since group subs arent counted for the ctd, here are some very telling numbers from the largest group subber. all 3 are pretty shocking in their own right, but the fact that we are already 7 months & a week in to 2021 and they have barely cracked 4000 cards back is frightening & concerning. the number of cards still waiting after looking at the impressive total figure from 2020 is also staggering.
@blurryface said:
since group subs arent counted for the ctd, here are some very telling numbers from the largest group subber. all 3 are pretty shocking in their own right, but the fact that we are already 7 months & a week in to 2021 and they have barely cracked 4000 cards back is frightening & concerning. the number of cards still waiting after looking at the impressive total figure from 2020 is also staggering.
Wow, so like four times as many cards as graded last year awaiting grading, and it's barely halfway through the year. No wonder there is such a backup!
@blurryface said:
since group subs arent counted for the ctd, here are some very telling numbers from the largest group subber. all 3 are pretty shocking in their own right, but the fact that we are already 7 months & a week in to 2021 and they have barely cracked 4000 cards back is frightening & concerning. the number of cards still waiting after looking at the impressive total figure from 2020 is also staggering.
Wow, so like four times as many cards as graded last year awaiting grading, and it's barely halfway through the year. No wonder there is such a backup!
exactly. dont know if this is injury to insult but look at the total difference from the total “graded in 21” to “graded in 20” figure keeping in mind that psa only has 5.3 months to make up the difference of about 94k cards just to break even with all of last year. my jaw just hit the ground. maybe this is why none of the group subber totals were calculated in the ctd? this would paint a much, much worse scenario if included, i think. i still have an economy in with them that arrived on 12/27/20 that still isnt even logged.
@sayheywyo said:
Tron said:
Another week goes by with absolute crickets which is almost mathematically impossible when you have about 10 reg orders and 200+ bulk orders having been there all year
I can't even imagine that many cards/orders being out there let alone the credit card charges that are forthcoming. Just wow!! Hopefully not a lot of the hot then & not now stuff.
Yeah, it's not exactly gonna be a phone bill but more like 6 of them...three times a day...every day for about 3 months straight. That's definitely not how I drew it up as I was hoping and assuming (never assume) that they would likely be sprinkled in a few here and a couple over there. Silly me. Of course it's not gonna go as it always has for the last decade. The influx of graded cards will be here starting in about 2 months because I'll be swimming in them. The bright side of things is that it's primarily stuff of Griffey, Bo Jackson, Jeter, Montana, Barry Sanders, Emmitt, probably a thousand Jordan's, lots of Shaq, Gretzky, Favre, Payton, Brady, Beam Teams, Archives Gold (I think I've got something like 13 shaq's still sitting 8 mos later so that hurts, can't kid ya) 1985-87 Topps wrestling, 70's o-pee-chee baseball, Fleer pro-visions for days, 1989-1990-1991 Score bb fb (I think I cracked around 7-8 set cases so you can only imagine, 1987 Fleer basketball...stuff that won't get killed too bad That mortgage can wait and who needs electricity anyway
...and to touch on those figures above, that coincides w what they've been indirectly telling us for some time and even moreso of late and that is they were far more buried than they cared to let on. For me just the fact that regular orders are running at a solid 4-5 months when there's plenty of incentive for them to knock those orders out w how much it is per card, add to that they have entered, at best, 10% of my bulk subs into grading leaving the remaining 175-190 in the dreaded R&I. Then you consider the math of say 200k graded /weekly puts your output at a million if firing on all cylinders per month. Considering they won't even give us a hint of how backed up that they still are and couldn't comfortably say anything about what we should expect in months ahead tells me that the deficit is obviously still well over 10 million because if it was under 5 you better believe that we would know it because it would be plastered all over the site but at this point they're easily five months away from even being able to think about what to do next. They're not even taking submissions at the national but for on the spot grading...that's gotta be a hard pill to swallow frankly
That mortgage can wait and who needs electricity anyway
IMO this is the most under-discussed piece of the puzzle and it should be a concern for anyone who is hanging on to the hope that prices are due for a healthy rebound. I know more than one dudebro flipper who went way into credit debt to fund their buying spree, went into deeper debt to fund their $100+ per card subs, and then assumed they'd cash out into generational wealth later (which would also pay for their economy subs). Depending on their entry point into the market, maybe they don't get too hurt overall. But there are a lot of guys who were moderately ahead on paper, have little to no available cash now, and whose shiny stack of investment slabs has increasing supply and fewer buyers by the hour. I'm telling you that these PSA subs are going to DRAIN cash from the spendiest segment of this market. And all we'll have to show for it is a mountain of depreciating PSA 9 Lukas and Shaqs.
That mortgage can wait and who needs electricity anyway
IMO this is the most under-discussed piece of the puzzle and it should be a concern for anyone who is hanging on to the hope that prices are due for a healthy rebound. I know more than one dudebro flipper who went way into credit debt to fund their buying spree, went into deeper debt to fund their $100+ per card subs, and then assumed they'd cash out into generational wealth later (which would also pay for their economy subs). Depending on their entry point into the market, maybe they don't get too hurt overall. But there are a lot of guys who were moderately ahead on paper, have little to no available cash now, and whose shiny stack of investment slabs has increasing supply and fewer buyers by the hour. I'm telling you that these PSA subs are going to DRAIN cash from the spendiest segment of this market. And all we'll have to show for it is a mountain of depreciating PSA 9 Lukas and Shaqs.
I agree and disagree. PSA cards are selling at an all time high in value and in numbers. PSA 8s , 9s and 10s . I've been a customer since PSA opened the doors in 91, and can tell you right now.... I've never seen this before in the card world. Prices and mass selling! I'd like to think Prices will cool off soon, but I seriously don't see it. Right now, anything in a PSA holder is gold compared to other companies. That says a heck of a lot in terms of demand. I don't see in the future a slow down at all! If anything, I see MORE demand of a card in a PSA holder. This will drive grading Prices above the norm. The only way grading service will be anything near what it was, is at least 2 more facilities in North America. If Psa finds out how to conduct a faster, more effective way of grading cards like they've said, or will do.... people will still pay the premium Prices for service. Right now, PSA 9s and under are selling like 10s. That's not coming down. Once people start buying up a card in lower grades for huge Prices....that makes the card more valuable! Nobody is going to take a loss when psa is basically not open and value rises. It's not coming down. Make no mistake... PSA is the Ps5..... Everything else is an old Sega Genesis lol. Luka and Shaq aren't going to be worthless in 9s lol. People are actually buying more now than before the close. Prices are going to continue to rise...... For a long time. Even boxes of different sports are getting gone first day out in stores. Can barely find them. We're in a ride.... Take advantage of it for profits. Because it ain't coming down at all.
there is no perfect umbrella that covers the market in full with regards to crashing or exploding. a lot is down. a solid bit is up. but even the stuff that is down is still up from pre-covid.
psa closing certainly didnt help the flipperbois cash flow. on top of the country opening back up, govt checks halting, summer time and so forth it was more than clear & inevitable that things were gonna fall off. but the stuff will rise again. seen it happen way too many times. circumstances are always different, end results and rollercoaster effects are the same.
@blurryface said:
there is no perfect umbrella that covers the market in full with regards to crashing or exploding. a lot is down. a solid bit is up. but even the stuff that is down is still up from pre-covid.
psa closing certainly didnt help the flipperbois cash flow. on top of the country opening back up, govt checks halting, summer time and so forth it was more than clear & inevitable that things were gonna fall off. but the stuff will rise again. seen it happen way too many times. circumstances are always different, end results and rollercoaster effects are the same.
