raw 1933-s half just sold for $10k in Czech auction

it looks nice, but wow, strong money for a raw coin
maybe it has booming luster in hand that didn't come through in the photo? does it have a shot at 67?
it looks nice, but wow, strong money for a raw coin
maybe it has booming luster in hand that didn't come through in the photo? does it have a shot at 67?
That is an almost impossibly detailed piece! (OK, it's evidently AU, but who cares?) Is it authentic?
Has anyone ever seen the eagle's feathers so sharp?
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
I'm looking for an omega symbol.
First thought was “did they make proofs in 1933?”
^ Same thing I thought ... Oh, Walter!
Kind regards,
SF did not have equipment to strike proofs of any kind.
Detail everywhere is superb --- look at Liberty's face? Rim-field intersection is not square.
1933-S halves often come with excellent detail - even on the left hand, but this piece is far above any I could find in auction archives.
Here’s the full size image with auction info I added:
I think the color helps bring out the detail as well.
I've never seen this detail before. WOW.
That left (facing) arm looks weird ...
Kind regards,
How did that end up in Czechoslovakia? Was it a presentation piece or royal gift?
I thought the same thing when I saw the picture. Looks weird.
The right arm is also off-looking in the photo. A higher resolution image of the same photo doesn't reveal anything more.
I went to Prague to visit my grandmother's sister when I was younger. what a beautiful country, they drink beer over there like it's water
Very interesting - looks almost like a medal.
Like RogerB said this date normally comes pretty well struck, but this is exceptionally, and somewhat suspiciously, so.
Look at the word IN of IGWT.
My opinion is that there is a reason its not in a slab
Hmmm ... more troubling ... I think there is at a minimum a lot of hand-engraving going on ... maybe in a (fake) die rather than on the coin.
Kind regards,
I suspect a recut copy die set was used. I.e., a counterfeit.
Yep, definitely looks Chinese or perhaps Russian.
I'm thinking too good to be true.
"A dog breaks your heart only one time and that is when they pass on". Unknown
A 67 from CoinFacts
The left arm on the original coin that sold in auction is definitely off compared to the 67 in coinfacts. The arm looks poorly reshaped and flat compared to the rest of the coin.
Given the arm and other diagnostics, I wonder if this is a reject and there are “better” ones out there.
Does not look genuine to me!
Yep, blew these images up on the Ipad. The IN in IGWT is canted toward the right, and the space is wider at the bottom than at the top. The coinfacts image shows the IN parallel with one another and closer together. Someone just blew 10k on this one.
On first glance the eagle's head looked reptilian to me
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
On further review and comparison with one I have plus high quality photos. The auction item is a complete and total fake. Made from false dies.
Whomever paid 10 grand for this is nuts!
[If it were a Russian counterfeit, shouldn't it say "IPWT" or "ITWT" ?]
I think someone got fooled.
can someone do an overlay with a genuine '33-S??
Enlarged side-by-side would be better.
Nice to have the higher resolution photos to compare.
Two pics from Heritage of an MS-65 1933-S. Portrait and IGWT close up'
Edited to add: The arm on the OP coin is flat as a pancake....in spite of the sharp strike.
Compare flag stars....
Can someone tell me when the next Czech auction is and how to consign?
Makes me wish I had 10k to set on fire. That would be the life.
Looks as if it is either a presentation piece or possibly a pattern. There is something different in the relief... Looks to be a higher relief with rims that have the appearance of being sharper than usual. I am not convinced it is counterfeit... It obviously needs to be seen in hand
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Nothing I care to Czech out. Thanks, just the same.
RE: "Looks as if it is either a presentation piece or possibly a pattern."
No. It's a counterfeit.
Looking at the pictures others have posted, I think maybe the funny IN does not mean anything.
Besides the flattened appearance of some details it looks like she's wearing a tennis shoe.
The Walker in the OP's post never existed, until it was made.
"Keep your malarkey filter in good operating order" -Walter Breen
I have found with lighting, shadows and pixilation caused by camera and what I am viewing with, what I think is something sometimes is not. With Mainejim's nice side by side, I think some of the sun rays are wider on the high luster coin. I also see the flat right arm and lack of up and down stripes on the sleeve of that arm of the dull one.
Is that $10K US or 10,000 Coruna, or whatever the local currency happens to be?
"Seu cabra da peste,
"Sou Mangueira......."
Feather detail on the left real good but bottom right altogether lacking. Perhaps it was due to original strick. It looks full head but not full strick in my opinion. But then again you usually get one or the other on these. Or I’m wrong.
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
It's great to read that you were able to conclude this coin is counterfeit without an in hand review or without a review of whatever documentation the auction house may have been provided by the consignor.
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