TheTHE NEW YORK YANKEES , at least thru the 2Oth century will always be considered the last great team in the last great country with the last great players. Ruth, Gerhig,Lazzari, Berra,Dimaggio,Mize Bauer, Skowren. Martin. Ford,Larson, Maris,Rizutto, Munson, Mattingly, and on and on and for the finale , the man himself, Mickey Mantle. I have been watching the Yankees play for over 50 years and they have become an institution of legends. Thats just the way it is and if A Rod continues his performance, the myth will just continue. Talk about all the other Major league Teams you want,just accept it, the Yankees are Americas Team.
<< <i>TheTHE NEW YORK YANKEES , at least thru the 2Oth century will always be considered the last great team in the last great country with the last great players. Ruth, Gerhig,Lazzari, Berra,Dimaggio,Mize Bauer, Skowren. Martin. Ford,Larson, Maris,Rizutto, Munson, Mattingly, and on and on and for the finale , the man himself, Micket Mantle. I have been watching the Yankees play for over 50 years and they have become an institution of legends. Thats just the way it is and if A Rod continues his performance, the myth will just continue. Talk about all the other Major league Teams you want,just accept it, the Yankees are Americas Team. >>
Sorry but I have a problem with you calling them "Americas" team. I would have no problem with the history of the Yankees being reffered to as a landmark for greatness (IE 26? Championships) But I firmly believe the Baseball world does not circle around the Yankee disrespect. It would be like me saying the Boston Celtics are Americas team. That is my full dollar of opinion on that, not just 2 cents.
Nobody loves the Yanks more then me but your post sucked. It read like a 10 year old wrote it. Yes the Yankees are the most successful sports team in the history of sports but what are you blabbing about? Last Great nation? Last Great Players? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
I can't support the "America's Team" designation either. How can they be America's Team when so much of the country loves to hate them?
However, I will agree that the Yankees are an institution. As a Red Sox fan this is hard to admit, but in the interest of goodwill I'm going to disclose something I decided while watching them play over the last two weekends: I think the Yankees, and everything they've come to symbolize, are actually good for baseball. The Yankees are the Goliath to everyone else’s David, the Sarumon to the Hobbits, the bully to everyone else's twerp. They make everyone else feel like an underdog and who doesn’t love it when the underdog triumphs? If it wasn’t for the mystique of the Yankees and the fact that they have been such a good team for so long (with a few exceptional periods) I think that baseball wouldn’t be as much fun to watch, to argue about, and to breath in day in and day out for six months of every year of our lives because we all need to measure ourselves and our teams against a high ideal. Heck, even when the Sox have an off day, one of the first things I do when I get home from work is check the score of the Yankees game.
<< <i>I have been watching the Yankees play for over 50 years and they have become an institution >>
At least this part is true. >>
Jer, I love ya buddy, but DON'T come here in this thread and poke fun because it is so easy right now.
Given your comment above it is JUST if NOT EASIER for the Yankee fan to "comment" that your Boston franchise has been nothing but a sidenote in history ...... a joke even. I don't care what happens this year, it does not take away for the generations that the Sox have been bit$hed slapped around.
Curt Schilling, Josh Beckett, D-Mat, Papelbon, etc DO NOT come close to righting THAT ship buddy. So, I have no problem with what MIGHT happen THIS year ...... but don't make that kind of comment in this thread like it is a fore gone conclusion.
There IS A REASON this rilvary is what it is and that is because the Red Sox have been butt kicked all over the place for a long time. Say that stuff in YOUR thread where it belongs ....... IN THE RED SOX thread ......... unless yo want to stoop to low levels and the Yankee fan can bring up 100 years of history in YOUR thread ?
<< <i>I have been watching the Yankees play for over 50 years and they have become an institution >>
At least this part is true. >>
Jer, I love ya buddy, but DON'T come here in this thread and poke fun because it is so easy right now.
Given your comment above it is JUST if NOT EASIER for the Yankee fan to "comment" that your Boston franchise has been nothing but a sidenote in history ...... a joke even. I don't care what happens this year, it does not take away for the generations that the Sox have been bit$hed slapped around.
Curt Schilling, Josh Beckett, D-Mat, Papelbon, etc DO NOT come close to righting THAT ship buddy. So, I have no problem with what MIGHT happen THIS year ...... but don't make that kind of comment in this thread like it is a fore gone conclusion.
There IS A REASON this rilvary is what it is and that is because the Red Sox have been butt kicked all over the place for a long time. Say that stuff in YOUR thread where it belongs ....... IN THE RED SOX thread ......... unless yo want to stoop to low levels and the Yankee fan can bring up 100 years of history in YOUR thread ? >>
Still not over the GREATEST CHOKE IN SPORTS HISTORY, eh? >>
Nice coin ..... have you ever gotten over the sad sack Buckner play? The greatest CHOKE MOMENT in history? I mean..... ya all had champagne on ICE in the clubhouse
Does a one year choke job make up for GENERATIONS of choke jobs that sent THOUSANDS of Red Sox fans to their GRAVES without ever seeing an end? You guys are sorry replacements for the poor souls who were born and died with a laughingstock of a franchise.
The bottom line here is you clowns saying this stuff in a Yankee thread is the SAME EXACT thing that Yankee haters say Yankee fans do. Its all good, be classless one time winners. Who can really blame you?
You Sox fans are great ...... what would our teams be without each other
How great is tonights game? Yes, I am enjoying that Hughes is pitching well and the yanks offense has come to life...but what Im talking about is the announcers booth.
NO Michael Kay and 3 players who know how to call a great game, tell great stories, and share some great baseball knowledge without making me bored out of my skull! It's great to hear Murcer on my TV again. I dont think there is anyone I enjoy listening to during a game more than Murcer. I do miss Jim Kaat though.
Ok, Ok, lets calm down here. We have been getting along so far, I understand Dan you are protecting your thread (and frustrated by the yanks slow start) and Jerry and Coin made a few comments but there is no need to throw bombs just yet. Bottom line this guy brings up the "Yankees are Americas team" and all hell breaks loose.
<< <i>Ok, Ok, lets calm down here. We have been getting along so far, I understand Dan you are protecting your thread (and frustrated by the yanks slow start) and Jerry and Coin made a few comments but there is no need to throw bombs just yet. Bottom line this guy brings up the "Yankees are Americas team" and all hell breaks loose.
And the Yankee fans were here to police that crap yet it was not enought o keep the vultures away who are all INTOXICATED with a 16-8 start.
Pregame show said that it is a VERY good chance he is up for good. Even though he had that first shaky start, his stuff was great. And have you seen that curveball tonight??? WOW!!!
I thought it was interesting last game they showed the pitching motion of Hughes with Roger Clemens...VERY similar deliveries.
I keep saying it...I want to see Ty Clippard up and pitching for the big club!
Curveball is off the charts tonight. 12 to 6 ..... yikes! Has he thrown a change up yet? HE has been working hard on that ...... I am NOT getting ahead of myself. Just relieved to see the 20 year old kid come in with the LOOK of a bulldog. THAT has me excited more then anything.
<< <i>Okay, talk about hyperbole that is typical of the Yankees - now Hughes is basically Roger Clemens?
Sorry, don't mean to laugh, but come on. Next we are going to hear that Colter Bean is the next Dennis Eckersley. Calm down, guys! >>
OMG CTSox....LMAO...I didnt at all compare Hughes to Roger Clemens. READ THE POST. All I said was that they compared the delivery of Hughes with the delivery with Clemens and how they were similar. You know...using the legs, the tight delivery, etc...and here I thought you actually know just a little about baseball.
Shut yer trap Jerry! All that was said was about SIMILIAR deliveries. Which is true. Go ahead and get all bent about that .... whatever!
If nothing else Hughes has slapped every starting pitcher in the face tonight. He just turned 20 years old and is taking them ALL to school. Good for him!
The ironic thing about Hughes tonight is that this outing was cementing himself in the bigs ..... and we were all about to talk about how he pitched his last game in the minors. Now, I am sure he will be making re-hab starts in Scranton .... ugh ....
Nobody loves the Yanks more then me but your post sucked. It read like a 10 year old wrote it. Yes the Yankees are the most successful sports team in the history of sports but what are you blabbing about? Last Great nation? Last Great Players? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? >>
Ten year old wrote it !!!! softparade or whatever you go by, never get in a battle of wits when your only half prepared. When Mantle died in 1995 Sports Illustrated practically dedicated their entire Aug. 21 issue to him. One of their senior writers Richard Hoffer won a Pulitzer prize for his emotional tribute "MICKEY MANTLE, THE LEGACY OF THE LAST GREAT PLAYER ON THE LAST GREAT TEAM IN THE LAST GREAT COUNTRY" "Their is nothing in our library that explains how Mantle moves so smoothly from baseball history into national legend. a country's touchstone, the lopsided grin on our society. He was a switch hitter of heartstopping power and a centerfielder of amazing swiftness and he was given to spectacle: huge home runs that the Yankees invented the phrase tape measure home run. He never became Babe Ruth or Joe Dimaggio, but for generarions of men, he's the guy, has been the guy and always will be the guy. What does this mean exactly??A woman beseeches Mantle to appear at a surprise birthday party, introductions are made, and the husband weeps in the presence of such fantasy made flesh. Thats what it means." That is just the beginning of Hoffer's article. If you know where a library is in your neighborhood maybe you can find a copy. And your posts suck too softpud.
"Cheeks" - you are an idiot. But, even as I say that, I hope you stick around and post some more, because I am sure you will give me plenty of good material to comment on.
In the meantime, since you love to read, why not pick up the new book by Peter Golenbock about Mickey Mantle? If you are over 18, that is.
Nobody loves the Yanks more then me but your post sucked. It read like a 10 year old wrote it. Yes the Yankees are the most successful sports team in the history of sports but what are you blabbing about? Last Great nation? Last Great Players? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? >>
Ten year old wrote it !!!! softparade or whatever you go by, never get in a battle of wits when your only half prepared. When Mantle died in 1995 Sports Illustrated practically dedicated their entire Aug. 21 issue to him. One of their senior writers Richard Hoffer won a Pulitzer prize for his emotional tribute "MICKEY MANTLE, THE LEGACY OF THE LAST GREAT PLAYER ON THE LAST GREAT TEAM IN THE LAST GREAT COUNTRY" "Their is nothing in our library that explains how Mantle moves so smoothly from baseball history into national legend. a country's touchstone, the lopsided grin on our society. He was a switch hitter of heartstopping power and a centerfielder of amazing swiftness and he was given to spectacle: huge home runs that the Yankees invented the phrase tape measure home run. He never became Babe Ruth or Joe Dimaggio, but for generarions of men, he's the guy, has been the guy and always will be the guy. What does this mean exactly??A woman beseeches Mantle to appear at a surprise birthday party, introductions are made, and the husband weeps in the presence of such fantasy made flesh. Thats what it means." That is just the beginning of Hoffer's article. If you know where a library is in your neighborhood maybe you can find a copy. And your posts suck too softpud. >>
In Boston we could claim the same thing on Ted Williams, Sports Illistrated dedicated a magazine to him as well. All cities have beat writers and would honor their own heroes in a similar way.