What he said ^
and also what Warren Buffet says apply to cards: Buy blue chips, avoid market hype
That mortgage can wait and who needs electricity anyway
IMO this is the most under-discussed piece of the puzzle and it should be a concern for anyone who is hanging on to the hope that prices are due for a healthy rebound. I know more than one dudebro flipper who went way into credit debt to fund their buying spree, went into deeper debt to fund their $100+ per card subs, and then assumed they'd cash out into generational wealth later (which would also pay for their economy subs). Depending on their entry point into the market, maybe they don't get too hurt overall. But there are a lot of guys who were moderately ahead on paper, have little to no available cash now, and whose shiny stack of investment slabs has increasing supply and fewer buyers by the hour. I'm telling you that these PSA subs are going to DRAIN cash from the spendiest segment of this market. And all we'll have to show for it is a mountain of depreciating PSA 9 Lukas and Shaqs.
another thing to consider is the low margin returns. The prices some of these guys paid for their raw cards will eat them alive (depending on when they bought), unless they hit a 10. Everything I collect is very stable at the moment. I do not chase the ultra modern, and all my subs are paid for before I get them in my hand. There are so many of these flipper guys that became "experts" over night. They had no clue what they were doing. Anyone dumb enough to go into credit card debt of the caprices of grading is getting what they deserve. Watched Rounders a few nights ago with my son. I keep picturing Ed Norton's character in my head when someone mentions the flipper boys.
I'm with Tron and Rexvos...98% of the stacks of cards I have at PSA currently are of the all-timers...Jordan, Magic, Lebron, Bird, Kobe, Shaq, Brady, Sanders, Crosby, Ovechkin, Hamm, Hawk, Hulk Hogan, etc -- I'm not overly concerned with the prices of the shiny Ja and Zion rookies dropping -- the "investors" drove those prices way too high, way too was inevitable they would come back to earth....also not hearing too much about TopShot these days...just stay the course and don't get caught up in the "questionable" frenzies..
@Kepper19 said:
I'm with Tron and Rexvos...98% of the stacks of cards I have at PSA currently are of the all-timers...Jordan, Magic, Lebron, Bird, Kobe, Shaq, Brady, Sanders, Crosby, Ovechkin, Hamm, Hawk, Hulk Hogan, etc -- I'm not overly concerned with the prices of the shiny Ja and Zion rookies dropping -- the "investors" drove those prices way too high, way too was inevitable they would come back to earth....also not hearing too much about TopShot these days...just stay the course and don't get caught up in the "questionable" frenzies..
i find this extremely funny. lebron, shaq, jordans, kobe have fallen much faster & further than zion & ja. and those two are actually starting to rebound.
@Kepper19 said:
I'm with Tron and Rexvos...98% of the stacks of cards I have at PSA currently are of the all-timers...Jordan, Magic, Lebron, Bird, Kobe, Shaq, Brady, Sanders, Crosby, Ovechkin, Hamm, Hawk, Hulk Hogan, etc -- I'm not overly concerned with the prices of the shiny Ja and Zion rookies dropping -- the "investors" drove those prices way too high, way too was inevitable they would come back to earth....also not hearing too much about TopShot these days...just stay the course and don't get caught up in the "questionable" frenzies..
i find this extremely funny. lebron, shaq, jordans, kobe have fallen much faster & further than zion & ja. and those two are actually starting to rebound.
talk to me in a few years...I'm not talking about today...I know you are always right tho..
@Kepper19 said:
I'm with Tron and Rexvos...98% of the stacks of cards I have at PSA currently are of the all-timers...Jordan, Magic, Lebron, Bird, Kobe, Shaq, Brady, Sanders, Crosby, Ovechkin, Hamm, Hawk, Hulk Hogan, etc -- I'm not overly concerned with the prices of the shiny Ja and Zion rookies dropping -- the "investors" drove those prices way too high, way too was inevitable they would come back to earth....also not hearing too much about TopShot these days...just stay the course and don't get caught up in the "questionable" frenzies..
i find this extremely funny. lebron, shaq, jordans, kobe have fallen much faster & further than zion & ja. and those two are actually starting to rebound.
talk to me in a few years...I'm not talking about today...I know you are always right tho..
well a few years absolutely changes things, no doubt. wont speculate there. obviously player performance will have a ton to do with it.
@Kepper19 said:
I'm with Tron and Rexvos...98% of the stacks of cards I have at PSA currently are of the all-timers...Jordan, Magic, Lebron, Bird, Kobe, Shaq, Brady, Sanders, Crosby, Ovechkin, Hamm, Hawk, Hulk Hogan, etc -- I'm not overly concerned with the prices of the shiny Ja and Zion rookies dropping -- the "investors" drove those prices way too high, way too was inevitable they would come back to earth....also not hearing too much about TopShot these days...just stay the course and don't get caught up in the "questionable" frenzies..
i find this extremely funny. lebron, shaq, jordans, kobe have fallen much faster & further than zion & ja. and those two are actually starting to rebound.
talk to me in a few years...I'm not talking about today...I know you are always right tho..
heres some info for you btw. which is why i found your original comment funny. not as funny as the latter part of your post. but almost.
keep in mind most of those guys on your list were straight outta the junk wax era with everybody and their brother having licenses back then. ‘89 upper deck is still probably being printed. bottom line is GOAT status doesnt equate to valuable. overall quality & rarity with a healthy dose of hype & goatness does. and now that i think about it, ill be glad to talk to you in a few years…there are way more 89/90 fleer & hoops jordans out there vs ‘19 prizm zions/jas. plus they have the distinction of being rookie cards vs 4th & 5th year base. heck, you could pull 3 or 4 jordans base cards outta the same box. the same can not be said for ja or zion. in fact its more like 1 outta every 3 or 4 boxes.
for some reason i see the goal post being moved to you saying youre now sitting on stacks of ‘86-88 jordans now? in which case, lets see them. but hey, maybe im wrong.
long story short, the real winner whether talking today or years from now will always be true high grade vintage and unopened. ill take that over mass produced jordans or zions.
Great data blurry. 50K Jordans in June: Who knows how many more just sitting?? Talk about a small margin of return (more than likely negative) if a flipper bro was buying '90 fleer basketball at the peak to get 4 jordans and 2 Allstar cards per box..... not to mention a lot were off center and getting 10's under 8% gem rate. Also, pretty much confirms the tightening of 10's being awarded to the most submitted cards. Just my interpretation.............
@sayheywyo said:
Great data blurry. 50K Jordans in June: Who knows how many more just sitting?? Talk about a small margin of return (more than likely negative) if a flipper bro was buying '90 fleer basketball at the peak to get 4 jordans and 2 Allstar cards per box..... not to mention a lot were off center and getting 10's under 8% gem rate. Also, pretty much confirms the tightening of 10's being awarded to the most submitted cards. Just my interpretation.............
It's not a tightening of 10's, it's the fact your new "flipper bros" are throwing everything at the wall and hoping it sticks.
@sayheywyo said:
Great data blurry. 50K Jordans in June: Who knows how many more just sitting?? Talk about a small margin of return (more than likely negative) if a flipper bro was buying '90 fleer basketball at the peak to get 4 jordans and 2 Allstar cards per box..... not to mention a lot were off center and getting 10's under 8% gem rate. Also, pretty much confirms the tightening of 10's being awarded to the most submitted cards. Just my interpretation.............
It's not a tightening of 10's, it's the fact your new "flipper bros" are throwing everything at the wall and hoping it sticks.
I agree 100% and then some,
1) I think what you said is a big part of it
2.) a lot of inexperience people jumping into the mix sending in what they hear is hot with no idea how to grade
3) newer graders who are not as consistent and are told to use extreme caution in giving out high grades
To get it back to the date topic, I sent in an Express order that was received yesterday, logged today, and is in Research & ID now. One day for loggage ain't bad!
Interesting points by all of you and I respect your knowledge of different segments of the card market. Most of you know my primary focus is 70's and 80's. To be honest it could probably be narrowed down even further to 75-86 baseball and football.
From my perspective I have not seen much of a change in the Pop report regarding the mid to late 70's baseball that I sub. Just the normal uptick. 78's seem to have had the most 9's and 10's pop recently but that is just my gut feeling. Not a ton of data to prove it. I have sold off some of the cards that came back from my subs and demand has been just as strong as ever IMO, and prices very good as well. The only caveat to that is when you miss and get something graded a 6 or a 7, there seems to be very little interest in those cards even if they look substantially better than the "holder" indicates. PSA says its a 7, it's a 7... seems to be what today's collectors think. I'm not saying it's right or wrong (I buy the card not the holder) I'm just saying what I seem to be seeing with the sales of the cards I made to recoup grading cost.
