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  • OverdateOverdate Posts: 7,070 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Part of the reason the plats are being ignored today is that they are virtually a discontinued series. No bullion or burnished plats have been struck since 2008, and the lone survivors are the annual $100 proofs, which are out of the price range of the average fractional plat collector.

    If the bullion plats are brought back this year (which is being discussed as a serious possibility), the earlier issues may begin to generate more interest.

    My Adolph A. Weinman signature :)

  • NPD1078NPD1078 Posts: 110 ✭✭
    jmski52, very well said!! Great post!!

    Raufus, clearly if you sell now your going to loose money on it from your initial investment. But the Plat's clearly will sell at there current market value as you can see by these posts. I counted at least 4-5 posts including mine that the member stated they would be interested in the set or at least a few coins.....

    I have completed positive sales and purchses from the following members:
    jclovescoins, dpoole, dmarks, guysmiling, Ducky1100 , piecesofme, ericj96 ,Classof67, ModernCoin, MrOrganic, 53BKid, nychad10, GUINZO1975, derryb (3 times), PinkFloyd
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks very much for all of you input guys, it is most appreciated!

    Also, if they don't sell on Ebay, I'll certainly let you all know prior to re-listing them as singles.
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Man, no action on this thread.

    Some questions for the crew...

    I, unfortunately, got into moderns, and coins in general, late. I started with the 20th Anniv. Sets in '06. Not that I'm complaining as I bought the great issues very heavily from The Mint in '08 which has, needless to say, turned out to be one of the best financial moves that I've ever made.

    Once I got into Moderns, I decided that I just had to have the "classic" Modern keys. So, in the years since, I've purchased the Jackie Unc. in MS70 for over $4K, a '95 W ASE in 69 for $3K, a CVS MS70, a LOC MS70, the $5 and $10 '99 AGEs on unfinished proof dies, etc., etc.

    While for those who were fortunate enough to get these from The Mint they were a HUGE score, what about for folks like me who paid full price? Other than the joy of just owning them, for those who were not around to get them at issue, or even before they "matured" does it make sense to buy them?

    Now that you can't earn anything on cash I don't feel so bad, but I'm getting the feeling that on an inflation adjusted basis that these issues - with the possible exception of the '99s - have essentially hit a plateau. The '95 W has come down at least $250 from where I bought mine. When I bought, it had come down a few hundred over the year prior (which is why I bought when I did).

    Would love to hear any thoughts on this. Have any of you paid current prices for any of these? If, so, are you expecting any appreciation net of inflation? How about the potential for losses relative to today's prices?

    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 23,028 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since my motivation has been profit, I've bought the key issues from the Mint, based on my best analysis at the time, and I haven't bought the keys such as Jackie Robinson or the 1999-W unfinished proofs, or the others after the fact - mainly because of the rise in prices since the time of issue. The facts are that as the cost basis goes higher, the potential for further increase is diminished, simply on the basis of competition for collectors' dollars.

    Still, those rare issues are a store of value, and I see no reason to disparage them simply because much of their growth potential may have been realized already. The keys will always win out, subject to demand for their series. The fact that they have already increased in price doesn't make them any less key.

    A further consideration - as I've made a hobby out of speculating on new Mint issues, I've found some of them that I really like and have decided to "officially" collect. That decision requires that I ignore the day-to-day price fluctuations, even as bullion prices change dramatically. In so doing, I benefit from bullion price increases and I benefit from having the pleasure of a growing collection. In the long term, most of the Mint's bullion issues will benefit from the environment we are currently in. As the price of bullion goes up the numismatic premiums shrink, even for scarcer issues - but the net effect is still a healthy trend.

    Holding the rarities won't hurt you as much as holding dollar-denominated paper assets in this environment. Scoring a major rarity at the time of issue is merely icing on the cake, especially in light of what would have happened to the same money invested in stocks for the past 12 years. Keep it in perspective.
    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • OverdateOverdate Posts: 7,070 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think a few moderns are worth buying in the aftermarket. The current standout coin IMO is the 2011-P Reverse Proof Silver Eagle - here's why:

    2006-P Reverse Proof Silver Eagle - mintage 250,000 - around $245 in PR69 on eBay.
    2011-P Reverse Proof Silver Eagle - mintage 100,000 - around $280 in PR69 on eBay.

