Once the 27,000 issue collectible one hits the market, that'll be the "soup de jour" >>
Absolutely! You are RIGHT on with this!!!
I can't wait for the maddness at HIGH NOON when the numismatic version is offered, the "what's your order number" thread, etc. They will be off the charts hot. They'll likely more than double after the immediate sell-out.
These non-W pucks will, I think, be left in the dust.
wait until the USM direct offering of the collectible one occurs
27,000 issue.
rarer and a little easier to obtain. DIRECT.
If you are gonna make any money on this bullion issue, make it now. Once the 27,000 issue collectible one hits the market, that'll be the "soup de jour" >>
Absolutely! You are RIGHT on with this!!!
I can't wait for the maddness at HIGH NOON when the numismatic version is offered, the "what's your order number" thread, etc. They will be off the charts hot. They'll likely more than double after the immediate sell-out.
These non-W pucks will, I think, be left in the dust. >>
When the frothy frenzy wears off anyone paying 3500 for a set of this bullion will be sad.
wait until the USM direct offering of the collectible one occurs
27,000 issue.
rarer and a little easier to obtain. DIRECT.
If you are gonna make any money on this bullion issue, make it now. Once the 27,000 issue collectible one hits the market, that'll be the "soup de jour" >>
Another "Stick a Fork in it" prediction of yours? What makes you think that the Mint managed to unload all 33k?
"Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
In saying the the W version will leave the bullion version in the dust, I don't mean to imply that the bullion version won't do very well over time as it is likely that it will be the key by a substantial margin.
One other thought comes to mind w/respect to the Coin Vault 69s....that they are so confident that their coins will grade 69 makes it clear to me that the AP(s) from whom they bought are cherry picking big time. What a shocker.
Pre selling 4 SETS and he has never sold a coin in his life! >>
Link, please?
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
<< <i>In saying the the W version will leave the bullion version in the dust, I don't mean to imply that the bullion version won't do very well over time as it is likely that it will be the key by a substantial margin. >>
I agree. While I think the W version will leave this one in the dust, I think these bullion pucks will still command a nice premium over spot.
Successful transactions with keepdachange, tizofthe, adriana, wondercoin
wait until the USM direct offering of the collectible one occurs
27,000 issue.
rarer and a little easier to obtain. DIRECT.
If you are gonna make any money on this bullion issue, make it now. Once the 27,000 issue collectible one hits the market, that'll be the "soup de jour" >>
That is, I agree until the Mint decides to change the rules again, and up the mintage to meet demand. Surely, you don't want to see another Mint Director resign!
The answer is - there is now way that coin vault is selling these ATB 2010 5 oz bullion coins as an AP, they have to get them from the secondary market.
Look at the coin vault mark up!!!
Geez, the guy on ebay is languishing with no bids @ $2000 starting and no takers @ $3000 BIN. And he has coins to ship. >>
IMO his pics suck and he's not so much of a salesman...The table cloth just doesn't do itseem to be working...
<< <i>In saying the the W version will leave the bullion version in the dust, I don't mean to imply that the bullion version won't do very well over time as it is likely that it will be the key by a substantial margin. >>
I agree. While I think the W version will leave this one in the dust, I think these bullion pucks will still command a nice premium over spot. >>
Just to clarify, the collectors versions will have a "P" mint mark. The press release the Mint sent out yesterday saying "W" was wrong. They have been informed of their error. TD
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
<< <i>In saying the the W version will leave the bullion version in the dust, I don't mean to imply that the bullion version won't do very well over time as it is likely that it will be the key by a substantial margin. >>
I agree. While I think the W version will leave this one in the dust, I think these bullion pucks will still command a nice premium over spot. >>
Just to clarify, the collectors versions will have a "P" mint mark. The press release the Mint sent out yesterday saying "W" was wrong. They have been informed of their error. TD >>
I didn't think that they had moved the "machine" to West Point.
"Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
I think it looks pretty clear that the AP's will scoop up all 33,000 sets of bullion, IMO they will sell the 33,000 - mostly to secondaries (the old friends and family), what has yet to be seen is the price point where 33,000 get absorbed - - - from the secondary market sales.
IMO, The strategy of delaying and staggering release dates has a positive affect on secondary market prices (i dont think for 1 minute that a date all the way out at Jan 17th is because of issues with getting a retail arm going)........less available, higher price. If all 33,000 made it to market (to the REAL general public - no games) you would not be seeing asking prices anywhere near 3500 a set. It would be more like $1500 a set. Still a good profit for those looking to buy and sell.
The 27,000 numismatic version will be a DIRECT sale.
This means no MONKEY business.
