~~~~~ VIRTUAL TREASURE HUNT III (Game Over! Prizes awarded!) ~~~~~

Final Edit: Game over! Prizes were awarded here!

Sorry this introductory post with all the rules and such is so long.
If you wish to be a new player, bear with me and read all of this first post before you go on to the last page of recent activity.
If you are already a player and are looking for the scoreboard of the completed rounds, scroll to the bottom of this introductory post.

Arrrrr, ahoy there, me hearties! I'm Cap'n Billy Bilgewater, and I'm hopin' ye'll join us on this voyage!
One lucky person will win himself or herself a real piece o' Spanish gold, and there are other treasures to be had, too! And ye can swing right there in yer hammock the whole time- we have a fine crew to do all the diggin' for ye!
They call me
Arrr! Gadblast ye, ye *#@% seagull! That was me good eyepatch!
Where was I? Arrr, yes... they call me a lucky cap'n, they do. So stow yer seabags in the foc'sle, get yer grog ration, and we'll be settin' sail soon!
What? Why are ye starin' so?
Oh, maybe ye're wond'rin how I got this 'ere peg leg, eh?
Well, t'was a cannonball that took me leg. Off Martinique.
We was boardin' a French man-o'-war and one of the Frenchies shot me leg right off with a swivel gun! Arrr!
What's that? Oh, the hook on me arm?
Arrr, that was a shark, that was. In the South Seas.
Big nasty blighter, too. Took me hand right off like it was a fat parson's wife eatin' a tea sandwich. Snap!
Now, then, let's...
What... me eyepatch? Ye're wond'rin how I lost this eye? Ye sure do ask a lot of questions, matey! But since y'ere new aboard, I'll tell ye.
'Twas a mosquito.
Flew right in me eye.
Arrrr, blast ye! What now? Ye wanna know how a tiny li'l mosquito caused me to lose me eye, do you? Well, awright, I'll tell ye that, too.
'Twas the first day I had me new hook, y'see...
Hello, everyone, it's your friendly master of ceremonies, LordM, here to welcome you to the VIRTUAL TREASURE HUNT III !!!
(Don't mind ol' Cap'n Billy, there- he's not a bad sort, even if he smells a bit gamey.)
As in the previous two Virtual Treasure Hunt games, I am sure that plenty of fun will be had by all, both the Designated Diggers and the virtual players as well!
VTH1, played from February 6-22, 2005, was a modest affair, put on by yours truly and John Boggs (goldrush00013). We gave away an electronic pinpointer.
VTH2, played from July 30 to August 6, 2005, was bigger and bolder, with four Designated Diggers instead of two, and the prize for the winning virtual player was a new metal detector. As of the beginning of this thread, VTH2 ranks as the single hottest thread ever posted on the Metal Detecting forum, with over 1,000 replies.
However, VTH3 is likely to be just as big and just as hot, maybe even hotter! This time there are six Designated Diggers doing the actual hunting, and the Grand Prize will be a gold coin from the 1700s! In addition to that, there will be six Second Prizes awarded, each put up by one of the Designated Diggers.
So, how's it work, you ask? Very much like the first two did.
First, one of the Designated Diggers will open his round by accepting entries. The virtual players who enter will be assigned target numbers in advance, before the actual round begins.
Then the Designated Digger will go out and dig the targets, if he hasn't already done so in advance. He will then announce what the targets were, in the order they were found.
The player who chose a particular target in advance gets virtual credit for "finding" it. Therefore, the Designated Diggers are not the ones competing for the prizes- the virtual players are.
Each round consists of twelve targets, and there are twelve rounds in the game (144 targets total).
At the end of the game, whichever virtual player chose the best target of the game will win the Grand Prize.
As mentioned, there are also six Second Prize packages.
You may refer to the links above to see how VTH1 and VTH2 were played. VTH3 is basically the same, with some minor refinements.
THE GRAND PRIZE, paid for collectively by all the Designated Diggers and Donors mentioned below:
A 1788 Spanish gold half-escudo of King Charles III!
Struck at Madrid, as indicated by the crowned "M" mintmark. The 1/2-, 1-, 2-, 4- and 8-escudo denominations, commonly referred to as "doubloons" since the value doubled with each subsequent denomination, are a part of myth, legend, and pirate lore. They were legal tender in the United States until 1857 and a gold half-escudo like this one was worth the same as a silver 8-reales piece, or "piece of eight", much as the tiny US gold dollar and large silver dollar had a similar face value in commerce. While this is a small gold coin- really only a "baby doubloon", it carries an undeniable aura of history and romance, not to mention the allure of gold.

SIX SECOND PRIZE PACKAGES, each put up by one of the Diggers:
From Designated Digger #1 (lordmarcovan), an assortment of prehistoric fossils and a 2007 Australian Kookaburra dollar!
(1) an assortment of multimillion-year-old fossils found in the mud dredged up from the bottom of St. Simons Sound and the Turtle River in Glynn County, Georgia. Most are marine fossils and the vast majority are shark teeth. At the top of the picture is a bag of tiny teeth and some probable whalebone fossils. At bottom left is a relatively scarce tooth from Hemipristis Serra, the extinct "snaggletooth" shark, found by me personally. The remainder of the teeth on the bottom row belonged to Carcharocles Megalodon, the extinct giant white shark, a larger ancestor of today's Great White. (2) a 2007 Australian Kookaburra dollar, which is one ounce pure silver. Also, not shown, one of the wooden nickels I use as my business cards. (Apologies for the poor picture quality. In addition to its horrible lack of focus, the coin picture is not in scale with the picture of the fossils.)

From Designated Digger #2 (CROCKofCOINS), a carbon steel "hori-hori" knife!
Also referred to as a "3-In-1" knife. A Japanese utility knife used in bonsai gardening, these have been prized as rugged, utilitarian digging tools by detectorists for years. The sawtooth edge cuts nicely through roots and sod. I'm told that hori-hori means "dig-dig" in Japanese, so the name fits. I myself have used one for nearly thirteen years, and mine is so well-used, the handle is held together with duct tape. (You'll probably see my ratty hori-hori knife in some of the "action shots" taken during the game). I have seen folks using so-called "survival knives" break theirs, but even if you back a truck over it, a hori-hori is unlikely to break, except maybe for the wooden handle grips. If the winner of this prize is not a detectorist or doesn't need this, I will happily swap a coin for it.

From Designated Digger #3 (goldrush00013), a nice frame of prehistoric projectile points and tools!
John gave some of these away as second prizes in both the previous VTH games and they were popular. Knowing him, he probably found most if not all of these points himself. Most of these artifacts are are probably thousands of years old. I'll let him tell you more about them.

