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Thanks to John Nanney's Discovery, 2008 ASE's with 2007 reverse going through the roof



  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>You know, change is often difficult for others to accept, especially dealers who do not want to make an investment in a major variety that they know little or nothing about.

    The majority of the coin collecting public is barely aware that this variety even exists. In fact, some collectors randomly dismiss it as just another insignificant Mint error.

    I'll predict that this variety will one day be as important as the '55 Licoln Double Date, the 42 over 41 Mercury, and the three legged Buffalo. That is pretty darned good company, and I don't think I am wrong. >>

    I would have to disagree with this since the Silver Eagle set will never hold the same position of popularity as the Lincoln Set, the Buffalo Set, or the Mercury Set. It's popularity as a set is solely dictated by the Internet and the Registry Game. Aside from that it is, after all, just bullion.

    Yes the 2008 Reverse of 07 IS a major variety for the Silver Eagles but the coins themselves simply are not that exciting. They are "copies" of the real deal in the Walking Liberty Halves and always will be.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • halfhunterhalfhunter Posts: 2,770 ✭✭✭
    It's popularity as a set is solely dictated by the Internet and the Registry Game.

    Disagree. I bet'ya most ASE sets are held by "average collectors", & people that buy them from the local dealer yearly for kids/grandkids. . . Of course these folks probably aren't interested in varieties.

    They are "copies" of the real deal in the Walking Liberty Halves and always will be.

    Agree. Unless, of course, they change the design.

    Regards, John
    Need the following OBW rolls to complete my 46-64 Roosevelt roll set:
    1947-P & D; 1948-D; 1949-P & S; 1950-D & S; and 1952-S.
    Any help locating any of these OBW rolls would be gratefully appreciated!
  • I am excited about the fact that 2008 holds 4 different varieties (if that is the right decription?) of ASE's! Yes, I am new to collecting, but it appears that does not happen too often.
    Quote from a smart man: Richard Hobbs (my father)... never tell a lie! Then you don't have to remember what you said!
  • 6Sigma6Sigma Posts: 96 ✭✭

    << <i>I would have to disagree with this since the Silver Eagle set will never hold the same position of popularity as the Lincoln Set, the Buffalo Set, or the Mercury Set. It's popularity as a set is solely dictated by the Internet and the Registry Game. Aside from that it is, after all, just bullion.

    Yes the 2008 Reverse of 07 IS a major variety for the Silver Eagles but the coins themselves simply are not that exciting. They are "copies" of the real deal in the Walking Liberty Halves and always will be. >>

    Well, I certainly understand your viewpoint, but times have changed from the days when just about any town with a population of 10,000 or more had a coin shop and the information was gathered mainly at shows or through the weekly distribution of Numismatic News or Coin World.

    The Internet has changed the entire world including coin collecting world which is really a loss since I meet more and more collectors who never get to have the interaction and education that used to take place in the local coin shops or at coin clubs.

    I have always felt that the Walking Liberty Half-Dollar is one of the most beautiful coins ever minted, and yes, the Silver Eagle is a copy of that design (at least half of it is).

    That said, there sure are a lot of Silver Eagles being bought and sold over the Internet at prices that far exceed their bullion values. In other words, there seems to be a lot of appeal among individuals or collectors for the ASE. Don't know whether its because of the Walker's beauty or the fact that it is silver (probably both), but the public sure likes them and buys as many as they can afford each year from the Mint or off the Internet. I can assure you that they may not keep up with the prices of type coins or FBL Franklins, but they do know the prices of Silver Eagles.

    Only time will tell whether my prediction of the popularity of the 2008 ASE with the 2007 reverse is valid.

    Until then, we can watch collectors' reactions and interest in buying or selling as more information on this variety gets out.

