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The debate on what to do with SF and BS coins continues.



  • << <i> it will continue to be VERY DANGEROUS to buy coins sight unseen, or without the knowlege and experience to know if the coin in the slab is properly described on the label. >>

    The solution to this part of the problem is to know who you're dealing with. mas, wcqx, datentype, to name some of the better known makers, are some of the best people to deal with on moderns. They have integrity and have gone out of their way to help get this problem solved. It is a shame that their efforts have to date fallen on deaf ears. But if your looking for honesty and slabs that are properly designated, these are the guys to buy from. But don't take my word for it, ask around if you're not sure. There are many many people here who will say the same thing.

    And mas, I will need the last 3 coins for my 05 mint set around the end of the month. I hope you have some of these on hand. image

  • As a repeat customer of Datentype, I agree that guys like this make things better. I wish them the best in solving the problem.
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭
    Thanks RB !!!!!

    When your ready to fill that 05 set up just let me know image
  • Good news and no news today. Good news is that the pop report is now fully on line for all the state quarters thru date. Previously the 2006 coins were not on there and you had to use the coin number look-up function to find the pop. Now the MS and SF grades are in the main body of the pop report. North Dakota proving very tough in MS. Only 19 D mints in 67 and 8 P mints in 67 so far with none graded higher. I found those myself and went thru 14,000 coins to find the D mints and 18,000 coins to find the P mints if anyone is keeping track. Amazing how fast the raw material (boxes and bags) dry up so good luck getting all this material to search in the future and at what price?The average box premium is $70 now as the coins are concurrently released with s/h/i et al so those P boxes for example had premiums of $630 dollars plus grading fees and time. I got four boxs of the D mints out West at no charge so that helps. If anyone can find a 68 for me the reward as usual is large. If anyone has a nice box for me to search I will share the results/rewards.

    The no-news is that the pop report has not been corrected for those 300+ state quarters from 2005 that are correctly labeled and holdered but are incorrectly entered into the PCGS data base a s Satin Finish coins. Thanks again to Ron at PCGS that handled the 2006 ND SF vs MS mistake that JVD found quickly and efficiently so at least it does not appear that the errors in data base classification have continued into 2006 for now.

    Thanks for that plug above Rodger. I rarely sell a coin I do not find myself so all my coins are personally guaranteed to be correctly labeled and holdered. I still have some ND-D in PCGS 67 I am selling on e-bay in weekly auctions, sold out of ND-P in PCGS MS67 at $175 each (a bargain in my opinion) and am expecting some more grades sent in under the modern program, takes a while. Happy Thanksgiving to all! Doug WCQX.
  • Dan50Dan50 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Amazing how fast the raw material (boxes and bags) dry up so good luck getting all this material to search in the future and at what price? >>

    Same goes for the Roosevelt boxes, tough to locate, and now we have to get ready for the 07's.
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭

    Sounds like I should quit my day Job and start searching for some of these coins. I'm sure I could add some numbers to those Low Pop coins

  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭
  • Personally, I have given up on waiting for PCGS to address this BS vs. SF issue.

    I have the personal satisfaction (which is most important anyway) of knowing that I have all of my 2005 & 2006 BS & SF lincolns (in 67RD and 69RDSF respectively) in my collection. I really could care less if someone is "ahead" of me because he/she chose to put in his/her SF coins because they bring more points. If that's what they choose to do...so be it.

    I am most relieved that I am not caught up in the "registry race" bullsh*t anymore. I have come a very long way since joining these boards a few years back and I have learned more than I could have ever imagined. I am building the best lincoln collection that I can afford and I am no longer worried about what others ahead of me or behind me are doing points wise. In fact, I sell to and buy from many collectors that have lincoln registry sets that I should be "competing" with. I don't ever look at it that way though. I want to build the best set that I can but I also get satisfaction out of helping others acquire coins that they need to improve their sets as well.