    Other than that, I think that common bullion silver and gold eagles have at least as much future potential as the majority of the scarce moderns.

    I also like the prospects for common proof Gold Eagles. Premiums are low now, but in the recent past the premium for proofs temporarily rose to over 60% of melt. It could happen again. As long as proof gold eagles can be acquired for only *slightly* higher prices than the bullion versions, I think they're the better value.

    My Adolph A. Weinman signature :)

  • Any thoughts on the 2008 proof buffalo in PF70FS? It's selling at $5,000 plus. Long term I think this coin will go higher but would like to hear others opinions.
  • kiyotekiyote Posts: 5,585 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Raufus, I totally understand your attention to keys at no matter what price. I was doing that for a while, too, getting a 98 SMS Kennedy, 04 Proof platinum coin, etc. The hard part is that if you get a key it might not be a key for long. The 08s crushed the platinum coins in terms of being the key date. Unless you're willing to go all out and pay full price on the aftermarket it's hard to guess which one of the dozens of products from the mint will be the key that year.

    I think you can rest assured the 95 W proof silver eagle will remain the king for a long time. We're going on 20 years now (Eek) and it's far from being toppled.
    "I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.
  • HalfStrikeHalfStrike Posts: 2,202 ✭✭✭
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Any thoughts on the 2008 proof buffalo in PF70FS? It's selling at $5,000 plus. Long term I think this coin will go higher but would like to hear others opinions. >>

    Eric has said that Moderns peak at $4-$5K. This seems to be the case.
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks so much for the excellent and thoughtful replies!

    Like jmski, I got into this strictly for profit, but then developed a liking for some of the issues. The only ones that I've collected in their entirety are the Gold Buffs. I've bought each (many of the '08s fortunately) as they've been issued because I was able to do so from the start. I buy at least one in NGC MS or PF70. This has worked out very well. The large premium on the 2011 proof was a nice bonus to be sure, in addition to the obvious massive score on the '08s.

    There is much less down side on the '06 and later keys as I've bought them all from The Mint and, for the graded ones, I've either submitted them myself or bought PCGS and NGC 70s for a tiny premium shortly after issue. In addition, I watch the situation like a hawk. I hold a lot of '08 W plats which I will be quick to sell on any chance that they'll be unseated.

    I agree that the 95 W ASE us likely safe for a long while.

    It because I paid full price for the older keys that I wrote my post yesterday.

    As jmski alludes to, the irony is that while I have only a small portion of my portfolio in collectibles (coins, a few selected very nice currency issues and Class III weapons) this small portion of my portfolio has far outperformed my more traditional investments over the past decade (I've had most of the CIII stuff for longer than 10 years).

    Thanks again for your comments!

    Have a great weekend.

    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • drei3reedrei3ree Posts: 3,430 ✭✭✭✭
    I find the 2008 reverse of 2007 ASE very appealing at mintage of 27,000 and an MS69 price of $350-400.
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭

    << <i>I find the 2008 reverse of 2007 ASE very appealing at mintage of 27,000 and an MS69 price of $350-400. >>

    I have the mintage at 46,318 for the 08/07.
  • I see so many great deals on moderns (70"s) on teletrade. anyone use'm?
  • smokincoinsmokincoin Posts: 2,636 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I see so many great deals on moderns (70"s) on teletrade. anyone use'm? >>

    Many of us here use TT. Just curious... what series are you referring to?
  • wondercoinwondercoin Posts: 16,982 ✭✭✭✭✭
    They are a solid company in my view (and I state it regularly around here). I believe you are seeing more 70 grade silver, gold and platinum coins over there, because they are aggressively going after those types of consignments now and trying to make those types of coins work for their consignors.

    Please visit my website at www.wondercoins.com and my ebay auctions under my user name www.wondercoin.com.
  • I have a couple of proof buffalos that I bought when they were cheaper (06) but since then theyve grown on me and Ive been working on a pf 70 collection in PCGS plastic. Trading out the raw ones and putting the money towards graded 70's. I'll probably save the 2008 for last cause of the gigantic price tag! 2007 is next and thats one of the more expensive of the bunch.
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just received a single $130ish coin which I ordered directly from the Perth Mint in Australia.

