Home Metal Detecting

~~~~~ VIRTUAL TREASURE HUNT III (Game Over! Prizes awarded!) ~~~~~



  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,664 ✭✭✭✭✭
    73. marym
    74. Dockwalliper
    75. Bochiman
    76. DesertRat
    77. 30AnvZ28
    78. Riccar
    79. SilverDreams
    80. tjkampis
    81. bamacoinshooter

    I wonder if we'll fill this thing up by daybreak. (I'm workin' graveyard shift tonight, in case y'all were wondering).

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,476 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Two correct guesses on the numismatic riddle, but Bochiman was first. I expected somebody to say "Lincoln cent", since there were six varieties of 1909 cent, but of course two of the six were Indian cents, and the six combinations were only struck at two mints. Y'all were savvy enough not to trip up on that one.

    Bochiman gets Target #75.

    Still no correct guesses on my favorite color.

    Target #74 remains open to the first who guesses my favorite color.

    Targets #76-84 are NOT open for entries yet. >>

    Thanks LMV!

    I almost did get tripped up....I "almost" said "SLQ" since I was going for the redesign but then I reread and saw you said "first year of issue" so that ruled that out. Then I remembered the buff nick with the mound redone for wear purposes.

    Good one! image

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • im gonna get in this thing yet image
    I collect bits and pieces of everything
    or should I say I ACCUMULATE!
    I also dabble with the darkside image

    Ive recently gotten more into currency, especially modern star notes
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,476 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>im gonna get in this thing yet image >>

    Just stay online and refresh, Spiffy, I think Rob is bored at work image

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,664 ✭✭✭✭✭
    73. marym
    74. Dockwalliper
    75. Bochiman
    76. DesertRat
    77. 30AnvZ28
    78. Riccar
    79. SilverDreams
    80. tjkampis
    81. bamacoinshooter
    82. Spiffy469

    There are two targets left!

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Sweet, thanks for throwing me in LordM
    I collect bits and pieces of everything
    or should I say I ACCUMULATE!
    I also dabble with the darkside image

    Ive recently gotten more into currency, especially modern star notes
  • means i can get some shut eye now. got class at 9am

    Night folks

    I collect bits and pieces of everything
    or should I say I ACCUMULATE!
    I also dabble with the darkside image

    Ive recently gotten more into currency, especially modern star notes
  • Let me get one if there's still a slot,Thank's and HH,Tom
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,664 ✭✭✭✭✭
    73. marym
    74. Dockwalliper
    75. Bochiman
    76. DesertRat
    77. 30AnvZ28
    78. Riccar
    79. SilverDreams
    80. tjkampis
    81. bamacoinshooter
    82. Spiffy469
    83. loditom

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,664 ✭✭✭✭✭



    Aaah, it's just the curse of the graveyard shift.

    OK, I'll grant Target #84 to the first new player to post (Edit- never mind, scratch that- it wouldn't happen anyway, apparently).

    Once Target #84 is assigned, Round 7 will be closed for entries and the results will be posted sometime Thursday afternoon or evening. (Edit: gave it to Wazari777- we're all full now.)

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • How about me.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,664 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wazari, you're hardly a new player. You've been in just about every round so far!

    But... OK. Just so I can fill up the round before I go home and to bed, I'll put you in at #84.

    73. marym
    74. Dockwalliper
    75. Bochiman
    76. DesertRat
    77. 30AnvZ28
    78. Riccar
    79. SilverDreams
    80. tjkampis
    81. bamacoinshooter
    82. Spiffy469
    83. loditom
    84. Wazari777

    Round 7 is closed for entries. Stand by for the results!