    It will be fun to hear ONE DAY that PCGS has decided to pony up and require both BS & SF coins in sets. I won't be losing any sleep over it though...that is for sure. image
  • DAMDAM Posts: 2,410 ✭✭
    Good attitude Toby!!!, treating coin collecting as a hobby. Nicely done!

  • Hey Mass, please quit your day job and find some SD-P&D in MS67 or better. I have not found any gemmy material and have heard of very limited results so far. Regarding the SF state quarters fortunately in 2006 PCGS has not graded any in SF70 and doubtful at this point they will. Because SF69 are soo common it is not going to break the bank to ad these in to the set. The real drag is when a SF coin becomes a rarity (SF70 or a WV-D in SF 69) and then the cost becomes high and then a collector is forced to spend a lot of money on a mint product (not a circulating coin) that the die hard collector of business strike coins does not respect yet needs to keep up in the registry. This will probably be the last new modern series I will collect. I was thinking of collecting the presidential dollars in 2007 but am afraid the mint will once again try to bolster their coffers with new mint products and PCGS will once again require more mint products for the business strike sets to promote more grading fees. If the mint intends to produce SF presidential dollars I hope they do it from the very beginning at least then perhaps PCGS will have two registry sets for these, one for SF and one for business strike coins. At least with my set of IKE's there are no mint products to contend with except the silver IKE's and at least they have an S mint mark to make it easier for the grading services not to miss-classify them and there are only 5 different coins of the silver IKE's. WCQX
  • XXXXXX Posts: 1,633 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Hey Mass, please quit your day job and find some SD-P&D in MS67 or better. I have not found any gemmy material and have heard of very limited results so far. Regarding the SF state quarters fortunately in 2006 PCGS has not graded any in SF70 and doubtful at this point they will. Because SF69 are soo common it is not going to break the bank to ad these in to the set. The real drag is when a SF coin becomes a rarity (SF70 or a WV-D in SF 69) and then the cost becomes high and then a collector is forced to spend a lot of money on a mint product (not a circulating coin) that the die hard collector of business strike coins does not respect yet needs to keep up in the registry. This will probably be the last new modern series I will collect. I was thinking of collecting the presidential dollars in 2007 but am afraid the mint will once again try to bolster their coffers with new mint products and PCGS will once again require more mint products for the business strike sets to promote more grading fees. If the mint intends to produce SF presidential dollars I hope they do it from the very beginning at least then perhaps PCGS will have two registry sets for these, one for SF and one for business strike coins. At least with my set of IKE's there are no mint products to contend with except the silver IKE's and at least they have an S mint mark to make it easier for the grading services not to miss-classify them and there are only 5 different coins of the silver IKE's. WCQX >>

    Well said Doug. I too was thinking of the Pres Dollars but will probally pass on them as I am not sure I want anoth 12+year commitment to the mint and PCGS. And like you said, who know's what the mint will do. Maybe just a dansco for me on the dollar set. (I might just do them for 2 years to keep my mint sets alive till the end of the SHQ run, which too might go 1 year longer with the additional 5 coins for Pueto Ricco etc.)
  • XXXXXX Posts: 1,633 ✭✭✭
    MAS....Didn't you quit your day job. (Oh thats right, your still a stripper at night) imageimageimage
  • XXXXXX Posts: 1,633 ✭✭✭

    << <i>MAS....Didn't you quit your day job. (Oh thats right, your still a stripper at night) imageimageimage >>

    With the way I grade....I have to keep my day job. image
  • DrPeteDrPete Posts: 1,497 ✭✭✭
    Anybody remember what this extremely long thread is even about?
    Dr. Pete
  • StoogeStooge Posts: 4,668 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Anybody remember what this extremely long thread is even about? >>

    Yes, but in order to REALLY figure it out, you must go back 2-3 years and 30-35 pages! imageimageimage

    Later, Paul.

    Later, Paul.
  • StoogeStooge Posts: 4,668 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Personally, I have given up on waiting for PCGS to address this BS vs. SF issue.