  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,118 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I would have to disagree with this since the Silver Eagle set will never hold the same position of popularity as the Lincoln Set, the Buffalo Set, or the Mercury Set. It's popularity as a set is solely dictated by the Internet and the Registry Game. Aside from that it is, after all, just bullion. >>

    I'm sure early on, the same thing was said for the above items ...
    "just pennies, nickels or dimes ... worth 1c, 5c or 10c .. not a collectible item." And I suppose that the internet had nothing to do with the popularity the cent, nickel & dimes that you described. Only time will tell.
    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭
    in my experience over many years with walk-in dealers (local shops, which are vanishing).. the "expert" behind the counter (often / usually / sometimes).. looks at a customer walking in the door as an idiot with a wallet full of money.. the customer can't possibly know more about something than the dealer can.. or the dealer puts on his or her poker face and tells you what you want to sell is worth bupkiss, buys it at a lowball price, the un-educated customer walks out with some cash, and the dealer takes what s/he just bought, and sticks it in their display case with a price that's multiples of what s/he just paid for it.. this doesn't just happen with coins, but with comic books, rare books, records, and dozens of other fields of collectibles..

    whatever THEY have is valuable and they price it as if it is.. whatever YOU have is junk, and they offer you junk money for it..

    buy a $1000.00 coin in a slab from a dealer.. take it home, break it out of the slab, the come back into the same store a month later and ask them what they'll give you for it.. i'll bet you dimes to donuts they will downgrade the coin from whatever grade was on the slab's label and offer you a fraction of what THEY sold it to YOU for a month earlier..

    there used to be a coin shop almost literally a block from me who was there for decades.. the dealer had this "I know everything and you're an idiot" attitude.. before I knew how to submit directly, I brought in a Morgan that a close friend's late Dad, who was a dealer for decades, had given to me, raw, in a flip.. I wanted to have it slabbed.. his Dad had "MS65" written on the flip's card.. my local expert dealer looked at it and said "no way is this a 65.. impossible.. possibly a 64, most likely a 63".. I said please submit it anyway and gave her $30.00.. a month later, she called and said your coin has come back from PCGS, c'mon over and get it..

    PCGS MS65

    she had more egg on her face than a farmer after an explosion in a hen house.. I don't remember our exact exchange of words but I think "I told you so" was in there somewhere..

    she might have been in business for three decades but she was not jacked-in to the Internet at all.. she didn't know about the 2000 Brass Buck mules until I brought her in an article, which she push-pinned into her news board near the front of the store.. she didn't know about a lot of things.. but her ego would never let her admit that a customer knew more about something in her field of expertise than she did, and I'm sure this isn't an isolated incident..

    there Shirley must be MANY dealers who are utterly clueless about the 08/07s and poo-poo them as "just Bullion" because they live in a vacuum and simply don't know what's going on in the real world..

    I've sold records and books to dealers.. NEVER AGAIN.. eBay and other online venues have given the common Schmoo to become his own dealer.. some people are good at it, some people suck at it..

    I bought NINETEEN identical sealed computer somethings from one of those big online liquidators for 99 cents.. not each.. 99 cents for all nineteen of them.. I've been re-selling them for $10.00 to $15.00 each.. I knew exactly what they were and the whole history behind them.. he didn't.. the very first one I sold paid for all nineteen of them.. the rest I've sold is just free money..

    I had a never used circa 1986 Commodore 1200 baud modem, brand new in the box, given to me by Commodore over twenty years ago.. person after person told me it was worthless.. I told them "you don't understand.. it's no longer a 1200 baud modem.. it's a condition rarity and therefore a collectible.. someone with a Vintage computer museum will pay real money for it.." ..

    I took a dozen photos of it, its packaging, all of the paper inserts, wrote a lavish description, and got $160.00 for it from a collector in Germany.. who paid $40.00 for shipping on top of that (the modem was huge and after boxing, the whole schmere weighed over four pounds.. the BOX the modem came in was actually more valuable to him than what was inside it.. why?..

    because with many consumer items, the packaging is the first thing that goes into the trash when someone buys something..

    Vintage Lesney / Matchbox cars are another good example of this.. a MIB late 1950s / early 1960s Lesney is worth DOUBLE or more if it has a Minty original box around it than if it doesn't.. those little cardboard boxes for 50 cent toys were never designed to last for over forty or fifty years.. kids bought these toys at a local toy shop or hobby shop and when they brought them home, the first thing they usually did was throw away the box.. or use it as a little garage for a while, then throw it away when it fell apart.. thus, the boxes are rarer than what was in them..