    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • lordmarcovanlordmarcovan Posts: 43,664 ✭✭✭✭✭

    ROUND 7

    Digger: lordmarcovan

    Date(s) dug: Thursday, January 25, 2007 (Targets #73-74), Monday, February 5, 2007 (Target #75), Wednesday, February 7, 2007 (#76-84)

    Site(s): various traffic islands, sidewalk strips, and park squares, Old Town District, Brunswick, Georgia, USA

    Detector: Garrett GTI-2500 with standard coil

    The first two targets of Round 7 were dug in late January. As with most of Round 1, Round 7 was dug in the Old Town Victorian district on the south end of Brunswick, Georgia.

    Some may recall the 1918 Wheat cent I dug as the final target in Round 1 (Target #12). That coin was a midrange target and not the best of signals. There was a similar target nearby that I did not dig. At the end of Round 1, I said:

    << <i>There was a similar "iffy" signal near that 1918 Wheatie that I didn't dig, because I was tired and it was time to go home. I plan to go out and get it later. It might be another early Wheatie or maybe an Indian cent. But we won't know that until Round 7, perhaps. >>

    Naturally, that was where I started off when it came time to dig Round 7. Alas, that "iffy" target did not turn out to be another early Wheat cent or Indian cent, as I had hoped. It was a pot metal doodad of some sort, perhaps a machine part. Though it might've been forty or fifty years old, I did not really consider it interesting enough to warrant a target number, so it counted as trash.

    On I went to the Prince Street median strip that produced Targets #2-4 of the game.

    Very near where I dug Target #3, the old oil lamp mechanism, I got another relic from the turn of the 19th century. As I dug into the loose, sandy soil, I could tell it was an interesting layer, because the dirt had bits of oyster shell, small crumbs of old brick, and a piece of glass or two. Soon the target revealed itself to be something old and interesting, though not fantastic.

    Target #73 (marym): you got... a Victorian-era brass keyhole escutcheon!


    We took my daughter to the playground at Orange Park. The next target came up near the slides where she played. It was a coin, but just a modern clad dime.

    Target #74 (Dockwalliper) you got... a 1992-P clad Roosevelt dime! Sorry it wasn't anything better.

    That did it for January 25th. We ran out of daylight and the remainder of my targets for the evening were nothing but trash.

    My next outing was on Monday, February 5th. I returned to Hanover Square, which has given many detectorists an amazing array of coins over the past three decades. I have mentioned before that Hanover Square is probably the hardest-detected piece of real estate in southeast Georgia, due in part to rumors of a 1766 British gold guinea with an Ephraim Brasher counterstamp being dug there once upon a time. That unconfirmed rumor aside, I know for a fact that it has produced coins dating back at least as far as the 1690s, since our own Steve Smith ("Millennium") dug an English shilling from the 1690s there. The coins Steve has pulled out of this park in the past two and a half decades are amazing. I met Steve in the park in 1981, and watched in amazement as he dug an extremely deep 1820 Bust dime!

    My personal best from Hanover Square has been rather mundane, however. I have found a couple of Mercury dimes and some silver Roosevelts there, and nothing older, as I recall. Still, I have managed to coax out the occasional goodie that even the skilled Steve left behind, a recent example being the 1947 silver dime that turned up in Round 1.

    As a matter of fact, let's go back to Round 1 for a moment and re-examine the photo I took on January 15th, when the dime came up, at twilight.

    Note the recently-restored 19th century fountain in the background of the picture. Look off at the horizon line at the right of the photo... there in the shadows at the opposite end of the park, on the other side of the fountain...


    Did you see it?

    No, I didn't either. image

    Little did I realize it when I took that picture back on January 15th, but I was actually photographing the future! The spot where my next good "keeper" coin would come up! But I shouldn't get too far ahead of myself in the story, eh? image

    Let's see a more recent picture from February 5th. This time it was early afternoon. Here we are on the opposite (NW) end of the park, at the spot you can barely see in the background of the January 15th photo. We're facing in a sort of northeasterly direction now, towards the back of the Confederate monument, which was placed there in 1906. The fountain is now behind and slightly to the right of us.
    (The guy on the bicycle seemed bound and determined to get into the middle of my shot, no matter what, so now he's unknowingly a part of VTH3 history.)