The point being made is this happens to be the "soup de jour", but if the 27,000 issue numismatic version were offered tomorow - this would be quickly left in the dust.
Well the long awaited UPS Santa arrived and gave me an early present ....
Quick comments since I am being pulled to a relative's house....
...Nicely packed by APMEX..
..capsules are a tad deep for the coins but do the job well enough. Some (2) are pretty scratched up but the pucks are what counts
...pucks are much shinier than I thought they would be, almost fake looking. The reverse designs are nice but the quarter obverse looks ridiculous
...quality varies...the flatter designs (Hot Springs) obviously will grade much better than those that protrude from the surface (Yellowstone). The reverse of the latter has significant abrasions from the coin above it in the roll. The bottom (or top depending on how they are placed in the roll) will do MUCH better. Overall not bad quality with the Hot Springs having the most grading potential.
<< <i>These are bigger than 3"? a Z5 diameter is 3.024"
did you try one out? >>
I did, the puck will fit snugly in one side, but you won't be able to close it up w/o a lot of force. If you do, good luck in getting them out again. I suppose you could use the Z5's....but what you need is a holder with an inside diameter of 76.75 or 77mm
"Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
USP Santa just arrived. I took multiple good pics of the packaging, the coins, the edges, etc.
I'm just maximally frustrated trying to post them to this forum. WHAT A PAIN!! I could not figure out how to deal with multiple pics on Tinypic and they won't upload to Photobucket.
I'll try one more time but I've really had it trying to do this.
The coins were very, very well packaged.
The obverses look absurd - big, shiny quarters.
The reverses look much better.
All of mine are very nice. I'd be shocked if any were not 68's, most likely all are 69s or better depending on how tough they are.
There are consistent, very tiny scratches on the fields.
The highest point on any of the coins that I see is on the very center of the Hot Springs water feature. It is quite raised. Mine looks good under a 5x loupe.
You can clearly see small, fine, reised ridges where the edged lettering die collars met.
The Yellowstone is dusty and has a small handling smudge on it.
Overall, I think that I really lucked out with my five. APMEX did a fantastic job of packaging them.
I'd love to get the pics up for you guys. I'll try once more, but am at wits end with that process.
Once I get the URL at Tinypic, it won't let me copy it....URRRRGH!
<< <i>
<< <i>Got my set today. I heartily commend APMEX for their packaging. The coins are in capsules that look like they were intended for something thicker, but the diameter is fine and it works just great. The individual padded zippie bags (with ID labels) are a nice touch. In hand the coins are quite impressive. As previously mentioned by the mint, the detailing of the dies is a bit finer than on the circulating coins, and I have no objection to that. Most of the coins show fine die polish lines in the fields, as made. Not a problem, as it is consistent. One coin does show some major scraping on the raised ring that forms the reverse border. My guess is that it came from the Mint that way. The rest of the coins are fine; would probably grade MS-69 if I slabbed them. I feel no need to.
All in all I am happy with the set, and inclined to buy another one next year. TD >>
Many thanks Capt H for the detailed and helpful report, which is encouraging. Do you think we can also count you in for the whole set of 112 going up to 2021? >>
112? The second set of 56 designs would not end until 2032.
<< <i>Does anybody have an order with APMEX that hasn't shipped yet. That $1395 price looks pretty sweet right now. I doubt they sell anymore on their website. I guess though many believe we will be able to pick up for melt price here soon. I had bought three from APMEX. One for each kid. Was pretty happy about it. Now I got one coming tomorrow and to go out and try and get the other two would cost me more than I had originally spent. I guess all the people that only wanted one and ordered from APMEX a couple of weeks ago things worked out pretty good. I am happy for the few of them but the calls to the mint didn't really change much in the whole scheme of things the way it looks today. >>
Many here agree with you, others dont. There is nothing that can be done about it now--------------------BigE
<< <i>There is no way the Coin Vault @ MS-69 NGC graded, ATB 2010 5 oz pucks @$3995 satisfies the mint directive for sale to the public @ 1 set per HH and within the limits of mark up established by the mint. >>
The Coin Vault is not an AP.
<< <i>
<< <i>There is no way the Coin Vault @ MS-69 NGC graded, ATB 2010 5 oz pucks @$3995 satisfies the mint directive for sale to the public @ 1 set per HH and within the limits of mark up established by the mint. >>
The Coin Vault is not an AP.
The coin vault can't buy more than one per HH.
If you were with us earlier, the coin vault is probably pre-selling, IMO.
<< <i>The coin vault can't buy more than one per HH. >>
I guess they need all those names and addresses to pass on to their AP friends for the list......