    I've seen EMPTY 1950s Lionel Train boxes, and I mean plain brown corrugated boxes with a screened Lionel logo on them sell for in excess of two grand!..

    but I digress..

    dealers who know about this coin know what it's selling for, and price it accordingly.. those who don't know about it won't give you a fraction of what you could get for it on eBay.. raws and 69s are in the $500.00 to $600.00 price range as I type this.. I checked yesterday.. they're not plummeting because the "shine" has worn off the excitement.. if anything, there are fewer and fewer for sale, and the price for raws and 69s is going up..

    so I would take anything said by a walk-in dealer who is not hip to this coin with a fifty pound sack of salt.. the fact that no one has reported a single 08/07 (yet) in the Presidential set is good news for those holding these coins.. so is the fact that no one has reported any new finds in fresh Mint orders for what.. a couple of months?..

    I still don't think all 46.318 of them alleged to have been made actually made it out of Memphis.. that's just my opinion, I could certainly be wrong.. I don't know when or if or how we'll ever know unless Mr. Lope actually gets a full and complete answer to his FOIA request.. which is still hanging out there like a huge neon question mark..

    Edited: by the way, as this is my 777nd posting, that's a Jackpot! Call Attendant!.. and in celebration of this momentuous occasion, you get to finish reading this sentence..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,118 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Nice write up ... hrlaser
    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭
    Folks, there are many different kinds of casual collectors out there but we're not talking about them when we're talking about placing the 2008-W Rev of 07 Silver Eagle in the same league as the 55/55 Lincoln, the 42/41 Mercury and the 1937-D 3 legged buffalo which are coins for serious collector's. By that, I mean collectors that will pay hundreds, if not thousands for circulated versions, sometimes as low as G4 just to possess one for their collection.

    Yes, folks may have said that the above coins would not catch on but all three of sets those coins reside in have been immensly popular because the coins within those sets were available at any store or bank. This is simply not the same with the silver eagle. It was intended as a bullion piece for the average Joe Blow (note I didn't say collector) and many, many folks do not even know they exist!

    Does this mean that magically, folks will figure out that they do exist and then want a silver eagle of their own? I just don't think so since if it hasn't happened in 22 years, it simply is not going to happen.

    The sorry fact of the matter is, is that there are many coins and coin series out there that folks simply do not take seriously. Since these are difficult to find in grades of less than MS67 and MS69's are readily available, the Silver Eagle is one of them. Yes, the coin has spurts of popularity due to some marketing program like the 1996's but really, how many folks actually view these as a serious collectible? Better yet, ask yourself how many 55/55's, 42/41's or 3 legged buffalo's in MS68 or MS69 you have seen?

    The simple fact is that the 2008-W Rev of 07 will never be in the same league as the three mentioned coins.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!

  • << <i>Folks, there are many different kinds of casual collectors out there but we're not talking about them when we're talking about placing the 2008-W Rev of 07 Silver Eagle in the same league as the 55/55 Lincoln, the 42/41 Mercury and the 1937-D 3 legged buffalo which are coins for serious collector's. By that, I mean collectors that will pay hundreds, if not thousands for circulated versions, sometimes as low as G4 just to possess one for their collection.

    Yes, folks may have said that the above coins would not catch on but all three of sets those coins reside in have been immensly popular because the coins within those sets were available at any store or bank. This is simply not the same with the silver eagle. It was intended as a bullion piece for the average Joe Blow (note I didn't say collector) and many, many folks do not even know they exist!

    Does this mean that magically, folks will figure out that they do exist and then want a silver eagle of their own? I just don't think so since if it hasn't happened in 22 years, it simply is not going to happen.

    The sorry fact of the matter is, is that there are many coins and coin series out there that folks simply do not take seriously. Since these are difficult to find in grades of less than MS67 and MS69's are readily available, the Silver Eagle is one of them. Yes, the coin has spurts of popularity due to some marketing program like the 1996's but really, how many folks actually view these as a serious collectible? Better yet, ask yourself how many 55/55's, 42/41's or 3 legged buffalo's in MS68 or MS69 you have seen?

    >>The simple fact is that the 2008-W Rev of 07 will never be in the same league as the three mentioned coins. >>


    Not yet it isn't.
  • BurnieBurnie Posts: 441 ✭✭✭
    An interesting and well written post hrlaser. You made a lot of very good points and helped to put things in perspective, particuarly as it relates to the 07 reverse. Bottom line, there is no one who knows about this coin that can deny that this coin has done very very well and there is no one that can convince me that it will not continue to do very well. There will always be those out there who for whatever reason are going to put it down, but time will continue to prove them wrong. Thanks again for your post.
    BST transactions Wondercoin, MCM, levinll, Zrlevin and ajaan. Been buying and selling coins on E-Bay since 2002 as Monk2580
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    Great post hrlaser!