    I was working this area, slowly and carefully. Very slowwwwly, as a matter of fact. Going at the proverbial snail's pace, and trying out the Surface Elimination feature of the GTI-2500 (maxed out, at four inches), so I would hopefully only get beeps from the deep stuff. I was being very selective, and digging only possible coin targets that were below four inches, since I wanted to make my targets count for this round. I desperately wanted to get silvered again.

    Soon I got a clear and repeatable, yet faint-on-the-audio signal. It registered in the midrange, bouncing around the ID meter mostly in the pulltab area, but also up as high as the cent range, too. Since I've dug Indian cents and half dimes down in the pulltab range, and this target, at about five inches, was probably too deep to be a pulltab, I decided to dig it.

    To my surprise, a nickel popped out of the hole. I am a little surprised that a nickel read so far above its usual range on the meter.

    Now, when a nickel comes up from five to five and a half inches deep in a terrific old park, you know what my first thought was... I'll bet it ain't a Jefferson!


    Sure enough, I saw the face of an Indian looking up at me!

    Oh, boy! My first Buffalo nickel in quite some time! (Several years, actually.)

    And this ain't no slick, dateless one, either. In fact, even before the dirt was totally off it, I could see it was an earlier one, from the 'teens. And pretty decent, too, gradewise. Nearly a full horn on the buffalo, so it has Fine, almost Very Fine, details. At first I thought I saw a little blip under the "five cents" on the reverse, which I took to be a mintmark. I think I have found over twenty Buffalo nickels over the years, but oddly, I have not yet found a mintmarked one.

    This one proved not to be mintmarked, either. That little blip I saw at the bottom of the reverse was just a piece of dirt. Too bad, really, because this coin would be a key date if it had an "S" mintmark, and a semi-key with a "D"! Still, even without a mintmark, it's a slightly less common date...

    Target #75 (Bochiman): you got... a 1913 Type 2 Buffalo nickel!


    So I didn't get silvered on February 5th but I did coax another overlooked goodie up from the hunted-out park. And I do believe this is the oldest coin I personally have found there in Hanover Park so far.

    By any other detectorist's standards this might be just a minor goodie, but it's a pretty noteworthy find for me. It is my second 1913 Buffalo, the first being a rather nasty Type One I found in North Carolina several years ago. The 1913 Type Two is a bit scarcer, actually, and of course this coin is in a bit better condition. Come to think of it, this might possibly be my best Buffalo so far. Monetarily, it isn't particularly valuable- it would be worth maybe $15 or so in nondug condition- but who cares about that. It gets a high reading on my Cool-O-Meter. (And looks a tad better in hand than in the picture above.)

    But is it as cool as Target #7, the silver paratrooper badge I dug in Round 1? That's the question. I think the historical significance of the paratrooper badge and the fact that it's sterling silver give it a slight edge over this nickel, but then again, I am a coinshooter first and foremost, and I really dig (pun intended) finding stuff like that Buff. So it's a tough call for me on what the better target is.

    Of course, we still have the rest of Round 7 to discuss.

    After finding the Buffalo, the rest of February 5th proved to be a bust- nothing but trash targets. Actually, I didn't dig too many of them- I just didn't get many "dig-worthy" signals at all, since I was being so picky. I found a copper-jacketed modern bullet slug that was fairly deep, and a little ball of foil, and a couple pieces of lawnmowerized aluminum can shrapnel, but really not much trash. My coins-to-trash ratio for Round 7 overall was pretty good, actually.

    I realized that if I was going to be that selective in my signals, finishing out the final nine targets of the round might take a while. After hunting for several hours on February 5th, I only had a single target to show for it!

    Round 7 resumed on February 7th. It was sunny and 68 degrees when I set out. I am sure the temperature climbed into the 70s.

    After going back to Hanover Square again, and poking around without any results, I decided to go back to sidewalk and median strips for a little while.

