Analysis on that 37-card PSA 6 lot that was sold today:
(25) commons - SMR 12. (1) minor - SMR 15. (3) semis - SMR 20. (2) SP - SMR 20. Stars SMR: (2) 30. (1) 40. (1) 50. (1) 60. (1) 75. Note: I'm not sure about the Kaline auto - for a set builder like me, the auto means nothing so I just list its SMR as a straight 6.
If you take the rule of thumb value of 60% SMR for non-commons, that would leave the (25) commons selling for 8.68 each. That's not too bad. A soild auction, in my opinion.
<< <i>Seems incredibly weak since does it not cost 8 dollars a card to grade each one??? >>
Last I checked, the going rate for grading 1950s commons was $7 bulk. In my ROI analysis that I did a while back, I concluded that 1957 PSA 6 would be a break-even endeavor. Besides, it is becoming more obvious that buying graded cards is the way to go, esp with 1960s PSA 7 commons are going for 50% SMR or a little under. Seems like 1950s PSA 6-7 commons are holding their own in this downward market.
no matter what ya always end up getting what ya paid for.....ive yet to PERSONALLY see a 50/50 centered psa 7 common go for under SMR.....especially a tough one.....the commons that are not "hard to come by" and are somewhat OC in 6s and 7s seem to go for under SMR.
tough ones that ive come across include:
frank lary eddie miksis bob buhl ray crone roy mcmillan fred hatfield george zuverink and MANY more.....
After losing many psa 7-8 to vintage?? and paulj?? I finally picked up a few at my price. I am down to 86 cards left and plenty to grade. i am sending in a few on the 12/5 speacial this week Williams, Mays, Mazeroski(sharp),Mantle, Klu, Snider, Richardson, Kubek(sharp),and these two only problem is the backs have slight stains with the Yankees' power being worse. those stains have me scared about the grades they will get.
You would think that dsl would be better than this. One has to read it more than once to figure out that there are only 33 unique cards in this auction even though 92 are included in the lot. Link
Didnt now ole Don Hoak pictured above was such a ladies man......he married a big time 50's star named Jill Corey who I had never heard of before today...
just received back a few 57's on the 12/5. BBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo. They are not what I thought on a few. The evidence of trim was not possible, the card is stained and might have slight paper loss on the back. I scratched the stain and it started to flake the back. Is that Trimming??? Anyways the others are sad also. The Williams was the closest. I was hoping for atleast 3 8's out of that bunch. They just dont pass those out do they. The Carews were very disappointing. SUB #4286621 ZIP 45239 I might sell a few of those 6's to fund my upgrades if anyone needs a few.
Well I hate to sound spiteful ..... but its the only reason i didnt just GIVE away those 57's I advertised and i put them up for auction...those cards are NICE...and they are grading them TOUGH....
they are nice enough to be 8's...and all you get is 6's....thats common NOW....... the devaluation of our collection compared to having cards graded 5 years ago on the old label is VERY EVIDENT...I hope its evident to EVERYONE if you know what i mean
Wow i love this set i am 25 cards away from an 8 plus set and have almost all the tough cards. I am addicted to checking e-bay for my cards i love it!!! I just want to thank you guys for all i have learned by reading these threads and i do have lots of doubles if anyone is looking let me know
Always Buying & Collecting 1957 Topps Baseball 1914 cj,s 1978 bb and any Hof bb
I apologize in advance for a little reverse-spamming.
I've finally got some funds built up in PayPal to continue building this set. I'm at 50% right now so there's still a lot of ordinary commons I need and I want to buy some more.
Here's what I am willing to pay (standard eBay prices, by the way):
Thanks frank i really enjoy this set and am getting real close. I also think these autograph cards should have a premium but i paid less then they normally sell for . What do you think? Jeff
Always Buying & Collecting 1957 Topps Baseball 1914 cj,s 1978 bb and any Hof bb
I broke 2 sets and posted them for sale as singles in my ebay store a few months ago. Recently added another 90 cards mostly exmt or nm. 1957 Topps baseball
I guess they think we will send in our 50's commons anyway regardless of price.....OH WELL.....Until they give a 5 dollar special im going to have to hold off.