Et Tu Perkdog. I am the one who defended your comments about working out which helped you crush a softball in your thirties. I did the same thing and know what a little additional muscle mass can do. Of course in my case that was 35 years ago. I posted to softparades thread because I thought it was a good one. When I was growing up in So. Calif. in the early 1950's there were no professional teams here. All we had was the Hollywood Stars and the L.A. Angels that played at Gilmore field. Our HR hero was Steve Bilko who slammed 56 HR's in 55 or 56. All we ever heard about in those days was the NY Yankees etc. I was listining along with the rest of my Jr. High class when Larson pitched his no hitter. So most of us out here were Yankee fans and Mickey Mantle was the man. I could hardly wait to read the morning paper im 1956, check out the sports page and see who was leading the battle title race, Williams or Mantle. When I was managing a bank in Pasadena in the late 1980's Irv Norens brother was a customer of mine and owned a sporting goods store Here in Pasadena. I had the great honbor of being invited to lunch with Irv, Mickey Mantle and Whitey Ford. They were all great to be with and I remember Mantles forearms were like steel cables. I have met many fine gentlemen on the PSA registry forum including Jim Davillo who gave me some great advice on finishing my PSA Mantle set, currently # 6. I think we have a generation gap with this situation and I apologize to those who were offended. Being a Yankee fan I just wanted to participate and had no idea my comments would draw such a vitriolic and acrimonious response. Softparade be assured you and your little clan (I do not include you in that group Perkdog) will hear from me again.
<< <i>TheTHE NEW YORK YANKEES , at least thru the 2Oth century will always be considered the last great team in the last great country with the last great players. Ruth, Gerhig,Lazzari, Berra,Dimaggio,Mize Bauer, Skowren. Martin. Ford,Larson, Maris,Rizutto, Munson, Mattingly, and on and on and for the finale , the man himself, Micket Mantle. I have been watching the Yankees play for over 50 years and they have become an institution of legends. Thats just the way it is and if A Rod continues his performance, the myth will just continue. Talk about all the other Major league Teams you want,just accept it, the Yankees are Americas Team.
Sorry but I have a problem with you calling them "Americas" team. I would have no problem with the history of the Yankees being reffered to as a landmark for greatness (IE 26? Championships) But I firmly believe the Baseball world does not circle around the Yankee disrespect. It would be like me saying the Boston Celtics are Americas team. That is my full dollar of opinion on that, not just 2 cents.
Nobody loves the Yanks more then me but your post sucked. It read like a 10 year old wrote it. Yes the Yankees are the most successful sports team in the history of sports but what are you blabbing about? Last Great nation? Last Great Players? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
Jeter is the most over-rated player ever.
Yankees buy championships.
New York fans are the worst.
NY doesn't deserve A-Rod.
: insert other NY bashes here :
<< <i>Sorry but I have a problem with you calling them "Americas" team. >>
So do I. Everyone knows the Atlanta Braves are "Americas Team"!!
<< <i>I have been watching the Yankees play for over 50 years and they have become an institution >>
At least this part is true.
However, I will agree that the Yankees are an institution. As a Red Sox fan this is hard to admit, but in the interest of goodwill I'm going to disclose something I decided while watching them play over the last two weekends: I think the Yankees, and everything they've come to symbolize, are actually good for baseball. The Yankees are the Goliath to everyone else’s David, the Sarumon to the Hobbits, the bully to everyone else's twerp. They make everyone else feel like an underdog and who doesn’t love it when the underdog triumphs? If it wasn’t for the mystique of the Yankees and the fact that they have been such a good team for so long (with a few exceptional periods) I think that baseball wouldn’t be as much fun to watch, to argue about, and to breath in day in and day out for six months of every year of our lives because we all need to measure ourselves and our teams against a high ideal. Heck, even when the Sox have an off day, one of the first things I do when I get home from work is check the score of the Yankees game.
Long live the rivalry!
<< <i>
<< <i>I have been watching the Yankees play for over 50 years and they have become an institution >>
At least this part is true. >>
Jer, I love ya buddy, but DON'T come here in this thread and poke fun because it is so easy right now.
Given your comment above it is JUST if NOT EASIER for the Yankee fan to "comment" that your Boston franchise has been nothing but a sidenote in history ...... a joke even. I don't care what happens this year, it does not take away for the generations that the Sox have been bit$hed slapped around.
Curt Schilling, Josh Beckett, D-Mat, Papelbon, etc DO NOT come close to righting THAT ship buddy. So, I have no problem with what MIGHT happen THIS year ...... but don't make that kind of comment in this thread like it is a fore gone conclusion.
There IS A REASON this rilvary is what it is and that is because the Red Sox have been butt kicked all over the place for a long time. Say that stuff in YOUR thread where it belongs .......