From Designated Digger #4 (eyoung429), two PCGS-encapsulated coins!
(1) a 2001-P Sacagawea dollar, PCGS MS67, and (2) a 1955 Washington quarter, PCGS MS64.

From Designated Digger #5 (Zot), Finnish and Russian coins from three different centuries!
(1) a huge 1786-EM Russian 5-kopecks piece. Always popular, these giant coppers are massive and thick, and they dwarf a US silver dollar. This one looks like a better-than-average example, too! (2) an 1889 Finnish .750 silver 50-penniä coin. (3) a 1907 Finnish .868 silver 2-markkaa coin, holed, with a low mintage of only 125,000 pieces.

From Designated Digger #6 (phut), a Whitman 20th Century Type Set folder and some coins to go in it!
(Seven coins: a 1907 Indian cent, a 1910 Liberty nickel, a 1937-D Buffalo nickel, a 1906 Barber dime, a Mercury dime, a 1927 Standing Liberty quarter, and a 1921 Morgan dollar.)


1. Representing the Southeast: Rob Shinnick, aka "lordmarcovan", from USA/Georgia (Round 1 and Round 7)

2. Representing the West Coast: Jerry Crocker, aka "CROCKofCOINS", from USA/California (Round 2 and Round 8)

3. Representing the Midwest: John Boggs, aka "goldrush00013", from USA/Ohio (Round 3 and Round 9)

4. Representing the Rocky Mountain region: Earl Young, aka "eyoung429", from USA/Colorado (Round 4 and Round 10)

5. Representing Scandinavia and the rest of the world: Erik Rasmus, aka "Zot", from Finland (Round 5 and Round 11)

6. Representing the Northeast: Tim Buck, aka "phut", from USA/New Hampshire (Round 6 and Round 12)

7. Acting as Alternate Digger (on standby): Gary Norris, aka "BentFork", from USA/California

(Rick, aka "Riccar", also from California, will act as Second Alternate Digger if necessary)
Each of the Designated Diggers paid part of the purchase price of the Grand Prize and put up one Second Prize offering. (The Alternate Digger was not required to offer a Second Prize but did contribute to the Grand Prize purchase).
In addition, these fine forum folk pitched in and donated toward the Grand Prize purchase:
Wayne Whatley, aka "Newbiecollector"
Mary Metcalf, aka "marym"
Danny Bazzell, aka '"DesertRat"
A. Nonny Mouse, aka Anonymous

Note that the prize money donors are not excluded from playing the game as virtual players. Unlike the Designated Diggers, they will have no inside knowledge of the finds.
Many thanks to our Donors and Diggers for making this event possible.
1. Virtual players need have no knowledge of metal detectors or treasure hunting, since all the actual hunting and target recovery is done by the Designated Diggers. Each virtual player may only enter once in a round. In other words, if you hypothetically were lucky or astute enough to get a target number in all twelve rounds, you would have 12 in 144 (1 in 12) odds of winning the Grand Prize. However, the rounds will be opened for entries at varying times and it is unlikely that any single player will get a slot in all twelve rounds. Still, at the longest odds, even those who get only a single target in the game will theoretically have a 1 in 144 chance of winning the Grand Prize.
2. Each Designated Digger will open his round at a time of his choosing. He may allow only a few entries at a time and stretch out the target number assignments for as long as he wishes, until all twelve targets in that round are assigned to virtual players. If the board is active and many players are clamoring for a slot in one of his rounds, he may require the would-be entrants to answer a simple trivia question or riddle or something similar to get a their place in that round.
3. The actual targets found remain the property of the Designated Diggers. Players get only "virtual" credit for the finds. However, the prizes that are awarded to players at the end of the game for the best virtual find are quite real, and not "virtual" at all.
4. Designated Diggers may dig their rounds in advance, but the results are to be kept secret until after all the target numbers in their round are assigned to players. Not even his fellow DDs will have advance knowledge of how a particular Digger's target numbers correspond to his finds.
5. At the end of the game, the six Designated Diggers (and the Alternate Digger, if he dug during the game) will confer and agree amongst themselves what their favorite single item of all 144 targets found was. This item will gain the Grand Prize for the lucky player who got "virtual" credit for the find by choosing it in advance. Like the regular monthly forum awards, "best" in this case does not always mean "most valuable". Monetary value is an important consideration but certainly not the only one. Other factors like historical interest, oddity, and/or beauty are just as important in determining what the "best" find will be. The six DDs, acting as judges, will weigh these factors and decide accordingly.
6. After the Grand Prize is chosen, each Designated Digger will pick what he considers the best of his own personal finds from the game, and award his Second Prize package to the player who picked that target in advance. (The DD who found the Grand Prize target will choose his second-favorite find and award his Second Prize to the person who picked that.)
7. Unlike the previous two VTH games, VTH3 will be a "no trash" game, much as the Bonus Rounds in VTH2 were. This means that obvious trash items like pulltabs, aluminum foil, bottlecaps, nails, and so on are automatically excluded when a Designated Digger tallies up his targets found in a particular round. However, not all targets will be treasures! Though trash is out, junk is still in. For example, if a DD finds a nail, a pulltab, and a rusted-out old pocketknife, the nail and pulltab are excluded but the pocketknife counts as a target, since it is marginally interesting. The definition of trash versus "interesting junk" is up to each individual digger. And all coins count, so even a horribly-corroded modern zinc cent would get a target number.
8. Multiple targets found in the same hole or within about a foot of one another will receive a single target number and be considered a grouping, hoard, or small cache. Similarly, some nonmetallic items might find their way into the target roster if they are found in the same hole as a metallic target, and would be described accordingly. For example, "Target #___: 1924 Mercury dime and marble found in same hole".
9. If the results from their two rounds are disappointing, Designated Diggers may, at their discretion, dig a third round and use the "best two out of three". However, once the results of a round are announced it cannot be replayed, and each DD will have only two rounds on the scoreboard.
10. Since the target assignments made by the Designated Diggers are awarded at varying times, and the window of opportunity for players is sometimes narrow and limited, a player who is online at the right time and receives a target number may give that target to another player later, if he chooses to. However, players may not give a target away to another player and then get another for themselves or anyone else in that same round. The "one target per player per round" rule still stands. It's a one shot deal- you may give up your place in line to someone else, but you cannot get back in line again during that round. Also, no player substitutions may be made after the results of a round are announced. Once the Designated Digger announces the results of the round, it goes on the scoreboard and is unchangeable.
