Home Metal Detecting

~~~~~ VIRTUAL TREASURE HUNT III (Game Over! Prizes awarded!) ~~~~~



  • I'll take #8 please.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    tjkampis has #8.

    #9-12 are up for grabs- come n' get 'em! (in numerical order, please).

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • It's not entirely clear what I'm signing up for, but let this baseball card guy have a shot...image
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Ill take #9, #10, #11, and #12 in the order please. >>

    Sorry, only one entry per player per round. And you already have Target #3.

    << <i>It's not entirely clear what I'm signing up for, but let this baseball card guy have a shot... >>

    Hi, Steve. I know it seems a bit confusing but it'll make a little more sense once you've seen a round or two played.

    purelyPSA has Target #9.

    Targets #10-12 are available- we have space for three more players. Then Round 1 will be closed to entries and the results will be announced.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Oh wait, I understand now. It's whatever the actual hit in the ground is by the designated detector is that is awarded to the assigned player.

    What're the chances there'll be a nice new beginner detector in there so I don't have to buy one for my son and I this spring?image
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Steve- we gave away a nice beginner detector in the last Virtual Treasure Hunt!

    But this time the grand prize is a 1788 Spanish gold half-escudo. Which cost about the same amount of money, actually.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • kevinstangkevinstang Posts: 1,520 ✭✭✭
    I'll take a spot, what do I have to do?
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You just did it.

    Kevinstang gets Target #10.

    That leaves Targets #11 and #12, and then Round 1 is closed for further entries and I will post the results.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • That's still cool. I can't imagine Lord Marcovan mailing me my pop tab or nasty 1994 zinc cent anyway.

    Wow, you mean it's already been dug? Sweet.

  • Am I too late??? If not then sign me up.
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Omega gets Target #11.

    laserart gets Target #12.

    Round 1 is now closed for entries.

    If I can finish typing it all up and uploading pictures, etc, in the next 40 minutes or so, I will post the results before I leave for work at 10 PM. (I'm on graveyard shift tonight). If I don't finish getting it all typed up by then, I will post it during my break, sometime in the wee hours of the morning.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Round 1 Results!

    Monday, January 15th was a perfect day to go out diggin'. It was sunny and the temperature was easily in the high 70s.

    I had intended to hunt Round 1 on the old Dover Hall plantation site near my home, which has produced a number of early coins dating back to the late 1700s. All of these were found by another detectorist, however- my personal best on that site is just a 1918-D Mercury dime that was probably lost by a hunter, much later. Speaking of hunters, while I was out there, removing my detector from the van, a fella in a pickup truck drove up and stopped. I asked him if he was working on the site, since logging crews often do. He said no, he was a member of the hunting club that leased the site and mentioned they were hunting there.

    "Then I guess I have no reason to be here," I said, and put the detector in the van. He nodded politely. Not wishing to detect with bullets whizzing past me, I drove on to another rural site near my home. I have had my eye on it sometime but it was totally unproven- I wasn't sure of whether there'd be anything there or not. It had been recently cleared.


    After walking around for a bit, I noticed two large links of old rusty chain in the dirt. They could've been old or modern- it was hard to say. Then I noticed a tight concentration of oystershells in one of the furrows. That's always a good sign of human occupation. Some pottery sherds, including what might have been a piece of a big chamberpot, were the next to be spotted, lying on top of the ground. The pottery was plain white and unornamented so it was impossible to date, but it was obviously old. It looked to be late 19th/early 20th century, at least. So I got out the detector.

    The first target I dug was a ring. No, not a gold or silver ring. It was a big, well-rusted iron ring, larger than my hand. Obviously old. But not really good enough to be considered a nontrash target.

    Next, the first target of the game...

    Target #1 (Riccar)...you got... an old fork!

    Judging from its design, it dates from the late 1800s or the first decade of the 1900s. I think it was once silverplated but the plating had long since disappeared in the ground.


    The next target was two big clumps of rust held together with a short length of rusty chain. At first I thought one of the rustballs at either end of the rusty-crusty chain might be a padlock, but no- just a big ol' rustball. Didn't count this target, for obvious reasons.

    Well, this site bears further investigation, anyway. It might have some Indian cents or other goodies (I dug a couple of 1880s Indians at another site on the same road, years ago). However, like many rural relic hunting spots, this one was rather sparse, target-wise, and I began to think it might take me a whole day to dig twelve nontrash items out there. Besides, I was starting to sweat from hiking up and down the humps and troughs of those furrows. It was actually getting pretty warm outside! And I wanted to get some more urban coinshooting in. So I drove into town, which in my case is the seaport city of Brunswick, Georgia.

    On my way into town I saw a time-and-temperature sign that said it was 82 degrees. Wow. That's unseasonably warm even for down here in the Sunny South! No wonder I broke a sweat out there on that rural site. When I got into Brunswick, I headed towards the Old Town District on the south end of town. The city was laid out by Oglethorpe in 1771 but was relatively sparsely inhabited until after it was incorporated in 1856. "Old Town" is Brunswick's Victorian district, and its sidewalks, median strips, and squares (small parks) have been good to me in the past.

    Here is the median strip (traffic island) in the middle of Prince Street, looking west towards Union Street. I believe I hunted the Prince Street median near Halifax Square during both VTH1 and VTH2, but that was two blocks east of where I hunted today. Having once dug high-grade Barber coins including a 1912 dime and a shallow 1894-O quarter in these medians in the past, I knew they had potential. Apparently a good bit of older stuff got pushed into the middle of the roads back in the old days before they were paved, and still sit beneath the grass in the medians. Of course there is no shortage of more modern trash in them, as well, not to mention fire ants, dog poop, and broken glass.
    Today's median strip was one I had only briefly checked in the past. Two of the nearby houses were built in 1886 and 1907, respectively.

    So the potential was there. Soon, my first coin find of 2007 appeared.


    Target #2 (marym)...you got... a 1987 Memorial cent!

    Oh, well. Sorry it wasn't anything more exciting.

    The next find was nothing spectacular, either, but it was old. The first thing that appeared when I cut the plug of sod was a big oyster shell. Then the target popped out.

    Target #3 (30AnvZ28)... you got... an old oil lamp mechanism!

    Well, at least we're finding hundred-year-old relics now, anyway. These are ubiquitously-common finds on late-19th century sites. This was the mechanism of an old kerosene lamp, with the knob that would adjust the length of the wick. Many of these have patent dates on the knobs, and most that I've found were patented around the 1880s. I would guess that this particular one is no exception, though like the fork I found for Target #1, I suppose it could date as late as the first decade of the 1900s. It's Victorian. This one has some lettering on the knob but I can't quite read it. Gotta get a loupe...


    ...Ah, yes. I see, now. It says "MANHATTAN BRASS Co., NY" on it. Too bad it isn't dated like so many of those are. But it counts as a semi-interesting relic find, anyway.

    Soon I had company. A kid on a bicycle was following me. I'm used to being the Pied Piper when I'm out detecting in Old Town. Sometimes one can draw a crowd of curious kids, which is not always a good thing, because they can get loud and grabby and in the way. This young man was giving me my space, though, so I answered some of his barrage of questions. Then he wanted to borrow my detector. I told him it was heavy and expensive, and mentioned (truthfully) that I have owned some used cars that were worth less than this metal detector. Of course he continued to pester me. I did let him hold the detector while I dug up the next target.

    Target #4 (Dockwalliper)... you got... an earring!

    But it's just a gold-plated costume jewelry earring.

    I let my tagalong "helper", whose name was Bubba, pose with it. image


    Bubba got really excited when I dug the earring and I told him I would let him dig a target. I was searching for a shallow, obviously-modern coin signal that I could pinpoint and let him dig up, since letting him swing the GTI-2500 was out of the question. But before I got the chance to let him have his fun, he had to go. "My auntie is calling me," he said, and got back on his bike and tore off down the block, leaving me in peace at last. Thank you, Bubba's auntie. He's a nice kid but I'm not sure I wanted a shadow for the entire afternoon.

    On down the median.


    Aha, a solid coin signal.

    (dig dig)

    Target #5 (Wazari777)...you got... a 1997-P clad dime!

    Out onto Union Street, and the median there.


    Hey, look at that. Right on the surface.

    Target #6 (Bamacoinshooter)... you got... a modern car key! ... AND...

    Wait, hang on a sec... I'm still gettin' a signal, beneath where that car key was... in the ground!

    Another solid coin signal. Kinda deep, too. Good.

    (dig dig dig)

    Ahh, blast it. It's... ...a big piece of heavy-gauge copper wire, still anchored to something in the ground. Can't get it out. Gotta leave it there. As a "trash" target, that one doesn't count, anyway. Well, it counts as part of the same target since it was within a foot of the car key. Not the sort of "cache" or "hoard" you hoped I'd find, though, eh?

    Out on Union Street, looking west, you can see some of the sidewalk strip I hunted next, in the picture below. I found a 1939 Mercury dime in that little strip between the sidewalk and the street, some years back. A cool 1920s token, too. But that was a long time ago. Still, maybe there are some remaining goodies yet to be found there.

    As it happened, there were. The next target came up on that same sidewalk strip, near the street corner, just outside the left frame of this picture. (By the way, the house you see in the picture is about 100 years old and its twin next door yielded me some nice goodies a few years back. I plan to ask the owner of this particular house permission to hunt that yard, maybe for Round 7. We'll see if I can get in there!)



    (dig dig dig)

    Hey, wow... what IS that?


    Oh, yeah, baby! Cool find!

    Target #7 (SilverDreams)... you got... a World War II-era sterling silver US parachutist's badge with bronze service star!


    I need to research it further, but I am told they stopped making these in sterling after WW2. The bronze service star is apparently a "battle star", indicating that the serviceman who was awarded this medal made at least one combat jump, I believe. Perhaps it was over Normandy, during D-Day? It's interesting to speculate on. This definitely ranks as a "keeper" in my book, though the pinback is gone. I also accidentally broke off the little star when I was rubbing the dirt off the badge, but I plan to put it back on.

    Cool. I went without any silver in both VTH1 and VTH2, but now I've been "silvered". Maybe we can add a silver coin to the tally, next.

    Two blocks down, as the sun got low in the sky, I came to Hanover Park. Hanover Park is probably one of the hardest-hunted pieces of real estate in southeast Georgia. Detectorists have hammered the place for around thirty years, now. In fact, our own Steve Smith, aka "Millennium" here on the Forums, has found coins dating back to the 1600s in this park. I don't have anything that noteworthy from there, but I have managed to coax the occasional Mercury dime or silver Roosevelt out of the place. Last year's first silver coin for me, a surprisingly-deep early-1960s silver Roosevelt, came up on the west side of the park, roughly a year ago.

    So, with the shadows lengthening as the day grew short, it was to this part of the park I went. Moving slowly and carefully, I dug a tiny piece of wire that had corroded into a clump. (Doesn't count.)

    Then there was a faintish coin signal... at six to eight inches! Yeah! I think this was the general area where Steve found a scarce 1811 half cent a few years ago, too, so you can bet any clear-but-faint, deep coin signals get my attention here.

    Here is a shot of what I found, with Hanover Square's recently-restored 19th century fountain in the background. Look closely in the foreground. Do you see something shiny? image


    Here, let's look a little closer. Yeah, baby, that's right! I love the sparkle of silver in the twilight! This sucker was deep, too- about seven inches down!


    Target #8 (tjkampis)... you got... a 1947 silver Roosevelt dime!


    As with last January's find on the same end of this park, the first silver for 2007 is a silver Roosevelt, and a surprisingly deep one for a coin only sixty years old. It is not an earthshaking thing and I consider Target #7 (the paratroop badge) to be a slightly better find, but this IS a silver coin, which eluded me in both past VTH competitions! So I am pleased. I only found two silver coins last year.

    Man, I saw that silver dime shape come up from seven inches and I though for sure I had a Seated Liberty, at least. Ah, well. Interestingly, the obverse of the coin was grey-toned while the reverse was quite bright. Though this isn't quite as old a coin as I'd hoped, I am still happy, and encouraged. Not only is this my first VTH silver and my first silver of 2007, it is also the first silver coin I have dug while using the Garrett GTI-2500. I am getting more comfortable with the machine.

    Anytime I can find deep silver left behind by the Mighty Mister Millennium, I consider it a minor coup. image

    With the remains of the day fading fast, I briefly paused at a median strip just north of Hanover Square, and the sidewalk strip along Newcastle Street there. (This was the median strip you found that 1927 chauffer badge in when you visited, William.)

    Several obvious coin signals came up, not in the median strip, but in the sidewalk strip nearby.

    Target #9 (purelyPSA)... you got... a 1992 Memorial cent!

    Target #10 (kevinstang)... you got... a 1974 Jefferson nickel!

    Target #11 (Omega)... you got... a 1970-D Memorial cent!

    At three and a half to four, maybe even five inches, these were also surprisingly deep for such relatively modern coins.

    I decided to head over to another sidewalk strip on the edge of the business district near Hillary Square, to find my last target.

    In front of a circa-1890 Victorian house, on the sidewalk strip, I dug an "iffy" signal that was about four inches down, which bounced between the pulltab and coin ranges on the meter.

    Target #12 (laserart)... you got... a 1918 Wheat cent!


    Thus ends Round 1, which I consider a success by my standards, even if it wasn't grand and spectacular. I had fun.

    There was a similar "iffy" signal near that 1918 Wheatie that I didn't dig, because I was tired and it was time to go home. I plan to go out and get it later. It might be another early Wheatie or maybe an Indian cent. But we won't know that until Round 7, perhaps. image


    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    OK, Jerry (CROCKofCOINS): you're up next! Knock our sox off!

    Players: Jerry will open Round 2 for entries when he is ready.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • These well organized hunts are so much fun to participate in.
    I can't wait to get in on this treasure hunt.

    I collect bits and pieces of everything
    or should I say I ACCUMULATE!
    I also dabble with the darkside image

    Ive recently gotten more into currency, especially modern star notes
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jeff, if I remember correctly, you were a lucky chooser in the past two, at least in the earlier stages?

    The fun's just beginning, here, for those of you who just wandered in. (In addition to our sigline links, I just put invitation threads on the US Coins, World Coins, and Swap/Tag/Giveaway forums).

    Only one round's played, and there are eleven left!

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • I did get quite lucky during the previous two hunts and hope for that to continue in this one. I still have the arrowhead display that I won in VT2 on the wall of my bedroom.

    I've become a lurker on the forums during the past year or so, but I hope to have plenty of posts in the next few days or weeks for this contest.


    I collect bits and pieces of everything
    or should I say I ACCUMULATE!
    I also dabble with the darkside image

    Ive recently gotten more into currency, especially modern star notes
  • DockwalliperDockwalliper Posts: 1,169 ✭✭✭
    I got GOLD!!imageimageimage
  • BigDaddyzBigDaddyz Posts: 1,306 ✭✭✭
    I'd like to get into this image
    Great BST experiences: abitofthisabitofthat, silvercoinsdude, gerard, coinfame, mikescoins, wondercoin
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    BigDaddyz- welcome to VTH3!

    Right now we're between rounds. Watch this thread for when CROCKofCOINS opens Round 2 up for entries. Then, once the twelve targets of Round 2 (Targets #13-24 for the game) are assigned to virtual players, he'll announce what the finds were!

    He should open Round 2 up sometime today, I think. I know he's online right now.

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Dang, I had to switch of last night (time differences....Kuwait)

    I'm going to be watching this thread like a hawk and my exams just got over today image


    Want List
    Proud member of the CUFYNA
    Need a Banner Made? PM ME!
