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What coin(s) are you waiting to turn up?

ChopmarkedTradesChopmarkedTrades Posts: 499 ✭✭✭✭✭

Everyone has a coin they're waiting on. This can be a coin that you know exists or one that you simply believe must be out there. Can be a condition or absolute rarity, and doesn't necessarily have to be in your own price range. There are several that would fit these criteria for me, but a couple stand out:

MS 1878-CC Trade Dollar w/ Chop Mark, ex-Willem. This coin has been known for many decades and featured as the prize coin of one of the earliest Trade Dollar scholars, John Willem. Last sold at the sale of the Hal Walls collection by Paul Bosco in '97 (high bid of $2700). An example in PCGS 62 exists in the Pops, but I have no idea where that example is, or if they are the same coin.

Additionally, any 1875-P Trade Dollar with authentic chops that bears the die characteristics of a true 75-P (not a damaged 75-S or -CC); I believe I have seen one, but it's not going anywhere anytime soon.



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