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Grade Poppage Thread (Through-Date Estimation)



  • Jayman1982Jayman1982 Posts: 467 ✭✭✭

    @jeffv96masters said:

    @Jayman1982 said:
    What type of surface issues did you knowingly include?



    I actually sent 4 test cards in the same bulk these came back on. They caught them all- all were reverse surface tests


    1998 Pinnacle Epix cards. See below

    In the past- when it was more "affordable" to test and teach myself- l would insert various series with known surface issues to see how bad the surface issues affect overall grades . Could afford to send 2-3 cards ( $24-26 roughly) to get an idea what I personally needed to look for and teach myself how PSA would treat that series.

    I know a lot of card series, but some I just don't slab enough to know EXACTLY what to look for before sending higher gradeable items ( Mint / Gem Mint levels) . I dabble in hoop, and couldn't tell the first thing about certain series that @blurryface or another hoop subber knows off the top of their heads. I have to know exactly how bad each issue affects final grades- otherwise its a waste of money.

    These were the testers. Can't tell on pics but in hand turned to a certain angle have various amounts of surface 'waveness" perhaps de to someone putting weight on the cards in the past. Two had actual surface flaws ( dings). Front surfaces were fine as were most corners/edges. Just wanted to test the level of hammering they'll do on future surfaces for types of cards like these. I'd say I did okay in deciphering the high/low aspect.

    Thanks for the detailed reply, I too have done this in the past, albeit not so much the last year when the price hikes happened. Surface dings tend to get me in the 5 range like yours as well, chips on the UD foil holo on the back are similar downgrades. Lately I've noticed some really small dents in ultra modern UD and I have a few of those in for grading now, was willing to eat the $15 to see what effect this "micro dents" have on the grade.

  • Jayman1982Jayman1982 Posts: 467 ✭✭✭

    @envoy982 said:

    @Jayman1982 said:

    Do you have it broken down to pops by category? Be curious to know the ratio of hockey to the three other major sports over that period.
    I started to run this weekly but over the last couple of weeks here is the change across categories (I exclude coins)
    I'll update on Friday.

    Thanks for sharing your research, hockey is still flying low under the radar :)

  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭

    @rexvos Nice sub, I agree the 6's in a row is very suspicious given the rest of the sub and the fact they are not from the same set. Some very cool cards in there

  • rexvosrexvos Posts: 3,316 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @OAKESY25 said:
    @rexvos Nice sub, I agree the 6's in a row is very suspicious given the rest of the sub and the fact they are not from the same set. Some very cool cards in there

    Yep the last time this happened was a sub where I got 4 4s in a row and the top left corner on each card was mangled.

    Looking for FB HOF Rookies
  • thehallmarkthehallmark Posts: 1,332 ✭✭✭

    Nice sub there, Rex. Good to see a sub with very typical PSA 10 distribution from an experienced submitter. Hope that more of these are out there.

  • OneDaysRideOneDaysRide Posts: 136 ✭✭✭

    @rexvos said:
    Well I woke up to grades this morning. I sent this out right at at a year ago. Grades were in line with what I expected at the time, and not what I was currently dreading.

    Congrats! Encouraging to see a post like this. May more follow ...

  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭
    edited June 12, 2021 4:29PM

    ok, got my sub back and here are a couple takeaways, I sent in more garbagy stuff than I thought especially the 76 bretts. I think I tossed stuff in because it was $8 or $9 and prices were going up. My main takeaway is they are harsher on the reverse than previous ( I think) on modern. My Kobe 8's all have a reverse corner that have a minor white touch but look gem on front. The 92 jordans are all gem mint front but have little white on a corner here and there or edge "wear" A couple cards were returned in rougher shape than when I sent them. Specifically the Henderson and 78 Reggie and Payton. No chance I sent those in like that. Overall I think by the letter of the law they graded stuff pretty accurately, albeit harsher than say 12-15 months ago. Also, any PD regardless of how light is gonna get hammered, little surface "dents" as well on vintage as seen on the Schmidt.

  • envoy982envoy982 Posts: 381 ✭✭✭

    @OAKESY25 if that Schmidt, Henderson or rice are available, I’d be interested.