    I have the personal satisfaction (which is most important anyway) of knowing that I have all of my 2005 & 2006 BS & SF lincolns (in 67RD and 69RDSF respectively) in my collection. I really could care less if someone is "ahead" of me because he/she chose to put in his/her SF coins because they bring more points. If that's what they choose to do...so be it.

    I am most relieved that I am not caught up in the "registry race" bullsh*t anymore. I have come a very long way since joining these boards a few years back and I have learned more than I could have ever imagined. I am building the best lincoln collection that I can afford and I am no longer worried about what others ahead of me or behind me are doing points wise. In fact, I sell to and buy from many collectors that have lincoln registry sets that I should be "competing" with. I don't ever look at it that way though. I want to build the best set that I can but I also get satisfaction out of helping others acquire coins that they need to improve their sets as well.

    It will be fun to hear ONE DAY that PCGS has decided to pony up and require both BS & SF coins in sets. I won't be losing any sleep over it though...that is for sure. image >>

    I'm going to nominate this as the post-of-the-week!

    I concur 100%

    Later, Paul.

    Later, Paul.
  • I must have nailed the P&D SD quarters. I have a bulk going in now, many 67's, although the P's were hard to come by. I had to go through 3000 coins for the 29 p's I am sending in. The D's were very nice.
  • StoogeStooge Posts: 4,668 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My submission #3242288 was just completed last night and my 3 BS dimes, including 1 I searched a $50 un-opened bank box, all came back as Satin Finish. My 3 dimes including a 2006-D which came back as a 7FB are clearly Business Strikes. This '06-D has no traces what so ever of a satiny frosted appearance. It is blast white and very shiny.

    They are going back to the graders to get fixed ASAP!

    Later, Paul.

    Later, Paul.
  • You did not get a single 68FB?

  • << <i>I must have nailed the P&D SD quarters. I have a bulk going in now, many 67's, although the P's were hard to come by. I had to go through 3000 coins for the 29 p's I am sending in. The D's were very nice. >>

    I pulled 7 MS68 from the SD D's. Got 67's on the P's. The ND P's I did not get even a single 7 on.
  • StoogeStooge Posts: 4,668 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>You did not get a single 68FB? >>

    I only sent in 1 single 2006-D. I have several dozen that will grade out, but this happen to be one I picked. I haven't sent them in yet.

    Later, Paul.

    Later, Paul.
  • Dan50Dan50 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭
    I just sent an eleven coin submission off.
    It has an 05-D and an 06-P in this bunch, hope I don't get hit with the SF thingie.
    I'am not using anything but "business strikes", and will be crushed if all those boxs and rolls searched were just a waste of time and money.

    "Oh great collector in the sky, please watch over us in these dark SF times". image
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭
  • Hi mas. Your silence is louder than words.......image
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭

  • ManorcourtmanManorcourtman Posts: 8,087 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Still no satisfaction for the Business strike guys. When will the madness end......probably when this thread ends.....probably never until PCGS gives us Business strike freaks some recognition. HELLO PCGS........HOW ABOUT SOME CONSIDERATION????????
  • DIMEMANDIMEMAN Posts: 22,403 ✭✭✭✭✭

    You people need to get a life!!!!!!

    SF coins were made for mint sets..........mint set coins have always been used for circ collections......whats the diff!image

    Lets make coin collecting fun..........like it is supposed to be........image

    If I had my way both SF and MS coins would be required........the bigger the set the better!!imageimage

    You can put EITHER one in.......so put in what you want..image Theres a conceptimage

    Oh, it must be the point thingy.........well, I not a point thingy personimage:you can look at my set and see that FB means squat to me and my grade range is all over the place.

