I think the MS 69 2011's onward with be selling for a small premium over spot much like the current MS 69s are selling for. The DPMLs-who knows. All depends on what the demand for these 5 ozers will be. Will the mint begin switching over to the 5 oz as their preference for distributing their bullion-making less and less of the ASEs. Seems more efficient way. 25 years of the ASEs is getting tiring. Time for a new design for these anyway.
The selling of all 5 designs at once by the mint will probably not happen again. 2010 will be unique. Unless the mint decides to mint all 5 designs all at once and then sell them. We shall see.
I have a question about the 2010 special Mint version due out in a month or two...
According to CW, each coin will be available for sale individually...but does that mean you can still purchase all 5 at the same time if you choose...or will each park be sold separately over five different periods of time? I'm hoping for the former...but with the Mint, you never know.
<< <i>I have a question about the 2010 special Mint version due out in a month or two...
According to CW, each coin will be available for sale individually...but does that mean you can still purchase all 5 at the same time if you choose...or will each park be sold separately over five different periods of time? I'm hoping for the former...but with the Mint, you never know. >>
If I was selling the 2010 P-Pucks, I'd sell them in sets of five coins and conduct 27,000 sales transactions and be done with it.
Instead I think your suspicion has merit - I bet the mint will sell each park coin individually on different days and conduct 135,000 sales transactions.
And another question...were the special Mint versions struck from different dies than the "circulation" issues? And, if not, was the P mintmark added post striking in a separate operation?
<< <i>I think the MS 69 2011's onward with be selling for a small premium over spot much like the current MS 69s are selling for. The DPMLs-who knows. All depends on what the demand for these 5 ozers will be. Will the mint begin switching over to the 5 oz as their preference for distributing their bullion-making less and less of the ASEs. Seems more efficient way. 25 years of the ASEs is getting tiring. Time for a new design for these anyway.
The selling of all 5 designs at once by the mint will probably not happen again. 2010 will be unique. Unless the mint decides to mint all 5 designs all at once and then sell them. We shall see. >>
I am just a novice but I don't see how. From the grades I have seen only about 20 percent grade at a MS69 or higher. So 20 percent of 33000 is 6600 of each coin. With that limited amount why just a small premium over spot?
Successful coin BST transactions with Gerard and segoja.
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
Wow.. So Silver is at $37.24 right now. It did one hell of a rebound from its mini melt down last week. Seems like its just going to continue going up. I wonder if someone's manipulating the market. I read somewhere that JP Morgan Chase was doing something with silver that might be manipulating the market.
<<Wow.. So Silver is at $37.24 right now. It did one hell of a rebound from its mini melt down last week. Seems like its just going to continue going up. I wonder if someone's manipulating the market. I read somewhere that JP Morgan Chase was doing something with silver that might be manipulating the market. >>
Just as long as a couple of guys named "Hunt" don't suddenly turn up!
<< <i>I have a question about the 2010 special Mint version due out in a month or two...
According to CW, each coin will be available for sale individually...but does that mean you can still purchase all 5 at the same time if you choose...or will each park be sold separately over five different periods of time? I'm hoping for the former...but with the Mint, you never know. >>
<< <i>MCM has resumed buying graded singles and MTB/AMark Sets on the BST. >>
Nice line over there "BUYING graded and MTB and AMARK sealed only"
What about the others guys????
The price is a little lowball if you ask me for sealed sets.......open sets yes, but sealed? >>
The others seem to have inconsistent packaging. The early FTrade packaging was famously atrocious (I received a set and had at least one rim ding). I didn't get a DG set but I didn't hear great things about the packaging either. AMark and MTB, on the other hand, had great protective packaging. No chance of damage in shipment, short of driving over the package with a delivery truck.
They probably just don't want to deal with the chance the coins were damaged in transit. And they don't seem to need new inventory THAT much, so they're being picky.
Successful transactions with keepdachange, tizofthe, adriana, wondercoin
<< <i>My MTB set was the worst set I rec'd. I'd never buy a sealed MTB set. >>
What was wierd when I recieved my MTB set, was that 2 of the individual padded envelopes for each coin in my MTB box were tore open and the coins were obviously looked at since one had a finger print. lol. But they were some of the best coins I got!