  • blurryfaceblurryface Posts: 5,136 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @OAKESY25 said:
    ok, got my sub back and here are a couple takeaways, I sent in more garbagy stuff than I thought especially the 76 bretts. I think I tossed stuff in because it was $8 or $9 and prices were going up. My main takeaway is they are harsher on the reverse than previous ( I think) on modern.. My Kobe 8's all have a reverse corner that have a minor white touch but look gem on front. The 92 jordans are all gem mint front but have little white on a corner here and there or edge "wear" A couple cards were returned in rougher shape than when I sent them. Specifically the Henderson and 78 Reggie and Payton. No chance I sent those in like that. Overall I think by the letter of the law they graded stuff pretty accurately, albeit harsher than say 12-15 months ago. Also, any PD regardless of how light is gonna get hammered, little surface "dents" as well on vintage as seen on the Schmidt.


    you hit the nail on the head here w these two bolded statements.

    it sat beside my desk for a week outta sheer disgust, but i finally opened my herro catastrophe sub the other day. a few posts above (or it mighta been another thread) i tried hitting on the new graders possibly not knowing about the intricacy “passes” for each set. anyways, i noticed a ton of these cards seemed to only get docked for the print lines…on the back. the cards from prizm and mosaic got crushed, while optic had a 50% gem rate. imo, prizm and mosaic have a much higher noticeable rate of print lines compared to optic.

    now, on to something that is seemingly getting worse, imo. returned card condition. not sure whats going on, but something is. ive had a quite a few cards come back w/ corner wear/dings and smudges that most certainly were not there when i subbed them. about 6 months back it was a pair of tatum silver rcs w white globs on them. the kawhi card that i got the “we need the original cert number” to continue grading card w the snot on it, a few more peppered through out and some of these herro mosaics. now mosaics are super easy to see bc there is very little background. the entire card is basically a mirror. will post a few of them tomorrow.

    as for the grading harshness or psa’s stance of not envoking stricter standards, ive come to the realization that it doesnt really matter what hat or label we/them want to put on grades dropping. simple fact is it seems to be a mix of new graders not knowing what was/is allowable for each individual set, handling of cards properly while in house and a few holdering issues all on top of a rush to push through this backlog. kinda took me a while, but w a set like mosaic its pretty easy to see. im sure its pretty hard for those second graders to approve 9s and 10s when they look like they do. now arguments can still be had for stricter grading. ive certainly seen a few subs here that dont necessarily meet the same card criteria i just ranted on.

  • OneDaysRideOneDaysRide Posts: 136 ✭✭✭
    edited June 17, 2021 2:47AM

    Also this interesting new take on CTDs from June 10 ... '% Of CTD Month Completed'

  • blurryfaceblurryface Posts: 5,136 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 13, 2021 10:33AM

    from previous post regarding handling issues. absolutely zero way these left here like this or would have ever been subbed in the first place. pretty ironic they all have the same type smudges in the same area from the same sub. honestly, these shouldn't even be 9s.

  • blurryfaceblurryface Posts: 5,136 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 13, 2021 10:37AM

    ^. and this is the entire reason i cracked out the kawhi card that got called out for being resubbed. because look at this. who wants a card entombed forever looking like that. if you go back and read, i forgot that i even cracked it out and resubbed. it was the highest graded as is. wasn't even going for the monetary aspect. it simply looked like straight arse. just like these.

  • FrozencaribouFrozencaribou Posts: 1,094 ✭✭✭✭✭

    That lower right corner looks like someone carelessly jammed the card back into the cardsaver or penny sleeve. Scary to think there aren't protocols in place to handle cards appropriately.

  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭

    @Frozencaribou yep, same with the Payton and RIckey, The Payton was a psa crack out and Rickey was a 7. No clue what happened on the top of Rickey as there is a chunk taken out of the white.

  • addicted2ebayaddicted2ebay Posts: 2,096 ✭✭✭✭

    I send in cards from the 30’s - 50’s that are sharp and crease free and get 4-6 lol

    Then I sent in cards from the 90’s with creases or corner dings and get 4-6.

    It’s frustrating.

  • bobbybakerivbobbybakeriv Posts: 2,186 ✭✭✭✭

    Strange things going on in Newport Beach these days. That 79 Rose is very tough to find centered!

  • beachbumcollectingbeachbumcollecting Posts: 462 ✭✭✭
    edited June 14, 2021 4:39AM

    the damaged cards suck but the rest of the grades are definitely harsh. it seems we are now in the business of justifying the harshness. a tiny surface blem or a tiny amount of snow in no way should make the cards 4's -6's. it is totally frustrating when you have been subbing with certain expectations of how to treat minor flaws for 20 years then it all changes after they have been holding your cards for a year.