    The coin arrived in a Fed Ex envelope inside of which was an extremely well fitting cardboard frame/box which contained the coin. When I opened the coin there was a small piece of foam which completely prevented any possibility of the capsule getting loose or the coin coming out of the capsule.

    I was thinking that this is how Perth packages a $130ish coin yet I've received many, many FAR more expensive (gold and plat.) coin from the U.S. Mint which traveled one 10th the distance and arrived in horrible shape with loose coins and capsules. Amazing.
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • kiyotekiyote Posts: 5,585 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I just received a single $130ish coin which I ordered directly from the Perth Mint in Australia.

    The coin arrived in a Fed Ex envelope inside of which was an extremely well fitting cardboard frame/box which contained the coin. When I opened the coin there was a small piece of foam which completely prevented any possibility of the capsule getting loose or the coin coming out of the capsule.

    I was thinking that this is how Perth packages a $130ish coin yet I've received many, many FAR more expensive (gold and plat.) coin from the U.S. Mint which traveled one 10th the distance and arrived in horrible shape with loose coins and capsules. Amazing. >>

    What'd ya end up getting from the Perth Mint? I bash it a little, but it's all in fun. I have friends that are Australian.
    "I'll split the atom! I am the fifth dimension! I am the eighth wonder of the world!" -Gef the talking mongoose.
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I just received a single $130ish coin which I ordered directly from the Perth Mint in Australia.

    The coin arrived in a Fed Ex envelope inside of which was an extremely well fitting cardboard frame/box which contained the coin. When I opened the coin there was a small piece of foam which completely prevented any possibility of the capsule getting loose or the coin coming out of the capsule.

    I was thinking that this is how Perth packages a $130ish coin yet I've received many, many FAR more expensive (gold and plat.) coin from the U.S. Mint which traveled one 10th the distance and arrived in horrible shape with loose coins and capsules. Amazing. >>

    What'd ya end up getting from the Perth Mint? I bash it a little, but it's all in fun. I have friends that are Australian. >>

    The first issue of the new Opal series, the Koala. Fantastic coin. I should have asked my father to order one as well but was hesitant to do so with the high (8000) mintage limit. Of course now they're $190+ on ebay.

    Some of the Perth stuff does very, very well such as some of the 2012 Year of the Dragon Lunar Series II issues. That said, you've hot to be very selective in which Perth issues you buy if appreciation/flipping is the primary goal as it is in my case.
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!

  • << <i>I just received a single $130ish coin which I ordered directly from the Perth Mint in Australia.

    The coin arrived in a Fed Ex envelope inside of which was an extremely well fitting cardboard frame/box which contained the coin. When I opened the coin there was a small piece of foam which completely prevented any possibility of the capsule getting loose or the coin coming out of the capsule.

    I was thinking that this is how Perth packages a $130ish coin yet I've received many, many FAR more expensive (gold and plat.) coin from the U.S. Mint which traveled one 10th the distance and arrived in horrible shape with loose coins and capsules. Amazing. >>

    Excellant point Raufus, I have never bought any coins except from our mint. Amazing that they cannot take the time/effort to properly package the coins we pay good money for. I will forward your post to the mint, with your permission, to give them something to think about. I have an unopened box of the 25th anv set with a loose coin in it and I am hoping it is still at least in the plastic case. I know our mint does a poor job of packing and should have known some other mint or all other mints do it better. image
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I just received a single $130ish coin which I ordered directly from the Perth Mint in Australia.

    The coin arrived in a Fed Ex envelope inside of which was an extremely well fitting cardboard frame/box which contained the coin. When I opened the coin there was a small piece of foam which completely prevented any possibility of the capsule getting loose or the coin coming out of the capsule.

    I was thinking that this is how Perth packages a $130ish coin yet I've received many, many FAR more expensive (gold and plat.) coin from the U.S. Mint which traveled one 10th the distance and arrived in horrible shape with loose coins and capsules. Amazing. >>

    Excellant point Raufus, I have never bought any coins except from our mint. Amazing that they cannot take the time/effort to properly package the coins we pay good money for. I will forward your post to the mint, with your permission, to give them something to think about. I have an unopened box of the 25th anv set with a loose coin in it and I am hoping it is still at least in the plastic case. I know our mint does a poor job of packing and should have known some other mint or all other mints do it better. image >>

    Hi timber,
    Please feel free to forward my comments.
    When I took the recent Mint survey I mentioned the packaging issue several times.
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • RCM packs alot better than our mint also.
  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,131 ✭✭✭✭✭
    "I was thinking that this is how Perth packages a $130ish coin yet I've received many, many FAR more expensive (gold and plat.) coin from the U.S. Mint which traveled one 10th the distance and arrived in horrible shape with loose coins and capsules. Amazing. >>"

    I'm sure the Mint could do a similar job, if the US collecting community is willing to dish out $130 for a 1 oz silver bullion coin. I for one, prefer not to.