The answer is - there is now way that coin vault is selling these ATB 2010 5 oz bullion coins as an AP, they have to get them from the secondary market.
Look at the coin vault mark up!!!
Geez, the guy on ebay is languishing with no bids @ $2000 starting and no takers @ $3000 BIN. And he has coins to ship.
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>Geez, the guy on ebay is languishing with no bids @ $2000 starting and no takers @ $3000 BIN. And he has coins to ship. >>
I was wondering why no bids, thought after the coin vault debut, it would have a least one bid.
wait until the USM direct offering of the collectible one occurs
27,000 issue.
rarer and a little easier to obtain. DIRECT.
If you are gonna make any money on this bullion issue, make it now. Once the 27,000 issue collectible one hits the market, that'll be the "soup de jour"
<< <i>this is the "product of the moment"
wait until the USM direct offering of the collectible one occurs
27,000 issue.
rarer and a little easier to obtain. DIRECT.
If you are gonna make any money on this bullion issue, make it now. Once the 27,000 issue collectible one hits the market, that'll be the "soup de jour" >>
Absolutely! You are RIGHT on with this!!!
I can't wait for the maddness at HIGH NOON when the numismatic version is offered, the "what's your order number" thread, etc. They will be off the charts hot. They'll likely more than double after the immediate sell-out.
These non-W pucks will, I think, be left in the dust.
<< <i>better have a d&mn good connection that day!!!! >>
I'm taking off work that day.
Pre selling 4 SETS and he has never sold a coin in his life!
Loves me some shiny!
<< <i>
<< <i>this is the "product of the moment"
wait until the USM direct offering of the collectible one occurs
27,000 issue.
rarer and a little easier to obtain. DIRECT.
If you are gonna make any money on this bullion issue, make it now. Once the 27,000 issue collectible one hits the market, that'll be the "soup de jour" >>
Absolutely! You are RIGHT on with this!!!
I can't wait for the maddness at HIGH NOON when the numismatic version is offered, the "what's your order number" thread, etc. They will be off the charts hot. They'll likely more than double after the immediate sell-out.
These non-W pucks will, I think, be left in the dust. >>
<< <i>this is the "product of the moment"
wait until the USM direct offering of the collectible one occurs
27,000 issue.
rarer and a little easier to obtain. DIRECT.
If you are gonna make any money on this bullion issue, make it now. Once the 27,000 issue collectible one hits the market, that'll be the "soup de jour" >>
Another "Stick a Fork in it" prediction of yours? What makes you think that the Mint managed to unload all 33k?
One other thought comes to mind w/respect to the Coin Vault 69s....that they are so confident that their coins will grade 69 makes it clear to me that the AP(s) from whom they bought are cherry picking big time. What a shocker.
<< <i>check out "pulverfan" on eBay.
Pre selling 4 SETS and he has never sold a coin in his life! >>
Link, please?
<< <i>In saying the the W version will leave the bullion version in the dust, I don't mean to imply that the bullion version won't do very well over time as it is likely that it will be the key by a substantial margin.
I agree. While I think the W version will leave this one in the dust, I think these bullion pucks will still command a nice premium over spot.
<< <i>this is the "product of the moment"
wait until the USM direct offering of the collectible one occurs
27,000 issue.
rarer and a little easier to obtain. DIRECT.
If you are gonna make any money on this bullion issue, make it now. Once the 27,000 issue collectible one hits the market, that'll be the "soup de jour" >>
That is, I agree until the Mint decides to change the rules again, and up the mintage to meet demand.
Surely, you don't want to see another Mint Director resign!
<< <i>that is one ugly coin >>
That's no coin... that's a space station!
eBay listings
<< <i>I still can't get over why in the world they would use that obverse. >>
Totally agree....It just looks weird and almost fake...and to say it's legal tender at 25 cents just adds to it
edited to add: and my weird quarters are..... "12/24/2010 6:17 A.M. OUT FOR DELIVERY"
<< <i>
The answer is - there is now way that coin vault is selling these ATB 2010 5 oz bullion coins as an AP, they have to get them from the secondary market.
Look at the coin vault mark up!!!
Geez, the guy on ebay is languishing with no bids @ $2000 starting and no takers @ $3000 BIN. And he has coins to ship. >>
IMO his pics suck and he's not so much of a salesman...The table cloth just doesn't do itseem to be working...
<< <i>
<< <i>In saying the the W version will leave the bullion version in the dust, I don't mean to imply that the bullion version won't do very well over time as it is likely that it will be the key by a substantial margin.