    The amount of crackouts where grades are dropping from individuals who have been doing this forever is all the evidence that I need if standards have changed or not

    I got this back in January, card should have been at least a 7 and probably an 8, after the slabber put a big chip in the top border it is now probably graded correctly.

  • yspsalesyspsales Posts: 2,515 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 14, 2021 5:47AM

    Sold a few and kept a few... thought they were tough on the Tatis refractors. All case break or pack pulled and profitable sub in the end. Sitting on Soto 10 and Tatis 9's

    BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out

  • OAKESY25OAKESY25 Posts: 4,726 ✭✭✭

    @beachbumcollecting that Killer is killer, sorry about the chippage that is heart breaking on a card that old and that nice.

  • RoflesRofles Posts: 753 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @blurryface said:
    101 cards
    ultra modern
    $12 days

    arrived: 8/11/20
    recvd: 10/13/20
    popped: 6/14/21
    shipped: hopefully by next year

    notes: 56 gems outta 101. rough gem % is 57. prolly 10ish dogs thrown in there to make the same/following cards look better. so true gem rate is around 63%. finally one that feels kinda right!

    Awww man! No budging! 😄

  • 1951WheatiesPremium1951WheatiesPremium Posts: 6,417 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Anybody have the clock on when the sub goes from ‘Grades Ready’ to ‘Shipping Number Provided’ at all?

    Just curious if it’s a few days or a few weeks.

    Thanks in advance

    Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?


  • rexvosrexvos Posts: 3,316 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @1951WheatiesPremium said:
    Anybody have the clock on when the sub goes from ‘Grades Ready’ to ‘Shipping Number Provided’ at all?

    Just curious if it’s a few days or a few weeks.

    Thanks in advance

    I had one pop late Friday night, got a tracking number added Sunday, got the tracking email today. Hope to get it shipped out today as well.

    Looking for FB HOF Rookies
  • blurryfaceblurryface Posts: 5,136 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @1951WheatiesPremium said:
    Anybody have the clock on when the sub goes from ‘Grades Ready’ to ‘Shipping Number Provided’ at all?

    Just curious if it’s a few days or a few weeks.

    Thanks in advance

    my last one popped on wed night and didnt get tracking until today. and this does not mean it will even go out today. most likely tomorrow.

  • 1951WheatiesPremium1951WheatiesPremium Posts: 6,417 ✭✭✭✭✭


    Thanks, fellas! Sounds like ‘soon’ based on your info.

    Much appreciated

    Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?


  • cpettimdcpettimd Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭

    I am on day 10 in qa2 economy submission
    Received 8/30
    Entered : 9/29
    Assembly: 5/12
    Qa1: 5/15
    Qa2: 5/26
    Grades: 6/14
    I got hit with $325 in up charges.

    Collecting Clemente master (#6) and basic PSA registry sets, Hank Aaron master and basic sets, Mantle oddball issues, 1970's mega decade HOFs, 1967 Topps pin ups, and high grade Topps Clemente and Aaron. Numerous transactions with over 100 board members.
  • My most recent economy order went from grades ready on 5/25 to shipping number today, so 3 weeks for me.

  • blurryfaceblurryface Posts: 5,136 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @smichene said:
    My most recent economy order went from grades ready on 5/25 to shipping number today, so 3 weeks for me.

    wow. i thought a near week was bad.

  • 2014bestservice2014bestservice Posts: 608 ✭✭✭✭

    Taken from a recent group sub-at the old $8.25 rate ( old rate plus declared) easily recoup expenses. But surfaces-
    Sigh- someone PLEASE tell them to wipe off the grease, hand cream, whatever they are using to handle my stuff and get either archival gloves or non-reactive. Siakam can stay injured til next year now. Hit when they went in, cold most of this year, injured now. Sans the lunch prints- worth all the $8.25 fees B)