Being picky is fine. Pay less for any "damaged" coins. Just because another AP sold the coins, doesnt mean they are damaged.
I, for one, received far superior coins in little bubble wrap envelopes than in AMARK sealed boxes........
My opinion is - if you are a major player in ATB's----- buy them all..... >>
Sorry if this disappoints, but NO ONE in the wholesale market is buying them in quantity at all that I am aware of. In fact, very few dealers are buying them at a premium right now. As others have pointed out for now sales have slowed down a great deal. You may think 1300 is too cheap but we already filled what we needed (40 sets) today so that 1300 buy will be gone after today. It's easy to be an armchair quarterback as some enjoy and you certainly have every right to do so, but it certainly doesn't mean your assertions are correct. As for the MTB/AMARK thing, those are the sets that WE think have been the nicest. Some of the others have been nice too, but overall not like the MTB/AMARK sets in our opinion. There have been some AMARK sets we bought that were not nice at all but no surprise those were open boxes. It never ceases to amaze me that people criticise others buy prices. Anyone has the right to post a buy at any level they want and people then make a choice if they wish to sell. I also find that often those who think a buy price is too cheap would often not pay the same or more including dealers so how can it then be "too cheap"?
Being picky is fine. Pay less for any "damaged" coins. Just because another AP sold the coins, doesnt mean they are damaged.
I, for one, received far superior coins in little bubble wrap envelopes than in AMARK sealed boxes........
My opinion is - if you are a major player in ATB's----- buy them all..... >>
Sorry if this disappoints, but NO ONE in the wholesale market is buying them in quantity at all that I am aware of. In fact, very few dealers are buying them at a premium right now. As others have pointed out for now sales have slowed down a great deal. You may think 1300 is too cheap but we already filled what we needed (40 sets) today so that 1300 buy will be gone after today. It's easy to be an armchair quarterback as some enjoy and you certainly have every right to do so, but it certainly doesn't mean your assertions are correct. As for the MTB/AMARK thing, those are the sets that WE think have been the nicest. Some of the others have been nice too, but overall not like the MTB/AMARK sets in our opinion. There have been some AMARK sets we bought that were not nice at all but no surprise those were open boxes. It never ceases to amaze me that people criticise others buy prices. Anyone has the right to post a buy at any level they want and people then make a choice if they wish to sell. I also find that often those who think a buy price is too cheap would often not pay the same or more including dealers so how can it then be "too cheap"?
John >>
I think you are pretty square with people in your dealings. You have to be realistic to keep a market healthy and if the market gets soft you have to also. I know if these get hot again later on (I think they will) then your buy pricing will reflect that I am sure because that will be the new reality. I did have one complaint though a while back I was trying to sell some coins and no one would call me back.
Gold and silver are valuable but wisdom is priceless.
This COULD be a GREAT buying opportunity for these. The depressed prices are a direct result of the buy and flip. That won't go on forever. As for MCM call backs, I think we run a tight ship that many others in the same business try to emulate, of course I am biased. Having free phone lines (and we have 8 of them now) and promptly returning calls is not our strong suit, I admit it, but we are working to improve. Most (not all) coin companies that do the volume of business we do have at least twice as many employees. Soon we will be adding additional staff and office space which will address this. I love all the compliments and I accept the legitimate criticism.
<< <i>Got to say that MCM has become the first place I look. Glad to have that option and will always buy MCM when I can. >>
I've dealt with MCM too - very fast payment and good dealings.
Although, my opinion the latest BUY $$ are a little light and very prohibitive to only 2 AP's and sealed only. Again, my opinion is that if you are worried about damaged coins, you stipulate "no damaged coins", not ONLY certain AP's.
BTW, just dealt with another buyer with a qtr page buy ad in back of CW, their price is very good and no complaints. Fast check too. Prices fluctuate, but theirs was $200 north of MCM on AMARK (not sealed) sets about a week ago.
<< <i>Got to say that MCM has become the first place I look. Glad to have that option and will always buy MCM when I can. >>
I've dealt with MCM too - very fast payment and good dealings.
Although, my opinion the latest BUY $$ are a little light and very prohibitive to only 2 AP's and sealed only. Again, my opinion is that if you are worried about damaged coins, you stipulate "no damaged coins", not ONLY certain AP's.