    I guess I am trying to collect a complete set of dimes I like and can afford........not a bunch of top pop point thingy's, excuse me!imageimage

    This has been an unpaid political anouncement and not supported by anyone but me!image

    Fire away..........I'm bullet proof.image
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭


  • Dan50Dan50 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Oh, it must be the point thingy >>

    If it were a POINT THINGIE, we would all adore the SF coins. Seeing as how they are so common in high grades. Reminds me of proof coins, it's proof 69 and proof 70, anything else is used to level a table, or as a fancy coaster to protect said table.
    As for the comment circulation strikes always come from mint sets, explain why people are willing to pay from 2X-10X face for rolls to seek out the coins they need. And 10-20X face in clads is a bargain compared to pre 65 rolls. This excludes the tubed/searched rolls of course.
    Of all the coins I've made, only two of the better ones came from mint sets. The 68-D 68FB in my set, and the 95-D 67FB that I sold Tim in the climbing clads set. ALL the other coins that I made came from rolls, including the ones I've sold, traded, and gave away.
  • StoogeStooge Posts: 4,668 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Oh, it must be the point thingy >>

    I agree with Dan60 on this one. I have yet to add my Satin Finish Dimes for 2005 & 2006. These spots are empty and yet its hard for some to believe that I own all 4 (3-MS69FB and 1-MS68FB) and if it was a "point" thingy, I would add them to my set.

    Jon, I know you hate FB's. I hate Mushrooms but my Sister loves them. To each their own. I happen to like both the BS and SF, but their has to be a designated place for both of them to make things right for everyone.

    The only way to level the playing field would be to include both coins in ALL the sets.

    Later, Paul.

    Later, Paul.
  • DIMEMANDIMEMAN Posts: 22,403 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paul & Dan - come on, it is a point thing. That is the reason for all the complaining. The SF coins are easier in high grades!!!! Heck, I don't think I have ever seen a MS 2005 or 2006 coin for sale.

    And Paul, I don't hate FB coins. I just go by eye appeal and won't pay stupid money for the bands. And when the bands cost several thousand more, that IS stupid money to me. Even if I had the money I would buy coins with eye appeal weither it had bands or not. image


  • << <i> Paul & Dan - come on, it is a point thing. That is the reason for all the complaining. The SF coins are easier in high grades!!!! Heck, I don't think I have ever seen a MS 2005 or 2006 coin for sale.

    And Paul, I don't hate FB coins. I just go by eye appeal and won't pay stupid money for the bands. And when the bands cost several thousand more, that IS stupid money to me. Even if I had the money I would buy coins with eye appeal weither it had bands or not.

    Jon >>

    If someone is to use this argument, use the cheapest coin issued for the slot, then why isn’t the same person arguing to use the SMS 1965 – 1967 coins? They are cheaper, easier to find and are MS coins too.

    The argument that coins issued in mint sets prior to 2005 have been used, doesn’t hold water either because prior to 2005 the coins were not struck with specially prepared dies; 2005 and after they were struck with specially prepared dies.

    To me, the whole SF / BS issue isn’t about the cost; it is about the continuity of the set.

  • Dan50Dan50 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭
    Yeah what ^ said. image
  • onlyroosiesonlyroosies Posts: 3,306 ✭✭✭✭
    "Heck, I don't think I have ever seen a MS 2005 or 2006 coin for sale."

    $1000 takes the pair......image

  • Dan50Dan50 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭
    Dont you know those can't be real coins Nick, they didn't come in mint sets. People will tell you quick like, all registry coins come from mint sets, thus all mint set coins should be in the registry.
    $1000 for two coins that have no place to go. image
  • onlyroosiesonlyroosies Posts: 3,306 ✭✭✭✭
    Dan, I'll make you a deal.
    If no one buys the coins from me for at least $1000 and there is still no place for them by
    January 1, 2008 and you have not acquired one by then I'll sell you the 2005-D MS67FB
    for $1, but, You can not resell the coin for 3 years. I held out the P mint because I see
    you already have a 67FB.

    Deal or No Deal?

  • StoogeStooge Posts: 4,668 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Deal or No Deal? >>

    Does this come with a case and a hot babe! image

    Later, Paul.

