@oreville said:
I just moved my bags of obw 1958 cents to my secure dry storage location. I have 200 rolls of obw uncirculated 1958 cents. I bought them from Virgil Marshall the “Penny Merchant” in Nebraska over 30 years ago.
I will start selling them soon.
Just curious how much of a premium an obw roll goes for over the tubed uncirculated rolls.
Hi Oreville, are your rolls P or D?
See below from eBay:
1958 D Lincoln Cent Uncirculated Original Bank Wrap OBW Roll
Winning bid:
US $13.50, plus $3.95 shipping
Winning bid: 9 bids
US $19.50, plus $8.09 shipping
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
@Kurisu said:
Fun little strike through from a customer roll
I see raised edges not so sure that one counts could be PMD.
Not raised as far as I can tell...
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
@ricko said: @joeykoins ... Good luck. I have never searched dollar bills, that could be serious eye strain. Cheers, RickO
RickO, many optional of finds are to be found!
Stars, Radars, Fancy Numbers, Repeaters, Ladders, Birthdays, Tombstones, Binary, Trinary, Gas Pumps, Errors, Solids...
No time to explain what these are that I noted. Lol
Check Ebay, they're all over the place. I myself, have posted some on my Ebay store! Money makers!
Esp the "Solids!"
A22222222A BIG MONEY!
Here is one of my recent finds!
2017A $2 Low, Low "Trinary". "0,1,2". Along with a Star!
Low Mintage
of Only 160,000!
In Crisp, Uncirculated Condition too.
I'm selling it for $225!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
@ricko said: @joeykoins ... Good luck. I have never searched dollar bills, that could be serious eye strain. Cheers, RickO
RickO, many optional of finds are to be found!
Stars, Radars, Fancy Numbers, Repeaters, Ladders, Birthdays, Tombstones, Binary, Trinary, Gas Pumps, Errors, Solids...
No time to explain what these are that I noted. Lol
Check Ebay, they're all over the place. I myself, have posted some on my Ebay store! Money makers!
Esp the "Solids!"
A22222222A BIG MONEY!
Here is one of my recent finds!
2017A $2 Low, Low "Trinary". "0,1,2". Along with a Star!
Low Mintage
of Only 160,000!
In Crisp, Uncirculated Condition too.
I'm selling it for $225!
@oreville said:
I just moved my bags of obw 1958 cents to my secure dry storage location. I have 200 rolls of obw uncirculated 1958 cents. I bought them from Virgil Marshall the “Penny Merchant” in Nebraska over 30 years ago.
I will start selling them soon.
Just curious how much of a premium an obw roll goes for over the tubed uncirculated rolls.
I’m not sure what the going rate is but when you figure it out let me know I’ll take three or four of them :-)
A silver quarter in a Loomis roll.
Thousands of rolls a year and I'd say my honest average is still perhaps one per year.
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
Thought I'd take a bit of inspiration from @joeykoins and mix it up a bit.
Spotted the packs of 2's in my favorite teller's drawer and thought why the heck not?!
I almost never do anything with currency except buy things lol...it'll be fun to figure out some of what I'm watching for
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
@Kurisu said:
Thought I'd take a bit of inspiration from @joeykoins and mix it up a bit.
Spotted the packs of 2's in my favorite teller's drawer and thought why the heck not?!
I almost never do anything with currency except buy things lol...it'll be fun to figure out some of what I'm watching for
Good Luck, my friend!
Just picked this up today, myself!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
Is anyone searching 2023 P Lincoln cents for the extra V on Lincoln shoulder? Let us know if you find one. I am in CA so I do not get many Philly minted cents.
@ricko said: @aj2525rr....Welcome aboard.... A silver quarter in a roll... cool...don't find many of them anymore. Good luck in your searches...Cheers, RickO
Found 1 silver quarter in 2023.. where did they all go? usually found 3-4.. in rolls each month
Last week's half dollar find - 2005-P NIFC (2 boxes- $1000 face value searched)
This week's quarter finds: 17 West Virginia 2016 DDR's, 4 Nebraska 2015 DDR's, 3 Wyoming 2007 DDR's and that's it!!
( 2 boxes- $1000 face value searched)
My worst ever 2 weeks. No silver, No "W" mint quarters- only 1 NIFC half dollar? This gives me hope for next week. Quarters to come (from federal reserve - bank wrapped). The quarters for this week were customer wrapped and a few rolls had nickels in place of one quarter.
Skunk city.
Negative find report.
Well, it finally happened. I am always leary of customer wrapped rolls being short. I got 100 rolls from my local bank. 9 of them had only 38 quarters in them. So this was an intentional shortage by someone. If you find one or perhaps 2 rolls that or short, it could be just a mistake. When you find 9 of them, it is something that was intentionally done to get free money. Not, only that, I usually do not find any collectable coins in them. No silver, No "W" mints, no nothing, no fun.