Anyway, I know there will be some big changes over the next few years, but I for one, feel pretty safe holding on to my 9's and 10's of 70's baseball and early 80's football.
I cannot hit curveball. Straightball I hit it very much. Curveball, bats are afraid. Collecting: post world war II HOF rookie 76 topps gem mint 10 commons 9 stars Arenado purple refractors(Rockies) Red (Cardinals) successful deals with Keevan, Grote15, 1954, mbogoman
@sayheywyo said:
Great data blurry. 50K Jordans in June: Who knows how many more just sitting?? Talk about a small margin of return (more than likely negative) if a flipper bro was buying '90 fleer basketball at the peak to get 4 jordans and 2 Allstar cards per box..... not to mention a lot were off center and getting 10's under 8% gem rate. Also, pretty much confirms the tightening of 10's being awarded to the most submitted cards. Just my interpretation.............
It's not a tightening of 10's, it's the fact your new "flipper bros" are throwing everything at the wall and hoping it sticks.
I agree 100% and then some,
1) I think what you said is a big part of it
2.) a lot of inexperience people jumping into the mix sending in what they hear is hot with no idea how to grade
3) newer graders who are not as consistent and are told to use extreme caution in giving out high grades
we cant just hold the flipperbois accountable though. ive watched countless “psa reveals” where nonflippers/newbs to the grading scene have just sent in absolute junk thinking it was gold. the funniest was a guy doing a massive Pokémon reveal where his buddy asked him to send in his griffey collection. this was at the $300 level. the Pokémon guy knew nothing about baseball cards but was obliged to help him. well needless to say this dude coughed up $300 for an ‘89d griffey 6. forget how many there were but it was quite eye opening as to how many people had absolutely zero clue as to what they were doing mixed with a healthy dose of unrealistic expectations as to the condition of their childhood cards.
^ “pokemon” spelling was automatically corrected with the proper capitalization & pronunciation phonetic symbol above. thats pretty telling.
@sayheywyo said:
Great data blurry. 50K Jordans in June: Who knows how many more just sitting?? Talk about a small margin of return (more than likely negative) if a flipper bro was buying '90 fleer basketball at the peak to get 4 jordans and 2 Allstar cards per box..... not to mention a lot were off center and getting 10's under 8% gem rate. Also, pretty much confirms the tightening of 10's being awarded to the most submitted cards. Just my interpretation.............
It's not a tightening of 10's, it's the fact your new "flipper bros" are throwing everything at the wall and hoping it sticks.
I agree 100% and then some,
1) I think what you said is a big part of it
2.) a lot of inexperience people jumping into the mix sending in what they hear is hot with no idea how to grade
3) newer graders who are not as consistent and are told to use extreme caution in giving out high grades
we cant just hold the flipperbois accountable though. ive watched countless “psa reveals” where nonflippers/newbs to the grading scene have just sent in absolute junk thinking it was gold. the funniest was a guy doing a massive Pokémon reveal where his buddy asked him to send in his griffey collection. this was at the $300 level. the Pokémon guy knew nothing about baseball cards but was obliged to help him. well needless to say this dude coughed up $300 for an ‘89d griffey 6. forget how many there were but it was quite eye opening as to how many people had absolutely zero clue as to what they were doing mixed with a healthy dose of unrealistic expectations as to the condition of their childhood cards.
^ “pokemon” spelling was automatically corrected with the proper capitalization & pronunciation phonetic symbol above. thats pretty telling.
I actually don't know what a flipperboi is haha, I was using it as a blanket term for anyone joining the hobby in 2020 with the hopes of cashing in...
@sayheywyo said:
Great data blurry. 50K Jordans in June: Who knows how many more just sitting?? Talk about a small margin of return (more than likely negative) if a flipper bro was buying '90 fleer basketball at the peak to get 4 jordans and 2 Allstar cards per box..... not to mention a lot were off center and getting 10's under 8% gem rate. Also, pretty much confirms the tightening of 10's being awarded to the most submitted cards. Just my interpretation.............
It's not a tightening of 10's, it's the fact your new "flipper bros" are throwing everything at the wall and hoping it sticks.
I agree 100% and then some,
1) I think what you said is a big part of it
2.) a lot of inexperience people jumping into the mix sending in what they hear is hot with no idea how to grade
3) newer graders who are not as consistent and are told to use extreme caution in giving out high grades
we cant just hold the flipperbois accountable though. ive watched countless “psa reveals” where nonflippers/newbs to the grading scene have just sent in absolute junk thinking it was gold. the funniest was a guy doing a massive Pokémon reveal where his buddy asked him to send in his griffey collection. this was at the $300 level. the Pokémon guy knew nothing about baseball cards but was obliged to help him. well needless to say this dude coughed up $300 for an ‘89d griffey 6. forget how many there were but it was quite eye opening as to how many people had absolutely zero clue as to what they were doing mixed with a healthy dose of unrealistic expectations as to the condition of their childhood cards.
^ “pokemon” spelling was automatically corrected with the proper capitalization & pronunciation phonetic symbol above. thats pretty telling.
that is lined up with my line 2) . The pokemon one was painful and it's not just the griffey's. how many vg hendersons or ripkens were sent expecting 10's I would wager a lot and it is probably even worse. like all the stats on jordan that you posted . I bet there are ton's of the worthless cards to start. people here jordan and say it must be valuable because they saw his rookie sell for 500K on the morning news or in their facebook feed.
and the pokemon guy would be like wow ,these old baseball cards are tough. or something like that. that will be a teaching video one day if there is a school on grading collectibles, kind of like the 70's era recorded video's they would show in driving school
@sayheywyo said:
Great data blurry. 50K Jordans in June: Who knows how many more just sitting?? Talk about a small margin of return (more than likely negative) if a flipper bro was buying '90 fleer basketball at the peak to get 4 jordans and 2 Allstar cards per box..... not to mention a lot were off center and getting 10's under 8% gem rate. Also, pretty much confirms the tightening of 10's being awarded to the most submitted cards. Just my interpretation.............
It's not a tightening of 10's, it's the fact your new "flipper bros" are throwing everything at the wall and hoping it sticks.
I agree 100% and then some,
1) I think what you said is a big part of it
2.) a lot of inexperience people jumping into the mix sending in what they hear is hot with no idea how to grade
3) newer graders who are not as consistent and are told to use extreme caution in giving out high grades
we cant just hold the flipperbois accountable though. ive watched countless “psa reveals” where nonflippers/newbs to the grading scene have just sent in absolute junk thinking it was gold. the funniest was a guy doing a massive Pokémon reveal where his buddy asked him to send in his griffey collection. this was at the $300 level. the Pokémon guy knew nothing about baseball cards but was obliged to help him. well needless to say this dude coughed up $300 for an ‘89d griffey 6. forget how many there were but it was quite eye opening as to how many people had absolutely zero clue as to what they were doing mixed with a healthy dose of unrealistic expectations as to the condition of their childhood cards.
^ “pokemon” spelling was automatically corrected with the proper capitalization & pronunciation phonetic symbol above. thats pretty telling.
I actually don't know what a flipperboi is haha, I was using it as a blanket term for anyone joining the hobby in 2020 with the hopes of cashing in...
i believe you are using it correctly and while not in websters (yet), it probably is on urban dictionary. it is definitely a widely used hobby term these days & the younger crowd lovingly embraces the term.
111 card value modern
arrived - 10/7/2020
recieved - 11/7/2020
assembly - 7/2/2021
QA1 and QA2 - 7/7/2021
hoping for grades to pop tomorrow
I cannot hit curveball. Straightball I hit it very much. Curveball, bats are afraid. Collecting: post world war II HOF rookie 76 topps gem mint 10 commons 9 stars Arenado purple refractors(Rockies) Red (Cardinals) successful deals with Keevan, Grote15, 1954, mbogoman
@76collector said:
111 card value modern
arrived - 10/7/2020
recieved - 11/7/2020
assembly - 7/2/2021
QA1 and QA2 - 7/7/2021
hoping for grades to pop tomorrow
Do you remember what date you hit "Grading" before Assembly? My value modern hit Grading on 6/30 so now I'm getting (more) anxious.