  • << <i> but time will continue to prove them wrong. >>

    But excuse me, does your comment mean you don't think the coin is going to be worth the high prices it's bringing????
    Is it time now to sell my PCGS MS69(which would be a MS70 to NGC)?????

    Thanks for all the educational info you all have posted.
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>

    The simple fact is that the 2008-W Rev of 07 will never be in the same league as the three mentioned coins. >>

    You keep chanting that mantra with such conviction, that you must have a time machine, or a fully-functioning crystal ball, or some other method to see into the future that no one else has.. and if you do, please tell me next week's winning Calif. Superlotto numbers..

    No one knows what the 08/07 will be selling for a week / month / two months / six months / a year / two years / five years / ten years from now.. how you can couch your opinion as "simple fact" is beyond my ability to comprehend.. and I say this with no antagonism, ill-will, or any attempt to sound mean-spirited.. but this is your opinion.. it's not a fact..

    The late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan said it better.. "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    My opinion is that these are expensive coins and will continue to be expensive coins no matter how much anyone tries to make the cheap. Everyone had a chance to buy them when they were cheap but that opportunity passed them by months ago or are they cheap now and we just don't realize it.

    How about them apples!!!

    Any comments!!!
  • BurnieBurnie Posts: 441 ✭✭✭
    BST transactions Wondercoin, MCM, levinll, Zrlevin and ajaan. Been buying and selling coins on E-Bay since 2002 as Monk2580
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    The simple fact is that the 2008-W Rev of 07 will never be in the same league as the three mentioned coins. >>

    You keep chanting that mantra with such conviction, that you must have a time machine, or a fully-functioning crystal ball, or some other method to see into the future that no one else has.. and if you do, please tell me next week's winning Calif. Superlotto numbers..

    No one knows what the 08/07 will be selling for a week / month / two months / six months / a year / two years / five years / ten years from now.. how you can couch your opinion as "simple fact" is beyond my ability to comprehend.. and I say this with no antagonism, ill-will, or any attempt to sound mean-spirited.. but this is your opinion.. it's not a fact..

    The late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan said it better.. "Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."

    Harv >>

    2 - 6 - 8 - 19 - 21 11

    As for the 08/07 being in the same league as the afore mentioned coins, do the math.


    37-D 3 Leg


    Granted, its taken years for these coin to attain these price levels but they have attained them due to popularity and scarcity of which the 08/07 has neither. Its popularity is dictated by those that refuse to see it for what it really is. A SAE variety that had a huge wave of buying and selling on eBay which is now tapering off. For many in that fold, this is their first experience in this phenomenon and they just don;t understand that what pulls big bucks today may not bring the same amount in the future. It will not have been the first occurance of something like this.

    Again, the coin has value but to classify it in the same league as the afore mentioned coins is just plain silly as there are to many forces working against that.
    1. Mintage - 46,318
    2. Availability - Readily available
    3. Grade/Condition - All are high grades with zero below the highest grade of the three mentioned above. What does that translate into? Nothing. No wheeling and dealing for a higher grade, no searching for a higher grade, no nothing. Just no market over the long term other than what exists right now.

    Low mintages you say? This means nothing in the coin hobby. Just look at the mintages of the 1916-D Mercury at 264,000 compared to some of the 3 Cent Silver pieces with circulation mintages well below 5,000!

    The way you guys are thinking, an 1870 3 cent silver with a mintage of only 3,000 in MS60 would run 10 or 20 grand!

    Nope, less than a grand. Why? The set just isn't that popular.

    There is way more in this hobby than having a low mintage and being a variety coin and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see it.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • delete

  • << <i>I too am from foreign lands but have been American day one.

    Semper Fi to boot.