Digger: lordmarcovan
Date dug: Monday, January 15, 2007
Site A: freshly-cleared rural site in Bladen township, Glynn County, Georgia, USA. (Target #1)
Site B: various sidewalks, median strips, and park squares in Old Town district, Brunswick, Georgia, USA. (Targets #2-12)
Detector: Garrett GTI-2500 with standard coil
1. Late-1800s dinner fork (Riccar)
2. 1987 Memorial cent (marym)
3. Late-1800s oil lamp mechanism, labeled "MANHATTAN BRASS Co., NY" on knob (30AnvZ28-disqualified)
4. Gold-plated costume jewelry earring (Dockwalliper)
5. 1997-P clad Roosevelt dime (Wazari777)
6. Modern car key found on surface and piece of heavy gauge copper wire, buried below it (Bamacoinshooter)
7. Sterling silver World War II-era US Army Parachutist's badge with bronze service star (SilverDreams)
8. 1947 silver Roosevelt dime (tjkampis)
9. 1992 Memorial cent (purelyPSA)
10. 1974 Jefferson nickel (kevinstang)
11. 1970-D Memorial cent (Omega)
12. 1918 Wheat cent (laserart)
Date dug: Saturday, January 13, 2007
Site: schoolyard and playground, Oxnard, California, USA
Detector: White's DFX with Bigfoot coil
13. Kiddie jewelry "Friends" pendant (wazari777)
14. 2002-D Mississippi Statehood quarter (SilverDreams)
15. 2003-D Arkansas Statehood quarter (tjkampis)
16. 1980-P clad Roosevelt dime (TheKidCollector1991)
17. 1967 clad Washington quarter (30AnvZ28-disqualified)
18. "No Cash Value" arcade token with cartoon dragon (Riccar)
19. 1979 clad Washington quarter (StrikeOutXXX)
20. Sterling silver Mickey Mouse Ring (Omega)
21. 1994 Mexican 50-centavos coin (walkerminus1)
22. 2006-D clad Roosevelt dime (millennium)
23. 1978-D Memorial cent (marym)
24. 1983-D Memorial cent (laserart)
ROUND 3 (part one)- NOW COMPLETE!
Digger: goldrush00013
Date dug: Monday, January 15, 2007
Site: abandoned and spooky "haunted" farmhouse, Magnetic Springs, Ohio, USA
Detector: Minelab Sovereign (malfunctioned after the first five targets were dug)
25. 1950 ('58-D?) Wheat cent (walkerminus1)
26. 1944 Wheat cent (Wazari777)
27. 1946 Wheat cent (Bochiman)
28. 1942 Wheat cent (Ricke)
29. 1950 Wheat cent (loditom)
ROUND 3 (part two)- NOW COMPLETE!
Alternate Digger: BentFork (standing in for goldrush00013, whose detector quit working)
Date dug: Friday, January 26, 2007
Site: Lancaster City Park, Lancaster, California, USA
Detector: White's MXT with Eclipse 4X6 DD coil
30. 1984-P clad Roosevelt dime (DesertRat)
31. Sterling silver dragon and pentagram pendant by Peter Stone (Dan8402)
32. 2000-P New Hampshire state quarter (Bamacoinshooter)
33. 1994-D Jefferson nickel (Spiffy469)
34. Gold and pearl elephant earring (marym)
35. Girl's silver pinkie ring with turquoise heart (SilverDreams)
36. 2003-D clad Roosevelt dime (Omega)
Digger: eyoung429
Date dug: Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Site: burned ruins of a large 101-year-old house, near Elizabeth, Colorado, USA
Detector: Fisher Coinstrike
37. 1921 and 1929-D Wheat cents (DesertRat)
38. 1934 silver Washington quarter (Riccar)
39. 1900 Indian cent (dan8402)
40. 1905 Indian cent and 1937-S Mercury dime (laserart)
41. 1968-D 40% silver Kennedy half (walkerminus1)
42. 1974-S Memorial cent (TheKidCollector1991)
43. 1948-D silver Roosevelt dime (Ricke)
44. 1964 Jefferson nickel (Kevinstang)
45. 1890-O Morgan dollar (marym)
46. 1974-D Jefferson nickel and 1964-D Memorial cent (PurelyPSA)
47. 1911 Barber dime (Bochiman)
48. 1924 Wheat cent (Smokinjoe925)
Digger: Zot
Date dug: Sunday, January 7, 2007
Site: forested area with footpaths, near Helsinki, Finland
Detector: White's MXT with 9.5" coil
49. 1915 Finnish 5-penniä coin (wazari777)
50. Dateless (ca. 1918-1940) Finnish 5-penniä coin (DesertRat)
51. Dateless (ca. 1918-1940) Finnish 5-penniä coin (dan8402):
52. 1963 Finnish 50-penniä coin (marym)
53. Dateless (ca. 1918-1940) Finnish 5-penniä coin (SilverDreams)
54. Dateless (ca. 1928-1946) Finnish 5-markkaa coin (Riccar)
55. 1919 Finnish 5-penniä coin (Spiffy469)
56. gold-plated costume jewelry ring with red plastic heart (Omega)
57. Silver ring (0.813 fine) with a leather logo (Dockwalliper)
58. 14K gold ring with adder (snake) design, date stamp 1963 (walkerminus1)
59. Old-style Finnish key, Abloy brand (TheKidCollector1991)
60. Old costume jewelry brooch with flower motif (30AnvZ28-disqualified)
Digger: phut
Date(s) dug: Saturday, January 6, and Sunday, January 7, 2007
Site A: Newmarket woods, New Hampshire, USA (Targets #61-63)
Site B: Late 1800s/early 1900s mill in Amesbury, NH, USA (Targets #64-72)
Detector: White's IDX with 9.5" coil
61. Old brass nameplate with names on both sides (marym)
62. Half of a colonial-era frame buckle (DesertRat)
63. Large, early square-headed nail (wazari777)
64. Porcelain-enameled steel "Magic Yeast" barrel plate (Sapyx)
65. Old pocketknife (GaCoinGuy)
66. Old buckle (30AnvZ28-disqualified)
67. Gold-plated antique ring with nude female figure (BobGreene)
68. 1874 Indian cent with strong AU+ details (walkerminus1)
69. Pair of Canadian large cents dated 1906 and 1909, found stuck together (laserart)
70. 3/4" one-piece flat button from early 1800s (Dockwalliper)
71. Small ball-type button covered in leather (dan8402)
72. 1913 Wheat cent (Omega)
HALFTIME INTERMISSION SHOW (and giveaway), put on by BentFork, our Alternate Digger.