I agree. While I think the W version will leave this one in the dust, I think these bullion pucks will still command a nice premium over spot. >>
Just to clarify, the collectors versions will have a "P" mint mark. The press release the Mint sent out yesterday saying "W" was wrong. They have been informed of their error.
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>In saying the the W version will leave the bullion version in the dust, I don't mean to imply that the bullion version won't do very well over time as it is likely that it will be the key by a substantial margin.
I agree. While I think the W version will leave this one in the dust, I think these bullion pucks will still command a nice premium over spot. >>
Just to clarify, the collectors versions will have a "P" mint mark. The press release the Mint sent out yesterday saying "W" was wrong. They have been informed of their error.
TD >>
I didn't think that they had moved the "machine" to West Point.
I think it looks pretty clear that the AP's will scoop up all 33,000 sets of bullion, IMO they will sell the 33,000 - mostly to secondaries (the old friends and family), what has yet to be seen is the price point where 33,000 get absorbed - - - from the secondary market sales.
IMO, The strategy of delaying and staggering release dates has a positive affect on secondary market prices (i dont think for 1 minute that a date all the way out at Jan 17th is because of issues with getting a retail arm going)........less available, higher price. If all 33,000 made it to market (to the REAL general public - no games) you would not be seeing asking prices anywhere near 3500 a set. It would be more like $1500 a set. Still a good profit for those looking to buy and sell.
The 27,000 numismatic version will be a DIRECT sale.
This means no MONKEY business.
The point being made is this happens to be the "soup de jour", but if the 27,000 issue numismatic version were offered tomorow - this would be quickly left in the dust.
It would be a nice Christmas present if someone would start a "ATB 5 Oz Round - Facts Only Thread".
This thread should contain:
1) US Mint information on
- The Bullion Version
- The Collector Version
2) Current information related to purchasing ATB Bullion coins from authorized sellers.
I will even start the thread and organize relevant inputs into the top post as a current situation summary.
<< <i>It would be a nice Christmas present if someone would start a "ATB 5 Oz Round - Facts Only Thread".
This thread should contain:
1) US Mint information on
- The Bullion Version
- The Collector Version
2) Current information related to purchasing ATB Bullion coins from authorized sellers.
I will even start the thread and organize relevant inputs into the top post as a current situation summary. >>
Quick comments since I am being pulled to a relative's house....
...Nicely packed by APMEX..
..capsules are a tad deep for the coins but do the job well enough. Some (2) are pretty scratched up but the pucks are what counts
...pucks are much shinier than I thought they would be, almost fake looking. The reverse designs are nice but the quarter obverse looks ridiculous
...quality varies...the flatter designs (Hot Springs) obviously will grade much better than those that protrude from the surface (Yellowstone). The reverse of the latter has significant abrasions from the coin above it in the roll. The bottom (or top depending on how they are placed in the roll) will do MUCH better. Overall not bad quality with the Hot Springs having the most grading potential.
Gotta go....
edited for spelling
gotta keep this all in perspective...
but contact made.
gonna open em tomorrow for maximum effect
BTW a Airt tite Z5 is to small...the depth is ok, but the circumference is not.
did you try one out?
<< <i>These are bigger than 3"? a Z5 diameter is 3.024"
did you try one out? >>
I did, the puck will fit snugly in one side, but you won't be able to close it up w/o a lot of force. If you do, good luck in getting them out again. I suppose you could use the Z5's....but what you need is a holder with an inside diameter of 76.75 or 77mm
Having a complete set of both is nothing but $$$$$$$$$$$$$ in hand.
Happy Holidays to All!
USP Santa just arrived. I took multiple good pics of the packaging, the coins, the edges, etc.
I'm just maximally frustrated trying to post them to this forum. WHAT A PAIN!! I could not figure out how to deal with multiple pics on Tinypic and they won't upload to Photobucket.
I'll try one more time but I've really had it trying to do this.
The coins were very, very well packaged.
The obverses look absurd - big, shiny quarters.
The reverses look much better.
All of mine are very nice. I'd be shocked if any were not 68's, most likely all are 69s or better depending on how tough they are.
There are consistent, very tiny scratches on the fields.
The highest point on any of the coins that I see is on the very center of the Hot Springs water feature. It is quite raised. Mine looks good under a 5x loupe.
You can clearly see small, fine, reised ridges where the edged lettering die collars met.
The Yellowstone is dusty and has a small handling smudge on it.
Overall, I think that I really lucked out with my five. APMEX did a fantastic job of packaging them.
I'd love to get the pics up for you guys. I'll try once more, but am at wits end with that process.
Once I get the URL at Tinypic, it won't let me copy it....URRRRGH!
Edited for spelling and some more details...
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Edited: Done. Thanks again!!