    Ren >>

    Yes, well, I can't say the same for most Asians who have come to this country. Of all the people in this country, America would do well to open its arms and warmly welcome Asians who come to this country Asian Americans(much like the Europeans) who were born here. Unfortunately, as of now, many of us...most of us still feel as if we're foreigners in a land that we've lived in most/all of our lives. Hence, it's no wonder that they would cheer whenever a Chinese athlete soundly beats an American one.
  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭
    what were the 1937 3-legged, and the 1942/1 dimes, and the 1955 DDO cents selling for six months after they were discovered?..

    these coins have had 71 years, 66 years, and 53 years respectively, to attain the prices they fetch today.. and they are ALL easily bought, any day of the week, from many sources.. in the full spread of grades, depending on how much one wants to spend.. they're also small coins, and only the 1955 DDO passes the "foot away" test.. meaning, if you can tell a raw, normal 1937-D Nickel from a three-legged, or a 1942/1 dime from a normal 1942 dime from a foot away, you have super-human vision..

    you want a 1955 DDO for about the same money as a high-end laptop? you can have one.. you want one for about the price of a mid-line Mercedes?.. you can have one of those instead..

    the 08/07 was discovered less than six months ago.. we still don't know how many are "out there".. only how many The Mint says they made, and how many are in slabs from three different companies.. they never circulated, were never used in commerce, never found in rolls, never found behind the cellophane of a 23 cent pack of cigarettes, never available at face value ($1.00).. so of course there are (probably) none that'd grade MS65 or lower.. unless someone or more than someone is carrying one around as a pocket piece..

    I think they have the potential to reach price levels far above what they're going for now.. I didn't say it's a fact they will.. I said I THINK they will..

    when?.. i don't know.. am I alone?.. I don't think so..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • Though I hate to, (just kidding,) I've got to agree with Lee that it is an apples and oranges comparison. Perhaps comparing this coin with the '95 W is more apt. And still bodes well for the price potential of this variety.
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    You are not alone in your thinking. Others are willing to pay in excess of $500 for these coins for a reason and will continue to do so.
  • 6Sigma6Sigma Posts: 96 ✭✭

    << <i>Granted, its taken years for these coin to attain these price levels but they have attained them due to popularity and scarcity of which the 08/07 has neither. Its popularity is dictated by those that refuse to see it for what it really is. >>

    Did some research on the popularity of the ASE, and the best non-commercial site that I could find was at NGC.

  • hrlaserhrlaser Posts: 1,133 ✭✭

    << <i>Though I hate to, (just kidding,) I've got to agree with Lee that it is an apples and oranges comparison. Perhaps comparing this coin with the '95 W is more apt. And still bodes well for the price potential of this variety. >>

    if you wanted a 1995-W Proof ASE back in 1995 at issue price, it would've cost you about $1000.00, because you had to buy a four-coin Gold AGE set to get one with it.. a grand is not chicken feed to most people.. not this people anyway..

    only later was the 95-W available by itself.. so it was NEVER available at the $26.00 price the 08/07 was, or the thirty whatever bucks the 2008 Proof ASE is.. so it's even apples and oranges to compare the 08/07 to the 95-W image

    I didn't drag those other classic errors into this discussion anyway.. all I'm saying is that IN MY OPINION, the 08/07 has not peaked, nor has it tanked nor IS it tanking.. after a rather fast rise in price, it is still creeping upwards, not downwards..

    I don't see any upcoming coin(s) coming out of the Mint that're going to divert money from the folks who want an 08/07 until next year when the 2009 Ultra High Relief Saint reproduction comes out.. and that monster won't have any Mintage limit on it, so there shouldn't be any mad rush to buy it..

    "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.."
    - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
  • Coin FinderCoin Finder Posts: 7,116 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Harv and Lee great comments, truly.

    The classic three coins mention above were released at a time when coin collecting was not the huge marketing machine and business it is now.

    I think that makes a difference.

    These three and many more enjoyed a surge in popularity because of the attention and resources that poured into the hobby in the 60's with the idea that one needed these for a complete set.

    So few modern day rarities exist if by rare we mean the mintage compared to the overall production of such coins in the last 20 years.

    The 1995 W Proof stands out, but this is a whole rare coin (low mintage), both sides proof available only in a set and more than a variety in my opinion.