    86 1 48486849 GEM MINT 10 2013 Panini Select 178 Giannis Antetokounmpo
    87 1 48486850 GEM MINT 10 2013 Panini Select 178 Giannis Antetokounmpo
    88 1 48486851 MINT 9 2013 Panini Select 178 Giannis Antetokounmpo
    89 1 48486852 GEM MINT 10 2013 Panini Select 178 Giannis Antetokounmpo
    90 1 48486853 GEM MINT 10 2013 Panini Prizm 290 Giannis Antetokounmpo
    91 1 48486854 MINT 9 2013 Panini Prizm 290 Giannis Antetokounmpo
    92 1 48486855 GEM MINT 10 2016 Panini Prizm 13 Giannis Antetokounmpo Silver Prizm

    93 1 48486856 GEM MINT 10 2012 Panini Prizm 236 Anthony Davis
    94 1 48486857 MINT 9 2013 Panini Prizm 4 Anthony Davis Green Prizm
    95 1 48486858 GEM MINT 10 2013 Panini Prizm 4 Anthony Davis Red White and Blue Mosaic Prizm
    96 1 48486859 GEM MINT 10 2013 Panini Prizm 4 Anthony Davis Red White and Blue Mosaic Prizm
    97 1 48486860 MINT 9 2014 Panini Prizm 253 Joel Embiid
    98 1 48486861 GEM MINT 10 2014 Panini Prizm 253 Joel Embiid
    99 1 48486862 GEM MINT 10 2014 Panini Select 84 Zach LaVine Silver Prizm

    100 1 48486863 GEM MINT 10 2015 Panini Prizm 348 Kristaps Porzingis
    101 1 48486864 GEM MINT 10 2015 Panini Prizm 348 Kristaps Porzingis
    102 1 48486865 MINT 9 2015 Panini Prizm 348 Kristaps Porzingis
    103 1 48486866 MINT 9 2015 Panini Prizm 348 Kristaps Porzingis
    104 1 48486867 MINT 9 2015 Panini Prizm 348 Kristaps Porzingis

    105 1 48486868 MINT 9 2016 Panini Select 118 Pascal Siakam Silver Prizm
    106 1 48486869 GEM MINT 10 2016 Panini Select Rookie Signatures 30 Pascal Siakam Orange Prizm
    107 1 48486870 GEM MINT 10 2016 Panini Prizm 220 Pascal Siakam Silver Prizm

    111 1 48486874 GEM MINT 10 2016 Panini Prizm 220 Pascal Siakam
    108 1 48486871 MINT 9 2016 Panini Prizm 220 Pascal Siakam
    109 1 48486872 MINT 9 2016 Panini Prizm 220 Pascal Siakam
    110 1 48486873 MINT 9 2016 Panini Prizm 220 Pascal Siakam
    112 1 48486875 MINT 9 2016 Panini Prizm 220 Pascal Siakam
    113 1 48486876 MINT 9 2016 Panini Prizm 220 Pascal Siakam
    114 1 48486877 MINT 9 2016 Panini Prizm 220 Pascal Siakam
    115 1 48486878 MINT 9 2016 Panini Prizm 220 Pascal Siakam
    116 1 48486879 MINT 9 2016 Panini Prizm 220 Pascal Siakam

  • blurryfaceblurryface Posts: 5,136 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 14, 2021 10:02PM

    @jeffv96masters said:

    Sigh- someone PLEASE tell them to wipe off the grease, hand cream, whatever they are using to handle my stuff and get either archival gloves or non-reactive.

    this was the issue w my cards as well. im guessing these new graders for the most part have never had to wear latex gloves. and these days latex surgical gloves are not cheap. but here’s the kicker. a glove is useless once you itch your face, wipe your forehead, run your fingers through your hair, pick your nose and so forth and so on. the same reason theres a surgeons assistant to wipe his/her head or itch his nose when they need it. granted these are just cards and not susceptible to getting infected, but they are susceptible to the smallest amount of oils that the human body naturally produces. w most chrome finishes, it takes little to nothing to leave ghastly streaks on these cards and basically render a glove all but useless.

  • 2014bestservice2014bestservice Posts: 608 ✭✭✭✭

    Latex is a non user I'm allergic. Nitrile yes fine . Archival is my choice . Amazon sells em cheap.

  • blurryfaceblurryface Posts: 5,136 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 15, 2021 8:40AM

    trying to gather a general consensus.

    what's the earliest date & level for a sub that is marked entered but NOT reached the grading phase?

    (still in r&id)

    ultra modern entered as of 12/1.

    so mines been there for 6.5 months and yet to even enter the grading phase.

    this on par w/ everyone else?

    eta: arrived on 9/14/20. so has actually been there over 9 months and still in r&id.