BTW, just dealt with another buyer with a qtr page buy ad in back of CW, their price is very good and no complaints. Fast check too. Prices fluctuate, but theirs was $200 north of MCM on AMARK (not sealed) sets about a week ago. >>
Everyone has their own opinion of what the right price is. (I only see it as light because I sold two sets at a higher price so it is in direct relation to a real value I can place on the sets). In this instance MCM knew how many sets they wanted and the price they would pay. In one day they filled their 40 wanted sets at $200 less per set than the "competitors" thus saving $8000. Seems like a smart business decision to me.
Regardless of what prices were a week ago (very long in ATB time) today they are $1300 in the wholesale arena and most buyers are looking for a few sets not quantity, maybe a max of 10. Also, many who were previously buying are no longer.... not to say someone might not pay more but there are far more who would pay LESS.
John Maben
Pegasus Coin and Jewelry (Brick and Mortar)
Like I previously stated - in my opinion, price is a little low, but, not the major motivation for my comment - you are right, prices a week ago are not the same as today. Agreed.
The comment is more so about buying only certain sets from particular suppliers......rather than stating "damaged coins" are a certain percentage less or returned to owner.
Sealed vs Unsealed, I get it. Just like the lottery.
Buying only certain sets does bring up an interesting point. The huge inconsistencies in packaging is the main reason I did not buy a CnT set. I may try for one later if they are available and the packaging turns out to be good. It will still be a gamble though. My three sets ranked in order of best to worst are - Fidelitrade (original packaging), MTB, A-Mark...and from what we have seen almost everyone would have a different answer when ranking, I definetely got lucky on the FTrades. Who knows, maybe CnT will have the best coins, but if they don't package them right they won't be worth much more than melt.
<< <i>Two DMPL69 Hot Springs sold for $776 and $745 each on eBay last night. >>
I think it's safe to say if you sent in a set of 5 to PCGS on average you would probably get about 1 or 2 DMPL 69's. So if you sold both and got $750 each for a total of $1500. You then minus in grading, selling, and shipping fees and you still have 3 other coins for free. IMHO not to shabby.
Successful coin BST transactions with Gerard and segoja.
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
, for one, received far superior coins in little bubble wrap envelopes than in AMARK sealed boxes........
My FidiliTrades were all in cheap bubble wrap inserts. All 10 graded NGC ER MS 69 except 2 at 68 and 1 at 67. They were all highly reflective surfaces, though NGC gave none of them PLs. Its the coin, not the label that counts more sometimes. I agree its not the packaging, its the luck of the draw. Though some APS seem to have more abundant PLs and DMPLs.
<< <i>Two DMPL69 Hot Springs sold for $776 and $745 each on eBay last night. >>
I think it's safe to say if you sent in a set of 5 to PCGS on average you would probably get about 1 or 2 DMPL 69's. So if you sold both and got $750 each for a total of $1500. You then minus in grading, selling, and shipping fees and you still have 3 other coins for free. IMHO not to shabby. >>
I would say count your blessings if you got that, not count on it.
Gold and silver are valuable but wisdom is priceless.
I just received a set from MTB about a week or so ago. The coins were all either DM or PL, but because of poor handling, they will not grade above 68 if I am lucky.
I was going to sell them to MCM before I decided to open them (I thought MCM was finished buying ATBs). MCM lucked out not buying these. I might just keep them for spot silver.
Was Just wondering, Has anyone tried the Dipping on these? I have some tape marks and a fingerprint on my set from prudential,two of them I am sure will be dm and the other 3 pl. But I have never done the dip and wonder if it would remove the tape residue and the fingerprint without taking away the shine. Waiting on the fidelitrade...
Having in my possession a non-PL, a PL, and a DMPL I think I can easily distinguish the three. I'm sure there are some technical details that could change the grading, but overall...
Best to look at George Washington to do this, but obviously both sides need to meet the standard.
non-PL - Reflections look very blurry PL - Reflections are slightly blurry, but you can pretty much make things out DMPL - Reflections are clean and clear
Using this criteria I was able to go through the rest of my pile and without looking fairly accurately guess what they were.