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>I have been watching the Yankees play for over 50 years and they have become an institution >>
At least this part is true. >>
Jer, I love ya buddy, but DON'T come here in this thread and poke fun because it is so easy right now.
Given your comment above it is JUST if NOT EASIER for the Yankee fan to "comment" that your Boston franchise has been nothing but a sidenote in history ...... a joke even. I don't care what happens this year, it does not take away for the generations that the Sox have been bit$hed slapped around.
Curt Schilling, Josh Beckett, D-Mat, Papelbon, etc DO NOT come close to righting THAT ship buddy. So, I have no problem with what MIGHT happen THIS year ...... but don't make that kind of comment in this thread like it is a fore gone conclusion.
There IS A REASON this rilvary is what it is and that is because the Red Sox have been butt kicked all over the place for a long time. Say that stuff in YOUR thread where it belongs .......
<< <i>
Does a one year choke job make up for GENERATIONS of choke jobs that sent THOUSANDS of Red Sox fans to their GRAVES without ever seeing an end? You guys are sorry replacements for the poor souls who were born and died with a laughingstock of a franchise.
Oh yeah Coin, Its all even now
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
You Sox fans are great ...... what would our teams be without each other
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
NO Michael Kay and 3 players who know how to call a great game, tell great stories, and share some great baseball knowledge without making me bored out of my skull! It's great to hear Murcer on my TV again. I dont think there is anyone I enjoy listening to during a game more than Murcer. I do miss Jim Kaat though.
A big thanks to Murcer, Singleton, and Girardi!!!
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
<< <i>Ok, Ok, lets calm down here. We have been getting along so far, I understand Dan you are protecting your thread (and frustrated by the yanks slow start) and Jerry and Coin made a few comments but there is no need to throw bombs just yet. Bottom line this guy brings up the "Yankees are Americas team" and all hell breaks loose.
And the Yankee fans were here to police that crap yet it was not enought o keep the vultures away who are all INTOXICATED with a 16-8 start.
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
I thought it was interesting last game they showed the pitching motion of Hughes with Roger Clemens...VERY similar deliveries.
I keep saying it...I want to see Ty Clippard up and pitching for the big club!
Teach this "rotation" a lesson kid!
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
Sorry, don't mean to laugh, but come on. Next we are going to hear that Colter Bean is the next Dennis Eckersley. Calm down, guys!
<< <i>Okay, talk about hyperbole that is typical of the Yankees - now Hughes is basically Roger Clemens?
Sorry, don't mean to laugh, but come on. Next we are going to hear that Colter Bean is the next Dennis Eckersley. Calm down, guys! >>
OMG CTSox....LMAO...I didnt at all compare Hughes to Roger Clemens. READ THE POST. All I said was that they compared the delivery of Hughes with the delivery with Clemens and how they were similar. You know...using the legs, the tight delivery, etc...and here I thought you actually know just a little about baseball.
Lets keep the facts straight, buddy.
If nothing else Hughes has slapped every starting pitcher in the face tonight. He just turned 20 years old and is taking them ALL to school. Good for him!
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
-- Yogi Berra
<< <i>How sad ....... Hughes just hurt his leg ...... with a 0-2 count and 6 1/3 no hit innings....... geez
Glad you posted that, I was ready to blow up Torre for taking him out!
Good for him, great outing.
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
<< <i>SIGH >>
You still might get a no-hitter combo. Not to mention you picked up a game.
Yankee Fans, hope u likey?
rbdjr1's 1976 Topps New York Yankees Team Set - The Number One Current Finest Set
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Smokestack Lightning (Live) 1968
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The ironic thing about Hughes tonight is that this outing was cementing himself in the bigs ..... and we were all about to talk about how he pitched his last game in the minors. Now, I am sure he will be making re-hab starts in Scranton .... ugh ....