  • Jayman1982Jayman1982 Posts: 467 ✭✭✭

    @blurryface said:
    trying to gather a general consensus.

    what's the earliest date & level for a sub that is marked entered but NOT reached the grading phase?

    (still in r&id)

    ultra modern entered as of 12/1.

    so mines been there for 6.5 months and yet to even enter the grading phase.

    this on par w/ everyone else?

    eta: arrived on 9/14/20. so has actually been there over 9 months and still in r&id.

    I've got a Value 2 - Ultra Modern entered Nov 2 (received Sep 28) still in R&I

  • thehallmarkthehallmark Posts: 1,332 ✭✭✭

    My oldest is Value Modern, stuck in Research & ID. Shipped mid Sept, "Arrived" 11/6/20, "Entered" 1/29/21.

  • SoxPatsFanSoxPatsFan Posts: 219 ✭✭✭✭

    Value modern still LOW priority to PSA.

  • envoy982envoy982 Posts: 381 ✭✭✭

    @SoxPatsFan said:
    Value modern still LOW priority to PSA.

    I wonder how much if it is low-priority vs extreme backlog. I would imagine they have a factor of 10x on ultra-modern vs other sub levels. I am curious what the pop reports will finally look like on 19-20 prizm, mosaic, optic & select basketball once this backlog is cleared.

  • maddux69maddux69 Posts: 2,153 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @blurryface said:
    trying to gather a general consensus.

    what's the earliest date & level for a sub that is marked entered but NOT reached the grading phase?

    (still in r&id)

    ultra modern entered as of 12/1.

    so mines been there for 6.5 months and yet to even enter the grading phase.

    this on par w/ everyone else?

    eta: arrived on 9/14/20. so has actually been there over 9 months and still in r&id.

    One of the portions of the dual grading sub was entered 9/30/20 and still in r&id

  • Kepper19Kepper19 Posts: 364 ✭✭✭

    @blurryface said:
    from previous post regarding handling issues. absolutely zero way these left here like this or would have ever been subbed in the first place. pretty ironic they all have the same type smudges in the same area from the same sub. honestly, these shouldn't even be 9s.

    things like this should not happen (or very rarely...seems to happen quite a bit these days)...I assume all PSA employees are aware that these cards can be worth a good chunk of money? They need to treat them as such...don't drop them, don't get your dirty prints all over them, etc...it is just not good service when a card comes back to us in lower condition than when it was sent to PSA...especially when we usually have no recourse to get reimbursed for the value the card would have been worth had it not been damaged..

  • thehallmarkthehallmark Posts: 1,332 ✭✭✭

    I actually consider myself lucky that my 9 orders at PSA haven't been processed yet. It means I have a chance, however unlikely, that they'll improve their processes by the time they get to mine. I think a lot of you guys have been far too nice about the damage your cards have received while in PSA's possession.

  • rexvosrexvos Posts: 3,316 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @blurryface said:
    trying to gather a general consensus.

    what's the earliest date & level for a sub that is marked entered but NOT reached the grading phase?

    (still in r&id)

    ultra modern entered as of 12/1.

    so mines been there for 6.5 months and yet to even enter the grading phase.

    this on par w/ everyone else?

    eta: arrived on 9/14/20. so has actually been there over 9 months and still in r&id.

    I have 3 subs that arrived on 11/20/20 and entered 2/5/2021 all in R&D (2 Moderns, 1 Ultra Modern)

    Looking for FB HOF Rookies
  • OneDaysRideOneDaysRide Posts: 136 ✭✭✭

    @beachbumcollecting said:
    Who else saw this on the blog? This is way more useful than the CTD. I wonder why they don't just publish this page daily instead of the CTD page?

    Saw this a few days ago. Interesting how these fragments of information, however small, are randomly published.

    Taking Value Modern as an example, its CTD is August 18 or 58% of the calendar month. The new info is they are actually 87% complete for August orders or the equivalent of being complete through August 27 -- a possible 9 day advance.

    In addition, anecdotally, posters in this topic report competed Value Modern orders in mid-September, some 30 and possible 45 days after the current Aug 18 CTD. Likely the case for most of the non-expedited service levels, but, as always, who could know.