I just won a bunch of PSA 6 from one of my very favorite sellers, Alan Munson. I certainly don't mind paying a little more than I normally do because I like buying from him. Alan packages his cards in convenient lots that end up being less hassle and cheaper than buying individuals, like most others do.
Today is my wife's birthday. Didn't get her anything so I bought these cards instead. I did, however, told her to go on a shopping spree somewhere.
picked up a psa 7 max surkont for my set.....i got decent raw one but decided i didnt want to take the risk of it coming back a 5-6. If you can pick up his it...its one of the toughest cards of the set to get....and for SOME REASON people dont really realize this about it. i think its as tough as the mike garcia to find without snow. I picked a psa 7 up for 80 bucks...pretty steep for a 7!!!!!! The day before i lost out on a 6 for 70 bucks i think maybe i got a deal....if you can find this for average 7 money you have hit the jackpot.
I just packed up 120 cards all 57's.... I hope they get some good results. I had roughly 220 that I felt were 7-8 range, but I only sent in half and I made sure I sent a good mix of the group. Any thoughts on how others get large submissions together??? I didnt want to send in all my good cards for fear of a strict grader and I wanted to give him some centering issues and slightly frayed corners to hopefully get a better group of grades. I also didnt want to send in all of my "8's" in fear that I would get all 7's. Am I crazy or is this a common thought???? On a side note I do hope to get 80% 7's and 8's and there are two possible 9's in that bunch also. I plan to send the rest in once I see the results, unless I get totally busted and then I will regroup.. Looking foward to some feed back and hopefully alot of other 57 collectors will get some subs in so we can post and share.
<< <i>I just packed up 120 cards all 57's.... I hope they get some good results. I had roughly 220 that I felt were 7-8 range, but I only sent in half and I made sure I sent a good mix of the group. Any thoughts on how others get large submissions together??? I didnt want to send in all my good cards for fear of a strict grader and I wanted to give him some centering issues and slightly frayed corners to hopefully get a better group of grades. I also didnt want to send in all of my "8's" in fear that I would get all 7's. Am I crazy or is this a common thought???? On a side note I do hope to get 80% 7's and 8's and there are two possible 9's in that bunch also. I plan to send the rest in once I see the results, unless I get totally busted and then I will regroup.. Looking foward to some feed back and hopefully alot of other 57 collectors will get some subs in so we can post and share.
Thanks Dave >>
Dave, based on my 120+ card submission in July, I don't think there is any disadvantage to sending them in as one group. I will be sending in my (131) 1957s later this month and there are about 1/3 7s and 2/3 6s. By sending them together, I am hoping to get more 7s out of the lot. Based on a 1-card sample as part of my free submission earlier this year, I did get a 7 out of a card that was bought and graded raw as Ex/Mt. Just like with my large 1963 submission, the number of 8s I got far outweighed the number of 6s. The same will be true for the 57s - the number of extra 7s (and maybe one 8?) hopefully will outweigh the number of 5s, if any.
Just wanted to let all of you know that I've now begun my VERY slow process in building the '57 set. I'm at 81% for my '72 set and I've got a few lots of '75 minis coming in to get that set rockin' and rollin'. But, I couldn't resist jumping into my favorite set of all time! I've picked up two cards (Wilhelm & Boyer) in PSA 6 and I'm planning on picking up the rest of the set in 6 or higher....eventually. PSA 6s are still good enough and I'm just trying to collect my favorite set of all time. In this case, I'm not in a competition, but definitely doing this as a big fan of the set.
With that being said, does anyone have any lots of '57s in PSA 6 (or affordable 7s) that I can get a little boost from? I know that it's going to take me awhile, but my goal is to get to 20% complete (at least) before the end of this year. So, any help would be appreciated.
Thanks and I look forward to dealing with some of you!
I have the following 57s on my website 2 Yogi Berra SGC 88 Gorgeous! 52 Lee Walls SGC 92 with perfect centering. Could cross to a PSA 9! 71 Murray Dickson SGC 88 76 Roberto Clemente PSA 6 241 Joe Lonnett PSA 5 366 Ken Lehman PSA 6
All are reasonably priced. Feel free to PM me for a discount for a multiple card sale.
View my inventory of PSA Graded Cards at My Ebay Store
I've been monitoring the '57s for the past week or so and it seems like the stars end up at around 75% or so of SMR (with the rare bidding war pushing it higher) and the commons/minor stars around 50-60% of SMR. To those of you long time collectors, does that seem right?
Very good. Thanks for confirming that for me. I did less research than the 100 or so cards that you tracked Bucaneer, so I just wanted to make sure about it.
Anyone have extra 6s or affordable 7s that they've upgraded from?
Feel free to look at my set and make an offer on the 6's. They will be upgraded when money permits. I am in the process of adding pictures to all the cards but as some know it takes some time.
As far as some of my favorites. Take a look at the 327,362,368 all Pirates and three of my best cards. Thought the Mejias was a 9. I had to call psa after my grades popped on that submission to have them look at a few of those cards again. The Mejias came back evid trim at first and so did 3 other 8's and a few 7's.
In the meantime, I picked up half a dozen commons/minor stars in the last day or so at 50% of SMR. So, slowly but surely.
I've now gone from a tie for 73rd overall to a tie for 62nd overall on the '57 Basic Set Registry....still a VERY long way to go, but as long as there is progress!
(25) commons - SMR 12.
(1) minor - SMR 15.
(3) semis - SMR 20.
(2) SP - SMR 20.
Stars SMR:
(2) 30.
(1) 40.
(1) 50.
(1) 60.
(1) 75.
Note: I'm not sure about the Kaline auto - for a set builder like me, the auto means nothing so I just list its SMR as a straight 6.
Total SMR:
Auction price:
If you take the rule of thumb value of 60% SMR for non-commons, that would leave the (25) commons selling for 8.68 each. That's not too bad. A soild auction, in my opinion.
<< <i>Seems incredibly weak since does it not cost 8 dollars a card to grade each one??? >>
Last I checked, the going rate for grading 1950s commons was $7 bulk. In my ROI analysis that I did a while back, I concluded that 1957 PSA 6 would be a break-even endeavor. Besides, it is becoming more obvious that buying graded cards is the way to go, esp with 1960s PSA 7 commons are going for 50% SMR or a little under. Seems like 1950s PSA 6-7 commons are holding their own in this downward market.
tough ones that ive come across include:
frank lary
eddie miksis
bob buhl
ray crone
roy mcmillan
fred hatfield
george zuverink
and MANY more.....
only problem is the backs have slight stains with the Yankees' power being worse.
those stains have me scared about the grades they will get.
1957 Topps 99% 7.40 GPA
Hank Aaron Basic PSA 7-8(75%)
now i get it...kinda tricky/cheap....LOOKS LIKE THEY MADE A KILLING ON IT
The Hoakster
he had ONE HOT DAUGHTER that is for sure...check out her pic!!
Clare Hoak
1957 Topps 99% 7.40 GPA
Hank Aaron Basic PSA 7-8(75%)
they are nice enough to be 8's...and all you get is 6's....thats common NOW....... the devaluation of our collection compared to having cards graded 5 years ago on the old label is VERY EVIDENT...I hope its evident to EVERYONE if you know what i mean
No, grading seems tougher now.These looked like 7's to me before I submitted them:
Always looking for 1957 Topps BB in PSA 9!
Always Buying & Collecting 1957 Topps Baseball 1914 cj,s 1978 bb and any Hof bb
Always Buying & Collecting 1957 Topps Baseball 1914 cj,s 1978 bb and any Hof bb
Turn your PM on.. I might be interested in a few of your doubles. I have a list I can foward through PM or email.
1957 Topps 99% 7.40 GPA
Hank Aaron Basic PSA 7-8(75%)
You think those were sevens in the Baker, Rocchi days?
You think those were sevens in the Baker, Rocchi days?
Yes, The Wight and Surkont would have been PSA 7.
Always looking for 1957 Topps BB in PSA 9!
I've finally got some funds built up in PayPal to continue building this set. I'm at 50% right now so there's still a lot of ordinary commons I need and I want to buy some more.
Here's what I am willing to pay (standard eBay prices, by the way):
PSA 6 commons: $7.50
PSA 7 commons: $12.00
PSA 6 SP commons: $13.00
PM or email me if you have any to sell at these prices.
Always Buying & Collecting 1957 Topps Baseball 1914 cj,s 1978 bb and any Hof bb
Always looking for 1957 Topps BB in PSA 9!
Always Buying & Collecting 1957 Topps Baseball 1914 cj,s 1978 bb and any Hof bb
1957 Topps baseball
I guess 57's took a back seat to the tall boys. I did see that Carol stated it will be soon.
Until then no subs for me.
1957 Topps 99% 7.40 GPA
Hank Aaron Basic PSA 7-8(75%)
<< <i>TTT
I guess 57's took a back seat to the tall boys. I did see that Carol stated it will be soon.
Until then no subs for me. >>
Which is fine because they are still trying wrap up the 60-71 special plus they have all of those 72-92 specials coming in.
Today is my wife's birthday. Didn't get her anything so I bought these cards instead. I did, however, told her to go on a shopping spree somewhere.
57 Auction
Thanks Dave
1957 Topps 99% 7.40 GPA
Hank Aaron Basic PSA 7-8(75%)
<< <i>I just packed up 120 cards all 57's.... I hope they get some good results. I had roughly 220 that I felt were 7-8 range, but I only sent in half and I made sure I sent a good mix of the group. Any thoughts on how others get large submissions together??? I didnt want to send in all my good cards for fear of a strict grader and I wanted to give him some centering issues and slightly frayed corners to hopefully get a better group of grades. I also didnt want to send in all of my "8's" in fear that I would get all 7's. Am I crazy or is this a common thought???? On a side note I do hope to get 80% 7's and 8's and there are two possible 9's in that bunch also. I plan to send the rest in once I see the results, unless I get totally busted and then I will regroup.. Looking foward to some feed back and hopefully alot of other 57 collectors will get some subs in so we can post and share.
Thanks Dave >>
Dave, based on my 120+ card submission in July, I don't think there is any disadvantage to sending them in as one group. I will be sending in my (131) 1957s later this month and there are about 1/3 7s and 2/3 6s. By sending them together, I am hoping to get more 7s out of the lot. Based on a 1-card sample as part of my free submission earlier this year, I did get a 7 out of a card that was bought and graded raw as Ex/Mt. Just like with my large 1963 submission, the number of 8s I got far outweighed the number of 6s. The same will be true for the 57s - the number of extra 7s (and maybe one 8?) hopefully will outweigh the number of 5s, if any.