<< <i>Was Just wondering, Has anyone tried the Dipping on these? I have some tape marks and a fingerprint on my set from prudential,two of them I am sure will be dm and the other 3 pl. But I have never done the dip and wonder if it would remove the tape residue and the fingerprint without taking away the shine. Waiting on the fidelitrade... >>
I dipped mine in acetone and gave them a bath in distilled water before drying them with a hair dryer. I don't know if it improved them but hopefully it protected them.
Something is going on. Someone somewhere must be manipulating things. Or maybe everyone is buying silver for jewelery now since gold is WAY too expensive.
The selling of all 5 designs at once by the mint will probably not happen again. 2010 will be unique. Unless the mint decides to mint all 5 designs all at once and then sell them. We shall see.
Box of 20
You can find it under the 'Never too late to Navigate" heading!
I gotta go; things are heating up........
According to CW, each coin will be available for sale individually...but does that mean you can still purchase all 5 at the same time if you choose...or will each park be sold separately over five different periods of time? I'm hoping for the former...but with the Mint, you never know.
<< <i>I have a question about the 2010 special Mint version due out in a month or two...
According to CW, each coin will be available for sale individually...but does that mean you can still purchase all 5 at the same time if you choose...or will each park be sold separately over five different periods of time? I'm hoping for the former...but with the Mint, you never know. >>
If I was selling the 2010 P-Pucks, I'd sell them in sets of five coins and conduct 27,000 sales transactions and be done with it.
Instead I think your suspicion has merit - I bet the mint will sell each park coin individually on different days and conduct 135,000 sales transactions.
<< <i>I think the MS 69 2011's onward with be selling for a small premium over spot much like the current MS 69s are selling for. The DPMLs-who knows. All depends on what the demand for these 5 ozers will be. Will the mint begin switching over to the 5 oz as their preference for distributing their bullion-making less and less of the ASEs. Seems more efficient way. 25 years of the ASEs is getting tiring. Time for a new design for these anyway.
The selling of all 5 designs at once by the mint will probably not happen again. 2010 will be unique. Unless the mint decides to mint all 5 designs all at once and then sell them. We shall see. >>
I am just a novice but I don't see how. From the grades I have seen only about 20 percent grade at a MS69 or higher. So 20 percent of 33000 is 6600 of each coin. With that limited amount why just a small premium over spot?
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
Just as long as a couple of guys named "Hunt" don't suddenly turn up!
(Am I showing my age with that comment?)
<< <i>MCM has resumed buying graded singles and MTB/AMark Sets on the BST. >>
Nice line over there "BUYING graded and MTB and AMARK sealed only"
What about the others guys????
The price is a little lowball if you ask me for sealed sets.......open sets yes, but sealed?
<< <i>I have a question about the 2010 special Mint version due out in a month or two...
According to CW, each coin will be available for sale individually...but does that mean you can still purchase all 5 at the same time if you choose...or will each park be sold separately over five different periods of time? I'm hoping for the former...but with the Mint, you never know. >>
Everything is pure speculation at this point.
<< <i>
<< <i>MCM has resumed buying graded singles and MTB/AMark Sets on the BST. >>
Nice line over there "BUYING graded and MTB and AMARK sealed only"
What about the others guys????
The price is a little lowball if you ask me for sealed sets.......open sets yes, but sealed? >>
The others seem to have inconsistent packaging. The early FTrade packaging was famously atrocious (I received a set and had at least one rim ding). I didn't get a DG set but I didn't hear great things about the packaging either. AMark and MTB, on the other hand, had great protective packaging. No chance of damage in shipment, short of driving over the package with a delivery truck.
They probably just don't want to deal with the chance the coins were damaged in transit. And they don't seem to need new inventory THAT much, so they're being picky.
I dont think so.
Being picky is fine. Pay less for any "damaged" coins. Just because another AP sold the coins, doesnt mean they are damaged.
I, for one, received far superior coins in little bubble wrap envelopes than in AMARK sealed boxes........
My opinion is - if you are a major player in ATB's----- buy them all.....
<< <i>My MTB set was the worst set I rec'd. I'd never buy a sealed MTB set. >>
What was wierd when I recieved my MTB set, was that 2 of the individual padded envelopes for each coin in my MTB box were tore open and the coins were obviously looked at since one had a finger print. lol. But they were some of the best coins I got!