  • Hey Rob.......Do you need any more prize donations?........I can't hunt but I can donate.

  • << <i>BigDaddyz- welcome to VTH3! Right now we're between rounds. Watch this thread for when CROCKofCOINS opens Round 2 up for entries. Then, once the twelve targets of Round 2 (Targets #13-24 for the game) are assigned to virtual players, he'll announce what the finds were! He should open Round 2 up sometime today, I think. I know he's online right now. >>

    I will not be around till 8 or 9 PM tonight (West Coast time)

  • Cool, I got an ultra-rare Lincoln ! image
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
  • You got the best dig!

    Awesome Lincoln Cent image


    Want List
    Proud member of the CUFYNA
    Need a Banner Made? PM ME!
  • Doh!!

    Can't believe I already missed round 1! I rarely log on the forums on weekends image

    Gotta set my alarm to remind me to check here more often while the VTH3 is happening.
  • kevinstangkevinstang Posts: 1,520 ✭✭✭
    I really like the parachutist's badge, could the star also be for a service award? Like a bronze or silver star? I think there were only four jumps in the European theater- one over Italy(or was it Sicily), Normandy, Market Garden(Holland) and the other over the Rhine. The 82nd made the first three (I believe) and the 101st the middle two (Normandy and Market garden). I think it was the 17th that made the final one. Might have been a jump or two in the pacific theater. I wish we had medians with that kind of junk in them up here.
  • From one of the badge sites I looked at today:

    << <i>Although not an official Parachustist rating, any soldier who completes an airborne jump into a combat zone can wear the Combat Parachutist Badge which is the standard Parachustist Badge upgraded to include service stars pinned on the decoration. In such cases, the Parachustist retains the title as Basic, Senior, or Master Parachutist but is said to possess the Combat Parachustist Badge. The maximum number of combat awards that may be shown on the Army Parachutist Badge is five. These service stars are commonly referred to as "Mustard Stains" >>

    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • Dang have to go...
    Parents want me to sleep...

    Want List
    Proud member of the CUFYNA
    Need a Banner Made? PM ME!
  • OmegaOmega Posts: 1,587 ✭✭✭
    A 1970 d Memorial cent? Wow, this is just like the real metal detecting for me!!! My wife thinks its fun to watch me get excited over pocket change I dig out of the ground. Thanks for doing this!! I was just starting out in this hobby when the snow started flying.image
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Its 3:30 in the afternoon (east coast). Im assuming your 15 or 16 bases on the 1991... so im confused here... >>

    TKC1991 is in Kuwait.

    << <i>A 1970 d Memorial cent? Wow, this is just like the real metal detecting for me!!! My wife thinks its fun to watch me get excited over pocket change I dig out of the ground. Thanks for doing this!! I was just starting out in this hobby when the snow started flying. >>

    Not even a 1970-D Lincoln cent, but a virtual 1970-D Lincoln cent. I'll bet you feel rich, now. image

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • OK OK.... Lets have the first 6 hunters step up>
    We have #
    13. wazari777
    14. SilverDreams
    15. tjkampis
    16. TheKidCollector1991
    17. 30AnvZ28
    18. Riccar
    19. StrikeOutXXX
    20. Omega
    21. walkerminus1
    22. millennium
    23. marym
    24. laserart
    Now CLOSED

  • ill take one
  • I'll take one please
    I lust for silver.
  • Can I get in?

  • << <i>Can I get in? >>

    Your in :-)

    still open
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I wanna be in!

    Oh, wait. I can't. image

    Oh, well. image

    Good to see you on, Jerry. Can't wait to see what you (and some of the others) have found. Everybody's done a good job of keeping their secrets secret!

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    By the way, everybody, the Grand Prize coin arrived at my house today. Nice little coin, but I had forgotten how tiny those little suckers are! It's a teeny little thing. But hey, it's still Spanish gold from the 1700s, right?

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
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