    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>"I was thinking that this is how Perth packages a $130ish coin yet I've received many, many FAR more expensive (gold and plat.) coin from the U.S. Mint which traveled one 10th the distance and arrived in horrible shape with loose coins and capsules. Amazing. >>"

    I'm sure the Mint could do a similar job, if the US collecting community is willing to dish out $130 for a 1 oz silver bullion coin. I for one, prefer not to. >>

    1) That $130 coin is selling for about $200 on Ebay. Not too bad.

    2) Most Perth 1 oz silver coins are not $130. It's the Opal which drives the price up on this one.

    3) That's why I made the point that the US to which I was referring were much more expensive. For example, the 2008 W gold buffs and plats, more recently ordered gold commems, etc. One would not expect for the coins in a $2K set to be loose in the box as has happend to me and many others on the forum many times.

    4) Lastly, I don't think that The Mint would have to charge massive amounts of $ just to properly package their products. When one buys something - from any company - one expects and assumes that it will be properly packaged.
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,131 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>2) Most Perth 1 oz silver coins are not $130. It's the Opal which drives the price up on this one. >>

    I stand corrected. Most, if not all of their current commem. 1 oz silver coins are $105.00. image
    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
  • HalfStrikeHalfStrike Posts: 2,202 ✭✭✭
    I thought the mint said they would not be producing low mintage coins after the 2008 debacle, yet 2011 we have more low mintages, one a modern record low for 1 ounce gold.image

    With the mint website showing no future products yet it wouldn't surprise me if they are changing the lineup again to try to improve sales. Even I am questioning buying any more products, it is like an endless escalator that won't stop dropping.

  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just noticed that a 2008 W $50 Plat proof in PCGS PR70FS sold on FeeBay on 2/28 for $4120. WOW!! Of course, that coins is the plat proof king. Impressive!
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • NPD1078NPD1078 Posts: 110 ✭✭
    I was watching that one as well. I think the nice moves that Platinum has made in the past 2 weeks made a few feel better about the purchase. It's good to see unless your like me and wish it would stay below gold for a little longer.
    That said I have also noticed the 2006-2008 w (my favorite coins) Gold and Platinum frac's coin sales have had big increase in price over the last 30 days on EBay.....

    I have completed positive sales and purchses from the following members:
    jclovescoins, dpoole, dmarks, guysmiling, Ducky1100 , piecesofme, ericj96 ,Classof67, ModernCoin, MrOrganic, 53BKid, nychad10, GUINZO1975, derryb (3 times), PinkFloyd
  • Did anybody see 2008-W Plat $50 NGC MS70 sold for $2600 while two PCGS MS70 sold in $1800 range within last 2 weeks? What the heck...

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 NGC MS70 $2600

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 PCGS MS70 $1825

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 PCGS MS70 $1807
  • In thinly traded markets wide swings in prices is common.
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Raufus
    I was watching that one as well. I think the nice moves that Platinum has made in the past 2 weeks made a few feel better about the purchase. It's good to see unless your like me and wish it would stay below gold for a little longer.
    That said I have also noticed the 2006-2008 w (my favorite coins) Gold and Platinum frac's coin sales have had big increase in price over the last 30 days on EBay..... >>

    I really hope that the 2006-08 Ws develop more of a following. They are just fantastic coins with incredibly low mintages.

    I went out on a limb and bought a 2008 W $50 Plat Proof in PCGS PR70FS for $2300 back in '08. I was very glad to see this auction. I had long wondered what the coin would bring. However, it trades so infrequently in that holder that I had no idea. I think that $4500 seems reasonable given that it is the KING of all Plat Proofs and a great looking coin.
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Did anybody see 2008-W Plat $50 NGC MS70 sold for $2600 while two PCGS MS70 sold in $1800 range within last 2 weeks? What the heck...