I am finished with customer wrapped quarter rolls. These are just a waste of time for me. Some of the rolls had a nickel in place of a quarter. Sometimes even bank wrapped quarter rolls have a nickel in them also but not many. Only once ever, have I found a quarter roll with 41 quarters in it. Usually the mistakes are rolls with less in not more. I will still take other denominations in customer wrapped rolls but no more customer wrapped quarters for me.
Yeah, that happened to me several times but not as bad as you experienced.
I would most definitely complain to the bank where you've received those!
Yep, intentional.
I too, grow leary when the bank tries to pawn these off to me. I normally reject the offer. But there is still that exciting chance that the rolls can be filled with goodies!
Several times, the court was in my favor.
Welcome to the game of "CRHunting"!
I wouldn't entirely give up on it.
Always go with your gut!
Good Luck, my friend.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
@joeykoins said:
Yeah, that happened to me several times but not as bad as you experienced.
I would most definitely complain to the bank where you've received those!
Yep, intentional.
I too, grow leary when the bank tries to pawn these off to me. I normally reject the offer. But there is still that exciting chance that the rolls can be filled with goodies!
Several times, the court was in my favor.
Welcome to the game of "CRHunting"!
I wouldn't entirely give up on it.
Always go with your gut!
Good Luck, my friend.
I am only giving up on customer wrapped quarters. Everything else is still in play.
I have been coin roll hunting since 1958.
I did go to my main coin teller and let her know what had happened. She wanted to re-imburse me for the $4.50. I realize the possibility before I go into the bank that this may happen. I only told her of the situation because she may have more short rolls in the vaults. I did not expect or want re-imbursement because I do not want to tarnish my relationship with this bank in any way because they go out of their way to get me coins. I will just accept this loss as a cost of coin roll hunting. Maybe they can catch the culprit.
So the box I just finished (not the one I posted above) was super duper fun for me!
It must have been sitting around since mid 2021 because there was nothing later than that in it.
There were a TON of super nice MS 2020 and 2021's in it which kept me really interested the whole time.
Also because of that I was hoping for at least one crazy nice W.
Ended up with 2 W's, one of them pretty nice and also a very proof-like Barbados quarter.
Fun fun fun
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
About to start in on the Box of halves and box of quarters and bag of halves and quarters... but also came home really late last night with 10 more rolls of halves from a different vendor than my usual Loomis rolls.
Got them at a casino last night.
Played a poker tournament, won some money...the lady in the cage knows me so I asked if I could get a couple rolls of halves with my payout, she said "just 2 rolls?"
I said "how about 4 then?"
She said "I can give you 10 if you want..."
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
The half dollar box plus the 20 other rolls results...
No silver...other stuff
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
Fairly epic haul today...
Including this penny the credit union manager pulled out of her drawer.
She said "Is this real? It jammed up our coin counting machine." And then just gave it to me
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
@Kurisu said:
Fairly epic haul today...
Including this penny the credit union manager pulled out of her drawer.
She said "Is this real? It jammed up our coin counting machine." And then just gave it to me
That's when your supposed to say "Yea, it's real and where do you want to go for dinner?"...or maybe not
Hi Oreville, are your rolls P or D?
See below from eBay:
1958 D Lincoln Cent Uncirculated Original Bank Wrap OBW Roll
Winning bid:
US $13.50, plus $3.95 shipping
Winning bid: 9 bids
US $19.50, plus $8.09 shipping
P mint.
I also have D mint but not as many obw rolls
Fun little strike through from a customer roll
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
I see raised edges not so sure that one counts could be PMD.
Not raised as far as I can tell...
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
Looks different in that image the first image shows shadows on the edge.
With the subsequent images, it does appear to be a strike-through. Cheers, RickO
Guarantee, NO Silver today!