My value modern logged Nov 2 went grading May 28, Assembly July 1, QA2 July 7 and now the list has disappeared this morning.
Based off this and his I would guess you are a month away from popping.
I'd more or less ignore it as best as you can. Maybe check once a week until it hits assembly. Once it hits assembly typically (from my experience) it moves pretty quickly. R&ID and Grading on the other hand ? Mine have often sat in those two stages for months and months.
I cannot hit curveball. Straightball I hit it very much. Curveball, bats are afraid. Collecting: post world war II HOF rookie 76 topps gem mint 10 commons 9 stars Arenado purple refractors(Rockies) Red (Cardinals) successful deals with Keevan, Grote15, 1954, mbogoman
I just indirectly got my grades from my regular dealer submission. The grades haven't popped yet and it's still showing as QA2 but I got the upcharge email confirming my grades.
Arrived 3/8
Entered 4/23
Grading - Somewhere around early May
60633881 0101603260 1960 TOPPS 326 BOB CLEMENTE 7
60633882 0101601480 1960 TOPPS 148 CARL YASTRZEMSKI ROOKIE STAR 8
60633883 0101603500 1960 TOPPS 350 MICKEY MANTLE 5
60633884 0201812160 1981 TOPPS 216 JOE MONTANA 9
I got upcharged on the Yaz and Montana. The 1960s came from a set I purchased. Oddly the stars were the nicest in the set while the commons were mostly EX. The Montana was pack pulled.
@blurryface said:
anyone have a bulk order pop lately and happen to keep up with how many days it sat in qa2?
2 days on my last bulk sub, and 2 weeks on my priors.
I have another 3 that are in QA 1 I'll let you know how long they sit.
The below is the EARLIEST one. All were mailed 8/31, in house at PSA 9/02, showed ARRIVED 9/09
And Regular subs- all pre-closure- anyone see anything pop from March ? Got 15 or so March Regular sitting
@jeffcbay said:
Which level do you see your actual grades? Assembly? QA Check 1 or 2?
A peon like me gets them at Shipping, post-QA2. I think if you're a dealer or someone with an "in", you may get them at QA2. Or if there is an upcharge.
111 card value modern
arrived - 10/7/2020
recieved - 11/7/2020
assembly - 7/2/2021
QA1 and QA2 - 7/7/2021
grades popped 7/9
Well, this is my most disappointing sub yet. 1 gem mint 10 out of 111 and there were 20ish 2010 and later cards subbed, so not like they have been mishandled or have printing issues. I'd love to know what I'm missing to get so many 8's especially on the newer stuff like the Degrom's and the Jokic. I had the foresight to pick up a few nice rookies last year, one guy wins the MVP, and the other is having a monster year, and I get 2 8's , an 8.5 and 9.. But the biggest head scratchers to me are the 89 donruss. I bought a rack case last year to look for some Schillings thinking he'd get inducted this year to the hall. I picked the best 3 griffeys/johnsons and schillings out of the case and got 8 8's and 1 9. Not one gem mint 10 ??? I find that almost impossible to believe. So basically I paid psa over 1000 bucks to get an increase in value on maybe 5 cards. An unmitigated disaster IMO.
On the bright side, when I start selling these cards to pay for my 1K+ in grading fees I PROMISE I will have some super happy customers that will be telling me how beautiful their psa 8's are...
1 1 51973074 NEAR MINT 7 1975 Topps 260 Johnny Bench Card
2 1 51973075 MINT 9 1976 Topps 139 Gorman Thomas Card
3 1 51973076 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1976 Topps 600 Tom Seaver Card
4 1 51973077 NEAR MINT 7 1976 Topps 500 Reggie Jackson Card
5 1 51973078 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1976 Topps 330 Nolan Ryan Card
6 1 51973079 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1976 Topps 240 Pete Rose Card
7 1 51973080 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1976 Topps 246 Cesar Tovar Card
8 1 51973081 MINT 9 1976 Topps 569 Nelson Briles Card
9 1 51973082 MINT 9 1976 Topps 621 Tom Hall Card
10 1 51973083 MINT 9 1977 Topps 310 Larry Bowa Card
11 1 51973084 MINT 9 1977 Topps 120 Rod Carew Card
12 1 51973085 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1977 Topps 340 Hal McRae Card
13 1 51973086 MINT 9 1977 Topps 110 Steve Carlton Card
14 1 51973087 EXCELLENT-MINT 6 1977 Topps 580 George Brett Card
15 1 51973088 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1977 Topps 476 Rookie Catchers Card
16 1 51973089 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1977 Topps 450 Pete Rose Card
17 1 51973090 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1977 Topps 355 Lou Brock Card
18 1 51973091 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1978 Topps 79 Darrell Johnson Card
19 1 51973092 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1978 Topps 510 Willie Stargell Card
20 1 51973093 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1978 Topps 540 Steve Carlton Card
21 1 51973094 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1978 Topps 200 Reggie Jackson Card
22 1 51973095 EXCELLENT 5 1978 Topps 205 Victory Leaders Carlton/Goltz/Lnrd/Palmer Card
23 1 51973096 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1978 Topps 5 Pete Rose Card
24 1 51973097 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1978 Topps 7 Reggie Jackson Card
25 1 51973098 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 348 Andre Dawson Card
26 1 51973099 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 100 Tom Seaver Card
27 1 51973100 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 25 Steve Carlton Card
28 1 51973101 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 650 Pete Rose Card
29 1 51973102 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 115 Nolan Ryan Card
30 1 51973103 NEAR MINT 7 1979 Topps 300 Rod Carew Card
31 1 51973104 MINT 9 1979 Topps 32 Jerry Mumphrey Card
32 1 51973105 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 56 John Hale Card
33 1 51973106 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 96 Indians Team Card
34 1 51973107 MINT 9 1979 Topps 108 Eduardo Rodriguez Card
35 1 51973108 MINT 9 1979 Topps 119 Don Stanhouse Card
36 1 51973109 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 213 Bill Travers Card
37 1 51973110 MINT 9 1979 Topps 349 Jim Wright Card
38 1 51973111 NEAR MINT-MINT+ 8.5 1979 Topps 442 Doyle Alexander Card
39 1 51973112 MINT 9 1979 Topps 589 Terry Whitefield Card
40 1 51973113 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 656 Hosken Powell Card
41 1 51973114 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 680 Carlton Fisk Card
42 1 51973115 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 610 Mike Schmidt Card
43 1 51973116 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 469 Lance Parrish Card
44 1 51973117 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1980 Topps 580 Nolan Ryan Card
45 1 51973118 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1980 Topps 274 Dale Murphy Card
46 1 51973119 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1980 Topps 610 Willie Stargell Card
47 1 51973120 MINT 9 1981 Topps 300 Paul Molitor Card
48 1 51973121 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1981 Topps 261 Rickey Henderson Card
49 1 51973122 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1980 Topps 457 Bert Blyleven Card
50 1 51973123 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1981 Topps 816 Tim Raines Traded Card
51 1 51973124 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Topps 715 Willie Stargell Card
52 1 51973125 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Topps 300 Reggie Jackson Card
53 1 51973126 MINT 9 1982 Topps 490 Dennis Eckersley Card
54 1 51973127 MINT 9 1982 Topps 90 Nolan Ryan Card
55 1 51973128 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Topps 21 Orioles Future Stars Bonner/Ripken/Schneider Card
56 1 51973129 NEAR MINT 7 1983 Topps 482 Tony Gwynn Card
57 1 51973130 NEAR MINT 7 1983 Topps 498 Wade Boggs Card
58 1 51973131 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1983 Topps 360 Nolan Ryan Card
59 1 51973132 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1984 Topps 470 Nolan Ryan Card
60 1 51973133 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1984 Topps 230 Rickey Henderson Card
61 1 51973134 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1985 Topps 401 Mark McGwire 1984 USA Baseball Team Card
62 1 51973135 MINT 9 1989 Donruss 635 Curt Schilling Card
63 1 51973136 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 635 Curt Schilling Card
64 1 51973137 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 635 Curt Schilling Card
65 1 51973138 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 33 Ken Griffey Jr. Card
66 1 51973139 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 33 Ken Griffey Jr. Card
67 1 51973140 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 33 Ken Griffey Jr. Card
68 1 51973141 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 42 Randy Johnson Card
69 1 51973142 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 42 Randy Johnson Card
70 1 51973143 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 42 Randy Johnson Card
71 1 51973144 MINT 9 2008 Topps Update & Highlights UH240 Clayton Kershaw Card
72 1 51973145 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2003 Bowman Chrome Draft Picks 124 Robinson Cano Card
73 1 51973146 MINT 9 2003 Bowman Chrome Draft Picks 124 Robinson Cano Card
74 1 51973147 MINT 9 2011 Bowman Chrome Draft Prospect Autographs TS Trevor Story Refractor Card
75 1 51973148 NEAR MINT-MINT+ 8.5 2015 Topps Five Star Autograph Fsajd Jacob DeGrom Gold Card
76 1 51973149 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2013 Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Rookies 41 Nolan Arenado Refractor Card
77 1 51973150 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2013 Topps Chrome 78 Nolan Arenado Orange Refractor Card
78 1 51973151 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2016 Topps Chrome 32 Trea Turner Card
79 1 51973152 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2016 Topps Chrome 32 Trea Turner Prism Refractor Card
80 1 51973153 MINT 9 2016 Topps Update US226 Trevor Story Running-Rainbow Foil Card
81 1 51973154 GEM MINT 10 2016 Topps Chrome 45 Trevor Story Card
82 1 51973155 NEAR MINT-MINT+ 8.5 2014 Topps Update US26 Mookie Betts Batting Card
83 1 51973156 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2014 Bowman Prospects BCP73 Jacob DeGrom Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor Card
84 1 51973157 MINT 9 2014 Topps Update US50 Jacob DeGrom Throwing-Gold Card
85 1 51973158 MINT 9 2012 Bowman Chrome 173 Trevor Bauer Green Refractor Card
86 1 51973159 MINT 9 2014 Topps 300 YU Darvish Red Hot Foil Card
87 1 51973160 MINT 9 2013 Topps Update US265 Gerrit Cole Wal-Mart Blue Border Card
88 1 51973161 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2012 Bowman Prospects BP86 Gerrit Cole Orange Card
89 1 51973162 NEAR MINT 7 2000 Bowman 236 Tom Brady Card
90 1 51973163 MINT 9 2012 Topps 165 Russell Wilson Passing-Stands Visible Card
91 1 51973164 NEAR MINT 7 1984 Topps 280 Eric Dickerson Card
92 1 51973165 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1984 Topps 124 Dan Marino Card
93 1 51973166 NEAR MINT-MINT+ 8.5 1982 Topps 434 Lawrence Taylor All-Pro Card
94 1 51973167 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Topps 434 Lawrence Taylor All-Pro Card
95 1 51973168 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Topps 486 Ronnie Lott All-Pro Card
96 1 51973169 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Topps 51 Anthony Munoz All-Pro Card
97 1 51973170 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Topps 488 Joe Montana All-Pro Card
98 1 51973171 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1982 Topps 303 Walter Payton Card
99 1 51973172 NEAR MINT 7 1986 Topps 388 Andre Reed Card
100 1 51973173 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 389 Bruce Smith Card
101 1 51973174 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 112 John Elway Card
102 1 51973175 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 275 Reggie White Card
103 1 51973176 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 45 Dan Marino Card
104 1 51973177 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 11 Walter Payton Card
105 1 51973178 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 78 Eric Dickerson Card
106 1 51973179 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 156 Joe Montana Card
107 1 51973180 NEAR MINT 7 1986 Topps 161 Jerry Rice Card
108 1 51973181 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 374 Steve Young Card
109 1 51973182 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1986 Topps 7 Walter Payton Card
110 1 51973183 NEAR MINT 7 2006 Topps Chrome 106 Tom Brady Refractor Card
111 1 51973184 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2015 Panini Donruss 215 Nikola Jokic Card
I cannot hit curveball. Straightball I hit it very much. Curveball, bats are afraid. Collecting: post world war II HOF rookie 76 topps gem mint 10 commons 9 stars Arenado purple refractors(Rockies) Red (Cardinals) successful deals with Keevan, Grote15, 1954, mbogoman
@76collector - Jeff, if you decide to move any of these, let me know.
107 1 51973180 NEAR MINT 7 1986 Topps 161 Jerry Rice Card
108 1 51973181 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 374 Steve Young Card
89 1 51973162 NEAR MINT 7 2000 Bowman 236 Tom Brady Card
92 1 51973165 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1984 Topps 124 Dan Marino Card
93 1 51973166 NEAR MINT-MINT+ 8.5 1982 Topps 434 Lawrence Taylor All-Pro Card
94 1 51973167 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Topps 434 Lawrence Taylor All-Pro Card
95 1 51973168 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Topps 486 Ronnie Lott All-Pro Card
96 1 51973169 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Topps 51 Anthony Munoz All-Pro Card
99 1 51973172 NEAR MINT 7 1986 Topps 388 Andre Reed Card
100 1 51973173 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 389 Bruce Smith Card
I cannot hit curveball. Straightball I hit it very much. Curveball, bats are afraid. Collecting: post world war II HOF rookie 76 topps gem mint 10 commons 9 stars Arenado purple refractors(Rockies) Red (Cardinals) successful deals with Keevan, Grote15, 1954, mbogoman
since group subs arent counted for the ctd, here are some very telling numbers from the largest group subber. all 3 are pretty shocking in their own right, but the fact that we are already 7 months & a week in to 2021 and they have barely cracked 4000 cards back is frightening & concerning. the number of cards still waiting after looking at the impressive total figure from 2020 is also staggering.
Wow, so like four times as many cards as graded last year awaiting grading, and it's barely halfway through the year. No wonder there is such a backup!
exactly. dont know if this is injury to insult but look at the total difference from the total “graded in 21” to “graded in 20” figure keeping in mind that psa only has 5.3 months to make up the difference of about 94k cards just to break even with all of last year. my jaw just hit the ground. maybe this is why none of the group subber totals were calculated in the ctd? this would paint a much, much worse scenario if included, i think. i still have an economy in with them that arrived on 12/27/20 that still isnt even logged.
To actually think Yogi was spot on with this one............ PSA.
“Nobody goes to that restaurant anymore because it's too crowded.”
Yeah, it's not exactly gonna be a phone bill but more like 6 of them...three times a day...every day for about 3 months straight. That's definitely not how I drew it up as I was hoping and assuming (never assume) that they would likely be sprinkled in a few here and a couple over there. Silly me. Of course it's not gonna go as it always has for the last decade. The influx of graded cards will be here starting in about 2 months because I'll be swimming in them. The bright side of things is that it's primarily stuff of Griffey, Bo Jackson, Jeter, Montana, Barry Sanders, Emmitt, probably a thousand Jordan's, lots of Shaq, Gretzky, Favre, Payton, Brady, Beam Teams, Archives Gold (I think I've got something like 13 shaq's still sitting 8 mos later so that hurts, can't kid ya) 1985-87 Topps wrestling, 70's o-pee-chee baseball, Fleer pro-visions for days, 1989-1990-1991 Score bb fb (I think I cracked around 7-8 set cases so you can only imagine, 1987 Fleer basketball...stuff that won't get killed too bad That mortgage can wait and who needs electricity anyway
...and to touch on those figures above, that coincides w what they've been indirectly telling us for some time and even moreso of late and that is they were far more buried than they cared to let on. For me just the fact that regular orders are running at a solid 4-5 months when there's plenty of incentive for them to knock those orders out w how much it is per card, add to that they have entered, at best, 10% of my bulk subs into grading leaving the remaining 175-190 in the dreaded R&I. Then you consider the math of say 200k graded /weekly puts your output at a million if firing on all cylinders per month. Considering they won't even give us a hint of how backed up that they still are and couldn't comfortably say anything about what we should expect in months ahead tells me that the deficit is obviously still well over 10 million because if it was under 5 you better believe that we would know it because it would be plastered all over the site but at this point they're easily five months away from even being able to think about what to do next. They're not even taking submissions at the national but for on the spot grading...that's gotta be a hard pill to swallow frankly
My bet is we will not see a below $100/card sub rate open up this calendar year
IMO this is the most under-discussed piece of the puzzle and it should be a concern for anyone who is hanging on to the hope that prices are due for a healthy rebound. I know more than one dudebro flipper who went way into credit debt to fund their buying spree, went into deeper debt to fund their $100+ per card subs, and then assumed they'd cash out into generational wealth later (which would also pay for their economy subs). Depending on their entry point into the market, maybe they don't get too hurt overall. But there are a lot of guys who were moderately ahead on paper, have little to no available cash now, and whose shiny stack of investment slabs has increasing supply and fewer buyers by the hour. I'm telling you that these PSA subs are going to DRAIN cash from the spendiest segment of this market. And all we'll have to show for it is a mountain of depreciating PSA 9 Lukas and Shaqs.