    I think only time will tell what place this coin will hold. It could greatly increase in value if the mint suspended the AE program for example. It could also go down in value if another variety is made within the series with fewer available in the coming years. I think it will take about 10 years before we will know.
  • renman95renman95 Posts: 7,037 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes, well, I can't say the same for most Asians who have come to this country. Of all the people in this country, America would do well to open its arms and warmly welcome Asians who come to this country Asian Americans(much like the Europeans) who were born here. Unfortunately, as of now, many of us...most of us still feel as if we're foreigners in a land that we've lived in most/all of our lives. Hence, it's no wonder that they would cheer whenever a Chinese athlete soundly beats an American one. >>

    I can understand the frustration although temporarily. I lived in Japan for one year and I felt like I was always looked at and knew that I would never be accepted...just a "guy-gene" for life. There were parts of Ropungi that I could not go into just because I wasn't Japanese. There is much more acceptance of all things in America vs. other countries.

    BTW, I found some silver 100 yen in change while I was there in 1986.

  • jessewvujessewvu Posts: 5,065 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, has this thread turned into an Asian conversion to American thread? What did I miss?

    I still don't know if I should sell some of these things or wait. I figure around christmas time, people will be asking for them, hopefully not many people have them and the prices start back upward. image

    What's Lope up to? Any word on the FOIA clarification letter? Did he send one out? I looked at the charts for this coin, almost no movement in price over the past two weeks. there are bumps and whatnot but overall, prices are pretty consistent.
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭
    Nope! The thread is just spouting one of its many little discussions!

    I was gonna quote Harv but I've had just a little too much wine and I lost my place so I won't.

    The coin is definitely unique but I still think that putting it in the same league as the 55/55, 42/41 and 3 Legged Buffalo is a little too over the top. The internet made it what it is today! Imagine if the internet were available in 1937 or 1955 what those coins would have sold at? I mean sheesh!
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,118 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Latest PCGS Pop. report ..
    no change over last week in the First Strike .... still 1674
    an increase of 11 in the non first strike to............... 3104...

    Looks like the bulk of the submissions have been graded...
    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
  • Sigh...sorry to go a little off topic...the plight of Asians in America has always been something of a sore spot for me. It's sad when I ask my cousin (who was born in Colorado and grew up in Nebraska) if he thinks that he's an American and his confused response is"uh......what do you mean?" (I've been to visit my realtives in Nebraska...whenever they say "American", they actually mean "white"...I also remembered hearing them recite some jokes making fun of asians (no doubt, told to them from some other Nebraskans).

    No, we've earned the right to be called Americans, just like everyone else. If they won't open the door and offer it to us, then we'll just have to break it down and take it.

  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭
    Gee Tony, if you want the thread deleted, just keep up the Asian posts!

    Talk about way off topic!
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • Stop with the personal stuff already....white, asian, black, hispanic, eskimo, man, woman, straight, gay....enough....we are all americans...

    who gives two hoots about whether you feel that you are "accepted" here ... your cousin probably was confused by "your"

    inference that "you" didn't know if you were an american or not....there will always be prejudice, bias, racism, sexism, hate, injustice,

    suspicion, fear, and close mindedness while we live in this very diverse society we call "America". There will be division of the classes/ rich,

    middle class/ poor. There will be societies within societies, people protecting their individual "heritages" and "lineages" and "religious

    beliefs".....in the end you must stand up as an individual and be counted as a "good citizen" of this great country and by being so, help

    change not only societies perceptions but your own as well. Not everyone casts a negative shadow. Seek your inner peace.....then let

    it shine through all the darkness that surrounds or follows you....

    Now back to the subject of 2008/07 reverse eagles.....image
    ....and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make....

    The Beatles
  • Eh...just trying to make this thread a little more interesting, that's all. But IMHO, I do see America having to compete with more and more parts of the world...China, Europe, India, Japan....we've really got to pick up the pace here if we still want to stay on top. I think we can do it, but we need to have a flame put under us to do it. I think about this country during the Great Depression...then I remember how productive America was during WWII.

    As for the 2008/2007 reverse...sorry, it's just hard to come up with anything else that's exciting...has there been any news lately? My MS Cash Back rebates have started to become available...but it'll take another 2 weeks before they'll show up in my paypal account though.
  • A day without a Nanney post is like a day without sunshine.....

    I received my 2008 set the other day...no reverse for those who are counting....only one set purchased (lotto ticket) image
    ....and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make....