Stars & Penny finds & $1 varieties?

Nothing in the $ coins.
The cents, yet to search
The Bill's,
3 finds!
Birthday Note
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.@joeykoins ... Good luck. I have never searched dollar bills, that could be serious eye strain. Cheers, RickO
2 finds:

RickO, many optional of finds are to be found!

Stars, Radars, Fancy Numbers, Repeaters, Ladders, Birthdays, Tombstones, Binary, Trinary, Gas Pumps, Errors, Solids...
No time to explain what these are that I noted. Lol
Check Ebay, they're all over the place. I myself, have posted some on my Ebay store! Money makers!
Esp the "Solids!"
Here is one of my recent finds!
2017A $2 Low, Low "Trinary". "0,1,2". Along with a Star!
Low Mintage
of Only 160,000!
In Crisp, Uncirculated Condition too.
I'm selling it for $225!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.@joeykoins .... Thanks for the information. I have heard of some of them. Cheers, RickO
If I collected notes I would snag it.
Happy Fourth of July to everybody
I'll take three rolls myself!
Some interesting looking wheats.
1913 looks tooled around the date?

1920 maybe used as a flathead on somebodies Model T.

1927 Blair witch project

1934 Looks like the DDO but too worn to tell for sure.

1935 used as a projectile possibly.

1950 misplaced D or just a UFO?

Yes tooled, made from a 1943 copper cent.
@rec78 That would be messed up.
That is PMD.... Of course, part of the PMD may have been due to someone attempting to make a 1943 copper cent - then gave up. Cheers, RickO
Still a truly rare event for me...
A silver quarter in a Loomis roll.
Thousands of rolls a year and I'd say my honest average is still perhaps one per year.
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
Silver is always a nice find! ! have found 2 so far this year...
Same box...2 W's
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
Wow! 2 Marsh-Billings, nice! I haven't got one of those for a while now...
Thought I'd take a bit of inspiration from @joeykoins and mix it up a bit.
Spotted the packs of 2's in my favorite teller's drawer and thought why the heck not?!
I almost never do anything with currency except buy things lol...it'll be fun to figure out some of what I'm watching for
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright

Good Luck, my friend!
Just picked this up today, myself!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Kurisu

I hope you got lucky like me?
I couldn't believe the Red Seals & the "Filled Star"!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Is anyone searching 2023 P Lincoln cents for the extra V on Lincoln shoulder? Let us know if you find one. I am in CA so I do not get many Philly minted cents.
Let's GO...
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Found 1 silver quarter in 2023.. where did they all go? usually found 3-4.. in rolls each month
Last week's half dollar find - 2005-P NIFC
(2 boxes- $1000 face value searched)
This week's quarter finds: 17 West Virginia 2016 DDR's, 4 Nebraska 2015 DDR's, 3 Wyoming 2007 DDR's and that's it!!
( 2 boxes- $1000 face value searched)
My worst ever 2 weeks. No silver, No "W" mint quarters- only 1 NIFC half dollar? This gives me hope for next week. Quarters to come (from federal reserve - bank wrapped). The quarters for this week were customer wrapped and a few rolls had nickels in place of one quarter.
Skunk city.
2019W War in the Pacific