Digger: lordmarcovan
Date(s) dug: Thursday, January 25, 2007 (Targets #73-74), Monday, February 5, 2007 (Target #75), Wednesday, February 7, 2007 (#76-84)
Site(s): various traffic islands, sidewalk strips, and park squares, Old Town District, Brunswick, Georgia, USA
Detector: Garrett GTI-2500 with standard coil
73. Victorian-era brass keyhole escutcheon (marym)
74. 1992-P clad Roosevelt dime (Dockwalliper)
75. 1913 Type 2 Buffalo nickel with near-VF details (Bochiman)
76. 1962 Memorial cent (DesertRat)
77. 1980-P clad Washington quarter (30AnvZ28-disqualified)
78. 1974 Memorial cent (Riccar)
79. Pair of Wheat cents dated 1923 and 1951 (SilverDreams)
80. 1992-P clad Washington quarter (tjkampis)
81. 1981 Memorial cent (bamacoinshooter)
82. Pair of clad Roosevelt dimes dated 1984-P and 1965 (Spiffy469)
83. 1964 Memorial cent (loditom)
84. 1976 Memorial cent (Wazari777)
Date(s) dug: Saturday, February 3 and Saturday, February 10, 2007
Site: Plaza Park, Oxnard, California, USA.
Detector(s): White's Prizm 2 and White's DFX
85. 1995 clad Washington quarter (Bochiman)
86. 1982 Dime (marym)
87. 1979-D cent, 1988-P and 1993-D dimes, 2006-D North Dakota quarter (wazari777)
88. 1944-D Wheat cent (Desert Rat)
89. 1991-D clad Roosevelt dime (kevinstang)
90. Aluminum "Footprints" pendant/charm (Omega)
91. 1998 bimetallic Mexican 10-pesos coin (Riccar)
92. Mood Ring (SilverDreams)
93. 1965 clad Washington quarter (tjkampis)
94. Tag or tool check with number "2" (30AnvZ28-disqualified)
95. 1975-D cent and 1982-D clad dime (Dockwaalliper)
96. 1979-D cent (Laserart)
Digger: BentFork (Alternate Digger, standing in for goldrush00013, who was snowed in)
Date(s) dug: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 (Targets 97-99), Friday, February 2, 2007 (Targets 100-108)
Site A: Desert Sands Park, Palmdale, California, USA (Targets 97-99)
Site B: Lancaster City Park, Lancaster, California, USA (Targets 100-105)
Site C: Totem Pole Ranch, Palmdale, California, USA (Targets 106-108)
Detector: White's MXT
97. Pocket spill of eight coins (20 cents)- one dime, one nickel, and six cents, including a 1956-D Wheatie (Bochiman)
98. 1996-D clad Washington quarter (dan8402)
99. Copper Thai Buddhist medallion (DesertRat)
100. Gold (8K to 10K) child's ring (Kevinstang)
101. 1994-D Jefferson nickel (Riccar)
102. 2002-D South Carolina Statehood quarter (Man)
103. Sterling silver cross (Wazari777)
104. Sterling silver ladies' ring (marym)
105. 2005-D cent and 2005-D dime in same hole (smokinjoe925)
106. Old car key (laserart)
107. Old .32 Winchester rimfire cartridge (Purely PSA)
108. Fancy coat button (GaCoinGuy)
Digger: BentFork (Alternate Digger, standing in for eyoung429)
Date(s) dug: Friday March 2, 2007 (Targets 109-113), Saturday, March 3, 2007 (Targets 114-120)
Site A: Lancaster City Park, Lancaster, California, USA
Site B: Old Littlerock Reservoir road and surrounding area, Lancaster, California, USA
Detector: White's MXT
109. 2002 clad Louisiana Statehood quarter, lawnmower damaged, (Bochiman)
110. 10-karat men's gold ring with eagle design (marym)
111. Crusty 1965 Jefferson nickel (walkerminus1)
112. 1973-S Memorial cent (Omega)
113. Swiss army-style pocketknife with multifunction blades and scissors (DesertRat)
114. Vintage Ford hubcap insert (dan8402)
115. Old metal button (Spiffy469)
116. Corroded, undatable Memorial cent (SilverDreams)
117. L.A. County Fire Department placard/tag (laserart)
118. Vintage lipstick tube with surviving lipstick inside (SpecialK)
119. Gold-plated earring (alifaxwa2)
120. Vintage "Southern California Automobile Club" badge, circa 1950s or earlier (wazari777)
Digger: Zot
Date dug: January 27, 2007
Site: Dirt piles from road works, near Dublin, Ireland
Detector: White’s MXT
121. 1921 British predecimal large penny (walkerminus1)
122. 1976 Irish decimal twopence (wazari777)
123. 1974 Irish decimal penny (Bochiman)
124. 1971 Irish decimal halfpenny (laserart)
125. 1964 Irish predecimal halfpenny (DesertRat)
126. Brass key (dan8402)
127. 1968 Irish predecimal shilling, copper-nickel (marym)
128. Man's wedding ring, nongold (Dockwalliper)
129. Cufflink with bullfighter design (SilverDreams)
130. 1938 British predecimal threepence, .500 silver (tjkampis)
131. Gold-colored "Walkin' Charlie's" arcade token (alifaxwa2)
132. Old button (Riccar)
Digger: phut
Date(s) dug: unmentioned, probably January, 2007
Site(s): Various sites in and around Seabrook, New Hampshire, USA
Detector(s): White's IDX Pro with 9.5" coil
133. Corroded no-date George II halfpenny, mid-1700s, and various nonmetallic artifacts (Spiffy469)
134. One piece flat button, early 1800s or older (walkerminus1)
135. Old costume jewelry pin/brooch with flower design (Dockwalliper)
136. Silver ring with fire opal (laserart)
137. Toy Ferrari (SpecialK)
138. Small ball-piece of shot? (DesertRat)
139. Old milk glass button (loditom)
140. Pair of Barber dimes, 1892 and 1896- 1896 has AU details (Riccar)
141. Old brass keyhole escutcheon (Dan8402)
142. High grade 1907 Barber dime (marym)
143. US Artillery button, mid-1800s to Civil War period (Omega)
144. Rectangular buckle, found near #143 (Bochiman)
Sorry this introductory post with all the rules and such is so long.
If you wish to be a new player, bear with me and read all of this first post before you go on to the last page of recent activity.
If you are already a player and are looking for the scoreboard of the completed rounds, scroll to the bottom of this introductory post.
Arrrrr, ahoy there, me hearties! I'm Cap'n Billy Bilgewater, and I'm hopin' ye'll join us on this voyage!
One lucky person will win himself or herself a real piece o' Spanish gold, and there are other treasures to be had, too! And ye can swing right there in yer hammock the whole time- we have a fine crew to do all the diggin' for ye!
They call me
Arrr! Gadblast ye, ye *#@% seagull! That was me good eyepatch!
Where was I? Arrr, yes... they call me a lucky cap'n, they do. So stow yer seabags in the foc'sle, get yer grog ration, and we'll be settin' sail soon!
What? Why are ye starin' so?
Oh, maybe ye're wond'rin how I got this 'ere peg leg, eh?
Well, t'was a cannonball that took me leg. Off Martinique.
We was boardin' a French man-o'-war and one of the Frenchies shot me leg right off with a swivel gun! Arrr!
What's that? Oh, the hook on me arm?
Arrr, that was a shark, that was. In the South Seas.
Big nasty blighter, too. Took me hand right off like it was a fat parson's wife eatin' a tea sandwich. Snap!
Now, then, let's...
What... me eyepatch? Ye're wond'rin how I lost this eye? Ye sure do ask a lot of questions, matey! But since y'ere new aboard, I'll tell ye.
'Twas a mosquito.
Flew right in me eye.
Arrrr, blast ye! What now? Ye wanna know how a tiny li'l mosquito caused me to lose me eye, do you? Well, awright, I'll tell ye that, too.
'Twas the first day I had me new hook, y'see...
Hello, everyone, it's your friendly master of ceremonies, LordM, here to welcome you to the VIRTUAL TREASURE HUNT III !!!
(Don't mind ol' Cap'n Billy, there- he's not a bad sort, even if he smells a bit gamey.)
As in the previous two Virtual Treasure Hunt games, I am sure that plenty of fun will be had by all, both the Designated Diggers and the virtual players as well!
VTH1, played from February 6-22, 2005, was a modest affair, put on by yours truly and John Boggs (goldrush00013). We gave away an electronic pinpointer.
VTH2, played from July 30 to August 6, 2005, was bigger and bolder, with four Designated Diggers instead of two, and the prize for the winning virtual player was a new metal detector. As of the beginning of this thread, VTH2 ranks as the single hottest thread ever posted on the Metal Detecting forum, with over 1,000 replies.
However, VTH3 is likely to be just as big and just as hot, maybe even hotter! This time there are six Designated Diggers doing the actual hunting, and the Grand Prize will be a gold coin from the 1700s! In addition to that, there will be six Second Prizes awarded, each put up by one of the Designated Diggers.
So, how's it work, you ask? Very much like the first two did.
First, one of the Designated Diggers will open his round by accepting entries. The virtual players who enter will be assigned target numbers in advance, before the actual round begins.
Then the Designated Digger will go out and dig the targets, if he hasn't already done so in advance. He will then announce what the targets were, in the order they were found.
The player who chose a particular target in advance gets virtual credit for "finding" it. Therefore, the Designated Diggers are not the ones competing for the prizes- the virtual players are.
Each round consists of twelve targets, and there are twelve rounds in the game (144 targets total).
At the end of the game, whichever virtual player chose the best target of the game will win the Grand Prize.
As mentioned, there are also six Second Prize packages.
You may refer to the links above to see how VTH1 and VTH2 were played. VTH3 is basically the same, with some minor refinements.
THE GRAND PRIZE, paid for collectively by all the Designated Diggers and Donors mentioned below:
A 1788 Spanish gold half-escudo of King Charles III!
Struck at Madrid, as indicated by the crowned "M" mintmark. The 1/2-, 1-, 2-, 4- and 8-escudo denominations, commonly referred to as "doubloons" since the value doubled with each subsequent denomination, are a part of myth, legend, and pirate lore. They were legal tender in the United States until 1857 and a gold half-escudo like this one was worth the same as a silver 8-reales piece, or "piece of eight", much as the tiny US gold dollar and large silver dollar had a similar face value in commerce. While this is a small gold coin- really only a "baby doubloon", it carries an undeniable aura of history and romance, not to mention the allure of gold.
SIX SECOND PRIZE PACKAGES, each put up by one of the Diggers:
From Designated Digger #1 (lordmarcovan), an assortment of prehistoric fossils and a 2007 Australian Kookaburra dollar!
(1) an assortment of multimillion-year-old fossils found in the mud dredged up from the bottom of St. Simons Sound and the Turtle River in Glynn County, Georgia. Most are marine fossils and the vast majority are shark teeth. At the top of the picture is a bag of tiny teeth and some probable whalebone fossils. At bottom left is a relatively scarce tooth from Hemipristis Serra, the extinct "snaggletooth" shark, found by me personally. The remainder of the teeth on the bottom row belonged to Carcharocles Megalodon, the extinct giant white shark, a larger ancestor of today's Great White. (2) a 2007 Australian Kookaburra dollar, which is one ounce pure silver. Also, not shown, one of the wooden nickels I use as my business cards. (Apologies for the poor picture quality. In addition to its horrible lack of focus, the coin picture is not in scale with the picture of the fossils.)
From Designated Digger #2 (CROCKofCOINS), a carbon steel "hori-hori" knife!
Also referred to as a "3-In-1" knife. A Japanese utility knife used in bonsai gardening, these have been prized as rugged, utilitarian digging tools by detectorists for years. The sawtooth edge cuts nicely through roots and sod. I'm told that hori-hori means "dig-dig" in Japanese, so the name fits. I myself have used one for nearly thirteen years, and mine is so well-used, the handle is held together with duct tape. (You'll probably see my ratty hori-hori knife in some of the "action shots" taken during the game). I have seen folks using so-called "survival knives" break theirs, but even if you back a truck over it, a hori-hori is unlikely to break, except maybe for the wooden handle grips. If the winner of this prize is not a detectorist or doesn't need this, I will happily swap a coin for it.
From Designated Digger #3 (goldrush00013), a nice frame of prehistoric projectile points and tools!
John gave some of these away as second prizes in both the previous VTH games and they were popular. Knowing him, he probably found most if not all of these points himself. Most of these artifacts are are probably thousands of years old. I'll let him tell you more about them.
From Designated Digger #4 (eyoung429), two PCGS-encapsulated coins!
(1) a 2001-P Sacagawea dollar, PCGS MS67, and (2) a 1955 Washington quarter, PCGS MS64.
From Designated Digger #5 (Zot), Finnish and Russian coins from three different centuries!
(1) a huge 1786-EM Russian 5-kopecks piece. Always popular, these giant coppers are massive and thick, and they dwarf a US silver dollar. This one looks like a better-than-average example, too! (2) an 1889 Finnish .750 silver 50-penniä coin. (3) a 1907 Finnish .868 silver 2-markkaa coin, holed, with a low mintage of only 125,000 pieces.
From Designated Digger #6 (phut), a Whitman 20th Century Type Set folder and some coins to go in it!
(Seven coins: a 1907 Indian cent, a 1910 Liberty nickel, a 1937-D Buffalo nickel, a 1906 Barber dime, a Mercury dime, a 1927 Standing Liberty quarter, and a 1921 Morgan dollar.)
(Rick, aka "Riccar", also from California, will act as Second Alternate Digger if necessary)
Each of the Designated Diggers paid part of the purchase price of the Grand Prize and put up one Second Prize offering. (The Alternate Digger was not required to offer a Second Prize but did contribute to the Grand Prize purchase).
In addition, these fine forum folk pitched in and donated toward the Grand Prize purchase:
Wayne Whatley, aka "Newbiecollector"
Mary Metcalf, aka "marym"
Danny Bazzell, aka '"DesertRat"
A. Nonny Mouse, aka Anonymous
Note that the prize money donors are not excluded from playing the game as virtual players. Unlike the Designated Diggers, they will have no inside knowledge of the finds.
Many thanks to our Donors and Diggers for making this event possible.

1. Virtual players need have no knowledge of metal detectors or treasure hunting, since all the actual hunting and target recovery is done by the Designated Diggers. Each virtual player may only enter once in a round. In other words, if you hypothetically were lucky or astute enough to get a target number in all twelve rounds, you would have 12 in 144 (1 in 12) odds of winning the Grand Prize. However, the rounds will be opened for entries at varying times and it is unlikely that any single player will get a slot in all twelve rounds. Still, at the longest odds, even those who get only a single target in the game will theoretically have a 1 in 144 chance of winning the Grand Prize.
2. Each Designated Digger will open his round at a time of his choosing. He may allow only a few entries at a time and stretch out the target number assignments for as long as he wishes, until all twelve targets in that round are assigned to virtual players. If the board is active and many players are clamoring for a slot in one of his rounds, he may require the would-be entrants to answer a simple trivia question or riddle or something similar to get a their place in that round.
3. The actual targets found remain the property of the Designated Diggers. Players get only "virtual" credit for the finds. However, the prizes that are awarded to players at the end of the game for the best virtual find are quite real, and not "virtual" at all.
4. Designated Diggers may dig their rounds in advance, but the results are to be kept secret until after all the target numbers in their round are assigned to players. Not even his fellow DDs will have advance knowledge of how a particular Digger's target numbers correspond to his finds.
5. At the end of the game, the six Designated Diggers (and the Alternate Digger, if he dug during the game) will confer and agree amongst themselves what their favorite single item of all 144 targets found was. This item will gain the Grand Prize for the lucky player who got "virtual" credit for the find by choosing it in advance. Like the regular monthly forum awards, "best" in this case does not always mean "most valuable". Monetary value is an important consideration but certainly not the only one. Other factors like historical interest, oddity, and/or beauty are just as important in determining what the "best" find will be. The six DDs, acting as judges, will weigh these factors and decide accordingly.
6. After the Grand Prize is chosen, each Designated Digger will pick what he considers the best of his own personal finds from the game, and award his Second Prize package to the player who picked that target in advance. (The DD who found the Grand Prize target will choose his second-favorite find and award his Second Prize to the person who picked that.)
7. Unlike the previous two VTH games, VTH3 will be a "no trash" game, much as the Bonus Rounds in VTH2 were. This means that obvious trash items like pulltabs, aluminum foil, bottlecaps, nails, and so on are automatically excluded when a Designated Digger tallies up his targets found in a particular round. However, not all targets will be treasures! Though trash is out, junk is still in. For example, if a DD finds a nail, a pulltab, and a rusted-out old pocketknife, the nail and pulltab are excluded but the pocketknife counts as a target, since it is marginally interesting. The definition of trash versus "interesting junk" is up to each individual digger. And all coins count, so even a horribly-corroded modern zinc cent would get a target number.
8. Multiple targets found in the same hole or within about a foot of one another will receive a single target number and be considered a grouping, hoard, or small cache. Similarly, some nonmetallic items might find their way into the target roster if they are found in the same hole as a metallic target, and would be described accordingly. For example, "Target #___: 1924 Mercury dime and marble found in same hole".
9. If the results from their two rounds are disappointing, Designated Diggers may, at their discretion, dig a third round and use the "best two out of three". However, once the results of a round are announced it cannot be replayed, and each DD will have only two rounds on the scoreboard.
10. Since the target assignments made by the Designated Diggers are awarded at varying times, and the window of opportunity for players is sometimes narrow and limited, a player who is online at the right time and receives a target number may give that target to another player later, if he chooses to. However, players may not give a target away to another player and then get another for themselves or anyone else in that same round. The "one target per player per round" rule still stands. It's a one shot deal- you may give up your place in line to someone else, but you cannot get back in line again during that round. Also, no player substitutions may be made after the results of a round are announced. Once the Designated Digger announces the results of the round, it goes on the scoreboard and is unchangeable.
Digger: lordmarcovan
Date dug: Monday, January 15, 2007
Site A: freshly-cleared rural site in Bladen township, Glynn County, Georgia, USA. (Target #1)
Site B: various sidewalks, median strips, and park squares in Old Town district, Brunswick, Georgia, USA. (Targets #2-12)
Detector: Garrett GTI-2500 with standard coil
1. Late-1800s dinner fork (Riccar)
2. 1987 Memorial cent (marym)
3. Late-1800s oil lamp mechanism, labeled "MANHATTAN BRASS Co., NY" on knob (30AnvZ28-disqualified)
4. Gold-plated costume jewelry earring (Dockwalliper)
5. 1997-P clad Roosevelt dime (Wazari777)
6. Modern car key found on surface and piece of heavy gauge copper wire, buried below it (Bamacoinshooter)
7. Sterling silver World War II-era US Army Parachutist's badge with bronze service star (SilverDreams)
8. 1947 silver Roosevelt dime (tjkampis)
9. 1992 Memorial cent (purelyPSA)
10. 1974 Jefferson nickel (kevinstang)
11. 1970-D Memorial cent (Omega)
12. 1918 Wheat cent (laserart)
Date dug: Saturday, January 13, 2007
Site: schoolyard and playground, Oxnard, California, USA
Detector: White's DFX with Bigfoot coil
13. Kiddie jewelry "Friends" pendant (wazari777)
14. 2002-D Mississippi Statehood quarter (SilverDreams)
15. 2003-D Arkansas Statehood quarter (tjkampis)
16. 1980-P clad Roosevelt dime (TheKidCollector1991)
17. 1967 clad Washington quarter (30AnvZ28-disqualified)
18. "No Cash Value" arcade token with cartoon dragon (Riccar)
19. 1979 clad Washington quarter (StrikeOutXXX)
20. Sterling silver Mickey Mouse Ring (Omega)
21. 1994 Mexican 50-centavos coin (walkerminus1)
22. 2006-D clad Roosevelt dime (millennium)
23. 1978-D Memorial cent (marym)
24. 1983-D Memorial cent (laserart)
ROUND 3 (part one)- NOW COMPLETE!
Digger: goldrush00013
Date dug: Monday, January 15, 2007
Site: abandoned and spooky "haunted" farmhouse, Magnetic Springs, Ohio, USA
Detector: Minelab Sovereign (malfunctioned after the first five targets were dug)
25. 1950 ('58-D?) Wheat cent (walkerminus1)
26. 1944 Wheat cent (Wazari777)
27. 1946 Wheat cent (Bochiman)
28. 1942 Wheat cent (Ricke)
29. 1950 Wheat cent (loditom)
ROUND 3 (part two)- NOW COMPLETE!
Alternate Digger: BentFork (standing in for goldrush00013, whose detector quit working)
Date dug: Friday, January 26, 2007
Site: Lancaster City Park, Lancaster, California, USA
Detector: White's MXT with Eclipse 4X6 DD coil
30. 1984-P clad Roosevelt dime (DesertRat)
31. Sterling silver dragon and pentagram pendant by Peter Stone (Dan8402)
32. 2000-P New Hampshire state quarter (Bamacoinshooter)
33. 1994-D Jefferson nickel (Spiffy469)
34. Gold and pearl elephant earring (marym)
35. Girl's silver pinkie ring with turquoise heart (SilverDreams)
36. 2003-D clad Roosevelt dime (Omega)
Digger: eyoung429
Date dug: Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Site: burned ruins of a large 101-year-old house, near Elizabeth, Colorado, USA
Detector: Fisher Coinstrike
37. 1921 and 1929-D Wheat cents (DesertRat)
38. 1934 silver Washington quarter (Riccar)
39. 1900 Indian cent (dan8402)
40. 1905 Indian cent and 1937-S Mercury dime (laserart)
41. 1968-D 40% silver Kennedy half (walkerminus1)
42. 1974-S Memorial cent (TheKidCollector1991)
43. 1948-D silver Roosevelt dime (Ricke)
44. 1964 Jefferson nickel (Kevinstang)
45. 1890-O Morgan dollar (marym)
46. 1974-D Jefferson nickel and 1964-D Memorial cent (PurelyPSA)
47. 1911 Barber dime (Bochiman)
48. 1924 Wheat cent (Smokinjoe925)
Digger: Zot
Date dug: Sunday, January 7, 2007
Site: forested area with footpaths, near Helsinki, Finland
Detector: White's MXT with 9.5" coil
49. 1915 Finnish 5-penniä coin (wazari777)
50. Dateless (ca. 1918-1940) Finnish 5-penniä coin (DesertRat)
51. Dateless (ca. 1918-1940) Finnish 5-penniä coin (dan8402):
52. 1963 Finnish 50-penniä coin (marym)
53. Dateless (ca. 1918-1940) Finnish 5-penniä coin (SilverDreams)
54. Dateless (ca. 1928-1946) Finnish 5-markkaa coin (Riccar)
55. 1919 Finnish 5-penniä coin (Spiffy469)
56. gold-plated costume jewelry ring with red plastic heart (Omega)
57. Silver ring (0.813 fine) with a leather logo (Dockwalliper)
58. 14K gold ring with adder (snake) design, date stamp 1963 (walkerminus1)
59. Old-style Finnish key, Abloy brand (TheKidCollector1991)
60. Old costume jewelry brooch with flower motif (30AnvZ28-disqualified)
Digger: phut
Date(s) dug: Saturday, January 6, and Sunday, January 7, 2007
Site A: Newmarket woods, New Hampshire, USA (Targets #61-63)
Site B: Late 1800s/early 1900s mill in Amesbury, NH, USA (Targets #64-72)
Detector: White's IDX with 9.5" coil
61. Old brass nameplate with names on both sides (marym)
62. Half of a colonial-era frame buckle (DesertRat)
63. Large, early square-headed nail (wazari777)
64. Porcelain-enameled steel "Magic Yeast" barrel plate (Sapyx)
65. Old pocketknife (GaCoinGuy)
66. Old buckle (30AnvZ28-disqualified)
67. Gold-plated antique ring with nude female figure (BobGreene)
68. 1874 Indian cent with strong AU+ details (walkerminus1)
69. Pair of Canadian large cents dated 1906 and 1909, found stuck together (laserart)
70. 3/4" one-piece flat button from early 1800s (Dockwalliper)
71. Small ball-type button covered in leather (dan8402)
72. 1913 Wheat cent (Omega)
HALFTIME INTERMISSION SHOW (and giveaway), put on by BentFork, our Alternate Digger.
Digger: lordmarcovan
Date(s) dug: Thursday, January 25, 2007 (Targets #73-74), Monday, February 5, 2007 (Target #75), Wednesday, February 7, 2007 (#76-84)
Site(s): various traffic islands, sidewalk strips, and park squares, Old Town District, Brunswick, Georgia, USA
Detector: Garrett GTI-2500 with standard coil
73. Victorian-era brass keyhole escutcheon (marym)
74. 1992-P clad Roosevelt dime (Dockwalliper)
75. 1913 Type 2 Buffalo nickel with near-VF details (Bochiman)
76. 1962 Memorial cent (DesertRat)
77. 1980-P clad Washington quarter (30AnvZ28-disqualified)
78. 1974 Memorial cent (Riccar)
79. Pair of Wheat cents dated 1923 and 1951 (SilverDreams)
80. 1992-P clad Washington quarter (tjkampis)
81. 1981 Memorial cent (bamacoinshooter)
82. Pair of clad Roosevelt dimes dated 1984-P and 1965 (Spiffy469)
83. 1964 Memorial cent (loditom)
84. 1976 Memorial cent (Wazari777)
Date(s) dug: Saturday, February 3 and Saturday, February 10, 2007
Site: Plaza Park, Oxnard, California, USA.
Detector(s): White's Prizm 2 and White's DFX
85. 1995 clad Washington quarter (Bochiman)
86. 1982 Dime (marym)
87. 1979-D cent, 1988-P and 1993-D dimes, 2006-D North Dakota quarter (wazari777)
88. 1944-D Wheat cent (Desert Rat)
89. 1991-D clad Roosevelt dime (kevinstang)
90. Aluminum "Footprints" pendant/charm (Omega)
91. 1998 bimetallic Mexican 10-pesos coin (Riccar)
92. Mood Ring (SilverDreams)
93. 1965 clad Washington quarter (tjkampis)
94. Tag or tool check with number "2" (30AnvZ28-disqualified)
95. 1975-D cent and 1982-D clad dime (Dockwaalliper)
96. 1979-D cent (Laserart)
Digger: BentFork (Alternate Digger, standing in for goldrush00013, who was snowed in)
Date(s) dug: Tuesday, January 30, 2007 (Targets 97-99), Friday, February 2, 2007 (Targets 100-108)
Site A: Desert Sands Park, Palmdale, California, USA (Targets 97-99)
Site B: Lancaster City Park, Lancaster, California, USA (Targets 100-105)
Site C: Totem Pole Ranch, Palmdale, California, USA (Targets 106-108)
Detector: White's MXT
97. Pocket spill of eight coins (20 cents)- one dime, one nickel, and six cents, including a 1956-D Wheatie (Bochiman)
98. 1996-D clad Washington quarter (dan8402)
99. Copper Thai Buddhist medallion (DesertRat)
100. Gold (8K to 10K) child's ring (Kevinstang)
101. 1994-D Jefferson nickel (Riccar)
102. 2002-D South Carolina Statehood quarter (Man)
103. Sterling silver cross (Wazari777)
104. Sterling silver ladies' ring (marym)
105. 2005-D cent and 2005-D dime in same hole (smokinjoe925)
106. Old car key (laserart)
107. Old .32 Winchester rimfire cartridge (Purely PSA)
108. Fancy coat button (GaCoinGuy)
Digger: BentFork (Alternate Digger, standing in for eyoung429)
Date(s) dug: Friday March 2, 2007 (Targets 109-113), Saturday, March 3, 2007 (Targets 114-120)
Site A: Lancaster City Park, Lancaster, California, USA
Site B: Old Littlerock Reservoir road and surrounding area, Lancaster, California, USA
Detector: White's MXT
109. 2002 clad Louisiana Statehood quarter, lawnmower damaged, (Bochiman)
110. 10-karat men's gold ring with eagle design (marym)
111. Crusty 1965 Jefferson nickel (walkerminus1)
112. 1973-S Memorial cent (Omega)
113. Swiss army-style pocketknife with multifunction blades and scissors (DesertRat)
114. Vintage Ford hubcap insert (dan8402)
115. Old metal button (Spiffy469)
116. Corroded, undatable Memorial cent (SilverDreams)
117. L.A. County Fire Department placard/tag (laserart)
118. Vintage lipstick tube with surviving lipstick inside (SpecialK)
119. Gold-plated earring (alifaxwa2)
120. Vintage "Southern California Automobile Club" badge, circa 1950s or earlier (wazari777)
Digger: Zot
Date dug: January 27, 2007
Site: Dirt piles from road works, near Dublin, Ireland
Detector: White’s MXT
121. 1921 British predecimal large penny (walkerminus1)
122. 1976 Irish decimal twopence (wazari777)
123. 1974 Irish decimal penny (Bochiman)
124. 1971 Irish decimal halfpenny (laserart)
125. 1964 Irish predecimal halfpenny (DesertRat)
126. Brass key (dan8402)
127. 1968 Irish predecimal shilling, copper-nickel (marym)
128. Man's wedding ring, nongold (Dockwalliper)
129. Cufflink with bullfighter design (SilverDreams)
130. 1938 British predecimal threepence, .500 silver (tjkampis)
131. Gold-colored "Walkin' Charlie's" arcade token (alifaxwa2)
132. Old button (Riccar)
Digger: phut
Date(s) dug: unmentioned, probably January, 2007
Site(s): Various sites in and around Seabrook, New Hampshire, USA
Detector(s): White's IDX Pro with 9.5" coil
133. Corroded no-date George II halfpenny, mid-1700s, and various nonmetallic artifacts (Spiffy469)
134. One piece flat button, early 1800s or older (walkerminus1)
135. Old costume jewelry pin/brooch with flower design (Dockwalliper)
136. Silver ring with fire opal (laserart)
137. Toy Ferrari (SpecialK)
138. Small ball-piece of shot? (DesertRat)
139. Old milk glass button (loditom)
140. Pair of Barber dimes, 1892 and 1896- 1896 has AU details (Riccar)
141. Old brass keyhole escutcheon (Dan8402)
142. High grade 1907 Barber dime (marym)
143. US Artillery button, mid-1800s to Civil War period (Omega)
144. Rectangular buckle, found near #143 (Bochiman)
Put your sigline badges on, Diggers and Donors!
Round 1, target 1 is now open for the first player who posts.
ONLY Target #1. Targets 2-12 will not be open for entries until later.
Now, for the player who wants Target #2, you have to guess what Target #1 actually was, before it's announced.
It's not so hard, really- I'll give you a hint. Target #1 was an item that matches one of our MD Forum members' forum names.
How about a piece of crockery?
...I need more to do on a Sunday morning than this...
Or maybe a petrified desertRat?
Proud member of the CUFYNA
Need a Banner Made? PM ME!
Target #3 is now open to the next person who grabs it.
OK, 30AnvZ28 gets Target #3.
Target #4, next?
Wazari777, I'll give you #5.
#6, next...
<< <i>Rob,
Lets say we decide an outing... since I am allready #3... would it be unfair if I am out with you on your Round dig? I know about keeping things secret... but if I have allready been decided a position... its not going to matter if I know what it is or not. >>
Digger: lordmarcovan
Date(s) dug: Monday, January 15, 2007
Target #3 has already been recovered.
<< <i>Target #3 has already been recovered.
It could also become a very long hunt otherwise, as LM would first need to dig a bent fork before he can proceed to the next targets
<< <i>So as long as we dont move into his second round (where I might have the chance to have a slot) then I can dig with him correct? >>
Correct, at least theoretically. I do not dig another round until Round 7 of the game. However, I am working the next several days (and nights) and may not be able to go diggin' for a few more days.
C'mon, surely somebody wants Target #6?
Got in
Just call or PM me later.
Target #6, anyone?
<< <i>Bamacoinshooter Got in >>
Check above. # 6 goes to Bamacoinshooter
<< <i>I'll take #6! >>
Bamacoinshooter has Target #6.
For Target #7, a trivia question (which is easy because the answer is at your fingertips): what was the winning target found in VTH2?
SilverDreams gets Target #7.
Targets #8-12 will be awarded to the next five folks who claim them (in numerical order, please).