<< <i>Being Picky? Packaging?
I dont think so.
Being picky is fine. Pay less for any "damaged" coins. Just because another AP sold the coins, doesnt mean they are damaged.
I, for one, received far superior coins in little bubble wrap envelopes than in AMARK sealed boxes........
My opinion is - if you are a major player in ATB's----- buy them all..... >>
Sorry if this disappoints, but NO ONE in the wholesale market is buying them in quantity at all that I am aware of. In fact, very few dealers are buying them at a premium right now. As others have pointed out for now sales have slowed down a great deal. You may think 1300 is too cheap but we already filled what we needed (40 sets) today so that 1300 buy will be gone after today. It's easy to be an armchair quarterback as some enjoy and you certainly have every right to do so, but it certainly doesn't mean your assertions are correct. As for the MTB/AMARK thing, those are the sets that WE think have been the nicest. Some of the others have been nice too, but overall not like the MTB/AMARK sets in our opinion. There have been some AMARK sets we bought that were not nice at all but no surprise those were open boxes. It never ceases to amaze me that people criticise others buy prices. Anyone has the right to post a buy at any level they want and people then make a choice if they wish to sell. I also find that often those who think a buy price is too cheap would often not pay the same or more including dealers so how can it then be "too cheap"?
<< <i>
<< <i>Being Picky? Packaging?
I dont think so.
Being picky is fine. Pay less for any "damaged" coins. Just because another AP sold the coins, doesnt mean they are damaged.
I, for one, received far superior coins in little bubble wrap envelopes than in AMARK sealed boxes........
My opinion is - if you are a major player in ATB's----- buy them all..... >>
Sorry if this disappoints, but NO ONE in the wholesale market is buying them in quantity at all that I am aware of. In fact, very few dealers are buying them at a premium right now. As others have pointed out for now sales have slowed down a great deal. You may think 1300 is too cheap but we already filled what we needed (40 sets) today so that 1300 buy will be gone after today. It's easy to be an armchair quarterback as some enjoy and you certainly have every right to do so, but it certainly doesn't mean your assertions are correct. As for the MTB/AMARK thing, those are the sets that WE think have been the nicest. Some of the others have been nice too, but overall not like the MTB/AMARK sets in our opinion. There have been some AMARK sets we bought that were not nice at all but no surprise those were open boxes. It never ceases to amaze me that people criticise others buy prices. Anyone has the right to post a buy at any level they want and people then make a choice if they wish to sell. I also find that often those who think a buy price is too cheap would often not pay the same or more including dealers so how can it then be "too cheap"?
John >>
I think you are pretty square with people in your dealings. You have to be realistic to keep a market healthy and if the market gets soft you have to also. I know if these get hot again later on (I think they will) then your buy pricing will reflect that I am sure because that will be the new reality. I did have one complaint though a while back I was trying to sell some coins and no one would call me back.
<< <i>Got to say that MCM has become the first place I look. Glad to have that option and will always buy MCM when I can. >>
I've dealt with MCM too - very fast payment and good dealings.
Although, my opinion the latest BUY $$ are a little light and very prohibitive to only 2 AP's and sealed only. Again, my opinion is that if you are worried about damaged coins, you stipulate "no damaged coins", not ONLY certain AP's.
BTW, just dealt with another buyer with a qtr page buy ad in back of CW, their price is very good and no complaints. Fast check too. Prices fluctuate, but theirs was $200 north of MCM on AMARK (not sealed) sets about a week ago.
<< <i>Got to say that MCM has become the first place I look. Glad to have that option and will always buy MCM when I can. >>
<< <i>
<< <i>Got to say that MCM has become the first place I look. Glad to have that option and will always buy MCM when I can. >>
I've dealt with MCM too - very fast payment and good dealings.
Although, my opinion the latest BUY $$ are a little light and very prohibitive to only 2 AP's and sealed only. Again, my opinion is that if you are worried about damaged coins, you stipulate "no damaged coins", not ONLY certain AP's.