I agree and disagree. PSA cards are selling at an all time high in value and in numbers. PSA 8s , 9s and 10s . I've been a customer since PSA opened the doors in 91, and can tell you right now.... I've never seen this before in the card world. Prices and mass selling! I'd like to think Prices will cool off soon, but I seriously don't see it. Right now, anything in a PSA holder is gold compared to other companies. That says a heck of a lot in terms of demand. I don't see in the future a slow down at all! If anything, I see MORE demand of a card in a PSA holder. This will drive grading Prices above the norm. The only way grading service will be anything near what it was, is at least 2 more facilities in North America. If Psa finds out how to conduct a faster, more effective way of grading cards like they've said, or will do.... people will still pay the premium Prices for service. Right now, PSA 9s and under are selling like 10s. That's not coming down. Once people start buying up a card in lower grades for huge Prices....that makes the card more valuable! Nobody is going to take a loss when psa is basically not open and value rises. It's not coming down. Make no mistake... PSA is the Ps5..... Everything else is an old Sega Genesis lol. Luka and Shaq aren't going to be worthless in 9s lol. People are actually buying more now than before the close. Prices are going to continue to rise...... For a long time. Even boxes of different sports are getting gone first day out in stores. Can barely find them. We're in a ride.... Take advantage of it for profits. Because it ain't coming down at all.
there is no perfect umbrella that covers the market in full with regards to crashing or exploding. a lot is down. a solid bit is up. but even the stuff that is down is still up from pre-covid.
psa closing certainly didnt help the flipperbois cash flow. on top of the country opening back up, govt checks halting, summer time and so forth it was more than clear & inevitable that things were gonna fall off. but the stuff will rise again. seen it happen way too many times. circumstances are always different, end results and rollercoaster effects are the same.
What he said ^
and also what Warren Buffet says apply to cards: Buy blue chips, avoid market hype
d> @thehallmark said:
another thing to consider is the low margin returns. The prices some of these guys paid for their raw cards will eat them alive (depending on when they bought), unless they hit a 10. Everything I collect is very stable at the moment. I do not chase the ultra modern, and all my subs are paid for before I get them in my hand. There are so many of these flipper guys that became "experts" over night. They had no clue what they were doing. Anyone dumb enough to go into credit card debt of the caprices of grading is getting what they deserve. Watched Rounders a few nights ago with my son. I keep picturing Ed Norton's character in my head when someone mentions the flipper boys.
I'm with Tron and Rexvos...98% of the stacks of cards I have at PSA currently are of the all-timers...Jordan, Magic, Lebron, Bird, Kobe, Shaq, Brady, Sanders, Crosby, Ovechkin, Hamm, Hawk, Hulk Hogan, etc -- I'm not overly concerned with the prices of the shiny Ja and Zion rookies dropping -- the "investors" drove those prices way too high, way too was inevitable they would come back to earth....also not hearing too much about TopShot these days...just stay the course and don't get caught up in the "questionable" frenzies..
Buy the G.O.A T. S
i find this extremely funny. lebron, shaq, jordans, kobe have fallen much faster & further than zion & ja. and those two are actually starting to rebound.
talk to me in a few years...I'm not talking about today...I know you are always right tho..
well a few years absolutely changes things, no doubt. wont speculate there. obviously player performance will have a ton to do with it.
heres some info for you btw. which is why i found your original comment funny. not as funny as the latter part of your post. but almost.
keep in mind most of those guys on your list were straight outta the junk wax era with everybody and their brother having licenses back then. ‘89 upper deck is still probably being printed. bottom line is GOAT status doesnt equate to valuable. overall quality & rarity with a healthy dose of hype & goatness does. and now that i think about it, ill be glad to talk to you in a few years…there are way more 89/90 fleer & hoops jordans out there vs ‘19 prizm zions/jas. plus they have the distinction of being rookie cards vs 4th & 5th year base. heck, you could pull 3 or 4 jordans base cards outta the same box. the same can not be said for ja or zion. in fact its more like 1 outta every 3 or 4 boxes.
for some reason i see the goal post being moved to you saying youre now sitting on stacks of ‘86-88 jordans now? in which case, lets see them. but hey, maybe im wrong.
long story short, the real winner whether talking today or years from now will always be true high grade vintage and unopened. ill take that over mass produced jordans or zions.
Great data blurry. 50K Jordans in June: Who knows how many more just sitting?? Talk about a small margin of return (more than likely negative) if a flipper bro was buying '90 fleer basketball at the peak to get 4 jordans and 2 Allstar cards per box..... not to mention a lot were off center and getting 10's under 8% gem rate. Also, pretty much confirms the tightening of 10's being awarded to the most submitted cards. Just my interpretation.............
Great data. I still look at those realized prices and am amazed at how high some of them still are in relation to pre-pandemic levels.
It's not a tightening of 10's, it's the fact your new "flipper bros" are throwing everything at the wall and hoping it sticks.
I agree 100% and then some,
1) I think what you said is a big part of it
2.) a lot of inexperience people jumping into the mix sending in what they hear is hot with no idea how to grade
3) newer graders who are not as consistent and are told to use extreme caution in giving out high grades
To get it back to the date topic, I sent in an Express order that was received yesterday, logged today, and is in Research & ID now. One day for loggage ain't bad!
Interesting points by all of you and I respect your knowledge of different segments of the card market. Most of you know my primary focus is 70's and 80's. To be honest it could probably be narrowed down even further to 75-86 baseball and football.
From my perspective I have not seen much of a change in the Pop report regarding the mid to late 70's baseball that I sub. Just the normal uptick. 78's seem to have had the most 9's and 10's pop recently but that is just my gut feeling. Not a ton of data to prove it. I have sold off some of the cards that came back from my subs and demand has been just as strong as ever IMO, and prices very good as well. The only caveat to that is when you miss and get something graded a 6 or a 7, there seems to be very little interest in those cards even if they look substantially better than the "holder" indicates. PSA says its a 7, it's a 7... seems to be what today's collectors think. I'm not saying it's right or wrong (I buy the card not the holder) I'm just saying what I seem to be seeing with the sales of the cards I made to recoup grading cost.
Anyway, I know there will be some big changes over the next few years, but I for one, feel pretty safe holding on to my 9's and 10's of 70's baseball and early 80's football.
post world war II HOF rookie
76 topps gem mint 10 commons 9 stars
Arenado purple refractors(Rockies) Red (Cardinals)
successful deals with Keevan, Grote15, 1954, mbogoman
we cant just hold the flipperbois accountable though. ive watched countless “psa reveals” where nonflippers/newbs to the grading scene have just sent in absolute junk thinking it was gold. the funniest was a guy doing a massive Pokémon reveal where his buddy asked him to send in his griffey collection. this was at the $300 level. the Pokémon guy knew nothing about baseball cards but was obliged to help him. well needless to say this dude coughed up $300 for an ‘89d griffey 6. forget how many there were but it was quite eye opening as to how many people had absolutely zero clue as to what they were doing mixed with a healthy dose of unrealistic expectations as to the condition of their childhood cards.