only thing is 8 not holdered??? 7 trimmed and 1 minium size
I will take the grades
PSA Order Status for Submission # 579569
1 12345211 1957 TOPPS 7 LUIS APARICIO N/A 7
2 12345212 1957 TOPPS 11 GEORGE ZUVERINK N/A 6
3 12345213 1957 TOPPS 14 BOB NIEMAN N/A 7
4 12345214 1957 TOPPS 25 WHITEY FORD N/A 7
5 12345215 1957 TOPPS 27 TED KAZANSKI N/A 8
6 12345216 1957 TOPPS 30 PEE WEE REESE N/A 7
7 12345217 1957 TOPPS 36 BOB GRIM N/A 7
8 12345218 1957 TOPPS 37 FRANK TORRE N/A 7
9 12345219 1957 TOPPS 40 EARLY WYNN N/A 7
10 12345220 1957 TOPPS 45 CARL FURILLO N/A 7
11 12345221 1957 TOPPS 46 BOB MILLER N/A 7
12 12345222 1957 TOPPS 50 HERB SCORE N/A 7
13 12345223 1957 TOPPS 56 DAVE SISLER N/A 8
14 12345224 1957 TOPPS 57 JIM LEMON N/A 8
15 12345225 1957 TOPPS 71 MURRY DICKSON N/A 7
16 12345226 1957 TOPPS 74 VITO VALENTINETTI N/A 8
17 12345227 1957 TOPPS 96 HANK AGUIRRE N/A 7
18 12345228 1957 TOPPS 98 AL DARK N/A 6
19 12345229 1957 TOPPS 104 HANK FOILES N/A 7
20 12345230 1957 TOPPS 106 RAY MOORE N/A 7
21 12345231 1957 TOPPS 114 BRAVES TEAM N/A 6
22 12345232 1957 TOPPS 116 MIKE FORNIELES N/A 7
23 12345233 1957 TOPPS 126 BOB WIESLER N/A 6
24 12345234 1957 TOPPS 147 AL WALKER N/A 6
25 12345235 1957 TOPPS 154 RED SCHOENDIENST N/A 6
26 12345236 1957 TOPPS 161 PIRATES TEAM N/A 7
27 12345237 1957 TOPPS 163 SAMMY WHITE N/A 7
28 12345238 1957 TOPPS 168 FRANK LARY N/A 7
29 12345239 1957 TOPPS 172 GENE WOODLING N/A 7
30 12345240 1957 TOPPS 173 ROGER CRAIG N/A 8
31 12345241 1957 TOPPS 175 DON LARSEN N/A 6
32 12345242 1957 TOPPS 179 ERNIE ORAVETZ N/A 8
33 12345243 1957 TOPPS 192 JERRY COLEMAN N/A 7
34 12345244 1957 TOPPS 193 DEL RICE N/A 8
35 12345245 1957 TOPPS 203 HOYT WILHELM N/A 6
36 12345246 1957 TOPPS 204 A'S TEAM N/A 4
37 12345247 1957 TOPPS 206 WILLARD SCHMIDT N/A 8
38 12345248 1957 TOPPS 221 DIXIE HOWELL N/A 7
39 12345249 1957 TOPPS 229 GEORGE SUSCE N/A 7
40 12345250 1957 TOPPS 232 WHITEY LOCKMAN N/A Not Holdered, Evidence of Trimming
41 12345251 1957 TOPPS 235 TOM POHOLSKY N/A 6
42 12345252 1957 TOPPS 271 DANNY O'CONNELL N/A 7
43 12345253 1957 TOPPS 272 BOBBY SHANTZ N/A 7
44 12345254 1957 TOPPS 275 INDIANS TEAM N/A 7
45 12345255 1957 TOPPS 288 TED LEPCIO N/A 7
46 12345256 1957 TOPPS 290 ANDY CAREY N/A 8
47 12345257 1957 TOPPS 300 MIKE GARCIA N/A 7
48 12345258 1957 TOPPS 318 MICKEY McDERMOTT N/A 6
49 12345259 1957 TOPPS 295 JOE COLLINS N/A 7
50 12345260 1957 TOPPS 319 GINO CIMOLI N/A 6
51 12345261 1957 TOPPS 323 WES WESTRUM N/A 7
52 12345262 1957 TOPPS 324 DODGERS TEAM N/A 7
53 12345263 1957 TOPPS 326 PEDRO RAMOS N/A 7
54 12345264 1957 TOPPS 329 WHITE SOX TEAM N/A 5
55 12345265 1957 TOPPS 332 BOB BOWMAN N/A 7
56 12345266 1957 TOPPS 333 ERNIE JOHNSON N/A 7
57 12345267 1957 TOPPS 336 HAYWOOD SULLIVAN N/A 7
58 12345268 1957 TOPPS 343 TAYLOR PHILLIPS N/A 7