    Later, Paul.
  • Dan50Dan50 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭
    Deal Nick, I would never sell a coin given to me anyway. And if/when I make another in 66/67/68FB I pass the replaced coin on to someone who needs it. Paul and I have an understanding where we are working certain dates/mints, so we can help each other find what we need.
    After we two get what we need, any duplicates I have will be offered to Tim. But gift coins are always passed forward to someone who needs a boost. I also check to see how many sets and series a person is working. I want to help someone who needs it because of finance, other than the fact they are working so many sets that they are spread thin. image
  • Dan50Dan50 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭
    Business strikes STILL get no respect. image
    I bet you guys thought this thread was dead, being down 6 pages like it was.
  • WaterSportWaterSport Posts: 6,857 ✭✭✭✭✭
    We all know the drill when those 2007 Satins come along...PUT THEM IN THE VARIETIES!!!!!!

    Proud recipient of the coveted PCGS Forum "You Suck" Award Thursday July 19, 2007 11:33 PM and December 30th, 2011 at 8:50 PM.
  • We all still want those 300+/- state quarter classification errors MS vs SF corrected in the data base for 2005. MY WV-P MS68 is a pop 1 coin and the pop report shows some in MS68 and MS69 that are a portion of the classification error. I have a completely document case file on this error to preserve into perpetuity so the error is never forgotten even if it is not fixed. I am not done with this issue, am waiting to visit a set registry awards ceremony so I can speak to the PCGS exectutives personally about it. Must be something we are all missing... should be an easy fix. Regarding the set registry position of business strike verses satin finsih coins it seems to me that if the mint continues this practice of putting out SF mint sets for years to come the SF coins will be a break away registry by themselves. SF state quarters in SF68 or better are common verses the MS state quarters in 68 are rare. I just made SD-P&D, NE-P and NV-D quarters in MS68 for my personal collection and they are very scarce yet fun to find. Collect what you will, just collect what you like... makes it fun. image
  • StoogeStooge Posts: 4,668 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I believe its a "fend for yourself" way of finding certain coins you will need and want. I am currently going through an un-opened box of 2007-D Roosies and they are sweet. Box is dated 1/24/07. With the amt. of Statehood Quarters being made in 68, I'm sure to hit 1 in 8FB. Well at least I would hope so.

    Later, Paul.

    Later, Paul.
  • ellewoodellewood Posts: 1,750
    If I've learned anything from this dated post, it's that these dime and quarter guys are PERSISTENT! image I hope in the end that we all get what we want for these BS and SF coins.

    Not that any of you care, but I just got my 2005 business strikes back from PCGS (67RD). I have all of my 05' & 06' business strikes in my BASIC sets and my 69RD satin finishes in my variety sets. It's the only thing I can figure to do with em'! Been a while since this thread has seen a photo... image

  • StoogeStooge Posts: 4,668 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm very happy for you that you have been able to knock down all 4 of the '05's in Lincoln. I only have a 2005-D 8FB SF because there are only 5 in 9FB. Very difficult to locate. Dan60 has all 4 of the '05/'06 BS Dimes in 7FB, but is missing the SF's. Come to think of it, none of the Dime guys have all 8 top pops for '05/'06, and thats weird.

    Later, Paul.

    P.S. Nice Pix on the Lincolns!

    Later, Paul.
  • Dan50Dan50 Posts: 1,816 ✭✭✭

    << <i>can someone give a summary of this thread? >>

    Under the new mandate to keep your mouth shut, it's dangerous to say.
    But it's a lot like the prison rule you hear about.
    The one that says, "if you drop your soap in the shower, don't bend over to pick it up".
    Well we didn't drop the soap, but it happened anyway.
  • GRANDAMGRANDAM Posts: 8,602 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jeez,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, LET THIS THREAD DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!image

    GrandAm image
    GrandAm :)
  • mas3387mas3387 Posts: 1,491 ✭✭✭
  • garsmithgarsmith Posts: 5,894 ✭✭
  • garsmithgarsmith Posts: 5,894 ✭✭
    900 image
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