^ “pokemon” spelling was automatically corrected with the proper capitalization & pronunciation phonetic symbol above. thats pretty telling.
I actually don't know what a flipperboi is haha, I was using it as a blanket term for anyone joining the hobby in 2020 with the hopes of cashing in...
In keeping with the spirit of this thread:
Value Modern, 127 cards - logged Nov 2, went from Grading to Assembly last week, in QA2 as of this morning
that is lined up with my line 2) . The pokemon one was painful and it's not just the griffey's. how many vg hendersons or ripkens were sent expecting 10's I would wager a lot and it is probably even worse. like all the stats on jordan that you posted . I bet there are ton's of the worthless cards to start. people here jordan and say it must be valuable because they saw his rookie sell for 500K on the morning news or in their facebook feed.
and the pokemon guy would be like wow ,these old baseball cards are tough. or something like that. that will be a teaching video one day if there is a school on grading collectibles, kind of like the 70's era recorded video's they would show in driving school
i believe you are using it correctly and while not in websters (yet), it probably is on urban dictionary. it is definitely a widely used hobby term these days & the younger crowd lovingly embraces the term.
111 card value modern
arrived - 10/7/2020
recieved - 11/7/2020
assembly - 7/2/2021
QA1 and QA2 - 7/7/2021
hoping for grades to pop tomorrow
post world war II HOF rookie
76 topps gem mint 10 commons 9 stars
Arenado purple refractors(Rockies) Red (Cardinals)
successful deals with Keevan, Grote15, 1954, mbogoman
Looks like our orders are sitting next to each other on the table
this came out from scd. echos sentiments above:
2 Pack Sub $40 each level 1972-present (1976 FB Cello & 1978 FB Cello)
Arrived: 11/19
Entered/Reasearch: 11/25
Currently: Research......
PC Walter Payton - Bear Down!
Do you remember what date you hit "Grading" before Assembly? My value modern hit Grading on 6/30 so now I'm getting (more) anxious.
My value modern logged Nov 2 went grading May 28, Assembly July 1, QA2 July 7 and now the list has disappeared this morning.
Based off this and his I would guess you are a month away from popping.
I'd more or less ignore it as best as you can. Maybe check once a week until it hits assembly. Once it hits assembly typically (from my experience) it moves pretty quickly. R&ID and Grading on the other hand ? Mine have often sat in those two stages for months and months.
post world war II HOF rookie
76 topps gem mint 10 commons 9 stars
Arenado purple refractors(Rockies) Red (Cardinals)
successful deals with Keevan, Grote15, 1954, mbogoman
lotta “rumors” being tossed out there today… 😉
8 card Express
Received: 7/6
Logged: 7/7
Grading: 7/8
anyone have a bulk order pop lately and happen to keep up with how many days it sat in qa2?
I just indirectly got my grades from my regular dealer submission. The grades haven't popped yet and it's still showing as QA2 but I got the upcharge email confirming my grades.
Arrived 3/8
Entered 4/23
Grading - Somewhere around early May
60633881 0101603260 1960 TOPPS 326 BOB CLEMENTE 7
60633882 0101601480 1960 TOPPS 148 CARL YASTRZEMSKI ROOKIE STAR 8
60633883 0101603500 1960 TOPPS 350 MICKEY MANTLE 5
60633884 0201812160 1981 TOPPS 216 JOE MONTANA 9
I got upcharged on the Yaz and Montana. The 1960s came from a set I purchased. Oddly the stars were the nicest in the set while the commons were mostly EX. The Montana was pack pulled.
2 days on my last bulk sub, and 2 weeks on my priors.
I have another 3 that are in QA 1 I'll let you know how long they sit.
The below is the EARLIEST one. All were mailed 8/31, in house at PSA 9/02, showed ARRIVED 9/09
And Regular subs- all pre-closure- anyone see anything pop from March ? Got 15 or so March Regular sitting

thanks jeff. entering week #2 on a couple bulks.
still have a reg sub that arrived 2/24, entered 3/31 thats still in grading. several more entered 4/5 too.
Express sub, mailed on Tuesday 7/6
Not bad!
Which level do you see your actual grades? Assembly? QA Check 1 or 2?
A peon like me gets them at Shipping, post-QA2. I think if you're a dealer or someone with an "in", you may get them at QA2. Or if there is an upcharge.
111 card value modern
arrived - 10/7/2020
recieved - 11/7/2020
assembly - 7/2/2021
QA1 and QA2 - 7/7/2021
grades popped 7/9
Well, this is my most disappointing sub yet. 1 gem mint 10 out of 111 and there were 20ish 2010 and later cards subbed, so not like they have been mishandled or have printing issues. I'd love to know what I'm missing to get so many 8's especially on the newer stuff like the Degrom's and the Jokic. I had the foresight to pick up a few nice rookies last year, one guy wins the MVP, and the other is having a monster year, and I get 2 8's , an 8.5 and 9.. But the biggest head scratchers to me are the 89 donruss. I bought a rack case last year to look for some Schillings thinking he'd get inducted this year to the hall. I picked the best 3 griffeys/johnsons and schillings out of the case and got 8 8's and 1 9. Not one gem mint 10 ??? I find that almost impossible to believe. So basically I paid psa over 1000 bucks to get an increase in value on maybe 5 cards. An unmitigated disaster IMO.
On the bright side, when I start selling these cards to pay for my 1K+ in grading fees I PROMISE I will have some super happy customers that will be telling me how beautiful their psa 8's are...