59 12345269 1957 TOPPS 345 PAUL SMITH N/A 8
60 12345270 1957 TOPPS 355 FRANK MALZONE N/A 6
61 12345271 1957 TOPPS 357 EARL TORGESON N/A 8
62 12345272 1957 TOPPS 360 JOHNNY GROTH N/A Not Holdered, Evidence of Trimming
63 12345273 1957 TOPPS 361 CURT BARCLAY N/A Not Holdered, Evidence of Trimming
64 12345274 1957 TOPPS 363 EDDIE KASKO N/A 7
65 12345275 1957 TOPPS 368 BOB PURKEY N/A 8
66 12345276 1957 TOPPS 381 DEAN STONE N/A 9
67 12345277 1957 TOPPS 382 JIM BRIDEWESER N/A 8
68 12345278 1957 TOPPS 402 JIM PISONI N/A 5
69 12345279 1957 TOPPS 403 DICK HYDE N/A 6
70 12345280 1957 TOPPS 405 DUKE MAAS N/A Not Holdered, Evidence of Trimming
71 12345281 1957 TOPPS 17 BILLY GARDNER N/A 7
72 12345282 1957 TOPPS 18 DON DRYSDALE N/A 6
73 12345283 1957 TOPPS 26 BOB BOYD N/A 8
74 12345284 1957 TOPPS 38 NELLIE FOX N/A 7
75 12345285 1957 TOPPS 41 HAL SMITH N/A 5
76 12345286 1957 TOPPS 42 DEE FONDY N/A 6
77 12345287 1957 TOPPS 43 CONNIE JOHNSON N/A 8
78 12345288 1957 TOPPS 44 JOE DeMAESTRI N/A 6
79 12345289 1957 TOPPS 51 CLINT COURTNEY N/A 7
80 12345290 1957 TOPPS 58 RUBEN GOMEZ N/A 8
81 12345291 1957 TOPPS 62 BILLY MARTIN N/A 6
82 12345292 1957 TOPPS 79 LINDY McDANIEL N/A 8
83 12345293 1957 TOPPS 80 GIL HODGES N/A 7
84 12345294 1957 TOPPS 83 LOU SKIZAS N/A 8
85 12345295 1957 TOPPS 89 ROY SIEVERS N/A 7
86 12345296 1957 TOPPS 90 WARREN SPAHN N/A 7
87 12345297 1957 TOPPS 91 MACK BURK N/A 8
88 12345298 1957 TOPPS 113 WILMER MIZELL N/A 8
89 12345299 1957 TOPPS 115 JIM GILLIAM N/A 7
90 12345300 1957 TOPPS 135 BILL SKOWRON N/A 6
91 12345301 1957 TOPPS 137 BOB RUSH N/A 8
92 12345302 1957 TOPPS 143 ANDY PAFKO N/A Not Holdered, Evidence of Trimming
93 12345303 1957 TOPPS 145 AL SMITH N/A 8
94 12345304 1957 TOPPS 148 DON MUELLER N/A Not Holdered, Did not meet Minimum Size Requirements
95 12345305 1957 TOPPS 150 BOB FRIEND N/A 8
96 12345306 1957 TOPPS 152 JACK HARSHMAN N/A 8
97 12345307 1957 TOPPS 214 PHILLIES TEAM N/A 7
98 12345308 1957 TOPPS 215 ENOS SLAUGHTER N/A 7
99 12345309 1957 TOPPS 220 JACKIE JENSEN N/A 8
100 12345310 1957 TOPPS 230 GEORGE KELL N/A 7
101 12345311 1957 TOPPS 254 RON NEGRAY N/A 8
102 12345312 1957 TOPPS 257 WALT DROPO N/A 8
103 12345313 1957 TOPPS 265 HARVEY HADDIX N/A 7
104 12345314 1957 TOPPS 267 DANNY KRAVITZ N/A 8
105 12345315 1957 TOPPS 270 SENATORS TEAM N/A 7
106 12345316 1957 TOPPS 277 JOHNNY PODRES N/A 6
107 12345317 1957 TOPPS 279 BOB THURMAN N/A 7
108 12345318 1957 TOPPS 282 JACK DITTMER N/A 7
109 12345319 1957 TOPPS 283 WES COVINGTON N/A 8
110 12345320 1957 TOPPS 289 JIM BOLGER N/A 8
111 12345321 1957 TOPPS 317 GIANTS TEAM N/A 7
112 12345322 1957 TOPPS 327 JIM PENDLETON N/A 8
113 12345323 1957 TOPPS 334 JERRY SCHOONMAKER N/A 7
114 12345324 1957 TOPPS 347 HAL NARAGON N/A 7
115 12345325 1957 TOPPS 352 ELLIS KINDER N/A 7