    The traffic island on Prince Street (which produced that old lamp mechanism and the keyhole escutcheon) produced some modern coins.

    Target #76 (DesertRat): you got... a 1962 Memorial cent!

    Target #77 (30AnvZ28): you got... a 1980-P clad Washington quarter!

    Target #78 (Riccar): you got... a 1974 Memorial cent!

    Sorry, guys... nothing much exciting there. Time to move on.

    I ended up on the sidewalk strip alongside the old hospital. Built in 1908, the old hospital was used until 1954. I think it was a nursing home and/or apartments after that. It seems very quiet these days but appears to be in pretty good repair, so it's not a derelict building. Most white natives of the city who are in their midfifties or older were born in this building.

    I couldn't remember if I'd ever hunted the grassy strip along the street beside the hospital itself, though I'd poked around the sidewalks a block away, years back in my sidewalk-shooting heyday.


    I soon realized that I couldn't have hunted it that much in the past, because the grassy strip was loaded with targets, some of them earblasters. I decided to focus on one signal that read in the coin range. It was fairly loud and bounced between the cent and quarter areas of the meter. Seeing that the depth reading was about three inches and therefore just barely enough for potential silver, I dug.

    The meter reading turned out to be accurate- right when I turned the plug of sod back, I noticed a coin right there inside. It was a Lincoln cent, and a Wheatie, at that. I could tell it was a fairly early one, from the 1920s. An encouraging sign!


    Rechecking, I noticed I was still getting a fairly hot signal, this time from the hole. A multiple coin hit! Oh, boy! Pleeease, let there be silver!

    Nope. Not silver. It was another Wheat cent, though- this one in much higher grade, and fairly new when it was lost. I could tell it was later than the first- this one was from the 1950s. Strange that it was a little deeper in the ground than the one from the 1920s. Obviously both would've been lost in the '50s or thereabouts.


    Target #79 (SilverDreams): you got... a pair of Wheat cents dated 1923 and 1951!


    Well, this looked encouraging, since I had just started down the sidewalk.

    I dug a few more promising signals but they turned out to not be so promising. A couple I couldn't track down- they were the sort of phantoms that one chases halfway to China but which never turn up. Oh well.

    One quarter signal proved to be just that.

    Target #80 (tjkampis): you got... a 1992-P clad Washington quarter!

    I soon tired of the sidewalk strip, despite its early promise with the Wheaties, and moved on to Frederica Square, nearby. One of Brunswick's smaller, lesser-known squares, Frederica Square is nevertheless near some Victorian homes and has the promise of nice old coins. So far in the past, a 1942-D Mercury dime is the best I've been able to coax from it, though.

    I dug a couple of signals and did find some more coins, but nothing old.

    Target #81 (bamacoinshooter): you got... a 1981 Memorial cent!

    The next target proved to be a clad dime. Filled the hole back in and forgot to recheck it. Checked it belatedly, got another signal. Another one! My second multiple target of the day.

    Target #82 (Spiffy469): you got... a pair of clad Roosevelt dimes dated 1984-P and 1965!

    Hm. My graduation year and my birthyear. Maybe a lucky omen for the future... who knows?

    Not necessarily for the immediate future, though. Round 7 ended with a whimper, instead of a bang.

    Target #83 (loditom): you got a... 1964 Memorial cent!

    Target #84 (Wazari777): you got a... 1976 Memorial cent!

    Eb-dee eb-dee eb-dee ebdee, that's all, folks! image


    Explore collections of lordmarcovan on CollecOnline, management, safe-keeping, sharing and valuation solution for art piece and collectibles.
  • Target #73 (marym): you got... a Victorian-era brass keyhole escutcheon!

    Yahoo Rob!! Now go find the building it was attached to, then the key! It was an old Victorian there should be treasure galore to be found. image Great round, thank you! Mary
    Be Still and Know
  • Hello V-hunters image
    I will deal with Round 8 this weekend.

  • Great fun LM. I decided to sit this round out to give others the chance they have been missing. Maybe next time.