1 1 51973074 NEAR MINT 7 1975 Topps 260 Johnny Bench Card
2 1 51973075 MINT 9 1976 Topps 139 Gorman Thomas Card
3 1 51973076 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1976 Topps 600 Tom Seaver Card
4 1 51973077 NEAR MINT 7 1976 Topps 500 Reggie Jackson Card
5 1 51973078 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1976 Topps 330 Nolan Ryan Card
6 1 51973079 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1976 Topps 240 Pete Rose Card
7 1 51973080 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1976 Topps 246 Cesar Tovar Card
8 1 51973081 MINT 9 1976 Topps 569 Nelson Briles Card
9 1 51973082 MINT 9 1976 Topps 621 Tom Hall Card
10 1 51973083 MINT 9 1977 Topps 310 Larry Bowa Card
11 1 51973084 MINT 9 1977 Topps 120 Rod Carew Card
12 1 51973085 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1977 Topps 340 Hal McRae Card
13 1 51973086 MINT 9 1977 Topps 110 Steve Carlton Card
14 1 51973087 EXCELLENT-MINT 6 1977 Topps 580 George Brett Card
15 1 51973088 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1977 Topps 476 Rookie Catchers Card
16 1 51973089 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1977 Topps 450 Pete Rose Card
17 1 51973090 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1977 Topps 355 Lou Brock Card
18 1 51973091 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1978 Topps 79 Darrell Johnson Card
19 1 51973092 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1978 Topps 510 Willie Stargell Card
20 1 51973093 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1978 Topps 540 Steve Carlton Card
21 1 51973094 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1978 Topps 200 Reggie Jackson Card
22 1 51973095 EXCELLENT 5 1978 Topps 205 Victory Leaders Carlton/Goltz/Lnrd/Palmer Card
23 1 51973096 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1978 Topps 5 Pete Rose Card
24 1 51973097 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1978 Topps 7 Reggie Jackson Card
25 1 51973098 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 348 Andre Dawson Card
26 1 51973099 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 100 Tom Seaver Card
27 1 51973100 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 25 Steve Carlton Card
28 1 51973101 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 650 Pete Rose Card
29 1 51973102 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 115 Nolan Ryan Card
30 1 51973103 NEAR MINT 7 1979 Topps 300 Rod Carew Card
31 1 51973104 MINT 9 1979 Topps 32 Jerry Mumphrey Card
32 1 51973105 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 56 John Hale Card
33 1 51973106 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 96 Indians Team Card
34 1 51973107 MINT 9 1979 Topps 108 Eduardo Rodriguez Card
35 1 51973108 MINT 9 1979 Topps 119 Don Stanhouse Card
36 1 51973109 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 213 Bill Travers Card
37 1 51973110 MINT 9 1979 Topps 349 Jim Wright Card
38 1 51973111 NEAR MINT-MINT+ 8.5 1979 Topps 442 Doyle Alexander Card
39 1 51973112 MINT 9 1979 Topps 589 Terry Whitefield Card
40 1 51973113 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 656 Hosken Powell Card
41 1 51973114 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 680 Carlton Fisk Card
42 1 51973115 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 610 Mike Schmidt Card
43 1 51973116 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1979 Topps 469 Lance Parrish Card
44 1 51973117 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1980 Topps 580 Nolan Ryan Card
45 1 51973118 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1980 Topps 274 Dale Murphy Card
46 1 51973119 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1980 Topps 610 Willie Stargell Card
47 1 51973120 MINT 9 1981 Topps 300 Paul Molitor Card
48 1 51973121 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1981 Topps 261 Rickey Henderson Card
49 1 51973122 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1980 Topps 457 Bert Blyleven Card
50 1 51973123 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1981 Topps 816 Tim Raines Traded Card
51 1 51973124 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Topps 715 Willie Stargell Card
52 1 51973125 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Topps 300 Reggie Jackson Card
53 1 51973126 MINT 9 1982 Topps 490 Dennis Eckersley Card
54 1 51973127 MINT 9 1982 Topps 90 Nolan Ryan Card
55 1 51973128 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Topps 21 Orioles Future Stars Bonner/Ripken/Schneider Card
56 1 51973129 NEAR MINT 7 1983 Topps 482 Tony Gwynn Card
57 1 51973130 NEAR MINT 7 1983 Topps 498 Wade Boggs Card
58 1 51973131 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1983 Topps 360 Nolan Ryan Card
59 1 51973132 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1984 Topps 470 Nolan Ryan Card
60 1 51973133 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1984 Topps 230 Rickey Henderson Card
61 1 51973134 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1985 Topps 401 Mark McGwire 1984 USA Baseball Team Card
62 1 51973135 MINT 9 1989 Donruss 635 Curt Schilling Card
63 1 51973136 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 635 Curt Schilling Card
64 1 51973137 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 635 Curt Schilling Card
65 1 51973138 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 33 Ken Griffey Jr. Card
66 1 51973139 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 33 Ken Griffey Jr. Card
67 1 51973140 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 33 Ken Griffey Jr. Card
68 1 51973141 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 42 Randy Johnson Card
69 1 51973142 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 42 Randy Johnson Card
70 1 51973143 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1989 Donruss 42 Randy Johnson Card
71 1 51973144 MINT 9 2008 Topps Update & Highlights UH240 Clayton Kershaw Card
72 1 51973145 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2003 Bowman Chrome Draft Picks 124 Robinson Cano Card
73 1 51973146 MINT 9 2003 Bowman Chrome Draft Picks 124 Robinson Cano Card
74 1 51973147 MINT 9 2011 Bowman Chrome Draft Prospect Autographs TS Trevor Story Refractor Card
75 1 51973148 NEAR MINT-MINT+ 8.5 2015 Topps Five Star Autograph Fsajd Jacob DeGrom Gold Card
76 1 51973149 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2013 Bowman Chrome Draft Picks & Prospects Rookies 41 Nolan Arenado Refractor Card
77 1 51973150 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2013 Topps Chrome 78 Nolan Arenado Orange Refractor Card
78 1 51973151 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2016 Topps Chrome 32 Trea Turner Card
79 1 51973152 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2016 Topps Chrome 32 Trea Turner Prism Refractor Card
80 1 51973153 MINT 9 2016 Topps Update US226 Trevor Story Running-Rainbow Foil Card
81 1 51973154 GEM MINT 10 2016 Topps Chrome 45 Trevor Story Card
82 1 51973155 NEAR MINT-MINT+ 8.5 2014 Topps Update US26 Mookie Betts Batting Card
83 1 51973156 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2014 Bowman Prospects BCP73 Jacob DeGrom Chrome-Blue Wave Refractor Card
84 1 51973157 MINT 9 2014 Topps Update US50 Jacob DeGrom Throwing-Gold Card
85 1 51973158 MINT 9 2012 Bowman Chrome 173 Trevor Bauer Green Refractor Card
86 1 51973159 MINT 9 2014 Topps 300 YU Darvish Red Hot Foil Card
87 1 51973160 MINT 9 2013 Topps Update US265 Gerrit Cole Wal-Mart Blue Border Card
88 1 51973161 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2012 Bowman Prospects BP86 Gerrit Cole Orange Card
89 1 51973162 NEAR MINT 7 2000 Bowman 236 Tom Brady Card
90 1 51973163 MINT 9 2012 Topps 165 Russell Wilson Passing-Stands Visible Card
91 1 51973164 NEAR MINT 7 1984 Topps 280 Eric Dickerson Card
92 1 51973165 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1984 Topps 124 Dan Marino Card
93 1 51973166 NEAR MINT-MINT+ 8.5 1982 Topps 434 Lawrence Taylor All-Pro Card
94 1 51973167 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Topps 434 Lawrence Taylor All-Pro Card
95 1 51973168 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Topps 486 Ronnie Lott All-Pro Card
96 1 51973169 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Topps 51 Anthony Munoz All-Pro Card
97 1 51973170 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Topps 488 Joe Montana All-Pro Card
98 1 51973171 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1982 Topps 303 Walter Payton Card
99 1 51973172 NEAR MINT 7 1986 Topps 388 Andre Reed Card
100 1 51973173 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 389 Bruce Smith Card
101 1 51973174 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 112 John Elway Card
102 1 51973175 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 275 Reggie White Card
103 1 51973176 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 45 Dan Marino Card
104 1 51973177 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 11 Walter Payton Card
105 1 51973178 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 78 Eric Dickerson Card
106 1 51973179 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 156 Joe Montana Card
107 1 51973180 NEAR MINT 7 1986 Topps 161 Jerry Rice Card
108 1 51973181 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 374 Steve Young Card
109 1 51973182 NEAR MINT+ 7.5 1986 Topps 7 Walter Payton Card
110 1 51973183 NEAR MINT 7 2006 Topps Chrome 106 Tom Brady Refractor Card
111 1 51973184 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 2015 Panini Donruss 215 Nikola Jokic Card
post world war II HOF rookie
76 topps gem mint 10 commons 9 stars
Arenado purple refractors(Rockies) Red (Cardinals)
successful deals with Keevan, Grote15, 1954, mbogoman
@76collector - Jeff, if you decide to move any of these, let me know.
107 1 51973180 NEAR MINT 7 1986 Topps 161 Jerry Rice Card
108 1 51973181 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 374 Steve Young Card
89 1 51973162 NEAR MINT 7 2000 Bowman 236 Tom Brady Card
92 1 51973165 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1984 Topps 124 Dan Marino Card
93 1 51973166 NEAR MINT-MINT+ 8.5 1982 Topps 434 Lawrence Taylor All-Pro Card
94 1 51973167 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Topps 434 Lawrence Taylor All-Pro Card
95 1 51973168 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1982 Topps 486 Ronnie Lott All-Pro Card
96 1 51973169 NEAR MINT 7 1982 Topps 51 Anthony Munoz All-Pro Card
99 1 51973172 NEAR MINT 7 1986 Topps 388 Andre Reed Card
100 1 51973173 NEAR MINT-MINT 8 1986 Topps 389 Bruce Smith Card
will do
post world war II HOF rookie
76 topps gem mint 10 commons 9 stars
Arenado purple refractors(Rockies) Red (Cardinals)
successful deals with Keevan, Grote15, 1954, mbogoman
11/11/2020 hit QA2 this morning. Hope it flys to Shipping.