Home Metal Detecting

~~~~~ VIRTUAL TREASURE HUNT III (Game Over! Prizes awarded!) ~~~~~



  • That site you hunted looks great John. Spooky or not - I wouldn't let it sit idle if I were there. Knowing where you are, I would also think that site - not nesessarily the house, has had previous occupation to the "killer".

  • I've looked at that first coin a dozen times through the loupe and was really undecided if it was an 8 or 0.

    << <i>That site you hunted looks great John. Spooky or not - I wouldn't let it sit idle if I were there. Knowing where you are, I would also think that site - not nesessarily the house, has had previous occupation to the "killer".

    Gary >>

    The owner said it has only been used for farm equipment storage since he bought it 1959. I am the only one with permission to hunt it (so he says) and at the time I lived right close to it. I will be going back soon.
    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • ZotZot Posts: 825 ✭✭✭
    Great finds by all diggers so far! image
    Too bad about your detector GR - that's a bummer to say the least! image
    Minelab: GPX 5000, Excalibur II, Explorer SE. White's: MXT, PI Pro

  • << <i>Too bad about your detector GR - that's a bummer to say the least! >>

    Thanks Zot and everyone!

    I called Minelab and am sending my Sovereign tomorrow to see if it can be repaired.
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,466 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>Too bad about your detector GR - that's a bummer to say the least! >>

    Thanks Zot and everyone!

    I called Minelab and am sending my Sovereign tomorrow to see if it can be repaired.
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed. >>

    I'll cross mine for you as well!

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,662 ✭✭✭✭✭
    And the results of LordM and 30AnvZ28's Thursday outing were....

    a near-total skunkfest!


    William found a 19th century hoe on the plantation site near my house. I got one modern coin and one late-19th/early 20th century relic. In case those end up being the first two targets of my future Round 7, I won't say anything about them, but they're nothing special. And of course they might not be used if they end up being part of my "discard" round.

    On my next free day, I am thinking of slapping on my big coil and working "Indian Cent Alley" in my favorite overhunted park, to see if some deep treasures turn up. When phut visited, he pulled a V-nickel from about 10" in this park, and most of the Indian cents found there (many of them nice) were at 8-10".

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Good afternoon folks. I'm back from my dig. We will now continue Round 3 of VTH III. This will be for targets 30-36. Remember, if you've already had the opportunity to participate in GoldRush's 25-29, you'll have to wait until Round 4 begins to enter again. I will be putting together the results while I'm taking your entries, and I will post as soon as I get it ready.

    Player number 30 please step up!

  • I would love to be # 30 please.


    I've been checking this site every 15 minutes all day to get in hehehe.
  • Are all the spots in this round open now? If so, I'm in too. image
  • I'm not sure, but I think Gary is opening a slot, filling it, then closing again until he announces the next opening. But, just in case I'm wrong (again lol) I'll throw my name in for this round!
    Be Still and Know
  • #32 please.
    Always on the lookout for a silver opportunity.
  • you guys have to wait till he opens the next slot
    I collect bits and pieces of everything
    or should I say I ACCUMULATE!
    I also dabble with the darkside image

    Ive recently gotten more into currency, especially modern star notes
  • I'll take #33 if the round is open. :-)
    I lust for silver.
  • The DesertRat gets number 30.

    Nope folks, they are not all open at one time. Sorry

    Number 31 and 32 are now available.
  • I'm in at #31 image
  • #32
    Always on the lookout for a silver opportunity.
  • I'll take 32 if it's still available!
    Be Still and Know
  • Just missed it image
    Be Still and Know
  • Woot!! I'm in!!!

    This is fun to watch!!

  • Be ready for the next one Mary (and SilverD)!

    On your mark, get set, ... imageimage
  • You're a brat Riccar!! lol
    Be Still and Know
  • Dan8402 you're number 31. Come on down!

    Bamacoinshooter you're number 32!

    Don't give up Mary.

    I'm ready to rock-n-roll with whoever wants to be 33!
  • 33
    I collect bits and pieces of everything
    or should I say I ACCUMULATE!
    I also dabble with the darkside image

    Ive recently gotten more into currency, especially modern star notes
  • It's all Ric's fault I missed this one (lol) he distracted me!
    Be Still and Know
  • <<It's all Ric's fault I missed this one (lol) he distracted me! >>

    Oh no!!!! It was due to my "brattyness" image
    (you're not the first one to say that about me... I have sisters image)

    Hope you get the next one!
  • Spiffy469 gets to rock-n-roll as 33.

    Okay Mary, are you ready? Don't use this excuse about Rick.

    NUMBER 34, is anybody number 34?
  • Let's hope I get this one!
    Be Still and Know
  • Ps... Being female entitles (yes, entitles) me to blame anything and everything on any male of my chosing. It's good to be a woman. image
    Be Still and Know
  • You're in like swimwear as 34. Question Mary. Your 34? Seriously, are your 34?
  • uhhhhh no...I'm seriously NOT 34 lol
    Ok Gary, I hope you dug some spectacular items for this round!
    Be Still and Know
  • This is a tough crowd. Okay, I give up. I'm taking 35 and 36!
  • #35
    I lust for silver.
  • Hey Steve, haven't seen you for awhile!