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
  • Great round and very nice Buff!
    I lust for silver.
  • Hey Laser,

    LM tried his darnest to give this past round to those who hadn't yet played, but guess what? He gave them almost an entire day to grab a spot, and still he couldn't fill the slots!! I hope he isn't getting any PM's that grip about "not fair, it's always the same ones, blahblahblah" He tried!!
    Be Still and Know
  • It is bound to happen some times. At least there was the opportunity for those that haven't had a chance.
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".

  • << <i>Hey Laser,

    LM tried his darnest to give this past round to those who hadn't yet played, but guess what? He gave them almost an entire day to grab a spot, and still he couldn't fill the slots!! I hope he isn't getting any PM's that grip about "not fair, it's always the same ones, blahblahblah" He tried!! >>

    I tried to sit it out as well but when I noticed that a full 45 minutes had passed without anyone responding to an open slot, I figured, "what the heck" image

  • << <i>Great fun LM. I decided to sit this round out to give others the chance they have been missing. Maybe next time. >>

    Ok, the translation of this statement is, "I forgot all about it"
    "If I had a nickel for every nickel I ever had, I'd have all my nickels back".
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,476 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sweet! image

    Now, I know why you had your little "hoop" to jump image

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • phutphut Posts: 1,087
    Nice virtual hunt, Rob!!
    I don't even speak that many words in a day image
    Congrats on the IHN.
  • OmegaOmega Posts: 1,587 ✭✭✭
    Nice round. I too sat this one out...mainly because I didn't have time to upload of picture of my dog before work!!! (or should I edit that part out??)image
  • Nice round Rob!

    The GTI is coming along nicely I see.

    Congrats on a long overdue Buff!
    Analog Rules! Knobs and Switches are cool!
  • Very nice round Rob!!! Will be hitting the digs this weekend for round 10.......

    Maybe we should setup a poll for the site???

    I do have to say that I am feeling hella lucky today....see my other post.
    This is a very dumb ass thread. - Laura Sperber - Tuesday January 09, 2007 11:16 AM image

    Hell, I don't need to exercise.....I get enough just pushing my luck.
  • Hello, I have my targets dug.

    ROUND 8

    Digger: CROCKofCOINS

    Date(s) dug: Sat. Feb. 3rd and Sat. Feb. 10th 2007

    Site(s): Oxnard, CA.

    Detector(s): White's Prizm 2 and White's DFX

    85. (Bochiman)
    86. (Marym)
    87. (wazari777)
    88. (Desert Rat)
    89. (kevinstang)
    90. (Omega)
    91. (Riccar)
    92. (SilverDreams)
    93. (tjkampis)
    94. (30AnvZ28)
    95. (Dockwaalliper)
    96. (Laserart)
  • I now OPEN # 85 to first post.
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,476 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Did I make it CoC?

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • Bochiman gets # 85
  • BochimanBochiman Posts: 25,476 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks! I knew I came into work, and check online, for a reason (just left a lame coinshow and was sad because there was nothing worth buying)

    I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment

  • Next post gets #86
  • If this is open to all, I'll take #86 image
    Be Still and Know

  • << <i>If this is open to all, I'll take #86 image >>

    Marym You get #86
  • Next post gets # 87
  • I'll take it

  • << <i>I'll take it >>

    wazari777 gets # 87
  • Next post gets # 88
  • wazari777 you got #87!!!!! I had 97.
  • Next post gets # 88
  • Hello moto image

    That would be #88, if open to all
  • D.R. gets # 88
  • Next post gets # 89
  • kevinstangkevinstang Posts: 1,520 ✭✭✭
    I'll take it

  • << <i>I'll take it >>

    kevinstang gets # 89
  • One more number. Next post gets # 90

  • << <i>yes please >>

    Omega Gets # 90

    I will be back later for more fun and games :-)

  • Lets get it on!
    Next post gets # 91
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