  • bobbybakerivbobbybakeriv Posts: 2,186 ✭✭✭✭

    My oldest: Arrival 10/06/20 Entered 01/13/21 R&D still with low expectations for movement (i.e., Value-Modern). I am okay with it since the grading consistency, etc, has been horrible as of late.

  • Jayman1982Jayman1982 Posts: 467 ✭✭✭

    @Kepper19 said:

    @blurryface said:
    from previous post regarding handling issues. absolutely zero way these left here like this or would have ever been subbed in the first place. pretty ironic they all have the same type smudges in the same area from the same sub. honestly, these shouldn't even be 9s.

    things like this should not happen (or very rarely...seems to happen quite a bit these days)...I assume all PSA employees are aware that these cards can be worth a good chunk of money? They need to treat them as such...don't drop them, don't get your dirty prints all over them, etc...it is just not good service when a card comes back to us in lower condition than when it was sent to PSA...especially when we usually have no recourse to get reimbursed for the value the card would have been worth had it not been damaged..

    Those look like wipe marks, with a dirty rag nonetheless. Are they seriously wiping cards prior to stabbing??

  • FrozencaribouFrozencaribou Posts: 1,094 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 15, 2021 5:48PM

    Take a look at the bottom left corner on this Ace Bailey. My advice to anyone who will listen- do not send cards to get reholdered right now. It takes 6-8 months and your card may come back with some weird new defect. Mine looks like a bit of the red border has flipped up on itself. 1 of 11 in the grade with none higher. So disappointing.

    I was hoping to switch over all my 55 set to new flips but now I'm done with that idea.

    These may be small things, but when PSA is hammering our submissions for the most minute defects, they should not let this stuff happen.

  • daltexdaltex Posts: 3,486 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @OneDaysRide said:

    @beachbumcollecting said:
    Who else saw this on the blog? This is way more useful than the CTD. I wonder why they don't just publish this page daily instead of the CTD page?

    Saw this a few days ago. Interesting how these fragments of information, however small, are randomly published.

    Taking Value Modern as an example, its CTD is August 18 or 58% of the calendar month. The new info is they are actually 87% complete for August orders or the equivalent of being complete through August 27 -- a possible 9 day advance.

    In addition, anecdotally, posters in this topic report competed Value Modern orders in mid-September, some 30 and possible 45 days after the current Aug 18 CTD. Likely the case for most of the non-expedited service levels, but, as always, who could know.

    I don't see this as inconsistent. We know that PSA doesn't, and can't, grade strictly First In, First Out. If there is a problem that makes it impossible to grade a submission that arrived 17 April, say an expired credit card, then of course PSA isn't going to halt that service level until that problem is fixed. It's easy to believe that that happens a lot, and the oldest sub can't be updated until it's fixed, but the percentage completed absolutely can be.

  • gemintgemint Posts: 6,130 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @cpettimd said:
    I am on day 10 in qa2 economy submission
    Received 8/30
    Entered : 9/29
    Assembly: 5/12
    Qa1: 5/15
    Qa2: 5/26
    Grades: 6/14
    I got hit with $325 in up charges.

    That just put a fearful thought in my head. A scenario where 90% of the sub gets kicked in the groin and then I get thrown a bone on a card or two which then gets upcharged. The end result would be 90% of the sub mostly worthless and then the few wins get wiped out with upcharges. Hopefully this doesn't happen to anyone.

  • Jayman1982Jayman1982 Posts: 467 ✭✭✭

    @daltex said:

    I don't see this as inconsistent. We know that PSA doesn't, and can't, grade strictly First In, First Out. If there is a problem that makes it impossible to grade a submission that arrived 17 April, say an expired credit card, then of course PSA isn't going to halt that service level until that problem is fixed. It's easy to believe that that happens a lot, and the oldest sub can't be updated until it's fixed, but the percentage completed absolutely can be.

    This is a good point, I have just set a reminder to update my new credit card info in the fall, it will definitely change before all my outstanding subs have popped.

  • OneDaysRideOneDaysRide Posts: 136 ✭✭✭
    edited June 16, 2021 5:50AM

    And just like that, my Value Modern sub has zoomed into assembly. Hoping to see it completed in the next few weeks. Also hoping for a high 9/10 ratio, limited new defects, zero smudgery.

    Interesting to note that while the Value Modern CTD seems stuck on the Aug 18 entered date (for the last 11 days) my order has an Oct 7 entered date.

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