    The Beatles
  • jessewvujessewvu Posts: 5,065 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think I will sell one of my NGC MS69's and PCGS MS69 to see what the market is on the two. I know I could look at my own graphs but I need to sell two of them anyway.

    If only I had put a second mortgage on the house and ordered 50,000 of these coins over a two week period!!!!!

  • John Nanney..........after 6000 posts...you still Suck!....thank you,image
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    If it had not been for John Nanney alerting me to the error I would not have opened my sealed box of 12 in time to get them off to PCGS for first strike in time. I thank you for my 11-69;s and 1-70.

    first strike 1-68, 1505-69's, and 168-70's. OH YEAH!!! total 1674

    non first strike 1-67, 17- 68's, 2822- 69's, and 264-70's. total 3104
  • GoldbullyGoldbully Posts: 17,128 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Who's John Nanney??? image
  • NGC POP's....Total 13132 which is an increase of 167 over last week

    Total NGC/PCGS....17910

    2008 W EAGLE S$1 REVERSE OF 2007.................MS 6286
  • renman95renman95 Posts: 7,037 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Luckyman, nicely said. As long as humans have human feelings and tendencies there will be humans who feel less than human.

    BTW, almost 6,100 of the "errors" made so far.image

  • I've been thinking about what Lyds has been saying; comparing this "error" coin, the 2008/07 reverse eagle, with the '55 dd or 3-legged

    buffalo, or 1909s vdb. I would be willing to trade my NGC early release ms70 reverse error straight up for any of those three in a ...oh

    let's say an ms63?.....seven points less on the ms scale for what will eventually be a more valuable error as those three are today.

    Imagine owning a perfect ms70 twenty years from now......wow, and all for a marginally graded '55 dd or a handicapped buffalo, or a

    somewhat common 1909s vdb. If interested, please contact me....I'll turn my pm on. I expect alot of you will want to take advantage of

    this offer, so please be patient while I try to answer all of you. Remember, minimum ms63, but of course the best offer wins so don't hold

    back those 64's, 65's, or higher....looking forward to hearing from you. 19Lyds I expect you won't be emailing me, but thanks for

    giving me the idea....seems like a very fair deal when you forecast the future of this coin! Ok, ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!image
    ....and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make....

    The Beatles
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I've been thinking about what Lyds has been saying; comparing this "error" coin, the 2008/07 reverse eagle, with the '55 dd or 3-legged

    buffalo, or 1909s vdb. I would be willing to trade my NGC early release ms70 reverse error straight up for any of those three in a ...oh

    let's say an ms63?.....seven points less on the ms scale for what will eventually be a more valuable error as those three are today.

    Imagine owning a perfect ms70 twenty years from now......wow, and all for a marginally graded '55 dd or a handicapped buffalo, or a

    somewhat common 1909s vdb. If interested, please contact me....I'll turn my pm on. I expect alot of you will want to take advantage of

    this offer, so please be patient while I try to answer all you. Remember, minimum ms63, but of course the best offer wins so don't hold

    back those 64's, 65's, or higher....looking forward to hearing from you. 19Lyds I expect you won't be emailing me, but thanks for

    giving me the idea....seems like a very fair deal when you forecast the future of this coin! Ok, ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!image >>

    This sounds oh so reasonable to me but I seriously doubt that any of the posters stating that this will be in the same league as the afore mentioned coins even owns one of the afore mentioned coins.
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • Yeah..my message board isn't lighting up yet....but the offer is still open.....what a deal for some lucky collector here, give up some old,

    less than perfect coin for a brand new perfect ms70 one? I must be crazy to even consider doing a deal like this....image

    Take advantage of my lapse of clear headedness on this one....image here's to the rich and the wise....image
    ....and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make....

    The Beatles
  • krankykranky Posts: 8,709 ✭✭✭
    A 1955 DDO, a 1942/41 Merc, a 3-legged Buffalo, a 1909-S VDB all feature very visible differences from the "normal" coin. The 08/07 doesn't look unusual in the least. You have to know what the lettering style SHOULD have been. This is a critical factor.

    Massive doubled dies are always popular. Overdates are always popular. I never understood the popularity of the 3-legged Buffalo since 2-feather Buffs had the same cause (overpolished die) and the same amount of detail lost, yet very few people care about 2-feather Buffalos. Be that as it may, the 3-legger is entrenched.