BTW, just dealt with another buyer with a qtr page buy ad in back of CW, their price is very good and no complaints. Fast check too. Prices fluctuate, but theirs was $200 north of MCM on AMARK (not sealed) sets about a week ago. >>
Everyone has their own opinion of what the right price is. (I only see it as light because I sold two sets at a higher price so it is in direct relation to a real value I can place on the sets). In this instance MCM knew how many sets they wanted and the price they would pay. In one day they filled their 40 wanted sets at $200 less per set than the "competitors" thus saving $8000. Seems like a smart business decision to me.
John Maben
Pegasus Coin and Jewelry (Brick and Mortar)
The comment is more so about buying only certain sets from particular suppliers......rather than stating "damaged coins" are a certain percentage less or returned to owner.
Sealed vs Unsealed, I get it. Just like the lottery.
<< <i>Anyone here think silver, especially the ATBs are looking like a "bubble" ? >>
<< <i>Two DMPL69 Hot Springs sold for $776 and $745 each on eBay last night. >>
I think it's safe to say if you sent in a set of 5 to PCGS on average you would probably get about 1 or 2 DMPL 69's. So if you sold both and got $750 each for a total of $1500. You then minus in grading, selling, and shipping fees and you still have 3 other coins for free. IMHO not to shabby.
Successful card BST transactions with cbcnow, brogurt, gstarling, Bravesfan 007, and rajah 424.
My FidiliTrades were all in cheap bubble wrap inserts. All 10 graded NGC ER MS 69 except 2 at 68 and 1 at 67. They were all highly reflective surfaces, though NGC gave none of them PLs. Its the coin, not the label that counts more sometimes. I agree its not the packaging, its the luck of the draw. Though some APS seem to have more abundant PLs and DMPLs.
Box of 20
<< <i>69DMPL is the new 69 >>
Sounds to me like it's the new 70 on these coins.
Not the most popular of the series. A Yosemite would go for much higher.
Box of 20
<< <i>Two DMPL69 Hot Springs sold for $776 and $745 each on eBay last night.
Not the most popular of the series. A Yosemite would go for much higher. >>
A Yellowstone MS69DMPL sold on eBay yesterday!
<< <i>
<< <i>Two DMPL69 Hot Springs sold for $776 and $745 each on eBay last night. >>
I think it's safe to say if you sent in a set of 5 to PCGS on average you would probably get about 1 or 2 DMPL 69's. So if you sold both and got $750 each for a total of $1500. You then minus in grading, selling, and shipping fees and you still have 3 other coins for free. IMHO not to shabby. >>
I would say count your blessings if you got that, not count on it.
I was going to sell them to MCM before I decided to open them (I thought MCM was finished buying ATBs). MCM lucked out not buying these. I might just keep them for spot silver.
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
Best to look at George Washington to do this, but obviously both sides need to meet the standard.
non-PL - Reflections look very blurry
PL - Reflections are slightly blurry, but you can pretty much make things out
DMPL - Reflections are clean and clear
Using this criteria I was able to go through the rest of my pile and without looking fairly accurately guess what they were.
Hope this helps some of you.
Truth be told, I wasn't very familiar with the variety until I started shopping around for the set.
<< <i>Was Just wondering, Has anyone tried the Dipping on these? I have some tape marks and a fingerprint on my set from prudential,two of them I am sure will be dm and the other 3 pl. But I have never done the dip and wonder if it would remove the tape residue and the fingerprint without taking away the shine. Waiting on the fidelitrade...
I dipped mine in acetone and gave them a bath in distilled water before drying them with a hair dryer. I don't know if it improved them but hopefully it protected them.
<< <i>Hey ModCrewman...I like your aviatar...I recently bought a very nice frosted "Superbird" quarter as part of an originally packed '51 proof set.
Truth be told, I wasn't very familiar with the variety until I started shopping around for the set. >>
Thanks...custom made...looking to replace him if we ever get another avatar upload day.
I'm also guessing you mean a 1952 proof set...if not...your coin will be EXTREMELY valuable.
Something is going on. Someone somewhere must be manipulating things. Or maybe everyone is buying silver for jewelery now since gold is WAY too expensive.
DUH...correct...in fact I bought both the '51 and '52 sets simultaneously from the same dealer...hence the brainfart!
The price seems to be getting a bit ahead of itself lately.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment