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Best forum quotes and terms, condensed

Aspie_RoccoAspie_Rocco Posts: 3,259 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited December 8, 2018 8:16PM in U.S. Coin Forum

There is some golden phrasing around here. For posterity I will record some here. Stuff that rings true as a silver half, is insightful and succinct, or comical.

“Observable Reality “
Regarding varieties and errors, @FredWeinberg

“Elevation Chromatics”
Regarding toning and multiple layers of color on devices, @WingedLiberty1957

@messydesk said:
Nothing that a collector finds interesting and enjoyable is a complete waste of time or money. It's pretty cool...

Regarding unique laminations, but is a sentiment applicable to many facets of numismatics.

@Namvet69 said:
...As a new collector, time well spent is to use the Google and read about mint errors and other kinds of damage...Peace Roy

Regarding the perpetual question “Is this... mint error,rpm,ddo,ddr, a coin?” In threads authored by new posters (or trolls)

@lkeigwin said:

While I'm at it I am in strong agreement with @Insider2 who famously said "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Well, actually he said "please explain why you disagree, don't just hit the god-damned button."

Regarding the absurd disagree feature on posts and how it does nothing but subtract integrity from members profiles and allows members to abuse the feature by the spam-harass-pestering of other members.

“Easily distracted Type Collector”

“Circulation cameo”

“Circulation Cameo”
Regarding the attractive dark and light contrast found of old circulated coin, particularly silver.

@JBK said:
PLD. Parking Lot Damage.


@OldEastside said:
Standard Answer when asked what is this worth or what should I pay :wink:






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