"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.@bestday Your avatar is giving me motion sickness
okay kay could have been the Kahlua.
@wondercoin Still searching
Negative find report.
Well, it finally happened. I am always leary of customer wrapped rolls being short. I got 100 rolls from my local bank. 9 of them had only 38 quarters in them. So this was an intentional shortage by someone. If you find one or perhaps 2 rolls that or short, it could be just a mistake. When you find 9 of them, it is something that was intentionally done to get free money. Not, only that, I usually do not find any collectable coins in them. No silver, No "W" mints, no nothing, no fun.
I am finished with customer wrapped quarter rolls. These are just a waste of time for me. Some of the rolls had a nickel in place of a quarter. Sometimes even bank wrapped quarter rolls have a nickel in them also but not many. Only once ever, have I found a quarter roll with 41 quarters in it. Usually the mistakes are rolls with less in not more. I will still take other denominations in customer wrapped rolls but no more customer wrapped quarters for me.
@rec78... Sorry to see this... Such petty theft. I can understand your decision. Cheers, RickO
Yeah, that happened to me several times but not as bad as you experienced.
I would most definitely complain to the bank where you've received those!
Yep, intentional.
I too, grow leary when the bank tries to pawn these off to me. I normally reject the offer. But there is still that exciting chance that the rolls can be filled with goodies!
Several times, the court was in my favor.
Welcome to the game of "CRHunting"!
I wouldn't entirely give up on it.
Always go with your gut!
Good Luck, my friend.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.All that and a bag of...more coins
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
@rec78- Don't feel bad. Mine aren't usually short, just stuffed with foreign coins!! 😫
Today's grab!
Disclaimer: I'm not a dealer, trader, grader, investor or professional numismatist. I'm just a hobbyist. (To protect me but mostly you! 🤣 )
@Kurisu @OAKSTAR
Good luck gents!
I am into my 9th quarter roll out of 45. Have 25 rills of cents, but no plans to search yet. Joe
I am only giving up on customer wrapped quarters. Everything else is still in play.
I have been coin roll hunting since 1958.
I did go to my main coin teller and let her know what had happened. She wanted to re-imburse me for the $4.50. I realize the possibility before I go into the bank that this may happen. I only told her of the situation because she may have more short rolls in the vaults. I did not expect or want re-imbursement because I do not want to tarnish my relationship with this bank in any way because they go out of their way to get me coins. I will just accept this loss as a cost of coin roll hunting. Maybe they can catch the culprit.
So the box I just finished (not the one I posted above) was super duper fun for me!
It must have been sitting around since mid 2021 because there was nothing later than that in it.
There were a TON of super nice MS 2020 and 2021's in it which kept me really interested the whole time.
Also because of that I was hoping for at least one crazy nice W.
Ended up with 2 W's, one of them pretty nice and also a very proof-like Barbados quarter.
Fun fun fun
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
Starting a Late Box Hunt!

Let's GO...
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.About to start in on the Box of halves and box of quarters and bag of halves and quarters... but also came home really late last night with 10 more rolls of halves from a different vendor than my usual Loomis rolls.

Got them at a casino last night.
Played a poker tournament, won some money...the lady in the cage knows me so I asked if I could get a couple rolls of halves with my payout, she said "just 2 rolls?"
I said "how about 4 then?"
She said "I can give you 10 if you want..."
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
Found this 2019 yesterday roll #17 of 45. Completed another 5 rolls with nothing... On to da rest...

I found a 77-D Kennedy on a 40% planchet in a brinks roll years ago
The half dollar box plus the 20 other rolls results...
No silver...other stuff
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
Finally, after 45 Rolls...
Nothing, until now!
2020W Rockefeller V75

That's All I found.
Thank you. 😊
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Picked up a 1977-S Proof Nickel in change (value about $1),
and a 1989-P mint state Dime (value about $0.10), all on the same day.
Enjoy !
Pretty nice proof ciculation find!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Fairly epic haul today...
Including this penny the credit union manager pulled out of her drawer.
She said "Is this real? It jammed up our coin counting machine." And then just gave it to me
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
That's when your supposed to say "Yea, it's real and where do you want to go for dinner?"...or maybe not