116 12345326 1957 TOPPS 362 ROMAN MEJIAS N/A Not Holdered, Evidence of Trimming
117 12345327 1957 TOPPS 366 KEN LEHMAN N/A Not Holdered, Evidence of Trimming
118 12345328 1957 TOPPS 369 MILT GRAFF N/A 7
119 12345329 1957 TOPPS 385 ART HOUTTEMAN N/A 7
120 12345330 1957 TOPPS 406 BOB HALE N/A 6
Date Received: 09/09/2005
Date of Grades Posted: 09/15/2005
Date Shipped: No Date Specified
1957 Topps 99% 7.40 GPA
Hank Aaron Basic PSA 7-8(75%)
Always Buying & Collecting 1957 Topps Baseball 1914 cj,s 1978 bb and any Hof bb
or keep it
Just wanted to let all of you know that I've now begun my VERY slow process in building the '57 set. I'm at 81% for my '72 set and I've got a few lots of '75 minis coming in to get that set rockin' and rollin'. But, I couldn't resist jumping into my favorite set of all time! I've picked up two cards (Wilhelm & Boyer) in PSA 6 and I'm planning on picking up the rest of the set in 6 or higher....eventually. PSA 6s are still good enough and I'm just trying to collect my favorite set of all time. In this case, I'm not in a competition, but definitely doing this as a big fan of the set.
With that being said, does anyone have any lots of '57s in PSA 6 (or affordable 7s) that I can get a little boost from? I know that it's going to take me awhile, but my goal is to get to 20% complete (at least) before the end of this year. So, any help would be appreciated.
Thanks and I look forward to dealing with some of you!
* T. PEREZ BASIC #4 100%
2 Yogi Berra SGC 88 Gorgeous!
52 Lee Walls SGC 92 with perfect centering. Could cross to a PSA 9!
71 Murray Dickson SGC 88
76 Roberto Clemente PSA 6
241 Joe Lonnett PSA 5
366 Ken Lehman PSA 6
All are reasonably priced. Feel free to PM me for a discount for a multiple card sale.
* T. PEREZ BASIC #4 100%
Stars: 73.1% SMR
SP commons/minors: 65.2%
Minor stars: 58.5%
Commons: 56.6%
This is based on a small sample (107 cards in PSA 6 and 7) bought on eBay and private sales in the past 12 months.
Anyone have extra 6s or affordable 7s that they've upgraded from?
* T. PEREZ BASIC #4 100%
As far as some of my favorites. Take a look at the 327,362,368 all Pirates and three of my best cards. Thought the Mejias was a 9. I had to call psa after my grades popped on that submission to have them look at a few of those cards again. The Mejias came back evid trim at first and so did 3 other 8's and a few 7's.
1957 Topps 99% 7.40 GPA
Hank Aaron Basic PSA 7-8(75%)
In the meantime, I picked up half a dozen commons/minor stars in the last day or so at 50% of SMR. So, slowly but surely.
I've now gone from a tie for 73rd overall to a tie for 62nd overall on the '57 Basic Set Registry....still a VERY long way to go, but as long as there is progress!
* T. PEREZ BASIC #4 100%