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 NGC MS70 $2600

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 PCGS MS70 $1825

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 PCGS MS70 $1807 >>

    The buyers on the latter two did very well.

    I sold a 2006 W $50 Plat Unc in PCGS MS70FS yesterday for $1400 on FeeBay.
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • mrpaseomrpaseo Posts: 4,753 ✭✭✭
    I just wanted to be a part of this thread...

  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I just wanted to be a part of this thread...

    image >>


    I do have to warn you that this is a dangerous thread...

    It can turn one into a Moderns addict. image
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just noticed that a 2008 W $10 Plat. Proof in PCGS PR70FS brought $1995!! Incredible!

    It is just amazing what some will pay for a label.

    2008 W Plat Proof PCGS PF70FS $1995!

    In fact, TWO have sold for this price recently!
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • I'd be careful about paying too much premium for FS coins.

    There are still some out there that remain sealed and FS eligible.

    I have a number I've just been too busy/lazy to submit.
  • NPD1078NPD1078 Posts: 110 ✭✭

    << <i>I'd be careful about paying too much premium for FS coins.

    There are still some out there that remain sealed and FS eligible.

    I have a number I've just been too busy/lazy to submit. >>

    I believe the person that started this thread once (or many times) has said buy the coin not the holder ....image

    I have completed positive sales and purchses from the following members:
    jclovescoins, dpoole, dmarks, guysmiling, Ducky1100 , piecesofme, ericj96 ,Classof67, ModernCoin, MrOrganic, 53BKid, nychad10, GUINZO1975, derryb (3 times), PinkFloyd
  • CasmanCasman Posts: 3,935 ✭✭

    << <i>Just noticed that a 2008 W $10 Plat. Proof in PCGS PR70FS brought $1995!! Incredible!

    It is just amazing what some will pay for a label.

    2008 W Plat Proof PCGS PF70FS $1995!

    In fact, TWO have sold for this price recently! >>

    Ok, I clicked the link and it says it sold for $1,700....image
  • 2manycoins2fewfunds2manycoins2fewfunds Posts: 3,036 ✭✭✭
    Still sealed......

    Order #: 28870xxx - 1 Order Date: 5/05/08

    Sold To:

    Ship To:

    Date Shipped: 5/08/08

    Amount Charged : 64453.70

    Tracking ID


    Items included in this shipment:

    1. 2008 AE PLAT PRF 4 COIN (8T5) Qty : 10

    2. 2008 AE PLAT PRF 1 OZ (8T1) Qty : 5

    3. 2008 AE PLAT PRF 1/2 OZ (8T2) Qty : 10

    This is a system generated e-mail. Please do not reply.
    If you have questions, please visit the Help page at
    http://catalog.usmint.gov or call us at 1-800-USA-MINT.

  • << <i>

    << <i>Did anybody see 2008-W Plat $50 NGC MS70 sold for $2600 while two PCGS MS70 sold in $1800 range within last 2 weeks? What the heck...

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 NGC MS70 $2600

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 PCGS MS70 $1825

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 PCGS MS70 $1807 >>

    The buyers on the latter two did very well.

    I sold a 2006 W $50 Plat Unc in PCGS MS70FS yesterday for $1400 on FeeBay. >>

  • << <i>

    << <i>Did anybody see 2008-W Plat $50 NGC MS70 sold for $2600 while two PCGS MS70 sold in $1800 range within last 2 weeks? What the heck...

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 NGC MS70 $2600

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 PCGS MS70 $1825

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 PCGS MS70 $1807 >>

    The buyers on the latter two did very well.

    I sold a 2006 W $50 Plat Unc in PCGS MS70FS yesterday for $1400 on FeeBay. >>

    The mint state 2006 and 2008 fractional plats are going to get a little lift in the next 6 months I would guess.


  • ronsrons Posts: 338 ✭✭
    Care to drop us a hint on your speculation? image
    "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." Thomas Jefferson
  • RaufusRaufus Posts: 6,817 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Just noticed that a 2008 W $10 Plat. Proof in PCGS PR70FS brought $1995!! Incredible!

    It is just amazing what some will pay for a label.