    Overwhelmingly, what drives demand for a coin is:
    - date and mint, since most people collect this way
    - easily visible die problems or differences - doubled die, overdate, VDB initials, small vs. large date because issues with the date tend to be popular. Of course, the 1964 pointed/blunt 9 Roosevelts didn't really catch on, did they?

    The 08/07 may end up a popular coin, but not simply because it has the reverse of the previous year and therefore it is a blockbuster error that everyone must have. It does not have enough "oomph" to attract attention on its own. The coin doesn't have any compelling visual distinguishing feature to be a blockbuster. DDO's and overdates do.

    But being in the registry set may be enough to fuel ongoing demand by those who are compelled to keep their set 100% complete.

    New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.

  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭
    There are quite a few 70's on ebay right now, if anybody wants one while the prices are reasonable, including 5 PCGS ones. None of them are first strike though which will be the most desirable one to have even though I don't know why people will pay more for it.
  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,118 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>There are quite a few 70's on ebay right now, if anybody wants one while the prices are reasonable, including 5 PCGS ones. None of them are first strike though which will be the most desirable one to have even though I don't know why people will pay more for it. >>

    Yes indeed the PCGS FS are pulling in good $$$
    This one sold today for $2625
    ebay link

    and this one sold for $2500 a week ago...ebay linky

    Those are the only 2 PCGS FS 70's that have sold in the last 10 days...

    If you can afford a PCGS 70 graded coin .. go for it. Don't bother with the NGC graded stuff ... selling for a lot less...
    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
  • pitbosspitboss Posts: 8,643 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>There are quite a few 70's on ebay right now, if anybody wants one while the prices are reasonable, including 5 PCGS ones. None of them are first strike though which will be the most desirable one to have even though I don't know why people will pay more for it. >>

    Yes indeed the PCGS FS are pulling in good $$$
    This one sold today for $2625
    ebay link

    and this one sold for $2500 a week ago...ebay linky

    Those are the only 2 PCGS FS 70's that have sold in the last 10 days...

    If you can afford a PCGS 70 graded coin .. go for it. Don't bother with the NGC graded stuff ... selling for a lot less... >>

    There are only 168 PCGS first strike coins and a lot of people, like me for example, are not about to sell theirs at this point in time. They are going to be worth mega-bucks later.
  • BurnieBurnie Posts: 441 ✭✭✭
    These coins, all 46,000+ are "first strikes". This is one of those unusual instances when there was a definite period from which these coins were produced. We have the FOIA letter from the Mint. In my opinion the TPG's missed a golden opportunity to recognize each and every one of these coins as First Strike or Early Release. With any other release it's impossible to define the early/first designation, not so with the 07 reverse. In time I would expect to see the price for this coin in both regular holder and FS holder to sell for similar money (PCGS and NGC will always be worlds apart).
    BST transactions Wondercoin, MCM, levinll, Zrlevin and ajaan. Been buying and selling coins on E-Bay since 2002 as Monk2580
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>There are quite a few 70's on ebay right now, if anybody wants one while the prices are reasonable, including 5 PCGS ones. None of them are first strike though which will be the most desirable one to have even though I don't know why people will pay more for it. >>

    Yes indeed the PCGS FS are pulling in good $$$
    This one sold today for $2625
    ebay link

    and this one sold for $2500 a week ago...ebay linky

    Those are the only 2 PCGS FS 70's that have sold in the last 10 days...

    If you can afford a PCGS 70 graded coin .. go for it. Don't bother with the NGC graded stuff ... selling for a lot less... >>

    There are only 168 PCGS first strike coins and a lot of people, like me for example, are not about to sell theirs at this point in time. They are going to be worth mega-bucks later. >>

    Ya Think?

    Given the fact that there are 168 examples and given the fact that the number COULD increase, I don't really see these getting much higher in the future. There may be an increase in activity come Christmas time, but I don't really think that will spawn higher prices.

    BTW, do you suppose this guy is pleased with today's $2,625 selling price?

    What about this guy? or even this guy?

    I'll bet they'll be happy when these "go to the moon!" image
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!
  • 19Lyds19Lyds Posts: 26,490 ✭✭✭✭
    6100 !

    I know, I'm bad since I don;t play fair..........image
    I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.

    The name is LEE!

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