    Be Still and Know
  • I guess no one wants 36. image
  • Mary gets a serious "Attagirl!!" for her persistence image
  • Danny, it's very sad that I'm spending my Friday night sittinginfront of this computer, sipping wine, and trying to get into a virtual hunt. Very sad indeed. Ok, very fun too image
    Be Still and Know

  • << <i>Danny, it's very sad that I'm spending my Friday night sittinginfront of this computer, sipping wine, and trying to get into a virtual hunt. Very sad indeed. Ok, very fun too image >>

    I'm sitting in my office, watching a clock move very slowly towards quitting time. Then it's off to the bank to make the daily deposits, off to the post office to drop in the outgoing mail, then off to home to sit in front of a computer sip some wine and watch a virtual treasure hunt image

    Family is gone to some amusement park for the weekend so I'm a bachelor for the weekend.
  • Here's the re-cap for entries 30-36 of Round 3.

    DesertRat - 30
    Dan8402 - 31
    Bamacoinshooter - 32
    spiffy469 - 33
    marymary quite contrary image - who claims she's not 34, but I know is.
    silverdreams - 35
    ?????????? - 36

    36 is still open!
  • OmegaOmega Posts: 1,587 ✭✭✭
  • That has to be a record for having a VTH slot open!! 44 minutes!
  • OmegaOmega Posts: 1,587 ✭✭✭
    I just got the twins to bed and was finally able to get on the computer! I was reading as fast as I could to see if a slot was still open!!!
  • GaryGaryGary...If you insist on my being 34, who am I to resist?? image
    Be Still and Know
  • Way to go Omega!
    Be Still and Know
  • OmegaOmega Posts: 1,587 ✭✭✭
  • image
    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • Hey John, are you trying to tell us Gary is out digging this round?
    Be Still and Know
  • Keep your dress on Danny. I would bet LM has the record.
    Omega chimed in and is officially number 36.

    The entries are closed!

    DesertRat - 30
    Dan8402 - 31
    Bamacoinshooter - 32
    spiffy469 - 33
    marymary quite contrary - who claims she's not 34, but I know is.
    silverdreams - 35
    Omega - 36

    Results in 20 minutes (plus or minus)

  • << <i>Hey John, are you trying to tell us Gary is out digging this round? >>


    I don't think so Mary. I'm sure Gary will be back very soon. image
    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!

  • Round 3 (Targets 30-36) Results

    Friday January 26, 2007
    Lancaster City Park, Lancaster, CA
    Time 9:30 AM
    Temperature 41 degrees Fahrenheit
    Winds 15-20 MPH (Just like every day in the Antelope Valley)

    Lancaster City Park is one many located in Lancaster, CA. This park is approximately 20 years old and has softball diamonds, tennis and volleyball courts. Picnic spots, a tot-lot, and a rec center are also on the premises. This park also hosts the annual Antelope Valley Poppy Festival. The California Poppy fields are actually in the west AV, but during the festival vendors and concessionaires peddle, hawk, and sell their wares. Among the items sold are tie dye T-shirts, art works, jewelry, peasant clothes, earthenware, and the usual assortment of blacklight Elvis and Jimi Hendrix velvet art. Food and drink are also available. The grounds are lush with grass and there are many large trees.


    This is one of my regular detecting spots. I never come away empty handed when hunting this park - even after dozens of times. Because of its proximity to businesses and hospitals, folks come during lunch with their brown bag or golden arches and enjoy the peacefulness. They lazy around on the grass, take a walk, and sometimes can be found napping against one of the large trees. On weekends a softball tourney may be in progress and folks come to the park with their children to picnic and play. When the Poppy Festival is going on there could be upwards of 10,000 people pass though the park during the two week period.

    Previous to being an established park, this spot was like the majority of the AV. Pear, apple, cherry orchards could have been here. Or a cattle or sheep ranch may have been at this spot. In the past it has not been unusual for me to dig bridle parts, shotgun shells, rifle cartridges and lead, and even old cutlery.

    What I have found most often is a high volume of coinage. I frequently have found rings, watches, pendants, and chains in both gold and silver. I have found jewelry everywhere in the park, but they tend to be concentrated near where the vendors put up their tents during the Poppy Festival. Possibly they have fallen off displays or were dropped when setting up or tearing down. This is where I dug a monster sterling silver chain that weighed 110 grams. The area is also adjacent to the freeway easement. What old coins I have found have also been in this area. I dug in an area that is 40X40 ft. The trash is heavy, but the finds are good.


    DesertRat, Target #30 is a 1984 P dime. It was down about 4 inches and pretty rusty.

    My next find was unusual. I got a VDI hit that varied between 78 and 81. Figured it was a older penny, maybe another dime, possibly a quarter. When I dug down, I saw silver!


    Dan8402 your target #31 is a silver dragon and pentagram pendant - probably dropped by a member of a goat killing cult. Sorry, I had to embellish. Yep .925 silver! Kuwell! WTG!


    Bamacoinshooter your target #32 is a 2000-P New Hampshire state quarter.

    Spiffy469 - Target# 33 is a 1994-D nickel.

    While I’m cruising along, the war department calls. “Yes sir! I mean mam! Gotta go! What’s this? Right, now comes the whisper torture. Interesting. Low on the gold scale. Three inches down. Okay I know it’s here somewhere.”
    marym Target 34 is a gold and pearl elephant earring (minus the backing).


    My next non-garbage find was also a keeper. Low in the silver range. About 2 inches down next to a tree.
    Silverdreams your Target # 35 is a girls silver pinkie ring with turquoise heart


    Omega, Target #36 is a 2003-D dime.


    Hope you have enjoyed the fun as much as I have. It’s been great digging for you folks. Hope to do it again.

    Up next is Earl from the Centennial State of Colorado. Go for it Earl!

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