    2008 W Plat Proof PCGS PF70FS $1995!

    In fact, TWO have sold for this price recently! >>

    Ok, I clicked the link and it says it sold for $1,700....image >>

    Bizzare. I found it by searching for all completed auctions of "2008 W platinum" and both showed the $1995 in Green and sold.

    Even $1700 for a tenth oz plat is impressive!
    Land of the Free because of the Brave!
  • drei3reedrei3ree Posts: 3,430 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Just noticed that a 2008 W $10 Plat. Proof in PCGS PR70FS brought $1995!! Incredible!

    It is just amazing what some will pay for a label.

    2008 W Plat Proof PCGS PF70FS $1995!

    In fact, TWO have sold for this price recently! >>

    Ok, I clicked the link and it says it sold for $1,700....image >>

    Bizzare. I found it by searching for all completed auctions of "2008 W platinum" and both showed the $1995 in Green and sold.

    Even $1700 for a tenth oz plat is impressive! >>

    They were mine. In the last 6 months, I've sold two at $1995, one at $1750, and one at $1700. I have several more with the FS label--bought them all in May & June 2008.

  • << <i>Did anybody see 2008-W Plat $50 NGC MS70 sold for $2600 while two PCGS MS70 sold in $1800 range within last 2 weeks? What the heck...


    Yes the NGC70 was bid above $1,800 by a 24 and 0 feedback bidder. The winner had quite a few FBs, but something looks wonky. I think the real value is around $1,800+, since that is the high bid before the 24 and 0 feedbacker.
  • Does the mint usually use the plural when referring to releases that are normally for a single item??? wondering if they are going to bring back fractional buffs and if their going ahead with what they asked in their survey about silver eagles??

    03/15/2012 2012 American Buffalo Gold Proof Coins
    04/12/2012 2012 American Eagle Silver Proof Coins

    Mint 2012 calander
  • CoinspongeCoinsponge Posts: 3,927 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Does the mint usually use the plural when referring to releases that are normally for a single item??? wondering if they are going to bring back fractional buffs and if their going ahead with what they asked in their survey about silver eagles??

    03/15/2012 2012 American Buffalo Gold Proof Coins
    04/12/2012 2012 American Eagle Silver Proof Coins

    Mint 2012 calander >>

    I think you are reading into it more than they intended-especially in light of the poor performance they have been having selling collector coins.
    Gold and silver are valuable but wisdom is priceless.

  • << <i>

    << <i>Does the mint usually use the plural when referring to releases that are normally for a single item??? wondering if they are going to bring back fractional buffs and if their going ahead with what they asked in their survey about silver eagles??

    03/15/2012 2012 American Buffalo Gold Proof Coins
    04/12/2012 2012 American Eagle Silver Proof Coins

    Mint 2012 calander >>

    I think you are reading into it more than they intended >>

    No, just wondering if I missed something.

  • << <i>

    << <i>

    << <i>Did anybody see 2008-W Plat $50 NGC MS70 sold for $2600 while two PCGS MS70 sold in $1800 range within last 2 weeks? What the heck...

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 NGC MS70 $2600

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 PCGS MS70 $1825

    2008 W Platinum 1/2 Ounce $50 PCGS MS70 $1807 >>

    The buyers on the latter two did very well.

    I sold a 2006 W $50 Plat Unc in PCGS MS70FS yesterday for $1400 on FeeBay. >>

    The mint state 2006 and 2008 fractional plats are going to get a little lift in the next 6 months I would guess.


    Eric >>

    Also been noting a rise on Teletrade for 1997 thru 2004 plat W PCGS70s, FS and non FS, from the 2011 4th quarter to present. ie some 2002 non FS examples:

    January 29, 2012
    $575*Bullion $25 Platinum 2002W Proof Statue of Liberty PCGS 70 DCAM

    January 22, 2012
    $575*Bullion $25 Platinum 2002W Proof Statue of Liberty PCGS 70 DCAM

    December 12, 2011
    $489*Bullion $25 Platinum 2002W Proof Statue of Liberty PCGS 70 DCAM

    March 21, 2011
    $719*Bullion $25 Platinum 2002W Proof Statue of Liberty PCGS 70 DCAM

    tonight auction ends at 1000 hrs, 3 sepearte auctions for Bullion $25 Platinum 2002W Proof Statue of Liberty PCGS 70 DCAM , currently at $775, 750 and 725.

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