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
<< <i>Hey cheeks,
Nobody loves the Yanks more then me but your post sucked. It read like a 10 year old wrote it. Yes the Yankees are the most successful sports team in the history of sports but what are you blabbing about? Last Great nation? Last Great Players? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
Ten year old wrote it !!!! softparade or whatever you go by, never get in a battle of wits when your only half prepared. When Mantle died in 1995 Sports Illustrated practically dedicated their entire Aug. 21 issue to him. One of their senior writers Richard Hoffer won a Pulitzer prize for his emotional tribute
"MICKEY MANTLE, THE LEGACY OF THE LAST GREAT PLAYER ON THE LAST GREAT TEAM IN THE LAST GREAT COUNTRY" "Their is nothing in our library that explains how Mantle moves so smoothly from baseball history into national legend. a country's touchstone, the lopsided grin on our society. He was a switch hitter of heartstopping power and a centerfielder of amazing swiftness and he was given to spectacle: huge home runs that the Yankees invented the phrase tape measure home run. He never became Babe Ruth or Joe Dimaggio, but for generarions of men, he's the guy, has been the guy and always will be the guy. What does this mean exactly??A woman beseeches Mantle to appear at a surprise birthday party, introductions are made, and the husband weeps in the presence of such fantasy made flesh. Thats what it means." That is just the beginning of Hoffer's article. If you know where a library is in your neighborhood maybe you can find a copy. And your posts suck too softpud.
<< <i><<Nobody loves the Yanks more then me but your post sucked.>>
Apparently someone changed my name to "Nobody" and didn't tell me.
IF THE SHOE FITS, WEAR IT. Mr. Expert Baseball Collector.
What I gathered out of your response is that you know how to plagiarise the work of others.
Good job on failing to formulate thoughts of your own and not even knowing what was wrong with what you did
-- Yogi Berra
Why did you not reference said material? It sounded like $HIT coming from your trap pal. Do us a favor and slip out into the night ya nitwit.
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
In the meantime, since you love to read, why not pick up the new book by Peter Golenbock about Mickey Mantle? If you are over 18, that is.
More Yankees!
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Smokestack Lightning (Live) 1968
Quicksilver Messenger Service - The Hat (Live) 1971
<< <i>
<< <i>Hey cheeks,
Nobody loves the Yanks more then me but your post sucked. It read like a 10 year old wrote it. Yes the Yankees are the most successful sports team in the history of sports but what are you blabbing about? Last Great nation? Last Great Players? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
Ten year old wrote it !!!! softparade or whatever you go by, never get in a battle of wits when your only half prepared. When Mantle died in 1995 Sports Illustrated practically dedicated their entire Aug. 21 issue to him. One of their senior writers Richard Hoffer won a Pulitzer prize for his emotional tribute
"MICKEY MANTLE, THE LEGACY OF THE LAST GREAT PLAYER ON THE LAST GREAT TEAM IN THE LAST GREAT COUNTRY" "Their is nothing in our library that explains how Mantle moves so smoothly from baseball history into national legend. a country's touchstone, the lopsided grin on our society. He was a switch hitter of heartstopping power and a centerfielder of amazing swiftness and he was given to spectacle: huge home runs that the Yankees invented the phrase tape measure home run. He never became Babe Ruth or Joe Dimaggio, but for generarions of men, he's the guy, has been the guy and always will be the guy. What does this mean exactly??A woman beseeches Mantle to appear at a surprise birthday party, introductions are made, and the husband weeps in the presence of such fantasy made flesh. Thats what it means." That is just the beginning of Hoffer's article. If you know where a library is in your neighborhood maybe you can find a copy. And your posts suck too softpud. >>
In Boston we could claim the same thing on Ted Williams, Sports Illistrated dedicated a magazine to him as well. All cities have beat writers and would honor their own heroes in a similar way.
NO DOUBT "cheeks" picked his name because ..... well ..... he is an A$$. I'm getting bored with half wit morons infiltrating a good thread.
Jerry, you will NEVER run dry on stuff to comment on. Hopefully you will be side tracked by a Sox collapse whether it is in August or October
Phil Hughes is the real deal!
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
Although name dropping does not impress me in the least ..... but carry on!
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240